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The Wingham Times, 1888-07-20, Page 1
• y. A 0 II 101 VOL. XVII. -:-NO n9 WI AiV < ONT,', FRIDAY, JULY 20, 188&`. .1 w Mr. W. Mattel). is oin the butchering = srs• W. Seo business at Lucknow, left for Brannen,, . cpd i —Brus?als is to ha = a baseball tonrnii: hweithabseasntr'bloabautf 'meta ab LOCAL NEWS.—Ciiatcir will tbi ' late 'ef 112.76, be' — See Rabat Yates s th sky this weeks T'Ye0.T• ,�es out the 15th :usual, +j1e arden ,p - eeeswater ands Wingham play a arsonagq on Tii ed 't{ierosse match hero . a,k'riday, afrertwoli.' attended and was —An excursionq,'Uraugeville on the 'social or financial } `C. P. R., fe to be ru from ige 'on Satan- Seas preseu't aura Jf- day, the 28th inst.�eelpols'tera, music. —The Iiincardin Reviem 11 lion h _.The Junior issued noxi week, t e editor craving '(;tine 'how played a ga n 'lou a recuperating rip. ` 'ham team ou —Rev. G. B. Ho ' le, of Brussels, is gIv- I Was a tie, one f( Ling in various loo; lilies, lectures on the kjtlayers were : .pp, .Holy Land. He a pears in Easteru cos- honips n, A. 77 tume. drool, Ker'♦, —Messrs. J. Le lie, of Winnipeg, and. W Hanley, W. T. Bell are atter. ng the meeting of the Mr. A. B. 'Caulk Grand Lodge of F ee Masque at Toronto FRFPunt: this week.•2 farinerti' -A sale of usehold effects is now . 50c, in at mooing on at the 'residence of Rev. Dr. . ^lug : Your,' +6Vard. Parties a invited to call at any :pine. 'See his a —Bev. Mr 'S _63.9., •ref Tara, says that ' since the nine riQth in' of t'9. rly Qlosi10, , attendance„ the prayer meetings had pts w' visibly Morn -4.-Cold cion 'au /Melt 's'till i on Monday we n100 and one —The Luc ' oided to ma ' character, ope ;puttee of Hu 0 ase watch an' firet class time k©apex, er a !ern, handsome family Bible, laage size, beautifully bound, Address ; Box 1115, Foothill, Ont, c Messrs. R. eau and T. 1 !'cCulloch • ere indiotec%;6u Wednesday oe charges eu, of Stratford, seized' preferred by Mr. . S. 'Jerome, of illegally' he township Of Stephen, practising dentis = y. The °targe against and the owner 'had to pay McCulloch was di mrssid on 'the ground of onth, absent witnesses and no evidence, The ow Caledonian Seeiety de- case against De was rostpoped for a he gameeof a purely local week. The bent wag 'coMposed of the ' only to residents of the Mayor, Metiers. M Kay, J. T. Andersson, R. n and Mice. Currie, J. A. MoE en. wxo [ E a. 86 year pay a county g $9.3 less than last 11tel ie en G ant '�. w anitobh, on Teesday Me, They 'o a sect to ecce, rty.,.t,'tIro ketlhO4iiit y e't<ening wtQ largely inteensB viewed'frein a tandpoint,, 1,49 told fiirtished 'apprb'priate crosee teat.from hock. with the junior *tug. ednesday.. Tae resalt 1 leas).}. Me Lticknow hitely, J. Grundy, A, Warm, A. Maointyre, J. McCardlo, J. Berry, undy and W. Little, was referee.. Any peracn sending mes and P. O, address, ps, will receive the fol. orae of a lovely hunting 'chain and wierranted a Elliott, of London, arme1y a resident of this place, was in town R. Coad and family, of ing'frieo,de in, town an past week.—Mrs, i1V. C left for Barre, oh Mon petit to spend alias ti. brother to Mr. Cdrbou his week.—Mre, mall, were visit - vicinity for the r1ould and family ay', where they ex - e with friehde. A 1 an actin barris- ter in thea town. nMr,lJohn Turner, who has been absent at T other points for "dome w9. Wingham 'tin 111totday - grove, of. Whiteohuroh, Wingham on Tuesday to u game at Brussels, betw that place and tihe,`UTnio� Wroxeter. Mrs. Willie had her place of busine late fire at ;Ripley, wa ' The school w° engaged Miss alien, to fill the Snell's resignat 'The salary is- $2 5. oard met on Tuesday and nuie Henderson, of Glen• vacancy caused by Miss n, She has accepted. —The long p Messrs.='Race a9. .Piecordcr and Ad ding'libel snits between Davis, • of the Mitchell emote, ]Tawe been amicably settled,eeach pa; ing•their own coats• and making apologia —Lueknow S M1. Wingharn, has r 11L Campbell's b ;street, and intend ',business here. --An exeunt() (Court Mildmay, Niagara Falls a July the 20th. is $2.10 and tick • ing day. —At Goderich !nor ;second class were 17 far 2nd -and. 213 for seeon • and oris for junto University, at Kin ° T. Peers, gear loads of* exp Thursday. Ana 'bought from Mr. and a fine yolk Forrest, of Jame also supplied one stied ' Mr. Motet, of ted thmreast end store • in ick block, on Camerbell going tate the butchering under the auspices ;of No. 186, takes place to Hamilton, on Fridats ho fare from Wingham s good to return foll'dty- there titre 10 canditltitf'e nd 44 for third, there 60 for nide. a tliutou end 29. for third 'blase mattieniati:on, Toronto aniline. • —Lucknow an f Toronto. shinned two cattle from there on t them *ere six 14r.Agnew;of belgrave, cattle from 1llr. Wm. town, . Mr. D. Stewart; ar loud. —Are take the ollowiug from theKin- cardine Rep Ttee I last week :—At the lacrosse garden pa a very pleasing .,e known that Mr. was acout taking ham. He has ve friends here, and would be just the in fact to cane The presentation Mr. J. A. Macphe the law, and th sidered a fitting Mr. Vanstone hoc M. McPherson presentation, au brief address, d high complimeu sive ebony gold to him. Mr. surprised and n warmlythanke pression of g The cane bears ed to R. Vanst Kincardine, 1 handsome, the tistically Chas 'Exelei•'halve haunted 1 ouses,and lengt y newspaper ancouuts of the same. As th : Luoknow &ntinel has it: tie Can easily d their childhood horrible hobgoblin 'able•iufluence upo iii these professedl cern that the tales of out ghosts and other still hold a consider - the minds of some even enlightened days. nnitev. J. A. nand nelnin his annual se nitated and carried sp aking rather of , AhOir,; gory or the s It{isnrght that the lu raegues, •and ab frequently heard g •more rational, mo --we can't help 'strong and recentl 'tion that it is a co 'to be a sponge; to 'Slid pretend frien -weak willed men ju are thus obtained. to any dispenser.ol physically wreaks ,genius is utterly el Due or two have re 'such circumstance —The Kiucardi of Mr. 'B. Vansto lately come to tow siou ; Mr. R. Vans ably filled the posi for Bruce county d taken up the prao owing, to i11 health milder climate. building up a pra hula advice as a la 'after. But believi was opened out in • 'change his locatio the public genorall ,decision, but at that he will rapid land leading posit town to whiek he h kin Kincardine he h .advantage. Tho entre Ilene been lability, and as a 79. lelirnts were often +the Bowe coutra, (ter, Ibis natural aft •' 6n, B. A., of Goder. on to the Orangemen, out his intention of he glory of God than iety they belonged to. iolent and stereotyped urd laudation not na- ve place to something rn and useful expressing a naturally strengthened oonvio- temptibly mean thing ang to the coat-tails ship with cleyer but for the drinks that either is it -creditable iquors to sellae a meso and 'NOW's° Sed by hie imbibing. used to dispense under to their credit,. e Rept* speaks thus e, barrister, who has to Vfadtioe his Odes. one, barrister, who Has on of polido manistrate ring the pad year, has ce of Mr. MoGi11, lucid, was obliged to seek it . Vanstone was rapidly ice in Kincardine, and yer was much sought g that a larger field ingham he decided to We in common with very muck regret bis o same time believe secure a prominent n in the flourishing s gone. In his practice s appeared to marked ases entrusted to his knaged with marked turaI consequence his the winning side in is talents as a barria- ility, his uprightness P>nsoNii;s.— of Toronto, we Tunes last wee druggist, of 0 Mr. Alex. Ro Forbes, of Lis M. Gordon's, laud and wife, on Saturday, h to the Eastern gate to the G Abraham, was Palmerston, M r. Towler, wa last in his capa an inquest was mains of the la Kincardine .12d+1 and his slater L itiug iii town. Turnberry, is or ankh nieinity.- turned'roin a p and oilier frien est Repretntativ Clierrywdod pu Miss Maggie of Wingli tri, schoo fol' the holidays fdrmet'1 in the Brockenshire, burned in the Ri dent df Wingha Pritchard, of F the Preebyteria and Bluevale, ga was on his way bort, Having, hoe of aiisenod. He Chaplain df the art • teacher of 0 call on Monde returned frory for sand noon lean not been VC y _ _ - Mrs. A. Wilcox, of Mobsenee N. W. T., 'asked on the matrimonial as a etudent, Mark •man who will oceap the legal fraternity Reporter joiris with nleetien ).n wishing 111 Mr. Vanstone as a the front rank among this province. The the people of this ty, b4 Tuesday evening, ent,transpired. It was R. ' 'anetone, barrister., is departure for Wing mitini' warm pnreonal few of them thought it. hiug to surprieg him 9.m—before be left tis. as quiety, arranged by son, a brother limb of garden ,panty was con - place at which to show or. The services elf Mr. re secured to make the 1n a neat,iuteresting and ing which he paid a Very to Mr. Vanst3one, a nias- eaded cane was presented nstoue was considerably mistake. Tri his reply he his friends • for their ex - ed -will aad valuable gift. Ire inseripti itf; "Prosent- ne, by a few of his friends; 88.” The cane , is very passive gold head being er- n o, Guelph find §'returned to r. A. H. Mos•se asd through pire a lacrosse en the team of fs Of Gerrie and s, milliner, who ts destroyed by the a former resident 'of Winghann—M s. "W. M. Alexander, and fad1ily (ria Diss 1!I.1'is ham), of Brandon, was deuce of Mr. Fisher, post She wont to visit, friends thence to firer home.—Mis left Wingham on Tuee friends in Ashfield.—Dir 1ea'vees this "weep for a 1 her sister at East Tawa Campbell, of Dwelt Solt Mr, A. Ross's this week. er, once of Wing - guest at the resi- aster, this week. at Paisley, and Jennie Murdock y to visit 'her S. W. Galbraith gthened vigil to Mich. Mrs. A. 4, w'b,s visiting at Mt', J. A. -Young, 'principal of the Ethel pu lie school, was in town this week. Hellas a dew and useful article of lydusehkrld nee th the is bringing ed and, amo expected are P. P,, ZI, Ca M. ] . P:, J. and Rev.. Newton an efore the public in the s = ¢e of a clothes ryer.—Miss Pricilla H' hill is visiting friends at Manchester th : week, —Messrs. A. McU''•regor of the Sun nd d. P. Newir,'lii, of the.North America, pile IntenTange Co.,were in tdwn this w-.k.—Misys Jessie Bont'hron lireturned tris •'eek from 'a 'month's visit to 'Mende a Soutlianlpton and other •pointe i�l Bruce o.—Mr, J. S. Willson, toaoltor'of the Z(. tland school, is visit{'ne friends at Cass ' jty, Mieh.—Mr. W. Tamlyn is om'e fro =New York med- neal s hoe( on vain:Mon. rs, Gray, of Lin can, in at presegnt oil a vis( o her daughter Mrs. J. H. Dull:d ge, at he Brunswick House. , She is accomp. , ed by Master Harold M' cCoeli. Mr. 3, ' etlrick and wife, of London', 'are visiting a{ Mr. Smith's this' idbek. , Mr. Pethick k ps a large gents' furnishing and tailoriu. establishment on Richmond street. -Mr John Robertsou, of trio G. T. ,1t., Palmer , was here ou business this weeks. -Mr. _ , d Miss Daweozi have been heard;'' from a Aberdeen meal Miss Dawson ie' charm.: above meapur8: with her native country which ane left early infancy.—Muse MoQunrrie and Cunningham are rustic • ' ,g at St.Helenll. —Mr. Brown leaves today en a t'isit to hip home at Dr.udas: Missy , Murphy spent a few days in London,• t ie wf+ek. •-Mr. J. Leslie, wife and faintly of Winnipeg, are visiting at Mrs T. Lesko thie.:Weeln,. nfr," 'Leslie is Superintendent f the Royal Arch Masons of the Wirinin=g district.—Jas. Fox, druggist, of Wroxe =r, was visiting„at J. W. Gal�braith's this. •tisqk: D'ir George Blactkwel , wito Was a ending. the Clinton high sbhool is home f , his holfaclays. 11r. Thos. Beecroft, who is = ow em131oye tin a bank at Stayner, was, isiting his friends do the IOth of East W = wanosh, this week Prof. Galbraith 1e • ow at Bluevale with dee of his old' filen;' --H. P. Chapman, brother to V J; Cltap •• an, of Wingham, lost heavily by'the, 1t .ley fire, his resi- cc�k l being both r.,,,_ denco µn bu�mess p ed.—Messrs. T. Ott, Burton,. of Listowel, w on busiheas.—"Mr. Joh fessionally engaged thr •fQQrth and Bruoefield, ield, prilici}ial o1 tl the list of speakers U. P, O'Connor, VI, gill, M. r., W. M, Doak, Stonewan, Hamilton lessre. Murray, Amy, Grey. , . Lo Mr. Mees, o with his daugh stone work of completed.— Mulholland, under the p Netterfield', urn tour- to Dakota, rot much inv'jgo .his trip. r Wingharn1 Howiok, pent Sueday r, Mrs. Gordon.—The e neat/ bridge is about r. and M. fiiid�'atctlr' Ripley, 'eke at present rental ;roo'f.-.••1r. Wm. ho'has'been a pleas- argo h'nd other' points in ed home on Saturday, ted and gratifle4 with vlir ,The 12th plat% was 9.0,000 people es were doliv H'annoi`a. '§.n and the !tea also by Me'ss Master of the Galati° ; Fre and 'Others. ly t'epresented. r. John Fither rola wife, e the guests el Mr. D. Me- .—Mr.Alexander Campbell en Sound, was the guest of this week.—Miss Annie wel, is visiting at Mr, D. f Ripley, were in Winghams ving returned from it trip 'Ailing iA brother's in in Bitissels on Tudday Ai as -dewed; but deaided not neeessay on the re - Wilson who was snot+ w : Mager Herrn Clarke zzie, of Wingnam, are via. Miss Bella Maxwell, of a visit to friends in Galt ise. Minnie Sinclair re- elonged visit to a brother in Tcircintb..—Mount For - Mr. Harry Ontley, of the lie school, and his sister the staff of teach.ere of are at their hoihe, here sardine. fly demonstration in ost §decessful. Fully congregated. Address- ed by the Revs. Messrs. Murray, of $incardine, Mr. Cooper, of Invermay, . John Brownlee, Grand Black Lodge of Western Johnston, of Goderich, uron county was large - Ingham, baChis gallery ley fire. He was a rest - for 18 years.1-Rev. Jas. est, forraerlf pastor of Churches at Belgrave e a call this week. He o visit friends at Peter - granted a month's leave as for some years High hoes; inade us a pleasant Miss Bella Dawsou, has rontd, where she has been 'Ili° state of her bealth Bas -John Wils on Monday 30th year.' Miss B friends in burn, of Sagi guest of Nils: G. —Mr. Geo. P townshi�f hitt spending a fec Wawanossq, u died of censuii pti'on week: H't3 *a§ in lits ma Bemtet is visitina ham.Mist B. Brad! Vencilaini last Week. rot, formerly of this 104 or Detroit, ia days among his nura• eroua. friends in this vicinity. Mrs. of Wingham, daughter Clinton, is visiting Vire. Snell, 11 With congestion of . goseph Taylor, who *aelie ago by a run - be alio* again,The 11 OA receiVed bat has not wbo recently em en • their honey eon fifp eastward. Mrs. 'Wilcox was for erly Emily Cline, despateher on t N., rt. They left for Ottawa by the P. R. on SaturdaY morn- ing.—Miss E. Innen, of Settforthane the guest of MrS. ghtort this week...n-51r. s. Cornvn, to ler, of Bethany, is now s --Miss Lizzie Norris, of Inensall, who Ms been vieitieg friends in town for th from Guelph f been for nearly city, lie saysne the vieinity ba from Cainpbell and is likely to 000. The Gu have peen the b the PrOlopecte home on nie ant week, returned home John :Bider returned w days ago, where he had couple of mouths. The let and crop prospects in le is nearly completed oet the city nearly 0200,' ph people would like nelnbuilt to Goderich but 'rather' slinn—ntr. Wm. Was in town this wee braith and her son friends OM of Toronto John Elliott, teacher liigh school for the pas vacation trip west nti MeMullen of the UM ow He made a can Brantford, and J. 'Wilson was Pro - ugh Clinton, Sea - his week.—Mr. iem. are visiting this week.—Mr. n the Brockville two years, is on a is the guest of Mr. faetory. He was th° Tinos offie ou idh and musi al instkuetdf; is go- ing to take up his refai ----Miss Mary Sparlin the guest of Mrs. A., data Wingnam this to order (unknow' gly) a lot of pump to sell on cbm 'nsiony„F 1'Iolines'' uu day school is prosper ink.—k done con luuted by t of St. Paul's, . acceptance. T school. Mos are taking crop is nes Wade and C early harvest Bridge is rotten State of Denmarl municipal bounds in full ear. •• 'str In driving fro would it not- b carcases, out o blue•bottie flie of evangelistic servioee Itev, Ala MborIiotl'iti ave met with muck ey,cntme off inHolmes s, Gibson and Hutted' art in sande.—Tho hay' y all housed.—Messrs::. den will lead off i+' rk,--Rockey's. M;1 rickety, likA til' Is it within „tb* f Wingham 7-0ath short as in '26, the slaughter house .well to cover up the the way of dust and ? .. Jas. Armour friends on the' 13 jra, is seriously the lurtglaa41 was hurt Sad away, is able t Westfield base allidlange from been aecepted. nen in Winglirm: Seaferth, was TOWN ''10 if14'CIL; .A. special me Monday eveni councillors Neelancl The object of the sider the question petition was read ton & Sons and 4 Couricil to repeal tho law. It was Moved deconded by Mr. B that the prayer and Morton spo repeal and Mr, passed, ropealin mg was held on DISAST US FIRE'. The Bnslne90 Portion bast Thursd o'cloak,. the pee horde father t celebrate' the to see a eau furiously to When the excit was announced been thrown o three mites sou to pass anothe horse shied i young man wa spurt front his e mouth, Drs. S Patterson, of sent for, but co He died about day .—Prof. 0 student with 0. in fitvor of the 1 ing 14 td 9. of Ripley Almost` Totally De troyed, The fire "abetted ware store ” 4bou morning last; 4 breeze blowing hardwire store joining �,uildi e'ort6 could s fire, tlriginatina the street, spread exit, crossed over the street, ltnd store in the vil Willing hands w despite their e saved from th What makes every shop was busines§ place coin and children Were the burning buil any clothing, t some cases to life-. The , bri Messrs. Angus Man, general mere Ching, grocer, on t morning; olio* nine Et who renlained at n go to ListoWel to e of young &en driving he telegraph office. ment had abated; it at George Greer had t of a buggy about h of here while trying rig on the road. The to the ditch • and the hrown out, his head rinsing the blood to es, nose, ears and 164 Wroxeter, and aria, were at once ld do nothing foa one o'clock the same o was a contemporary S.• Fowler has been s and the Brussels ed a match here on last, which resulted tter; the score stand - 'Mr. Campbell, the ing viteation with his ear S'eaforth. In McLeod's hard - 1 o'clock Friday there being a good oward the south the and immediately ad- gt being frame, no op its progress. The the north part 6f apidly toward the, the south side of ocat almost every ge was in flames. rked vigorously, kit orbs very little waa devouring element. hings worse, nearly welling' house and 'ned, and mothers nags with, scarcely re being no time in ink ef anything but k block occiapied by. ay and Angus ants, and J. Mc - corner of Queen tiobly stood the had it. succumbed ere is acarcely any ole of the western at which were or, reeve, and Robinson, Little, s,Cline,and Black. ieeting was to con - f early closing. A ram Messrs. Rings - others, asking the early closing by. y Mr. Morton, Etch; and carried, of petitioners be e in favor Of the . Holmes against it. ten introduced and he early closing The Foresters of artanginging for Horse lake on Friday, Rincardine beats bead inloss village are cnic et Black uly 27th. The rnberry. adies down td the ago and treated de. The ladida be - us and wanted to get e gallant neared the e ladles sprang mit ; the more nervous and le, put her hand to oulder as he was in the boat, and quick shove, men- the bank ; but the 10 gentleman out of first into the water. too ludierens for the serious ; and while a heartily at their 0, be was straggling o shore. But they Ian is as galleut as there ere seVeral con- na the township try- rmers by getting them ass ybung gen couple ot young river a &V wee them to a boat - came very nerv to shore. As t bank, one of t the other, bein not pith so the gentleman's s half turned arou by giving him a aged to leap on shove knocked the boat head The sight was ladies to retnin they were 'might escort's inisfortin bravely to get say the young ever. --It is sai ; Mrs. Williams, ind- eed, tailor ; \Midden, ell, harnessmakert,:.• Clhapman, job tinting and fancy store ; Miss Me aulay, milliner ; Mrs, McLeod, milli r ; Mulholland, photo- grapher ; Iter, furniture shop ; driving shed. RI ley has received at• terrible set back require years to shoeniaker from which it will' MY MAR TIM 3,-1 have 'often wished since settling i Canada, that I could have a sleep like R p Van 'Winkle's, and there- after note the improvements made by the McAdam of Ca ads, the reanmaker of near or reniote re. I should thdn have the pleasure 0, seeing snake fences replaced by straight nes ; swamps drained and converted hit smiling fields ; backs replanted, d the branthes weighed clown with the bl seed dew and resins fronn Satitrday of la week, I walked along 6 eidtnioad with a mile and a quarter of BrtieSelsagravel The hay crop, especially nun vigotous. The eat crop will not be up. to did average, and oats, althotigh yolk)* croP up uow and agaiti, may mate vast improvement nouln we have timely f a mile -Where my read. intern:lets the cot .essien from Jamestown'," I fell in with the lest piece of road.gracling I have come aorn ft many years. Mr. Adam's golden 1-14 e readmaking. was abort and simple, viz': , the subsoil is the sole foundation of a t oronghly good road. My walk en foot e te 6 close at Wrox- Etter where I foun4 hinge booming. Dee nary for diphtheria na fever gems, will no doubt be atteeded t he village fathers ere it be too late. started in Toronto, Tinton, lien bane —The Scott Act WM waded ld