HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-07-27, Page 1VQL. XVII. ---NO Q 80 LOCAL NEWS. •—Clinton's Civic holid is on Friday, August 8tel. --Work has begun on t o O; P. R. oxten- tion from Louclou to Wi dsor,. —That bqsy cincl ostoswho someuaei-religiu stories, E. riter P, Roe, died last week, Rev. Father Fnckey. of St. Agatha, Waterloo Co. died last eek. He labored in that place for thirty ears, —Goderiolt lawn teams club boat Stmt. ' ford on h'riday,last. T o ladies played in. 'ouch olub,-iVlisses Nafle and McMiokering from Godorioh, —Inspector Catopbel. of West Bruce, bad his wife preside ov: one of the rooms ett Entrance examinatio , The remunera- tion is $1 per day. —Disbar, of Kiucardi e, was fined $20 for keeping liqueur with woman in •Walkerton ;selling without license. ought to be Stringently o re seats, —Th 'Own was visite ut a license. A as fined 85Q for Nina Crook's Act tried out in these band of musicians on ' T1 Who discoursed musio thro of the town.,The music but the moils of life would precarious one. --The. Photographers' C. • vention for the Dominion meets in Toren on the 81st of July and remains in gess •n three days. Mr. W. P. Brockeushire is "Ding to attend. Manyy new inventions in o pbotograbio field will be exhibited for t o first time in Canada, —Toronto Nail : The reign' of tha treaoherous excrescence, tle bustle, is fast approaching its terminatio , • Mrs. Cleve- land, it is said, has dis • girded it, and fashionable American belle • -are. following her example. Once more he eye of the artist will be delighted wit graceful and natural lines in the contour f women, Feet Por:ssvas,—Any p= son sending me 12 farmers' names and .. 0. address, with 50o. in stamps; will re eive the fol, lowing : Your choice of a 1, vely hunting ease watch and chain and warranted a, first class time keeper, or a v, ry handsome family Bible, largo size, beau ifully bound, Address ; Box 105, Fonthill, r'nt. eclipse of the Moon as witnessed by many on Sunday nigltt-ab It was a common enquiry : 'what caused - it". There is still wide sco o for the, en - tension of the peoples' know edge, notith, standing d in this age th"Many shllrut, and cy b ng ufro oand knowledge shall be Iuoreas by a German ursday evening gh various parts as fairly good appear to be a t 121'ctook• —A novel game of crick° Port Elgin on Tuesday, a playing against er team of gen lemon. bowled lobe entlemen band3caught wi' one h The ladies wielded the willd' and won one rung after which of co so the had to set up the xoe dream. —The E'''nglish church 'rectory grounds were brilliantly 1 ghted: up had an elegant appeeranc, on Thursday evening. There w s a fine turn out at garden party, the evening evening ing most favor- able. The town band, al . a travelling German band, furnished' xcellent mu The pleasant social ga °ring realized ahont $60. —Who has not heard o blue .M_ It was orignally so called from a f e" t as played in e m. of ladies WIN GILAIL: ONT., FRIDAY, ,JULY 27, 1888.WHOLE W: TQ C,E NO. 8 —A ervant gi 1 wanted, — once T. 1 Vanstone's °hauge of • ad. Go to Yate for pure English malt egar and fru t jars, —The now a ditieu to the stone block is being pushed a read energetically. —l3orlin is h ving a grand fire tourna- ment this wool —Joseghine supply of new —Wo have b result of the la Sebastian Br of the London —The Cana lost the Eolapo —Tire Hamil are $2,600 behi street is having a good ravel distributed on it. en unable to ascertain the outranco at Wingham. s. have charge of a. branch Detroit steam laundries. di an team at Wimbledon cup by 15 points. n Baseball Club directors up to date this season. —Port Elgin s to nave a three days' Saengerfest beg fling on the 17th August. —Mr, Johu eG•ee, of Blyth, celebrated his 95th birth y, and is still remarkably. hale and hearty —A by-law to the public school forth, was voted —:d cheap em C. P; R, to Oran kets but 50 cents. m. aise money to increase accommodation of Sea• own by 61 to 67. sion takes place on the villa on Saturday. 'Tie - Trains leaves at 5.27 a. -Rev. Dr. Wa preaches for the last time to his Wing , am charge on Sunday next. They leave for "Memo England" in the beginning of the coming week. —Teeswator and Lucltnow are moving in the matter of s=•wring fire protection. Wingham is proud 1 her excellent system an..roilicient fire bri rade.• —Mr, John A. M Ewen of Morris, cut the first wheat in t tin looality early last week. The in'sertio of,thie item was over- leoke last week. —Messrs. Hutto • Cart brought in a carload of Manito a wheat and one of American corn this week from Port Ar- thur and Detroit re pectively. —The Brunswic. •Honselras been under- going renovations o' late; it is one of the most convenient, ommodious and com- fortable houses in astern. Ontario. Exports. from e purr of Kincardine and outporttof Win ham to foreign count- ries for the,year en ring 30th June,, 1888, amounted to 6659,8 0. So says the .Repor. ter. —A Toronto G. T, . on Ioys claims to have the chain . wbt }mead Lonia+3teiI.in Iris captivity. It w -brought home by one of the ''Royal G enadiers present at. Batoche. —Mr. 3, Mason too., a photographic view of the C. P. R. station a few days ego. It is done with taste. an r artistic skill and shows the building a d surroundings to good advantage. —Croquet is beomi exceedingly inter- esting when groups ca. be seen eagerly at dies, play at 4 o'clock in the 44 orning. Wo have and• some ardent admirer of the game- in by Wipglram, and experts oo. boys;` -A copy of a very e , elientiy executed ' photograph of tho Methodist church choir, and taken wibh the object of 'resenting a copy and to the late leader, H. Park, is to bo seen at Mr. W. F. Brockenshire's gallery. 1—The junior lacrosse team of Clinton played the second club in Wingham in the park on Thursday. TI. game was an sic interesting one andwas' on by the home team by a score of 4 to inlay shion prevalent in the 16th cent ry of decorating the churches on the Mo day preceeding Lent, with blue colors. I was celebrated as a general holiday and t e excesses com- mittod during the revele =d to stringent enactments on the subjec amounting al - moat to the abolition of th custom. —Some years ago, on Thanksgivii morning, a waif was laid a the door of resident of Stratford, and it received th euphonious name of T. wing, after th slay on which he was foun He develops the worst characteristics of boyhood an was recently sent to tt ref.rmatory for five yeare. There is et well •:tablished law o beridty and its in 1ueuce is too little con sidereil. --Exception has been aken to the arith meti° questions set at iae last Entrant and Inspector Seath wlr set them, come in for a deal, -of host' criticism. Th problems certainly were atohy, complica- ted and in some cases b=yond the limit Whilst Mr, Seath was admirable in 0xeu strnctor, his examination 'apers have in-festiv variably caused more dis tisfaotion thanpicas 'those of any man connect .• with the ed- neatenequip department. At r oderich, Exeteract"_ and 1 unganeon`113 wrote and 42 passed and 16 Wererreommoded, AtHarriston 3: — were succosful out of 58 a, d,4 were reeo- at ss mended. three g e 0 d d e f 0 s The a ---'r"eeswater and Wing am purled the with rti fourth game of the Gerry Ligie Patriot aeries No In here on Friday. Winglia ,, iron the three mill first games in 22 talent... The fourth Thorn game was won by Toeswat: r in 38 minutes Provi and Winglrarn took the fourth 1n. 21 minutes, The game was well eoutetted cf th and friendly throughout. he Teeswatcr held a toam was thus composed: C eo. Johnston, Atttn I), Forgitsnn, J. H, Sutker tut, 1T, Dever, - of $1, (1' Tbeobald, W. Z. Street `'Thos. Logan, of l0 F. Logan, Chas. Steele, R. A. Strath, N, tentio W. bloelands, J. Hos eon G. B. Drum. Arran # ond, captain. , —A terrific hail s rm, swept over Brockway Centre, near Port. ]Huron on Tuesday, injuring horse- and cattle, killing naives, ruining crops a smashing win- dows out of face. The storm. covered a tract two miles wide. • —A letter has been received by the reeve of Paisley from a rominetrt Insur- ance Co. stating that if ome scheme for firo protection is not at once adopted. by the village, that it is t eir intention to cancel all their risks in aisley. r. Wes. Miller, in P. Deans, captured. a he turtle on Tuesday mortar of the stone block, It a tour oi; inspection th Whence or how it came ' ,t • e employ of ldr. thy juvenile mud g, near the corner s appariently on ough the town. not known. —John Wanamaker, of Philadelphia, le now paying premiu life insurance to awe companies. The risks into life and fifteen -yea he pays over 660,006 an inn s. —A party of young fo , on the invita- tion of Miss Lille Macdon Id, hada pleasant sion up the rive and enjoyed a ° plonk en Thursda afternoon. "On oro bent,". the a rroundings and ents being favorab e and choice, the 1 antioipated pleas re was realized, Mr, steam sawmill, tland, was dostroye. by fire at about o'clock Tuesday orning, together bout eight hundr.d cords of hard oft wood slabs, as u for firewood, ether was destroy: d. Insurance on $1,000 ; loss ago t $8,000. Geo. pson and Wife ar in the Lower noes. • . s on $1,000,000 ty.nine different •e divided equally endowments and ually in prom. Geo. Thompson' Tournament by t ° 32nd latt., Bruc t Walkerton on th et. Prizes are offer 200.00 for competiti a ding Bands have n of being; present, g°ments have bee • = exeelleet Band Militias., will be 8th and 0th of d to the amount n, and a number nified their in• Favorable train made. with 'tire —The• village of eobnet band„ Mr, John Smit ad several of his whilst removing' —Flowers wild around St. Helen their ddvoira to two ham, albums has a female G, T. R. freight agent :lbs broken this week, eight. and tame at, near, and manse will be paying young ladies of Wing- -Miss Sarah' ,r unveil, "Garth Graft of the Montreal ."ur, formerly of Br ford, will be marc ed shortly to a Nap barrister. on,'+ ant- anee —Messrs. Laur'.r and Cartwright speak at the un on picnic of the Yo Liberals of Te .oto and Hamilton, 11 to bo held at rakville on the 18th Aug —When a m will unkoly ust, eta drunk the third t in Atlanta the oi y authorities send hi the city stooks `, where he is put to or ing rook, in oom any with the dirtiest lowest criminal —Statistics s1 ow that in : the matter steel rails, as m y as thirteen will beco orystalized and reak on a railroad tr that runs east a d west before one of th on a north an south track is simile affeoted. —The adjourn the case of Mr. bus am to aak- and of me sok Dee rly .I 0 legally practisin• nssday last. T McKay, Inglis, Spence, of Ethel, After hearing the dismissed, —A four year c ton's, from near magistrates court, Dean charged with dentistry, met on W bench was : Mess oEwen, Currin Jerk of Grey townsh vidence the case child of Mr. Tho uevale, received.a b ices became frighte on their way ho y cut and the oh Fears are eutort C Ca m g 0 been a Y ceased he r b Innes the genial, shrewd agent, of Kincardine Thursday. Ho gave us uge monstrosity in the teer he came across on ugald McLean in the township of Arran. It stands 6 feet high, is 18' feet from tail o nose and weighs over 2600 lbs. Every 1 air on the body is white the .horns are cu . ed down and thegait is more of a shuffle ban the ordinary. walk, The animal is no ,• under Mr. McInnes' control and he h : comknuuicated with Alderman Piper re his admission to his Zoo at Toronto. Pn esosan.—Mr: of her family aro Mrs. - D. ,B: Red' Misses Walden, ston and Miss 'Wingham on Fr Abraham. The dine, to spend a breezes. -R. Mol last Week from where they we in i1 - ed, rs, and ip. was ad nod oro. ild sin. kick from a horse on the diagonal roe, The skull was ba rendered insensibl ed of its recovery --Comparing spirit and enter newspaper an ex are often slow to prise and to ack spirit what has ge for the benefit of oan promote the city more than a is a standing ad citizen reaps -the mericau and Canadian rise in the matter of ange says: "Canadians axe hold of home enter- owledgo.in a onerous nine merit andis really ocal interests.' Nothing rosperity of anytown or ell -conducted press. It rtiareent of which every • enefit, Another ehr stian soul has be relea ed from long an patiently enduredsuffe ing. Mr, H. D is received a telegram Woduesday anno noing the death of a sr ter, Mrs. E. Bens, in Englewood,New Jersey. 1?. S S e was for several years suffering fro t e effects of paralysis and gradually sank 1 "fond nature o sod the strife" and the , eceased languished, into the life elysian through the portals of death. Her fatly r Rev. W. Davis return- ed but a few da, - ago from a vial • to his daughter. was, in town th' bell, of Luokn. day last, --Mr. ham; was visit' Hardie, and A. week. —Miss lei: is visiting Miss ham this week. some members of a week with fr. Messrs. W. H. D. attending:the ra Mr, James Soot. Mr. G. Pettypieo Wingham. Mr. S position in superi institution in tha er, of Toronto, i Mrs. R. Hill, at nell, =reliant, days this week: Bridge, is visiting week,—Miss Mar. visiting at Mr, the past two w Saltford, on We Bliss Marian Ingli and Josie Old, of of Mrs. W. T. Geo.. A. Old an ioh, spent a week.—Miss visiting the Mi MoDonoglr, who sister, Mrs. Mill Mildmay, fs ho e on a visit at his father's, Mr, John Melfi nogg,—Mrs, 0. E. Williams has been vis' ing in London during the past' week. Mr. Williams.. is expected home the gat -r end of this week,, --Mrs. 3, A. Cline and amity, are visiting friends at Seaforth thi week,—Mrs. W. Ceowston and her sister Miss Emily McLean, left for Mannata ening this week,—Miss E. Billingsley h . as her guest Miss A,Wray, of Toronto. week,_-15Ir, Dan. (lamp. was in Wingham on Fri. ' • It. Rutherford, of'Wing- ' his friends Air. John therford In Culross this sic Currie, of Woodstock, ary ane Helm, in Wing. Mrs. John Hanne, and er family are spending ods at Manchester,— lavage and A. .toe are es at Detroit this week, -- of Newark, is visiting at ' and Mr. 3. Btevenson's,. tt occupies a lucrative tending an educational town,--Mr-u. Fairweath, on a visit to her daughter, Ingham. ---Mr, W. Con - sin London for several ss L, Stewart, from the b Mr. D. Molrmes' this A. Potts, who has been Inglis', Wingham, for elle, left for her home in esday, accampauied by —Misses Nellie Weston Goderioh, are the guests ates this week.—Messrs, Allan McLean, of Gprtler- w days in Winghar:t this a Vanstone, of Brussels,. is ea Johns this week.—Wm. as been residing with his , and attending school in • _ilverton, DEATH OP, ON • OR MORNINGTON'S EAR!,, AND Ti MIL SETTLERS, We copy the following froin the Stratford Daily Beacon of Wecb esday: On Saturday la t, Mrs. Munro of this neighborhood closed her long and useful career. She passed away in the seven- tieth yeas of er ago, having survived her husband so e twenty-six fyear0; Deceased was • native of Ross-shire, rScotland,. and • rirty-five years ago,. in company wi her husband Donald Munro, to wli•.. she was married in 1846, emigrated to Canada and settled w in the township. of Mornington. Nine years later her husband, who also was a native of Ross-shire, died, leaving her a widow w' tr a family of four sons and three daughters. This trying ordeal—made oubly so by the diffi- culties incident to early settlement iu the "Queen's bush"—was braved heroically, a d with a trusting heart she suceeecle. by industry and careful management, it providing for herself and family ace fortable home in a few years. Nor w she neglectful of the education of r, family. Two of her sos positions in the field , (1, a forret valued sawn. staff, being now Wingham TimEs, and and proprietor of the el; John, the eldest son, farm, now ono of the county, and .Alexander Division Court here n the farm, all being The eldest daughter t to Manitoba, some er health and returned he fall of '$6, and after died about two months ughter also died dur- ear, so that only the r was left to attend ring her long illness,, ay had a slight' shook than two • years cigar' he has been gradually lthough her intellect aired to the last, ing of the .1st inst, fully away, and on beside her husband so long before) in the uryin ;grouted, Millbank. , M. A., conducted the ouse,and Rev W. M. performed the last grave. Mrs. ].tanro ved by all who know. knew her best loved —Mr. Paul M and energetic Pal made, us a cal particulars of a form of a white the farm of Mr. rr couple of wee A. Ross and members n a visit to her sisiter, an, near Oil City,— usid teacher, of Palmer - kers of Paris, were in ay, calling on Airs. T. went through to Hilmar - ort time amid the lake dooand wife, returned eterboro and vicinity, visiting friends for a --W. J. Johnston, of Orangeville, was spending a few days in town, visiting h : relations,last week.— Mrs, J. Annoy, of istowel, is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. 'lliott this week.—Rev. Peter Straith, of anover, was in Wing - ham, on Friday 8st.—Goderich correspon- dent of the Clin di, .Neots -Record: Mr. and Mrs. Ii. Davie, f Wingham, were in town on Saturday, on + visit to their son.—Mr W. J. Hutton, sot , of Mr. W. B, Hutton who has been for year. in the employ of McLean Bros, m'. lors, in Renfrew, is bomo on a visit haviu sen granted a month's holidays. Ile :ays the drought in the eastern !counti; s is already seriously felt. —Clinton liew ,ra • Mrs. SnellofWinglrarn is visiting her —Messrs. 'las. Dawson and A. Crosson, of wide, and .John McDon- ogh, of Luokno , left for Winnipeg on Wednesday mor .'ngliy C. P. Il. -.-Mr. H. Bray, has been in r ispos.id this week, -Miss Miss Alice Mils of Walkerton and Miss. Ileskott, daug ter of Col. Hoskett, London aro t guests of Miss Lily Macdonald this week.—Mrs. McMullen was visiting in 'e lyth this weok. —Miss Annie Campbell, o Torouto, was home ori a visit to her paten : this week. She is a daughter of Mr. r avid Campbell. ---Mr. John Whit°, Jr. po kpaeker, of lititohell, was in Wingham th s week on business.-- Dr, 13. Gsesit Jeffrie. of Cain City,ltansas: sons ocoupy - of journalism, member of the editor of the Robert, a litor Port Elgin Ti manages the finest in the 'is bailiff' of t and also assists highly respected. married and w•. years ago, los to Ontario in a long Hines ago ;another • ing tho.presen youngest da ugh to her mother The deceased. of palsy mor• since which failing in body, remained unim when, on the nor she passed pogo Monday was la' (who had gon Prosbyter'ian 1 Rev. John Ka services at the MoTCibbin, M. sad sites at the was greatly bo her; those wh her most. 'mly trusting in the Saviour, whom eleonored and served anger life, she : never doubted his wisdom, though sorely tired by suffering, but b• e up er her afflic- tion with Chri Ian fortitude, A large procession of :.rrowinf•iencds and neighbors folio ed the ,remains to their last testi•:- ptite. " . james Sher , of the Oth con„ bas over four feet. flax that ineasur „Mr. T. Re ilWlitehelleladrr'ived at Clin- ton last week 6 ith four fine entire horses, which le had purchased in' the Old Country. For. On Thursday a ernoon 3.11. trick's grist and saW 0, at Vormosit with laree fquanti of lumber were eompletely destroy cl by fire, origin- ating in the engine rote. Lees about ramer Dr. Hall, of Easley, was calling on Ur. Chas. Mogi land last week. He was starting an a trip to Chicago and other western pain,: He is a special- ist and exteedingly xpert in treating diseases of the eye. A HEAVY Loss. Mr. Edward Hen- ry's imported Clydesdale stallion, "Galloway Lad, ' after a very success. ful season, died on Saturday last of inflammation. r. Henry has still two horses left,bo I. being fine sped- . The Bruce Her id recently said ! said could not ;nd room for tho report of the Out oss council proceed- ings as it was to 1 ng and life too short. It advised the co ncil tart a daily with profits of the olvin.nivostigation, and this, for their wn amusement, Pretty irony, surely Joseph Tem Township, coin hag himself in. h age, not married, and was working a hired man, his for him. He a on the previous e tell what caused h act. An inquest verdict rendered a Teton, of Sterile - -tted suicide by bang- le= on Setueele,y • ad a flood farm sneceSsfully with other keeping house eared perfbctly sane ling. No one ean. n to do the rash was held and ar ordingly. 11 4 II Hi *On Monday Stewart died vei. inquest was deem was believed alit quently abused b the invest was The evidence wen., good deal of fried° husband and wife. the husband had cause she refused he had not abuse said that probab death was a hys The inquest was a sucicInly. On rumors afloat an. necessary. It he had been fro, hei: husband and held °xi Tuesday.. existed between or several days t been home, be - o make oath that her. Dr. Seeord the cause of the rical puerperal ht. resbytery Huron. TVs Presbytery et at Kippen en appointed Moder or for trie ensuing six months. Co missioners to As- sembly gave a re rt of their attend- ance. Mr. D,onald cGilivray, B.A., having undergone the ocessary exam- ination in a very sue essful manner, . was cordially license ',to preach the CiesPOl. ,A printed tabulated state- ment, skewing Hi contributions of thie'eongregations withiu the bounds, per family, was st bmitted and copiee thereof ordered to circulated among; tho congregations. he Committee on Superintending Students was instructed to pnepare urriculum for ing are the stiEnding onnnittees for the year : Wine labile—Messrs. McCoy, Acheson nd Simpson, with their 'Elders. St of Religion Messrs. McDornd Musgrave and Barr, with their rs. Finance— Messr,s, Ramsay, Moire, n and McCoy, with, their elders. emprirance— nell, and For - ors. Sabbath ler, with their co of Students. tin, Dare and meeting is to rest, with their o Acheson and Oa elders. Superinteii —Messrs. Fletcher, M their 'elders, The nen he held in DrueeRehl Tuesday of September 14