HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-07-26, Page 5LURSD,eag JULY 20, 1056 014.SsiorlE0 RATES. (ASH /ll4TE (it paid by the WednesdaY following publics- " Om) ,-,.., Two (50100 Per word, ••mildrnent 00 mots. 1.Y1 cents a word for •each following laser - Um minimum .05 cents, BOX NUMBEg,--10e extra, BIRTHS, MARRIAGES and *1)FATES—no °bark% ENGA:GEMENTS, CARDS 01F -THANKS 5; IN MEMORIAMS . —Two cents, per word, minimum •- 50 ceete. CHARGED -45 cents extra. ' DEADLINE -12. o'clock noon, ' Wednesday, .. , ACCOMMODATION for RENT 4UPI.,EX 'FOR RENT, unfurnish- eed, Phone HU 2-6675. , • 30-h :61,1,VIALL ..APART1VIENT, ftirnished 4:and heated. Phone HU 2-6692. tt 30-13 , -SELF - CONTAINED Apartment '-refrigerator, Garage. Vacant Aug - I ust 1. Phone HU 2-9508. 30-b SELF - CONTAINED apartment. Vacant first of August. Phone flau 24928. Roy Tyndall. 127-tflo -APARTMENT WITH ALL con- . venieeeces. Heated. Furnished, Im- medt&te possession. • Phone HU ' 2-9536, 30-p 'THREE-ROOM apartment, furn- ished and, heated. . Phone- Clinton 1 -IU 2-9500, William Cochrane, :Mary Street. . 30-p , 'Z -ROOM FURNISHED a:partment, • reasonable rent no extras. Use of 'washer and frig, suitable for eCouple. Phone HU 2-9540 30-p _.....e.—..h_.. 'A FOUR ROOM DOWNSTAIRS apartment, two bedroerne, Private loath. Possession August 1. Phone ,}11,7 2-3465. •' ...30•.b , :2 FURNISHED APTS. TO RENT, f Centrally located- Phone Clinton RU 2-9652 or Ilensall 105 (in af- 'ternoon). - • 21-teb LAKEFRONT COTTAGE THREE if bedrooms With living roem, inside .corwenie,nees, private grounds.' $40 week, reduction by' month, Phone HU, 2-9898. • e 29-30-b COMFORTABLY FURNISHED, ateam heated, well located, three room apartment for couple. Avail - ;able noW. Dial HU. 2-9728. • i . . 25-tfb • , Accommodation Wanted 13NEURNISHED HOUSE TO rent ein Clinton,haduits, civilians. Reply by letter to Box 280, Clinton ',News -Record. 28 to 314) _ se ARTICLES FOR SALE 'VIKING FRIG, 7.6 CU. FT. LESS "than one year old. Good bargain ;for quick ,,sale as we are moving to Alberta. Phone LAC J. Talbot, 7Elast Street, HU 2-9536. 30-p ELA,D.Y'S WINTER, COAT, GREY squirrel trim, size, 14, almost new. [leader's 2 -piece 'blck suit, size 14, almost new; Child's Go -Cart, fair .condition. Phone EU 2•-3356. - • 30-p TV *FIT FOR A "KING" — We Rent — MoVe— Install. Complete 48ervice on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed: Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. • ' 6tfb AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE rRECLA11VIED: 1942 PLYMOUTH,. P-14 model, Serial 9831939: South End Cities Servite, Clinton Oritar- do. 29-30-b • • BABY CHICKS -1,000 READY TO LAY PULLETS, "pried reasonably. Enquiries sol- icited. 1VIcKINLEY FARMS and :IMATCHERY, Zurich. 30-b acrarlIENER, tBIG-4 PULLETS. erlayolch started. Mixed chicks. 'Variety breeds, crosses. 'Or broil- •-ers, including Pilch White Rocks. We will quote prices on whet yoU need, give full informaticm. Agent: t Chas. Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth • 43r23. 30b •[•••• ••••1 IlFftal BOARD . AND ROOM ACCOMMODATION FOR ONE .alone or two sharing. Private 'home. Private entrance. .Mrs. Jim ,Cox, phone HU. 2-7093. • 29-86b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High -Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- 'ton HU 2-6692. 13 -tin EMPLOYMENT WANTED 'OFFICE CLEANING AND ODD -Jobs. Phone. HU. 2-9215.. 30p FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS 'FOR • sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. ;Phone Clinton. HU 2-5692. Low ehlown payments. -.33-tfb Furniture- Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND • radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, - apply - W. GestsPickett, hone Clinton HU 2-7029. •1.5-6-7-p-tbf AMilmmarnimls•••0•••••., GARDEN EQUIPMENT, FOR SALE — "tHOREMAStER 21/2 h.p, HEAVY DUTY TILLER ' (leas transport wheels and extra tines) Our Price $139.95 .......—.... CHOREMASTER 115 h.p. 'COMBINATION TILLER ond 18" ROTARY MOWER • ' (Idealefor farin use where ' heavy ending is encountered) Tiller Only $119.95' 'MOwer Attachrhent $4950" .....;,.-..— iAll sizes of ROTARY Mid 'REEL MOWERS tip to 21" nut in stock, ...-...,... Why riot Phone nu, 24545 and 'hre a Tiller or Mower delivered to your home, try it yourself for en eVening, ne Obligation, EALL and 1VILITOII 7 Phohe Iltr. 2.0505 tlititen EIE‘P WANTED—MALE OVER 40? NIA= FROM 550 to 375 weeldy throtigh Joirdn,g tour staff. Wherever you live there is all °Perlin, • rAlvindEx, Dept. 4, Station C, IVIontreal. 30b HELP WANTED—FgmALE FOR. IALINDRX WORK. Five-, day Week, ,55e per hour to start. If able to maintain production, 75C Per hour Phone Clinton HU2-,7064 app in person, preferably, te A, Garen,Clinton Laundry andDryr Cleaning, • 14495 GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework, in a family with three children a St. Andrew's College, 25 miles north of Toronto. Priv- ate room and bath, Good Wages, Write Mrs' , Ma.cFarl' ene % Little In Bayfield, or phone 8 int 13ay- field. 30-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWO YORK SOWS, DUE NOW, A, L, Shanahan. Phone HU 2- 9869. 30-p 17 PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Ap- ply to Wes Hoggart, phone Clinton HU • 249878. 30 -lb LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. • Gilbert Bros. Mink Goderich. Phone celled, 1483J1, or 1483J4 • , 9ptfb ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851,r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darlin and Co. of Canada, Ltd. . 19tfb LOST AND •FOUND • LOST, One Yearling Hereford Heifer strayed from Lot 11, Con. 4, Ilellett Township.Anyone knowing „whereabotfts please not- ify Wiellain T. Livingston, RR No. 2, 'Seaforth or Alex Riley, RR No. 1, Londesbero,• Seaforth 30-p 850 r 11. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE — DRAIN TILE, all sizes. Order now. SEAFORTH CONCRETE' PRODUCTS. Phone Seaforth 740. 25to32-b FOR SALE --CEMENT BRICKS, in stock at SEAFORTH CiON- CRETE PRODUCTS: $35 per 1,600. Phone Seaforth .740. • 25to32•13 CHIMNEYS. DON'T WAIT TILL fall. Order yourchimney repaired or build now. New chimneys complete with flue tilee).$3.75 a foot Contact ,Bert • Christensen; Contractor, Seaforth. :27-32-b SANITARY SEWAGE • DISPOSAL Septic Tanks, Cess Pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with. Sanitary equipment, All work guaranteed. Estimates -given without obligation. Louis Blake, RR No. 2, Brussels, phone 42r6 Brussels. 20-29-p ART SUPPLIES '(Winsore New- ton); religious goods, pictures, picture framing, photographs for all accasions.1"&acLaren's Studios, Clinton and Goderich; at Clinton, esday and Thursday, 1.30 to 7 p.m. Phone"ClintIon HU. 2-9401. • 29-tfb PROTECT YOUR TV PICTURE tube with a HASTAR TV PIC- TURE TUBE PROTECTION con- tract. As low as $9.50 per year. Full 'particul'ars are obtainable from T. A. Dutton, RCA Victor Dealer, Brucefield. Phone Clinton HU Z3232. ' • 28-9-30-14) LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and' stones safely secured—don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. 30-p ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired, Home and Auto Radios Repaired ART LEVETT Isaac Street at Dunlop. • Phone Clinton HU. 2-6640' • 2S-tfb SIDEWALKS and PATIOS—The modern manner is to pave with flagstones. In a choice of 49 dif- ferent sizes and colors; Seaforth concrete flagstones can be laid in designs that add beauty to your home surroundings. Seaforth /con- crete flagstones are manufactured and vibrated in a manner that makes them waterproof and stronger than other makes. They are guaranteed for five years. Made only by 'SEAFORTH 'CON- CRETE PRODUCTS. Call for free estimates. Phone Seafortli 740, 25ta32-b NOTICE ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Lots 41 and 51, both. sides of the river, Tuckersmith Township, at ANYTIME hereafter will be proseauted. By order of The own- er.—A, E, PARRY. 25to30p PET STOCK FOUR. KITTENS, PART Persian, to give away. If your child want a pet, phone HU 2-3864. 30-b POULTRY FOR SALE 250 RAMP. x ROCKPULLE,TS Starting to lay. P. Westerhout, Phone inr. 2-981.2. 28' tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE T W 0 BEDROOM COTTAGE, modern eonvenienes Srnall doWn payment, early possession, Apply 140 James Street, 29-30-b WHY DO ALL THAT WRITING? . 'When A Rubber Stamp Hill 'do it faster,. eatier,, ond who knows? may. be neater,. too, ' Order One at the -Clinton Newilecord .• Delivery, Within 10 ddys., Cards of Thanks 0 Vents per WOO, Minimum: 590 wish to thank all those who remembered; baby ,all me with cards, flowers, gifts and visits while .a patient in the hospital. Special thanks to 1)r. Addison and Mee Clarence Crewford.--MRS. GLEN cARTER. 30-1) We would like to thank our neighbours, Mr, • and Mrs, Robert Taylor for their ltindness, and all ()there who loaned carand helped, in any way, Special thanks to. Pastor . L. Svveigard, and the Ball and 1Viutch funeral home for their kind help, --MR, AND MRS, S, FLEW= AND FAMILY; 30-p. ••••-,•••••••• wish to ,express my sincere thanks' to my relativea,hreighboure and other friends for their yap- bus,reinembranes my re cent Meese. -1 am very. grateful to EV. Streets, Dr, Addison, :Mrs, Clarence Crawford, and the mirsee and staff of •Olinton Hospital, .fier. their aid .in my receverY,7411:tS.. FRANK LrTE.. 30eb „-- I vdsh, to 'than c all those who vtitect Me, and sent treats and cards • while a patient at home and in Victoria I-lospital. Special thanks to those who have carried on the farm work and helped in any way -7, GORDON :SCOTCH- 1VIER, 30-ts IN MEMORIAM SWITZER—In loving ,niernory of Frankie •who'• passed away six years,. ago, July 27: ' hH'is presence we ;miss) His memory we treasure; Loving him always, . Forgetting nine never." —Eva. remembered by Mammy, Daddy,'brothers' and sisters and grandparents, 30-p REAL ESTATE Colquhoun Real Estate Broker •. TWO STOREY BRICK ideal in- come property in select residential district. 4 apartments, two 3 - piece battle; oil furnace, garage and small barn. Priced reason- able, terms can 'be arranged. SUMMER COTTAGE -83 miles from -Clinton on Lake Huron. 35 - foot lake frontage. Good beach. Equipped with hydrb, water. Pric- ed reasonable. • 60 ACRES—Small farm, three miles from Clinton. 6 -room, one storey, with modern convenien- ces.. 36' by 50' barn, cement stabling. Buildings in good con- dition. Owner selling because of pressure of other business inter- ests. SIX CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, all in select residential area. "Listings & Enquiries Invited", Phone HU. 2-9747 • Royal Bank Building Clinton - Ontario - 16-b • FOR SALE 11/STOREY DWELLING, 2 living rooms, den, dining room, modern kitchen, 1 bed room, with 2 piece bath down, 2 bed rooms and 3 - piece bath up. Hot water heat-, ing with stoker. Located near both schools on Rattenbury Street. , • I STOREY 2 BEDROOM Central Mortgage, down, payment $1,800. monthly payments $28.00. 14 STOREY, 2 APARTMENT or single dwelling; living room, dining, modern kitchen, 2 bed rooms, four -piece bath down, hardwood floors. Living, modern kitchen with dining space, 1 bed room> and four -piece bath up. Air conditioned. Qi1 heating. Un- finished playroom in basement. Owner moving to Toronto. 1V1ust be seen to be appreciated. Lot 80'x30'. Low taxes. $3,500 down, • National Housing Mortgage. 0 11/2 STOREY 7 -ROOM Dwelling, living room, dining room, bed- room, kitchen down; three bed- rooms, 3 pc: bath up; furnace; sun porch; verandah; attached garage; half block from main intersection. Possession 30 days. Apply to H. C.. LAWSON Complete Insurance Service Real Estate — Investments Bank of Montreal Building PHONES' Office HU 2-9644--ReseHU 2-9787 CLINTON, ' ONTAItXO TENDERSAVANTED SEALED FIRM. PRICED • TENDERS Will be received by the secretary.. • treasurer Tuckersmith School. Area No., 1, . 8, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Up to 12 noon E,D,T, August 6, • 1956 FOR ,CONStRUCTION OF ONE -ROOM ADDITION AND. ALTERATIONS TO' SS 8, EGMONDVILLE, ONT. to plebe and specifications prepar- ed by Riddle Conner and Associa- tes, 422 Wellington Street, London. Plans, and specifications may. be obtained feem the secretary upon the deposit of $50 in the kerne of Certified' eheque, made payable to the school board, Tuckerstnith Sehool Area 1\re 1 which will be released upon return of plans and epeeifiCatione in good condition within three weeks 01the date bf olosino of tendm, W. P. ROBERTS, Seeretarptreitsateri Rik 3, Sehtfotth, OntariO MANIVN NEWS*RECORD BIRTHS Ax\israoNer—in Clinton Public 1-10sPital, an Monday, Ally 23, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs,. Mtn Arm- strong, BaYfield, a daughter, CLARK—In Clinton Public ,Hospi, tal, on Friday, July 20, 1956, to Cpl. and Mrs. Glen Clark, Cline ton, a daughter. FERIAND — Clinton Public 1-10ePital, on Tuesday, July 24, 1956, to LAC. and Mrs. Gerry Ferland, Clinton, a son. GAUTREAU In Clinton pnbue Hospital, on Sunday, July 22, 1956, to Mr, and 'Mrs, Lavern Gautreau, Clinton, a son. JOILNS'rON — In Clinton Publfe Hospital, on Friday, July 20,, 1956, to 1Vrr. and Mrs, Stewart, Johnston, Blyth, a daughter, MACHAlhl Iht Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, July 24, 4956, to Mr. and Mrs, Keith Machan, Auburn, a daughter. POLLOCK — In Fillmore Union Hospital,' on July 15, 1956, to • Mr, and Mee. eilurray 5, Pollock, Talmage, Sask,, a son. • MARRIAGES DOLICEriTE—PAWUW — 111 St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Chur- ch, on Saturday, July L, 1956, by Rev, J. W. P. Graham, Eliza- 4beth, daughter of Mrs. Adeline Pawliw and the .late John Paee liw, Ituna, Sask., to Joseph Theodore Doucette, RCAF Stat- ion Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doucette, Charlotte- town, P.E.I. FISHER—SOWER13Y -- In St. George's Chur,ch, Goderich, on Saturday, July 21, 1956e by Rev. K. E, Taylor, Betty Louise, datighter of •Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert, Sowerby, Goderieh, Town- ship to Gerald Preston Fisher, Colborne Township, son t;of Mr. and Mrs. Haney Fisher. GARRETT-eCOLLINS—In Bruce - field United Church, on Satur- day, July 21, 1956, by Rev, S. Davison, Margaret. Emily daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will- • lam Collins, Seaforth, to„Mur- fay Albert Henderson Garrett, Seaforth, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Alvanley Garrett. • JOHNSTON--McCARTNEY St. Paul's Anglican Church, • Clinton, on Saturday, July 21, 1956, by Bishop, W. A. Town- sthend, June Madelon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 1VIeCart- nee, Clinton, to William IL Johnston, Toronto, san of Mrs. Johnston, and the- late A. P. Johnston, Toronto. DEATHS ANDERSON In Brimfield, on Tuesday, July 24, 1956, at the home of her nephew, Alex Mus- tard, Brucefield, Margaret Mac - Laren, beloved wife of the late Albert Anderson, in her 88th year. Funeral from the Cottrell funeral ho m e, Tiverton, on Thursday, July 26, at 2 p.m,. In- terment an Tiverton Cemetery. BRADWIN — Suddenly, at his home,60 Hillsdale Ave; W., on Wedesday, July 18, 1956, Al- bert Milton Bradwin, beloved husband' of Elsie Armstrong, so of a former editor of the Blyth Standard. Funeral from the .Nevvbiggingc funeral home, Tor- onto, to Park Lawn Cemetery, on Friday, July 20. WATTS—At the Toronto Western Hospital, on Wednesday, July 18, 1956, John Watts, of 66 Mel- bourne Ave„, Toronto (former employee of CPR), beloved hus- band of Della • Robinson, dear father of Bert H. N., John R., , Mrs. H. ,,Fletcher (Donalda),, Mrs. J. Stone (Erma), Aurora, and 1VIrs. Fred Piper (Wanda), Kitchener, dear brother of Tom Watts, Oshawa and Mrs. Fred 'Cooper; Toronto. Funeral from the Turner & Porter Chapel, 436 Roncesvalles Ave,, Toronto, on Saturday afternoon to Baur- el Hill Cemetery, Bolton, On- • tario. 304) 'o MISS SHIRLEY COOPER, NOW EMPLOYED ' IN BURMUDA HOTEL . Miss Shirley Cooper, formerly employed with the Bell Telephone Company here, left recently by plane for Burmuda, where she is employed on the switchboard in the Princess Hotel. , She reports a nice flight—five hours hien To- ronto to the Island, Harvey's • Taxi (At Mid -Towne Restaurant) PHONE HU. 2-9054 • NIGHT HU. 2-3880 • Harvey Ashton. CLERE-VUI AtitO Wreckers Ports for All Makes of Cars , from '24 to '52 AUTO LITE BATTERY DUNLOP TIRES Sow dud Service , Used 1641-184940 Tires, Phone: 2-3211 • We Buy Scrap Metals PAGE Drown Especially for ciiotoo and •BO UT •THISIT District Chamber of Commerce and Clinton, Hews..Record by Ralph Tee, YOU'RE TELLING h1E.., CARTING IT ALL THE WAY FROM THE 010.10WAI POESN DO IT ANY GOOD. REMEMDER THAT WARIER'THAT JIGGLED APART ON US LAST WEEK?? CAREF14,JOE... TRUE ICICLE REFRIGERATORS OREAK AWFUL EASY ' 4 VA/ / '1 e, • , NM -MAC., i.I L.' ICICLE, tit? YOU KNOW, SOPHIE BOUGHT A "so,mb SQ" MACH I NE FROM THAT CO AA PA N Y ONCE, ANO HE SAYS IT 'WON'T 'SEW AND SEW" fati ....W." • „, w • ,•• wo.t. I GETTING. A REFRIGERATOR, TOO,eBUT M GOING. TO .BUY RIGHT NEkE IN Cial AliON 1^.4 14 .••••••• •••••?1•11, ^IX• WATCH IT, MEN... THAT LI% ICICLE MOONY MELT IIIFORE YOU &ET IT INTO THE, KITCHEN... N. Huron Group Spenci Day In Bruce County . Members Of the North Huron rdrm Management Association are spending today in Bruce Coun- ty on a planned bus tour visiting farms throughout the, Paisley, Teeswater • and Holyrooll area. Ladies went along with their far- mer. husbands on this tour plan- ned by the executive a the as- sociation along with G. W. Mont- gomery, ' agricultural. xepresentat- itre for the County. ' A similar tour for the members of the South Huron Association will go into Kent County tomor- row, visiting farming operations Ridgetown and Blenheim -areas. HENSALL Mrs. F. G. Stevens, Hawksville, is the guest of Mr. and 1VIrs. Wil- liam Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClinchey and Nelson are vacationing in Northern Ontario. Mrs. D. J: McKelvie, Robert and Ann, are holidaying with Mrs. Mc- Kelvie's mother at Shelburne. Miss Bernice -Dilling, Sarnia, was' a weekend visitor ,with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dining. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol incl Maja were Mr. and! Mr. T.Vandyke and fam- ily, Clarkson. • Mrs. Irma Harris, Detroit spent the weekend with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr: and Mrs. S. Ren- nie and family. Corporal John Atkinson, Mrs. Atkinson and family, Quebec, are holidaying with the latter's par- ents; Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Petzke. Mr. and Mrs. George Ibbotson, Robert, Beverley, Mildred and Murray, Armour, visited With -1VIr. and Mrs. WilliamsPepper recently. Mr. and Mrs; Cal Horton spent the weekend at Niagara Falls, guests of their brother-in-la.w and sister, 1VIr. and Mrs. Lorne Pepper. A number of ladies from Hensel' and vicinity attended a shower in honor of Miss Mavis Reid, Lons don, bride -elect of this week, held at the home of Mrs. Hilton Laing, Exeter. Mrs. Don Rigby Blenheim at- tended a shower for Miss Mavis, Reid, London, at the home of Mrs. Hilton Laing, Exeter, Wednesday evening, and spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Miss Martian' Pepper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper, Kip - pen, spent last week attending the Bible School at Auburn as a' helper. 137 attended the School. While in Auburn, Marian was the guest af her auntMrs. W. J. Good. • Weekend guests with Rev. and Mrs. C. D. Daniel at the marise and at their summer, cottage at Goderich were Mrs. John P..Bick- ell, Peterborough; Mrs. Andrew Lawrence, Port Perry; Mr.and M3 s. Orville Switzer and -their daughter Linda, Toronto. Recent surnmee guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Hess . at their summer dottage, Hess -Haven tot- tage at the Pinery, were Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Naimola, Sandra and Dennis; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pet- tigrew and. Leon; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pettigrew, Denise, Chris- tine, and Valeria, Lincoln Park, Mich. Bingo Winners Winners of Legion Bingo held in Ilensall' Saturday night are.: Mrs. P. Bucher:an, 1VLrs, Bruce Walker, Mervyn Desjardine, Gordon Oke, 1VIrs, Hodgine, Mrs, Leo Meidinger; Mrs. Lorne ZUefle, Windsor; Mer- vyn Desjardifte. Mrs. Cliff Wat- soneCentralia; krs. Orville Smith; Mrs, Robert • MacGregor, 1Vfrs Bruce Welker; Mrs, Buckley; MIS. Mae IVIdLelland; Mrs. Reichert, Mrs. Austin, Seaforth; Mrs. Will- iaitt Bell; Mre, Befla Brintnell. Legion Bingo A good attendance was reported at the Legion Bingo here on Sat- Urclay evening last, lucky Winners were: WS, Wesley Vermeil IVCrs. Thomas Brintriell; Miss Carol Srovert; Ray Kenny; Fred en- nhigs, Alfred Clerk; Mervin Deejardine; Mrs, Wealey Vehner; Mrs. %tames 'Paterson; Mee. Wil- liam. 13 ell; Thomas 'Kyle; :Donald Mrt, Robert Simpson; Mrs. Workman, Mrs. J. A. Pe:teethe; Nrrs, M. Dougall; Ulm' Foster; Mrs, William Mrs, T. trinttieli, Roxy Theatre, Clinton Now: Double Bill "FURY AT GUNSIGHT PASS" and "SINGING ON. THE TRAIL" MO,NDAY, TUESDAY • and WEDNESDAY . . "AN ALLIGATOR NAMED DAISY" A four -foot alligator proves to be an unhandy companion on this riotously funny British' film.. Donald Sinden -- Diana Dors Jean Carson • THURSDAY, FRIDAY • and SATURDAY "A DAY -OF FURY" Jock 1VIalreneye of TV's: "Range Rider" series, stars in a thrilling new action film, with Dale Robertson -- Mara Corday Coming:. "NEVER SAY GOOD-BYE" •••-•-••-•-•-•-•••••-•••-•-•44-.44 W02 J. F. Allan Posted Here As . SWO From Aylmer Warrant Officer 2nd Class, John Frederick Allan., CD, 41, has been transferred to RCAF Station Clin- ton, effective Monday to become th e Station . WarraeLt Officer (SWO). He has been in charge cf School Serviees, 3 Squadron, RCAF Station Aylmer. "Jack" was born in Prince Al- bert, Saskatehewan, but received his education in Kingston, Ontario. Eie joined the RCAF in Septem- ber. 1938 and served throughout the war as a specialist clerk and supervisor at Trenton, Regina, Toronto, St. Thomas, Pat Bay, BC, Vancouver, Boundry Bay, BC, and Ottawa. He remained in the RC- AF after the war and has served at RCAF Stations' Mountain View, Tr eat o n, Training Command Headquarters, Trenton; . SHAPE Headquarters, Paris France, and Aylmer. He has been at Aylmer since August 1955. His wife, the former Kathleen O. Judge, London, Ontario, resides in Private Married Quarters, RC- AF Station Aylmer. They have' four children., John Richard', 15, Toni Rae, ten, Sandre Joy, nine, and Victor Bruce, three, His par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Allan reside in Kin,gston. 'He enjoys baseball, basketball, swimming, golf and track sports. He coaches in baseball and softball. His spec- ial hobbies include photography and sports. o Community Sale HENSALL, JULY 19 Weanling pigs, $7.60 to $11; :hunks, $12 to $16; feeders, $18 to $24; sows, $42 to $75; Helstein eaves,. $125 to $140; Durham cows, $120 to $150; Hol- stein calves, $12 to $16; Durham calves., $26 to $42. Grass , cattle sold at strong prices. 300 pigs and 60 head of cattle and calves passed through the sale ring. 0 MISS MURIEL DALE rO TEACH AT MALTON Miss Muriel Dale, . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Dale, RR 1, Clinton, will teach in Maltoe this September. Interested in, 4-H Club work, the Junior Institute and young peoples work, Miss Dale gained her secondary educa- tion, in Seaforth High School°. ......___ _ ----_. -------__ . Flower . -,. i Telegrdphed Anywhere '.,..,..., K. p p C. Cooke FLORTS11" Phone HU. 24012 Clinton AT DADv TELEPHONE TFIEF..nlin 1150 Goderich NOW PLAYING: "THE SPOILERS" by ReleBeach—A NEW Techni- color .version starring Jeff Chandler 5: -Anne Baxter MONDAY,, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Clifton, Webb -- June Allyeen Lauren Bacall -- Van Heflin • - 'and Fred MacMurray A sprightly comedy in which the wives of three young executives become the keys to promotion. • . "WOMAN'S WORLD" — Scope & Color THURSDAY, FRIDAY - and SATURDAY "BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK" A picture that will surprise you with its excellence! In Cinemascope & Tecludcolor Spencer Tracy -- Anne Francis Dean Jager & Walter Brennan Coming: "HOW TO BE VERY, VERY POPULAR" In 'Scope and Color With Betty Grable & Sheree North • •• • - • 4 _I, 411# BLYTH TURKEY k4ARMER. IS PRESIDENT OF ONTARIO FEDERATION Robert Wallace, Blyth, Manager of the Wallace Terkey Farm and president of the Ontario Turkey Federation was among the speak- ers at the turkey broiler festival held in J. Cameron Wilson Park, London, .yesterday. The day ire eluded pipe band music, tour of Fanshawe Damr speaking program, sports, and the turkey barbecue in the evening. Clinton Community - Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY comnlencing at 8.00 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELEIO'IT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Official • Headlight Aiming Station • Be -sure your HeadijghtS are focused properlyi. We have the latest equipment and in a matter of minutes can make your night driv- ing easier and safer. The cost is low—so drive in today. •RAY'S Cities s Service' Cities &tout Products Ray Hoggarth Carl Oatiteloia "The place where you never have to blow your horn" Ph011eIIU 2-9032 - Clinton t t t Ontario , .