HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-06-08, Page 8Zetland. On Friday tho lst inst. as Mr. Ren - aid Lay and tister,RaehelLainont, were rk,„; ,ring nom from town their 110L's ky,:afe frightened and ran away StottAnti ti4e buggy and throwing Thom out, Mr. Lamont received • SCVEY0 oat the bead and getting hurt inwardly. Miss Lamont cattle ott with til.ght injuries. We hope they will both soon be around again.741r. Geo. Thompson and wife and Mr. Mr. Itobt. erre and wife of this place in-, tend taking a tripto the Northwest starting June StlioeMr. Wm. Baird has gone to Michigan. We wish him every success. ---Mr, Wm, Ken- nedy and bis sister along with Miss Fannie Taylor leave left for the "Soo." —Mr. Thomas McDonald is at present visiting friends at Seaforth,—Mr. Robt, Taylor is at Ripley with, his brother.4Mr. •M, Lemont an a. Gavin Wilson fit'e at Ripley engaged at car, pentering+-Arrangeraents are being inade for it grand picnic here in July, There will be quoiting, football, base- ball, croquet, swinging, etc. A squad of scholars is being drilled. by Mr. S. Wilson, the popular teacher of the school. Look out for the best days' sport ever had in this district—in old time vernacular, a cracking good time. —Jur, Wilson, of Salem, is going to school here. ITIV IN OPCS 1 Moat Ilarket. Lci.c3K‘, BORN. 4ous—In East Wawanosh, on the lst inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. Bone ; a daughter, dia'uniciu—At Lower Wingham, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr. John Currie; a daughter, Latima—In Goderieh, on the 21st ult., the wife of Rev. 3. T. Leger, Ethel; a son. GRAY—At TeeswateA, on the 27th ult., the wife • Mr. Joseph Gray ; a daughter. "Deumuon—InWingham, on the 1st inst.. the wife of Mr. T. Drummond; a son, 'an—In Morris, on tho 2nd inst., the wife of Mr. Isaac 'errand; a daughter. Enousn—InTurnberry, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr. E. Ferguson: a daughter. Ron—In Seaforth, on the 24th ult„ the wife of Mr. iohn Robb ; a son. Srano—In Howick, on the 19bh ult., the wife of ?3r. Win. Strong: a son. MARRIED. Hoarn—Con—At Olifford, on the 23rd ult., by the Rev. Mr. Chown, Mr. Cyrus n. Horton, to Miss Elwin Jane, youngest daughter of Mr. John Cook, both of Lakelet. CLUT—FOSTER--At Lucknow, on the Oth inst., by the Rev. A. McKay, Mr. John Cliff, of the firm of Cliff Stovel, furniture makers, to Miss Minnie Foster, of Lucknow. ROBLI0101,1—Ponam— In Toronto, on the 16th ult., in the Church of the Redeemer, by the Rev. Septimus Jones, M. A., ,Rector, assisted by the Be',. Dr. Sheraton,Principal of Wycliffe College, the Rev. J. Cooper Robinson, Missionary Designate for Japan, • to Bessie, second daughter of E. Poynton, Esq., of Nottingham, England. WEB. Jomrs—In Ashileld, on the 30th ult., Mrs. Mary Johns, relict of the late Thomas johns, aged 85 years and 5 months. Rosuremr—In Goderich township, on the 23rd ult„ Mrs. John Robinson, a native onliddleton, Armagh, Ireland, aged 85 years. 4053Anrion—In Culross, on the 28th ult,John Ballagh, in his 60th year. CEOESBOROUGII—At Teeswater, on the 25th ult., Ann, relict of the late Joseph Choesborough, aged 78 years. Buns—It Howick, on the 21st ult., Mary E Burns, eldest daughter of Mr. John Burns, aged 10 years For 50. Muslims, 6c. Prints, 10c. Shirtings, 32c. Tweeds, Wingliam 044:117 Bow Having again opened ont/a bop in Wing b I am making ev effort for your satisf4tionI buy%the best avai alto and handle t i the best style. 1 keep,jrgeod suppl of choice Beef, Poi' Ma ton, Lamb, 84O4 EVER' ING SEASONABLE, THE BANKRUPT STORE, C. W, HENDERSON'S OLD STAND: • No Value in the Market to Equal. -W. 0 0 1\T nod blearing Salo /o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/cVo/ WATQHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, SILVER WARE &c. /o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/O/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/ Raving decided to leave Wingham, I will during the NEXT 80 DArs offer my entire stool; AT ACTUAL COST. Buy now and save money. HALSEY PARK. VaIllWaNggf.a/..// 4111•11111•111, SUPERIOR VEHICLES MADE BY DOJE az 0 TO ORDER 1‹, NICKEL'S OLD STAND. With excellent facilities, a good supply of first class material and capable workmen, we feel competent to turn out work equal to that of any establishment in the County. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND ROAD CARTS. We build all our own tops. Everything guaranteed, A first-class painter. Lookinto or ViTarerooms on Victoria and Scott Ss. DORE & COOK. TO THE PUBLIC. The steady and increasing patronage accorded me for the past eight years' is gratefully acknowledged. I shall be pleased to cater to the puhlic requirements in the matterof BEEF, MUTTON, VAL.; &c. EVERYTHING IN SEASON, of the best quality procurable and in a very su erior and unequalied style. PIMIAD • OPPOSITE THE Pon OFFICE TII M 11 her • 1111.....:(1.L1_1:1.11111.11111111111.111111 BIG DRIVES IN ORDERED CLOTHING, READY-IVIAiDE CLOTHING, DIIESi:S1 GOODS, and GENERAL DRY GOODS • -4 ADVICO TO reyou 18 ur. 0. rm, and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and net a bottle. of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" fer.ChatIreo,Teething. Its value is incalcul- able. It will the poor little sufferer immediately:. Dripitild upon it, mothers;_ there is no mistake abontat,';,4eures Dysentery and Diarrhrea, regtilatesthelAkkach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gott,. reduces Inflammation, and gives ,tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Win. etow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is theprescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale • by all druggists . throughout the world. Price twenty-ilve cents a bottle. Be sure and ask kr "kiss. Wisnow's SOOTIIING SYRUP,' and take im other kind. MONEY TO LEND. rpm CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF J. Turnberry has about 83,000 te loan on Mort. gages. For terms apply to, P. 1.1cLAREN, or WM. MCPHERSON, Tr, Tamsuata, Wingham.. Ram, Glenfarrow. Wingliam, May lith, 1888. House and Lot for Sale, wITT.1 TlYIBLEIMIATZ BOSSBSSION. OT 23, EDWARD STREET, WEST, This AA property is situated near the town parr, and ,convenient to Grand Trunk and C. P. R. depots. ;Will be sold cheap for cash, Appply to CI139. 8tOit11, ;JO the premises. or tol S. YOUIIII,L, Wingham. lune d, 1888. Insurance Agent. 11111111111111111111111111111111 OfilDON A. T. ANDEttgoN, ThumBTAI:Ert, 'lets, Coffins, Ilobes,,tc, alway,; on hand. crass I/]ABSE FOlt mum. Desire to direct attention this week to their Trade 1VIark, "The Anchor," of which a new cut is here presented. In future all our advertisements, bill heads, etc., will bear this, our trade mark. When you are out shopping or driving into town for the purpose of trading, please look for the LARGE BROWN ANCHOR over our shop door, and step right in.. Wo will be delighted to see you and guarantee that no house in the trade can give better value in any line of our Large, New, Fashionable and Seasonable Stock. Always Safe to Deal at The AncliOr. IIIGIIEST PRICE PAID roll EGGS, BUTTER, I:LIM AND SIDE MEAT, DRIED APPLES, ETC, GORDON & McINTYRE an1 17'011, wortea ANCHOR / / / / / / —I A FULL RANGE OF 1:— BooTS, 81-10ES -, AND - GROCERIEs. GOODS BOUGHT AT BANKRUPT PRICES, and will be sold at Lowest Possible Figures, •• EAVETAOUGHING. STOVES1... TINWARE, .•DAIRY aUPPLIEL &1 I hay e ()alma it large quitntity a the best brands of "tin mainufzietured in the world, bought for cash at the lowest prime, in the best English Plarkets, and as ray facia - ties for purchasing those cannot be surpassed by any firm in the -trade in Oanada, I am determined to sell my goods at the lowest possible margin and not be undersold by any. MY STAFF OF WORKMEN Ar iE A 1. All work warranted first-class, as it is entirely done under my own innneCate supervision. Eavetroughing specially attended to and properly putilp and completed,. Stoves in all varieties, cheaper than ever. num= THE PLACE—Opposite Exchange Hotel, caller aosepioine and Victoria streets, Barkley and tioCrimmon's old stand. Call and see and you will carry 1101110 the conviction that what I say is correct. My Motto it SMALL PROFITS and. QUICK RETURNS, AMIABLE SIXPENCE 18 BETTER THAN A SLOW MILLING,. 14. • D. SUTHERLAND. •