The Wingham Times, 1888-07-06, Page 4Cinalingipuu C1110 FRIDAY, JULY 0, 1888,. WILY I,EANN TUE AI Hein Mr. Drury, -Mini, er of .Agri. culture, is fi practical f finer and as as such his opinion o ght to carry some weight. In a recent speech at the Agricultural Ool eye, whilst ad• witting that agricul ire had not been remunerative of late years, he express- ed his opinion that arming was likely to produce a hapiler and more con- tented life and a f it competence than any of the profess ans. He deprecated the folly that as taking hold of young men, in cing them to believe that money c i uld be made more rapidly or sur. y by going into busi- ness or the p ofessions. The uneasi- ness and des re for change was due largely to a want o4' knowledge and an absurd pr- veiling idea that manual labor is les: dignified or honorable than mental work. A few are foolish enough to elieve that business and professiona men have no or little. actual labo to perform. Many have lead this s lly delusion, the visual false glamo , rudely removed by ex- perience of or the old homestead was beyond the reach. What is needed in this mat er is intelligent thought, reflection. ancalculation, Experience is an excee ingly expensive teacher. ED DANIEL .dor North nature, died 1 AN 1XHIB • and manufac in London. A SPECIAL Central Rail run from St. miles, in 100 DR. SMITH, Queen's Univ • 60,000 with in honor of P THERE has b 500,000 in the ed States duri of $112,900,0 fiscal year end THE Americ tatives have a Mills Tariff • milk and othe The Senate 11 before it beco A LONG pe - the widely k of Lowell, •Customs aut .Judge Retch' of the form An appeal spoken of. THE Rep platform d clothing a tobacco. farther dee wise and promotion iter," THE Gen ,Church of. 'resolution Orefters, b existing la per cent 'The Asse legislation. Tun No ,consistent 'principles, ,ally longer platform. duties from clothing an Times says .better polio ellen. THE "Wcig ,of an able p '2"rwli, by \ zicour the folio. /'s, book that to OBIAL NOTES. LLIARD, Liberal Member nark in the Local Legis- st week. TION of Irish products ures is now being held does not enable you to solve your doubt, is an intellectu pest. I have the same fault to fin • 'ivith the pen - dermas Robt, Ingersol . He is a fear- less iconoclast, He is marvellously quick to see a weakn;ss. He is gifted with wit and syuipby and scorn of lies. But the fa Robert Ingersolls but rain dust and 1 not rebuild or s science with thoro him to build. He and is hated as s liiie to be distur the least value i at his overthrow. these men might in throwing cab other as words. train over the Michigan ay last week made the homes to Windsor, 111 minutes, general secretary of sity, purposes to raise hich to endow a chair neipal Grant. en a decrease of $I3,- ublic debt of the Unit' g June and a decrease 0 in the debt for the d to -day. n House of Represen- opted the clause of the 11 putting beans, fresh articles on the free list, s to endorse this action es law. ding legal ease between own Ayer medical firm, ass., and the Canadian orities, was decided by the other day in favor , to the value of $79,000. to the Privy Council is WE DON'T accor more intellectual average citizen, b says of the situa States : Now I'll ning the last poli lines we have bee It is between tl Democrats, this c last race the Re in America. Th ing in overwhel from now we will South. The issu no God, drunken bath or no Saliba That will be the i wipe up the grou catic party and le from that time fo blican Convention in its Tared for taxed food and d untaxed whiskey and ith great inconsistency it red its sympathy far "all. ell -directed efiorts for the f temperance and moral- ral Assembly of the Free Scotland, passed strong sympathizing with the t cautioning obedience to s. Of the Highlanders, 88 along to the Free Church. ly recommends no specific York Tines, an able and exponent of Republican fuses to support the party on account of its trade t objects to the removal of hiskey and putting it on other essentials. The he Democrats have the and by far the ablest it of 'Words" is the topic er in the last issue of in which ing pointed sentences : ipels you to douist and chosen to do the brutal work of Government in lreleud, Oertai found in him a willing tool for pose. There may be good peo Balfour, but it is a singular c that the last recorded case of England was performed by a B May, 1640, one John Archer in England with being one of attacked Lauda Palace at La under a warrant, signed by is a thousand both, dated Whitehall, May ould do nothing addressed "to our trusty and Sir William Balfour," Archer in the tower of London. A this is the last recorded ease England. But the last t British Empire, the last suppress free speech and th press is by Salisbury's ne Balfour—the hated Balfou When Ireland gets her assuredly will, and when al be accordingly rejoicing, Salisbury's Balfour will b piled and abhorred. It is against the hatred of a w Balfour will find that wha for doing the base and br Tories in Ireland will h ghter. He does udy the facts of ghness, to enable remains a destroyer ch by all who dis- d. Nor is there the orations aimed It is verbiage and as well be engaged age heads at each to Sam Jones any rescience than the t hero is what he ion of the United e11 you we are run• ioal combat on the running them on. e Republicans and ntest, and it is the ublicans will make Democrats are go- ingly. Four years break up the solid then will be God or ss or sobriety, Sab- h, Heaven or hell. sue. Then we will d with the Demo - God rale America h. Trio Gerrie Vid-tta last week quotes some remarks ma e by us on the ex- istence of a Caned an exodus. It does not deny the exi ence or magnitude of this movement +cross the lines, but gives as a reasoi he Globe editorials. The remedy, it cl : ims, lies with the Liberal journals—rasing to point out the facts. We ha' : not a particle of faith in either the diagnosis made or remedy suggested b the Vidette. The former is stupid an 1 the Latter absurd, The Vidette evident y can't distinguish between cause an effect. The diffi- culty exists, and be ause the Globe and other Liberal jour • <Is pointed this out, their writings are eld to be the cause. A little knowledge 's a dangerous thing when backed up y prodigious assur- ance and an oppo tunity to display it. e Tory ly they hsir pur- le named incidence orturo in lfour, In as charged party who beth, and aeon Eliza- 1,1tih, 1440, well -beloved was tet;tured I have said, of torture in rture in the attempt to liberty of the hew, another of our time. ights, as she the world will the name of detested, des. bard to stand ole nation, and ver he has got tal work of the e been dearly earned, and will surely result in his com- plete social and politica 1 annihilation. Some may think he is ris ug fast, but his fall will be just as rapid. This is not the age for tyrants, I do n.t believe the people of Great Britain a Ireland will ever wish to see any man e =sated to great power whose tyranny and •ppression will be his chief recommendati' n. "A strong adversaay, au inhuman wr.toh, incapable of pity, void and empty fro •• every drachm of mercy," is not the kin t of a man to rule over a free people in th s age. June 26. Wimcnnu. His friends will recognise 'n this letter the terse, vigorous and eff •tive style of Mr. T. Holmes, whose identi y we are per- mitted to disclose. Balfour's Do + gs in Ireland. Under the signet re of "Wingham," the following able and ti ely article appeared in Friday's Globe :— To trample on all hums feelings, all Ties which bind elan to man, to emulate The fiends who will on day reatuite them in Variety of torturing. -,Byron's Two Foseari. Sm,—I and hund.,:ds of others are deep. ly thankful to you for the grand, humane stand you are tall on behalf of poor, persecuted Ireland I am also deeply thankful to the no • le lady who writes the letters from Engla.d under the signature of "Siris," Efer otters are read and admired by thousa . ds. The sympathies of all lovers of fr:edom throughout the civilized world are in favor of Ireland. Every right-minde person is shocked at the cruel and m:lignaut persecutions carried on there by a alfour and the Tory Government. Peple regard Balfour's doings in that be utiful but unhappy country with horro and loathing. No. thing much worse, der the name of law, was ever perpetrate l in any country. It is well known that t. rtures prevailed for a long time in Engl.. d, especially in the latter years of th reign of the "Good Queen Bess." Rall' m, the historian, tells us that "the rack s. dem stood idle in the tower during all tl late portion of her reign." But altlio •h torture had been used in England it • as not recognized by the law. It was, ho ever, a prerogative of the Crown and wa only put into force by a warrant direct from the Sovereign. This revolting prero ative, although rarely or never resorted to .Iter Elizabeth's reign, remained in force u . til the time of George III., when it, wa finally abolished, or supposed to be. ut now it is revived again, in our day, .y Balfour in Ireland. Trues, be has not et resorted to the rack and the "iron gantlet," but he resorts to torture an the so,.. e, for it is nothing but torture to oast cult ted and refined gentle, men into prisons consort with felons, to submit to barsprison rules, to wear prisou clothes and live on prison food, for no crime, but tryi g, in a peaceable way, to got justice for he country they love as they love their li os. When the prison experiment fails, have no doubt, if 13a1• four dared, he wo i til resort to the rack and "Skerrington's Da ghter." I may say that "1lkorringtou's Da glitcr" was an iustru- moat of torture 1 itroduced into the tower during the reign a that amiable and mild. mannered king, enry VIII. But is revolting cruelty a d malignity hereditary? It would seem ro in -the case of the 13al- fours. Perhaps f that reaso+.i Secretary Balfour, nephew Lord Salisbury, was —East Wawauosh 1t.il sh w will be held at Belgrave on Tuesday, Oe4. the 9th, --Dr. Hodge, of Mitchell] has to London,. ' —It is said Richard H mersville, Leeds County w- 1787 and joined the Free being thus the oldest, livip 192nd year, removed tame, and no other can announce the names of so. Iran contributors of distinguished abilit . The supplemen- tary volumes, the "Annuals," which keep t11ie work 1 esh, are the only boobs in our gan nage which give a comprehensive re'ord of the world's history from ye r to year, and are a uecossity to bot public and private libraries, nndppo dent of their supple- mentary value t• the "American" and other 0yelapied'ras, Buffalo, May 8, 1887. REPIiE:ENTATIVE MEN. The £allowi g is a small list from the many wh" recommend and use the American yclopaldia Jas. L. Hug )es, Inspector Toronto Schools, Toron o, Ont, Rev. Sam's Boddy, Rector St. Peter's Church, rch. Deacon of York, Toronto, Ont. Win. Craven, P •esident Knox College Toronto, Ont. Jno. H. Castle, President Toronto Baptist College, oronto, Ont. J. A. 'MeLelia , LL. D., Inspector Ontario high Se ools,Toronto, Ont. J. E. Hodgso , Assistant Inspector ools, Toronto,Ont. , Librarian Ontario nto, Ont. ns, Knox Church, Imes, of Far - born in April Isons in 1818, mason, In his Belgrav a. The May and June c eese has been sold at 81,1 cents. This is the highest average sale, we are toe , made by any factory in Ontario this lir this season. East Wawa itowh Miss Ellen Murray, f left for Portland, Daxo Mr. Thos. Ross has fifte average :1,380 pounds, which weighs 1,550 pou'. Mr. Wen. Fitzpatriei met with a. bad accide: the 8th con., last week.— steers which ald a heifer uats. of con. 11, on Tuesday. tit l Whilst engaged in in wing with a spiritedteam, they took fright and ran away, dragging him ab ut 150 yards, Ontario High So Wm. Houstoi Parliament, Tor H.' M. Par Toronto. Rev. R. J. Church, Guelph, S. S. Nelles, Victoria College Prof. ' E. Ha Prof. Chemistry College, Cobour N.. J. Bnrw Coburg, Ont. Jno'. Cochran, Re's'. J. W. Gold Medallist to University, ' Rev. W. R. Church, St. Tho Rev. H. T. Episcopal Ch., John Wakefle Conference, Ha J. McMillan, Collegiate Institu J. '0. Glash Schools, Ottawa, Jno. A. Mel? School, Ottawa. F. W. Ferries, City Hall Sq., Ot A. Todd, Libra Ottaa, Chas. E. Moyse Language and University; Mont J. Carmichael, Montreal, and Rioter St. George' Church, Montreal,'. Q. Rev. J. A. Gord St. Bap. Ch., St. J Rev. F. T. Fot 1st Cong. Ch., Sc. 3'as. F. Elliott School, Halifax, N A: J. Denton, B. Master High Soho Nr 0. James, B. Language Academ • Jno. Currie, D. Languages, Presb fax. Rev. Jno. Wei Methodist Church Rev, J. W. M Churbh, Halifax. 0.'•F. Eraser, fax. Rev. N. McN Francis Xavier N. Sr Rev, Jno. Cam of Aatigonish, N Rev. J. A. It Church, Windsor Rev. J. Herber Church, Windsor. J.B. Black, M H. •Chipman, N. S. Rev. Jno: A. L Ch., Acadia Mine Hon. Angus Speaker N. S. 1.1 Rev. Robert Meth,. Ch,, Monc Rev. T. W. Paul's Ch., Monc Rev. Jno. Bu Chemiatry Mt, villo, N. B. Rev. 'Sas. M. chat, 0: 13. I, Rev. -,Ta Jame; C when he was liberated striking against a posVr were injured, but on by the mower Both legs was badly lacerated, the flesh bel w the knee being .largely torn off. The conse- quence can not yot be ful y stated, but the patient' is thus far progressing favorably.• • '• A'ppletono' Amenia NEW EDITION, ENLARGED, INCL ALL INFORMATIO THE PRESENT A Library in Itself -The Hundred of the Bost So aid other Countries Boiled How THE LATEST, THE CHEAPE THE LATEST.—A corp tors who hold the fore science and literature, bo and Europe, are employe work the year round,and is added annually. It n old. Hence it is the lat THE CHEAPEST.—In th a former President of Lia "It is a well -selected lib A new volume is added e precludes the necessity buying other books. cheapest. THE BEST.—It is p ablest writers and se department of knowle only complete, now, Cyclopiedia in the E and the range of su more than all other„ biped. Hence it is tl geIoptedia ANB CONTAIN - DOWN TO EAR. oughts of Five olars in tl$s rystallized, FROM C. C. MACDON BUFFALO 01' AMEBIC. N PRESS ASSO• cIAtrI I am acquainted Cyclopaldias publish language, and have expressing the opine American 'Cyclopme them in plan, scope value of the facts p 'esented. Cycloptedia seems o have b whet so muchtare and in the selection of to ics a nnenb of space to ei T, THE BEST, of contribu- ost rank in h in America on this great new volume ver becomes st. language of vard College, ary in itself," eh year, which nd expense of nee it is the epared'by the olars in every go. It is the nd exhaustive lish language, ejects embraces clopsediae com- e best. D, MANAGER AT • ith the various d in the English no hesitation in n that Appleton's is ,is the best of and, the essential 0 other n edited ligenoe in d the adjust- elativo impor" eattie, Pastor Knox Ont, . D., LL. D., Pres't Cobourg, Ont. nel, Ph. D. (Brest), and Physics, Victoria Ont. sh, Victoria College, Yorkville, Ont. Stewart, Baptist nd Examiner, Toren 2 and '82. Parker, First M. E as, Ont. Crossley, bl:ethodisi amiltori, Ont. , Ex-Pres't London ••'lton. . A., Head Waste e, Ottawa. a Ipspector Publit Int. Meth, e, Principal Norma Pastor Knox Ch. awa. ian of Parliament B. A., Prof. Eng iterature, MoGil al, P. Q. M. A., Dean o n, Pastor Lemste hns,'N. B. eringham, Taste ohns, N. 13. Prin. Beech S S. ., Natural Scienc I, Halifax. A., Master Moder , Halifax. D., Prof. Orient erian College, Hal , Pastor Robie 5 Halifax. tilling, North Ba itor "Critic," Hal 1, D. D., Rector S ollege, Antigonisl ron, D. D., Bishc S. gers, Pastor Met N. S. Foshay, Pastor Ba El e adin0 EVE13Y TIMES OFFICE, WI G"tI1I11"i, SubsoriPtiong/rtoo,I1IOraear,lnaavence• ADVERTISING Space. 1 Ona Coluluo Half " Quarter " Ono inch t' al •-IS rum FBI MX OIt1ING, —AT airs, .A:i:;PHINgSTREET - ONTARIO. 'ClilltS 3 1110. 920 12' 7 I 00 00 00 2 00 Ai ' 1 rue. 98 00 0 00 4 00 100 1 a e I 00 00 35 00 20 00 6 00 RATES; 01110 1 930 00 20 00 12 00 3 00 • Local and other casual advertisements, Se, per line for first bison on, and Se, per line for each subsequent insertion. Local notices, in nonpareil type, 10c. for first in - smiler:, and Se. per line for each subsegu^nt insertion. No local notice will bo charged less than ase. Ad vortioements of Lost, round, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 glues nonpareil, el per month. Houses and Farms for Sale, not mewling 9 lines„ 91 for first month, 60o. per subsequent month. These terms will be strlatly adhered to. Special rates for longer ach'ertieoments, o' for longer periods. Advertisements without eperiliudirccti0ne, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran. sitory advertisements must be paid in advance. Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by Wednesday noon, in Order to appear that week. 'R,. ELLIOTT, Paora1eioa AND PannISIIEn, T]IT• J. YOUNG, bel. D. C. M.,M.0 .P. S. 0., VFormerly Ifouse-Surgeon to Kingston General Hospital. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE : Dr. Bethullo's 010 Stand. Wingham, March 1,185i. MEYER. R. & DICKINSON.1�1 BARIeSTERS, &a. Solicitors for the Bunk of Ifsaniitou. Conunissionets or taking affidavits for Manitoba. Private funds o lend in straight loal.s at lowest rates. Offices Kent's Brook, Wingham, Lucknow anti Gorrbe. n. W, o. MEYER. 1;. L. DICKINSON. J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER &c„ Wingham • Ontario. • McOILL & VANSTONE, • BAIIRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCES, ETC. 1 OFFICES -Beaver Block, %INGHAM, ONT., GORRIE and BLYTIr, ONT. Private and Company fn,hds to loan at low ratesi6i;' : interest. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. Mercantile collections a specialty, R. VANSTONE, 5. O. =Gun,. �ENTISTRY.-w. H. • MACDONALD, Wisennn 11, Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, Silver, Gold, oto., etc., Plates, ranging in prices from 19500 upwards nor sot, crewnng and bridgework. Teeth ex- the least pain by the use of Vital- Office, wmgham, side entrance op- hotel, open da,,ily (Sundays except- m to 5 p m. Will be at Blyth every et Milne's hotel; Gorrie: 1st and of each month -Office at Albion hotel ; and 4th Monday and Tuesdays of at lvhiteley's hotel. Extracting, ,. -, fci , Y �is�1li ' tracted without ized Air. Head posite the Queen's , ed) from 0 a Saturday -Office 3rd Mondays Lucknow: end 1 each month -Office 26 cents. f DENTISTRY, J. S. JEROMI,, WINGIIAOI. 5 I am malting beautiful setts of !ce- .;