HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-07-12, Page 5t `.,!e T, VI 12, 1956' CLINTON . NEWS-' CY3 VLASSII(+'IER RATES AASH i 4TE (it paid by the Wednesday 7follewing pu .lii9a- tiprli). ee Two cents per kwon;( Piz e tcents is uin 50 c. >ri s, 1 Word for each following inser- `'tiple xnlnienum. 35 epees, BOX NUMi3ERe-15o a .tri, • BIRTHS, MARRIAGES :incl DJ THs-.,-no chan'g'e. ENGAGEMENTS, clARDS OJP "THANKS .& Ili elEMURI:AMS -,Two "Cents. per word, minimum 56 cents. +CIHAROPP --15 cennts extra, DEADLUNFee42 o'.cloCk neell, Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION for RENT MODERN THREE-ROOM apart= -;nnent fay furnished. Phone E U -66x0, .°SDLP-* CONTIAINED apartment. 'Vacant first of August, Phone ..HU 2-9928. Roy Tyndall, 2.7-tfb 'URNISHED APARTMENT - share bath. Mile and a half from - ..Clinton, Phone HU. 24904, 6tfb •'TT H R E E SEMI - FURNISHED roams, newly decorated, Hot and •cold water. Phone HU 2.9500, 28-p APArRTMENT TO RENT, Central location on Princess Street, East, Immediate possession:, Phone HU .977.4, 28-p MODERN, FOUR ROOM •apart, anent, bath. Unfurnished, Avarl- able immedaitely. W. N. Count- er, Phene HU 2-9649. 28-P 2 FURNISHED APTS. TO RENT, teentrally Ioceted, Phone Clinton 311U 2-9682 or Hensall 105 lin af•- iternoon). 21-tfb "fiHRrEE ROOM APARIIIMENT, furnished or unfurnished. Avail- able July 15, phone (Minton HU '.2-3882. 28-b eCAMFOR'rABILY FURNISHED, .,Steam heated, well located, three :room apartment for couple. Ava'il- e''able .now. Dial HU. 2-9728. 25-tfb ""CrYITAGcE. MILE AND A HALF 'south of Bayfield, three bedrooms. Inside plumbing. Available Aug- ust 18 to September 4. Phone 'Clinton HrU 2-9218, 28-9-b fenABGE BRICK, Country House, hydro, telephone, water on tap. r'1Eight miles from Clinton. $25 a month. Aaron Fisher, RR 2, Clin- eton, phone Carlow 167, 22p-tfb :APARTMENT, HEATED, furn- aitshed or unfurnished. Hot Wat- eer, bathroom and kitchen. Apply oto 82 Wellesley Street or phone ,:288 Goderich after six. 21-tfb `SELF CONTAINED. ONE BED - e z oom heated • apartment, laundry ktacilities. Immediate possession. :'Apply Jim Bisset, 103 St. George's Crescent, phone Goderich 1017. 14tfb 'COMFORTABLE DOWNSTAIRS :.apartment, three rooms, furnished and heated, with laundry facilities and frig. Has private entrance rand is newly decorated. Apply in per's'on after six p.m. or on week- -ends., Mrs. M. Seeley, Huron St. 28-b Accommodation Wanted UUNFURNISff-IED HOUSE TO rent in Clinton, adults, civilians. Reply by letter to' Box 280, Clinton News -Record. • 28-9-p ARTICLES " FOR SALE CAR .RADIO, 6 volt, 1955 model :TCCA Victor. Sacrifice price. Phone TIU. 2-9251 after six, •28-9-b 3 DOORS, WITH JAMS, 7'x34" (approx,), Chris Kennedy, Lorides- 'boro, Phone Blyth 28r4. , 28-b G.E. MIXMA:STER, WITH 3 beaters; 21" TV, mahogany, reas- onable. Phone HU 2-7485. 28••b VIOLIN - SBLIGHTLY USED, in new condition, Complete with bow, ease, tuner, extra bridge, resen. All for $29. • Apply at McEwan's Gift and Stationery Store. 28b ' ONE HOUSE, TRAILER; 1931. Chevrolet car; 1928 Chevro- let car; two wheel trailer; three horse collars and other horse equipment. Phone HU 2-3465. 28-b MUST SELL - $195 -Lovely 21" ,Admiral Console TV, walnut, 21 - tube, super ca.scode, like new. Cost $454. 13 Toronto Blvd,, RCAF' Station Clinton. Phone HU. 2-7570 after 5.30 p.m. 28b TV FIT FOR A "KING" -- We Rent Move -Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna. AU work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. $tfb AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1951 PONTIA:C SEDAN, BLUE, Good motor and' tires. Pelee 5550, For particulars phone HU, 2-9647. _ 28-b 15)37 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, GOOD motor and tiro Apply to How- ard Currie, Joseph Street, Clinton. Phone ICU 2-3804. 284b BABY CHICKS BIG -4 CHICKS. Mixed. Pullets, clayold, started. Broilers available weekly including Pilch White Rocks. Full information from agent: Charles Seatt, Auburn, phone lalyth 48r23, 28b BOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND ROOM for Gentle- xnan, Phone' S- IU. 2-7051, 26tfb • Tt,0O1Vi AND BOARD' FOR ONE . rnan Mrs. T4aniy, opposite RCAF .Station Clinton, 27.8»•p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN EuSIN'EaSs, Contact L. G. Winter, 'Steal Etat High Street, Clinton. Phone Cline tori IVY 13-tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED fJ 7�"xC1 CS i �C1�1C AND o D tfb� Phone ,Hti.. 2-9215, FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale ACCIIt•MICK BINDER Seven, foot. .fust like lie'w, Phone 1 "2+33'17, FARMS :FOR SALE NICE. LIST or rxiuvis FOkG sale L. G Winter, Real Estate, Phone Clinton HU 2-6692, Law down payments, 33-tfb FIFTY -ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Soutle half Lot 6, Concession 6, Megillop Township; x4 miles from Village of Dublin, ,z mile from Separate. school..Modern farm hence, good buildings, hydro throughout, All modern. conven- iences„ including pressure system, /bathroom, built-in cupboards, .etc. Will sell with or without imple- ments and crop, Possession Sep- tember 1, Apply to Mrs, William Maloney, RR 1, Dublin, Ont, ,28-p• FurnitureRe-Finishing 'FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing,, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clanton HU 2-1029, l5-6-7epeeld FURNITURE FOR SALE 7-PIEICE, REED MAPLE DINING room suite, 2n new condition. Ap- ply after five to 38 Edmonton Road, RCAF Station Clinton. 28-b "GRAND •OPENING" SALE OF Furniture, appliances, pianos (new and used, at the newly decorated MIL,DMAX FURNITUREE SHOW, - ROOMS. Sale ends July 21. Store open Friday evenings, 28-9-:b FRUIT FOR SALE CHERRIES - MONTIVIORENCY, ready the third week of July. Corner of 10th of Bosanquet and Ridge Road, Burton Wells, three miles south of Tpperwash, Military Camp. 28-p CHERRIES - MONTMORENCY Cherries, now on. Come withcon- tainers and pick your own• at Gov- enlock. Orchards, one mile ninth of Forest on Blue Water Highway, commencing. July 16. 28-9-p FOR SALE OR RENT CABIN TRAILER, 22' x 8'. Apply to Clinton News -Record. 28-b HAY FOR SALE 2.0 ACRES OF STANDING HAY. John Middleton. Phone HU. 2-7447. HELP WANTED --MALE TWO MEN .required for General work in grain elevator. Good wages, year-round employment, Pension and health insurance plan,. Also several men; required for har- vest months, Jury to October, W. G. Thompson & Sons Limited, Phone 32, Hensall. 28-9-b FIREFIGHTERS $2860. - $3360 required for The Department of National Defence at • CLINTON, ONTARIO Details • and application forms at Post Offices and National Employ- ment Offices. Apply before JULY 20th, 1956, to the Civil Service Commission, tri St. Clair Ave. E., TORONTO, Ont. 28-b HELP WANTED—FEMALE FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Five- day week. 55c per hour to start. If able to maintain production, 75c per hour. Phone Clinton HU 2-7064 or apply in person, preferably, to A. Garon, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. 14-tfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 19 CHUNKS, Chris Kennedy, Lon- desboro. Phone Blyth 28r4. 28-b HOLSTEIN COW, FRESH TWO weeks. D. Bruinsma, RR 4, Clin- ton, HU 2-7540. 28-h YORK SOW FOR SALE, to far- row this week. Leen Rehorst, RR 5, Clinton, phone HU 2-99 5655. p TWO PUREBRED YORKSHIRE boars, eligible for registration. These are long, fast growing pigs. Apply to James• Lobb, Clinton. 'Phone Clinton HIT, 2-3342.. 28b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle.- Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 1483J1, or, 1483J4 9ptfb ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabledfarm animals and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth, Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada, Ltd. 19tfb LOST AND FOUND FOUND -- Jersey Calf on tel- ephone Road, on Saturday. Alvin Wise, Phone Clinton HU 2=7894.. 2 -b MISCELLANEOUS MIXED GRAIN FOR SALE. Edgar Allen. Phone i3U 2-9867. 28-b FO11: SALE -- DRAIN TILE, all sixes. Order now. SEAFORTN CONCRETE' PRODUCTS. Phone Seaforth 740. 25to32-b ADD CHARACTER TO YOUR home or cottage. Name plates hand painted to order. $1--42.50. Phone Clinton HU 2-9588. 28-9-p >a OR sAL4r,--C.1DMENT BRICKS, in stack at SEAFORTlFI CON- CRETE PRODUCTS; $35 per 1,000. Phone Seaforth 740. 25to32•b Cern- tette DELl;VE1�,Y Com- plete pick-up and delivery :service anywhere in Clinton and district. Phone Clinton HU 2.6673. 23 .] 4tf b CHIMNEYS. DON'T WAIT TILL falx, Order your ehlreney repairs, or build nor°'. New chimneys complete With fine tile, $3,75 a foot, Contact Bert Christensen, Contractor, Seaforth. 27-32-b .......... SANITARY SEWAGE • DISPOSAL Septic Tanks, Cess, Pools, etc., pumped and craned with Sanitary equip—fleet. All work guaranteed, Estimates given without obligation, Louis $lake,RR No, 2, Brussels, phone 42r6 lirutsels, 20-29-p MISCELLANEOUS AItT S1i7lPlP14I»S (Winsor „New- ton): religious goods, pictures, pleture frar)ang, photographs for all occasions, MacLa'reil s Studios, Clinton and Goderich; at Clinton, Tuesday and Thursday, 1.30 to 7 p,m, Phone Clinton HU. 2-9401, 29 fb PROTECT YOUR TV PICTURE tube with a HASTAR TV PIC- TURE TUBE PROTECTION con- tract, As low as $9,50 per year, k ui1 particulars are obtainable from T, A. Dutton, RCA Victor Dealer; Brucefield. Phone Clinton FLU 2-32,32, 28-9-30-1-h aiE(I' US REPAIR .AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like pew. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured --dont . 'take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your Satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. 28-p COME TO 'JOHNNIE'S PLA 192 East Street, Goderich. We have all kinds of used furniture at reasonable prices. Bicycles, electric washers, hot plates, lawn mowers; china of all kinds.• Other articles too numerous to mention. Phone Goderich 1249, 25 -6 -?•p ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired Home and Auto Radios Repaired • ART LEVETT Isaac Street at Dunlop Phone Clinton HU, 2-6640 28-tfb SIDEWALKS and PATIOS -The modern manner is to pave with flagstones, In a choice of 49 dif- ferent sizer and colors; Seaforth concrete flagstones can be laid in designs that add beauty to your home surroundings. Seafonth con - erste flagstones are manufactured and vibrated in a manner that makes them waterproof and stronger than other makes. They are guaranteed for five years. Made only by SEAFORTI•i CON- CRETE PRODUCTS. Call for free estimates. Phone Seaforth 740. 25to32-b NOTICE ANYONE) FOUND TRESPASSING on Lots 41 and 51, both sides of the river, Tuekersmith Township, at ANYTIME hereafter will be prosecuted. By order of the own- er. --A. E. PARRY. 25to30p . POULTRY FOR SALE 250 HMIP. x ROCK PULLETS Starting to lay. P. Westerhout, Phone HU. 2-•9812. 28 tfb . PERSONAL HYE(171"S REMFJDIES - Eczema remedies, Asthmaremedies, and the rest of the famous line are available at Pennebaker's, the IDA Store, sole agent. 24-28-32-b PROPERTY FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE - AS LOW as $1,500 down payment. Easy monthly payments, L. G. Winter, Real Estate. Phone Clinton HU 2-6692. _ 27-8-b SALESMAN WANTED EARN $75 and more weekly. Sell guaranteed household necessities n your surroundings. Wherever you may. live there is an opening for you. FAMV1ILEX, Dept. 2 STATION C Montreal. 28-b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED until July 30, 1956, for the instal- lation of an oil furnace in S5 No. 3, Tuckersmith. Lowest or any other tender.' not uiecessarily accepted. For particulars apply to John Broadfoot, Secretary - Treasurer, SS No. 3,. Brucefield, Ontario. 28-9-b SEALED TENDERS will be received up until July 14th at 12 o'clock noon for the installation of PRESSURE SYSTEM and FLUSH 'TOILETS and LAVATORY BASiN at S.S. No. 1 Stanley. Contact Mr, George Cameron, Brucefield, Ont., for plans and specifications. B. BAIRD, Secretary -Treasurer Brucefield, Ont. 27-8-b DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION (1951) LIMITED PROJECT: Conversion of Coal Bunning Furnaces. to Oil Firing in 50 Permanent Married Quarters, RCAF Station, Clinton, Ont. File 122-7-C2-27. SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked as to content and addres- sed to the undersigned, for the above project, will be received un- til 3,00 pan. (Eastern Daylight Saving Tine) THURSDAY', AUGUST 2, 1956 Plans, specifications and tender forms required may be obtained by prime contractors only from D.C.L, Plans Section, Rooni 156, at the address below, A deposit of $100,00 payable to Defence Con- struatiou (1951) Limited is recl+iir•• ed for eachset of plans and doe° ments. This deposit is forfeite=d if complete plans and specifications are nit returned in good order on or before the fourteenth day fol- lowing contract award. Plans and s ecifications will be p a ti de E�tchaii es in oil' view at Builders' rs „ Toronto, Brantford, KitchenelC, London, Windsor, r.,C.L, Toronto Brandt Office and at the address below. Each. ,tender must be submitted on the forms prescribed and be ac- ccmpanied;by a security deposit :ts called for in the tender documents, Such deposit shall Indemnify the owner against loss in the event of withdrawal of the successful tend- erer subsequent t'o acceptance of the 'bid. The lowest or any tendernot necessarilyaccepted. J. DJ , 4 NNISON, Secretary, No,4 Tenn: Bldgs 58 -Lyon St., OTTAWA., Ontario. 28.1) Obituaries Mrs. A. Nicholson Mrs, Alvin E. Nicholson, whose death occurregi.. at Regina sin Sia% day, July 1, was the former Mar - gent McBride, Zurich, Surviving are two brothers, John' McBride, Zurich and James, C1in- ton; two sisters, Mrs, Maud Sob - Regina and Mrs, Mary Step- henson, Hensall. Pallbearers were: Alvin, Lorne, Itoy, Lloyd McErido, Bil1 Hayter,, Bert MeEride, The funeral, wasp held on Friday', July 6, frelee the Box funeral opine, Seaferth, to Bayfield .Cervi- etery, Mrs. S. A. K,eelmie The Rev. A. W. •Watson, minisL ter of Blyth United Church, of- figiated at a funeral service in the Tasker memorial chapel, Blytn, on Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. Sam- uel_ A, Keehne, 'wild died early Sunday morning, July .8, in the Clinton Public I-Iosiptal. Mrs. Harold Campbell sang "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer." Pallbearers were Robert Watt, Harry Grasby, Neel Doerr, Miller Richmond, Carman Hodgins, and Ed, McMillan,. Flower - bearers were Walter Buttell, James Law- rie, Fred Chapple, and Gordon Caldwell. Burial was made in. Union Cern- etery, Blyth. 0 The taking of pelts of wild fur- bearing animals in Canada in the 1954-'55 season was worth $1.7,423- 973. • REAL ESTATE Close To Clinton 90 ACMES of Clay Loam Land, 30 acres of bush, withvery good seven -room brick home, L-shaped barn in good state of repair, Full price only $5,250. Can be bought with very low .down payment. Five Apartment House Located on Huron Street, Clin- ton. Over $200 monthly income. Priced to sell. WHEN BUYING OR SELLING Contact John Bosveld REAL ESTATE BROKER 40 Wellesley Street Phone 1108 --- Goderich 27-8-b K. W. Colquhoun Real Estate Broker SUMMER COTTAGE --8% miles from Clinton on Lake Huron. 35 - foot lake frontage. Good beach. Equipped with hydro, water. Pric- ed reasonable. 60 ACRES -Small farm, three miles from Clinton. 6 -room, one storey, with anodern convenien- ces. 36' by 50' barn, cement stabling. Buildings in good con- dition. Owner selling because of pressure of other business inter- ests, 8 ROOM FRAME HOUSE -3 • piece bath, 4 bedrooms, built in cupboards, coal furnace, econom- ical to heat, garage, Ye acre of land, extra building lot. Terms can be arranged at reasonable int erest rate. SIX CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, all in select residential area. "Listings & Enquiries Invited" Phone HU. 2-9747 Royal Bank Building , Clinton - Ontario 16-b FOR SALE 1i/2 STOREY DWELLING, 2 living rooms, den, dining room, modern kitchen, 1 bed room, with 2 ;glee° bath down, 2 bed rooms and 3- piece bath up. Hot water heat- ing with stoker. Located near both schools on Rattenbury Street. 0---- I STOREY 2 BEDROOM Central Mortgage, down payment $1,800, monthly payments $28.00. a---- 11 STOREY, 2 APARTMENT Or single dwelling; living room, tuning, modern kitchen, 2 bed rooms, four piece bath down, hardwood floors, Living, modern kitchen with dining space, 1 bed room and four -piece bath up. Air coh1 tibnel 011 heating. Un- finished playroom in basement. Owner ner movingto Toronto.Must be seen to bo appreciated. Lot 80'x30'. Low taxes, $3,500 down. National Housing Mortgage, 1%2 STOREY 7-11t00M Dwelling, living room, dining room, bed- room, ltitchen (town; three bed- rooms, 3 pc. bath up; .fulrnaci ; sun porch; Verandah; attached garage; half block from main intersection, Possession 30 days.' Apply to H. C LA' SON Complete insurance Service Reai Estate Investments Bank of Montreal, Building PHONES Office HU 2-9644--11es, Mf 2.9787 CLINTON, ONTARIO STOVES FOE SALE WHITE: ENAMEL, ANNEX Mlle ulator stove, little used; • smell brown enamel fireplace, front then culator beater ,almost new, Phone HU 24076, 28-p PAGE IMMI MY VAR HAI/MEA THE Y TO THE OF HER VARIETY OF THE THINGS IN THI$ WINDOW N DRIVE HER ALLCITY FOR SOME NEMMOST SHE BOUGHT ARE FOR 4.E$$ MONEY.' Drown. Especiolly for Clinton and. Pistrict Chamber of Commerce and Clinton News -Record by Ralph Tee,, MINE USED TO DRAG ME A %..OVER .'700,1"1141, Z TOOK HER BY THE HAND AND SHOW HER THAT SHE COULD DO MUCH ,BETTER HERE IN • BIRTHS CARTER - In ,Clinton Public natal, on Monday, July 9, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Carter, Londesboro, a son, DUTOT In Clinton Public Hos-• ,pital, on Wednesday, June 27, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Louis Dutot, Clinton, a son. GREB-In Clinton Public Hospit- al, on Monday, July 9, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Greb, Dashwood, a daughter, GINGERLCH -In Clinton Public 'Hospital, on Tuesday, July 10, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich, Zurich, a daughter. KEYS -In Clinton Public Hospit- al, on Monday, July 9, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. James Keys, Var- na, a son. MVIEISTER-•At the Queen Eliza- beth Hospital, Montreal, Que., on June 24, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. John Meister (nee Anna Glew), a son (Steven John, bro- ther for Cathy) . PALMER--In Clinon Public Hos- pital, on Friday, July 6, 1956, to Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Palmer, Clinton, a daughter. SHAN•AHAN In Al'exandr'a Hos- pital, Ingersoll, on Friday, June 29, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Donald Shanahan (nee Leota Freeman), a son (Kevin Paul). STRIEFii::E'R--,In St. Johns Hos- pital, Santa Monica, Calif., on Sunday, July 8, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. James Striefler (nee Lois Moffatt, Brucefield) a daughter. MARRIAGES JOHNSON -BAKER, - In Ontario Street United Church, Clinton', ben Rev. A. G. Eagle, Judith Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T, Baker, Saltford, Somer- setshire, England, and Ernest Arthur Johnson, RCAF Station Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Somersetshire, Eng- land. . McDOUGAL.L-CALDWELL In Carlton Street United Church, Toronto, on July 7, 1956,.be Rev. James M. Finlay, D.D., Mary Irene, daughter of Mrs. Robert Caldwell, Londesboro, Ontario, and the late Mr. Cald- well to Wallace McDougall, Goderich, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. McDougall. ORR•-PROCTOR - In Bayfield United Church parsonage, on Saturday, July 7, 1956, by Rev. Peter Renner, Beverley Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Proctor, to Charles. Gordon Orr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orr, all of RR 2, Goderich. VODDEN-MORRITT - Iry Blyth United Church, on Tuesday, July 3, 1956, by Rev. A, W. Watson and Rev. C. J. Scott, Janis Anne Louise Morritt, younger daugh- ter of Reeve and Mrs. William H. Morritt, Blyth and Harold Brockest Vodden, only son of Mr. and Mrs, Harold T. Vodden, Blyth. DEATHS KECl-INIE --- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, July 8, 1956, Mrs. Samuel A. Kechnie, Blyth. Funeral service from Tasker Memorial Chapel, Blyth, on Tuesday, July t0, by Rev. A. W. Watson. Interment was in Blyth. Union Cemetery. NICHOLSON -In Regina, Sask., on Sunday, July 1, 1956, Marg- aret McBride (formerly of Zur- ich), widow of Alvin E, Nichol- son- Funeral from the Box funeral home, Seaforth, to •Bay- field Cemetery, NOTICE J. E. Longstaff will return to Clinton __office on MONDAY, JULY 16 Phone flU. 24010 for Appointments TENDERS Tenders will. be received by the undersigned for painting the in terior andd extrrorafo.4, School of Goderich Township School Area. 'I°Wo -coats to be brushed On. Tenders to be in stands of See- retary-Troasererr by July 25.- rot, 5.l or particulars 'contact the sec- retarytreasurer, Lowest Or any tender not nec- essarily ateepted, PRANK YEO, RR 3, Clinton Secretary -'Treasurer Goderich Township School Area Roxy Theatre, Clinton Now Playing: "BACKLASH" Richard Widmark - Donna Reed MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY A Woman Scorned (Adult Entertainment) Reviewed as "'Tie Queen Bee" in U.S. magazines, this film port- rays a power-hungry womanwho is utterly ruthless. Loathed by those around her, she chooses death rather than defeat. Joan Crawford - Barry Sullivan Betsy Palmer THURSDAY, FRIDAY and . SATURDAY "Tarzan Escapes" A re -issue of the best of the im- mortal Tarzan series, based upon the characters created by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Johnny Weissmuller Maureen O'Sullivan Coming: "ILLEGAL" Edward G. Robinson - Nina Foch Goderich Township THE PARK TELEPHONE0 Goderich Now Playing: "MEET ME IN LAS VEGAS" Cyd Charisse & Dan Dailey 'Scope and Color Adult Entertainment MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY (Adult Etaitertainrnent) "Carmen Jones" -Cinemasco;ge & Technicolor-- Oscar Hammerstein,'s sensational stage -musical becomes a unique and entertaining screen treat. The talented negro cast includes: Harry Belafonte - Dorothy Dandridge and Pearl Bailey THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Alan Ladd - Joanne Dru and Edward G. Robinson This thrilling drama tells of a police officer, framed into San Quentin, who fights vigorously to clear his name. Hell on Frisco.Bay 'Scope & Color Coming: "NEVER SAY GOODBYE" Eoeh Hudson and Cornell Borchers - In Color •Clayton Cox had a cow killed by lightning in Sunday night's storm. Bruce Bettles' had the misfort- une to break his wrist last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Torrance were calling on friends in this neighbourhood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Stirling spent a few days last week with friends in the Tiverton and Tara districts. The farmers are just starting haying in Bruce County and spring grain is not as far advanced as in Huron. The apple crpp is light in most districts. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton Barbara and David and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Shearer, Bright. Mrs. Eleanor Picot is in London hospital and underwent a serious operation on Saturday. She is getting along as well as can be expected, at present, Miss Mavis Steepe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Steepe, is employed for the summer an the staff of the Muskoka Lakes Golf and Country Club, Port Carling, Ontario. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. Cooke FLORIST Phone HU. 2-7012--- Clinton LETS During 1.955 the area planted to commercial vegetables in Can- ada. was 198,620 acres, an 'increase of 14 percent over 1954. FOR .. Sharpening Service MOWER KNIVES PLOUGH SHARES DOUBLE DISC BLADES AXES, Etc. SEE... BRUNSDON LONDESBORO, ONT. 27-8-p SOYILQYSaY 14E WORKED LiKE ANORSE - . until he discovered' how easily and satisfactorily his demands could be met at South End. Cities Service. Try us today. sa e 7 (--09.1t ,CI,TI ES SERVICE GAS•SERVICE •TIRES VICE ALL MAKES REPAIRED Work and Parts Guaranteed at Ga1brath Radia and TV CLINTON r HU. •1-3841 Clintontsmoreasysvoinloinmssommuralolonallin community Farmer' AUCTION SAMS a v a IAt comrieneleg at $,00 lint. This OASH COREY, Sales Manager E, W. EL:L'Io?r, AUettotteer K, W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk