HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-07-13, Page 1VOL, XVII, --NO N8 WIN GUAM, ONT FRIDAY, JULY 1.3, 188.8, WHOLE NO, 860 • LOCAL NEWS, -The school bo livening next. —Listowel and L for first placein lacrosse.. -•>Mr. D. Stewar head of very fine ex qn Wednesday.. d meets on Monday eknnw are now tied he Gerry district at shipper twenty-two ort•oattle to Montreal ,' Two hundred rail of tau bark were. 4reoeived• at the tan ery of J:, Brennan & Co, in our days, la ely. —Bev. J. S. ioerhouse preached an able and appro riate sermon to the .Orangemen on Su day last. l-A good aized specimen of an alligator, eing forwarded • o Dr. Gardiner, of Luck- uow, attracted c•usiderable, *tenth= at -the station on Mo' day last. . -The music pu r ifs taught byMiss 2Tellie Houghton. and 'ss : A. Patterson's day pupils pleasantly ionioJred on the prairie on Wednesday aft.rnoon. —The Wroxete correspondent of the Expositor last wee , saya: During the day the Wingham uni armed brass band played many Selections i first class style, begth at the recreation gr. Inds and; ou the sWYeets. --D. H. Camp ell, Professor of Phrenol- agy, passed thro gh Wingham on his way to Gerrie, on Wo nesday, The Phrenolo- gist is evidently abroad at present. But we can't have to , much self-knowledge so long as packer is efiectively suppressed,. --,Mr. T. Gre ory has tendered his resignation " as d puty-reeve. He took umbrage at the tion of the conned on the question of E rly Closing, and left the council chamber d ring the progress of the' last meeting, resig ing subsequently. •—Be the fruit p ospeots of the year, the', �(fanadian Hortkultu ist, over the signature, of Mr. J. A. Mnrto., of Wingham, hasthe iiollowiug : "In th county of Huron and the south of Bruo Co., apples promise to be a good crop, o erries and pears a fair one and,plums rat er poor." —Wingham town 1u Weste 's the .cheapest dry goods. •n Ontario. The Conov r hotel has been granted license, we un erstaud:. —Kill the b gs with Paris Green pur- chased at Chi.liolun's Corner Drug Store. —.rho Ladies' Ai will hold an ice oream so4a1 at the Methodist pa onago on Tuesday evening, the 17th'inst. —How comeit that the London Adver- tiser is always ' day behind in reaching Wingham ?' —Arr. .Ball atyne, of Seaforth, has reeeived the a ,poiutment of License In- spedtor for So h Huron: -•-Mr. A. J. : nderson, undertaker, left for Auld Sooti• on Monday evening.Bon vwgye say we d many. others. —Lieut. C. o Williams, left on Monday to perfect his • ilitary knowledge by s course at the L. •don Sohpol °Military, .—Mies M. L. Walker, of Iuoknaw, a most competen musical, instruotor, is in Wingham every onday and Tuesday till noon. —A garden pa ty will bp given at the residence of Re .- J. H. Moorhense - ou Thursday eveni • next, with the band in at endanoe. —Mr. J. J. An • erson had his shekel and contents, some : corde of wood one a lot oil fencing burn:. on Friday last, by a raging bush fire. —Rev. Dr. t+ ffat, formerly of Walker- ton, has been a, pointed permanent score - tug and agen of the Upper Canada Tract Socitety. —Judgement as given in favor of •Las. A. Cline he Co 1 the suit against: MeColl Bros; of Toront This casewas tried at the last Divisio Court. '—Harriston c icket club calve over on Wednesdayevet ing to play Wit?gham. As we go to press we lentil that 7darriston beat by a score • f 59 to 22. -Boating•is • ow the popular recreation and; the•destin tion is De StraAhdee island up the river, ere a tennis eotirt has been' Wi44"."—Messrs. R. Elli.tt; High Chief Ranger, Laid out and is well patronized. Viand J'. Neelands, H gh Treasurer, C. Or F., —New pot: oes, of somewhat diminutive J. -A. Cline, D. M G•rdon, Geo. Pettypiece, roportions, ere Been at Yates'' grocery John MVloLean, W. S yth, J. J. Kerr, P. Bil- on Wednesd : They. were grown by Bir. lingsleyi W. McCre aht, A. Sebastian and Wells, of Lc er Wingham' • Miss Billingsley, o' Winghatn, attended There as abig exodus from Wingham the concert. that fell wed the dedication of on Thursda morning the 12th of July. the Foresters` hall a Belgrave on Tuesday About 850 iekets were sold for $iuoar- evening. dine, 50 fo Listowel and 20 for London. ' —That strange a d solemn alchymist' .-Prof. albraith is to continue his val- deatli; claimed alio her victim, after a noble mu e' of lectures in the Caledonian lingering illness on ridgy loot: in the hall for f lir or five: nights. >. Jl; verybody person of Mrs. Bradsl aw'Kerr. ` She bore oanprofit • y .hearing them, as Mr. Gel- ber long illnesswith c,lmness and patience. braith is oholarly, experienced and elo- The funeral on Sund: y was largely attend. quant. ed. In the evening an affecting funeral —.M rxermon was preache by Rev. Mr. Scott ha the Methodist cilli ` —Mr. 3, H. Van tone, jeweller, and family have arrived •.wn and taken up their abOifie in the late residence of Mr, H.hand. Park. . `rs. D. H. 5 .rman, of Mitchell, I _Som • ething new, genuine and valuable also aceompauied her , aughter. Mrs. Tan: —the American Fruit Preserving' Powder stone. We heartily w lcome Mr. Vanstone and Liquid for fruits, jellies, canoed goods and family to our t wn and hope they &o This preparation preserves as well may find the assooia ions 'congenial, and and maintains articles as fresh and whole - `business successful.. • : some as sealed vessels. It eau be used and left on Monday to is equally effective without the use of sugar. Apply to W. T. Yates, grocer. -- Rev. J. Mo abb; of Luckuow, passed through here o Thursday on his way to Elmira, 111inoi., where he goes for two - months' recup atiye trip. li i is also to supply a Gaeli • congregation who are with- out a regular . aster. • Mr. MaoNabb is one of the most . cholarly and devoted mini -- in the Presb terian ohuroh in Canada, but his health h s been indifferent for some years- prev:uting his taking a regular charge. oeived wo of hie, W years was the 6th ins lin Dickson, town treasurer, re• cl a few days ago that a nephew . Dickson a young man aged 23' rowned at Selkirk, Man., about . Particulars are not yet' to —34x. 3, A. Morto ttend the sutnmer In - -ting of the Ontario Fruit Growers'' Jtsseci tion to be held at 'icton. Prince Edward: Co., on Wednesday and Thursday " of thi : week) Amnngat those bp whom -paper • • are to a read; is Mr. A. Mel). Allan, • Godericlr, on the •fruit prospeets of th North West which he has recently visit_; . • . —James M. Clarchief of police and license inspector ,'.r Manitoba, spent several days with hr : parents. at Wingham, last week. He w s on his return trip from Montreal, •w tiler he' bad gone on —Dr. •P. 1 House, representative of Business,' Ho •Ago sin glowing tertns.of 'Appleton & to., for the American Encye 0. andne condition and: respects of. Manitoba °podia, left f • r Listowel tine week. He left Withe Nol police' f five .year began .on the o and three or fou set of this. invaluable work. hos npt ospe ed fin cia00 ly since that time: in town. Th Dr. is a courteous, intelligent`,• genial and a tive man, who attends well —.The Fenelon F lis Gazotto gives a sum, to the vast i • terests of his employers. All mary of a sermon p earthed to the Masonic his dealings ere were characterized by a body of that town o the•previous Sunday spirit of can. or and honor, and by his con - by Rev. J. W. K. y. • We = infer from versational i %ility and maguetio influence the summary givethat the discourse .be made ma .y fast friends. ' was suggestive , a • d stimulating... The `k anti pazeite adds: " Mr. Kelly spoke fluent- Early Closi, ly and was listene to throughout with 44 persons, profound attention ,y his very large con- 'are. not pro Cdr&gAGaoh• The dry. go q.'he. Bovereignt of God and the Free to the repea -Will of Man was the opie of a.well-reason, to be gotte ed and exceedingly •ncouraging discourse .by Rev. Air.. McQuarr e on Sunday morning last. It. v'aa based n Rev. 19, 6 : The •Lord God omnipot:ut reigneth. That ,God is the preserver of the world and disposer of the minu, •st events of life, was ;as,clearly taught in scripture as that he was the Creator of al things, visiting friends at Ber e this week, --Mr. Jas. Cook, of Durham visited his brother, of the firm of Dore . Cook, this week.— Mr. A, Molntyre, •• :reliant, of Luoknow, a member of the ex •utive board of the 0. O. P„ was in town • n Tuesday last — Miss 8, Blackwell, of T rnberry, isvisiting friends in Goderioh th' week,—Mr. A. K. Cameron, of•the poste '• oe, is on a month's visit to his friends t Beaverton. Mr. Cameron is a Dour :ous, obliging young man and we hope h may have a pleasant and recuperative outing. — Kincardine Review ; Mayor W. ' .Inglis, of Wingham, was greeting old riends in Kincardine, Monday. He w s looking well and prospering in our e terprising neighboring town. -Miss Maggi Hill is spending a fortnight with friend at Stratbroy.—Miss Doan, teacher, of (il nton, was visiting friends in town last week. — Prinoipal Groves and lady left to Norval on Monday where they spend thei • vacation.—Miss M. Cdtley went to Motin ' • crest to recuperate during. vacation.—Mi:: S. A. Burgess, of the publics school ata , spends the holidays at her home in Lu • . now. --Miss Mary A. Potts, of Goderioh, visiting at Mrs. A, Inglis'.—Mr• R. Va stone,'barristor, is now here permanently t. attend to his office, as successor to Be G. •Gill,—Miss Jones, of Toronto, who has bee • visiting at Mr. Sills returned on Tuesday.—•• rs. Bray is on a visit to friends in Luckno —Mr. W, Dip- poi, of the Bank of Hami on, returned on Wednesday from Simcoe where he served. in the branch for a fort. ghtl.—Mrs. W. F; Galbraith, of Guelph, is on a visit to her sister Mrs: P. Fisher, a Ingham—Mr. 14 W. Ferguson, of Millb nk removes to town in a few days.—Mrs James Sinclair, of Prince Albert, N. W. „ was in town this week.—Mr. J. M. ,Je ome, who has been engaged in the tailo ng business at' I4�n- desboo, is home ou . visit tohis friends. —Mr. James Sutheria.: •of Almonte, ,has been on a visit to' his brat i er, Mr. D. Suth- erland, in Wingham; fo some time:— Messrs. D. M,' Gerrie, Clin on ; W. H. Mo- Outcheon, Listowel ; F. • Appleton, Clin- ton ; R. B. Sarvis, Listo el were in town this week.—Mr, D. A.. rampbell has been home spending a brie holiday with 'his family.=Mr; J. McCa • 'ell has been palling on hit old friends in Wingham this week. —Miss E. Johnston, of Seafortli, is the guest of Mrs. Houghtthis week.--Mis Lily Macdonald is spen • ing some ti with friends at Goderic .—Miss Gret Jarvis, of London, is Visit' .• gat Mr. Geo. it nninghapi, of H. MoQuarrie' in the 'emplo of re, iskerne 'm orking for ow oheesema n Thurada ought are Los Ange L, an hie, ar Mills, rs. Ro ars. d an Bev. Dr, Ward • overly discoursed on .Free Riches on Gun • ay evening last. his ,text being : "I couns: thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire.' . Gold, our material standard of value wh b gives social stand• Ping •here,was take to represent the :religion of Christ. here is an analogy "between the natural t1'd' spiritual desires of man, gold being t = Alpha and Omega ,of the nature in one •ase, and Christianapp recilated t growth in the other. Christianity -is the lcurrent omega of h even, Christianity ' remounts. Mrs, James Elder, of Sea - 'dins been tried and its alue thereby greatly forth, has bee visiting at Mr. T. H. Ross .enhanced as none who have ever embraced this week.—'1lyth Standard : Miss T. it have never desired to go back to "the Campbell, of ingham, is visiting in town !heggarly elements of tho world." It is ,with her sista , Mrs. Huckstep.—Miss alike satisfying in pov, rty, riches, porsecu- McDwen• and t rs. Inkster, of Sonthatnp. fion,.hiokness or death It is to bo obtain- ton, 'visited at the Misses lionthron this ,ed, not from men or ohuroh, but Christ, week.—The essrs, Noelands Bros., o Men frequently attach rocs to it by greeds f i ole - wore towin'ldhis week calling o or numerous other ag ; • cies. ' .•. time of ales understand ' hande of the will comply a fair cone Profess. phrenologist hall on 'We showed that plurality of manifestatio and emotion phronologica ly considered and a vast a- rnount of it formation communicated in Mr, Galbrait 's popular and effective style. Messrs Neel • •ds and Hannah had their characters de ineated from a phrenological standpoint a d the audience evidentaly e way in which it was done. n in favor of 'repealing the g by-law has been signed by ome of whom, it is claimed, rly included under the Aet, • • merchants are all opposed. and another petition is likely up in favor of changing the ng to eight o'clock. As we , the 'matter is entirely in the business men, as the council ith any requisition represent. us of business men's opinions. Galbraith, the clever veteran lectured hi the Caledonian nesday, evening. He clearly the brain wascomposed of a rgalms corresponding with the of various capacities, feelings The moral faculties were Kenzie's: -Miss Sadie 0 treal, is visiting at Re Mr. Wm. Hill, latol Allegro. Gordon & ATc Niagara, where ire was weeks,—Mr. J. H. Ross Belmore, gave us a• call says the effeots of the felt.—Mr. Will Lloyd, o is -home on a visit.— Wissler, of Bollfontaine, their sister, Mrs. T. A Korman has her sister, lin, as her guest. -'Me bould and a number of friends nio out the C. P. E. on Friday 1 Elora, is visiting hor son, Bir. J ham.—tire J. Stevenson has tw merston visiting her. MUSICAL RE A Finn Concert by Miss A nice representation -of met in Miss Houghton Gregory Block, on Tu witness a general reviet class. The programme and most entertaining 0 at He, eniy Gal-, rs. E, siting rs. of Ber. r, 'Cdr. yable pie - t._ Foster, of ho ter, wing- s ; from Pal• SAL. ton's Class. ited citizens ooms, iu'the y evening, to her musical s aied •doterof,a thve pr - feet discipline, graceful vemeuts, clever recitals, fine renditio f Kindergarten songs and surprisingl tion of the piano all together. The wr auditors was retain perfect composure, . and •accuracy of ren characterized the p of the olass, mostly and well deserved solos were given ;Frankie Black, .ence Cline, Mab Brennan, Han bus Kent, Ma Carrie Fisher, and Alice T ilful manipule ding beautifully ttentiou of the o the last. The ass of demeanor u which invariably once of members es, elicited hearty us ; •Instrumental iss:,s May Brennan, hiller, May Clar nt, iia Leary, Katie err Nellie Bell, SOX - vis Edna Strathdee, HO 'X, Mazie Brennan I • strumental duets were given b : Ella Leary ; es asaesn; NettieStrathdee. Several swa: ender. d choruses were B, reoit ione lack anven dr'sth Fishe to so oybyrankie Alice Talbot, an. eautifull suggestive die, Storyland," by thdee, Ida Herr, Brennan. Miss with fine effect, 10 Maggie Pi MI"' Str Care, 'pi and M sang a so Potterso On Pres the s ReV tOo Quarri of Knox 0 ureb, for whom eQuarrie ac ed as moderator eir recent astoral vacaney, rev. eentlem n by surprise by him 6the re pient of a very allied, by the fol owing address: Mogrminne now Presbyterian ourselves of this o sing our thanks to y have always manife ongregation, But Uld WO thank you at the+ name of the ongregatioh, we portunity of ex - for the interest tad toward ua as More especially is time for the part you took i the1 union of the two former congreg ions of this place. As the Moderator 'f our Session during our somewhatprolon.:: vacanoy;;you exercised much patience and put yourself to consid- o in securing us a the wish of the people, long silent in regard to. we are sure you have not roumstanoes to whi91i we t you may have a more of our appreciation ofyour iety in our behalf, we trust t this walking -stink as a of our respect for you, u may be long spared to the staff of the Great be your chief comfort, use may prosper more hands. We have the ost sincerely yours in ian fellowship, cliCeazru, On behalf annum, of the con. G o. i DLEroN, g r a gation. July 10th, 1:88. An aperriatend. feeling reply was made b UP. McQuarrie, HandsP ntation. arable iuconvenie pastor :agreeable t We have been t this matter, bu forgottei the refer, and t tangible woo ,labor and to you will a'.'o small memin We pray that use it, and ,hat Shepherd ma,: ev and also thatrlls and' more in you honor to be, sir, the bends of Chri Per Jo HALS PA 8'$ DEPA• ET1IRE. On Fri .,y eve.ing -last, a number of citize s info • ally `met' at the resident of .14'r. H. Piirk to express to him: eir goo wishes and.rtegret at his re oval; ' onsWingh[ii Mr. Geo. Kay ' as called to the chair, and t fold: Mr. Hal. se ha si ter P S g man ,`beg to s re regret' ove to th ing address was read by 118r'i�' Wingham, 6th July, 188 . t' X, ESQ., We, the undersigned, repro-' f the inhabitants•of Wing - hat we 'hove heard with the. you have resolved to city o Hamilton. -We shall s you m h as :