HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-06-22, Page 4t ktagbamEintts
L' RIDS.],. JUNE 22, 1888,
tee:R 1 :0e lee .VOl„It ING..
temperer Fretieriek, whose life has
sen as it evertt, lvalr ging in the hal-
" for Il3ottI 3, ,. i:ecnmaaed Iast week.
F.! N r ie etrateele i,.' emit the Frigid
t :,1;' 11e'•atil., commanded. zratit)IIa1'
a :td lase ely iaereatted the
;;stili, (extended to the eleriilan
tl fit: uIy. Three rulers hi three
eeeithe et something r3i rare occur -
o• ante 1n suceeesor, the Crown
it le `:olid, 13 a young 2I 11. of
v, := eeldie , peesionately fend of
y e tedoite, self" -walk i, fe):.'cefuI,
..i t, even cruel. He dislikes
ei a aeetee be, t use she he 'English, and
reteetet. la i hates the elistnrbingEugiish
ace.. •itiC eel
teurees .. noel CANADA.
$,eetettion. that meet arreait and
Bites t c a:tentioli of every reflect.
Lie C,:liardi:>n to -day as this : Why are
Inany of our Canadian people
rn=l r arias i cdrsty are so many of the
• turdy, sterling, . energetic sons of
a dicoria today residing is .the United
:Itateel. It is said there are Canadian
rt8,k1.'s enough in Michigan at 120
eves sash to oceuny the whole of this
a t:al .os of .1'; ent,,lgin, Norfolk and
T elditnand, or the whole of York,
•hese io,Durliere and Northumberland.
Ill the State of Massachusetts 41 1885,
there wore 'over 40,000 French
e leu dians. Li the last thirty years
oue•fiftli of our native born papulation
/into crossed the line, and three out of
eery four emigrants. ' brought [to
Canada. Iu a :quarter of a century
we have lost over a million people.
To speak of the restless spirit of the
nae, the. roving disposition of a
i«,I.etion-of a country's population, the
t;reed. fur gold, &e., is aot to satiefactori-
ly answer this question. This article
is not prompted by any desire to make
p;,llitief>r' capital. Observation and
f:r,t;1111.3- force the reelection upon us.
Go where you will and in conversa-
tion '+ with • tyho;ie with whom
ca role in ; aontaoe,, you learn of
s1i ` relrxtiVes Soho ere in
t ( ,ate tes or hive recently crossed
. • the hue. We don't want to imply
that we take e, pesshiuistio view of
the present condition of affairs. But
in Canada we have bou:nclless un-
dev:lr:pled resources; we, have mill..
ions taf acres of unocoapied virgin soil
uilsnrpaassed on the continent or in the
world we have extensive and .well
r nit.),iled• mauufaotures; we have
sp:ei:.li.i .edueatioual institutions and
advantages we have.as great political
tole religions freedom as any country
iii ser the canopy of heaven. Yet
fey, who resect, can asert that we
are h,3ldii g our :people as we ought.
'.4 t and vital problem stares
ie the face, It nirstbe considered.
rii:15 are its eeononliC. Causes ? Is
there a remedy ? If so, what is its' and
how is it to be applied 1
A.a Peer= LADITiS' COLI,ncix is to be
eundee by Airs, Senator Mcelaster,
l i c :fled, at her request, Moulton
O , t 'xo 'ermines, inns, (iOUem, and
t 'nterne Medical Aesociation, at
heir I (!cent. see entire, joined in a Immo-
via! to the Legislature to secure better
f v.,dties for preeurinq subjects for
1s,1. t ei€tIaw, of Hamilton suggests
las a reined!, for the diefl ulties arising
:leen! 4: "rey in choosing ministers in
x ..ia
1" '.•a �•,,..i I,ali church that eollgre-
. el n, ) of Iueleing a choice in six
r res Lave a man placed over them
• c:, • prithhy tei•y With the optieu of
he; him removed at the end of two
eeen,tra liars Inter -colonial Con-
on-f r+ ts on Cliineso immigration passed
a r eelatiull to appeal to the Imperial.
C verement to conclude -a treaty Trim
ala t;) that concluded ;>cttveeli the
le need States and '(Milia. Tho Con -
ie rt•nce also weaved to abolish the
Chiiree° p:,ll-tato and to repeal the
enactrneute relative t ) tho total Igo tae
On yeas.:1.s Lrineing C'1'iint se to' the
rolonieA. f.
ni auga Q# VrogOQdt#Iga,
No action was taken on the reeo
mendation to establish a Hirth Soho
at Exeter. It was decided that t
salaries of lockup keepers be $
instead of $20 after New Yea
The snni of 350 was granted G,
Driskill, a deaf and thuub Pers
Moved, by l+ir. 1'. Kelly, seconded
1 r, Jaques, that the December ber . se
+ion of tile County Cour}eil bo dispe
ed with this year.Carried on t
ta1lowing dielsiou : Yeas ••-- Ky d
Scott, Anderson, ' Britton, Hort
Taylor, Oliver, Milne, I�4ePiderso
Saunders, Strom,, Me.Ewan, Grifil
Torrence„Erratt, Either, Mooney, Co
Jaques, E. Johnston, J, Johnsto
Lookhart, Beck, Malloy, I'oiloc
Ripple, Howe, Beacom, Kelly, Ala
niilg, McAlurebiee-31, •.Nay's—R os
;Hays, Sproat, McIntosh, Girvin, Br
raw, Wilson, E, W. Johnston, feted
ors, MIeCracken, Bisset, Rollins, Kai
—10. It was teemed by Mess
Hays and 'Morton, end carried, th
this couur'il petition the Lieut-Gov
in Council to so ermine” the echo
act that township councils have tri
choosing of all school situs and lima
rug tris bounds of all school section
separate or public. Mr. Kelly move
and F. Johnston eeoonded, that "th
council 'memorialize the Govern()
General to pas") an order instruotin
the council to apply any surplu
money that remains in the hands
the 'Treasurer, from Scott Act fine
'collected, to assist in the erection o
a house of refuge in this county
Lost on a di""vision by 25to 1
Moved by F. W. Johnston, soeonde
by Mr. -Beacom, that the Domino
Government be 12:winoriallied to pas
an oder authorizing • the Count
Treasurer to pay over to the respect"
municipalities in the county, fro
which Scott Act fines were collected
any surplus which may ,be •on hi
hands, ox the same proportion of th
sante was collected from the nxuniei
parities. Lost on a clivis'aon by 20 t
16, A motion by D. 1 . Wilson an
Mr. Milne, that three valuators b
appointed to exanhino and valuate tri
assessable property in the county fo
equalization for county rate for th
ensuing fivo years, was lost. Polis
Alagistrste Williams' statement show
ed that 219 easess:bad come before him,
of whish 23 wore dismissed, 187 con-
vfetious node and there were 8,com-
aliments to bail..: A number of these
fines have ' not been yc$l .paid, bat
several distress wai.lanti ;have not
tom returned. it li.as been found
exceedingly difficult to "make these
collections. }Ie had received since ho
was'orderod to pay the fines over to the
county, $3,500. A special cotxfnuttee
reported, that they had examined the
books of the Police Magistrate and
find that the following sums have been
paid . to the .parties named : W,. J.
Paisley, Insp. W. Riding, $156,0 ; O.
Sprague, Insp. S. hiding, 81850 J.
R. Miller, Insp. E. Riding, . $350
Police Magistrate Williams, .$8800,
being' in. all, $7250. The Inspectors
paid over the sums chargeable to diem
in full, and the Police Magistrate paid
over tj'800,. leaving $190 unpaid.
The co"mm"ittee find • that• as Police
Ma;ietrate• for the county, Dr.
Willimns has received in fees the sum
of $173, end as Police Magistrate
without salary for the towns of Godc-
rich, Clinton, Scaforth and Wingliam,
the suer of $121, in all $294. Of
this, .all but y$8 has been paid in:
They recommended that the Treasurer
pay over to the credit of the License
Eire of .tho three License Districts,
the following sums, being, ono -fourth
of the estimates filed for this year
South Huron, $424.44 West Huron,
$371,10 ; East Huron, $361.25,
The committee .were unable to agree
upon a recommendation in regard to
the disposition of tho balance of the
fund on hand to the credit of the
License Fund aeeount, and refer the
same back fie the full council. In
regard to the resolution of tho County
Oouncil of .Welland, it was reoom-
mnended that this council petition the
Lec;islature to amend the Public
School Act. so as to prnvido for a
system& of rtniforru county promotiolt
examinations in the Public Schoole,
and for the defraying of the necessary
expenses. Mr. tJ, Y. McLean was ap-
pointed Collegiate Instituto trnstoe
for See,forth, h the place of S. 3.
McCaughey, deceased. It was recent.
mended that section 120, sub -section.
2 of the Public School Aet be amended
so as to mato all ratepayers perman-
ently liable for Public School taros,
Ssbr shall
so place
there on tho assessment roll, unless
the ratepayer shall express to the
assessor that he wishes to be valued
as a separate school supporter ; that
boards of trustees slrould be enabled
ns -
t -
to appoint the Christmas and Mislsuam-
mer Holidays in snotl, way as to the=
may seem best in, the interest of their
wheels, retaining, however, the aggre-
gate number of holidays ; that the
Publio Sohool Act be amended, so as
to make six years of ago the minimum
ago for tido admission of pupils to
public school, except to Kindergarten
departments ; that the ILO. School
,Act be amended so as to admit .of cmc
master possessing the necessary quit-
floations in both departments, to fill
the ,ossession of teacher of Natural
Science as well as teacher of any other
department ; that the, reg llaations .ef
the Education, department be amended
so as to snake the use of tho Temper-
ance textbook compulsory, in the Pub-
lio Schools, and that all model school
candidates bo required to passan exam
ination on the subject of temperance.
The estimated expenditure for the cur-
rent year is $51,113.05,, ':exclusive of
the equivalent of tlegislative school
grant and, requires a rate of le mills
on the assessment of the county., The
report of Inspector ,Ainsley was re-
ceived, It showed the progress !made
in their seasons operations, ane reooin.
niendq.tl, a Member of irnproven.onts
throughout the County. The emit of
bridges, approaches, and repairs to the
county buildings, will amoiudt to for
this year about $1200. The road and
bridge; committee recommended im-
provements as followii :.,hall's bridge,
Godorich township; wash out at
liolniesv'illo bridge; Manchester bridge
approaches to the 18 mile iron briclgo
in Asbfielcl. They also recommended
that Bin's bridge, in Ashfielcl, be
assumed by tbo county and kept up, it
being the necessary width. '.2110
estimated expenditure for 1888 was :
Administration of jnstiee, $2100; In
quest, $50; gaol, $2100;. jury, $2200;
school management, $2400 ; lunatics
and charities, $600; salaries and
council fees, $1000 ; contingencies,
$1800 ; stationery and printing, $000;
crown witneeees, $400 ; 'agricultural
societies '$300 ;;.high schools, $2900 ;
boundary lines, $3000 ; model'sahoe's,
$800 ; division court jury fee, '00 ;
repairs county,btiilddlr s,_ $300 ; roads
and `bridges, $11,879. Special pac-
counts : Stg. debenture interest, ti$16,
000 ; stg. debenture sinkizig fund,
$5800 ; northern gravel road interest,
$7001. northern. gravel sinking fund,
$1000. Total, $57,529.88. Less
estimated from Registry, office, $1,-
92822 ; from peddler's lieensos, $900;
auctioneers' licenses, $550 ;, interest,
$200 ; surplus' '87, 82887.65, leaving
as oxpenditue, $51118.91. Tlie
Equalization Committees report shows
that the valuations were based on
actual cash valne. The highest as-
sessed municipality is Tuckeesmitb,,.
$50 per acre ; uheu COMM Usborne,
$47; then .Hullett, 841.40; then
Stanley, $38.58; East and West
Wawanosh are about $29; Turnbaerry,.
$80 ; Morris, $80, and Ashfield, $26,
the lowest. The total equaliyed_valuie
of the county is $84,076,970. •
At a meeting of members of the
Rural Deanery of Huron, ••held :here
on Wednesday last, there were present
Revs. Rural'Dean Craig, I ..0., Olin. W
ton; S. F. Robertson, Exeter ; W. A.
Young, B. D. Goderich ;• J..I . Moor -
house, Wingharn; W.11. Cthf$, Brus-
sels end H. A. Thoinas, Blyth. Of
laymen there wore present : S. Cald-
well,; Auburn; L. Nathery, 0, Proctor
and J, (:'rolly, Belarave 3 T. • Scott, W.
Magill and J. Bell, Blvth. A profit-
ablemeeting was held.
Miss M. A. Cameron, daughter ol`•Rubv.
!lir: Cameron, forruely of this place,
at the recent university examinations
in the first year took honors in Eng -
hell, French, German, Itallan, and
The lacrosse match between the
home team and Walkerton .was not
played on account . of the illness of
some members of our teen).—gape,
.B. G. Jeffers, of "Grant City, Kansas,
is in command of Company No. 3 on
the tented field. ---Tire West .Bruce
Reform" Association hold their annum
meeting at Kincardine, on Tuesday
the 26th Juno, at 2 p. Irving•
ley, of the fits. Con. of Ashfield, ' shot
a bear, weighing 207 pounds, on Wed-
nesday morning week.—Mr. Henry
Clem 'Con. 4, Culross, died of cancer
on Wednesday.
Mr. Wallace Grenache, son of Mr.
Joachim Grenache, of Luoknow, was
nwrried ori' Wednesday week, to bliss
141'cOa d ,
McCabe au iter the
bite" learnady 11icCabe, of West Wawa.
nosh, ett the ;"reCatholic chu'cll,
St, Aneustino, Tho Rev. Father
West officiated at the ceremony, and
rafter it a breakfast was spread for the
guests. The'presedits were nice and
Kr, S. Dickson, Postmaster of Sea.
forth, purchased they two hundred Acre
farms on the .11tli coneesssien of the
Township of Gray, near Brussels,
Thos. Bristow, formerly a resident
of Wallace, died in the Stratford, jail,
on Tuesday night, last weep,. in "lie
84th year, Ho at one tituo was a
prosperous farmer, and enjoyed the
comforts of it good home, but it dis-
solute life and intemperate "labile
reduced hila to the level of a vagrant.
At the last election Listowel return-
ed, it second Deputy -Reeve, who took
his, seat at the liretmeeting of the county
cannon, E:'coeption was taken to bis
sitting tier° not being the neeessary
member of voters on the Listowel'" ell
to entitle them to. Buell, The Ward
took action touuseat,lliln evltiol.w
down and tile;, costs in connection et i
the case amounted to 824, which we
paid by the Listowel council.
Mrs. Chambers, of Bt4 ntfort , er
has been visiting at the' home ,of h
T ,
brother �. r. A. Criysloz of this plat
returner to the city on Tuesday las
--It is rumored that one of ouryoun
then is seriously eolltomplatiag e
changing his state of oolibaey for tit
of natrirumay.—Too Moth, pulpit was
ably occupied Mr. •Appleby of Tun
berry, acouple,of Sabbaths ago, min
to the absence of the pastor, Rev.
. Smith, at Seaforth.--•-Eoadwo
has comineneed, and the people of til
neighborhood' pride thenlsolvos i
having the best public highways i
tho province.—A large bank tbarn
feet squ u e, was raised on the farrii
141r. Geo. Rush on Wednesday las
The way, ifr which the framing wa
done reflected great credit on' th
contractor, 11Ir. Porterfield.
Mr.- Ostrander, the jeweller, has
been away on pleasant' trip to Musko-
ka.—A couple of weeks ago; a young
lean of this place, apparently respect-
able, was seen running down the rail-
road track towards Wroxeter, wher
lie boarded an out going frei„ lit•train
which took him to Win harn, whence
he was carried by an outgoing express
to Kincardine, whore he got a1 owrd
a boat destined for Uncle Sam's do-
mains. The cause of his sadden, and
rapid flight, was his being implicated
in a crime similar to that which
caused the blow.of Watt the Tyler, on
the taxgatherer'e head. dashing has
brains out against the walls: When
will young men respect the sisters .of
others as they do their own 1 When
they obey the Divine command :
`FWhatsoever ye would that men
should do unto you, do ye even so to
4triNiRg am int a
ElVelRY xlt>:DAY g 011NIN ,
"its 7C QFt'IQIt, Jo meeI ee STREet,
ills g; LI+�, . 4�N'I'ARIU,
liaiseriptlouprlso,;hli)0t' e, car, ie rlalvanoo.
Spa00. i 1)t•. I 0 aao. 1 3 nm.
One Column gtl4 00 q,'::5 00 . {1:10 011 ;�: no
half " 51 0) y11 o0 1s 00 500
'Quarter " sn 00 18 00 7 00 4 00
Ono Inch f 5 00 a 00 2 00 1 0'
Local and at ler casae advertisements, Fe. per lino
far first insert on, tutO i . per hoofers cert subr:egtte:it:
fns tio: •
Loral notl i '?, in no:morell type, 10c for first in•
sei'ao)l,and c p:'r lino fo,'moltsabsequent insertion
No lucid mince wilt b charged less than 0e.
Ailvert0,enn. its nr' ost,Foutnd Stray ut Situations,
and Business Chances Wanted, not eneeeding 5 liners
01 nonpareil, ,�11 t e met tar.
Ileuses and Fnrni 1 fa t F3ale, nob of ceeliae g Nitre,
51 far 51st month, 5i'0 �,cr o,:b,rquent mouth,
tit These teams will Ike strictly adhered to,
Spoclal rates for long r ndver'tiso1. onts, or for
PO 11sms,,1,e r:edit
• 4tut•or•ti•rment l without specific directions, will kc
inserted till for,,h1 arca eh gid acectdine:1y, Tran-
sitory adr ortra n:�o ts:oust bo paid in ativaulee.
Chant;ca fo cin:tract alt rtiao uents must be in
the o:llca by W0tinesdaa noon, in order to appear
120 1 that wool:.
P it lr
,a z a on, AND PraLtsttt;r..
?rn7.�J. I out u, A3. U. C. M., n.e .r. s. o.,
Formerly Ilouv-Eivvo-ron to Kingston Cencrat.,,
Omen AN1' 1tt:atpeoce: Dr, Bethune Old Stand. '
itiinghanr, March 1,15M
DICitIt SCI; .
g Ir:1i lt?riTd RS, c.
A, t�olteitorsfor tea F;111: cf IIanrilton, Commissioners
ar tal.ilar rotadttits for tlanitoba. I'ricato. funds
r 0 Iona! inst at yht lc,ewt tet lottseot rates, Ofhece—
i3 t cnt'e mock
, an;t=tet art, Cuckney, and Qorrio.
U H. tv, 0. 1nt1' lt, •11. 5. nI(Ut1OtON.
Miss Mary Bessie gone on a viii
to her brother-in-law, '•W. G. Duff,
Roxburgh, near Seaforth, — T. T.
Messer is home on a visit to his father,
W. Messer.—George Casey's eldest.
daughter is tlo� fe from Prince Albert,
and is 'visiting at Peter Fowler's, on
the boundary.—'The school 'inspector
paid our 8.001 a visit last Monday.
al-Anotherpar load of elletso sold this
week.—Mrs. Bon' Sault is on Avisit
to friends in Coderieh,. •-_ Charles
Reading rind wife and Henry "chards
left this place last Al ortday for Mani.
tobt. Mr. Reading and wife go main.
ly for Mrs. Reading's health, which
has been very poor for some time.
Mr. H. McRardy goes with the inten-
tion of getting a job ° ctt the C. P, R,
as foreman. He goes Well recommend-
ed and no doubt will do well as he is
a very clever and active young man,
and ho will; bo .greatly zriisse4 here
being a great favorite with all.
East Wawanosh
Mr, ASidrew Black returned from
Sault Se. Marie last week, -Mrs,
Cowan, of Essex County, daughter of
Sir. Jos. Henry, is spending a few
weeks with her parents. --Miss 4.
.Black returned horse on Friday from
a prolonged visit to friends in Essex.
Mr. R. Ooultes, of Grand Rapids,
Miolr,, spent a day or two at home last
wobk, While engaged in sonlenehletio
sports the other evening, Mr. Mat.
Harrison, had his arm dislocated at
the shoulder. Fortunately with the
help of the others he got it replaced
without serious injury.—•11r. Thomas
Edwards got one of his fingers broken
while playing base ball on Tuesday
oveuing.—•While Mr. Jas. Honey was
driving noble on Saturday evening,
his horse became frightened at some
cattlo along the road, and lio got out
to lead the animal past, but he became
unmanageable and 3:areaway, crowding
Mr. Henry against. the fence and
seriously injuring him internally as
well as cutting his head,
5iA 'BISTER •11e.,
• a ini;ham Ontario,
l g aGILL 3: VANSTON ,
OFFICES--nc.,'or n rl , r, tx ori ut, ONT.,
dement p,11 i 111 yen, OST.
Private and Company funds to; loan at low rates of
interest. Lxort g2, town and farm property
bought and sold. etloreantale collections a specialty,
R. VAt46TOKe. f:. 0. MUM,
flENTISTi:T.---w. I3. MACDO:T:tLD, iVnoexn'.a.
;-, reamer of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy,
�t cy in prices from 8500 upwards perisef
-� crownng and bridgework. Teeth ex-
trreted without the least pari by the Ole of Vital-
ized Air. toad 0± is,,..Wingharn, silo entrance op,
posit. the gluon's hotel, open daily (Sundays except-
ed) front 0 a in to 5 p m. Will be at Blyth every
F1ata , t•- etl t o at 'Alin -'s hotel; Oorrie: 1st and
3r<1 ea^h month•-013ce at Albion hotel •
Lac n • : 2n 1 end dth Monday and Tuesdays of
each menus Oruro at Whitotey's hotel. Extracting,
5 041111,
aseeiTP.'€, J, 5. 4E1101d1'., t1TNOnA:1.
I am making beautiful setts of
F ir,elal t int "Tetth"for 58.50 per
Y" v t qL A tr, and Plain Teeth, per sett, 54.00.
e*113t:3 ui rat other branches of dentis-
t in p apo mien.
.''Vesiotable Vapor administrated - for the painless
ca roe tion of teeth, tate only s fe'anesthetic known
O,.ICE • In Olio Beaver -Block, opposite the
Br,swiak ;brei.. pP
Oin Cd r�RTtr, ai'11 nim,
Orders left at Viva aloe promptly attended to
DEAN, Ja., Wn O:iAbr,
50111 attended iu any part of the Co. Chargee
L1ctixstic Aatcltontltan Fon Conh"TIE, XTuatoN AND
All calks attended to promptly and on the Shortest
ChotAll necessary torr and
be Guaranteed,
eatt tho
TIa.ro' oilioe..
WI ;otr:,u. •
onadi ti
EMITS MeAY, inglrar, Licensed Auctioneer
At modocater trates,,sae iles es will be conductedn inany
portion of the Countioa. •
Orders can .he'ieft rat the Tates Ofico.
of every hind ata ory lowefigatoe enter-
tainmentsT r
00011) Bio., apply in
at Cline & Co's store.
A. 0, STIIATIII)EE, Aoexo, Wnvouam.
Through tickets to all points in Amorica—N0rtl1-
Went,1'acific Coast, ere., via the shortest and all
popular routes. )lagiCoke 'checked through to
destination.. Lowest fro 1Uht rates to all points.
Li+tyn vininIL%T•t, A1ntmVs AT wt.:etrA?.t.
0:30 a,n1..Coronto,ouciph,ralinerston &to. 3:30 ,.it.
" as ' 10:101„
tomer'. '' " Clinton, __
....Palmerston, ;hired •.....10 �0 a.m.75,Ntn...., .,....London, 4o.. 10145 "
3:10 p.m. II 7:45 pas.
eon.. ' . _Kincardine, Ste., 0130 ton.
x3:10 pan 4411:10 "
0:50 p.ni.
`ifi7'Yl�-f a-
Sterylno Ere ion c and Drafts on New York
Orrtoti nano : 10 a, nt. to 3 p. m. satur 14s, from
10 a, 10, tol5.In.
W, C011..1;otmr) Ac'id`s'
."l1Ar1ia ,1c D:cftt,ii0 , eol/oltor