HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-07-26, Page 6-_-=EIBBEININIMBIONIEINMEBBNIMI11111111111111111111111111BERBEINIMIIIIIMBIOIMMIHMIV1 • . • • - - . M dm Summer ' 1. ..--_ I • i clearance .Specials_ Lk, . DON'T MISS TREsEt• . It ...k Eri $17951 735 = 0 5 a - Ar • • power OOP S News of Bayfield By MISS XXVI( 4. WOODS 1955 004 lo MATTlen Rural Oorreapendent 334,q7,141.33 45,.r Mr. and Mrs, 4e1th Leonard- alld family left oz SattlrtlAI 00 camping .trip t4 Northern Ontar- Mrs. Harris Elliott, London, was the ,guest efMiss Mabel Hod,- rgins, Stonehaven over the wee- - end. Mr, geld Mrs, Ivan K Balm, Penthic, Mich,,, "visited her cousin, Mrs. J, B. Stens and anil SnridaY.- Mr. and MrS. Keith Prnss and Janke, LOndon, Visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Parker for a few days last week. • Miss, M. Macdonald returned to "Stonehaven" IVIqday aft Cs hav- ing 'Visited friends hi Sarnia for a few days. WS, B. C Pitts, lifeifoid, and • Albert Pitts Toronto, were •the guests of IVI;s. F. Gairdner over Friday right, 10, and Mrs, James Hannan: and daughter Lisa, LOnsioe, were. with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. .A. W. Ilayxnen, ever the Weekend. • Mr, and. IVIrs. Gordon Hall, Mary and Jason, Detroit,, Spent the •?weekeed with Me. and.1VIrs. Geor- ge Fellows and 'family, s Mrs. J. W. • Jowett returned home on Tuesday of last week after enjoying a, Toronto -Saguenay cruise. She was -,accompanied • by Miss E. Elder, Seaforth Mr, and N's. Harold Weston, Ray and Susanne, Ferndale, IVIich, are at George Wester's pottage this week. Linda Mitchell, Fern- dale, is the guest nf Susanne. Gordon. Scotchmer returned to his home on the Bronson Line a week ago Saturday Where he is recuperating.- He unflerWent sur- gery in -Victoria Hospital - two months ago. The Rev. and Mrs. P._ Jewell and two children reed to Grimsby on Thursday after having visited •his sister, Mrs. Lindsay Smith and family -for a fortnight. They had - previously spent two weks in Wist ,Censin. Christine Jewell remained, here with her aunt.while her par - ADDITIONAL BAYFIELD ' ON PAGE TEN 4 • • s S. Scruton CITIES,SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR. For Service Call • Minter 2-9653 After 6 p.m., HU 2-9769 sf eswe in theYnited States. Nfrs, 3, D. Merner, Detrat, was the peg of her niece, 'dr. grant J14 -e; last week, and will ..re- turn., hr e for a further visit after Vending this Week With Mr, and Mrs. Wes, lYferner, ZliniCht ,Mrs, J. E. HOward and Margar- et, accempanied by Miss Arm DrOldn, returned borne an Monday evening after having spent a week With the former' sister, Mra, G. E Crosby Moaretown Ontario Tile Bev. and Mrs, IL 0, Webb, -.Prances an *GeOrge, Port Dover, visited with Mrs. R. H. 4F. Gairdner •over NfOridaY night on their' way tn spend a • vacatkm, •with Mrs. Webb's parents in Man- itoba, iVfrs. p G, Lance, Christopher, William and Justin, Troy, ,Mich., are spending the summer at their cottage, "IVferrielodge," Lakeside Par: M. A. Jamieson, Royal Oak, •and Miss Sally South, Flint, Mich„ Were the .guests of .his sister over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs W, R. Beer, Sari Antonio* Texas, have been visiting his ,brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and also visited. their daughter in and Mrs. James • P. Ferguson, at their cottage for a fertnight. Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell, Lond'on, are at the ,shrttagethis week. Mr. and Mrs. 'William E. Par- ker returned home on Wednesday evening of: last week after having visited. the former's aunt, Mrs. Mary Cox in Grid Forks,;and his brother; Percy and Mrs, Park- er in Nekorna, Dak. They travelled by bus and were away twelve days. Guesta .at the rectory are Mrs. Outerbridge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Latta, Lockport, N.Y., who have been on a boat trip thrgugh 'the Muskoka- Lakes, Aril' &1gvisited their daughter in London for a Couple of days this week, Miss IVIarlene Wright, Lon- don, is also visiting her aunt. • Holidaying at Deer I,odge park have been: Mr. and Mrs: J. Bos - tack' and family., Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. W.'ID. Hale and f evilly, Strathroy;Mr.- and Mrs P. Cal - ligan and' family, Mr. -and Mrs. William' Roberts, and family, Hain - atm; Mr. and Mrs. R. Goring and family, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. T. Hodgins and family, Sarniar and Mrs, Sidney Lawson and fam- ily, 'Hannon. .• Guests registered at The Little Inn 'include: Mr. and Mrs. H. Craig, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris, London; liligs,Gladys Shar- pe, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs, B. Hull, Surrosit, 'N.S4 Mr. and Mrs. a. Neville Hast Lansing,: Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. E. Wocidman, Tiliso- burg; •A. Bownian," Walkerville; Mrs. N. Talanko,, 'Windsor. Miss Horrobin, Montreal; Miss Bar- bara'Sdott,- London; Mrs,. Nichol- son, Hamilton. Farewell Said • Members of- Trinity Church Guild gathered at the home of Mrs, Pdroy Weston on Monday 'Fun In •The • COME IN. NOW — sup OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF ‘SUMMER HOLIDAY" ITEMS. un NICE STOCK OF MODEL AIR- CRAFT IN STOCK Control Line, Free Flight, etc. Motors: .049class to .029 in stoat. Outboard Motors $3.95 up.i, • RACING SAILBOATS (guaranteed to 'sail) • SAND LOADERS complete with truck. • BEACH BALLS. • • COLEMAN Folding Table and 4 Chairs. • COLEMAN 1 and 2 Burner Stoves. • PANS, ---8 and 10" size. •� Ready to Fly Aircraft complete $13.95 • COOLER 'CHESTS and, Outing Jugs (all types And prices) )• e ria, em every site. This miracle gelatin IP UM once frozen stays cold, for hours; no. rneas to clean up; can be frozen over and °Ver. Ask to see this cold battery, ideal for picnics, 'lunch boxes, baby's bottle. •• BE SURE TO LOOK OVER .60 HARDWARE ' WINISOWS FOR LOADS OF HOLIDAY S1PECIALS, PARKING AREA ivr REAR OF .STORE (Princess St. Entrance) LL & MUTCH fURNiltORE and HARDWARE •.Open.friloy Nite Till 940 ifternoen tO bid, farewell to Mrs.' eorge Adams, Mrs. Fred WeSt011, Seeretary, !eed an address eXpl'essing regret it her departUre and beat wishes the future. Mrs. PereY WeSt- oni, prealdent, presented Mrs. 6siaMs with six cups and Satteers, /n, expressing thanks, Talte 4141110AV, Mrs; Ade Voieed the [-rope OW at Seine future,date her husband! Corporal 0, Maxis) would, be posted, back to $1410 c.11s- ricti and that they.might return to Bayfield. , Mrs, "W. $.. Otiterbridge poured tea and thenienlbera enjoyed a chat over the teacups, Mr, and Mrs: Adams have beer: active Mentbers of Trinity church and with, their children will be missed in Bayfield. Guides and BraWitiefii Te local association of Guides and Brownies inet at the home of Mrs -Grant Turner on,IVfonday ev,, ening. MrS. John Lindsay presid- ed Arrangements were made for another ceolde Sale on August' S. mrS. RtYY Fitzsimons% was appoin- ted Badge "Secretary. Mrs: 3. B. Higgins (Brown Owl) and Mrs. R, Turner (Tawny Owl) were present, ., Mrs. George Adams, captain of. First Hayfield Company Girl Guld- es for altrrest two years, enrolled Mrs, J. Lindsay as president, Nrs, John Cluff as treesurer, and Mrs': Roy Fitzsirnoas as badge secretary of the local association. • And. Mrs. Grant Turner, captain, and, Mrs. Fred Weston, lieuterlarrt, of the First Bayfield Company • Girl Guides. ' (Mrs. Weston who had been badge setretary since the in- ception of the Local Association resigned to beeome one of the leaders). • . • Mrs. R. H. F, Gairdner read an address and Mrs. Grant Turner presented -: 1Virs. *George Adams with a cup and sander as a small token pf appreciation of her splen- did' leadership in Guiding here for almost two\ years. Mrs. Adams, in expressing/her thanks, -said that she j-kad enjoyed the,. work very much. She leaves with her hus- band and 'three children for Red Deer, Alta„ theend of,the week. Refreshments were served and a social hour enpoyed before clis- Persing. , ., Business' & 'Professional . Directo ry , . . • DENTISTRY • DR. N. W. HAYkES - •• • Dentist • Across From. Royal Bank •• Phone 1113. 2-9571 • 29-tfb 4,4,,,,,........44,.......4~•....0..,.........4,~9. INSURANCE , . IruMre the "Co-op" Way, . W. Ir. ROY • District Representative Box 310 Clinton, Ontario Phone 'Colleot _ _ '- Office 1113 29642 ---Res. 1113 2-9357 • it 0. IAWSON • Bank of Montreal Building , Clinton • , PHONES: Office HU 2-9644, _ Res., HU 2-9787insur.•••• — Real Estate Agent: Mittud Like Assurance Co. ' Be Sure : : Be Insured IL W. coutonouN •• GENERAL INSURANCE , ' Representative . SIM Rio Aseationee Co. of Canada • Office: Royal Bank Building MONES Office HU 2,4747 --,Res. 2-7556 , J. E, MOW.ARD, Hayfield Phone Barfield 53r2 Car - Fire - Life - Accident Wind Insurance . If you need InsUrance, I have \ a Policy THE McRILLOp MUTUAL • FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY - Head•Office: Seaforth Officers 1956: President, W. S. Alexander, Walton; vice-president, Robert Archibald, Seaforth; secretary -treasurer and manager, M. A. Reid,. Seaforth. , Directors: John H. McEwing; Robert Archibald; Chris. . Leon- hardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Wm. S. Alexander, Wal- ton; J. L. Malone, Seafortb; Har- vey Fuller, Goderieh; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Alister Broadfoot, Sea - forth. Agents: Wm. Leiper Jr., Loncles- bcirof J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn. Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. .........p...........,0........4444,44.~......m INVESTMENTS ' Get The Fate . Call VIC D1NNIN • PhOng 168 — EUribh Investors Mutual Managed and Distributed by • Investors Syndicate Of , 'Canada, Ltd. ...,•OPTOMETRY G. It. CLANCY Optometrist "--1- Optician ' .(succedsor to the late A. L. • COle, optometrint) For appointinent phone 39, Goderibit •. ..--...--,....—,—.—........-.......--..-..,—,..4.—.. E, LoNaSmilr Houma: Seaforth; Daily 'except Monday & Wednesday -9 a.rri:'.`to 5.30 pan. Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12,30 p.m, Thursday evening by appointment only. Clinton: Above Hawkins & 'aCob Hardware— Mondays only .-1. 9 tun. to 5.30 port • ° P . HONE '91 e* SEAFORTH .........7...........r......N..............., PUBLIC• , ACCOUNTANT tioiqALD• 0. ate0ANN Public Accountant Royal Bank Building ' Phone 1117 2-9677 Residence, liattenintry 8t. • 'Phone 111.7 2-9544 CLINTON, ONTARIO 44fla 44444104,4100.•4144,14,14•44444.4\044•14.4.0 • REAL ESTATE IMO ARO 6.:WINTER axial Yetate and Business Broker High Street ‘,--, (Mitten name MY 24692 musiTo Iszys-REcrop 4 TSIXSDAY, J1,1Vg`a./,9% Parik4 Hall Dedleatiim Proud of their new parish hall whieli. was cledicatedin Hey,. 1. field on Friday evening, the, two warden.s,,,Alfred -Seotelarter -(left) People's. Warden and john Stewarg (right) Rector's Wardell are. .interested in the. pew lecturn dedicated the same evening. Donors Were the 'Pitts family in .memory of a former rector the late 1,,t,ev. R. C, .Pitts, Presentation Vas. Made by Albert Prtts, 'Toronto, w (above) with his rr'ether„ Mrs' R, 1V.feaford. -Young in:embers, of the choir at _the dedication seivice in, Trinity Parish. Hall, Hayfield last week, showed as much interest in the News -Record pictures being taken as in the service itself: •From the left, RaYLeonarO (soloist in the choir), Michael Scotch- , rner,Jackie Weston and IVIary.EliZaheth Ervine. • TheMcLeod Twins., Roberta and irieda. enjoyed the lovely floraParrangements which graced the H.a.11. They were members of the junior choir which took part in the service. • (News -Record Photos) News oi Lond esboro Correspondent — MRS. H. DURN1N• Phone Blyth 37 r 19 Pirates Iniiade 80)4ield, ,Sharing • &A Of 4 . Tay .fimity" Remo* (By OUr Bayfield correspOndelit) part, Pr. PM 4'illinarat Wag $nee. and his two daughters were most. attractive green tailed mermaids.. NV011 a Pittsburg Pirate was there. Never could one See more fiergeo.. looking- teeth as had some of the. lArates and the women and • ren were se cleverly dressed and, disguiSed that they cosi not be - identified by their friends from, Grand Bend, It took some time for members of the groups to ld.- entify each 'other, ;, The hosts were INO. and Mrs.. Jarnes.pay, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Hilton, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Conk,. Mr. and MM. 5, I. Carver, Dr. and: Mrs; W. A. Tillman ,Mr. and Mrs, Stewart ,Cook, Mr. and JameS A. Cairnoresa. Their guests from Grand Bend: Mr, and Ars. • G. Ernest Jackson and family; Mr., and; Mrs. W.: ScOtt and 'family, Mr. and Mrs. W. I', Shrives- and. family, Mr, and Mrs. a A. West.endorp and family, M. and Mrs, . 0eme/Campbeii and family, Anyone entering the lakeshore road oh Wednesday afternoon of last week would have thought that time had turned backwards, /t vs Bayfield's turn 1er the annual get-together of some of the summer residentswith their friends from Grand T*4,14, The male guests arrived, dres- sed to represent the British .Na,vy, and as they neared the home of Jim Day, one would nave thought they were living in days gone by, A Car, deeorated as a ship of Her Majesty's Navy, with Admir- al siandifig at the helm, had of- ficers, • all in uniform marching along beside (it Cars follovled with the -Wives and children, M'they neared the gates of the Day garden, they found the way barred by a large • pirate ship which had ben artistically decbra- ted by the daughters and friends of the girls.. • Standing aloof as. the stalwart captain of the ship, dressed as a true pirate with one eye blacken- ed Around stood the, members of. the Craw, A. large sign annoUn- ed, "Unable Seaman Westendorp L.G. (lowest grade) would be ha.nged for desertion from ye goode shippe Bayfield." (Mr. Wes- tehdorp had been in Bayfield last slimmer but is holidaying in. Grand Bend this Year). • There was much ringing of bells and shouts of "ship-a-hoy" as they neared the ship and call's etall for 'the deserter. Th,n each guest was blindfolded, boarded' a ladder to walk the gang plank through the ship to the.pirates', den. One encountered many charac- ters. There was the Ancient kers iner cleverly portrayed by Walter Srusari, his• daughter, was peg -legged Pete : and looked the 4, A• * LAKEVIEW CASINOI, GRAND REND • DA-NCING WEDNESDAY ERIDAy • and SATURDAY CLIFF SCANLON AND HIS ORCHESTRA Our Best Orchestra in years -MIDNITS DANCE -Civic Holiday Weekend LIGHTEN HER .K1kHEN. TASKS.' (47-- AbilliMASTER BEATS, STIRS ' FOLDS, WHIPS MIXES,.BLENDS AVAILABLE IN 5 - ATTRACTIVE COLOURS • BLACK & WHITE • YELLOW At PINK • • TURQUOISE • CHROME • Mixing Guide and Thumb- '• tip Control in handle. or 'Bigger Beaters. More volume in leu time. * • Simple Beater Ejector— easy to remove and insert beaters. • Convenient Heel Rest. Give Sunbeam and you give the finest • GALBRAITH RADIO and Tv Miss Bette Tait.spent the week- end with friends in Port Elgin. Miss Anne Fairiervice„ Detroit, spent the weekend at parental home. Mrs. Mary Beacom ,and Edythe, attended the reunion. in Ethel on Monday. Miss Marion Thompson, Kippers spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt. Mrs. Harold 4prung and two grandsons Wayne, and John are spending a week at Point. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wright, Lon- don, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fairseryide. Mrs. Walter Skimming is a pat- ient in a London Hospital. We hope she will soon be feeling bet- ter. Mrs. Bert Brunsdon spent last week with her daughter and! son- in-law Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nap- ier, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. William Goviei: and Mr. and Mrs. GeorgelVIcVittie and Ruby, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Rewe on Sunday. Friends will be pleased to knowMrs. Mrs. Frank Utter, is recuperating at her home' after spending some weeks in Clinton Public Hospital. Redent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Miller were: Mr. and Mrs. Orval Johns and children, Clandeboye;. Mrs. Lillie Lavis, Clinton; Howard LeeBuffalo:- Mrs. Ve]ma Lee, Thor'nclale, also kr. and Mrs, Clarke Wilson, Loft- dn. • Miss Ola Fangrad has successo fully passed her provincial examin- ations, and has received her dip - STANLEY Mit. i1a McCoWan returned home after visiting in Ottawa and Stouffville the past six weekst, Mr, 4ad. Mr& Fred Robleson, Billy, ancl lathy, are Spending this Wtek with Mrs, Goldie Gra- him and family. Wing Commander and Mrs, Rob- ert Aldwinekie and three children, Ottawaare Spending their holi- days at the borne of hit brothers. Mr. tind -Mrs. Robert Baird, Moose Jaw; Sask.are visiting at the hoihe of his 'brother, George Baird. This is their first trip hOrhe in over 35 years, Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor/ Mr. and Mrs, 'Frank Mcaregor spent Saturday sti Othlla. IVliss Catherine McOregor is spending two 'weeks at summer camp there, representing CO girlk roma for a certified nursingamis. tent. The graduation took place at Sunnybrook, Hospital, Toronto, at which her parents Mr. and Igrs. Adolph Fangrad attended:- Ola has accepted a position on the staff of the Wingbam General Hospital. • • - The Atigust meeting of the Lon- desboro Womens Institute will be held August 2, at 8 o'clock: Motto will be giiren by Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, roll call will be to "name a flower in bloom on your birthday." Pro- gram Mrs. B. Allen, -Mrs. C. Vin- cent, Mrs. Pangrad, Mrs. Thom- ason. Hostesses, Mrs. McDougall, Mrs. Hunking, Mrs. White, Mrs. J. Lee, Mrs. Carter. Please notice this is an evening meeting. 4,0•WY .0* ...V W..,,•••••••/•• Goderich -Tiwnship Pittsburg,Roy Liggate; tPerm., is spending two weeks with his cousin! John Torrance and other friends, Mr.' and IVfxs. Gordon Steepe, Carol and Cathy, spent last week- end in Woodstock, guests of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mag. Mrs. John IVLiddleton.attended a reunion at ,.the Nile last week When eepheivisand nieces of Miss Currey, gathered at her ?slime to honor a much loved aunt and to extend good wishes to nous - iris; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, Hoover and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farley, (riee-aleantir Hoover), all of Al- berta, who have been 'visiting in the community. VARNA Wedding hells 'are again rifting n the village. Williani‘ Colcletigh, Woodstock, has been visiting, hi and around the village. Mr. and 1V1rs, Burt Turner, 1:)e- troit, Mich„ called on relatives herd last* week. Congrattilations to. Mr. and Mrs, joint T. 1VIcAth on their 40thwed- dihg anniversary. A number of Varna girls are attending the Goddrich United �iutoh camp mg week. Mr. and Mrs, David Pitt and family, St. Johns, Newfoundland, are' visiting at the parsonage, Xenneth Ashton, Clinton., Will have charge of the services in the United Church for the next three Sundays, • I 1955 Plymouth Savoy Sedan Very clean; one owner,. Was $1,995.00. NOW ONLY 1950 Plymouth Sedan Very Clean. • • Was $895.00. LQ, NOW ONLY 1954. Plymouth *clan, kadio; low mileage. 11 N titosi$1,575.00 M NOW ONLY M O 1954 Moitarch Sedan .. . -.5. _ / Automatic transmission' power steering; brokeS; radio; many otheOtie, --='- extras. s Was .$2,295.00. M --.. • NOW ONLY . ,, .„ ...„ 0' 1951 Dodge Sedan Perfect shape. Was $895.00,, NOW ONLY 1950 Austin RI sharp! Was $295.004 ONLY • 0 795 I. MANY OTHER SPECIALS NIpi, ' . Murphy . Eos. Chrysler — Plymouth . Vargo Sales and Service Huron St. elhattot Ationmounnumenumensullonsommismosolilmenagina:-, A • • , 1 • • • • • • • • , • • • • • ^ on • A • 0.