HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-06-29, Page 1e rF VOL,• XVI I. --NO 26 LOCAL Nr irs. on repealed he Early Closing 66i by -la a WS grocer are. concerned. ,yam Mr oolleoti ns at the Wingham • Customs this 3 or are >largely iu excess of t :"t 'f any f rater year, . —The G. T. R. wi 1 run excursions to Kincardine, Wiarto , Fort Elgin and Paisley at single fare n Monday next. —The last once to pay up is hereby given to °red' ors of Wait Se Walsh, Gordon. &'Malndoo a d Watt ee Kerr. R. MoIxnoo. A few short weeks eel then for sport 1. How welcomes o vaoation To teachers, boys i d girls—in short The bored of ed nation • —The G. T. R, ow ,sells Saturday +egc5ursion tickets to inoardine and back at the rate of 01,00. A splendid chance for a pleasant outing,. " —The Foresters' •w ball at Belgrtive will be dedicated ' the afternoon of Tuesday, July 10th, nd a concert given in the evening. —Messrs. J, R. Mil:r, of Wroxeter, sec: 'tress. of the Howie Mutual Insurance Co., and T. Gibson sawmiller, were in town ori Wednesday. ---Rural schools oto . o on Friday, July the 6th, and reopen on the Ord Monday in August. Town echo is the same day and xe- pen on the lass onday in August. Mr, Thos, Black is getting things in 'mediums to have tl recently damaged building xeroefedd ie Insurance Com- pany has made a sat sfaotory settlement. —Judge Doyle hel court here on Tues- day last. 'There was six or seven oases in all. In the case of i cOoll & Co vs. ,7. A. Cline .& Co., judgmon was reserved till the 11th July. Af-High ChiefBau-=r Elliott, of Wing. am, and, Past High Chief Ranger Long, of, Oho' C. 0. F„ h ve been appointed delegates to the an nal meeting of the Illinois Independent rder of Foresters. i —No less than six sen young stalwart fellows are engage diggiug• holes and f erecting telephone po >s between Wingham and Teeswater. Th y bivouac in three tents in the park op osite the cemetery. —Mr. W. Corboul • eft on Monday for a few days' holiday re rection. `eHe goes by Hamilton, thence n •rth to the cooler districts in proximit to the. waters. His amity friends wish im. a pleasantand r W TN GI-. A T, ONT.. FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 18 8. WI -4O LE NO.. rvelperative teip. . —Serape ;1lioti,Ipirta• eaves. for Glasgow, Scotland, on Moeda . „ Not many can •, enjoy travelling bette •'bserve more close: 1 or tutu their k. owledge to bettor ea vantage than ca • Mr. McAlpine. Heartily no ;wo wish h m bon voyage. -Mr. James Griev , 'for' a number of years : in tho employ of Mr. A. W. Webster goes at ae. early date Soaforth, into the employ of Mr, Bright, alter, to devote his attention entirely t•' cutting. We are sorry to lose oven for : time such sterling young men as is Mr. J Grieve. -=The Entrance Ex minatiens will be- gin at the various High Schools on Wednes.. day the 4th July. An held at Wingham, will oonveuienoe to the to schools. This again which like Banquras W y nothave a High -The Methodist oht on Sunday everting to sermon of Rev, D. 0, marks were based on P discourse was a clear al tiou of the chosen pas in conclusion expresso for the spiritual progl He paid a; high tribu uniform ki; t.1 d played b fits, amongst tq�r t 1Fi a• ar bitty Wats ' o out nitin nett week). A largo a offered in ceslr'-prizes and games. One of the the day..wilI be a basebe the alnateiir champions tario.. Tho lo ti prizo ; Tug of war, calatltumpi. enade concert will be h riek in the evening. 0 railwtrty't Breather pard taindd ht application to +Coil , etissuls. examination will be li will be a decided u and surrounding vives the question, host, won't down : ohool at Wingham? 'oh was well filled hear the sfarewell "Dowell.'1=lasra- il. I,, 27-72% The d practical' exposit age. Tho speaker an earnestwish ss of the charge. to the courtesy, hristian zeal die- ing his ministry a grand demon- Day (Monday of ount of money is r athletic sports eading features of tournament for p of western On - 2nd, S 0; 3rd 1110. s, &a. A prom- d in the skating eap fares on the tars may be ob- . B. Young, Seo. --Ali things °onside od, there was a 'good tur>iout at the Cal donian Society's excursion to Godorich 'n Friday, about , 147 having left Wingha r albite, Despite the intense heat, the d y was pleasantly spent,- gauges having en arranged for besides the lacrosse nl telt between the Godorich and Wingham tams. Our boys unstained a rather so defeat, being beaten in four straight games. A few spooks' prizes wero give and captured as follows : 100 yard race, ' • McAlpine hop, stop and jump, A. X. "moron ; oroquot, D. Sutherland and Mr. . Waith ; girls' race, J• li1oAlpine;, do und= 12, Bella Watt. —'"Sing hey, my bra John Highland., marl Sing ho, my brow Jo in Highlendicaul" The preseeeo of three "b uw Highlanders,,, with philabeg, tartan • aid and pibroch Ola Friday morning an ovoningg was a matter of inSerest to the similes, and the sounding pibroch called f rtli both adverse and favorablo criticisms its historic and inherent valno at: a mil tory musical in- etrenient, Mr. Farquha Becton,. of Lon- don, who is said to be t e best ba i e player in Canada, and risers. O. C. D. ;&Lowy and C. U. McKay, of Hintail, Man. ipuhated the pibroch glove ly. —A good chance f ad. —Conductor MoKni removed to Stratford. —Pleuro Pueumoni amongst cattle in Sii1l county. —The Seaforth Cal their auuual games September, —Thursday's daily Williams was the offi "E" Battery yesterda —Three thoesaud pounds of bread is th at the Brigade C p, —A very oomfo table cottage and lot for sale—corner of hn and Frances streets. Apply to flea six Aux. —Rev. Dr. Se ton isikely to accept a unanimous call recei d to the First Presbyterian Church, ijuukirk, N. X. r servant girls, See ht of Goderioh .has has been diagnosed van township, Grey donjon Society hold n Tuesday, 4th of Beacon says : Capt or in command of and seventy nine daily consumption —A. little philosophe year's strawberry boxes year's trousers, they ar bottom. —Parties i or book acco before the HALSEY Pansj thinks that this - are like his last worn high at the ebted to me by either note nts are requested to settle rst .of July "without foie" —A4 the obmmeucem at exercises of the Brantford Ladies' 0 lege, Misses Ida Diokeou and Dere, W Ison, of Seaforth, obtained diplomt;es.. Mi. s Dickson read the valedictory. —Wroxeter is to Dominion Day celebra with a calithumpian pa football, •baseball, athl grand evening concert. —There are a thousan and one oosmet- ice in the market,but t best, the most reliable, is the cheapest a five mile walk. That color won't wash o . Besides, pedes- trianism has become fas ionable. —At vtho Torouto C nference of the Methocliet Church base all was relieved from the ban under whit it has hitherto laic as a sinful amusern'at. This would Neem like a critical per' . d to make the change. —Judge Thurman, the Democratic oan- date for the Vice -Preside.' ay of the United States, makes it a prac ice to road 4 the Bible through every year in three langua- ges, j jttiu, French and E • glish, comparing the three versions, --Theetatra,tford Septum e School Board hasstilebtree et a resolution for the 'appoint. went of a truant officer foe the city, They will ask the co-ope.ratio • of the other boards in the city in engin., on the council the appointment of this m ch needed offi- cer.," ave a pretentious on. They begin de. Then comes do sports and a Mr.D.McLeunan,grain erehant,former• ly of Stratford, but now • the firm of Clegg & MoLennan, Hensall a d Kippen, was in town ori Thursday. le handled over 0100,000 worth of grain last year, Mr. McLennan is au expert g ain dealer, —Ada Hicks, of the E was not absent a siugle d That girl has a good su pluck and>persoveranoe, she possesses the char and circumstances being to attain success and eve —This is the elegant Republican delegate char pant of the President desired to see that removed from tho : Whit great Jumbo—that plum 'Bourbon Demoeraoy— place of power at Wash from that high station. el publics school by in four years. ply of ambition, In all likelihood teristics, Health equal, necessdry distinction. =-The most gigantic g we have ever witnessed W. T. Yates grocery last was 54 iuchee, cireumfr end of stem 6, inches an tip of leaves 84 inches. devoted agrioulturisb and gime and obtains p "his plot of garden grou way in which a terized the o000 al chair He litical. incubus House, to have y I3ehemoth of o occupied. the ugton, abolished wtli' of rhubarb as seen at Mr. eek. Its length es at the lower from the root to Mr. Morton is a nd horticulturist •actieal results in —The trotting stain n, Garfield, the property of Mr. R, M• onkoy, of Ark- wright, is a deserved] popular animal, possessing, as he doe . the points and oharaoteristics desirable n a trotting horse. He has left many col that oommand splendid prides. Garde i was bred by old Clear Grit, owned by r, G. Whitely, of Seaforth. A, hill sister ' lorence G, owned by Mr. Whitely, has a •cord of 2.20i, —We had a please horn Mr. H. It. Chapin is a brother to W. J. C gaged in the book and s besides doing the loco,locality. 'Thc.busy litt yet attempted a local man boiug a praotioal difficulties to be conten had been visiting at previews. call on Monday of Ripley. Ho lemma and is eu• ationery buisness printing in that o borough has not aper. Mr. Chap. inter realizes tho ed: with His Mrs. J's for a wook .-. A fortnight ego young man, son of tho late A. II. Itoe,. P. for Lennox, came to Wingham for a eliri,.ge of air and our. roundings, he being it the laet stages of consumption. Alt •ugh weak, there appeared to be a n arked improvement. On Wednesday, he nd his sister, Tina, who came up en Mo day last, wont out for a drive. Wnile get in out of tho rig on hie return, ho we, seized with violent hemmorhage of th Maga, and lived bat forty minutes. 'o was a clever And. promising young m n, having begun tesolt- ing bat being nem 't 'Wei( to quit, owing to hie bad benlai, is remains were trent home on Thursday norning, being accom- ilauied by several ° the friends of decealred. he allowing new brands of cigars at J.}(LoKol id's:—"Cats;' "ALaybud,""Trans oifio," 'Stonelyall Jackson.» —Sixteen tick for the Farmer) There was a go and a plenw�nt d s were sold at Wiughare Exeursiou to Guelph. turnout along the line, y was spent.. elvie has led the season as to early st wherries, watermelons,&o. A species y no lot teethe latter on hand, St w er es and all sorts of fruits. r. oraoe t ray of. Huron College, Loudon, n his rec at examination earned off a fift .dollar f llowebip. He mode a splendid record an we offer our congratu- lat'' ns. -Mr. J. Vans one, of . Listewel, has ought out Mr. H Rark's jewellery store and takes possess on next Monday. eUe has a splendid re utation as a workman and esteemedcitiz.it in Listowel and we welcome him to ' ingham. —There was bro ght into our sanctum on Saturday; by M ; W. Henderson, of lot 10, Con. l.. Morris, + bunph of orchard grass over five foot in le. t1.. .)This is said to be a fair sample of •"eld. We naturally infer well tilled Ian But can we hear of better? --Mr. D, Ste'wa t bought from Masers. Geo. Thompson an 1 S. Burebill, boundary line, and shipped • n Thursday, 20 head of Rue export cattle. They were sold to Mr. T. Peers, of Toren •., Mr. Stewart shipped two.loeds this we June the 30th and Jetty the 2nd tickets can be b t to any point on the C. P. R. to return • June the 3rd at single fare, and on Tu. - the 29th, and 80th, and July and at a, f e and a third, to return on the 5th of Ju y. —President C veland is; the son of a minister, Senate Thurman is the son of a minister, Genet 1 Harrison is a church elder and Mort u, the Republican vice- president condi ate is son of a minister. They tell, us' • orches have lost or aro losing %Tieir infl • ence. The wish. is father to the thought gain. —The peed • 1 machine attached to a contemporary': desk recently ground out the luscious 1 nes below, thescenes of which are ohs g;ed to suit :goal "environ- ments :" The Seaforth g'.1 prepareth her mouth To impress h sr hea,'t'a adoration,,. In such a quie Iadv-like way, You would t ink it her solo occupation, on girl etartoth out to indulge bsorbing passioiy,r,,i „� sok with lioi�li7Gy'lips -go,Gallagher"fashion, The Lueknow , Irl—angelic creature— Though, fowl in the amateur class, Glueth her lips o those of her lover And yolloth " urn off the gas." girl, sl and shy ; ,anfrom the fear, oulder into his eye we s ear. When the 011 In this soul - she girsth a s In a !