HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-07-13, Page 4Bc;1 care. Miss Minnie B,tef ardy, of Behnore, was awarded the old medal for in, etrumental music tad harmony at the opening exercises i f. the Whitby Ladies' College. Mt. A.V, J, .Marto leaves in a day or two to visit ;t sista in Hamilton. R. J, is as antbitiou, sud successful teacher, c,,ud has wel earned 14 reerea• tion sptlil. Qulr •'se. School Sections IN os. 0 and 8, Cul- ross, taught by Mr, D. Clark and Miss Shaw, held r most successful lienic in Mr. S ' itli's grove dear by Teeswater, on Fr' • ay last, Upwards of 100 people were >sent and swing- ing, croquet, ball p , ying and other amusements were ) earthy indulged in and enjoyed, \ all Mr, Snyder as chairman a in programme of singing, reoitatious, &c. ' as admirably render- ed, Miss B. M i ' herson, of Tees- water, read, it sses Goodfellow & Pelton and lit'-ces Henderson & Pel- ton gave instru rental selections..At a game of baseball, S.No. 8 were victori- ous by 1. There vere visitors present from Wingham Bervie, Teeswater and other lova points, The teachers are to be conr tulated on the success attending their enterprising efforts. RN. SAD-on—In Wingham on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr. Jonathan Sadl r ; a son. LA'PrIMoao—At Winham, on the lith inst., the wife of ltr. L. Lattimore , c.n. . KEffir—In Seaforth, on tl • 6th inst., the wife of Mr. T. 0. Kemp, manager • gilcile's mills ; a son HALLIDAY-1n Blyth, on he 20th ult„ the wife of lir, V. Halliday, oarpenti a son, • Ksma—In Fenolon F e, an the 6th last., the wife of Rev. J. W. Kell ; a son. ARR.a'ED. Ben,:srr.—Sssetutzna—At 'ralkerton, on the 27th Mt., by the Rev. Wm. hort, Mr. W. Burnett, Division Court Clerk, of ratford, to Miss Louisa, daughter of Mr. Jacob egmilier, of Walkerton. BUSOLO—WisE—In Tuck :smith, on the 5th dust., by the Rev, A. D. MeD. old, of Seaforth, Mr. Wm. Dubois, to Miss Eliz,'eth, third daughter of the late John Wise, botl of Tuckersmith. Efmrs—Fame—At Icer the 27th ult., by Rev, Mr. Newton, Mr. J. Ellis, of Kincardine, to Miss Louisa Peters, of Berrie, l ALbis'rEa—CCai5nre—A oderich, onthe 4th inst„ by Rev. Jas. A. Anders r, B. A., John McAllister, of Goderich, and Cath•. •ine Cutnming, daughter. of Donald Cumming, C.. .ine township. McliiNNo5—BnowN -I . Tuckersmith, on the 4th inst., by Rev, Samuel 2,c , eson, Mr. Donaltl McKinnon, of Greenock, county of r ce, to Miss JanetBrown of Huron. Dl ,fliuita—At Wingham, o ' he 6th inst., Sarah, the be- loved wife of Brads •w;;Kerr, aged 3S .years, 1 month and 22 days, MACKAY—In London, on t e 2nd inst., Jemima, daughter of Mr. W. C. 1 key, formerly of Kin- cardine, aged 17 years a 6 months. JouNWOON — In Tuckersn th, on the 29th ult., Nathrniel Johnston, ag d 77 years, CA:exELON—At Goderich; : he 7th inst., George Cantelou, of Hohuesville, • ged 38 years and 3 months, [Cheese arlrets. Woonsrgco. July 11.— 'ghteen factories offered last, half June; 2.600 said tl0e. INo$asooc,, July 10.--3 June, Sales wero at 91 buoyant. Cable, 40s ed. factories offered balance of ., Clic. and lac. Market WINGLIAIM tMABKT TS, WiNeriear, July 12, 1838. $ 2 59 to 2 50 500 to 500 95 to 100 95 to 100 50 to 50 50 to 50 60 to 60 50 to 60 14 to 14 14 to 14 1 25 to 1 50 '1 50 to 800 Flour per cwt., Flour per bbl„' • Fall Wheat per bushel, Spring Oats, • Barley, - Peas, • Potatos, • Butter per Ib., Eggs per dozen, Wood per cord, flay per ton, - SERVANT GIRLS WANTED. 711W0,i GOOD SERVANT GIRLS WANTED IM• 11 mediately. Apply at the • BRUNSWICK HOUSE, Private Sale of Furniture. Tj EV. DR. WARD IS SELLING BY PRIVATE ji.)0 contract all his valuable hoesehold furniture, comprising Bed Room Suites, in oak and ash— Drawing 5c Dining Room Suites, in walnut—Kitchen Furniture and utensils, stoves, carpets, Dominion urge,±, uilice desk, tables, crockery, Lawn Mower ami .other articles of furniture. Can. .be seen at residence, John street, House and Lot for Sale, • JolIN STREET, WINGHASI, OPPOSITE trio Public School, the lot consisting of 1/5 of sn hong, Having a Frame House thereon, with three ro uus had kitchen, hard and soft water. Good loon. ti•>u ar..l svitablo for a ama11 family. Enquire of W. G} .NNRT, or THOS. WILII�I, Blacksmith; Proprietor. INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. l 4- f. L. WALKER, of Lucknow, a student ,.f Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas, also the u uii, s College, Deauville, has charge of -Mrs. Its.' e r y t er .> of music pupils and will be in Wingham' ti 4on,iay and Tuesday till 11 a. nt. She has Ac'±•r "c1 :s piano at Mrs. J. McCe.nce's and respect. i rl requests those desiring her services to call on her there from 2 to 4 p. 01. on Mondays. CANNED GOODS! PRICES I3ELOW Wnt were ever had in Wingham, i is !• Hues of TONGUE, TUIM Y, DUCK, PIG FEET, PINE '.r L1IIS, MACKEREL, lv &LI OON, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, CORN, TOMATOES, PEAS, .1WoilELV E, A Or ,:ppposite t11e,Central ,IXoteI. PivittOon.. Successor to H. PARR, HAS JUST OPENED OUT „--,A FULL AND WELL ASSOI%TED STOCK OFr-1/4-, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, Spectacles, c Cc WATCn REPAIRINt A.,LTi 0 W0 R K o -�tT ARANIi'M E'3J E";1ANToSALE! NOW GOING ON AT ad chido's, Dress Goods, uslins, Prints, Laces ani. Embroideries. ALSO SOME BIG DRIVES IN TWEEDS, .UNDERWEAR, FELT .AND STRAW HATS, PARASOLS, GLOVES AND.HOSIERY. Any person requiring any 'of these goods s1ioiild see theni'before bliyiilg BOOTS AND SHOES. !. WELL ASSORTED. GRO CERfT;S Pure and' Fresh. Inspection Requested. 1V.!. H. MeINDOO. Loatling in Low. Prim. a ro Egg Bayorse BUSINESS BOOMING BRISKLY, AT; c CSR IC & :- RED PRON"T STORE THE LEADING BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM OF WINGHAM AS TO QUALITY, VARIETY AND CHEAPNESS. B LADIES' FRENCH KID, $2.75 up. MEN'S FINE BALS. $1.70. LADIES' FINE POLISH CALF, $1,50 up. MEN'S COARSE SHOES, $1,00 up. CARPET SLIPPERS, 30c., 35e., 40e. Ordered -Work a Specialty. TO THE PUBLIC. The steady and increasing patronage accorded me for the past eight years' is gratefully ackriowledoed I shall be pleased to caterr to the public requirements in the matter of BEFiFig MUTTON, VE -,A,. -L,.. &e. EvERXTHINO IN SEASON, of the best quality procurable and in a very superior and nnequaile at: �-v- V .. G-.. PiM.111n OPPosITT THE POST OFFICE- HELLO FFICE HELLO 1 - HELLO 1 1 HELLO 1 1 1 Where are you going itt such a Hurry ? wily? I am going to get a supply of material for house cleaning. I aIn going to -clean house right away ! and .1. am going down to IIINGSTON & SON'S For some ASBESTINE, They sell it for 25c. A. PACT AGE. You. can; get a good Brush too, just as cheap. To tell the truth about the matter, you can get any kind of goods usually kept in a first-class shop. They have got in a lot of. Lovely Bird Cages, Table Cutlery, Spoons, &c,, Milk Cans, Creamers, Pails, Milk Pans, Churns, Butter Prints, Batter Bowls, Ladles, Stove, Scrub, and Shoe Brushes, Brooms, Chamber Pails, Toilet Sets, Agate Ware? ointless Woodenware, Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, Carpet Sweepers, &c. Don't forget the name and place, UINGSTTON Sv SON'S Wait St Walsh's Old Stand, Wingham. ' I', 5. -Wo wish it distilietly understood that it Joao trouble to show goods at the Ono thrice Tin Shoe x 1101.1rrwrrat , Wil" f leS3 Id IN' p 0 ?1 Influence Patronage. Judge, us in accordance with the Bargain we give. P. er:EITZSITHOR REMAINS IN WINGHAIVI ! HAS LARGELY REPLENISHED HIS STOOK 1 ! HAS A GREAT DISPLAY OF BARGAINS 11 CLOCKS, 3 `- JEWELLERY, SIL'V H;RWAR I , &c. r+�`i170 SUIT TIIM TASTE ANE FINANCES OF EV:GRY,f30DY,.T+.A•-ar-1, When you want to save 'and make money, call on E. F, GERSTEI, Ali •s Work 'guaranteed' and guarantees carried out to the letter. A specialty made of Repairing, honesty our policy. Ouu Monro -Small profits and quick returns. WmonAM. MASON BLOCK, PO MITE • /A For, 5c I uslin,s,, 6c. Prints, 10o Shirtings,, 32c Tweeds,, •- ,GO TO, . �.,-, THEBANKRUPT I T ORE1,. C. W. HENDERSON'S.OLD STAND: 11 To Value in the Market to Equal. I DRIVES, TN— ------ - JROERED CLOTIIING, :READY-MADE CLOTHING, DRESS GOODS,and id GENERAL DRY GOODS, • , A IITILL RANGE OF , BOOTS, SFIoES - AND - GROCERIES.. GOODS BOUGHT AT BANKRUPT PRICES, asad will be sold at Lowest Possible Figures. s • FiAVETROUGHIN(}, STOVES, TINVIARL BAl RY SUPPLIES; &c. 3 have on hand a large quantity of the best brands of tin manufactured in, the world, bought for cash at the lowest prices, in the best English Marltets,atol as my facili. ties for parehasing these cannot bo surpassed by any firm in the trade in Oanada, I am determined to sell my goods at the lowest possible margin and not be undersold by any, , Mr STAFF OF WORKMEN ARE A i All work warranted first-class, as it is entirely done under my own ilnmedirtt supervision. Eavetroughing specially • attended to and properly plat and completed. Stoves in all varieties, cheaper than ever, REMEMBER THE PLACE—Opposite Exchange hotel, eorner 31)04 in and Victoria streets, Barkley and MoCrimron's old stalzd,,' Oall and see and you it ct ry home the conviction that wbftt•t I y is correct. Shy Motto is k SMALL PROFITS and QUICK RETU. •d Ia1IIStfL11 S1x1 I;NC14 XS 13.ET'iTh R TITAN A SLOW SHILL, - • THER M1 TAN