HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-07-19, Page 5.C4$11. RAMC (It POI the 'Wednesd.ay 10.10000,,, "Om) Two ,OentS per Word, Mteduannt .50 vents. 1,4 Cents n word for each insor, '10-N tnlnimirm OA cents. .P.074 extra, ' BIRTOS..- MARRIAGES and PRATIIS-.-no -charge,. ENGAGEMENTS, CARDS OF • THANKS.. & IN MEMORIAMS - Two cents per word, hllebrallee 50 cents, CHARGED-15 eelltt; 'extra.. DEADLINE--I.2 o'clock seem, Wednesday. • ACCOMMODATION for REN -SELF ,CONTAINED Apartment refrigerator, Garage. Vacant Aug- ' list 1, Phone HU 2-9508, 29-tfb SELF - CONTAINED apartment. •Vacant first of August. Phone HU 2-9928. Roy Tyndall. 27-.tfb FURNISHED APARTMENT — share bath. Mile and a half from Clinton. Phone HU. 2-9904. 26tfb :FOUR ROOM, APARTMENT furnished or unfurnished; newly 'decorated; centrally located; rent .'s'easonable. Phone HU. 2-9641, 29-b FIVE ROOM UNFURNISHED -apartment. Possession, August 1. Apply to H. C, Lawson, Real Es- tate. Phone Clinton HU 2-9644 'or Res. HU 2-9787, 29-b LAKEFRONT COTTAGE THREE. bedrooms with living room, inside ',conveniences, private gropnds. $40 reduction by month. Phone OLASSFETED RATES IC C. Cooke FLORIST Phone HU. 2-7012 -- Clinton Be sure your .headlights are focused properly. We have •the latest equipment and in a matter of minutes can make your night driv- ing easier and safer. The cost is low—so drive in today. RAY'S Cities Service titles Service Products ltay Iloggarth Carl Cantelon "The place where you /lover have to blew Your horn" Phone IIV. 2-9032 I. Official Headlight Aiming' Station HOW BOUT THAT Drown Especially for Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce and Clinton News-Record by Ralph Tee,_ HERE'S ONE REA$ON WHY LIKE TO GET Af./ INSURANCE HERE IN CLI " N "THURSDAY, JULY '19, 1056 =MON NEWS-RVOORT) PAGE ; HU. .2-9898. 29-30-b 2 FURNISHED APTS. TO RENT, -Centrally located, Phone Clinton HU 2-9682 or Hensall 105 (in af- ternoon). 21-tfb 'THREE ROOM APARTMENT, 'furnished or unfurnished. Avail- -able immediately, phone Clinton 'HU. 2-3882. 28-9-p ,COIVIFORflIABLY FURNISHED, esteem heated, well located, three men apartment for couple. Avail- able now. Dial HU. 2-9728. 25-tfb eCOTP.A.GE. MILE AND A HALF 'so-uth of Hayfield, three bedrooms. -Inside plumbing. Available Aug- aust 18 to September 4. Phone "Clinton HU 2-9218. 28-9-b SELF CONTAINED ONE BED- Toom heated apartment, laundry 'facilities: Immediate possession. Apply Jinn Bisset, 103 St. George's 'Crescent, phone Goderich 1017. . 29p Accommodation Wanted HOUSE WANTED IN CLINTON, lay couple with small baby. Per- lmanent residents. P h one RU. .2-9341. 29p -UNFURNISHED HOUSE TO sent ei-in. Clinton, adults, civilians. Reply 'by letter to Box 280, Clinton -News-Record. , 28-9-p ' ARTICLES FOR SALE ',CAR RADIO, 6 volt, 1955 model RCA Victor. Sacrifice price. Phone RU. 2-9251 after six. , 28-9-b 'ONE HOUSE TRAILER; 1931 -Chevrolet car; 1928 Chevro- let car; two wheel trailer; 'three horse coolers and other 'horse equipment. Phone HU. '2-3465. 28-9-b :MAN'S BSA BICYCLE, GREEN; three-speed, handle-grip shift, edynohula, front and rear lights, -almost new, originally $76, will sell for $48. 22 Victoria Blvd., RCAF Station, Phone HU. 23411, :local 348. 29b TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We Rent —Move — Install. Complete *service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb ARTICLES WANTED :BABY CARRIAGE. PHONE HU 2-9812. 29-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 'ECLAIMED: 1942 PLYMOUTH, 'P-14 model, Serial 9831939, South End Cities Service, Clinton Ontar- lo, 29-30-b 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, GOOD motor and tires. Apply to How- ard Currie, Joseph Street, Clinton. Phone HU. 2-3804. 28-9-b BABY CHICKS WANT BROILERS? Kitchener Big-4 has them, including Pilch White Rocks, And pullets, some started. ,Mixed chicks. Get full , information from agent' Chas. I Scott, Auburn, Phone 43r23 Blyth. 29-b BOARD AND ROOM ' ACCOMMODATION FOR ONE ' alone or two sharing. Private home. Private entrance. Mrs. Jim ' Cox, phone HU. 2-7093. ' 29-30-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR, OWN BUSINESS. 'Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, ' Righ Street, Clinton. Phone Clingy Ion HU. 2-6692, 13-tfb FARMS FOR SALE 'NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale, L. G. Winter. Real Estate. .'hone Clinton HU 2-6692. Low 'down payments, ' 33-tfb Furniture Re-Finishing FOR: FURNITURE, PIANO AND ' radio Cabinet, refinishing and re- ; Pairing, apply W. G. l'ilekett, phone Clinton HU 2-7029. ; 15-6.7-p-lbf FURNITURE FOR SALE ONE IVIETAI. BED, ONE ribbon '3. spring full size. Apply Lock- Wood Barber Shop. 29-p 'GRAND OPENING" SAI,E. 'OP Furniture, appliances, pianos (new and 11‘.Secl at the newly' detorated MILDMAY FURNITURE "SHOW- BOOMS. Sale exude July 21, Stare Open Friday evenings. '28:.9-b :"FOR SALE'OR RENT" 1 YOUNG LADY OR MAN TO work in- bank. Good working con- ditions, good starting salary, heal- th plan. Apply Royal Bank of Canada. - 29.43 HELP WANTED—MALE TWO MEN required for General work in grain elevator. Good wages, year-round employment. Pension and health insurance -plan. Also several men required for har- vest months, July to October. W, G. Thompson & Sons Limited, Phone 32, Hensall. 28-9-b ' HELP WANTED—FEMALE GIRLS WANTED FOR FULL time work at Par Knit Hosiery. Apply to John Parker, 29-b TO WORK IN LOCAL STORE. Apply in writing to Box 290, Clinton News-Record. 29b FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Five- day week. 55c per hour to start. If able to maintain production, 75c per hour. Phone Clinton HU 2-7064 or apply in person, preferably, to A. Garon,. Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. 14-tfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 20 YOUNG PIGS — ready to wean. Apply Merrill Switzer, RR 2, Hayfield, phone HU. 2-7482. 29-p TWO PUREBRED YORKSHIRE boars, eligible' for registratioh. These are long, fast .growing pigs. Apply to James Lobb, Clinton. Phone Clinton HU 2-3342. '28-9-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert • Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 1483J1, or 1483J4 9ptfb ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteous. collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call, collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co. of ,Canada, Ltd. 19tfb LOST AND FOUND LOST—PAIR QF GLASSES (in their case), on Rattenbury Street, between De. Addison's and Bruns- don's apartments on July 1. Please leave at PUC office. Reward. 29-p MISCELLANEOUS FOR, SALE' — DRAIN TILE, all sizes. Order now. SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS. Phone Seaforth 740. 25to32-b '.DD CHARACTER TO YOUR -tome or cottage'. Name plates and painted to order. $1--$2,50. hone Clinton HU 2-9583. 28-9-p OR, SALE'—OEMENT BRICKS, n etock at SEA.FORTH CON- ETE PRODUCTS: $35 per ,000. Phone Seaforth 740. 25to32,-b HIMNEYS. DON'T WAIT TILL all. Order your chimney repairs, r build now. New chimneys omelet° 'with flue tile. $3.75 a oot, Contact Bert Christensen, ontractor, Seaforth. 27-32-b SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL eptic Tanks, Cess Pools, etc., umped and cleaned with Sanitary quipment. All work guaranteed. estimates given without obligation. ouis Blake, RR No. 2, Brussels, hone 42r6 Brussels. 20-29-p RT SUPPLIES (Winsor. New- on); religious goods, pictures, icture framing, photographs for 11 occasions. MacLaren's Studios, Mon and Goderich; at Clinton, uesday and Thursday, 1,30 to 7 m. •Phone Clinton HU-. 2-9401. 29-tfb ROTECT YOUR TV PICTURE ube with a HASTAR TV PIC- E TUBE PROTECTION con- rket, As low as $9.50 per year. 'ull particulars are obtainable rem T. A, Dutton, RCA Victor ealer, Bracefield. Phone Clinton U 2-3232. 28-9-30-1-b ET US REPAIR AND MAKE our rings arid jewellery-like new. tainond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- airs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter,. 29-p ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired 'Home and Auto Radios Repaired ART LEVETT Isaac Street at Dunlop 109-ro atan CARD OF THANKS,' ROY AND NOREEN. ELLIOTT wish to thank the Clinton Fire Department and all persons who helped at the fire which destroyed their barn recently, Special thanks to the Huron Fish .and Game Club: who held. .4 benefit dance in their behalf.. 29-b MISCELLANEOUS SIDEWALKS and PATIOS—The modern manner is to pave with flagstones. In -.4 choice of 49 -dif- ferent sizes and colors; -Seaforth concrete flagstones can. be. laid in designs that . add beauty to your home surroundings. Seaforth. con- crete .flageepnes are manufactured and vibrated a. manner that makes them waterproof and stronger than other makes. They are guaranteed for five years.' Made only by., SEAFORTII CON-, CRETE PRODUCTS. Call- for free estiniates, Phone Seaforth 740, 25to32-h NOTI CE ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSIN..G on Lots 41 and 51, both sides of the river, Tuckersnnith Township, at ANYTIME hereafter will be presecuted. By order of the own- er,—A, E. PARRY, 25to30p PIANOS FOR SALE EINTZMAN UPRIGHT PIANO, with bench. Good condition. Pric- ed to sell. Russel Oesch, RR, 1, Varna, Phone Hensall 687r23. 29-p POULTRY FOR SALE 50 RAMP. x ROCK PULLETS Starting to lay. P. Westerhout, Phone RU. 2-9812. 28 tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE LOT. 144 AT S.E, CORNER OF Old Public School grounds. 82' 106' approx. C. VanDamme, Com- mercial Inn Hotel. 29-b T W 0 BEDROOM CarTAGE, modern conveniences. Small down payment, early possession. Apply 140 James -Street. 29-30-b SALESMAN WANTED HOW to make it possible to pro- vide "extras" that make life more enjoyable? Become our dealer in your locality and surrounding& Write for free catalogue and sales' plan. FAMILEX, Dept. 3 Station C. Montreal. 29-b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED until July 30, 1956, for the instal- lation-of an, oil furnace in SS No. 3, Tuckersmith. Lowest or any other tender not necessarily accepted. For particulars apply to John Broadfoce, Secretary - Treasurer, SS No. 3, Brucefield, Ontario. 28-94) REAL ESTATE K. W. Colquhoun Real Estate Braker TWO STOREY BRICK ideal in- come property in select residential district, 4 apartments, two 3- piece baths, oil furnace, garage and 'small barn. Priced reason- able, terms can be arranged. SUMMER COTTAGE-83'i miles from Clinton on Lake Huron. 35- foot lake frontage. Good beach. Equipped with hydro, water. Price ed reasonable. 60 ACRES—Small farm, three miles from Clinton. 6-room, one storey, with modern convenien- ces. 36' by 50'' barn, cement stabling.. Buildings in good con- dition. Owner- selling because o/ pressure of other business inter- ests. SIX CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, all in select residential area. "Listings & Enquiries Invited" Phone HU. 2-9747 Royal Bank Building ' Clinton Ontario 16-b FOR SALE VA STOREY DWELLING, 2 livhig rooms, den, dining room, modern kitchen,, 1 bed room, with 2 piece, bath (Towle 2 bed rooms and 3- piece bath up. Hot water heat- ing with stoker. Located near both schools on Rattenbury Street. o---- I STOREY 2 BEDROOM Central Mortgage, down payment $1,800, monthly payments $28.00. 11/2 STOREY, 2 APARTMENT 'or single dwelling; living room, dining, modern kitchen, 2 bed rooms, four-piece bath down, Hardwood floors. _Living, modern kitchen with dining space, 1 bed room and four-piece bath up. Mr conditioned. Oil heating. Un- finished playroom in basement. Owner moving to Toronto. Must be seen to be appreciated. Lot 80'x30'. LOW taxes. $3,500 down. National Housing Mortgage. 1'/. 0 STOREY 7-ROO11t. living room, dining room, bed- room, kitchen down; three bed- rooms 3 pe. bath up; furnace; sun porch; verandah; attached garage; half block from main intersection. Possession 30 days. APPIY to H. C. LAWSON Complete Insurance Service Real Estate Investments Bank of MOntreal Building PROMS Office 110` 2-9644, lees ,'HU 2 BIRTHS de"VRIVSIn Ciintan Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, July 12, 1956, to Rev. and Mrs,13ren deVrlea„ :13lyth, a son. IeTAY---In, Clinton, Public on WdneadaY, July 11, 1956, to Mr. And wir4, Gordon, Hay, Zur- .joh, a daughter. Clinton Public tat, on Sunday, July 15, 1956, -to Mr. and Mrs, John Heel, Hensall, a daughter. .Sarnia General Hog-, pital, on Sunday, July 15, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Keyp, Carniachie, a daughter (a slater for Murray and Gayle). 1YrecIRF.G04.—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, July 13, 1956, to Mr. and. Mrs, Gorden avfcGreger, Londesboro„ a (laugh- ter. POLT,,Q0K--In Fihnore Hospital, OP Sunday, JUly 15, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs, Murray Pollock, Talmage, :Sask., a son. SYMONS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, . July 13, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs.. Don Symons, Clinton, a- daughter. MARRIAGES DALE---SAUER. — In Dresden. Presbyterian Church, on Thurs- day, July 5, 1956, by Rev. A. L. Newton, Barbara Ann Sauer,- daughter of Mrs. W. J. McBride, Toronto, to Donald James Dale, son of -Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale, ,Seaforth. HOLMES—KING — In Rowntree Memorial United Church, Lon- don. on- Saturday, July 7, 1956, by Rev, Dr, S. F, Maine, Donna Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russel King, London to Gerald William Holmes, Clinton, son of Mr.and Mrs. Russell Hol- mes, -.Clinton. DEATHS FRUIT FOR SALE • , CHERRIES * MONT1VIORENCY C4ierdes, now on. Come with con- tainers and pick your own at GOV. enlock Orchards, one mile north of Forest on Blue Water Highway, commencing July 16. 28-9-p GARDEN EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 'CHOREMASTER 2i'2 h.p. HEAVY DUTY TILLER less transport wheels and , extra tines) Our Price $139.95 CHOREMASTER 1.75 h,p. COMBINATION TILLER and 18" ROTARY MOWER (Ideal for farm use where heavy cutting is encountered) Tiller Only $119.95 Mower Attachment $49.50 All sizes of ROTARY and REEL - MOWERS up to 21" cut in stock. . — Why not Phone HU. 2-9505 and have a Tiller or Mower delivered to your home, try it yourself for an eventng, no obligation. BALL and 11/UTCH Phone RU. 2-9505 — Clinton HELP,'WANTED COMMERCIAL HOTEL—A Short order cook required, good wages; also general cook (female), 48- hour week, $25 per week. 29-b BLEWITT—In Goderich Township on- Wednesday, July 18, 1956, Ronald Keith Flewitt, son of Samuel and Gladys Flewitt, in his 16th year. Resting at the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High. Street, Clinton, where fun- eral service will be, held on Fri- day afternoon, July 20, com- mencing at 3.30. Interment will be in Baird's Cemetery. HARRISON—In Barrie, on Sun- day, July 15, 1956, George Har- rison, beloved husband of the late Mary Jane 'Churchill, in his 75th year. Funeral service was held on Wednesday afternoon, July '18, from Ball and Mutch funeral home High Street, Clin- ton. Interment was in Hayfield 'Cemetery. JEFFERSON — At her home in West Wawanosh Township, on Friday, July 13, 1956, Christena 'Cameron, widow of John Jeffer- son, in her 91st year. Funeral from Donnybrook United Chur- ch to Greenhill Cemetery, Luck- now, on Sunday afternoon, July 15, STEPRENSON--In Scott Memor- ial Hospital, Seaforth, on-Thurs- day, July 12, 1956, Leo Stephen- son, Seaforth, beloved husband of Effie Logan, in his 59th year. Funeral from the G. A. Whitney funetal Koine, Seaforth, ,to Malt- landbank Cemetery, on Satur- day, July 14. TAYLOR—At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Chapman, Clinton, on Tuesday, July 17, 1956, Ethel Matilda. Reid, be- loved- wife of the late Samuel Taylor, in her 74th year. Rest- ing at her late residencee,Prinl cess Street, West, where a. priv- ate funeral service will be held on Friday, July 20, commencing at 2,00 p.m. Interment will be in Baird's Cemetery. 4. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Get There Safely! CALL Clinton Community. Farmers AUCTION, SALES EVERY FRIDAY ' commencing at 8.00 p.m. 45 Only--aMen's Sport NeW patterns, 20 OnlYLMen's Light HU. 2-9036 ASHTON'S TAXI 15 Only—Men's Work Shirts—Reg, to 2.95 L35 (2 for 2.50) JULY SPECIALS Shirts—Reg. 2.95 & 3.25 2.35 short or long sleeve, Sanforized (2 for, 4.50) Weight Windbreakets and Jackets— THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Double Bill — "FURY AT GUNSIGHT PASS" Outlaws hold an entire town hostage until one man finds a gun—and the courage to fight back. — David Brian - Neville Brand - Lisa Davis. —land — "SINGING ON THE TRAIL" Hoozier Hot Shots LADIES AUXILIARY PICNIC SUNDAY AT GODERICH The picnic of the Ladies Aux- iliary to the Canadian Legion, Minton Branch, will be held on Sunday, July 22, at Harbour Park, Goderich. Anyone wishing trans- Rox'y Theatre, 'Clinton NOW PLAYING "TARZAN ESCAPES" Johnny Weissmuller and Maureen O'Sullivan MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "ILLEGAL" A thrill-a-minute drama of the courtroom. A ruthless D.A. sac- rifices his career for a beautiful woman. — Edward G. Robinson and Nina Foch IF IT NEEDS We Don't Care WHERE YOU BOUGHT YOUR TV! OR WHAT BRAND IT IS! • EXPERT • SERVICE R 'Y • CAREFUL. AT THE PARK Dg TELEPHONE um Goderich , NOW PLAYING: Alan Ladd - Joanne Dru and Edward G. Robinson, in "HELL ON FRISCO BAY" 'Scope & Color MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Rock Hudson - Cornell Borchers and George Sanders Romantic drama at its appealing best! The story of a young doc- tor who clears a misunderstand- ing and reunites his family. "NEVER SAY GOODBYE" — In Technicolor -- THURSDAY, FRIDAY 'and SATURDAY "The SPOILERS" — In Technicolor — A NEW film version of the novel by Rex. Beach, localed in Nome, Alaska, while the gold rush was on. — Jeff Chandler - Anne Baxter and Rory Calhoun Coming: "WOMAN'S WORLD" Clifton Webb and a BIG Star Cast — In 'Scope & Color. portation is asked to be at the Legion Hall, at two o'clock. Races will begin at 3.30 p.m.; lunch at 5 p.m.. Please bring basket lunch. Reg. to 13.95 Up tp y3 OFF 25 Pieces Ladies'• Luggage UP to Y3 OFF (Discontinued „Lines, Incomplete Sets, etc.) 4 .Only—Men's Leather Zipper Top Bags Up to y3 OFF SPECIAL RACK MEN'S SUMMER SIIOES Y2' OFF Leather or Web Uppers, Strap Lace and Loafer Styles. (Not all sizes hi each style) Boys' Table of Odds 'n' Ends --- 'leans, Shirts, Tee-Shirts Greatly Itedueed OPEN PRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS AIKEN'S Closing Day At Wesley-Willis Vacation School. The closing exercises of the Bible Vacation School at Wesley- Willis United Church were held on Friday morning, July 13. They were •well attended by the moth- ers and friends of the children. After a short program and pres- entation of certificates the hand- craft done by the girls and boys was displayed. Miss E. Jamieson presided. Miss Ann Shaddock was in charge of the primary department; Mrs. Donaldson, the junior and Miss Helen Potter, assisted by Mrs. Rathwell the senior. Mrs. Harold Wise conducted the singing and- games, assisted by Kathleen Rath- well at the piano. 0 Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McE.Wan and family, visited on Saturday in Waterloo with. Mr. and Mrs. Spen- cer Hann, Brenda and Leslie. •