HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-07-19, Page 7viwnsgsAY, zax 19, 306
News of thi
Clinton Memorial Shop
At other times contact Thomas Steep, phone. Clinton
HU 2.3869; residence, Shipley Street.
Con'eoPonclent MRS. 11% meavu,orwa
*hoe, atom also Nv a
alass. Adele Finlay is swotting
Part of her holidays with her -als,
tOr-in-l4W, Mrs. Jack. r 4nr,
er gouge, Mich
Miss Bonita Williams spent the
past week in •Goderich, the guest
Of her. uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mee. George Bolton,
.Mr, and Mrs, F. Lawson and
4m. 1494cloo, And Mr, and lYtm.
N. Brown, Detroit, spent the
weeltend, with Mr, and Mrs, D.
Cilithion, '-
Mt and Mrs, V. Morton, .Miss
Frances McCullough and Mrs.
SP:them Clinton, were in Hanover
on -Saturday and attended the
_hand tatoo there at night,
Victor Corran is spending thp
-summer as a member of the
Forest Rangers, Department of
Lands and -Forests, and is sta-
tioned at Swastika, Pear 'Icirtiland
Rev, .and Mrs. Stewart Miner
and family, Sarnia, arrived on
Monday at' the home of Mrs,.
Miner's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Edgar Trewartha. Mr, Miner is
a.COunsellor At the 'United Church
camp, Oaderiek and will be in
attendance there for part of the
Mr, and Mrs. Den Collier and
Sandra were summer visitors. ..at
the homes of Mrs. J. B. Mae-
Math, Mr. and M. Ewan ItoP, and other relatives in the dist,
rict, They were en route from
Shearwater, after a five-
year period of residence there, to
Cold Lake, Alta., to which RCM'
base Mr. .Cellier has been trans-
Toronto • Montreal • Ottawa • Windsor
Niagara Falls • Sudbury • Sault Ste. Marie
Calgary • Vancouver
S. Scruton
For Service Call
HUnter 2-9653
After 6 p.m., HU 2-9769
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Information Centre
468 Richmond St.;
London, Ontario
Telephones 4-1601
Local 149
or write
Hews of Londesboro
MRS. II. ;ouss
riotae IUyth r 19
RAVE B. PATERSON, Thin Officer
Rensall, Ontario, Phone 51
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WMS and; W4, Meet
The Woman's Missionary .Soe-
ietzr of liolinesville United Church
met in the 'Sunda SehooI roOnis
for their .r.eglilar ineeti,ng on ,0".10
1.0. • Mrs. Lloyd B. ond As leader of
Group A was ih- barge of the.,
meeting, which opened with the
hynin4. ."Tell Me the .Stories.. of
AMA" and prayer by Mrs, harry'
Cuflmore„ :Mrs. :Stewart. Varquhar
read the Scripture- lesson. The
roll call was answered with a 'very
se from, the Bible 'with the word
"Neighbor", in it. The hymn "Q.
Brother, Man" WAS .sung, Mrs.
Walter read an article on the
'New Canadians.-liounger putt,
pa, Mrs. X. Tebliutt...read a story
on "New Canadians: in Coanmunity
Life." MSS MarY Relen Yee play,
ed A piano solo. Mrs. William
Norman read ap article entitled
41 Married a, Minister," Mrs, L.
dervis, the president, -conducted
the business, Mrs. W, Lobb
gave a short Christian Steward-
shiplalk The meeting elosed with
the hymn "Blest Be the Tie That
Binds" and prayer,
The Woman's ,Association Meet-
ing followed, and with the presi-
dent, Mrs. Illicit Yeo, in the chair,
the meeting opened with the
theme song and creed. The
Scripture reading and comments
were given by Mrs. Jack Yen.
Mrs- Edward Grigg gave the
treasurer's report. It was passed
to. donate $10 to the graduate
nurses of Clinton Public Hosp.
ital, to h el p in furnishing
the new waiting room et the
hospital, It was asked that
the roll call for the August meet-
ing be answered With an article
for the novelty booth.
Mrs. Carman, Tebbutt, Mrs, H.
Cudrnore and Mrs. N. Heard were
appointed a committee to make
arrangements for the annual baz-
aar to be held in September. The
meeting closed with the hymn
"Softly and Tenderly, Jesus Is
Calling" and prayer, A delicious
pot luck supper was served.
Wiliign, Qttaeltentaish, gernolta,
is visiting his alster MrS...Thomaa
Miller, •
Mr, and Mrs, Donald Napier, •
Detroit, visited with Mr, and Mrs.
Bert frunsclon.
Dr, and Mrs. Robert clriersun,
Toronto, spent a few days in the
village iast week,
(42311,.cianvitliftors, Lwiovnapelo4Loanygevwaitbn,
Mr, and Mrs. I.-foward Tait and
Misses Darlene and Darla. Scott,
Niagara Falls, are boliclAying with
their grandparents, Mr; and Mrs.
j9reeer visitorst with Mrs; Mar,
gat* Manning. 'were:. Miss Rose
Coventry, Winghain; Mrs. Clara.
Malcom .and daughter, Niagara
Crawford, Blytn, vis-
ited with Mrs. W, Lyon and Mrs.
Mary Crawford and Mrs Lillie
Webster and others last week.
- Mrs. Bert Allen spent Friday
with Mr. Allen in Victoria Hospi-
tal, London, who. was operated on,
We wish him a speedy recovery.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Snelling
and Mrs, Thompson, Brucefield,
were the - veste of Mrs, W. Lyon
and Mrs. Mary Crawford, Sunday,
Miss' Bette Tait has returned
from spending a few days with
her great aunt Mrs. 3, F, Daly,
Napanee, also friends in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Douglas JOhnson
and three children; Riverside, Ont.,.
were recent visitors with the Tam-
blYns, and her grandmother, Mrs.
IVI TelVidal:iniPencgkitt has installed oil
furnaces in -the Loridesboro Unit-
ed church and added other im-
provenents also, which has made
this church an up-to-date edifice.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt, Faye
and Kenneth; -spent the weekend
at New wasaga Beach, Faye re-
mained far the Weeks holiday with
her uncle and aunt ',Mr. and Mrs,
• Ward Shickluna.
Mrs. Leonard Caldwell enter-
tained at a shower in honor. of
Mrs. W. McDougall, (formerly
Mary Caldwell) last week. Mrs.
McDougall received many lovely
and . useful gifts.
ton.. Another on the sick list is.
Miss .410.),y lVteVittie, Vire. W T.
Srunsflon.. who has •ilwen, ill for
several weeks 14 now improving
and is at the bine of her *ugh;
ter, Mrs, It Vodden, Clinton; Mrs,
WatsonNellie who has been in
Seaforth 'Hospital. for Some time is
seriously' with no improve,.
ment in her condition, her many
friends are very .sorry to hear it, and are hoping for her recovery
Goclorich Township
Mrs, John I), Leslie, Letlibridge,
Alberta, is visiting with her niece,
Mrs, Fred Middleton, •
Mrs, G. L. gall and. 1.3). obert
Cayuga, •visited over the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs; IL. Alexander,
akre, Fannie Cartwright, Cay-
uga, spending at the
home of her 'brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander,
The WA 4A St, James Church,
.held` a very aneeesafal
baking sale At Mrs. Gairdner's,
Dayfield, on Saturday last, They
report a. profit .of -$.8.2„
Miss Banbara Middleton And
three girl friends' have entrained
for en extensive trip west. .X30,
bare. piano on going as far as
British Columbia and Vancouver
Miss Shirley Cooper, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs... Charles CooPer,
left by Plane last week for Burl
ntuda, $hirley will reside At the
Princess hotel, Hantilton,..Bornitt-
.4a, where she has .aeeePted a nog..
Mon as telephone operator, •
ION .1144CDR,D- VAMP $04:14
Nelson Lear has bought the re-
sidence of the late Lawdy Young
and is making extensive improve-
ments to the interior before mov-
ing in. We welcome the • new-
comers to our little village.
Mrs,. Thomas Fairservice who
has been quite ill for the past,
three weeks is not improving in
health as quickly as her friends
would like to see her. She is
being cared for at the home of
e her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Shaddick, Clin-
NOW Is the timo•-•
You'll never get a better deal!
the glamorous new PLYMI Co U TIHI
That's the "built-in" feature you get when you buy
SHUR-GAIN feeds We make SHUR-GAIN daily at
our mill and as a result it is FRESH. As a matter
of fact, feeds you purchase from us have often been
made the same day you buy them.
Most people don't like stale food. The same applies
to livestock and poultry, and because they don't like
stale; unpalatable feed, they don't grow and produce
the way they should, Tests on chicks at the SHUR-
GAIN Demonstration Farm proved that fresh feed out-
performed stale feed.
To be most effective, well-balanced rations must be
fresh. The next time you require feed, call us and
be assured of fresh feed.
Canada Packers Limited
Phone HU. 2-3815 Clinton
• •••••••••••••
You get the freshest styling and the sweetest performance
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oil the lowest priced 3—
gives you:
Push-button PowerFllte
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New Flight-Sweep Styling!
It's the freshest looking o'er on the road . e";
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Safety-Rim Wheels!
You get extra protection fer your family. A
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case of blowout, prevents sudden toes of air.
EU. 2-9475
If you've been waiting for the right time to buy, that right
time 15 here! There's the biggest choice ever right now on
the car that's setting all kinds of records in sales.
You'll enjoy the sparkle of Plymouth's new styling.
thrill to its dashing take-off and go. You'll marvel at the
magical ease push-button PowerPlite gives you, Drive the
car that has established the styling trend for the future.
Remember, there's so much summer ahead . . and —
you'll be money ahead if you deal right , now.
Your favourite oolour and model is waiting for you at
your Plymouth dealer's. Drop in and drive home carefree
m the Plymouth you Want today!
Chrysler Corporation of Canada, L4mil4c1
Everybody likes its looks • loves its Gin
Do you often worry about
the fact that you haven't a
planned estate? Why not put
your mind at ease right now
by contacting Sterling
It will cost you nothing to
have'your estate planned
during your lifetinie. And it
gives such a feeling of
satisfaction-a certain peace
of mind, to know that all
is in order.
A qualified Sterling Trusts
Counsellor will enable you to
enjoy the satisfaction that a
' properly planned estate can bring
HEAD orpict MANCH Ortick
)72 y St, Tome,
Didn)op St,t UM*
t Welch 'Climax-Shower of Start weeic* ori V. Cheek your newspaper for date end time. 12.3
The Woman's Missionary Soc.
iety met on Tuesday, July 10, with
25 present, and .opened by singing
a hymn. The topic for the meet-
ing, "I read the Bible" was giV,
en by IVIrs. H, Dalrymple. Mrs.
W. .Fetheringbam, gave the Str51)-ture reading from the 5th ehapter.
of St. John, followed with pray-
er. A trio by Eileen and Irene
Taylor and Jean McClinchey was
much enjoyed.
The president, Mrs., S. David-
son, presided for the business.
The minutes of the last meeting
read and adopted; and the roll
call was answered with a verse of
Scripture, The treasurer, Mrs. W.
3. McBeath, reported that a. little
more than half of our year's al-
location bad been raised. Reports
of several- secretaries were given
and Mrs. N. Walker read, "Be-
fore and After - on Christian
Stewardship work."
Thank-you cards were read-from
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hargraves
and Mrs. A. Rohner,
Arrangements were made to
hold a bake sale on Saturday,
August 4, in aid of the expense
The Missionary program was in
charge of Mrs. McClinchey and
Mrs. W, Douglas, from the book,
"The Holy Habits of the Spiritual
The meeting closed with a hymn
and the Mizpah benediction,
Canadian consumption of ice
cream is about two gallons per
person per year.
Insure the "Co-op" Way
District Representative
Box 310 Clinton, Ontario
Phone Collect
Office HU 2-9642-Res. HU 2-9357
Bank of Montreal Building
PHONES: Office HU 2-9644,
• Res., HU 2-9787 -
Insurance - Real Estate
Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co.
Be Sure : : Be Insured
Sun life Assurance Co. of Canada
Office: Royal Bank Building
Office HU 2-9747-Res. 2-7556
J. E. HOWARD, Hayfield
Phone Hayfield 53r2
Car Fire - Life - Accident
Wind Insurance
If you need Insurance, I have
a Policy
Head Office: Seaforth
Officers 1956: President, W. S. Alexander, Walton; vice-president,
Robert Archibald, Seaforth; sec-
retary-treasurer and manager, M.
A. Reid, Seaforth,
Directors: John H. MeEwing;
Robert Archibald; Chris. Leon-
hardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trevvartha,
Clinton; Wm. S. Alexander, Wal-
ton; 3. L, Malone, Seaforth; Har-
vey Fuller, Goderich; J. E. Pepper,
Brucefield; Alister Broadfoet, Sea-
Agents: Wm. Leiper Jr., Londes-
boro; 3. F. Prueter, Brodhagen;
Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric
Munroe, Seaforth. epeeeee, 'eneeeeeeme...8~4.4-4...weeeee.
•Get The Facts
Phone 168 - Zurich
Investors. Mutual Managed and Distributed by
Investors Syndicate of
Canada, Ltd.
Optometrist - Optician
(successor to the late A. L.
Cole, optometrist)
For appointment phone 38,
Seaforth: Daily except Monday &
Wednesday-9 a.m. to ,5.30 p,m.
Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Thursday evening by appointment
Clinton,: Above Hawkins & Jacob
Hardware * Mondays only - 9
a.m,, to 5.30 p.m.
131101\lt 791 BBAFORTII 04P4,00404414.04,4P4NAINNINipeoIr•Wr**40~#41
RONALtI G. Met)AlsiN Nib& Accountant
'Royal Bank Building
Phone HU 2-96'77
Residence, RattenburY St.
Phone HU 2-9844 1:11141OX, ONTARIO
LEONARD G. WiNTOL Real Estate and Blaffittess WOW* Ugh Str5et Clinton
Phone lit 2041692