HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-07-19, Page 3News of. Varna 4-H Girls Achievement Day Taking part in the Achlevenient Day held by the Girls • Homemaking Clubs at Seaforth last. Wednesday, were these young' ladies of the Thrifty Kippenettes (left to right) Marie Jarrett, liensall and Elaine Bell, Kippen, and of the Clinton Chefs, 'Janet Sharp and Jennie Kuiper, Clinton. (Photo by Phillips) News of Constance • RACING SAILBOATS (guaranteed to sail) • SAND LOADERS complete with truck. • BEACH BALLS. • COLEMAN Folding Table and 4 Chairs. • COLEMAN 1 and 2 Burner Stoves:. • -FANS-8 and 10" size. , • Ready to Fly Aircraft complete $13.95 • COOLER CHESTS and Outing Jugs (all types and prices) • Sno Gel in every size. This miracle gelatin once frozen, stays cold for hours; no mess to clean up; can be frozen over and over. .Ask to see this cold battery, ideal for picnics, lunch boxes, baby's bottle, BE SURE TO LOOK OVER OUR HARDWARE WINDOWS FOR LOADS OF HOLIDAY SPECIALS. FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 1—LADY'S BICYCLE (Blue and "Cream) Made by Werlich of Preston. Reg. Price $53.95. A beauty for only ..$39.95 PARKING AREA AT REAR . OF STORE (Princess St. Entrance) BALL & MUTCH FURNITURE and HARDWARE Provoked the way your shirts have been, coming back from the laundry? We know how important good-lookinVt well:- ironed shirts are to you soc- ially and in business — give our "all" to the Job of laund- ering, them properly For Your Convenience Use Our Down Town Office on King Street (formerly Simpsons-Sears) DRUG STORES Here's a toothpaste for people who brush after every meal! 33 large; 59c giant; 98c economy I.D.A. Specials July 16 - 21 EPSOM SALTS 16 oz.-19c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 4 oz.-15c 8 oz.-23c 16 oz.-39c - LUSTRE CREAM LOTION SHAMPOO Reg. 1.25 & 45c Both for $1.25 MINERAL OIL 16 oz.-43c 40 oz.-87c SACCHARIN TABLETS 1/4 gr.-100-14c, 500-43c Yz gr.-100-17c 500-49c WRITING PADS—Note Size 8c; 2 for 15c Ladies' or Letter-13c; 2 for 25c BRECK SHAMPOO $1,95—for $1.49 COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE ,„,„ ,,,, 2 for ,89c YARDLEY'S DOUBLE EVENT LIPSTICK $2.00 BRYLCREEM—Jor with Dispenser 98c SUN GLASSES 29c - 59c - 99c - 1.50 1.98 - 2.98 BATHING CAPS 69c - 98c - $1.19 SUNTAN' LOTIONS 35c - 39c - 79c 1.00 1.50 UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE • F. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST. HUnter 2-6626 Tguftspxy, JULY 19, 1956. morroN NVW$43=.0/1.P PAGE .mmag NICE STOCK OF AttODECAIR. CRAFT IN STOCK — Control Line, Free Flight, etc. Motors: .049 class to .029 in stock. Outboard Motors $3.95 up, George Harrison George Harrison, 74, who died at Barrie, on, Sunday, July 15, spent his. early life on concession 6, Goderich Township. When a young man he went to the United States, where he lived until the death -of his wife in 1932, He then came here to reside with his dau- ghter, and three years ago went to Barrie to live , with another daughter. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. ' Ernest (Genevieve) Bell, Clinton; Mrs. A, L. (Frances Esther) Bloomfield, Barrie, and two sisters, Mrs. Fred Burdge, Brucefield, and Miss Clara Har- rison, Goderich. Service was conducted at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High. Street, Clinton, yesterday afternoon, by Rev, D. J. Lane, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Burial was in )3ayfield Cemetery. Efill11512111111111111111111111111111111111111=11111111E1113111111E111 , ' r I RE LE SOURCE , • ... CANADA, it has been said, is a country which has policies favourable to importers. First, because our customs tariff is low, with many items on the free ' list. Secondly, the rapid growth of the country is expanding our home market at a pace Canada never has known before, . The steel indOstry here in Canada hos expapded somewhat faster than has the home market, so that today Canadians need to import less of most kinds of steel than in earlier days. On occasion, steel from Other countries is sold here at prices below Canadian costs, This occurs when there are prolonged or temporary surpluses else. where. But a pickup in demand in the. exporting country reduces or extinguishes these external sources of supply. , That is why, year in arid year out, the Canadian producer isv the most reliable source of supply.. I H I STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONtREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BttANTFORO tORONTO , , Blmer Webster Was, taken sud,, clenly ill en Tuesday, and was rerneved to the Clinton Public ,Hospital. Vacation .Sphoel Seventy youngsters. from Varna and .Goshen pinwales. attended Vacation ,Hible School. in Varna Vnited Church during the first -week in July. renewing daily worship services, the pre-school agers met in the basement with Misses Jean Pitt, Joan McCline ghey and Lois Webster as leach- .ere, and the primary class was lea by Misses Clara Clarke and Rachel Johnston. The juniors met next door in the Orange.. Hall, with Rev, N. MeLeed,' Kippers and Fred Me- Clyment, Varna, as teachers, The young people's class' met in the church, conducted by the Rev. T. J, Fitt. The theme of the courses Was "Adventuring with Christ", A period of recreation was held .each adorning, and on the final day, ice cream was served on the church lawn. Leader of trio re,, creation for the Juniors and young people 'Was W. T.. IVicASh., The teachers are .grateful to the friends of the 'school- whose donations made the treat pos- sible, The WA's of 'Varna and Qoshen .financed the school, A closing worship period on Saturday morning was attended . by Some parents, end the pupils were presented with their corn-' pleted books of study, Mr, .Pitt expressed the thanks of the. school to all who helped make, the week successful. Fatalities from motor accidents in Canada (excluding Quebec) totalled 2,084 in 1955, compared to 1,960'in 1954. The number of traf- fic accidents, averaged nearly 3,000 per week in 1955. Leo Stephenson Leo Stephenson, 58, Seaforth, died on Thursday at Scott Mem- orial Hospital, He was bore at Kinburn, son of Mrs, Bert Stephenson and the late Bert Stephenson and moved to Seaforth six years ago from his birthplace where he had been a general merchant for many years. He was a member of Kin- burn United Church. Surviving besides his mother are his wife, the former Effie Logan; two sons, Donald, Ottawa, and William, Toronto, and one grandchild. Service was conducted at the Whitney funeral home, Seaforth', on Saturday afterneon, by the Rev. Bruce Hall, North Side Uni- ted Church, assisted by the Rev, J. C. Britton, Forest, Interment was in Maitlandhank Cemetery. Pallbearers were Walter Scott, Howard Armstrong, Harvey lor, William Jewitt, William Dale' and Ross McGregor. Rev. Bruce Hall of Northskle United Church, Seaforth, assisted by Rev. J. C. Britton, Forest, officiated. 0 Mrs. C. Jefferson Mrs, Christena Jefferson, 90, died, last Friday at her home in West Wawanosh after a lengthy She was, the former Christena Cameron and was born near St. Helen's in West Wawanosh Mrs. Jefferson taught school prior to her 1888 marriage to John Jeffer- son, Donnybrook, where she had lived ever since. Her' husband died several years ago. She was a member of. Donny- brook United Church ,and a life member of the Woman's Mission- ary Society. She is survived by seven sons, George, Clinton; Gordon, Owen Sound; John, Mitchell; Charles,. Donnybrook; Joseph, Fort Wil- liam; Sam, Newmarket, a n d Hilliard, at home; four daughters, Gladys, Woodstock; Margaret, at home;, Irene, Dunnville, and Mrs. George Reed Reeves (Olive), To- onto. A son, Cameron, predeceas- ed her three years ago. Twenty- nine grandchildren and nine great- grandchildren also survive. Service was at Donnybrook Un- ited, Church, Sunday afternoon with the Rev. Robert Hiltz ting. Burial was in Greenhill Cemetery, Lucknow. The Arthur funeral home at Auburn was in charge. Parents Night is Held By Guides At Adastral Park (11.y Patsy Oyer). The Guides and Brownies of RCAF Station. Clinton held a parents' night to show what they had aceomplished during the year. The Brownies had a very delight. ful program consisting of a wel- come to the parents by Mrs Young of the group committee. fairy ring was demonstrated and also ineny pins, Golden. Bar and Golden Hand badges were presen- ted. . Following this was a Grand Heed to congratulate the' girls' who received awards. To end the Brownie program a Semaphore demonstration was giv- en by Shield Dymontt Gail Yet- man, Louise Powell, and Audrey Harragin. After the Girl Guide inspection by Mrs. Monteith, Huron County Girl Guide Commissioner, there was a flying-up ceremony in which Gail Yetrnan,'Niki Oates and San- dra Pleasance, were welcomed in- to the 2nd RCAF Station Comp- any of Guides.. Gwen ShoreY gave very inter- esting tails on pioneer camping Which was followed by the pres- entation of badges to the follow- ing Guides: Patsy Dyer, Judy Hal-. ward', Caron Gattinger, Julie Steeves, Peggy Dymond, Shirley Reid, Bonnie Burns and Gwen Shorey who also received a cup for having the most points during the year and is now ready to work on her Gold Cord. Games were then played and songs were sung during Campfire. After an address was given by Mrs. Monteith, taps was sung and lunch was served. Mrs, May Ailey left last week to visit her mother; Mrs, McCall, Saskatoon, Sask. Mrs, Riley - by from Toronto, Sympathy of the community is extended to the Stephenson fern- ily the death of Leo Stephen- son. Leo was born on the fern west of the village and operated the general store here fora uutn,„ her of years, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Brown., Hanover and Mr. .and Mrs. Harry Brigden, .Woodstock, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. BOrden, Brown, They also ate tended the 12th of July celebra, tion. in Seaforth, Mr, and. Mrs. Robert .GrimoldhY spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Mann and family, in Wing, ham. Miss Grace Riley Is spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs.. C. Norris and Heather, in Guelph, Miss Shirley Busby and frientl, Chatham, are spending their holi , days with the former's aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Law-, son. Miss Marian Dale, Clinton, is visiting her cousin, Crferyce Jewitt for a week. The July meeting of the We. man's Association and the WO, men's Missionary Society was held Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. P. Millson with is ladies present. Mrs. V. Dale pro, sided for the WA and Mrs. Earl Lawson, group leader, for the WMS. A social hour was held after the meeting. SUNSET Drive-in Theatre 1 1/4 Miles East of Goderich — On Highway 8 — THURSDAY and FRIDAY July 19-20 "CALL ME MISTER" Betty arable — Dan Dailey Cartoon - - Comedy SATURDAY and MONDAY July 21-23 "RACING BLOOD" Dili Williams — Jean Porter Cartoon - - Comedy TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY July 24-25 "APARTMENT FOR • PEGGY" Betty Grable — Casey Adams Comedy - - Cartoon Box Office .open. 8.00 p.m. Twa Shows Each Night First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in cars free , Playground -- Refreshments 11111EMINISMIIIIIIIII1111111211111111111111111111111111b111111M "Fun In The Sun!" COME IN NOW — SEE OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF "SUMMER HOLIDAY" ITEMS. HU. 2-7064 LAID N DRY CLEANERS q.ET ONE CALL DO rr ALL. CLINTON It's the last word...in POWER PREMIUM GASOLINE with TCP — hell Premium Gaso- ine gives you more power than other ,premium grade fuels because the exclusive Shell additive TCP, overcotnes the harmful effects of engine de- posits as they form! With Shell Premium in your car, you'll notice an extra. Snunathriess— a taw quick response. Yes, it's the last word Owen Try a tankful ay, 811MIllilllliillIMM1111III1111111=111111WIEMEMIll1=1 Oitiatio St East Phone KU. 24081 11111111111111111 1111111 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 II 1111111111111 11111111111111111111 SHORT SLEEVES COOL COIYfFORTABLE • • ',PICKETT -CAMPBELL -LIMITED YOGI( TIP TOP Moro Main. -Como Mikan PHONE HU 1.9131 CLEARANCE BIG SAVINGS during our COLOURFUL STRIPES COOL COLOURS All Sizes Boys — 6 years to 16 years Men's — S M L From $1.25 up Men's and Boys' I Shirts