HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-07-13, Page 3FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1888. 13e1 • aVe• c, 0, I','s HAL DEDXOATIGN. ment roll of he township for the current year, Ordinary council busi- ness was tl en proceeded with, Ac- counts wer ordered tobe paid as follows ; Hogg's be 87 cents ; bridge, $ 58.40 ; J.. $18,53 ; tax to expon grading on P. Jackson, and 21, cov building be henry Eicl Irend, digging ditch, $ d h $1.5 Wm. Elli .1, 21; wood, $2.90 ; 12.08 ; bridge, R. En„ton, grt for cul gravel, , road lists, seconded b3 and J, Procto There was a a od representation and a lively interest manifested in theech ^doatory services at the Foresters' new hall here, of •.Tuesday afternoon. The dedicatory aremonies were per - .formed by the gh Chief Ranger, It, -Elliott, of Win Than, ably assisted by Messrs. A. M eintyre, of Luoknow ; J, Neelands, iglf Treasurer, 1). M. Gorcion, and W. " lyth, of Wingham; Geo. Rogers and W. a labhill, of Brus- �:sels ; A. Woodman, of Londesboro. The dedicatory ser ices were of 'an interesting Ohara° er and pleasantly performed. • The mil was 'well filled • at the evening c'•neert, and R.Sterling, ' C. R., presides with marked efficiency. high Chief .' anger Elliott reviewed the rapid p frig of the sung by IV Miss Po Messrs.() of Wingh •of Blyth. MissesIdarris and ogress and splendid stand - organization. Songs were iss Billingsley,'of Wingham; terfield, of Marnock ; and 'ne,Billingsley and Sebastian, ; Shan' and McKinnon, 'tations•were given by ce. Instrumental selections were ref dared by Miss Porterfield and the : tring Band and a dialogue entitled ' Helping Heze- kiall Out," by local •. lent. The whole • affair passed off ple. santly and realised satisfactorily. ' e newly dedicated hall is one of t 'finest,to be found 'hi of this .ize, and it is free from debt, which the organiz Messrs. Orton,, ha bankrupt $3,000, a 'opening o ; gains may b a. Hawthorn, repairing ge, $4 ; 0, McLellan, spikes, J.Golley,, jaoking Brandon's' .50a. 0, Wheeler, gravel, Tyner, -plank and timber, n, McCrae, statute labor on road, 54 ; P, Ryan, out boundaay, $14.56; xittg culvert at lots 20 9, $5 ; Wm. Marshall,. ge °lit lot 9i, con. 8, $30 ;• 0; , digging at lot 26, con. '6, Sheridan, removing flood Thomas Warwick, gravel, Timmins, spikes and flails, Geo. Johnston, fixing Ruttan's 5; Mrs. Lynn, gravel, 54.71; and, gravel, 85;80 ; D,Erring- vel, $7,77 ; John Smith, cedar erts, 82,50 ; J aures Taylor, 4.76 ; W. Clark, pastago and 26,—Moved by S. Caldbick, G, Kirkby, that the Reeve be instructed to let a contract of putt g bents under Hog g's and Brandon's b iclges and building bridge at lot 2,con 5-0arried. Moved by0. A. Howe, s.conwed by S. Cald- bick, that Mess s• McCallum and Button be allow 'cl 30 cents per rod for digging abou fifty rods of ditch on sideline bet wee. lots 20 and 21, cos. 8, ditch to lie of less than two feet deep and Ave feet wide on top ; Mr. Kirkby to in, peat tiie 'job—Carried. Moved by 7. Proctor, seconded by S. Caldbick, tha C.A.Howe be instructed to have Tayl 's bridge and approach ,put in a prop • state .of repair -,—Oar - S. Oaldbick, seconded hat Geo. Kirkby be job of opening side 25 and 26, con. 9 ; 15—Carried. Movedi corded by G. Kirkby,; we be instructed to avelling opposite lots Carried. Council � Fruit.Preservi Po d e n the 13th Auust ..CLARK, Clerk. s lfiglily satisfactory to - ried. ' Moved b on here. atnilton & Tovell, of V alk'- e pi"frchased A. Taylor's stock, amounting to over d intend baying a grand Saturday, when great bar- xpected. • ) West Council met o 'Members alt p t, • asked the Co original road eon.. 3—Lai Lockhart, •'the sum roads and —Carried Bowers as 4 and 5 remove !place—Laid over. McCann asked to deepened, so as't off their premts meeting. Th ta. lots 8 to 21, S. No. 4 to up, and a been he Bowers, lots 8 t awanosh. Saturday, June 30. esent. Mr. Morland nail to sell him the lowance opposite lot 20, over. Moved by Mr.' by C. A. Howe, instructed to let road between lot: job not to exceed by J. Proctor, s that C. A. 111 expend $40 in 4 and 5, con. adjourned to meet next. a Has Delicious —UN D R .L K I N trawborries — I— -I —I—I •I—f— Alwap Cheap. Note his prices for Canned-:- Goods :; ELEGANT PLUMS, canned, 2 for 25'cents, which is splendid value. PEACHES, 2 cans for 25 cents. TOMATOES, WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, pints 25c. and pints 30c. per bottle. Fresh FRENCH MUSTARD. Celebrated BECKETT'S BLUE and JBLAOK LEAD. Fresh supply of canned MEATS for warm weather. —TRY THE NEW—� Having added a Delivery Waggon to this branch of the business, orders will (if necessary) be delivered anywhere within 10 miles of Wingham. This wilt no doubt oftentimes save a good deal of trouble, especially where parties may not have suitable conveyances of their own. All necessaries for FUNERAL FURNISHINGS, HA.TCRAPES, GLOYES, ETC., kept and delivered with orders. S. RACEY, Undertaker Consumption Surely Cured. To THE EDITOR :—Ploaso inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for tho above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of condecl by Mr. Todd, that I my remedy rues to any of your reactors who have consumption if they will send me their Express and £ $1,000 be expended on. bridges for the current, year Messrs. Pollard and to have a culvert on eon. to a more suitable Messrs. Ivors and ave Young's creek carry surplus water s—Laid over till next matter' of transferrin; ons. 10 and 11, from S. . S. S. No. 12, .was taken er the different parties had d, it was moved by Mr. econded by Mr. Todd, 'that 21, con. 11, be transferred No. 12, the lots on con. o. 4—Carried. The t for May and June ving receipts 5810.60 ires 5118.35. It was he Reeve and Mr.Bowers as road commissioners for s 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Messrs. , Todd and Stuart having f the remainder of the•town- r. Moreland, a pathmaster, that the owner of n gravel rbidden his taking gravel for road purpo ., d asked .for instruc- t tions,. He was d rested to go on with. his duties, as a to nship•.by.l w passed t•ein accordanze with statute, -made pro- aking of ,gra461 from except gardens; orchards grounds. Moved by Mr. P. O. address, Respectfully, Da. T. A. SLOCUM, 37 Yong') St., Toronto, Ont. frern',O„, , . W tp're' r a t1p in tireastirer's repo ,was read, s110 and expendi agreed that .:'should act . concessio Lockhar charge ship. • reporte pit had vision for the any property, :•1t1Id pleas= Todd, seco ided by Mr. Stuart, that by-law N . 5 of 1885 be hereby re- pealed, a d that Mr. Proudfoot, P. L. S., as w nslills:,;ilioer,,.' be hereby relieve from Chis dice; also that Jas. Young be appointed • in his place— /Carrie Oouncil adjourned to meet ,,On Satur t 4th. 11. K. MILLER, Clerk. A CRATE OF MONTROSE PATTERN WHITE GRANITE WARE AND A .CASK OF CHINA TEA SETS ON THE WAY. I I I 1 •1 11 I 1 For good value all round, + come•to the ANCHOR. orris. - The Court o Revision met June 25, , according to adjournment. Membersall present Changes were macho in the asses lent roll as follows t R. •'_"arling +nters'd as owner northeast dirt of ss iter half 40, con. 5 ; Edward Jc hnston e • . ed as farmer's son for nc rth hal 23, . on. ; John Cardiff entered ena t north half 30, con. 5 ; Mr. ()bomb rs entnrod as tenant rrolt'tlt half 1 can. 6 ; S. Cantelon rad as o ner northwest par' 11, 6, instea r L. Raven. ; John ltte changed f din occupant to nt south part le s 15 and 16, con. .W. Scott•entert d as owner north. orae -fourth 15, a . 4. The Court vision Was then closed and the >xlant 1•31l as re iced and ear. ws,s ,established +ll the asses , 1 I ch, ,f5j,1` �TYR Latest. Oheapest. Rest A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF LATEST STYLES IN 1-11AMS —SPLENDID VARIETY AND EXCELLENT VALUE IN— GENTS' SHIRTS, COLLARS, SILK CAPS, Sze., &c, Ordered Clothing, a Specialty. A. W. WEB STER.. SIIPERIOB VEHICLES FAADE TO ORDER 000=., THE THE ANCHOR will not be undersold. 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Of the BROWN ANCHOR, ent con' `Per tone 1;j 'wes'rt of R asses, 'Irectec —ARE OFFERING BIG BARGAINS IN— y � Oiothlig Come early and get first choice at we are bound to clear them out. NICKEL'S OLD STAND. With excellent facilities, a good supply of first class .material and capable workmen, we feel competent •to turn out work equal to that of any establishment in the County. - - CRRIAGES, BUGGIES AND ROAD CARTS. We build all our own tops. Everything guaranteed. A first-class painter. Look into ,our Warerooms on Victoria and Scott Ss. DORE & COOK. SPECIAL, ATTRACTIONS In Dress Goods, Steens, Mu.slins, Prints, Lades, Ribbons, Gloves and Ho se, in Silk Cashmere, Lisle and Cotton, all sizes. tlio Ueda' Furnishing t ei t Wo cantfill all orders promptly as our stock is complete in every line. &±QG+ RT7ES 1 A. J. ANDERSON, UNDERTAKER. Caskets, Coffins, Robes, tic, always ou'hand. FIRST CLASS HEARSE FOR .EIRE. A large and well assorted stock. Great value in Teas You should try our GREEN AND JAPAN TEA AT 20o. per "1b. hest value in Canada. Boots, Shoes and Slippers BON TON Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor. NORTH-WESTERN Ol111117r For all points in tho Arthur, Duluth, St. Paci9c Coast, �eatt v • North-West, Port Paul, Winnipeg, &o., take the Eine From Sarnia, Goderich, Kincardinoo or Southampton. A good supply of all varieties of BISCUITS; CANES,TORACGUS. CIGARS. ALL SEASONABLE FRUITS. • ROONI'ii 1 ICM 1 CREAM 1 PAFLOB.S. RVSc- Main St., onway � to�Station• FOR SALE. 'k. Booms, situated on lot()* 0containing cstreet, West, for sale, cheap. Apply to Samuel Youhill, In. em\` ingh Agent, Juno 14 h, 1883 ' on the Premises. In endless variety and at prices to suit alt purchasers. CORDONIcN`r'. (.aG� Leave Sarnia, (W.P,)Tuesday:1 Friday Ev'gs OTHER PORTS THE 1'OLLOWING DAY. Magnificent Steamers. Accommodation, thebost--vnrlValled as a summer holiday route. Lowestpnesenger and freight rated array bo had from nearest G.T.R. Agent, or J.. H. BEATTY, General Manager N. W. T. C., Sarnia MONEY TO LEND. nein• CORPORATION OP Tilt TOWNSHIP 0r 9. Turnbsery has about $3,000 to loan on Mort. gages. Por terms apply to, P. MoLAREN, or will. McPIIERSetH, Tr. Tattasultin, Wingham. 1tenve, Glcnfarrow Wingham, May 1lth, 1SSS. I OST,. A NOTE FOR $1.70, DRAIVN IlY JOHN RICII. ardsan, in favor of J. 11, Straith, dated May nsO)0. ilig days. 8,1 10 as paymies ent cautioned stopped, B JOHN.1BICIIARI.'SON, Delmore P. O. • 'When I say Crxrt"r 1 do not mean snare! 1 o. ;top them for agree and then hi+'01 ^t i3* • G:viteollCla 1hae inane hdisease EPLT Ula ^�E f� �f+ `�•�•I� �f �`.erv�`1y�'j M9+t'-t .6 ,L` 1414l",.E J `dN L4iII+.L+..`.ii.8 Wl w�: a:.^�..0 /lifelostgStacy.T VAI tiA" vIr,4R taixty'11 Guam the worst eas0t. EQcauso others htva failedisnorcasonfornot now reeely tug:t. t„ 3andatonc0foratreattadancla7titr ,li.)`c 0! triq INF`Ar I Ing t': 11101i,IiT. Gly l .x.'3`85 :'8 fd and rott O.O. It COst91'011 lIttl,iia;; l0A ,a trial, and it v ill ante , on. .Address Dr. Il'. O. TOOT. 37 Ye±tgo 8t,, Tora.ato, Oat*