HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-07-06, Page 1VOL. XV]I,---NO 27
FRIDAY; JULY 6, 1888:
W IO LF NO. 859
' -Councillor wm Little,
badly cut with a paw on
;161,0111 'cif his fingers
rlday last.
—Road B Park's card ' iii ii yanatcne's opening
delicious moss (lane sp kled trout.
—The new Foresters hall at lielgravb is to be
'dedicated on the, oven tg of Tuesday, tlie 10th of
ne`2;tihild 1 11,, 1,1 s put up a new street
lamp, at his reside ce on Minnie St,
4-11ev John Scott, A the new pastor of the
Methodist churckbere reached two able discourses
last Sunday, frO $0,4:
—The stock hold rs in the Central Bank
haNe 'been held res onsible for their double
lie next rnee,t ng, of the Turnberry
Council iit td be held t the Halfway rIcaisa
itistead of $luovale.
GrieVdue corm : int are now being
blade of the quality .£ many of the sugars
+tYioiv put in the Can • eau markets,
A hook, a hook, shady nook,
A•WW1, a fish, a sudden swish—
A sigh, But w y? Next day a lie.
"--11ie Lacrosse toil toii.'between Chesley
, and Teeswater at th latter place en Mon.
day was a 'drat/ 'e r;h team seeking two
t will be gratify ie. hear that the
regular trains on the C. P.B. will come in
from the crossing t Wingham. after iii -is
—Tile" Ladies' g• ld °cornet band from
tinhnionrl,"fiiioh., :sassed through. Wind
liana, on Monday d their way to Goer
—.The June ohee e from the Bolmore
factory wag shipped • ere>;on Tuesday, It
was purchased by M-. I. M. ,Steinhoff, of
Brantford at 9 cents.
'''Nid�ltain has , ne of the tidest and
best kept,railway stn ions and riiost active,
genial and obliging a :ntc on the G. T. R."
This is what i('d over.:ard the other day.
eiitChe truth of ithobod can deny.
—Tuesday =Oben'; train from London
*rah into a team Slott
mile below. Blyth.
*The team was insttt• tly killed and the
driver, a Mx -1311114y; had a miraculous
y(rlbThe 3:Ianuitolk, '; a o.f Friday says
Mr. Geo. Cline, of thi city, goes to Paisley
on Monday to sing a a big Caledonian
concert there. This eferenoe is to one
well known in Wingh . m, a brother to Jas.
A. Cline.
Mitchell Advocate , " E t R. McCosll,
'formerly rector • of . .Paul's church,
Ingham, new preach , 'rte ,t'omona, Cali -
Often:, : `We hear lie is : eon to return to
Ontario; and again 'take lip work in the
rit Huron Diocese.
711.1@ _ Baptist Chu oh Sunday School
held a very pleasant pi • nit iu Mr. Waite's
grove on Monday, ie young people
heartily, enjoyed switi..'ng and other a-
musements provided, ot excepting the
• choice supplyCf telale • gliands.
Sonic,111g10W,7geiaiXitio and valuable
—the American Fruit' 'Preserving Powder
and Liquid for fruits, jellies, canned goods
,&o. This preparation preserves as well
:and maintain@ articles as fresh and whole.
e as'e a'led vessels. It can be used and
s equallyggeotive'without the use of sugar.
Apply tq;W.•T. Yates, racer.
•:. —The Winglutm 1: rosse. teati i• piayody
• with Listowel on ' nddv., ,Thia,'••liorne.
team proved too mum for ourboyA they
being beaten beaten b 4: to 1. The game
was an exceedingly iendly• and gentle-
,. manly one. The boy were entertained
{{"‘ilii the evening at the esidehce of Mr. P.
` Lilico. The universal expressed opinion
was that the Listowel •eye are jolly good
—The Clinton New 'ra says : " The
Wingham excursion to Goderioi on Fri-
t ` day last carried only a out 100 persons."
You are wide off the ma , bsother. There
were sold in Wingham just 194 tickets.
Suoh assertions, wheth r the result of
jealousy, bad counting •r indifferent ap-
roRimation are tabula aed to injure a sooi-
'•• ••. y's or a town's rep ation and appear
'ridiculous to those •• uainted with the
. junior cricket o tab from Listowel
played the Wingham , unior team here on
Monday, the home to • .. beating by a score
eier to 92. - The List wel players wore :—
A. 13amford, Geo. D im, R. Hacking, W.
Olitnie, H. Large, S, Large, 7. Campbell,
{ Geo. draper, R. Rol , W. Hess and Geo.
Zilllax, The Wingh, •'team :-B. Paulin,
N. Farquharson, F. ooney, F. MoCutch-
eon, F. Bisdon, t1. S ott, F., Halliday, G.
Moliay, T. Cornyn, . M. Snell and J.
—.We call the attent on of our readers to
the goodly array of C • adian and Ameri.
can literateure, profess • re and business men
t who have given• their
to the superiority of
podia. It is indeed
.ef information adapt
of al olasees. it is w
A one desiring pr
n the eourteolta
ause))Of Appleton
otsl, Widgham,
strong testimony as
ppleton's b"noyclo•
inexhaustible mine
to the requirements
thin the reach of all.
cure it ought to call
epreselltativo, (Dr.
gp, at the quentl's
— Look Out for fresh an ounconient lroni Messrs
Gordon 8a McIntyre next k.
—Reports of the pl nits • t Zetland and, Holmes'
School and lsoveral �ttler artioloo aro unavoidably
crowded out.
T- he C 1' R are buildin a switch into J B*enriaa
and (lo's tannery, An en. lneer laid out the grotinda
this week,
'Messrs Powell it Spa lig ihippod two cars of
butter this week as well 15,000 lbs, the product of
the Whiteohurch oream• y, bought at 18 and 18i
---Mr A Roe's mare Topsy" won two races at
Teeswater on Monday, t ins 1st prize in Open trot
and the Green trot. hlr obt McKenzie of Wingham
took Second prize in the ony race.
—Mi* A Sebastian, be , er, had hie knee badly in•
jured by being struck w h a stone, whilst the games
were going on at Wroxe or on Monday. He is off
work at present.
About 80 candidate
entrance et Wingham.
conducted by Mr J C
hope to see a goodly
haying paased the entre
ho officers i5stallet
o 47, for the ensuing
rano ; S W, J A Morton
E F Genitor : Scribe, W
taoire to Grand Encam
—High Chief Ranger
Neolauds went to a For
Monday, Over three t
Many canto from List
arrangements were ma
did 'affair.
aro at present writing for
The examination is. being
Linklater, of Clintert)i,We
rray of names reeordee88 as
ce here. ••
in, Minerva Encampment,
elf ;year are :—O P, J Cooh•
1I P, A J Anderson ; J W,
Brockenehiro ; Represen.
hent, W Robertson.
' ilfott and Higit 'Treasurer
dere' ppionic at Milverton on
wand people ware present.
wel and Stratford. Ample
e and the picnic was asplon-
- Oftice'rs were install 'd in Maitland Lodge No 119
I 0 O1' as follows la Meeting: N G ; J Cleg-
horn ; V G•, E F Gersrer R S, W Robertson ; P S,
W J rhapntan ;.Tress. F firockentthire4 Repro.
sentative to Grand Lod '• : meeting at Barrio on the
Sib August,''W Roberts...
—The term of se ice in the Methodist
church used td be • t one year. In 1804
it was made twe ye rs, iu 1864 increased
to three and recent , to five years. The
Christian at Work s,, s the average pastoral
term is now longer han in ahy other de -
domination in the ' tates.
—Rey. Josejili C. •k, of Boston, the able
soientist, scholar ar d lecturer, would have
an educational test or voters and disfran-
ohisement, after du : warning, of those who
could not read and. • rite. He approves of
secret voting and • omen to excrete° the
franohis in temper nce matters.
—Ono fourth of
globe, or 818,298
English language
tion of English s
the fads Of the ag
and;,Volapuk is t
the English lang
sally adopted as
urged by Prof. Ma
,CAItD or THaNkti.
itself l To the gig
Order of Foresters
Members of Court
F., Listowel : Ge
my sincere thanks
paid me this day
late husband, 'flies
and your noble Or
the wish of your
the populutiofi bf the
00 people, speak the
are under the dbmina-
eaking peoples. One of
is a universal language,
e hobby at present. Is
age likely to bo univer-
strongly believed and
eh. ?
Listowel, June 2
The foll°Wing explains
Court of the Canadian
and the Officers and
oyal Oak, No. 26, C. 0.
tlemen,—Please accept
or the cheque of $1000
or endowment on my
Gibson.. Wishing you
er abundant success is
mble servant,
MART: GlnaoN.
, 1888.
—We reproduce he valuable advice giv-
en by clever men : to how boys can make
money. Russell ' • ge says : "By (1) get-
ting a position ; (2 keeping his mouth shut;
(3) observing ; (4) eing faithful ; (5) mak-
ing his employer !link that he would be
lost in a fog with. it him, and (6) being
polite." Jay Goul•'s policy: Keep out of
bad contpauyand' to work with a will.
The boy who does • tatis hound to get on
iu the world. • Cyr •:. W. Field's scheme ;
Punctuality, honest and brevity, are the
watchwords of life.
The Presbyter' • u
`has 7?kq 0.,,831 ohur
;1:8$'Ftp?niaters. Th
aggreiEatek 76,276 fa
soaps •?'' There are 1
soho(ara taught by
1887 the church had
000, representing $22
stipend,.$738,000 was
average stipend of
scribed $43,078 towar
increase of $10,869 ov
of the year before, a
foreign missions, au in
Church in Canada
es and stations, with
active membership
ilies, equal to 380,000
2,940 Sunday School
2,976 teachers, In
n income of 41,772,-
er family. Towards
°voted last year, an
3 each. They sub -
home missions, an
r the contributions
d $69,606 towards
rease of 419,600,
—Saturday's Daily Sentinel, of Port
Arthur, speaks thus of 'f a former resident
of Wingham, The sub ot of the sketch, a
son of Mr, T. Leslie, t ilor, has been for
the last ten years resiling in Winnipeg,
engaged in the furnit • e business. The
Sentinel says : Mr. John 1 eslie; of Winnipeg
superintendent of the ; oyal Arch Masous
of this district, wlio h.: been in town for
two days, paid an offio':livisit to Shuniah
Chapter, No. 82, Roya Aroh Masons, A. F.
& A. M., last night, here was quite a
large attendance of tl : Masonic Brethren
present. The cerem.. y of Exaltation in
the Royal Aroh degr:: was performed by
S. W. Bay, first past , rinoipatof the Chap.
ter. At the eenoluei.. of the ceremonies
Gaand Supt. Leslie e pressed himself as
Highly pleased with t : way in which the
work was performed id he was glad to
see the advanced state of the Chapter here.
He also referred to th • groat kindness and
hospitality which ha been extended to
him by the brethren d bore a tribute to
the progress and pros erity of Port Arthur
as a commercial Cell re and its beautiful
olimate and location. The masonic breth-
ren on the other han express themselves
as greatly pleased to ave had the pleasure
of 1%lr. Loa1ies acquai stance and being hon.
Bred by thin, the fist official visit of a
grand auperintendo t, of their chapter.
itIr, Leslie's was join � ' .tw Mrs, Leslie and
family to•dav from , i.. peg and loft for
east on the .e.tliabas
—Kill the 1y^ naris Green pur-
chased ut C sholm Corner Drag Store.
Peaso$aas,—Air, r . and Mid Pelton and
Miss M. Watson a d L, Clarke were at
Teeswater on Frid and attended a picnics
in S. S. No..6, tau - • t by Mr. D. Clarke, of
Wingham.—Mr. Gorge Schmidt, of Ber-
lin, has been visiti . - at F. Eorman's for a
week.—Mr. E. Bo' les, of Bowles & His.
cooks, spent a cou.le of days at Orange-
ville this week,— . W. Bower, of Luck -
now, was in oharg. of Mr. W. Connell's
store in the absent. of the latter on Tues.
day,—Miss Hattie ti aokenzte, of Listowel,
spent some . days isiting at Mr, D. M.
Gordon's last week. Mr. W, Ewart, of the
Telfa etaff,,spent ome days at his home
in Stratford this • eek.—Mr. George MAIN,-
awottt spont'some da s in Toronto this week.
Messrs. L E. B bwne, of the bank, and
Molndoo, • orohant, went to Kin-
bardine, on Batur ay, to eujoy the lake
breezes, and were nvigorated and gratified
with their trip, i ater in the week Mr.
Molndoo went t Toronto.—Mr. J. D.
Nichol, of the ban , spent a couple of days
at his home in L stowel this week.—Mr,
J. McAlpine left or the old land on Mon-
day—Mr. Jas. Ch sholm spent Monday at
Arthur.—Miss Jos • ie Bonthron is spending
a fortnight with • :r friends at Sogthamp-
ton;—Miss Ada Sholatone, for some
months in the emp .y of Mrs. R. Shepherd,
left for Brandon, • anitoba, this week,—
Mrs. Murphy, of ondon, has been ou a
visit to her daught •r, Miss E. Murphy, for
the past fortnight. Mr. G. Elliott, barris-
ter, of Clinton, li+ been in town several
days this week on business.—Mrs. 5,
Graoey has been n a visit to her friends
at Blyth this wee .=Mr. and Mrs,+A: W.
Webster visited fr nds in the south of the
county this we • .—Mr. and Mrs. R.
Smellie drove to Walkerton and `visited
his parents near hesley this week.—Mr:
George Bullard s • .nt Monday 'with friends
at Harriston.—'' , Scott, who hap been
attending the Se orth Collegiate Institute;.
is home for va ation.—Mr. A. Lawson,
grocer, and Mr. '' orris, tailor; of Lupknow,
spent Sunday h Mr. J. McAlpine, pre-
vious to his depa • ure for the old lana.—Mr.
H. Davis receive 1 atelegram from q,`lasgow
that Mr. and Miss Dawson reached
there on Saturd: y; the 30th ult: ir. W.
Lithgow is on a our amongst his numerous.
friends out by roxeter and other points
through the oou • ty.—Mr. James McKay,
of Bondhead, s n of Mr, George McKay,
Of Wingham, s home on a visit to his
parents this .ek.—Misses Lillie and
Belle Johns spe a few days with friends
at Brussels this eek,—The wife et Rev.
D. McKay, form y of Bluevale.,FZ>resby-
tcrian church, no' .f Dakota, was visiting
at Mr. D. Stew t's, in Wingham, this
week.—Miss Ada 1'crett, of Wingham, is
visiting friends Exeter this week.—
Arthur Henderso , of Mitchell, is home
on a visit to his ather's, Mr. A. Render -
son, of Turnberry —Mr. W. Small, former-
ly of the Union f tory, now of Woodstock,
is in Wingham at present.—Mr. J. J.
Anderson was a cling on friends in the
vicinity of Guel ,h and Galt this week.
This was his fo mer place of residence.
Crops look well 1 ,that locality, he says.--
Mrs. Shepherd, df Lucknow, visited at
Mrs. Bray's this ' eek.—Mr. Horace Bray
preached at B th and Belgrave last
Sunday and goes to Wardsville next.—Mr.
J.: C. Laidlaw, g seer, of Seaforth, Was ou
a visit to his b other -in-law, Mr. J. A.
Cline, this week Mrs. W, Laidlaw has
gong to Seaforth • n a visit.—Dr. MoKibbin
has decided to 10 ate iu Teeswater,—Blind
Jenny, of the 4lintoe Salvation Army,
was in town this eek.—Mr. F. McKay, of
Toronto, was isiting his sister, Mrs.
James McGuire, his week.—James Owens,
of Belgrave, ret -nod from Manitoba this
week. He also isited the Bruce Mines
where he has s0s working.—Mr. Robert
Murray, mercha • t, of St. Helens, returned
from the "Soo" his week.—Mr. R. Jones,
butcher, of Blyt 1, Was in Wingham on.
Wednesday.—Lo is Spalding' of Kincar.
dine, is now iu th • emyloy of Mr. James
McGuire in the e press office.—Messrs. E.
Deans and T McCt looh left on Thursday for a
tveeks fishing in the Icinity of Durham. The two
dentiets are zealous d < iplos of Isaac Walton and we
hope they may mak • a big eaten.—Hugh Mustard,
of Gladstone, Manitob , visited at Mr A Ross' this
week. He loft the oinity of Brumfield fourteen
years ago end succeo ; ed well since in the west. Ile
has 480 acres of land nd deals heavily in cattle.—
Mr A F McLaren, of S ration!. representative of the
firm of Grant & Co, • oeso and pork dealers, Inger-
soll, gave us a pleasan call last week. He purchased
the Belgrave cheese or this season. Mr McLaren,
whom wo have intim ely known for years, is ono of
the most expert ohee 1. men in Ontario. He le, be.
sides, a gonial, out oken man, esteemed for his
Integrity and honora , c dealing.
Wingha Public School.
itesbLTs Or TIT j rumen= EXAMIINATIONS..
Tho annual pron tion examinations in connection
with the winghan •uhlic School were concluded on
Wednesday of last veok, and the following is tho
IL Derr. To I. 1 arT.—ltlark obtainnble, 900; re-
quired marks, o f each subject and it on the whole.
(n) Those who lade a complete pees: Sarah
Farquharson, 6 : ; Lottio McI cnsie, 554; Alice
Talbot, 883 ; Ma, Cline, 520 ; Martha Sadler, 513,
Annie Stewart, 5 9; Mary Agnew, 503 ; Harry Clark
449. (b) Those ' ito made the half marl, but failed
In ono subject; gorge Sills, 521; Chas Cargill, 609;
Maurice Park, ,02 ; Addie Anderson, 400; Maggio
Fisher, 492; G •rgo Pettypiece, 488; Clara Chap-
III. Dart'. To II Dem—Obtainable marks, 850 ;
marks required as above. (a) These who Stade a
complete )lass , ogle. Deans. 590 ; Wiliie Robertson,
589' Willie Fai', uhersnn, 574; Ida Kerr, 673; Walter
ilisdon, 665; A holl Griffin, 561; Sena Watt, 052;
Adam (3ornyn, 544; Eddie Bradwin, 520; Ong hie.
Laughlin and 01110 McDonald, 518; Amy Ronne,
511; John Iugl s, 482; Annie Loubt, 471; Florence
Hutton, 427,, b) Those Who made 50; of whole
mark but toilein one subject : George Ilattne, 504;
Eddie Rankin, 72; Lizzie Ctark, 453; Annie Park,
4.49 ; Robt+Pett 'piece, 448 ; Maggio Gray, 446 ; Millie
Robertson, 4 7. James. Dawsod, 428.
IV. DEPT. r 151. Dsrr.•--:harks obtainable, 80,5;
required stark emboss, (a) Thosowhomadeaoont.
pletoass; 11. •roy Strathdco 718; ",hulk Ireland,
t,20; 1obt SIe' avish, 015; Cartio Its!tor, 539; Noh
Haines, 624; Maud Fleur¢; 51 • Leila Agnew, 622,'
Bella Cummings, 521,; Lawson Isbeo, 516: Geo. Mc-
Donogh, 605 ; W. J. Maltirl: , 475 ; Arthur IIelm,
450; May Brennan, 433; Ci ney Aikens, 481; Guy
Clark, 419. (b) Those who age 607 of whole but
failed in one subject : J.. n Ifesston, 640 ; Geo
Rankin, 529 ; Daisy Fields 480; Lottie Wells, 408;
Ernest Shilson, 452 ; Wm ark, 448; Stella Griffin,
429 ; Hannah Cambboll, 42. ; Angus Kennedy, 411.
V. Darr, To IV.—Obtain •le, 670; required marks
as above. (a) Those w made complete pass
May Brennan, 461 ; Hu, h Hamilton, 449; Kirtlo
Ross, 441; Lizzie Drew, 4 1; Edna Strathdee, 413;
David Angus, 408; Annie awson,408; Sarah Rogers
407 ; Louie Ferguson, 308; ' ugh Hamilton, 388; Ira
James, 980; Wash.Cargtll 78; Eddie Brennan, 840
(b) Those who made half t ailed on one subject:
Jennie Haines, 306 ; Dor, Johnston, 857; Addie
Long, 347 ; Lucinda Rod. us, 336; Maud Davis,
334; Willie Moore, 327; lie b McDonald, 317; Linda
McC1� mont, 306 ; Nellie Sa ot, 299; Samuel Mortes,
Farewell Social : nd Presentation
to Dr. ard.
For some month . past it has been
understood that R;v. Dr.Ward, pastor
of the Congregati.'.al Church, Wing -
ham, intended maki , g a prolonged trip
to the Old Land. 0n Friday evening
last he was tendered a farewell social
at the residence of r. Robt, Currie,
con. 14, Turnberry. Upwards of a
hundred of his frien, s were present
and spent a most socia.le and profitable
evening together. ' ith. Mr.T. Deans
in the chain; a please, t programme was
gone through. Rec tations were well
given by Miss A. Currie and John, ,
Elliott, it dialogue by Misses Currie,•
Tervit and Murdoc singing by Misses
Miller and Blackw 11, and the Wing-
ham church and th Cedarville choirs.
At this juncture r. W. Robertson
read an address an Mrs. J, Ritchie
presented Mrs. Ward ith a gold -lined
egg cup combination, silver biscuit jar
and pair of ladies' cold cuff buttons.
The address read as ollows r
Rev. Dr. Ward, Pas r of theQongregatianal
Church, Wingham :
DEAR Sia,—We, the .• embers and friends
of the congregation, de ire on this the eve
of your departure -to t mother land, to
convey to you our hi h appreciation of
the many noble qual' ies of heart and
mind which you have er exhibited among
us as a Christian past , r, ever ready by day
and by night to visit t e afflicted and cote=
fort the sorrowing, an by your happy and
cheerful disposition, a: well as by your
wise counsel, you ha e ever sought to
direct each and all to ho true source of
real jay, happiness au • peace. Not only
as a Christian minister 1 ave you endeared
yourself to us, but as citizen you have
ever boon foremost in very good move-
ment, having for its d the elevation of
the people intellect , ally, morally and
spiritually. Tbis br':f address would be
moat incomplete with t reference to Mrs.
Ward, who, by her um. orm kindness and
courtesy, as well as ,y her unceasing
eff.rts not only to pro..ote the best inter.
est of our Zion, but '1 every sphere of
womanly, christiau sy •• pathy and activity
has always taken an naive and ;intelli-
gent part endearing 1 erself to us far be-
yond anything we oa.find bare words to
express. We therefor: ask her to accept,
at our hands, this small t en of our esteem
as an expression of our appreciation of
her services reudered at a 1 times so cheer-
fully and in every way fo • the furtherance
ngregatiou. We
y may be both
le in the highest
we hope that in the
e permitted to wel-
gain with renewed
further services an
Signed on behalf
Joint GuaRIE,
pleasant and ap-
of the interest of the o
trust that your journ
pleasurable and profit
liens° of the term and
near future we shall
come you among us
strength and vigor fo
the Master's Vineyar
of the Cougregational
Jong .13,iTCIIIE,
In an exceedingly
propriate speech, earnest, candid,
stimulating, the Dr. eviewed his year's
labor in the chs ge, pitying a Bight
tribute to the zee , activity and kind-
ness of the peopl- to whom he minis-
tered. With mot:, sty,true gentletnan-
liness and sinceri he thanked the
donors for their ha idsome gift. The
gathering sang the National Anthemi
and the audienc dispersed,. after
tendering thanks • their entertainers.
The Dr.'s dep' •tore will be heard
with genuine re et. Allo, scholarly,
cultured, genial active and an inde-
fatigable works , he has made a wide
circle of warm friends. He is a liberal
minded man, fe ly abreast of the cur-
rent thought o the age, a pleasant
eonversationelis who has inspiration
in his actions a d his speech. For six
years previous in the employ of the
noble late E 'i of Shaftesbury, five
year's ago he was sent out to take
charge of a be s' school at Iiamilton,
Ont, Over a y .ar ago, he came to
Wingham and is now forced to take a
lengthened leave f absence on account
of the state of Mrs. Ward's health.
The Sliaftesbit ys, hearing of their
decision, sent th im free return tickets
good for a year. Since the above was
written, the bee:that it is their inten-
tion to reinaihl i { ll lalltl,
Toitnt Cou ell.
There were present 0 Tuesday eve-
ning ; The Mayos an. ti essrs Morton,
Gregory, Neela ids ' omuth, Robin --
obin •son,. Pringle, CV • e,- McKenzie ani°'
Black, A co., .unication froxis re,
Roderus asking • or a sidewalk shrug;,
his building, we: eferred to the areal
committee. It wa: recommended? bider
the Executive co •• mittee that ae,-
matter of street 1i hting be tees
for the present t -nding frrrtli 1W-
quiries as to the =-tablishment: o
works. It wa also recommeridfe
that the petitin of the grocers 'b.&
be not granted without a reconsiders,
tion of the whsle matter, owing to tit'
mixed nature o the goods handled.YbT
them, and grant' ; the request wt>ruld
be unfair to other dealers. Payment
of the following ac ounts was recom-
mended by the F' . ance Committee :
W. Patterson, ce. t r, $127.93 ; Coutts
& Inglis, repairs o tanks, $8.75 ; J.
J. Anderson, umber, $28.90; R.
Kinsman, letter ng ladders, $1; Chas,
Smith, work, *2. , 0 ; A. Barber, work,
$81,88; John D kson, treasurer's
salary, $17.50 ; J. . Ferguson, salary
$62.50; B. Wilson 4 months rent of
,office, $12 ; Joh • ` Coad, 4 months,
Tinging bell, $1 ; G. Pettypiece, 4
month's salary, ';.106.25 ; John Green, ,
work, $8.75 ; T Gray, work, $10.62 ;
And. Holmes, work, $21.25 ; Chas.
Barber, work, $' 0.75 ; S, Lockridge,
work, $35,62 ; C • o. Hughes, work,
$86.87 ; Robt. L=• ies, work, $5 ; W.
Rankin, welt, $'.87; J. H. Stephen-
son, work, $1:60 , Seth Langley, work,
$,13.13 ; W. ti ore, trees and con-
stable's fees, $ 1.50 ; T. Agnew, livery
hire, $1.50 ;. S. cllwain, work, $10 ;
Thos. Gray, $6.: ; W. Rankin, work
$1.87; H. Pott • •, work, $1:25 ; G.
McKenzie, 2 day work of horse and..
cart, $4. On .. tion of Mr. Morton,
t e Early Closi : g By=law was amend-
eas, regards th flour of closing . on
Saturday evening As amended, busi-
ness places may e kept open at the
option of dealers All the members
present except 3' r. Gregory supported
the motion. • by-law was passed to
prevent the tis: • € firecrackers within
the limits of the town of Wingham ;.
also one providi g for issuing deben-
tures to amount • f $8,500 to consolidate
the town debt It was recommended
by the Finan, Committee that $150
be granted the chanics' Institute of
the town, whic was acceded to.
They also recoil.' • ended the payment,
of $10 extra to the assessor, S.
Youhill. A by- w was passed authoriz-
ingthe borrow ng of $1,700 for current
expenditure. On motion of Messrs.
Morton and ands, it was agreed
that all commit ees be required to.
furnish an esti t. ate of work and
expenses for the • alance of the year,
and hand the sa, e to the clerk within
three weeks. It was moved by
Messrs. Morto • and McKenzie, that
the sale of deb tures, under by-law
No. 142, of 1888, be referred to the
Executive Commitee with power to
act. --Carried. M • ved by Mr. Morton
seconded by il•Tr. '. omuth, that anyone
ringing the bell :: cept for fire alarm
purposes, or call g firemen together,
be prosecuted ac ording to law. Mr.
Cline moved the the offer of Messrs..
Ilutton & Carr t• supply water for
street watering for he season at $70
be accepted. Cou . it adjourned.
Cli ton.
Dr. Dowsley, o' Olinton, has dis-
posed of his pr otice to Dr. Horsey,.
of Ottawa, and i• likely to remove to
Toronto.—Mr. J. n Holmes had t4
horse stolon last •eek and offers it
reward for its rec. very.—Mr. H. S.
McLean, teacher ' 1 the High School,
goes to the Nor west to spend his•
The sports ou D
with a splendid c
cion. At a foot
Wroxeter and M
won by one go
programme the It
were Messrs. Gibso
sari and Mosgrove
ball team was def
of Wroxeter and
McLachlan snail
and Rush, catchiu
were excellent 11111
as gate receipts.
furnished plenty
minion clay opened
lithumpian proces-
all match between,
rrisbank, the latter-
At the athletic.
aviest prizetakers
, Linton, Tllotnp-
A Toronto base
abed by the Unions
Gerrie by 15 to 1.
splendid pitching
. Thearr;tngelateuts
about $100 reelizrcl
.pie Wingham baled
good tnllsic.