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Clinton News-Record, 1956-07-12, Page 6
FOR REAL RETURNS.. Make the most of your "Young Stuff" Your "young stuff" — Chicks, Poults, Calves, Pigs, or what-have-you — are the foundation of your future income from livestock. It's important to see that this foundation is well and truly laid-- that they get away to a strong, vigorouS, growthy start, The start they make sets their course in life, Young things have "the urge to grow". Their ability to make full use of their feed is highest during those first weeks and months, Hence they pay real returns' on investment in the "right feed". PURINA has the "right feed" for all your young stuff — this isn't just theory, it's a proven fact. Call in today arid let us help you with your complete feeding program. 0 Clinton Farm Supply and Machine Shop CHAS. NELSON J. W. NEDIGER Johnson Brass Cups The. Jet-Flo Waterer — patented automatic poultry fountain. Available in two sizes for either chickens or turkey poults — One cup vvili ,water 100 laying hens or 200 broilers. We have a complete line of Warner Poultry and Farm Equipment 0 SPECIAL — While They Last . Presto Fire Extinguishers The miracle fire fighter that puts out ail fires in a jiffy, H. F. WETTLAUFER GRAIN AND SEEDS 27-b V.- SIX 14:ARTTON 'I'HURSDAY,, JULY 12, leetiS Porter's ear and that of his daugh- ter, Miss Anna Porter, parked to- gether. The damage- Was covered. by insurance. At the time, Zigin Porter was in, the barn .struggling to Close -doors' -which had been blown open, and keep others closed. - The Imperial Oil Companss with rig .owned by Meijer Shaw, Chatham; all set up to drill OP, the Porter farm hack from. the barn, count their loss about $300 in wind darnage and lost time, shade was blown over, Drilling Was to have .commenced on Monday mor Ding but was delayed until the middle of the week. The Rev. and Mrs. H. B. .Scud- amore at Hays: Beach, Goclerich Township, saw the two storms meet. A large tree was blown down. Tt fell between their car and cottage withoUt Causing dam- age to either, Pioneer Park To Have Movies Twice Weekly ews of Bayfield any 1►HSS LUCY H. WOODS PHONE BAYFIEL19 45 r 3 Be explained that collection% are., to defray -expenses and that every penny extra 'PPS for Park ink, *oVernent. Mr, Galbraith asked for a generous collection each MeMbers of the Bayfield 'Worm • Club give of their time to show the Monday night films, G, M. Galbraith and Alan Galbraith con- - tribute their time in projecting the Wednesday night Pictures.. Recur. ded. music is donated by .Galbraith Radio and TV„ Clinton, Tr, this way they, and others -wile help out with collecting and advertising, contribute greatly, not only .to the park, but ,to community life in Hayfield, It is a place of meeting where one can enjoy the sunset and meet visitors andvillagers . lelbilliderewnaietsiiplegeitytheenjohywitr. At the same time an oak lecturn given' by the Pitts family will be • dedicated in memory of the Rev. B. C. Pitts and daughter Mary. Mr. Pitts will be recalled by many as a former rector of Trinity; Church, (By our paytiela correspondent) At the movies at Pioneer Park oia Wednesday evening, July 4, the audience stood during the playing- of the American National Anthem in tribute to American guests, • On behalf of the Directors of the Pioneer Park Association, (3,• M. Galbraith, announced that films would be ,shown each Monday and Wednesday during July and Aag, Ust at Sunset, with him and spent two days with her niece Mrs. Ed. Aowse, Dor- chester. Mrs, Rowse entertained at a. family gathering in honor of her birthday and gm, Feather- stone's )010 fall on the same day Mr, and Mrs. Hugh MacLeod and four children, Kingsville, were with. Mr, and Mrs, L. II. D. Mac- Leod over the weekend. It is eight years since Hugnie has been back' to' visit his uncle, MUM", ing his father's, death, he came to live with Mr. and Mrs. MacLeod, and this- was '"home" to him, for seven years. Dr, and Mrs. R. Nicholls; Lora den, were with the latter's moth- er, Mrs, F, W. McEwen, over the. Dominion Day weekend, They were accompanied.' by Dr. Reginald Garton, who has been lecturing in the United States, He is .a pro- fessor et Imperial College, Latr, don, England, of which Dr, Nich- olls is a graduate, Recent registrations at The Lit- tle Inn are: Misses Phyllis Adams and M, Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rutledge, Miss E. EVans, Miss Jackson; London; Miss' F. William- son; Miss Hazel Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Sutherland, Hamilton; Miss A. Leavitt, Mrs. M. Dough- arty, St, Clair, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. J, Brown, Detroit, lair. and Mrs. Cohn. Campbell, who spent a couple of weeks with his cousin, Mrs. Robert Scotchmer, moved from 'th eBrorisen Line in- to Mrs. Donald MacKenzie's' house last week. Mrs. MacKenzie, who has been with 'her sisters, Misses A. M. and E. J, Stirling, joined her daughter and son-in-law, at her home on Saturday, after they were settled, The Trinity Church Parish Hall. is being painted, waxed, polished and generally furbished (by faith- ful few) in readiness for the dedi- cation. This ceremony will be per- formed by 'the Rt. Rev. William A. Townshend, Suf- fragan Bishop of Huron (of Lon- don and Hayfield). on Friday, July 20, at 8 p.m. This service will be followed by a social evening. Recent arrivals who are staying at Deer Lodge are: Mr. and Mrs. A. Allan and daughter, Toronto, for - five weeks; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Klein, and family, Waterloo, for two weeks; and for one week, Mr. and Mrs.. J. M. Dennis, Detroit; Mr: and Mrs. Cameron Proctor, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Saunders, Sarnia; Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Bromberg, Port Larnbton; Mr. and Mrs. Hightield, Sarnia; Mr. and Miss Laura Anderson, Toronto, spent the weekend in, the village. Dr, Kervasod. and family, Smi'th's Pails are occupying "Bibs-bonnie."' George Fellows, Riverside, Was. with his wife and family over the. weekend. .• W. Oricileifsonf. London, .spent thesweekend with his wife act their home on Main street, Richard Peck returned to. Tor- onto on Tnesday after having vis- ited his sister, Mrs. E, Schnell for ten -days.. 'Mrs. Ben Noble and Nye. Will- iam. McCracken, London; .a x e guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Little. Cpl. Lloyd Westlake of the Kit- chener Provincial Police detach- ment, spent the weekend with his wife and small son, Mr. and Mrs. William Aberhart and "(NW children have returned to London 'after spending a fortnight at the family cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Leonard and three children, Toronto, moved in- to their cottage on Colinas Street on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and' Mrs. Claude .Robbins and Claudia, Mr. and Mrs. James Des Jardine, Detroit, were . at "Kearsney'" cottage over theyveek- end, Mri• and Mrs. Fred Ritchie, Ehn-- vale, accompanied by their small grandson, Came visited with her mother, Mrs. George King over the weekend. Robert MacLeod and daughter Cathy, London; came on Monday to spend his vacation with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. H, D,• MacLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weston; Ray and Susanne, returned to their home in Ferndale, Mich., af- ter having spent a week at George Weston's cottage. Mrs. Reg. Francis and Marion; Mrs, Arnold Makina; Brenda and Brian, Mrs. Lloyd Westlake and Ricky, spent Friday in St. MaryS with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kew and Linda. -Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Weston and, Judy, London were with his parents, Mr. and Mrs E. R. 'West- on over the weekentt Judy re- mained to spend the suminer with her grandparents. Miss E. Weston, returned' to Al- exander Marine General Hospital; Goderich on Wednesday of last weekg after. having undergone sur- gery to set her fractured hip, in Victoria 'Hospital,. London. Mrs. Keith Pruss, and Janice; London, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J: H. Parker on Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Parker's sis- ter, Mrs, E. Seabrook, London,- is visiting with' them this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson and ,'two daughters, Cathy and Lenore, Sudbury, were at "their cabin in the village on Monday, Mrs, Ferguson's uncle, Mr. Suth- erland, Embro, accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Schnell, De- treit, spent the weekend of July 1, With their sister, Mrs. E, Sch- nell, Their niece Miss Joyce Peck accompanied them to Detroit for the week. She returned home Sunday with her parents, Everybody Is. Trying To Get In The Act Now ANY DARN FOOL CAN GIVE 'EM AWAY, AND WE'RE THE BIGGEST IN TOWN LIST OUR PRICE '56 DODGE 4-DOOR HARDTOP $3,225 $2,725 New, with Extras LIST OUR PRICE '56 MERCURY 2-Door HARDTOP iinft 2,100 miles, automatic, bOss's car $3,630 4P411-n9V 4 righten your meals... PONTIAC Coach— needs a cleaning $ 465.00 DODGE Coach $ 625.00 MONARCH Sedan $ 675.00 FORD Coach $ 599.00 METEOR Coach $ 685.00 METEOR Sedan $ 450.00 AUSTIN Sedan — large series $ 335.00 PLYMOUTH Sedan $825.00 CHEV. Sedan $ 365,00 PLYMOUTH Sedan $ 340.00 OLDS. Sedan $ 375.00 NASH Sedan—you price it; BUICK S edan— Super! $ 460.00 PONTIAC Sedan— big job! $ 399.60 PONTIAC Sedan-- a beauty! $ 125.00 TRUCKS CHEV. I/2 TON— A beauty! .„ ......... $ 169.00 FORD 1/2 TON .,„ $ 185.00 Phone Collect — We'll Come Down Phone 178 -- Hensall, Ont. Used Furniture Specials At Beattie Furniture I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker, and 'Mrs. W. Parker were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Howard on Sunday. Mrs. Jack Parker's, fath- er, Chris Howard, who has been visiting his brother, accompanied them on their return to Windsor. Mrs. Thomas E. Dillon and two children, Port Washington, Long Island, N.Y., arrived on Thursday last to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. aM Mrs. E. J. Hauer, Mrs. James, Huck, Kitchener, is also with her parents for a fort- night. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown re- turned to Saginaw, Mich on Sun- day, after having spent a week with her grandmother, Mrs. F. C. Gemeinhardt. Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Woolliner and son Gavin; Sag- inaw, are spending this week with her grandmother. Mrs, M. C, Hart, who was in Toronto for a few days, returned to the village on Monday to spend the remainder of the month with her mother, Mrs-4 George King, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas King and little son, Murray Ford; Don Mills, ar- rived on Monday to visit his grandmother, Mrs. George King. E, A. Featherstone spent last weekend in the village, Mrs. Featherstone returned to London 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE— Combination Velour and Repp Cover, Slip Covers included, good condition ..,.„ .......... $ 5» 00 OAK DINING ROOM TABLE— 82.00 with 6 leaves, extends to 94 inches, new modern style leg; condition good as new SEALY MATTRESSES and 90 INLAID TILE on. Sale Authorized bolder of Coca-Cola Under 4onirdti with tOto4Ola Ltd. Beattie Furniture Phone 18 ESBECO LIMITED Stratford, Ontario 546.104X Coca-Cola makes food more appetizing—puts sparkle into summertime meals and snacks, REGULAR SIZE 6 BOTTLES Take home the Coke 3do PLUS DEPOSIT "Cokes" is e registered trade-mark AtifM:x Perfect for quick refreshment —nothing satisfies a thirst like COda-Cola. There's thore's sparkle in every sip. Friendliest thing to do-You're so right to open Coca-Cola when folks drop in. It says to friends, "You're really welcome." Give life a lift ... serve 'era Coke—your family will love it when you bring Out the Coke. They know quality when they taste it I TRADE MkOli Ne0 Twister Damages Property Near Bayfield (Ay our Bayfield correspondent) Another little twister did pen-' aiderable damage to several prop- ertiea about one and one half mil- es frena the village on the Bayfield concession Road north no Sunday afternoon about •3..30 Between Elgin. Porter's and Les.. Armstrong's farms, limbs off trees, telephone poles and wires were -strewn .ever, the road. On. the Porter farm, about 1.2. trees in all were uprooted, in- eluding apple trees and one levee locust, A large pear tree blew .ever and elinted the tops of Mr. LONDESBORO Mrs, Thomas E. Adams and Mrs,. Earl Hamilton, Wingham, visited. far a few days during the past week with friends in Sarnia. HOIMESVILLE Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mulholland accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, 'Rob-' ert Elliott; Clinton, spent Sunday in Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Miss Dawn Grigg, Miss Iva glaz„. ier motored to Niagara Falls and Buffalo for a few days last Week. W/02. and, Mrs Dren Beck end little son Gary, Montreal, are spending their holidays with Mr, and Mrs, W. 4, Bathiri and• Mrs, J, Huller and other relatives. Mrs-, Robert Miller (formerly of Clinton) Windsor. Guided Presentation The girl Guides met at the home of Mrs. George Adams, cap- tain, on Friday evening for an end-,of-the-season panty, They played games and enjoyed a sing- song. Mrs, J. B. Higgins (former- ly Lieutenant of the company) was present, The Guides presen- ted Mrs. Adams, who heaves this- month for Alberta, with a wall ornament as their token of apprec- iation of her splendid leadership over two years with this group. Mrs. J. B. Higgins also presented Mrs. Adams with a parting gift. Refreshments took the form of Freneh fried potatoes which the Guides helped Mrs. Adams -pre- pare, followed by ice cream and soft drink", ANSWER TO THIS WEEK'S X-WORD 1110BU OCCItl WRODO Od030 01.30120 ©MOON WOUNIK2 MOO Ofila00 OM WMINIM MOOED MUULIO DOME EUXIBOH MAW@ MU DOMOO OUIA tat:5E1E00 UEMOM OWEEP7J gal ERN MNWIEJ PMWV13 L41.Y!;i74_ Attention Farmers SPECIAL OFFER --ON A NEW BELL IMPERIAL THRESHING MACHINE — ONLY A FEW LEFT ACT FAST — REPAIRS AND PARTS—Now is the time to look over your older machine and have any repairs done, so that you• will not be held up later. We give careful attention to repairs and orders for parts. Robt. Bell Industries Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 268 '55 FORD Customline '50 Sedan $1,990.00 '55 PONTIAC Coach— radio & etc. $1,875.00 '55 DODGE Four-Door Country Sedan, automatic & etc. .42,600.00 '54 MERCURY Sedan, radio & etc. $1,875.00 '54 DODGE Sedan—A beauty! $1,495.00 '54 FORD Coach—One owner $1,460.00 '53 CHEV. Belair Coach radio & etc. $1,395.00 '53 CHEV. 210 Sedan, an original $1,375.00 '53 PLYMOUTH Coach, 46 Priced to go $1,325.00 '53 AUSTIN Sedan — '46 jet black $ 899.00 '53 MERCURY Sedan, '40 never been mark- ed $1,475.00 '51 PREFECT Sedan— Make us an Wet! '49 '51 STUDEBAKER Sedan, V8, auto. $ 995.00 '46 '49 '49 '49 '49 /49 '49 '47 '47 '47 '47 Bob Cook Motor Sales (Located next to CNR Tracks) Salesmen's Phones: Mike Quinlan, 178; Blighton Ferg, 159W; Bob Cook, 188