HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-06-22, Page 8MAN, • Pno:ttv-Tti MC04 on tbe liith inst., the wife 01 Ctoolvi, Vistlyy ; sou. Wieeive 'Otattro 1:11,11, en the 8th init., the wife f Mr. J. T. iitVtus; a daughter, 1•11myalo., on the WA inst., thewife of Ote. ; bon. 1.11.4,17P—M Witiiain, on the 1f3th Ind, the Wife Qt X:.W. AtAti ; daughter. Tutnberry, on the lith inst., the wife of reralison ti daughter.. IAN; -.Disnna-ttt Duntre.nnon, on the 6th hist., by • " • tAl.,nald, Dr. Due, of Dungannon, to A.t3J Jnn 14311',V. (Atha saute place. 41aaoraiwzo. -61eir",anx.-At Paislon on the 7th Inst.,. Johnston, Mr. W. 4. floruceovei, of to Dliss Idak, niece et D.MeLovent Q1 flulletton the 13.th inst„ It,, .,Lo fitly. Mr. McLean, of Rlyth, -Mr. A. 6'andersi .oz to Mist1 Jane. eldest daughter of Ur. itobt. ilanderwt. rw.:tiK"-!'ioNnmeor,--At the residence of the bride's ;.,•,•ther, Pasidena,- Southern California, on the ult., Mrs. Hattie Sorerti.m, sister4n•law to. Rev. B. MeCosb, rotoody o vangtium, •• (4.3,33:42,v3u-1160-41t the Parish Church, $t. utinr,„ by tho Rey. Father West, on the Gth Wallace Orenaohe, of Lneknow, to flies iar2f1, Ansi idociabo, or if.t. Augustine!, L.T.-a.t-4t Coin's Hotel,Lueknow, on Mon - clay, 11'h by the Rov. R. 11. Shaw, 'Ur, John • L. Reit% of Sarnia. to Mitis Melena Smart, of Ham- ityou, -Li.tio were members Otthe Ura Dramatic *way. LI-AtHarrison, on the eth inst., at . . • relisioaco of thehride's father, by the Rev. 51. • Tumbril, Distowel, Ur. Roo, W., Lemon, Colllson, ams, to Vino A. eollison, eldest daughter of J. Conlon. • • • 1"147.i,r.r7in•Svreo:7,Surru St. James' Church, • rsrratForri, on the tith ins, by tint Rev. Canon Pettereon, Win, A. Noel -mho, of the Aierehants' 4,2 Canada, Own Soma,. to Charlotte, young- •tday.Ritter O the'late John Sydney -Smith, of Ctrattord.. ••EAtitut-11-ornuu3oun-At 4.3s Parliament St., Toron- .1, t tan res'clence of the brideVroether, on the ' inst., by the Rev. If. Johnston; M. Emil A. hantel, of Brockville, to, Alice Adelaide, youngest staazater of the late Rutherford, of Millbank. • DX*.P, —At Brussels, on the lith inst., mo, sr., aged 76 years and 0 months. 4.•,-.71r.co," -AtBrussels., on the llth inst.. Esse, Per- dausider of Alex. Jamieson, atced 1 year; woati,.s cud ;'.6 days. 7...marros-•-In Huron township, on the Sth lust., Mr, Biel:Ards, aged 85 Years and 6 'Months. Eincardine, on the 6th oust., Caroline • • 1,•.•;ao,y, ..vidow of the late Mr. Henry Teshey, aged 1.7 years. Goderieh Township, on the 12th 'inst. , • nuu "oicam4, wifo a Jas Stevens, aged, 47 years, Palmerston,. on tin 17th inst. Sarab, belovna lyric of. Mr. Ifogii Hyruhrion„ aged daycare, • 6 ruoutILS awl 21 days. . • .7110TAvnin-1n. Wellesley township,. -Co. Waterloo, on tii L'Ala lust, fleTarisis, aged to years, • • A -mouths 04_1 day. Wawannsh, on the 1.7th inst„ the • or dt. John -Williams ; a son. , any:au-In East Wawanosh, on tho.10th lust., the • wife of Edward Taylor daughter. WatortthoveN-In West Wowanosh, on the 10th inst., the wits: of (Merles Washington; a dauchter. llova•4"e11 asleep in Jesus, a Ida Tato residence, • Drosshill, on the inornieg of the 10.th,or June, the wr. Jataes JoyU,. aged 72 yeare, 0 months aud • days. ,• • •• •"Wel) rarhlle le+O Are ISM ' Only not at detail,- for, death Now I know is that first breath Which our souls•draw when we • . • Enter Etc.' • • NVIig .1t111,3 11, 1803. • • • • S DI to • & 00 to • per - 05 to 05 to - - • tO to Ea to • 0J.te 50 to 14 to 13 to 1 25 to 7 50. to .• • 6zt:0•, • - • par cord,. .. • 11".O.y per ton,. • • . • 3 60 6 00 1 00 1 00 • GO 50 00 GO 14 13 1 50 8 00 SUPERIOR VEHICLES MADE TO ORDER DORS cSz 000, NICKEL'S OLD STAND. With excellent facilities, a good supply of first class. material ,and capable worktnen, we feel competent to turn out work equal to that of 0 any establishment in the County, CRRIAGgSI 13TIGrGIS AND ROAD CARTS. We build all our own tops. Everything guaranteed. A first:class painter. Look into ou.i.! Warerooms on Victoria, and Scott Sp, DORE 8.5 COOK. • Gents' furnishings and Tailoring Estahlishment. 210:04.1.........menensatszvmws.naccemb • PRICES WO, SUET un WIZES, A stock of goods that in Extent, Quality and Variety is -unsurpassed in • ,Winglaam. and Domestic Waqlen" SUITINGS, TROWSERINGS AND OVEROOATINgS. ..1111.61,1=41.1.P.1.1. GREAT BARGAINS FOR CASH: aa • ..... ••11.••• ..... • •••••••••• •,We planted: the Seeds right and our grow- ing business -is 'the Har ve'st. . . ......... .,•••••••:••••••• . ... ••••••••• A law price for honest lierchandise, well inade, is the secret of success. .11.• 14110 •9111. ....... • •A 111116 . • ...... . ... A...•,p••11•41...t • •• • Goods bought from us will: be ut,free of charge. S11.1111e11. IloaijIg kw Prim. Egg Daps. BUSINESS 1300MING BRISKLY, AT C3a CEZ -'.6]T THE LEADINQ• 13002 AND SHOE EAIP.ORIUM OF WINGHAli, • AS TO QULiLITY, VARIETY: AND: OIIEAPNESS. • -r5 r1 Ei •oNrr2oLENIY. •- LADIES' FRENCH KU), $2.75np • (1*.i1PO1oATIO57 OF 4TrtE TOWNZSIIIP OF • .. . has shoat 03000 to loan on Mort- , Vor twins apply to, , . ISicIM'LlAX' • tir ItEnvz, Gionfarrow. LAD TES', FINE POLISH CALF, $1..50 Trtuast•Ara, Wimylaatu. Any 11i:14.16M MEN'S MEN'S- FINE BALS.; $1.75, up. COARSE SEOUL 81.00 up. GODERIC CARPET SLIPPERS, 30e., 35c.,,410c. Off - -•,i Ordered -Wo.1K, a 9pecialty. - mgrar,-,..aor.ree. :',.1",,O.ALT;ii.01,TIA'S (11illES under tho • TO THE PU1RTIIC,:i • .. ____...... ...,,......t.,„ of the fkumucur CAnnoomao; SOCITar, t4t:,1 01.r t:,.•:•.; tarkr•rli'' ',^tr` ;ler. ,•rounds of"tho • 1.1,-01711WESTERN FAIR, The,steady andinereasina patronage accorded me for tbe past 4111.1.0.,..11.111111AIN.W...R.11.1.111•111101P...=G1,4,=.2.111111.1.11,14K.kl. 1.4r.r..,-14.1111.1..11,031.41.4 211* 1 da,o1.. 3.111Y 2331d, 1669 eight years' is (tratefully acknowledged. • ....11. : rvthe most rIrd . COMMenting r.t 1 oclock p.m. 1.• shall 1)e pleased to cater to thl2ublic requirements in tlie, , S' t cum . ars amee,,,pram held to 5t....a.172 111140/ 111 tmdermh, And already •.`.1..icati0.L5t..re a u f3:36.3.tiv :31362,s5 than lover Inattor of :,.., r.,1 hricw:tior; features Imre b.len added to L3A,1 I: rr'-',', Lisii. ,...ti.mlers see Mils awl provanunes. , • „ In; ,‘ rc."yr nd:wee must Lc adarm.,..ed to, L. lioirrox, ke. El.'EltYTHING T ?.4EA.S0X, of the hest quality procurable and in CI:;`••7' C6r• f-kev"-Aar:,'. .,.....,,....auome.see......ses..vo..e...t.,eu.,...,,,,t.e.........--rat------ ,••••=s6/1.11/114...L...15.e" 1.00132*.ke...1=trat.. 3 1..,.. i', : ••••15. flt;i",..11.,Litr;;DDY, r:u3 „,1:33:,e- •r 3.-i Ma,r,,,,er 11 ver,* superior and unequalled style, • BE MUTTON, Vi.,a41 Our Nat Cloarilig Salo WILL POSITIVELY END a IN a TEN a DAYS; During, that time we will continue to sell our stock of /0/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/ollo?oHoio/o/o/c/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/ . ry, a cotes, Jewell Y" C+003DES, tglia 10/010/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/olo/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/olo/o/o/olo/o/o/o/o/o/o/o f AT. ACTUAL COST—in fact we are offering lota of good at much Lass viol • C306. DON'T MISS THIS LAST MANCE. A COMFORT.ABLE COTTAGE:11AM) LOT FOR SALE. HALSEY !•,•••••••••asty.e•w• N110,411..wa111."1•11..1. POSETIVE BARGAINS For 6c Muslins, c Prints I Or' , 2 ^ p THE BA Twee KRUPT .STOREL. C. W. HENDERSON'S OLD- STAND.- No Value in the Market to Equal. a 0 • in A-7 "T•71 -NA 4? § .713rr •1 #. •aff' BIG •P 11 I 114 G17_ 3 -37x.. -a -u -_1r) 6 fi .01•01.0m.rutroeblite.1.4.1mfor4p.ratra.......kivramenrismr.11.5.sonrAta•notant.otrenem ...1011.ift111.2111.112.P.M111011en.,19101111,RWR111111111...17,11110, OPPOSIITI ZIP. POST Ovrton %11f:A fA;h4 HELLO ii HELLO 1 1. HELLO! 1 1 ;Xs 55zo kertt,circrit,, •r••"14:, a:alttth it. Vuf.z, Winnivers, pors, taLo :iTeatty.Line ozAerc7.1. WZmeare.ms nonsmnipten. Ev'„oea a.1:111 VCSITS rfiLLOWING DAV. Vttiners. Actrrenmodetion., 17.1 -onr.trn.f.td, as a summer hoililoy ...71veitpastistor and fetot.rateartay trA ora =Ottrtnet 471.T.Z. Agont, or rATTY, 7,:„...nagcr X. W. T. C., Where are you going in, catch a 'awry I WILY 1 gni going to get a supply of material for house cleaning. Le going to clean house ri-ght away-! mad I can going down to IIINGSTON & For some .A 313141STI1. 'MOS' Sell it for 3$c..A. PCItA.G11. You MA: get D good Brush too, just as cheap. To tell the truth about the matter, you 011 gt any kind of goods usually kept in a firt-clss :hop. They have got in a lot of Lovely Bird Cage, Table Cutlery, Spoons, Sze., Milk Cans, Cremers, Pails, Milk Pans, Churns, Batter Prints, Butter Bowls, Ladles, Stove, Scrub, and Shoe Brushes, Brooms, Chamber Pails, Toilet Sets, Agate Ware, • OBDERED CLOTHING, • READYMADE „CLIO, THING, • • DRESS 06-1 ,DS, atid. GENERAL DRY GOODS, . . a, A. TULL RANGE OP • B001453 - SI-10ZS • AND GROCERIs. GOODS BOUGHT AT BANKRUPT PRICES, and will be sold; at Lowest Possible Figures, I Jointless Woodenware, Wash Tubs, Wash. Boards, Carpet Sweepers,, A, NiMBLIf, IXIIIZIOlil IS 1111TT.ttt THAN' A kitOltr l311ILItrkIG. Sze. Don't forget the namo and place, HI.NGSTON Ss SON'S, Wait EAVETROUGIIING2 STOVES, TIWAE, DAIRY SUPPLIES, xer,nces.t..t.a.das. bays on hand re, largo quantity of the bentbrands of tin titanufactured in the noficl, benglit ler cash at the lowest prices, In tits best 1ug1ishMarkets, ai. d as nay facili- tes for purchasing them cannot bo surpassd. by tt4 farm in. the trade in Ottliftita, 1 ant dOtoriniuna to soli iny goods itt tholownst.posible margln and not be undersold by suy„ MY ST:Pap' OF VIORIMIEN ARE., A*1, All work warranted -first-class, as it is entirely doneunder roy own immediate superviion. Eavetroughing specialy. attended to and properly . put up • . and completed. Stoves in all YrltltleS, cheaper than. ever. REMEMBER VIE PLACE—Oppsite Exchane; trotl, corner Josephine, and Victoria 'treets, Barkley and Meclriinmon's old stand, Call and ape and you will carry home the conviction that wat 1 say is correct. My Motto is SMALL PROFITS and. " QUICK RFiTUENSS So Walsh's Old Stand, Winglatn. • r. v4isli it disiluetly undereteoti that it Sano trouble to eholv oeds at the Ono Prioe Tin Shop ' • • • • • • StrTEMRLAND • :.*r‘j, ••••••'''' • "r r •