HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-07-26, Page 4.1 In • ,Memoriam Cards An appropriate cord, ack- nowledging, a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society, in memory of the deceased, will be sent to the bereaved fam- ily. Ask the funeral director, or contact the local Branch of the Perth-Huron Unit, Cana- dian Cancer Society. Benson Sutter, Secretary Phone HU. 2-6635 4 Mrs.esWallaPe Wheatley, 'Weed- Steek, is a :guest with Mr. and Mrs.. Livermore,lames Ding Street, Mrs, Harriet Blanchard has re turned ,after having visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross, WallOW4ale. Mr. and Mrs. Donald. B. Lane, Montreal, are visiting his. parents, Rev, and -Mrs. D. J. Lane, Huron Street. Mr, and Mrs. Peter .Schelha and Dale, gen-imam, are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. McCartney. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Grace, •Columbus, Ohio, have been •visit- ing their cousins F, W, Andrews and. Mrs. Len Heard, Mr. and Mrs, Manly Wankel and Loreburn, Seek., visited with Mrs. Wilmer Wallis and ()th- ee relatives last week, Mr. Etneet. Crieh and Mrs, Gil- bert Brown, ,Tontiac, Mich., • visit- ed relatives last week coming ov- er for -the Crieh reunion, Mrs. Leonard- Whittington, Sun- ridge, has been visiting 110 broth- er and his wife, Mr. .and .Mrs, James East,,Hullett Township. John A. .Ginirings sand family, Stratford,. held a birthday party at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Gibbings last week. .Misses: Florence and Martha Fowler, Seaforth; (Miss Edna, JoetNn- ett, Port Huron, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colelough on Monday. Mr's. F. Andrews was in Coiling- wood over the weekend and: atten, eed the wedding on Saturday of her nephew John Hill to'' Marie Helen Ring. Mrs, Olive Perham and daugh- ter, Mrs: Dennis Dunn, Carol and Cassie, Detroit, and Mrs: Jennie liebdere London, visited' on• Tues- day with Mrs. David .Eason. ' and Mrs. H.; E, Hartley and Christine epent . last week visiting relatives at Balsam Lake, Fenelon Falls, also the former mother at her summer home, Port Dalhousie.. Mr. and Mrp. G. W.:,..Millson and son, Mr,„, and Mrs. David Dennis, and George Moffat, all froth, Lon- don; were Stinday vieitors• at the • home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Per- dUe. , Dr. and Mrs, A. F, Cpoper and their son, Dr. Bruce .Cooper, .all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs/ Lawson, Woodstock, and Joan, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bond East Street, Mr. and Mrs. IlerbeJowett and son Don•, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jewett and family; Mr. and Mrs, John Bayly and family, Port Hur- on, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colelough. • Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Riehl and family, returned Friday from vac- ationing at Skead, near Sudbury, where the former's brother Bob Riehi is, stationed .with tie De- partment of Lands' and Forests. s• Chapman's Barber Shop Will Close July30 and Re-Open August 13 Chapinan'i Beauty Shop Will Close July-30 and And Re-Open August 20 30.1-b AUBURN Correspondent-MRS. FRED ROSS Phone ,Dungannon 9 r 15 Mrs. W. T. Robison was a re- cent visitor in Exeter ,and Bruce- field. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibbs, Hamilton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett. Mrs. Fred Ross is visiting her son, Donald and Mrs. Ross, Oak- ville; also friends in Toronto. ,. Miss Elma Mutch who has been attending the wedding of her niece in Lacombe, Alta., has re- turned home. Mr, and Mrs. Herb Mogridge are' visiting their daughter, Mrs, Gormley Thompson, and Mr. Thompson, Brampton. R. D. Munro is attending a meeting of the High Court of the A.F ,and A.M. lodge in Toronto. Mrs. Catherine Doble is irig friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Pepper, Hensall, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Good on Sunday, Marion' Pepper who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Good, returned home with them. Recent visitors at the Mine of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Easorn. were Mr. arid Mrs. Lorne Jewel, Gordon and Mary Elizabeth, of Scarboro, Ont„ Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ad- mans, Jerry, Bobby and Jimmy, Stratford, and Mrs. Donald Han-, ley, Dianne and Darlene, Clinton. Miss• Lois Grasby New Organist At Ontario Street Miss Lois Granby; . RR 4, Brus- sels, hat accepted the position of organist at Ontario. Street. United Church, and her duties will corn:: menee here in, mid-September. Miss Grasby 'has been organist at Blyth piked Church for the past four years. She holds an A.Re.T, diploma from the Royal, Conservatory of Music, Toronto, and at present has a large class of pupils in piano and theory in, the Blytb-Brussels' area. Occupying the vacancy left by the death of Mrs. E. Wendell, sev- eral months ago, Miss, Grasby 'in- tends living in Clinton, and will be interested In enstructing pupils here, in addition to the work, at the church. o RCAF fersonnel • ' Take Service At Drive-in • Those' who attended the out- door church service at Brownie's Drive-In Theatre on Sunday were ushered to the ramps by eight smartly , uniformed Air Cadets from RCAF Station Clinton. Tne •e• From Our Store Only. RaisinOatmeal Cookies Package IA 15 Reg. 25c 19t1 llakers and RV -9727 BAFtTLIFF OS Confectioners Ellit • Clintonr Ott, Sanclifiches Taste Better made with Bartliff's Enriched Bread OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL •••• ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "'Mt- IMIENIDLY CHURCH" 19ASTOE,-EEIT0 A, GLEN EAGLE, 0,45 a,n1.--auriday School 11.00 a,rtr 1VCorniti Worship 8.00 p.m.--Worship trttriteros Clituth 6,45 ami.41Vrottning Worship, 10,45 EL.neSUildn Seliree 4J441,46r444. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLMTON ..*••••••••0 Sunday School 0.45 a.m, Breaking of Bread 1100 a.rn, Gospel Service ,,,,,,,, 8.00 p.m. TUESDAY,. 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study, Daily Vacation Bible School, July. 16 in 28, 0 to 12 nen. All boys' and girls welcome, "A Hearty Welcome Awaits You" Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON hmaymiluor•Or Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11.00 A.m.-Breaking, of Bread 2,00 part-Childrerfs Meeting 1.00 Pal.-GOspel Meeting ALL WELCOME Christian. Reformed Church , Rev. G. J. Hoylema, Minister 10,00 a.m.-Morning Service Dutch. 11.30 a.m.-Sunday School. 2,30 pen.-Afternoon *Service English. Everyone Welcome BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor 10,00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Services. 7.30 pare-Gospel Service You are cordially invited to ;these services. 1.4.41V Ignited ebuttb REV. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENME, Choir. Director - SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1956 Attend Jour Church ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's --. Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 9th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 aen-Morning Prayer- 4.11.411. Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH MinistereeREV. 5. E. OSTROM 11.00 aere-Merning Service 12.15 p.m.-Sunday School 7,30 .p.m. Evening Service. ALL 'WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. a 3. LANE, B,A., Minister MRS. MORGAN' AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, July 29 10.00 a.m.-Church School, 11.00 a.m.-.Divine Worship,- 8.00 pm.,--1).rive-Ifi Theatre---.• Rev, a J. Lane. will conduct service. Mr. and 1VIrs, lames Stewart, Seaforth and. the rnale quartet of ,First .Pres, byteriart Church Seaforth,.and other members of the r .. choir' Will lead the praise arid der special duets and quartets. Everyone, Is 'Coedially 'Welcome 14..'QUR 4QN IIVW84tr#0044) TRURSDA:Sr, JULY 2e, 146 Local Couples SpealiNows July Cerp Elwin, Merrill spent Sunday and Monday visiting friends in Brace= bridge and .Huntsville. Mrs.' John. .Nogelo returned,. to hex home. in Ottawa after visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John McGuire,' for two weeks, F/O Nogalo returned to Rociteliffe Monday evening after •three Mon-, the with 40$ Photo Swearer): in the Arctic, Mrs, David Graubert .and baby elSo returned en, their home in Jamaica, New York. The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, Clinton Branch 140, held a successful picnic at Harbour Park, Goderich, last Sun.:- day, The weather was mostefay. mixable. • Afterneon sports were enjoyed, under the supervision of Mrs. T. Leppington and Mrs. H. Fairsee- vice. Winners of the races and games were: five and under, Aud- rey Demiorne; Doug Cameren; six to eight, Linda Cooke; DavidLey- burne; boys eight to ten 'rabbit hop, Steve Cooke; -girls eight to 10 shoe scramble, Judy Watkins; boys and girls, ten -and over, bal- loon race, .Besalie Watkins,.Judy Watkins, Ladiet Auxiliary 60 yard dash, Mrs. K. • C. Cooke. Mrs. Robert Draper.; men's 100-yard, dash, "Bud" Schoenhals, Douglas And- rews; men and women ball toss, Douglas • Andrews; pin-the-patch race, Mrs. K. C. Cooke and Doug- las Andrews; soda s biscuit race, Mrs. William Watkins, The child- ren' also enjoyed a candj kiss and peanut scramble. Youngest child present was lit- tle Eddie Schmidt;oldest woman present, Mrs. V. Habgood; oldest main Mr. James. Mrs. E. McIn- tyre was the winner of 'a lucky name prize.. After a very enjoy- able.supper, several of the young- er members. enjoyed a stWirn before leaving Godericle Carmel. WMS Has July Meeting (By our Hensall correspondent) The July Meeting cif the Wom- en's Missionary Society of Carmel Church was held at the home of Mrs, Sam Dougall, president of the organization on Thursday af- ternoop, July 12. Mrs.., R; J. Cam- eron took the chair and gone the cMI to worship, followed by the singing of "Unto the Hills." Mrs. L. Purdy read sacred pas- sages from the '2nd Corinthians' 8 and Mrs. John Forrest offered prayer. Mrs. Higgins, -Bayfield contributed a solo, "How Lovely are Thy Dwellings," accompanied by Mrs. M. Doegall. Mrs. Camer- on gave a meditation on Foreign Missions. The president presided for the business session. Mrs. Inez Me- Ewan reported that $180 had been sent in June to the Presbyterial treasurer. Mrs. B. Edwards' • displayed a beautiful top for a quilt all hand done, and lining, gift of the Mrs. A. E. Northey, Cameron, ,Ontaria,- (the former Mrs. F. Farquhar, Rensall). Mrs. Edwards offered her home for the quilting. Mrs. Cameron introduced the book, "Wilderness' Missions" by Mrs. Gray, London, to the group._ ouies to S h a r b t MR: AND MRS. musitAY norGuis HANN, Mitchell, were ,married at the home of • tike bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David A, Craig, Blyth, by the Rev. A, W. Watson. The bride is the former Laura Ann Joye Craig. /lee husband is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kane, Mitchell. (Photos by MacLaran'e) Popular Brucefield Bride-Elect -Honoured -At Many Showers Miss* Verna Eyre, youngeit ge Heriderson; Mrs. W. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay MeBeath. Eyre, Bayfield, has been honoured The costumes were very well at several gatherings recently in done and the wedding party made honour of her forthcoming mar- a hit with the large audience. riage i.n Brucefield United Church 'Mrs. D. Jones and Mrs. R. Pat- Saturday, erson sang the original preterite- On Tuesday of last week her tion address set to the tune.: of co-workers at the Bank of Monte -Macnamara's Band and gifts were real, Clinton, branch, staged a drawn in on a decorated wagon surprise shower , at the home of by young Misses Sharon Baird and Mrs. Clete, Hartley -and presented Joanne Aldwinckle, charmingly many useful kitchen items. - • dressed in pink. Last Thursday a community Mrs. Eyre assisted her daughter showere was held in the basement in unwrapping the miscellaneous of the Brucefield Church. A gifts and after Verna had thank- mock wedding was staged with ed 'the doners, she was showered community ladies taking part: with confetti by Mrs. Jones from bride, Mrs. Melvin Graham; groom, a suspended, ,decorated watering Mrs. Ronald' Patterson; maid of can. Lunch-was served, honOur, Mrs. Fred Robinson; . Tuesday evening Mrs. Eyre held groomsman., Mrs. Stewart Baird; a trousseau tea in honour of her preacher, Mrs. :Welter Moffatt; daughter, who assistbd in welcom- ring-bearer, Meg. Victor Hargreav- ing about 150 guests to the home. es; usher, Mrs. Douglas 5 Jonee; Gifts were displayed by Mrs. Ron- bride's mother, We. Barbelle aid' Paterson, Mrs. Douglas Jones Thompson; bride's father, Mrs. and the beide-elect's only sisten Walter Baird; guests, Mrs. NOrm- Mrs. Arnold Keyes. an Baird, Mrs. Victor Taylor, Mrs. Tea was poured by Verna's Goldin • Graham, 'Mrs; George grandmother, Mrs. Filizabeth Baird, Jr„ Mrs. Donald Gray, Mrs. Douglass and her great aunt, Mrs. Alex Patterson; soloist, Mrs. Geor- Agnes Consitt. Serving was by the Misses Marilyn Eyre, Mae and her husband was soloist for Coleman and Wilma Dirmin, the evening as well as joining In the kitchen Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Carlisle all of Hensell and aunts of the bride- elect were assisted by cousins. it. Mrs. ) the iety eek, ded ad Mrs. eadings The 7il1'iani e rer's R. MakinS rigs, y Mrs, Mrs. he study lible Mrs. .nd ,Mrs. o take field The ng Fohriston ieiving guests lobert tn Church y rnecalled f tnyoung'HindU ersecuted "brit,Mrs, he September Andrew Robert Women's of St, , Mrs, and after and minutes statement Current George D, 3, quiz, McKenzie, D. the in Blyth. president with prayer. • Robert Shaddock showed book assisted refreshments. Of on 13,. W, on Mrs, were Lane for Scott J. Lane opening Scott Scott Andrew's the a prayer. events telling WMS 7 given leoneeeoe, Mrs. Tuesday Scott and who accepting Mrs. closed the s Weekend- Missionary menenzie. increased continued singing John read conducted WIIS of for by the by were the was were exercises rally the Miss hostesS was hostess Presbyter- Shaddock ing day Bo- last rile pre, Mr. of a All Snider are 'Bible social the Mrs. treas. amounted4nted Mrs. J. giv, keep given things with sorely AND Jesus a • ment named home at the to be o'clock meet- plots, .Luella Q.A.C. ' be LOlA For dance, night. Plan. Picnic Late August The 1./013A. held a regular meet, hi the lodge rooms. on Ttrs, evening with a good atten- ' Plans were Made to bold a' an August 28, on the. lawn and Mrs Wesley Shebbrook. members and their families cordially invited to spend hour or two together. Reports given on the selling tags- for the orphans' home to ,e80. It was suggested that members November 20 open as are being planned for pie- of a of big that the - 30, 7,30 test from will . story TWILIGHT annual ing. plots in Auburn) MEETING BX SOIL CROP GROUP e Plans are now completed for Soil and Crop Improve, Association's twilight meet Held at the Huron County on Monday evening, July program commencing at will include vielts to of grain, long term pasture and Prof. George Raithby, Guelph, (originally will speak. „Lunch provided. 'Specials • WE All , HAVE SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER LOOK EXCHANGED OTHER _THEM STYLES STORES DRESSES SKIRTS OVER! BLOUSES WITH ' OUR ReducedTo/clear CATALINA All BATHING SUITS Sizes 32 to 44 Reduced 20% - LADIES' WEAR , SIDE PURE Bick's, TEA York CORN Devon 2 Instant Schneider's Sunkist Delmar Breakfast- PICKLES Lipton's Hereford' CORNED. 'MILKO-pkg. MARGARINE MARMALADE .,BAGS LINES , SPECIALS Sweet Whole BACON PORK - JULY 26-27-28 • tins ibs. 85c 29c 25c 69C 43c oz. 29c 55c 49c 29c 2-3445 ORANGES-344's-doz. RindlesS Chocolate 37c - 29e fib., 3 Club-Orange & Grapefruit -24 oz. jar Mixed -16 oz. jar --60's Brand BEEF-tin Kernel ps 14 , A ---1 lb.. pkg. Country Style SAUSAGE-lb. Juicy FREE DiELIVERY TO CENTRAL - Phone HU. Men's Jub?. Specials 1.35 2.35 Work Shirts-Reg. to /95 2.95 & 3.25 or long sleeves, Sanforized and Jackets (2 for 2,50) (2 for 4,50) to 1/3 OPP TO in OFP to 14 OFF l/ OFF Styles Reduced Men's Sport Shirts-Rag New patterns, short Meres Light Weight Windbreakers Latiles',Loggoge Ileg. to 13.95 . Lines, Irkomplete Top Bags t Sets, sOons UP 'UP etc.) IV _.„.,.., Loafer Greatly (Discontintted Men's , Leather Zipper SPECIAL ItAPICeeelEN'S stmimpR Leather e 13ove- "able or -Web tippers; Strap Lace and. (Not all sizes in each style) Of Odds 'n.' Ends-- Jeans, Shirts, . e Tee-Shirts - OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS Shoes Luggage . Clothing ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED • , leir, and Mre. Abe Zelefe, rent announce the engagement!, of their yotinger daughter, Mar- garet Ann to Mr. Robert Bell Allen, Brueefieid, the marriage to take place in Byron; August • 30-b 0 Legion Auxiliary Picnic Successful service was conducted by chap- with Flight Lieutenant Mould for, lains of the Station, Flight Lieut- 6, duet, and reading in the song enant L. W. Mould and Flight service, Lieutenant J. G. Murdock., Organist was Mrs. Bob Graham, -nen CORPORAL AND MRS. JOSEPH DOUC- ETTE, RCAF Station Clinton (left) were mar- ried in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church here, last Saturday by Rev. 5, W: P. Graham. - The bride is Elizabeth, daughter: of Mee. Adeline Pawliw and the late John •Sask, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Doucette, Charlottetown, P.E.I. They will live in Clanton.. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C.. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Friday, July 27- 8.00 p.m-Christ's Ambassadors Sunday, July 29-• 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service Tuesday, July 31- 8.00 p,m.-Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You pianist, • t