The Wingham Times, 1888-07-06, Page 2NEWS OF THE DAY,
Ifrom Sotolend congratulating bits on bis
nomination and wishing him auooese.
The little boat, the mark Secret, with its
solitary passenger, Capt, Andrews, left
Nantuoket on Saturday morning ter ]. ng,
The announcement is ma de from om Wash ng
ton that the same regulations for seal fish
iug:wi11 be onforeed in Behring's Sea this
season en duzing torMer years.
William Patterson, a coloured man, who
VOWS hanged at Louisvilio, Ky„ was haug•
big for ten minutes in torture before he
died, and four minutes after the drop fell
he spoke.
A report comes from Mexico of terrible
loss of life and destruotion of property in.
the pities of Silao and Len by floode caused
by heavy rains. Over 700 livea were lost
and more than a thousand families were
rendered homeleas.
A hoop snake has been captured by a
farmer at Florin, Ia., where it is now on ex-
hibition. It is described as being fifteen
inchesin length, with a spiked tail, while
"between the eyes is a small spoket in which
the end of the tail fits whenicoiled up like
A farmer while driving along a country
road near Sulphur Springs, Tex., saw an
old pot which had been washed up by the
hard rain of a few days before. Pioking it
up to examine it he was astonished to find
that it contained $18,000 tin gold. The
money is supposed to have been hidden by
guerillas in war times.
A. small Skye terrier in Cincinnati die.
played a heap of good nems at that pity the
other day. While prowling, around his
hair caught fire. It was- slowly burning and
the dog was about to be turned into a roast,
when a hese burst. The poodle saw it and
made a rusk for the stream, into which it
jumped, extinguishing the fire.
It is said that the richest gold mine in the
world is situated about 150 miles from Sitka,
in Alaska,. The mine produces $75,000
worth of gold bullion a month, and experts
say that there is enough in' sight to furnish
this amount for 400 years, One-half the
mine was originally purchased for $050, and
is now owned by Senator Jones, of Nevada.
Prince Bismarck is suffering from rheu-
It is reported that the Czar,while en route
to Copenhagen this summer, will visit Em-
peror William.
A .vessel, believed to be an emigrant ship,
foundered off the Cape of Good Hope and
all hands were lost, ,•
The Committee of the Austrian Delega-
tions have adopted a military credit of
47,000,000 florins.
.A Gallows church was struok by light-
ning on Sunday three persons being killed
and a hundred injured.
Six miles of the Red River Valley rail -
Way ihave a i
e best laid With t ails
The discovery of rioh gold ore an Sultana
to reported from Rat Portage.
Pitoher, the bank defaulter of Providence,
was arrested at Montreal Tueeday night. (
The Governor-General is exposited to visit t
Manitoba and British Columbianext fall..
A Montreal grocer untried Donnelly was
fatally shot by a neighbor's boy on Monday
Crop reports received from all parts of
the North.IVoat indicate magnificent pros.
The Supreme Lodge of the Knights of
Pythias desided that no ealoured man eon
be lawfully admitted to Orley lodge of the
Dr, Dennis Campbell, of Hamilton, died
on Saturday afternoon from the •etfeots of a
dose of arsenate of cooper, takeii by min
Itis reported that Dr. Mackenzie was
snubbed by Emperor Milian -1 on Tuesday
and thereafter left Berlin quickly and
Seven fires were discovered in a Hamilton
House within 24 hours. No cause can be as-
signed to the mysteriousincendiary at-
turage is becoming very scarce, and a fam-
ine in all kinds of vegetables is expected.
A rumour is current in Winnipeg that a
syrdicate of American capitalists has been
fornaed to construct a number of branch
lines in Manitoba under the ;Railway Aid
It is understood that the period of resi-
dence required from 'candidates for cadet-
ships in the Royal Military College of Can-
ada has been reduced from fivq to three
The excitement still increases ate at Port-
age over the rich finds on the Ontario Min -
tug Company's claim. Old an/experienced
mrnera say it is the bigges find in the
,world. ,
4ittoiney General Mercier h instructed
the Montreal Police magistrate o institute
proceedings against Le Monde, f r publish-
ing an advertisement of the Louisiana State
A party of French priests from the Pro-
vine of Quebec arrived in Winnieg to in-
vestigate the progress maie by members of
the French nationality who hale settled in
The Manitoba Government sathey will
give Brandon connection with thRed River
Valley road .and will also have a branch
build to the. Souris coal fields if the C. P. R.
does not build one. ,
The St. Catharines tailors hoop been or-
dered out on strike by the Kniglits of Labor.
All have obeyed except some girls, who re-
main at work, as they have no complaint to
find with their employers.
Dr. Lovell, Warden of the Kingston pen-
itentiary, traces the starting point of most
of the oriminale under his charge tq dis
obedience to parents, bad company, and
neglect of Sunday observance.
Elevator capacity in the North.West will
be immediately increased by the 'Canadian
Pacific railway and by private enterprise) to
the extent of 3,000,000 bushels, so as to bo
ready for this season's grain.
The man who, the other day, patheti.
cally bade gocd-bye to America and swam.
across the Detroit River to ;Canadian
territory, has been sent to Sandwich gaol
for fourteen days as a vargrant.
The Germans of Toronto attended a me-
morial service for the late Emperor Freder-
ick in the Lutheran ehnroh Sunday morning.
The preacher paid• a glowing and touching
tribute to the memory of the late Emperor.
The petrified granite trees in the quarry
belonging to Alderman Gildersleeve, of
Kingston, are attracting a good deal of
attention, and both the Dominien and On-
tario Governments are interested in the
Rev. rather Gaudreau has been commis -
aimed by Sir John Macdonald to visit 'the
North -Wast and British Columbia and en-
quire into the condition of the Catholic
Indians and to ascertain the cause of their
present uneasiness.
In connection .with the Murray man-
slaughter case being tried at Port Huron,
two Grand Trunk firemen wore arrested
on a charge of perjury, they having sworn
that they were present when Young was
killed, while the record of the ,con pany
showed that they were at the time over a
hundred miles away.
A syndicate of American ° oapitalista,
beaded by the directors of the Northern
Pacific railway, is to take hold of the Red
River Valley and Manitoba .& Northweatorn
roads, which with a connecting link 'built
from Winnipeg to Portage la Prairie will
form a strong line in competition with the
C. P. R.
The Pullmans have purchased the entire
sleeping car system on the Baltimore & Ohio
President Cleveland has aeeepted the
nomination of the St Louis Democratic
The Duke of Marlborough is to marry
Mrs. Hamerely, a rich and charming widow
of New York.
The old Grant homestead near St. Louie,
has been sold to satisfy a mortgage held by
W. IL Vanderbilt.
Mt. Blaine bas telegraphed Gen. Harrison
Emperor William'sspeech' in the Reich.
stag has created a favourable, impression
both in Berlin and Paris.
Mr. Taine's health is greatly improved,
and he has resumedhis work on the History
of the French Revolution.
Letters received from the pongo country
state that Major Bartellot's force has suffer-
ed severely for want of food,
Rundle Bey confirms the report of the
arrival of a white Pasha, supposed to be
Stanley, in the Bahr -el Gazel province.
A feeling of great uneasiness prevails
among the foreigners in Corea, on account
of the threatening attitude of the natives.
The town of Sundsoal, on the gulf of
Bothnia, the centre of the ',timber trade of
Sweden, has been almost destroyed by fire.
A thief entered the apattments of the
Crown Prince of Sweden in the hotel at Fran-
zanbad on S tturday night and stole jewellery
worth $100,000.
Bishop Coxe, of New York, who went to
Paris expressly to confirm Pere Hyacinthe's
flock, preached in the American church in
that city on Sunday.
The London press generally welcome the
Pacific character of Emperor William's
speech ; but the Tinges and Standard con•
aider permanent peace impossible while all
nations are preparing for war.
Mr. Ignatius Donnelly .has been tripped
up again by pointing out the difficulty of
supposing Shakespeare to have read Saxo
Grammatious in "the original Danish."
whereas that historian used the Latin
quack Advertisements
Are rapidly becoming a nuisance;, and we
thinly it behooves publishers to examine
into the merits of manly articles putted up
in their columns. We do not deny that
many meritoriotid remedies are properly
to be classed under this heading. Take
the hundreds and thousands relieved from
severe suffering by the use of Polson'e
Nnnvttre z, would it not be unreasonable
to expect them to condemn that far.famed
remedy. Now we know for a fact that
Poison's Nerviline is without exception the
most powerful, pleasant and certain remedy
in the world for pain. It Cannot fall, for it
geed right to the bottom of pain, penetrates
to the nerves, soothes then into quietness,
and affords prompt and permanent relief.
zona sold
byiall druggists, Sample
Telt and Gravel
Ret.mates given. Country work a specialty.
stained Glass
76 King St. W., Toronto.
Nervous Debility.
DR. GRAY'S Speciio hat been used for the past
fifteen years, with great suecele, in the treatment of
Nervoug Debility, and all diseases arising from ex-
cesses, over-worked brain, loos of vitality, ringing in
GM ears, palpitation, etc, For sale by all druggists,
Price $1 per box, or 6 boxes for $6, or will be sent by
mail on receipt of price. Pamphiet on applieation,
'When I eay GIME I do not Mean merely to
ttols them for a time, and then Have them rea
I have Made the disease of
/Otte long study. t ttinstaurrnay r6fnedy is
CORAthe worst eased. 3eeause otherd have
Sniledisnoreason for not now reeeivin itgonte,
Of IiAt14 78 ilea oa Ag
foend PRISE r
and obs mea.
Its. I#. ri I'. 87. ours
g� haw Address
tall and t Wil nosh
0, Logic Iis task."
Now there wa+ the case of our Mend Mo.
Bow ;
Lie said to himself in his resolute way,
That a dough which was growing from bad
to woe
Must be cured, in Vito of a slender purse.
An ocean voyage was out of the queation ;
A Florida trip a toeless auggeation •
Yet die he wouldn't 1 His money he paid
Por the " Golden Medical Discovery," by
Dr. Pierce made ;
And as sound as a nut in his health to -day—
" Logic is logic, that's all I say,"
.Ureases and bong wraps made for sea
Magee have weights of lead in the hems of
the skirts to keep them from being blown
about too rudely on deck.
Will You Read This for $540?
For many years the manufacturers of Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are abundantly
responsible financially, as any ono oan easily
ascertain by enquiry, have offered, in good
faith, a standing reward of $500 for a case of
nasal oatarrh, no matter how bad or of how
long standing, which they cannot cure. The
Remedy is sold' by druggists at B4 cents.
While miles of ribbon in the form of flats,
bows, loops, rosettes, and knots are worn on
all dressy summer frocks, not an inch of it
is ever seen on a tailor gown,
"One breaks the glass and cots his fingers ;
But they whom truth and Wisdom lead,
Can gather honey from a weed,"
Those who are noise, and who love the;
truth, will believe what we say when we tell
them that Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription
has done more to relieve the sufferings of
women, than all other medicines now known
to science. It cures an irregularities, inter-
nal inflammation and uloeration, displace-
ments, and kindred troubles. It is the only
medioine for women, sold by druggists,
under a positive guarantee from the manufao•
turers, that it will give satisfaction in every
ease, or money will he refunded. This guar-
antee has been printed on the bottle -wrap.
per, and faithfully carried out for many
The figuring on some of the latest China
silks, bengalines, foulards, and aateens are
exceediugly suggestive of crazy quilt colors
and sections, or of clowns clothe.
A Cnre for Drunkenness.
The'opium habit, depsomania, tho morphinehabit,
nervous prostration caused by the use of tobacco,
wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the
brain, eto., premature old age, loss of vitality caused
by over-exertion of the brain, and lose of natural
strength, from any cause whatever. Men—young,,
old or middlo.aged—who are broken doaln from any
of the above causes, or any cause notnwenefoned above,
send your address and 10 cents in stamps'tar Luboo's
Treatise, in book form, of Diseases of Man. :Books
sent sealed and secure from observation. Address M.
V LUsoN 47 Wellington street Etat, Toronto Ont.
No girl can play lawn tennis to any ad-
vantage in anything but a tennis gdwn made
with loose sleeves and a blouse waist, and
this must be worn over a corset cover, but
not a corset. t
Onroeisss Mtn Raaswaa restores grey and faded
hair to its natural color and prevents falling out.
A lovely summer featival gown for a lady,
no longer young but still with pretensions
to beauty, is of black Chantilly lace over
white satin, with a corsage bouquet of white
j onquila.
People who ars subject to bad breath; foul 00at08
tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach,; oan at once
bo relleved by uebig.'13t' , cierson's Stogiaoh Bitters,
the old and tried remedy. Ask yam Dfuggist.
Oatmeal cloth trimmed with itiveteen or
corduroy or cordereine make a pretty
mountain, seaside, or travelling suit. It
should be made in severely plain style with
no ribbon or lace thereon.
Hue 1 mean Otmu owes in one minute.
Emperor Frederick died within thirty
feet of where he was born, and at exactly
the same hour of the day.
Consuniptioll Surely Cured.
To TDs Enrroa :—Please inform your readers that
I have a positive remedy for the abovq named die.
ease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless oases
have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to
send two bottles of my remedy MIN to ',any of your
readers who hove coneumption if they will scud mo
their Express and P. 0. aidress. Respectfully, DR.
T, A. Swami, 87 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont.
Alaska is rapidly becoming civilised. Ib
now has a beer brewery.
Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out of or-
der, oaueing Biliousness, Dyspepeie, or Indigestion,
and their attendant evils, take at ones a dose of Dr,
unwire Stomach Bitters, Beet family medicine,
A71 Druggists, 50 censa.
A. P. 405
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged,
URES Nervous Proslrationnsiervoue Head.
acbe,Neuralgia, NervouaWeakness,
Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all
afiecttons of the Kidneys,
Cisonon W, BOUTON, SrAut'onD, Corr„ says;
',For two years I was a sufferer from nervous de.
bility, and I thank God and the discoverer of the
valuable remedy that PAINE'9 OELERY COMPOUND
cured me. It is a valuable remedy. t Long may it
live. Let any ono write to me for adico,"
ALONZO ADn0T4 WUNDson, VT,. says-.
"I believe PAtNn's CELERY COMPOUND saved my
Life. Aly trouble seemed to be an idtornal humor.
Before used itI was covered with aif eruption from
head to heel," The eruption ie rapidly healing,
and I am five hundred. per cent, better every way,"
A. 0, BaAN, WRITEltrvxn Jvxorrorr,gyT., says:
For two years pastI have been agroat Buffeter
from kidney and liver troubles, attended with dye.
pepa,a and constipation. Before I beg. an to take
°BLURT COMPOUND it seemed as tbo gh .verything
ailed me.. Now I can say nothing ails e.
GTAROD AnnorT, SIOUX CITY, 1049, a re:
I have been Using PA2xE's Cuts Y COMPOUND
and it has done me more good for kid ye and lame
back than any other medicine 1 have or taken.
Hundreds of testimonials have been ceivod from
persons who have used this remedy wi remarkable
benefit. Send for oircular.
Price 31.00. Sold by Drat; etc.
Montreal, P. Qi
Young M("g� n
SUFFERING from the effeots of early �evil habits, the
result of ignorance and Sally, whofind themselves
weak, nervous and exhausted ; also MIoons•Aene and
Ono Mau who are broken down from,, the effects of
abuse or over -work, and in advanc d life feel the
consequences of youthful excess, sono for and read
M. V. Lubon's Treatise on the Disoosee of Men. The
book will be sent eealed to any address on receipt of
two So. at-mps. Address
M. V. LUI3ON, Wellington St. E., gnronto. Ont.
Allan Lino Royal Fail steamships
Sailing during winter from Portlang every Thurs.
day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in
summer from Quebec every Saturdays to Liverpool,
calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers
for Scotland and Ireland; also from paltimore, via
Halifax and St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly
during summer months. Tho steamer$g of the Glae.
gow lines sail during winter to and Vrom Halifax,
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and duringsum
mor between Glasgow and Montreal webkly, Gasgow
and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and, Philadelphia
For freight, passage, or other information apply to
A. Schumacher & Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard "& 00.,
Halifax; Shea & Co., at. John's, N. F,; ,.'Wm. Thome-
son & t. John, N. B.; Allan & Co., Chicago;
Love & Co.,Aiden, New York, II- Bendier, Toronto;
Altana, Rae & Co., Quebec: Wm. Broolrie, Philadel-
phia; H. A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal.
—tlanufactdrers of the highest grades of—
420 to 420 King St. West4 TORONTO
PATENTSFor Sale—Illustrated desoriptive Oat'
alogue free. R. Chamberlin. Toronto
iISATIENTS procured, Patent Attorneys, and experts
i" Est'd1867. Donald C.ILidoutdis Co..Torouto.
CANOES. Send far I11, Catalogue.
v p ---- . k YGLISB, I'eterpbpotrjo�,, Ont.
q��IT 1 �I�11 Gc rgctonwn Ont MACH
s AGENTS IV,LNTE18 over -the -entire
Tr? 'p Dominion. Add ret sG11:O.D.FERRIS,
87 Church Street, Toronto.
"Or• /psieea fp e
pad, Valuable outfit and patt8ui;s
tree. r.0. VICKEILT, Augusta, Mains
et 111EL1'Ai Business College, Guntrn, ONT.-
117t- This popular Institution, now in Its 4th year,
is doing a grand work for the Education of young
men and women in those branches, a knowledge of
which is so essential to the intelligent and successful
management ofpraotioal affairs. Its graduates are
everywhere giving signal proof of the thoroughness
of their training, and bearing grateful testimony to
the met chary value of its courae of study. The
Fourth Annual Circular giving full information will
be mailed free. Address M. 1tAcCOnutex, Principal.
rporonto Cutting School—Scientfflc and relia-
.L Isle systems taught whereby etylish, perfect-flt-
ting garments are produced. Cutters having trouble
should secure my systems and ensure four° success..
Entire satisfaction guaranteed, Shirt system taught
separate. A rare chance for young men to acquire a
lnrrative proteeeton. S. CORRIGAN, Prop., 122
Youge Street, Terms on application,
Fa'T H Profusely Illustrated
oe THE BIBueely l Cet ated
rt OrySales marvellous —Nearly
400,000, Send 21.60 for a copy
and go towork. Agents Wanted. Addresa.
A. G. WATSON, Manager,
Timm Wilttiu TttAo'r Daroairoas, TOd0isr0, ',
J. & J. TA LOR,
Toronto Snle 'Works.
Aliso send for list of sort e o
chinet at greatly reduced prices.
our Secondhand ma-
et CO .
Church St., To: onto.
:—$nano a Want BXTNssr-••
Snidest t1okets, $40, $60, $60. nature. $80, $9e,
`$110, Intermediate, $80; Steerage, $20. Apply to
U. Z. 2iOJRRAY. Gen'l. mower,
1 Custom Moue square, 14(Nlt' BALL.
Manager, Seo, Treas.
IX year/ trial, and over
5,000 in use has proved
this machine the best; 6
sizes. Send for Circular.
S. S. KIb1B ALL,
Inventor and Manufactures.,
67,7 Craig at.
P.O. Box p45, Montreal, P.Q
rhI fir* TO I,OA.N oa Farms, Lowe Wag.
M V Pi. t1.Y E,'W.
Chep ud'tn .
R. delay. .10/1134114CPYa '" Agt.,
Zetabitehed 1800. 72 Kirwan F,.,
$teamehfpe, telling weeklyINO behtw" ' ontreoal
i eta l Ave 1
e ao Saloon t Monts a o
and iv 1. a ok s ,
Return Coke*, 0 � a 0
0 and let l A k d $11
to steamer IOW a000usm� tlo . Inter.
Mediate, $30; ilound trip tloksts Steerage, $20,
Round trip tickets, 810. For turth •artioulare and
to nonuse births, apply tc II. E. lK RAX, General
Manager, 1 Custoui House Square, ,Montreal or tothe
DecalAgents In the different Twensaud Cities.
H. WILLIAMS & 00. anld Fait ROOFERS
Rooting Felt, Slaters' Felt, Deafening Felt,
CarpotPaper, iluildiugi'aper, "tooling Pitch,
Coal Tar, Lake Cravat,
Oigce t 4 Adellaide St. East, Toronto,
Merchants, Butchers AND TRADERS
We want a Good Man is your locality to pink up
for us. Cash Furnished on satisfactory guaranty.
Address, 0. S, PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S.
The Shoe and Leather Reporter, N. Y,, and the
Shoe and Leather Review, Chicago, the leading trade
papers of the 7.0,S. in the Hide line, have Bent their
representatives to investigate sir, Page's busineee,and
after a thorough examination and comparison, the
Reporter gives him thie endorsement ;
"We believe that in extent of light -weight raw ma-
terial collected and parried, Mr. Page holds the lead
of any competitor and that b1s present stook 1s the
largest held by any house in this country."
And the Review says
"After a most thorough investitation 0t Mr. Page's
business, as compared with others in same line, we
have beoome fully satisfied that in his s eoialty, light
weight stook, be is unquestionably the largest dealer
in tufa countrya:edlyat,thwhileeheadto." superiority of quality, he ie
QUERY : It Mr. Page's business isthe largest inite
Iine in the United States, is it not the beet possible
proof of his ability to pay highest prices 7 if he did
not do so, would he naturally get more Skins than
any of his competitors is the same line
Desiring to obtain a Business Education, or become
ieent in Shorthand and Typewriting, should at-
Aroade, Yonge street, Teronto.
For Circulars, eto.. Address O. O:DEA. Secretary
Whaley, Royoe &Cor
283'lkongo' Street,
The Cheapest Place In
Canada for
Newland Second-hand.
• Agents for
cud's HIGH AM"
Band & Orchestra
Send for Catalogue.
-Second • Baud Bicycles
mud Tricycles..
Send for List. New Catalogue
ready in April.
rims greatest die.
oovery of the pre.
sent age for Regulat.
Ing the bowels, and
Curing all Blood Liv-
er and Kidney Com.
plaints, A perfect
Blood Purifier. A few
in Hamilton whohave
been beniflted by its
ueo ; Mrs. -M. Keenan,
192 Robert Si. cured
0t Erysipelas of 2 'ore,
stooling; Robt. Cor.
doll, 24 south street,
aug'ater cured of
Epileptio Ste alter 0
years suffering ; Jen-
nie Birrel, 66 Walnut
Street, cured 01
Weakness and Lung Troub e t John Wood, 95 (lath.
cart St„ cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness,
used only 8 Sity-cent bottles; Mrs. J. Beal, 0 Augusta
St., troubled for years with NervoueProstration, two
small bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 500. &$L
F. F. DALLEY k CO., Proprietors.
Everybody feels the exhausting and debilitating effect of the warm weather and it is. the duty
Of everyone to sustain the streulgtleby taking highly nutritious food.
is pre-eminently a food apeoiallyyadapted to this saloon of the year. It gives tone to the stomach, stimulates
the appetite, keeps the system well nourished and fortifies it against the many disorders peculiar to warm
weather. - k
There are many IIMPATtONS 05
but none equal it in lubrieatingipropertiee. F.ixM.
Nas, numaisg, etc., find none equal to the 0:MUIN'.
Foulest made by
Sold by dealers everywhere. ,
CAI'I'id.L AO) E2INDs NOW bVEit 83,00e,ONo.
A 110711E COlttl•ANI(i EST BJJSllEit OCT011IES, 1571, f
To this date, ()debar 81, 1887, there hail been returned
To the hake Of Polley.holdere (death claims) $8411,249 00
To tho of matured Endowment Policies 20,492 e8
Vo Polioy'holdene on surrender of Policies 98,666 00
To Palioy.hotdere for Cash Proflte (including those allocated and being paid) 482,644 02
To holders of Annuity Bonds 1e 067 84
Loaned to Polley -holders on Security of their Polioie4 82,2649 98
$1,208,174 7
PoUcics In Force over 10,000. Amount ><iveer $15,000,000.
PitESI1 lNT-73orr. IIt. W. P. troWLANzi, 0.B., X.C.M.G.
J. K. MACDONALD,Managing Director,
iirPoiloteu Neater/41W4 atter ti years and lndrtealfbte *8048'3 years.