HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-07-20, Page 4$O$N, kW.lee—At Wingham, on th7th inst., the wife of F Mr. Bennett I1,1u1cs ; a Eon WAw:an rn Tu 'b:1.•ry, on t c 14th Inst,. the wife of Ter Geo. Walker; a son. Ifeuunek—At Whltec'bu i en the 12th 'net., the Aefen'aaoY i : East riar. s, sly, on att a 17th Inst., the v.. if., of Mr. Wu1 Robin en ; a daughter. ,:`1t isrn-•In Morrie, on tl 17th Met., the wife of Mr, ,john k'reser; r dame} er. 0, inns—At Lowev I inghany on the 7th Inst„ the wife of Mr. James Lo,kridge ; t daughter, 'Inose 44 Riverview, on the 3rd feet., the wife of It,.. II. A. Thoma), rector of Trinity Church, Blyth ; a son. ..kBfo--In Culrose, on the 5th fust,, the wife of fir.. Janice Reid.' a 800. Iltacux—At Wrexetor, o the 7th inst., the wife of Mr, J, J, Ifiscox ; a so McAL1,1B7'BR--In Morris, • n the Sth inst., the wife ot, Mr. A, R. McAllister ; ,, daughter, 1Yseso8—In. Seaforth, . r the Oth inst., the wife of Mr. Jaynes Watson ; daughter. Goa'e -In Seaterth, o the Sth inst., the wife of )Ir. David Grant ; a , au„ titer. 'Course—At Brussels, n toe bth inst„ the wife of Mr. James Cooper ; daughter, I"I ERIED. - I1A,1na0N—WAT911ER In Turnberry, on the 18th ]net„ at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev, John Scott, M. A., of W » ghaln, Mr. Frank David. son, of Wfnghaln, to Miss Phoebe A. Watcher, of Turnberry, TCLN Leme—In Past Rev, Mr. Blain kir. Miss Maggie Lynn. .Stio,4 Tie4cEY At tiagi w, Miclt„'on the 2nd feet„ Mr. John Shea to M°e :Utile Tracey, both former. ly of Seatorth. ,Fie urlare--FOensrox--' t the residence of the brides, father, oa.the 4th it t., by the Rev. John Kay,t M. A., Milverton, R r, William Flaherty, of Lis tow el, to Emma Fou ston, of Elma. Fannon:—HAMMoNm At Milverton, on the Oth inst., by the Rev. John I ay, M. A„ Mr, Robert Free. born, to Miss Mari klamtnond, both of Welleelev, FBR005ON-111CDONAL —At Carthage, on the 28t” ult., by the Rev. ,' m, Torrance, brothge •law of the bride, Mr. J. II Ferguson, of M101;aok, to Mise S. A. McDonald, of arthage, �cum—OL1vBR—At ramilton, on the 1lth inst., by he Rey. D H. Fi, oher, Mr, John Leckie, of oronto, to Miss Anne e Oliver, of Brussels. Onyxes —DBCANT1LL1os At Toronto, on the 20th inst., Mr. Joseph Cor ick, of Ayr, to Miss Annie L. DeCantillion, your est daughter of Mr. James DeCantillion, of Du lin, and sister to Mrs. T. 'O'Neil, of Brussels, ' WILSON—STOONO—In . owlek, at the residence of the bride's mother, on he Oth cost , by the Rev. W. Ayers, Mr. Same: C. Wilson, to Miss Maggie Strong, both of Ito ick. Wady—Cnaweone— . t Stratford. on the 27th u1t., by the Rev, Can n Patterson, M. A., Mr. John Wray, of Howie]: to Miss Eliza Jane Crawford, of Mornington, cou V of Perth. �0^• 33/ED, j� II11,5—At Bluevaon the 10th inst , by drowning, Peter Hill, age 8 years and 0 months. (lawn—In Howl L-, on the 12111 inst., George H„ third son of k'r. Samuel Greer, aged 10 years, 5 months and 14 . ars, Ma ereonzar—In Vingham, on the 10th Inst„ Eliza- beth, beloved n fo of Mr. Thos. Montgomery, aged 32 years, II mo ths and Ie days. W*Lsoi—At Bru :els, on the 0th inst., Thomas, eldest son of Sa es and Catharine Wilson, aged 16 years and 7 mon s. IIEATUBns—At List+wel, on the Sth inst., Elizabeth Heathers, beloved OM of henry Heathers, aged 82 years, 0 months an 12 days. MARBR—At Listowel, • n the 10th inst,, W. G. Maher,' aced 26 years, 0 m, ths and 24 days. B1sswTT—At Exeter, .n the 8th inst., Isaac Bissett, aged 88 years and months. CLEMENT—At Seafat h, on the 8th inst., Lizzie Clement, aged 25 ears. MoLAnsa—AtBamp tcad, on the 0th inst., from the effects of a fall frn a load of hay, Alexander Me. Laren, aged 71 yea* iamboro, on the 4th inst., by drew Yule, of Listowel, to, —The annual Ancient Order of be held in of July. emonstration of the Foresters, of Canada, amilton on the 28th Cheea • Markets. INo Rso L, July 17.— his week 10 factories offered '1,175 boxes, principally une make ; sales at 10e. ; 8 bayers and 10 factories , ere represented. Cable 48e. WoonsTOCK, July 18.— wo thousand two hundred and seventy-five boxes o ered. No sales reported. Usual buyers present. A shipment of 50 chee es from the Cherry Grove factory, near Harriston,w re sold this week to Toron. to local dealers at 110. p: pound. SPIN GEAM MARKETS. wade I, July 10, 1888 $ 2.5e to 2 50 • 5 00 to 5 00 05 to 100 Flour per cwt., • Flour per bbl., Fall Wheat per bushel, Spring Oats, "Marley, 'Po tea, • Buttlw per Ib„ 'Eggs filer dozen, /Wood per cord, tray pc ton, - 05 to 60 to • 60 to • - OO to - 50 to 14 to 14 to 1 25 to 7 50 to IRLS WANTED. 60 50 CO 60 14 14 1 60 8 00 WO GOOD S o VANT GIRLS WANTED IM -t r ediately. pply at the BRUNSWICK HOUSE. rivate Sale of Furniture. atj EV. DR. x JLl, contsxLeE' RD IS SELLING BY PRIVATE 0 his valuable household furniture, cat tT sing 13 . Room Suites, in oak and ash— Drawing at Dining Room Suites, in walnut—Bitchen Furniture and utensils, stoves, carpets, Dominion Organ, Office desk, tables, crockery, Lawn Mower and other articles of furniture. Can be seen at residence, John street. SALE aSIWJ. 00180 ON. Rau Lot r Sale, JOHN s the Public S an acre, having a 1.0om5 and kite, 1, hard tial and sui a for a suis /V. GA 'LT, or Blacksmith, INGHAM, OPPOSITE he lot consieting of 115 of e House thereon, with three d soft water. Good loco. tuilly, Enquire of OS. WILIG, Proprietor. INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. IS4 M. L. WALKER, of Lucknow, a student of Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas also the Ladies' College, Belleville, has charge of 'hlrs. Me - Gill's class of music pupils and will be h1 Wingham every Monday and Tuesday till 11 a. n1. She has secured a ],fano at Mrs. 7, McCante's, and respect- 'fully requests those desiring her services to call on Ler thele from 210 4 p. 1n. on Mondaye. CANNED coons! AT PRICES BELOW -What were ever had In Wingham, ;rT+'resh lines of TONGUE, TURKEY. BEM?, DUCK, PIG PEET, PINE APPLES, MACKEREL, SA MON, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, CORN, TOMATOES, PEAS, J. MC ELVIS ,LOposfte- the Central note!, •11. ransione Successor to El. PARTS, HAS JUST OPENED OUT r A FULL AND WELL ASSOIITED STOCK OFIz- -, Watches, Clocks, jewellery, Silverware, Sine tac1es, &c. WATC ]REPA CRIl�-G .U. tSPEOiALTY. A:LLoW012,3K0 CT -C ".k,R.A.1\711MM1 EMNANToSALE'! NOW GOING ON. AT M. Hip , � ei oog '' Dress Goods, Muslins, Prints, Laces and Embroideries. .ALSO SOME BIG DRIVES IN TWEEDS, UNDERWEAR, FELT JJND STRAW HATS, PARASOLS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Any person requiring any of these goods should see them before buying BOOTS AND SHOES 1 WELL ASSORTED. GROCERIES Pure and Fresh. Inspection Requested. M. H. McINDOO.. 4 Lig i ,• Pries, Bargain: • LASTINC -TQ GET "HEAP GOOD! Al the Bankrupt Sala ci W1 H NDER Oi I's stocks DRESS GOo%) ,, 1VV�T SL AND ALL LINtS OF ODS e Must be cleared immediately, as 4 . r we intend to remove: 00:1\171\1-MDT.J. Rm PRICES Iiiiu C Influence Patronagel. judge us in accyrdance with the r. Barg1t1ne we give. P'..G-MERS'I'3D REMAINS IN WI;.NGHAM ! HAS LARGELY REPLENISLIED 1115 STOCK 1:! HAS A GREAT DISPLAY OF BARGAINS H CLOCKS, e * JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE. &o. ���••yT0 'SUIIT "ME TAME AND FINANCES OP EVERYBODY/.....:',...e....„ When,you..want to save and make money, call on C. F. GERSTER. .A11 work guaranteed,and guarantees carried out to the letter. A-t?peoialby made of Repairing. iOJJR MoTTo—Stnall profits,and quick returns. . « . WING'nu, Honesty our policy. MASON BLoci , BUSI B'OMU GG BRISKLY, McCORMI THE LEADING BOOT AS TO QUALI ei 1 ND SHOE E ' , VARIETY AN h. r, r, Ca R IUM OF i,c\'. NGIiXii14,, HEAPNE S. .LADIES' ,FRENCH K. 0, $2.75 up. MEN ;. FINE BA LADIES' FINE POL :H CALF, $1.50 up. Y MEN'S COARS'E''SH CA." PET SLIPPERS, 30c., Orc, ere•1 Work a Specialty. TO HE P LIC.: The steady and in reasing pati age accorded nae for the past eight years' is grateful] I shall be pleased to °r to the public requirements in the , matter of DEEP, Sze. EVEIiC'YTHIN !1 very super' TON, VEAL, the best o uality procurable and in. and unequalled st PPOSiT1E THE POST OF'ICE BELLO ! HELLO ! 1 HELLO t 1 Where are you going in such a Hurry? WHY? I am goin,,,,c, to get a supply of material for house 'cleaning. I a lin going to clean house right away ! and 1 am going down to HINGSTON & SON'S For some ASBESTINE, They sell it for 35c. A PACKAGE. You can' get a good Brush too, ,just as cheap. To tell the truth about the matter, you can get any Lind of goods usually kept in a first-class shop. They have got in ,a lot of Lovely Bird Cages, Table Cutlery, Spoons, Sze., Milk Cans, Creamers, Pails, Milk Pans, Churns, $utter Prints, Butter Bowls, Ladles, Stove, Scrub, and Shoe Brushes, Brooms, Chamber Pails, Toilet Sets, Agate Ware, 3ointless Woodenware, Wash Tubs, Wash: Boards, Carpet Sweepers, &c. Don't forget the name and place, IIINGSTON Sa SON'S; Wait & Walsh's Old Stand, Wingbam. r, s.--wo wish it distinctly undtretond that it Is no trouble to chow goods at tbo 0116 Pried Win Shop ur 33IG DRIVES ORDERED 'CLOTIHING READY-MADE CLOTHING ' DRESS GOODS, and GENERAL DRY GOOD'S A FULL BAltGE OF t tO'OtS,. - SHOES - AND -- GROCERIES. +GOODS BOUGHT AT BANKRUPT PRICES, and wi11 be soli. at Lowest Possible Figures. EAVETROUGHSN(},. STOVES, TINViARL DAIRY SUPPLIES, &c. T have on hand a large quantity'of the beat brands of tin manufactured in the world„ bought for cash at the lowest 'prices, in the best English M'ar'kets, and as my faeiti- 'ties for purchasing these 'cannot be surpassed by any firm ,iu the trade in Oauads, X am determined to sell my goods at the lowest possible margin and not be undersold illy any. MY Sm,A.rF Or WORKMEN` Ant A 1 All work warranted first-class, as it is entirely done under' nly own immediflte1 supervision. 1 avetroughing specially attended to and properly put up and completed, . Stoves in all 'varieties, cheaper than °ever. opoiniftorkeimrs REMEMBER THE FLACB—Opposite Exchange HOW, corner Josephiut and Victoria streets, Barkley' and 1.toCrinlmon's oid stand. Call and se0'ana you will carry home the conviction that what I sap is. correct. ' My Motto is - SMALL PROFITS and: - QUICK RETURNS, ANIMA SIX EN 10 IS BETTnIt MAX A SLOW SLIMING, - DI $UT L•ANDA