HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-07-20, Page 31 Lia W$1• ant K,iJ 1nC5 Mr, R. Itothw'.11, principal of the public school, an - Mrs. Bothwell, left for .Denver, C lorado, Where they intend spending be subtler holidays. rgest crowds that ever was the gathering an About fifty lodges and it grand procession It is said that at least 10,000 peopl j were present. Every. tiling passe off vary pleasantly. Ad. dresses wor delivered by the follow- ing : John , 13urgess, Mayor Bricker, Rev. M. T1 rnbull, S. R. 'lesson, M.P.,. Bev. J. T. Wright, Rev, I. Campbell, Rev, F. 1' Nugent, Rev. J. Hughes, Rev. Mr, Edwards. MAY, ULY 20, 1888, lone. Mre. Glesby, o Ayr, hoe the `been • guest of Mr, and h .e.R.Wilson during the past weed.--- 1 inquisitive, little boy asked ono of the most • popular bachelors of this , lace what he ward going to build house for. The answer was, to o thence the value of eny property, T routine's ue of an anecdote of Linc Glu, A New York- ! firm • wrote to • lull concerning the finanoial conditioi of a certain luau with whom - Liueo was acquainted.. 1linooln replied as allows :—Gentle. erten :-=•In reply to 'curs of the 10th Inst, I would say that 1 am well uoquaiutecl with th gentleman to wiioln you refer. I3+"has a wife. worth 4,x0,000; several of a family, which ought to be worth ,rtother..$50,000 j a stove,worth $15; lalf a dozen chairs worth 50cts and a able worth +1.50 ; and „e,evoral otIie sundry household >ix>tictes. So, eve paling considered,' think you would be perfectly safe in giving bim, ere t to the amount you mentioned in y ur letter. Your truly, A. LINCOLN. Pr.1 . er Ston. On Baturd& night, fire' was dis- covered in the w rksnop of bid. Lynch, tinsmith, wllio is ono of a larg block of stores o aped by 51. McEwi11„: The . (z, T. 1. , lid Palmerston fire brigades wore q iokly at the scene of the fire, and . b almost superhuman exertions prover ted what might have boen a disastro s fire. The losses and insuranoes are a follows : W, Lynch, tinsmith, loss $2,003, insured for $1,200; W'. . Freeland, grocer, loss 8500 on stook vered by insurance in Perth Mutual and Royal ; Ralph & Oo., druggist3, loss $$100, covered -by, insurance; S. anetone, jeweller, loss OD, building 8p 00, on stock $200 ; loss on building c• vend by insurance ire Commercial ; here is no insurance on stock. W. I . White, banker, loss small. P, Ca pbell, dry goods, loss by removal of ,;looks $500 ; insured in the Royal. A one time • all. hope .of saving the bloc c and • the neighboring stores seemed 1 se and a message was despatched to I' arristou for assistance. At 1.15 the Ir rriston steam engine with a few villa. e helpers arrived, but in the Meantim, the fire had been got under Vontrol. Po Mrs. W. Jacl beau visiting a for some tilno. The June oh Zinkann. of W • There were paid for the month. Jas, S.Timnlil Away to atter niother, Mrs. . nenreal,who Iie Dundas0ounty, 76 years 4 remit Mr.JolTn Dim councillor, has ing his house a Cornell has lead der his house. added a roothon neva 1e• son, of Durham, has. l.lr. W. Sanderson's ese were sold to Mr. 'llsloy at 9-y cents. to the patrons 84037 s last week was called the funeral , of his ndrew Timmins, of at 'Nest Winchester, n the 12th inst., aged is. our smiling faced ad John Farrow giv. coat of paint.—Mr. stone cellar put un - Alex, Robertson has o to his barn.•. -Rohr. Maxwell got t e grounds round his fine house laid c if iu terraces.—Thos. Jenkins is doing his the sante and also building a brio summer kitchen and wood house. John Nicholson •has built a now b rii with stone founda• tion.—Peter owler has up a new summer kitchen and wood shed.— John GaDdner is doing a big bnsiness in the implo oat line. He has had two men J. M Hardy and Geo. Henny putting up ha forks as fast as they man. --John J . hnston and Ben Saults went to Goiter ell this week on .a, visit. w Mrs. John 1 atterson arrived home frons Blenhci Ayr and Galt where she has been isiting for a month.— The haying is about through in this part. It was sretty light in general. —James Elli tt's Holstein calf at 4 :months old t pped the beans at 475 pound's.—A. .;ice drowning accident happened her ou Monday afternoon. Peter Hill, at, d about 8 voters, son of Williams Hill was found in Leech's pond by Robert Mclarcly, It seems there was no no saw him go into the water. He 'as out on the boom logs and had fano' in. Moliardy noticed a cap iloatin and the body not far distant. The water too was deep. The neighbor tried hard to resuscitate hhn but of to avail. The parents have the gra. test of sympathy by all here and we tope it will prove a warn• illi to othere as it is far too colrlmoll to see the li tic follows in the same place. -Bell, 1/11 DMZ Islbolo for her holidays, fr er Grand Valley, : where ..rllleLas heel) teaching, ;/4t —One of the 1 assembled her the 12th Jul were present took place, Speak here, th would s( pastor, the stn made, f tion of OT not. more h in tel would desert c'io •'n the al Far tonus pacts, weath is ver, sprint cover a Fall are po takes it tha there Royal the R. on the thoroug re is on for pion tiful pat lg of the church difficulty Stratford Dececon soya : It O1n, however, that he, the new as in his composition some of of which Christian heroes are rhe has announced llis'•inten= preaching whether ho be paid His Quixotic resolution does nor to his heart than his head se ni,attor.of•fact days, and he be wasting his sweetness on the air, Tho Methodists of Listowel t want a cheap preacher, but n of their choice, nors in thisvicinity aro be. alarmed over the crop pros - owing to the continued dry r. The hay' crop j ust harvested, much below the average, and crops in some instances bearly he 'ground.- The prospects for Fair in Listowel this year are r. lu fact, unless- somebody old of it and infusos more into tho present officers are doing, ertaiuly wilt, be none,:. -The ewplers of this place attended . of T. picnic held in Elora 17th inst. Everybody most fly enjoyed themselves. E10 - of the best places in Ontario .ing. The town owns a beetl- e adjoining the commodins drill she 1 and along the banks of the grand Ri 'er, where boats aro procur- able for 2' cents per hour, for those that are o an aquatio turn of mind then then here is in. collection with the public chools a most interesting museum c • sisting of preserved birds, fish, reptil15, insects, anatomo.mioal. specimens, .literal and curiosities in. nearly en less varieties. Another interesting feature of this place is the rocks and waterfalls down the stream. When stand" ing at . the sides of this river' at 'some points, and looking at these rocks in every co tceivable size and shape from ten up to an hundred feet high, one is led exclaim "it is simply grand." -The trougl . hero in the Methodist congregation, regarding the action of the conferen' , does not seem to abate. In fact, the official board, with the church and c ngregatiotr at their back, seem to be .re determined than ever to stand up '.r the principle involved and, not to it itch one, iota. C. P. It. TIME' TAB't.V. Trains arrive and depart as fellowil trAvnto 11:27 a, an....., ....For Toronto. 1351), an ., 3:18p.m ,.ForTsem 10;20p. in MIMING ...... Gsiam 1.+15. p 1n r........ 8:18. 10:20 JOHN RITCHIE, #J 05NSUBANCF AGENT,. Winotl OSTMUM D SOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. 1\i' ICN 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the partner - 111 ship for some time carried on by Wm, D. If ton, rlhon,as Coraco and John Carr, under the arm n, eotHutton Price &Carr at the Town of,Win. ham, he County of Huron, Millers, was dissolved,bythc d atla of the said Thomas Price, and•the business Will f •em henceforth be carried on nutter the thin of Iutton & Carr, only, The said Hutton & Carr are authorized to discharge all debts and receive all edits, • on account of the said partnership concern, W. B. BUTTON, }YITNns . j.I0H l (AIM, J ES Ii0RRISON. ALICE PRICE, Ap31INISTRATAi3. ated this 20th day of Juno, 1808. FOR 5' B. A COMFORTABLE COTTAGE containing seven I5. Rooms, situated on lot 70, Francis street, West, for sale, cheap. Apply ta Samuel Youhill, In- surance Agent, or to S. Paling, on the Premises. Wingham, Juno lAth,1888. IVIONFIY TO LEND. man CORPORATION OF TR11 TOWNSHIP OF J. Turnborry has about 85,000 to loan on Mort- gages. For terms apply to, P. MaLARNN, or WM. McI IIERSON, Tr. Tnuasuana, Wingham. Rrays, Glenforrow Wingham, May lltb,1888.• A NOTE FUR 1 ardson, in fa 1st. at 90 days. negotiating the HAWN BY JOHN nIC - of J,•B. Stralth, dated May es are cautioned against •ment has been stopped. N ItIC1IARL'SON, Eebnore P. 0. NORTH-WESTERN %mutat1ati on ., For all points in tile North-West, kart Arthur, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Pacific Coast. &O,, take the Beatty Line From Sarnia, Goderich, lgfuearcliueo or Southampton. Leave Sarnia, (11V.P,)Tuesday& rlllayEv'gs Open all XigM • T. S Iles just received a. lice of choice 8045;05,4'S an rea,1 Gitaio4 1114grc FINE JAPAN, 4i LBS. FOR $1. All the beet brands -of CA.NNE1) 14IEA.TS, SABDINES AND FISH, 'URE SPICES., PURE PEPPER, PURE COFFEE. 5 LDS, I3AR SOAP FOR 25 CTS, FINE TOILET SOAP, CHEAP. DAVE JUST OPENED OUT It. CASE OF fi1xln- -n °EWA nA S: TS, DINNER SETS, TOILET SETS, FROM $1•u0 W& EU: SETS, • AND A FINE LINE OF GLASSWARE.. FRUIT ARS AND THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN FRUIT PRESERVING POWDER—No sTJGAE:. CALL AND 8 E US. IrO.TItOUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. N E R T AK I ` -`...." 10, OTHER PORTS THE FOLLOWING DAY. Magnificent Stoarners. Accommodation, theboat—unrivalled. as a aummor holiday route. Lowest passenger and freight rates May be haat firbun nearest G.T.R. 14gent, or J. H. 0EATTY, General Manager N. W. T. C., Sarnia. A. J ANDERSON, UNDERTA111R. Thomas f reoborn, a oauoer cure deal- Caskets, Coffins, Robes, dm, always on hand. er, was fined ' 100 for violating the Ontario Medical Act by John Proctor, J. P., at , FIRST CLASS HEARSE FOR HIRE. Hanover. T1e agent of the College of Physicians a d Surgeons prosecuted. A largo and well assorted stook. SUPEROR FUNICLES MAD TO QRDLB Are Having added a Delivery Waggon to this branch of the business, orders will (if necessary)' be delivered anywhere within 10 miles of Windham. This will no doubt oftentimes save a good deal of trouble, egpeeially where parties may not have suitable conveyances of their own. Jell necessaries for FUNERAL FUItNISHINGS, }IATORAPES, GLOVES, ETC., kept and delivered with orders. 8 RAC r .t ", Undertaker, 1 I.I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 For good value all round coaly to the ANeuor„ NICKEL'S' OLD STAND. With excellent facilities, a good supply of first: class material and capable workmen, we feel competent to turn out work equal to that of any establishment in the County. C RRTAGES, BUGGIS AND , ROAD CARTS. We build all our own tops. Everything guaranteed,, A first.clatss painter. Look into our Wardrooms on Victoria and Scott Ss. DORE 86 0OO1t. Ct".7‘' A BEAi7TI.l liL LINE OP LATEST STYES XN 3 st ,00 a...), i pry t o1}W■y, a w.5 .. slab+s. al J i -1:12 --SPLENDID 'VAPIET3t' AND EXCELLENT VALtfl i GENTS' SHIRTS SILK CAPS, S&c., Ord.- ed Clothing,W. . 00LLARS a SpecialtyWEBSTE,, I Ii I II I . 1 1 Tun AscIIon will not • underlaid. ba € { the BROWN AN OHO p OFFERING RIG BARGAINS IN --- i r; Ate,, lot kinC" Come early and get first choice as wo are bout* to eleat'.0.1ein Out. SPECIAL A,TTRAOTICL-9F'i In Dress Goods, Sateens Nru,z,olirIct Prints, Laces, Ribbons, Glovos and I -14s°, Silk, CaTamere, Lisle, and Cotton, all bins. la MO IM041.4weto lqvli;rtk-"7, We can fill all orders promptly as our stock is complete in everyliiie. GLatO • Great value in Teas You should try our C-1,11BEN AND JAPAN TEA AT '200. per lb. Bost value in Canada. Boots, Shoes and Shipmzci In endlese variety and at rrices to suit all purehasere.