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The Wingham Times, 1888-06-08, Page 5
FRIDAY, JUN1a (l, 1888. Soliloquy on Death. (For their^n:s.) 0 De;,k11: Then iuevitnbh foe , That all lrinnkilltl roust ; sot r; all in act doff e""'Bitt,'1txl ,b 11 }, ass rist'"il,c rn to tl' Death t Death Dark monster 1 . rant us safe retreat. 0 Death 1 uulookcti far coolest thou. Thought of only by the few. Life thou takest ; yet Val me how Naught takest titan in lieu • Death ! Death l Thy victims Are powerless with. thee. `,tay, Death 1 Oh stay thy hand And lot us still insist. May we be joiued by that band Of Love, ole pass that mist. obe hDeath Ghastly Foe I Plane my uame in the glorified list. Death!, Why dost thou no notice give Of the length of time we aro to live? Answerost thou not'? Then must we Bo always realty for eternity, Death k Death I Uncertain as thou art, Ono thing from us thou caust not part. ORTILORII BULLS. , r n UNDERSIGNED/cis for sale, on Lor 11, BON. 0,Towssute n1 t ! in• 01, 0thoroughbred Short - t liuli r e„rttou d in the 1)O ,1 pl lie rd Book. rholeo yo m;c animals. Tnnc swill ba i;.st;n if vdctf for 1 aymtr,t. PETER AR1il;LL, Teeswatcr 1'. 0. Cuhoc's, Juno 1,184 A f carat 111)10 , Aeia.r, Ni lseaAll Through tic Its to ail points In America North. West, Paclll Coast, etc'., via tho shortest and all Popular ••otos. Baggage chechest through to usstinat • t Loweetfrei;;lit rates to all points. -------TIME TAULE.-- I.trA "' i5l1:ti11AAI. AllItIVII Al, WIAOIIAtt. 0:34 a. �n.Toronto, Gilclph,1'almcrstan, 'we 3:50 yttra. 11:10 II 10:10 F'" Clinton " 7:20 N"n'.. ....Palmcroten, Mixed.....,10:20 a.m. 7:05 a.m London, Sm., ..... ...10:45 " 3:40 p.m. III 7:40 p.m. 11:10 a.m...... ..Iaincardino, &o........ 0:39 a.m. 1#:30 pan. ..11:10 " 10:10 " ., 0:10 pan. 0 _,-„IMPOETAI`?'I'—o EXECUTOR'S SALE ti 000 Acres 1'1rn Land and Village Property by Auction. )T INSTRUCTIONS F11071I;TBIE EXECUTORS, ;) there will be sold by Pubilo Malan, ON THURSDAY, THE 21$t JUNE, 1888, At ono o'cloch uco,tllvg at Whitley' Hotel, f nw, he foonarms; PAncrL 1—Lot 10 and west hall of lot 17. In rho 11tH concession, West Wawanosh, containing f;00 acres, morn or loss; clay loam; about 1.00 acres cleared, about 100 Worcs clear from stumps. Frame h usedfrase born, good orchard; good creek, well an various improvements; 140 acres of it rood hard- wood bush. Only ,l miles Pram St. Ilelons, and about 0 miles from Luekuow on tho G, T. R., in the midst of a Ono, well settled eonutry. PARcnI. 3• --Lot 15, in the Otto concession, West Wawanosh, 200 acres more or less, soil cloy loam, about 100 acres cleared. Log house; frame barn; ereek well orchard, Q. This farm adjoins that BON TO Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor, A good supply of all varieties of BISCUITS. CANDIES, TOBAC6%St MARS. ALL SEASONABLE FRUITS. Death 1 What need man caro for then If prepared 1lo is for eternity ? * 1 o saved souls thou art a welcome guest, Biot a, dark foe, but a friend the best, Depth 1 Death! Foo 1 Friend 1 As either nzayst thou tomo 0 Death ! To young and old the same. To every nation, tongue and name Thou art unchangeable as the sun, Till time shall have its journey run. Death 1 Death 1 Unchangeable. Why allowest thou not for erring youth? 'wow 1 ICE 10 ��CREyAlr^�r 11 PA3i.LOBs. SI— Main St., on way to Stations. o 'U14SU1ZPASSED—o 0 Death 1 Unseen, unheard, so deep, And yet thou mak'st man take the leap From the bridge of Time and uncertainty Into the abyss of Eternity. Death l Death I What art thou In whom such powers lie ? '0 Death 1 When I just think of thee, Feel you, I cannot, you I cannot see. Sear you, never ; taste not ; Why ? For 3esus on the cross did die, And tasted death for every soul. Each may believe and be made whole Winsoio. Bluevale, Aug. 3rd, 1887. ICE CREAT, described in parcel 1. r""PAiters48--I.40 43 and 44, in the 1st concession, ninl0Ub, County Of 13rue0, 100 acres, more Or less, about 15 acres cleared. Residue in bush. This farm is only ;i•nnies front Luolcnow station, on PARORL 4—Lot Si and 42, and west half el lot 41, village of St. Helens, County of Iluron, 7 sores,. good land and well fenced, Thera will be one reserved bid on each parcel, the amount of which will bo Axed before the sale sold lo parcels Ifanyabove, they of the aboveproperties ypbotput up in smaller lots. TFRAI0 01” SALE—Ten per cent. cash at time of sale; a further payment sufficient to make up one half the purehasemoney, in three nlonthafroni the time of sato, and the balance may remain on mortgage at six per cent, interest. For further particulars apply to John Purvis, Auctioneer, I3olyraodP. 0., Thos. Todd, Executor, St. Ylelend, or to the undersigned. SEALER & HAnTT, serausreas, Goderich, June 1, 1888. aoderich, Ont. DIES' -o- PERFECT ASSORTMENT. UNSURPASSED GOODS. STRIKING BARGAINS Made from a now American receipt. It is perfectly delicious.---- •{ Everybody says so. —A SUEDE LOT OE --- Bananas, Granges; PINE APPLES, ASSORTED ' CANDIES, &c, ALL THIS AT MCK.ELYIE'S RESTAURANT, Vroxeter Woollen 1Rh1s1 Prion in nod Clean Glenannan. The trustees of Gienennan school pur- pose building a woodshed on the school grounds. When this is done, not many country sections can boast of a 6c11oo1 so weel equipped.—A number of people in the vicinity took advan- tage of the reduced rates last Thurs- day to "take in" the celebration in Wingham..—Glennanan may well be proud of her' sons. Ono of them not only caught the greasod pig but also *:took the bun" at tho sports in Wing - ham on the 24th. "Erin go bragh." —The Wawanosh bear has put in his appearance in the neighorhood. Let us hope that the Turnberry boys keep their fire -arms in better order than those of Wawanosh. —W. T_ etas Has • just opened out 1 I-Ihd of —1-1-1-1 {—_{_ I-1 A. L. SON Will pay the Highest Market Cash or Trade for 60,000 lbs. of G Fleece Wool at the Wroxeter Woolton Mills, Salem. 'Your Turnberry correspondent, in a recent number of your issue, would like us to give your readers a pen- .sketch of the "beauty and female loveliness" of the young ladies of this place. We would say that such charms, to be appreciated must be seen. It is a subject which we approach "with fear and trembling," for not --even the pen of an angeli,could do it ,justice; bones the very idea of so for- midable a task compels up to call "a halt." --Mrs. and Mrs. Wilson, of Galt, spent last week with their son, Mr. R. L. Wilson, of this place.—No one will dare, at the present time, to compare Salem with Solomon's Temple, in whioh neither the sound of saw. axe or hammer was heard. Salem is the most thriving place of its size in West- ern Ontario. No fewer than four barns and two houses are in process of erection,—Miss Laura Morton, of Toronto, is at present visiting with her sister, Mrs. David Castle—Mr,. A. Gallaher with her son; have been spending the last few days with nor pftronts, Mr. and Mrs. Gallaher.— Several Salemites spent the 24tH in Wingham. 'While there, some of the ladies were heaving heavy sighs and paying, "1 wish I had stayed at home." --Gommil's bridge was the rendezvous for the boys on the 24th, and it must have been really edifying to hoar some of the boys swearing because tho little fish would not let their baits alone, and threatening to commit Buell and such an assault o.?1 the big odes if they slid not talo hold'aith less coaxing.— Mr, 'Wilson, who lives on d'no. Weir's farm, lost a valunblo spring colt a few -days ago.—Mr. (castle, of hamburg, has been ?pending the. last few days let the home of leis son, David. Has great pleasure in calling the attention. of the ladies to bis stock of Dress Goods, Satins, 3fluslins,' Embroideries, Robes, Laces, Irlouncings, Jet Trimmings, Gimps, Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, 8cc. Tilet Sets NEW PATTERNS, NEW SHADES. PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Call and see them. —I HAVE TYLE ---- FINEST STOCK An Immense Stock and great variety of TWEEDS, FLANNELS, SUIRTINGS, BLANKETS, SHEETINGS, YARNS, &c., Of all kinds and color to choose from. Custom Spinning and Carding, done and Satisfaction Guaranteed, at Moderate Prices. Specialty this year in TWEEDS of our own make in great value and splendid style. `Second annual wool competition. Prizes offered for (1) best fleece long wool, (2) best fleece fine wool, (3) heaviest fleece, cleanness con- sidered. Competition free to all customers. Large stock of Fine Tweeds, Flannels, Overcoatings, etc., at bottom prices. A. E. GIBSON Wroxeter Woollen. Mills. 3 OTs' To be seen in town. A FULL LINE OF I MAHE A SPECIALTY OF human Respectialli M. H. McINDOO . TEAS, COFFEES AND PURE SPICES. Shop closed at 7 o'clock after Monday, May 21st. LatiitnLv Prices, rtt Brapitz, , Tat4 Itant Soeu FROM RELIABLE DEALERS. —BUSINESS BOOMING BRISKLY, AT r,.d 'ri q McCORMICK P EJD'i .MOITT S.'tTOP,E+°a THE LEADINGILGIIA�I, ASO BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM OF QUALITY, VARIETY AND CHEAPNESS. Genta' Turnishing and Tailoring Estab1ishent1 • LADIES' FRENCH KID, $2.75 up. MEN'S FINE MIS., 51.75: • LADIES' FINE POLISH CALF, E S COARSE SHOES, $1.00 up. • CARPET SLIPPERS, 30c., 35c., 40e. Ordered Work a Specialty. 'qv RUT THE TINES. ' S. A stock of goods that in Extent, Quality and Variety is unsurpassed in Wingham. Pad and BQMOStiO Woolens! SUITINGS, TROWSEIIINGS AND OVERCOATINGS. GREAT BARGAINS FOB CASH. We planted the Seeds right and our grow- ing business is tho Harvest. LESLIE, --THE HELLO 1 HELLO 1 1 ,- ELL,O 1 1 1 Where are you going in such a Hurry 3 I . WHY ? I am going to get a supply of material for house cleaning. am going to clean house right away I and I am going down to & SONS For some •ASBESTINE. • They sell it for 35c. A PACKAGE. You can get ' a good Brush too, just as cheap. Woods To tell the truth about the matter, you can get any kind of usually kept in a first-class shop. They have got in a lot of Lovely Bird Cages, Table Cutlery, Spoons, &c., Milk Cans, Creamers, Pails, Ladles, Milk Pans, Churns, Butter Prints, Lotter Bowls,LaSeth, , Stove, Scrub, and Shoe Brushes, Brooms, Chamber Pails, Toilet SAgate Ware, dointless Wootlenware, Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, Carpet Sweepers, &c. Don't forget the name and place, HINGSTON & SON'S, Wait & Walsh's Old Stand, Wingham. Shop ' P. S.—We wish it distinctly understood that it is no trouble to show goods at the Ono Price Tin if) t Latet® Ohel 111"1 �© t --- A low price for honest Mer'ellandise, well mado, is the secret of success. $114,1„ ...,.. roods bought from us will. be cut free of charge. A BEAUTIFUL LINE 0I' LATEST STILES IN ELAT S. --SPLENDID VARIETY AND EXCELLENT VAT,U IN --y GENTS' SHL- ,TS, OOLLi RSg SILK CAPS, Ste., Ste. Ordered, . Clothing, Specialty I!WY ik�� WY�f b , T won W. �t t a.11 c:6.-� d.uwr