The Wingham Times, 1888-06-29, Page 3WS OF DAY. CANADIAN Prince Roland Bonaparte ie in Me treat. Wheat stalks 23 inches high ha been shown at Moosejaw. The Red and Aeainiboine Einus`s are very much swollenthe r raffle. by encu, r ns. There will be a serious shortage of hay in all the Midland counties of Ontario, owing to the dry weather.. Sir John Macdonald ie expected to open the great Methodist oamp Omega tit Nia, gara this eummer, The Mayor of Hull has received eque for 95,000 from the Mercier GovP;} ent for relief purposes. ^^ • a Mr. Hiokson, manager of the Grand Trunk railway, has planed his private oar at the disposal of Lord Stanley while in Que- bec, A man in Windsor, fooling with a revol- ver and not knowing or forgetting it was loaded, shot a girl, it is feared fatally, in the back. Mr. VanUorne has told the people of Port Arthur that he intends removing the Canadian Pacific, workshops from Winnipeg to that place. The new Dominion 3 per Dent. loan of four millions sterling has been subscribed for thrice over in London. The average pride is 95.1 per cent. The Montreal police magistrate thinks that instead of a thousand and more, there Aught to the at the very moat 250 licenses belied in the city. A quantity of nota and litteil used for il- legal fishing in Lake St. John have been seized at the instance of the Quebec Fish and Game Protection Club. An expert from Louisville, Ry., deolared that the natural gas well in Collingwood has a capacity of 1200,000 feet a day, enough to supply the wants of a town of 20,000 inhabi- tants. ' It is understood that Mr. C. S. Rodier, a wealthy Frenoh-Canadian, of Montreal, has been called to the Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late J. B. Rol- and. It is understood that garrisons for the. forts at Victoria and Esquimalt, $.0.,will be provided by the Dominion Government, in returu for the Imperial Government hav- ing supplied the armament. At a meeting of the Toronto City Council the early closing by-law, in so far as it re- lated to retail grocery and hardware shops, was repealed, which puts an end entirely to the operation of the by-law. At the General Session in Hamilton on Saturday, the grand jury were of opinion that the introduction of corporal punishment into the penalsystem would have a beneficial effect in advancing the morality of the country. At a joint meeting of the Montreal harbour commissioners and the inunda- tion committee, it was decided to take joint action in preparingplans for the improve- ment of the harbour and the protection of the city from flood. The St. John, N.B., papers say Jas. Har- ris & Co., of that city, have received from the Canadian Pacific railway the contract for building a large number of box ears. The first order • is for 150 oars. This will probably be supplemented by other- large orders. AMERICAN A number of young men in Michigan have formed a company for the purpose of raising frogs for,the Toledo market. All the window glass factories in the Pittsburg section closed last,night in accord - mice with a resolution adopted at the recent convention. The convention held on Saturday, in Pitts- burg, of iron and steel workers is of opinion that it would be best to close all iron works for three months. The blind man who ten days ago in a Bal- timore hospital,had a piece of a rabbit's cornea transplanted into his eye is gradually recovering sight. Thefirat salxmn ever caught in the Hudson River was taken from Newburg Bay on Tuesday morning. It weighed nine pounds and three-quarters. Despatches from several points in Illinois and lows say the locusts are not molesting fruit, grain or vegetables as yet. The only damage done is the killing of young and tender trees. The Wednesday night storm in Minnesota and Dakota was more serious than at first reported. The losses to property are very heavy, and many families in some districts have been compelled to vacate their homes. June 6 John Sollitt completed his fif- tieth year of residence in Chicago. He left England in May, 1836, and landed in To- ronto eight weeks later. He came to Chi- cago in 183S, when the population number- ed barely 4,000. The floods along the St. Louis River in Northern Minnesota continue to grow worse and worse, and the water is still rising. The village of and is threatened with total annihilation by the breaking of an enormous logjam. FOREIGN. A rumor that Henry•M. Stanley is dead is in circulation in Paris. There is a panic in Algiers over the rav- ages of locusts. Emperor William II. has issued addresses to the army and navy. The troops in Berlin have taken the oath of allegiance to William II. The German Court has been Ordered to go into mourning for three months. The Emperor of Brazil has completely re- covered from his recent illness. The report that bad news had been re- ceived from Stanley is confirmed. Iranian defeated "Trickett on the Fitzroy River, Queensland, by six boat lengths. The Pope will soon issne as important Encyclical dealing with the true and false in liberty. Gen. Wolseloy'a term as Adjutaut•Gen* eral of the Imperial army has been extended two years: It is feared the steamer Pemptos, from Singapore, with eleven hundred pilgrims for Mooce, is lest. Cardinal Sinteof i has inatruoted Mgr. Bodo to remain in Ireland and to continue to report On its condition. The Earth to Roll on Forever. An Indianapolis despatch to the Chicago Globe, June 4, says : fiat, T, A. Goodwin, D. D., created a sensation at the meetings of the Evangelical Assooiation of Ministers this morning, readinga paper on 44 Beebe. tology," The gist of te aper was that the popular idea that the world will oome to an end and will be really burned up and an- nihilated is a mistaken one. It will Bo rightor.he on forever, id and never be go trroyed. The inhabitants will die off and eaoh person come to his awn individual judgment, but the world itself will have no and. The world cannot afford to go out of bueiness now, when it has just discovered railroads and the telegraph and telephone, and ie apparently on the eve of other equal- ly ual-ly important relevations of the forces of na- ture, and if it cannot afford to end now how much leas can it do so in a thousand years from now ? Thai other ministers present, Methodeists and Presbyterians general- ly, took issue with Dr, Goodwin, and all thought the subject was one that should not be discussed, Very light and nary some of the beau- tiful summer bonnets made of net and silk gauze embroidered in shaded silks. The gauze le made into narrow bands aoalloped in the silk at their lower edges, and with. these bands crumpled together in a bewitch- ing mase, according to the unwritten laws of Parisian taste, oho mostcharming little peek-a-boo and fish -wife poke bonnets are constructed, and thdir beauty is greatly en- hanced by the loveliest of French flowers. These bonnets will he en suite with toilets of lace, India Muslin,pompadour foulards and orepe lisse, elerYts ipound "Doubting Thomasei,". remarked an eminent divine, "must exist in ratio to the too Credulous." The habit of cautiousness is not, asa general thing, in- born, but it is the result of a naturally gen- erotis and confiding nature repeatedly vic- timized by the gunning and crafty.. So the many disappointments, and often injurious effects, arising from the use of various vaunted remedies, have induced an undue cautiousness, and, in many oases, entire abandonment of the use of any. We call attention to the remedies of Dr. R, V. Pierce, of Buffalo, which physicians are em- ploying in their , practice with the most beneficial results.' His -" Golden Medical Discovery," for diseases of the lungs ,and kidneys, heart affections, fever and ague, dropsy, and a diseases of the blood, has never failed when put to the test. • A fatal encounter occurred in Constanti- nople between Nubian and Albanian sections of the Imperial Guard. "That's What My Wife Says." "How are all the folks 7" asked Brown of Jones, ".AU well, except my wife," said Jones. "I'm worried about her. She tires. out so easily ; she complains of a backache about all the time, and she is so low-spirited that she don't seem like herself at all." " My dear fellow," interrupted Brown, "I'll tell you exactly whatfshe needs. My wife had had the very same symptoms a few months ago, but today she is the healthiest woman in town. Dr. Pierce's favorite Prescription cured her, and it will pure Mrs. Jones, too There's nothing on earth like ib for the com- plaints to which the weaker sex are liable. That's what my wife says, and she knows." Guarantee to give satisfaction in every case, or money returned, printed on the bottle wrapper. It is stated th .t, notwithstanding assumed confidence, the death of Emperor Frederick has caused in Paris a feeling very much like dismay. Aro you bilious and dyepeptio ? Does your liver singgieh seem? Is your slumoer often broken By alhideoue, nightmare dream? Friend, be wises The Pleasant Pellets Made by. Dr. Pierce procure, And they'll bring you back the sunshine Of good,health, you may be sure. "Why, Edith i what are you talking about. Do you mean to say that Mr. Good- ly mentioned anybody that you named 7" Work has been started on the extension of the Manitoba and North-Western rail- road. Why:is a bullock a very obedient animal Because he will Elie down when you axe him. People who are eubjeot to bad breath, fool matte Bogue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once be relieved by using De. Carson's Stomach Bitters, the old and tried remedy. . Ask your Druggist. Red bandanna. handkerchiefs have risen in price. Conslllnption Surely Cured. To TIM Enrols :—Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy tot the above named die - ease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my: remedy PRICE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will Bend me their Express and P. 0. address. Respectfully, Ds. T. A. Swaim, 87 Yonge,St., Toronto, Ont. Red is the color of the passing moment. HUs 1 Comm Ours curses In one minute. Both high and low dress collars are fash- ionably worn. A Cure for /Drunkenness. Theoplum habit, deps mania, the morphine habit, nervous prostration caused by the use of tobacco, wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the brain, eto., premature old Age, kiss of vitality caused by over•exertion of the brain, and loos of natural strength, from any causal whatever. Men—young, old or middle.aged—who aLle broken down from any of the above Oaneee, or any cause notnuntioned above, send your address and 10 milts in stamps for Lubon'e Treatise in book form, of -pianos of hfan. Books sent seated and mouse from ,observation. Address M. V LIMON 47 Wellington street East, Toronto Ont. The red bandanna holm is spreading all over the country. Whenever your Stomach or OIOweIe get out of or. der, causing Biliousnese, Dyepepela, or Indigeetlou, and their attendant evils, take at once 3dose of Dr. unseal Stomach Bitten. Best family medicine, All Druggist%, 50 Dente. Blank lane toilets are as popular as ever. OFNGAtsen Here, BRIM= reetbree grey and faded hair to He natural Dolor and prevent' falling out. A. P. 404. PATENTS For Salo—illustrad 1168084381V0t1168084381V0 088. alogu8 ftee. R. Chamberlin, Toronto PATENTS procured, Patent Attorneys, and experts r Est'd 1807. Donald C. Rddont do Co..Torortto. CANOES Send for Ill. Catalogue. Afl t7. W1111. ENG1LISn, Peterboro, Ont. TO TOWN AND VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS )3 have unexcelled facilities for the SALE or EXCHANGE of Newspaper offices, Terme, one per cent. Satisfactionuaranteed. I6'Wehave Mow four good oetablishieents for Bale at a bargain, and One publisher wanting a partner. Aultinary Publishing Company, 83 and 86 Adelaide 88.'w., Teroutb, Opt. NY FARMER W1I0 DRAGS HIS WIFB out t0 the barn to hold bags mutt be toe meet *0 buy e "Dandy" Patent Bag Holder. which Will last a Matins!, and Mete only 70o. Sold by agents. Terri- tory still open, 0.W. + Worrlld" f T ding, Toronto. TIRES Nervous Prostration, Nervous .""--33tedachc, Neuralgia, Nervous Weakness, Stomach and Liver Diseases, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and alt affections of the Kidneys. WEAKINERVES FLINN's CEi,En.Y COMPOUND is a Nerve Tonin Which never fails. Containing Celery and Coca, those wonderful stimulants, it speed- Uy eures all nervous disorders, RHEUMATISM PAINE'e CELERX COMPOUND purifies the blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which. Causes Rheumatism, and restores the blood. making organs to a healthy condition. The true remedy for Rheumatism, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS PAUSE'S CELERY COMPOUND quickly restores tho liver and kidneys to perfect health, th This curative power combined with its nerve tonics, makes it the best remedy for all kiduey complaints. • DYSPEPSIA PAINE's CELERY COMPOUND strengthens the stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges- tive organs. This is why it cures even the worst cases of Dyspepsia. , CONSTIPATION PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND is not a Cathar- tic: It is a laxative. giving easy and natural dation to the bowels. Regularity surely fol- lows its use. Recommended by professional and business men. Send for book. Price $LOO. Sold by Druggists. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Flap's Montreal, Que KNITTING Seo s wuunt.MACHINES WORKORALI.. $30a weekanaexpene WORK aid, Valuable outfit and particular free. P.O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine AGENTS WANTED over the entire Dominion. Addrees GEO. D. FERRIS, 87 Church Street, Toronto. CANADA SHIPPING CO.—Beaver Line of Steamships, sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool, 340, 350, and 360, Return ti okets, $80, $90, and 3110, according to steamer and accommodation, Inter. mediate, $80 ; Round trip tickets 360, Steerage, 820 Round trip tickets, $40. For further particulars and to secure births, apply to IL E. MURRAY, General Manager, I Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents In the different Twons and Cities. WESTERN MACHINERY DE PO IMMENSE STOOK of Machinery to select from. Send for Lists. B. W. PETRIE, Brantford, Ont. ITCHING PILES. Sysirross—Moisture : intenee itohingandstinging; most at night : worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer. ate, becoming very sore. SwAyas'e OINTMICNT stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration and in many eases removes the tumors. It is equally aloe. cious in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. S WAYNE & SON Proprietors, Philadelphia. SwAVNs' OINTMENT can SON, obtained of druggiets, Sent by mail for. 60 cents. H. WILLIAMS & CO. an ROOFERS BIANUFACIURERS AND DEALI(RS IN Roofing Felt, Slaters' Felt Deafening Felt, Carpet Paper, Building Paper,Roofing Pitch, Coal Tar, Lake Gravel. Office : 4 Adelaide St. East. Toronto. Bicycles ! Jima Second • Hand Bicycles and Tricycles. Send for List. New Catalogue ready in April. .8.. T_ Mi./Po—NM, MONTREAL. AGENTS AGENTS, OURAGETS Magnificent Parallel Bibles. H1A Withrow'sPopular "History o! Canada," Gouth's "Platform Echoes," Dorchester's "Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' "Living Words,' "The Cottage Physician," Gough's "Sunlight and MAKE MONEY Shadow," "Mother, Home and Heaven," eto. Popu lar Books 1 Liberal Terms I Write for circulars, terms etc., to WILLIAM BRIGGS Publisher, Toronto. BEAVER LINE of STEAMSHIPS —SAiLLVG WssaLY BICTWENN— MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, 340, 850, $60. Return, $80, $90, 3110, Intermediate, 380; Steerage, $20. Apply to H. E. MURRAY. Gen'!. Manager, 1 Custom House Square, MONRTEAL. Young Men SUFFERING from the effeots of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak nervous and exhausted ; also MIDDLE-AGED and OLn {1fax who are broken down from the effects Of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess send for and read M. V. Lubon's Treatise on the Dl8eases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two Sc. stomps. Address Id. V. LIMON, Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. Nervous Debility. DR, GRAY'S Specific Imo been used for the peel fifteen years, with great suaoese, 1n the treatment of Nervous Debility, and ail diseases arising from ex. oeeeee, over-worked brain, Loss of vitality, ringing in the ears, palpitation, eta, For Bale by alt druggiete, Price 31 per box, or 6 boxes for $6, or will be tent by mail on reeelpt of price. Pamphlet on application. TEE GRAY MEIyi0INE CO., Toronto. A L is E R RIITTere WOR1tEERS—Store Keeper's and others engaged in Butter bud{ near will rave time and monoylby inventing. ,Titres sizers Prices on applioation, JAS, PARR A 30N, Toaoiero. BAKIt+GPONDER MA1 FiP.r: L AeSCLllt µvi Piot. tEAM1A'i1A1. F L.Ax Ti7ACT'.: ANF. Pe.t.3 (Ar,[: Elf `.AT M 0 N EY EOW.laABIoa dwaonRcAd Zatablish.ci 1860.. 72 King•at. R., Toronto, CANOER euro n8$, ioutthe . FTC., CIIREf0, without tba knife, 140 euro, no pay, Send stamp 105 pamphlet, W. L. MM1TH,, M,D„ 324 QueenB, Toronto. THE BOILER INSPECTION hand Incur• 1 unce Company, Canada, Oonsultlug Engineers and SolicitorsoY o1 Patents, TORONTO. G• O. Ross, Chief Engineer • A. Ya+tess, Seo'y-Treae, Allan LineRLoyal iteamotpo Sailing during winter from Portlana every Thurs. day and Halifax( every Saturday to'Liverpool, and in summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderr to land mails and passenger', for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, vin Halifax; and 8t, John's, N, ., toLiverpool fortnightly during summer mantle. The steamers 01 the Dias• gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia• and during suns mer between Gla'egow and Montreal weekly' Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly. For trelght, jiaesage, or other information apply to A. Sehumacbe & Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard & Co.; Halifax; Shea & Co., St. John's, N. F,; Wm, Thomp. eon & Co, St. John, N. B.; Allan & Co., Chicago; Love & Aldtn, New York, H. Boucher, Toronto; Alien, Rae & Co., Quebec: Wm. Brookie, Philadel• phia; H. A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal, -CHAMPION— STUMP & STONE —EXTRACTOR— IX years' trial, and over 1� 5,000 in uee has proved this machine the best; 6 sizes. Send for Circular. S. S. KIMBALL, Inventor andManufaoturer, 577 Craig et, P.O. Box 945, Montreal, P.Q THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO'S, SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP, tffrThe Cel,brated Han cock Inspirator• tgi•Gresbam', Automatic Re•,tarting Injector. G9Iforrison'e Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. r8rEngineere' & Plumb. ors' Supplies of every description, Send lo, circulate, JAMES MORRISON, 76 & 77 Adelaide St. W., TORONTO. RUBBER STAMPS,8%2 tits, and Burning Brands, &c. Send tor Catalogue. BARBER BROS. CO., 87 Scott St., Toronto. DYEING AND CLEANING. R. PARKER & CO. Works and Head Offices : 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. 209 Yonge Street, l CityOftloes: 898 Queen St. West, }TORONTO, • 225 Queen St. Eaet,11 100 Colborne Street Brantford, Ont. 4 John StreetNorth Hamilton, Ont. C,ONROY'S CARRIAGE TOPS Have all the latest improvements and are unequalled for durability style and convenience. The leading Carriage Builders sell them. ASK FOR THEM and BUY NO OTHER. 2_,/ Im. proved Safes, at prices within the reach of all. I can send you a safe,made in the beet manner, withCom. bination Lock and well finished in every re. spec,, for 340, on de. livery at your station. Send for circular. S. S. KIMBALL, 577 Craig St., P.O. Box 945 Montreal, P. Q. ruin greatest dia. Y covery of the pre. sent age for R•egulat• fug the bowels and Curing all Blood Liv. er and Kidney Coro. plaints. A perfect Blood Purifier. Afew in Hamilton uhohave been benifited by its use ; Mrs.•M. Keenan 142 Robert St. cured of Erysipelas of 2 yrs. standing; Robt. Cor- nell, 24 south street daughter cured of Epileptic Fite after 6 years suderinr • Jen. ole Birrel, 66 Walnut Street, cured of Weakness and Lung Troub e 1 John Wood,05 Cath- cart St., cured of Liver Complaint and Bliousnees, used only 8 fifty.fentbottles; Mrs. J. Beal, 6 Augusta St., troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, two small bottle gave her great rell .1. £old at 50e. &31. F. F. BALLET & CO., Proprietors, .NEW & SECOND-HAND (C T Ei) MACE I N 1% CATALOGUE :.FREE- I -W•PETRIE,.'. 13RANT'FORb.CANADA. l; vt Cc1MT•Al �1 ti ELEMEif1 OF fI ' tiA 1'E!1CRE'. ,U SC111�C,\qt A 0 i.1$' REOuLAR USt. WILE E)lli` ISI UP c STRONG ROBUST CONSTITUT DN 10NNPAC)yy 1T 7b BSE `t ✓ trE •, „. .III; Ao ga3id9tio',r SI.J,Nty sh t7alnmtbil aaF Califernlr, Nana pita* numoer o1' other Otatee aw - le Lttendanae. Write for Deacripeire THOS, B] NOOplTraOwd`ent. SAUk R BROS., R.n,Hn,IV t and Gravel 0 aU�t1 Vti. 23 ADELAIDE E.. TORONTO. Estlmatos gives. Country work a specialty. GHOiME FARMS FO.a SALE IN ALL PARTS OF MANIT08A PARTIES wishing to purobase improved Manitoba Farm,, lrom 80 sores upwards, with immediate possession, call or write to O. L MAiiLSQN, Mo' Arthur's Block, Main st., Winnipeg. Information furnished free of charge, and settlers assisted la making seleotinn. 780NEr To Loan at current rate@ at interact.. FIRE do BURGLA.i PROOF Patent Non - Conducting Doors SAFES VAULT CQOA srsolALTr. RS, r J. & J. TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works, e Are Building Large additions .to our factory, and as INA are removing some of the former buildings, we are FORCED TO REDUCE STOCK until the new buildings are erected. We have therefore deoided to offer our Choice Stook of second-hand PIANOS AND ORGANS AT SACRIFICE PRICES,. FOR 30 DAYS ONLY, to reliable parties, on payment of one-tenth Cash and one-tenth every three months, until paid for, with int. on balances. These Instruments have been care- fully selected and thoroughly repaired at our factory, and are by reliable makers. Purchasers will have the option of exchange, as we guarantee satisfaction with every in- strument. The following are a few instrumento selected from the stock, and from which intending purchasers may form an estimate of the Bargains we now offer :E»x 1OTCOISI, 6-oetave. Mahogany case, by Cutler aC `Vhittleseys $ 60 CO 6.octave, Rosewood Case, by Chick ering, of Roston 95 00 6•octave, Rosewood Case, by Grlmn .2 Scudder, N. Y 110 00 61.octave, Rosewood Case, by Stod- art, N. Y 115 00 7•octave, Rosewood Case, by G. T Hayes dt Co 140 00 7•octavo, Rosewood Case, by Jas.W Tose. Boston 165 00 7 -octave, Rosewood Case, by Herald Bros. ham, N. Y 1 1 -octave, Rosewood Case, by Dun 1 8070 0000 7•octave, Rosewood Case, Weber .2 Co. 185 00 7•octavve,osewood Case. by Weberat Co 200 00 7.octave,Rosewood Case,. byTrayser 1"lapo Co., N. Y.200 00 7.oetave, Rosewood Case, by J..2.0. Fischer, N. Y 215 00 7•oetave, Rosewood Case, by Har- monic 220 00 7i -octave. Rosewood Case, by C. L Thomas (square grand, like new)250 00 7•octave, Rosewood Case, by Stein• way ds sons, N.Y. (Price 3675)335 00 7 -octave, Rosewood Case, by Hooker Bros. (like new, price 3575). 350 00 7 -octave, Rosewood Case, by Decker Eros. (like new, price 3000) 375 00 CO 3t 431-.d.:OT moi• 5 -octave. Walnut Case, Double reed by White d; Co $30 00 5 -octave, Walnut Case, Double reed, by Geo. A. Prince .2 Co 35 00 5.octave, Walnut Case, Double reed, 4 -stop, by Victoria Organ Co40 00 5.octave, Waliult Case, Double reed, G.stop, by Geo. A. 1'rirrco .2 Co45 00 5.octave, Walnut Ca e. Double reed, 6.stop. by Nxbridge Organ Co50 00 6•octave, Walnut Case, ]rouble reed, 6 -stop. by Madge .2 Marwood55 00 6 -octave, Walnut Case, Double reed, 6 -stop, by Canada Organ Co GO 00 5 -octave. Walnut Case, Double reed, 8+stop, by Dominion Organ Co. • 65 00 3 -octave, Walnut Case. Double reed, 8 -stop. by E. G. Thomas .2 0070 00 &octave, Walnut Case, Double reed, 8 -stop, by Dominion Organ. Co70 00 And Melodeons at $L0, 815 and $20 each. Er We shall be pleased to afford enquirers any further information that may be needed. MASON & RISCH, 32 King St. West, TORONTO. 10000 PRESENTS TO PIRST APPLYING, WIHILE T1IEY LAST.. We will vend hymnil an ap- propriate gift to each maiden, wife, mother or cook—one to a family—who will try the BREAOMAKIR'S 31,1ING POWDER Cut the red circle from the label and send it in n letter stating honest opinion niter fat r t.,al. Hither n 5,10 or 25 cent size Will secure the. gift, Any grocer or str.receeper knows where to urt it 1 1 asked 4"- Adifrocs--. CIluRCIi11.L & CO.. TORONTO CURE FITS! When I say Cunt I do tibt mean merely to Stop them for a time, and then have them rO' tUrn again. I h1ZAN A. RADICAL OURS. I have made the diteare os, PryS, EPTLEPS3r or FALLING SICKNESS; A life long study. 5. winreatt'r my remedy tin OURS the worst eases. Because others hays' faileditsnoreason torn otnow receivingaeuro- bi my"_ IN1ALLI REMxD i Give Bapp and Yost °Mee. It costs yen nothing, for 'O trial, audit willdura you. , Address ]h'. F, G. hoof, 37 7t 8kr ,Toronto, Oat,,