HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-06-08, Page 3THE WEEK'S 'NEWS, CANADIAN. Eke at Annv:die, N. S., shortly aft midvht on Monday, destroyed genu . . of bueiuees buildings and two houses, oau lag a loss of $30,000. A Montreal hotel -beeper is.e ration for danittgearope, aha in hi clue, : ao, 1091-aen the polio en called upon. QtTO' BULLS. E UNDERSIGNED has for a'alo, on Lor 11, Cox. U: ToeiNelnn Cz <;pLaass, OthoroughbrcdShort. n Halla, registered in the l)ofnlnion Herd Donk. choice ycun3• animals. Time will be gtvt:n U ded for 1'ayu:t:nt. PLUS ARi{L1LI, Teeswatcr P. 0. ClllrocS, Juno I, x003, _ 1-uA1\TTO ----Nit;':-** A. C. STR 1ID1,E, Aosta, WtxetuA 4. t ng the Oot Through tic tete all points in America—North- y destroy, f set, Pacini ,Coast, etc., via the shortest and all w ouut of t apolar • utas, Baggage checked through to proteut hi eotinat r, r.owostfreight rates to all points. --TIME TABLE meeting>' TA B . E . ---- At ~— ^ At a of�enovoftnt ago tie � wtnunnt. AnlzvR AT w inottnt . 4.30 a.R.Toro to,Guo1ph, 1 o oto &o.3:30 OM in Ottawa t was dcded to sack lino " a a""n,1m ' 0; ' Government tojanend the Swings Mak A l:0.1).. i ouug rropp'isi ooh`"poleoning oasis so as to allow benevolent societies to d peal i the use of had water at Gibraltar. m ou i o limiting th'e to n amount, instead f itRussian so di ay m .. to i. n Q 1saysthat R s i rs y , g +Y. .lib Berlin report1 one thoasand dollars, ' t have been drafted into the army tailoring factories on account ot press of work. ie t t nh v ah py A test case has been commenced in In t the n. Supreme Montreal a sins su>rour Court anoe combine on export cattle, aninjuno- tion haviug been applied for to restrain the Beaver line from carrying on an insurance business, being common carriers. Lord Preston, ib is understood, will !pro - coed direct to Ottawa on hie arrival in Can- ada, and after inspecting Rideau hall and pointing out any changes desired in the ar- rangements, r-ran ements, will go away for summer sport while the changes are being made. Tests made in various parts of the city of $ingston, by members of the Royal Mili tory College staff, witha solar campus and ,an inclinometer, revealed remarkable varia- t'ions in the dipping needle, indicating the existence of a large mass of magnetio rook or iron ore in the immediate vicinity. A terrific explosion 000urred early on Saturday morning in the new gasholder of the Montreal Gas Company's works at Hochelaga, by whioh five men were killed and several seriously injured. The building was completely wrecked and adjoining pro- perty badly damaged. The loss is °atimat- ed at about $200,000. A Buototohe (N. B.) correspondent writes :—A ouriosity in the shape of a set- ting hen aoting the part of a mother to a litter of pigs is reported at St. Castine, about seven miles from here. It appears a sew had a litter of young pigs. and a hen had been setting close by. On discovery the eggs under the hen were found to be no good, and were taken away, whereupon the lien took up with the young pigs, covering them with her wings. she seems quite happy with her strange brood. AMERICAN NEWS. A Gin a tier Dr.Mlkelasless. The opium* habit, depaoraea A, the morpldn.liabio, nervous prostration caused by the nee of toba000, waksfalneaa, mental deproseion, softening of the. brain, eco,,premature old AIM loaf of viteltay oauwad byover-oxertlon of the brain, and loss of ;Miura) rength foam any cause whatever. Iden—young, old or middle...gad—who are broken down from PAY of the Above osueee,or any omen name/Rioted abeee, read your address and 10 omits in Amps for Lnboa's Treatise In book form, of Diseases, of 'fan. Books wnt sealed and secure from observation. Address M. V Lueos 47WellinelonHoot East, Toronto Ont, A. P. 401 The native press of India is excited over the alleged bad treatment of native women by Europeans and threatens retaliation, Mr. Rider Haggard has gone to Ioeland for a holiday, with the ulterior object of ob- taining a new totting for his next novel. The Birmingham, Eng., gun trade is re- ported to be in apoorer condition this season than for 27 years. There is an increased de- mand for revolvers. Experiments, are being made in London with a view to purifying the air of sewers by electrical discharges. The cost is said to be trifling and the results achieved are described as wonderful. The French syndicate, organized to take the new Russian loan, has abandoned the project on the newsof Germany's tariff re- prisals, From yarious reports whioh have been re- ceived it is estimated that 103 fishermen have been lost in the gale off the ooast of Ireland. Several of the wealthiest merchants of Moscow have been oonvicted of adulterating tea, and one of them has been banished to Siberia for life. The Times' Rome correspondent has in- formation that if one of the Irish bishops return to Ireland he would be boycotted and probably insulted. A Galling gun company has been formed at London, Eng., with a 'capital of $4,000,000. The oarnpany has an agreement with the American people which gives it exclusive control of all markets outside of the West- ern hemisphere. Russell E.ellogg, of Battle Creek, Mich., who is 74 years old, is cutting his third set of teeth. The U. S. Senate resolved to remove the injunction of secrecy from the proceedings relating to the Fisheries Treaty. A Vermont minister has preaohed 121 funeral sermons, with net returns of two bar- rels of apples and a silver dollar. FE Tears are entertained of an Indian out- break at Oelrioh, Dakota, and, the residents and ranohmen are leaving the place. The U. S. Consul -General at the Sandwich Islands says that large numbers of persons of leprous tendencies emigrate to the States. An. Augusta despatch states that some person broke into NIr. Blaine's house, over- hauled his private papers and abstracted some of them. A Skowhegan, Me., company, has intro- duced anew way of lasting in its mills. The soles are`fastened with cement instead of tacks or pegs. A colored man convicted of vagrancy was soldby auction on Friday at Marshall, Missouri, for a term of six month for six dollars and a half. A St. Louis physician has cured a woman of chronic nervousness by compelling her to spend four weeks in a boiler factory, where she couldn't hear herselfself talk, There are 130 miles of electric railroads in opera'.ion in the United States, and 150 more have been contracted for. The greatest area of miles is in Pennsylvania. • The New York World says Mr. Blaine has already written one of hie friends positively refusing the use of his name as a Presiden- tial candidate and declaring that he would • not under any circumstances accept the nomination. A Chicago police justioe has made a funny legal blunder. He nas built a fine house on another man's lot, and the man will neither bay it nor let him remove it. The surveyor got the wrong line, and the owner of the property wasn't saying a word. A monster citizens' meeting was held on Sunday in Chicago to protest agairs; the re- fusal of the city council to prohibit saloons within two hundred feet of churches and schools, at which it was decided to extend the demand to the closing of saloons on, un- days. Philadelphia will soon begin to realize the benefits of the High License law. All the applications of saloon keepers have now been passed on, and whereas there are at present 6,940 grog -shops in the city there will be only 1,310 linoensed saloons after JUI10 1, There is a curious custom prevalent among the Negroes of Georgia as to their dead. The dead man is generally put into a cheap plank coffin and laid away in the grave with no ceremony whatever. A year afterwardb a proaoher's services are proour- ed and the funeral sermon is preached amid weeping and wailing and other manifesta- tions ot grief. a nes �_ elery ijound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. URES Nervous prostratlon,Nervous Head- ache,Neuralgia, Neryou eWeaknoss, Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all affections of the Kidneys. A NERVE TONIC.. etronoz }� . Borrow, Swum/in. CONN,, says: For two years I was a sufferer from nervous de. bility and I' thank God and the discoverer of the valuable remedy that FAINE"a CaLEnr COMPOUND cured me, Ris a valuable remedy. Long may it live. Let any one write to mo for advice." AN ALTERATIVE. Ar ONZO AD50TX, Wnmson, v:T„ says: "I believe Partials CELERY COMPOUND' eared my life. My trouble seemed to be an internal humor. Beforel used itI was covered with an eruption from head to heel," The eruption is rapidly healing. and I am five hundred per cent. better every way." A LAXATIVE. A el. BEAN, WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, VT., says: For two years past I have been a great sufferer from kidney and liver troubles attended with dye. panda and constipation. Before I began to take CELERY COMPOUND it seemed as though everythrny ailed me. Now I can say nothing ails mo. A DIURETIC. What Ails Yon ? Do you have obstruction of the nasal. passages, discharges from head and throat, sometimes profuse, acrid and watery, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody. putrid and offensive; dull, heavy headache most of the time, with occasional "splitting headaches"; are your eyes weak, watery, or inflamed; is there ringing in the ears, with more or less deafness; do yon have to hack, cough and gag, in your efforts to clear your throat in the morning ; do you expectorate offensive matter, scabs from ulcers, perhaps tinged with blood; is your voice changed and is there a "nasal twang" to it ;. is your breath offensive ; are your senses of taste and smell impaired ? if you haveall or any considerable number of these symptoms, you are suffering from that moat common and dangerous of maladies—thionic nasal catarrh. The more complicated your disease has become, the greater the number and diversity of symptoms. No matter what stage it has reached, Dr. Sage's Ca- tarrh Remedy, which is sold by drufrgists at only 50 cents, will cure it. The mann- faoturera of this wonderful remedy offer, in good faith, $500 for a case of this disease whioh they cannot care.. Mosery follows the spendthrift, but dwells with the miser. Detectives Wanted, to forret out and discover, if they can, a single case where Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi- cal Discovery has been used tor torpid liver, indigestion, impure blood, or consumption in its early stages, without giving immediate and permanent relief ; provided, of conrse, that the directions have been reasonably well followed. Speak what you think, be what you are, pay your debts of all kinds. The voyage from maiden fair to woman- hood is often attended with many perils. Mothers should insist upon their daughters being prepared with every means of safety. Universally acknowledged as the reliable " Life preserver on this rough sea of un- certainties, is. Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Pre • scription. It has averted many a disaster. It has rescued many a periled life ! This popular remedy is prepared especially for Women. It is the only remedy of its oleos sold by druggists under a positive guarantee to give satisfaction. This guarantee bas been faithfully carried oat by the mann- faoturers for many years. There is no Christian duty that is not to be seasoned and set off with cheerful- ness. Consumption Surely Oared. FOREIGN. An uprising has oocurf e 1 on the island of Hayti, and a revolution is imminent. A parliamentary return shows that 32 persons starved to death in London in 1887. The Laud Sinb•Ccmfnission for Ulster has reduced a number of rents from 25 to 40 per Cent. Zanzibar advices report that Stanley and his forces were all well about the fleet of October. A copious rainfall in Southern Russia has Watinelanoneweiononewormeamemononemeramerneenceo Pain Cannot Stay ed ofehe moot Nerviline owerful paiinn auuui Compos, remedied known, in cannot fail to give prompt valid n rheumatism, neuralgia, cramps,& pain in the back and side, and the host of painful affections, internal and ex. bengal, arising from inflammatory stollen. A 10 cent Sample bottle of Nerviline will give sufilaent proof of its superiority over every knownremedy. Try Nerviline. Ltrge bot. tier 25 cents; trial bottles only 10 dents. To THIS EDITOR :—Please inform ryourreadere that I have a positive remedy for the above lamed die. ease. By its timely nee thousands of hopeless eases have been permanently outed. I shall be glad to c TA L K E K RUTTE1R WORKERS—Store• send two bottles of my remedy ansa to any of your vv Keeper's and others engaged in Butter bust - readers who have consumption it they will send mo nese will save time and money;by investing. ;Throe their Express and P. 0. address. Respectfully, Da. sires. Prices on applioation_ T. A. StoouM, 87 Yonge Si.. Toronto. Ont. - _, ' si �� g�q� The happiness of love is in aotionA s a Net L►i�1 �� lwi l� teat iS what one is willing to do for oil ' mall i JId1 People who are =Meet to bad breath, foal or tangne, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at OS AND OV ROOATINGS. be relieved by Being Dr. Oartsg's Stomach Bit the old and tried remedy. Ask 'Num Druggist. d... Flies spy out wounds, bees the fiowr, so do good men the merits and common' N POE CASH. the faults, Hun 1 Oouan Caaa aures is ono minute.. i A lie always needs a truth for a handl 'f'"' it Tile worst lies are those whose haul GItoltOE ABBOTT. SIOUx Crrr, Iowa, nays: "I have been using PAINE's Cramty COMPOUND and it has done me more good for kidneys and lame back than any other medicine I have ever taken. Hundreds of teetimoniale have been received from persons who have need this remedy with remarkable benefit. Send for circular. Price 81.00. Sold by Druggists. WELLS,RICHARDSON & CO.,. Proprietors Montreal, P. Q. NIONEV To 1GA.1N en Fsrme, Lewes$ A BQ�Y,iy4.oi re9tfMets .14aklfi he i 1$60. 78 Ring• R•, actuate. Teyat Cutting whereb sstylieb, perfect-At- hog erlecrelit- bio t• ting germeate are produced, Cutterehavfogtrouble ehoutd secure my ,Ysteme and ensure tuaura succaae. En aro eatietactton guaranteed, shiri system taught separate. A rare chance for young anon to acquire a nrrativo profession, S. cORIIIGAN, Prop., 122 Tonga Street. Terms on spplloatlon.. r,Ll8AitA *narrow CO.' Beaver Lina of Steamships, tailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Satoon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool,� $42,1150, and $80, Return tickets, $80, $00 and Hilo, according to steamer and accommodation. Inter. mediate, $3O; Round trip tickets, IWO, Steerage, $20 Resod trip tickets, M. For farther particulire and t• secure births, apply to H. E. MURRAY, General Manager, I Custom Rouse Square, Montreal or to the 'Local Agents to the differenOtTwonaand Cities. et IIE PH Iineiness College, Gutman, Carr. -M Vf Tote popular Institution, now in its ride year, is doing a grand work for the Education of young of oheaknowledge n t gee been a. n wo ani b men end m , which: as so essential to the intelligent and successful management of practical affaire. its graduates are everywhere giving signal proof of the thoroughness of their training, and bearing grateful testimony to the monetary value of ate course of study. The Fourth Annual Circular giving full information will be mailed free, Address M. MACCORN:CK, P.iacipa1, FIRE AND BURGLAR Safes RIME, and Vault Doors, Aja a kept constantly in stook. A number of Second-hand Sates at low prices, .1. at J. TAXLOR, Toronto Safe Works. BEAVER LINE ole STEAMSHIPS, —Satraps Waaaar Bewails— MONTREAL e wsmt— MONTREAL. AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tlokeeta„$40,t60,$6O. Return, $80, $00, $110, Intermediate, $30 ; Steerage, $20. Apply to H. E. MURRAY. Gen'l. Manager, 1 Custom House Square, IMONRTEAL. BERKSHIRE PIGS, with pedigree—$5 00. W W. SCOTT, Moorefield, Ont. CANOES. Send far Ill. Catalogue. WIf. EN41Ltffi1i. Peterboro. Ont. erts P Est dD1867. Donald C. I dont et proaured. Patent Attorneys,.,Tornd o to. KNITTING.Go rZ t WR mu=MACHINES For Sale—Illustrated descriptive Cat• alogue free. R. Chamberlin, Toronto PATENTS WORKF0RU.1. f$SOa woekandoapenee paid. Valuable outfit an parttaulars tree. P.O.VICKEILH,Augusta,Maine Bicycles 1 12141? Second - Hand Bicycles and Tricycles. Send for List. New Catalogue ready in Apr11. -L._ T_ LA.1•7'T'3, MONTREAL. It from the e Knife without removing Maneoh Machine. No, (armor should send his machine into the field without one. Sample by mail, 800. CLESIENT at Co., Toronto. —CHAMPION— STUMP & STONE WaterPURLr LIVING STREAM. AUGERS, bore 20 feet per hour. Also Buck Drills—Hand, Horse, or Steam Power. Send for Catalogue. Laldiaw Manufacturing Co., HAHILMON. Olt'r. —EXTRACTOR - 0 x years' trial, and over 6,000 in use hag proved this machine the beet ; 6 sizes. Send for Circular. S. S. HIMBALL, InventorandManutacturer, 577 Craig et. P.O. Box 945, Montreal, P.Q iy BiQY;CLES. FAS, QBINSQN&C4 nt 22 CFEI)fl`�HSaNCC: JJIh' sal AGt tii5 Fl�F4iYIfiE RODAE... • SENO-3''.'STAMP FOR CATOL08UE, or Tait >aa>amr,. rnitry tltorw --. 8 sat go to irork. &p arta AMtrrus. A,. 11. tATSQN, Manager, Tomo Witowo Tams Dercraleoay, Toaoeso. Eau Line Royal mil iteamelpo —BARGAINS IN— SECOND-HAND BICYCLES. ��z 9/r°r Merchants, Butchers A"°TRA"° generally We want a Good Man in your locality to pick up CALF SKINS Sailing during winter from Portland arory Tbnas. day and Halifax every Saturday to Ltverpooi, sad. ewnmar from Queboo every Saturday to hiverpoo galling at Londonderry to land matic and paeoengere for Scotland and Ireland• aleo from Baltimore, vie. Ralifax and S4: John's, N.'k' , to Liverpool tortolahrlY during summer menthe. The steamers of the Ghee* ow lines sail during winter to and from Raltfarre. Philadelphia; d Hn e remind, Bosco andand tt . ula n War beteen: Glasgow and Montreaweekly; Cl and Boston weekly, end Glasgow and PhSadel fortnightly. a o apply vicinage, or otherintorm n to Forriht information Y tag er g , PP A. Schumacher & Oe„ Baltimore; S Cunard & Gee Halifax; Shea & Co., St. John's, N. F ; Wm. Thomp• eon & Ce„ St, John,•N. B,; Allan Alt 00„ Chien ; H• air, Toronto; NowYork,Bo e o go • & d No u 1 to Allan. Rae Alden, Quebec: Wm. Brookfe, Phiiadei. B n on al 1 n Portland, to M bra._.. •H. A. eos , his Al p r rnHE groateet die- jL oovery of the pre. sent age far Regulat. ng the bowels, and wring all Blood Liv - r and Ridney Com. latnts. A perfect lood Purifier. A few to Hamilton wbohave ween betdfited by its Ise ; Mrs. M. Keeton. 92 Hobert St. cured �f Erysipelas of 2 yrs. tanding ; Bobt. Cor- lell, 24 south street, laughter cured of ipileptto fine alter 6 rears Buffering Jen - lie Street, 66 Walnut Street, cured of W eaxnese and hung Troupe : John Wood, 95 Cath- cart St., cured of Liver Complaint and Biliouenees, used only 8 fifty -Dent bottles ; re. J. Beal, 6 Augusta. St., troubled Inc years with Nervous Prostration. two small bottles gave F. rl great & relief,0 , Proprield at tors. for us. Cash Furnished on satisfactory guaranty. Address, 0. S. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S. Tito Shoe and Leather Reporter, N. Y„ and the Shoe and Leather Review, Chicago, the leading trade papers of the U.S. in the Hide line, have sent their representatives to investigate Mr. Page's bueiness,aud after a thorough examination and comparison, the Reporter gives him this endorsement : "We believe that in extant of light -weight raw ma- terial collected and carried, Mr. Page holds the lead of any competitor and that hie present stock is the largest held by any house in this country.” And the Review says : "After a most thorough investigation of Mr. Page's business, as compared with others in same line, we have become fully satisfied that in hie specialty, light weight stook, he is unquestionably the largest dealer in this country, while rn superiority of quality he is confessedly at the bead." QUERY : If Mr. Page's business is the largest in its line in the United States, is it not the beet possible proof of his ability to pay highest prices? If he did not do so, would he naturally get more Skins than say of his competitors in the same lino? Young Men SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak. nervous and ekhaueted ; also MIDDLS•AGBD and OLD Max who are broken down tram the effects of abuse dr over -work. and in advanced lite feel the consequences of youthful excess, Bend for and read M. V. Lubon'a Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on reoeipt of two.3c. et,•m s. Address M. V. LULON, Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the past fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment of Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex. oeeeea, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in the ears, palpitation,eto. For sale by all druggists. Price $1 per box, or 6 boxes for $6, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price, Pamphlet on application. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. Whaley, Royce &BQ. 283 Yonge Street, Toronto. The Cheapest Place in Canada for BAND IRSTRUMRiTS. New and Second•band. Agents for "BESSON" and "HIGHAM" Band & Orchestra MUSIC. REPAIRING on BANB INSTRUMENTS a specialty. Send for Catalogue. MilIMINIMMIZIMIMMEMIMIMEM ICORE FITS 1 When I say CunE Ido not mean merely to stop them for a time. and then have them roe turn again. I MEAN .A. RADICAL OUE11. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNE ; A life long study. I WARRANT ray remedy to Conn the worst cases. Because others have failed ianoreason for not nowreeelolncure, Send at once for a treatise and a, Fan m Doerrnm of my Iierana BLID Ra9r8DT. Give Entrees and Post Office. It coats you naudag tor 81, trial, and it will cure you. Address Dr, H G. BOOT. 87 Tango lit., Teroate, Oats" BREADMAKER'S YEASTi ALWAYS is BREAD nnrdo with this Yeast seek first prises at 102 ')'e�vn.hip ud County Fairs in Ontario in ra17, at suck places asFleahsrten, tJarklmm,Whit by, etc. Ores. ro,eoo ladies have sent us letters ani petal cards to say that it is superior to any yeast ever xecd by them. TC makes tko lightoet, whitest sweetest and inset wlmlesorau bread, bans, roils aa8 buck. wheat eakee. Diredisaa Ie andel packers with Se.$ faeiraotimae,l TAKF Nt3 OTHER, gcatimi JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF. This Valuable Meat Preparation supplies every element of Meat that nourishes and suatains life. It is Meat Itself, and contains 50 Per Cent. or F1esh.1 orming Material. Invalids and conval- escents cannot take any Food that will so quickly strengthen and repair the tissues wasted by disease. Highly Recommended By the Medical Faculty f� Whenever your Siomaoh or newels �.Q� s true and whose blade is false. `�" rget ani of der, causing Biliousness Dyspepsia, or Indigeat And their attendant evils, take at ouee s dove ofl uA reDruggisten a tbons,teoh60oenbe. Bibeere. Bed family medic ]±1—. Ail There is do happiness in this life 'with ► duty. A sense of duty always purines ^ it is omnipreeent like the Deity. ar' CrueAass KAUO Rerinwlra restores grey and 111 i hair 10 it6 flatfeet color and prevents falling Out.:oty 11. 0 Cl1ii free of e1i!!.I'"ar,4rr if a man empties his purse into pia h no one can take it away from him, .An , vestment in knots ledge always pays the interest. Youth lithe Beaten, when natures soft! pliant grow together eaoh decoming j of other, and colored by it thus beam j one in heart. . A low price for hone Merchandise, Well made, is the secret 811CCCSS. ...............rrr.11e ob., T0. CO ES eds. There are many nti'ATzon of .m. tt "peerless MACHINE OIL, but none equal it in lubricating properties. girl&. nae, Humour, eta., find none equal to the morns Peerless made by SAMUEL ROOERS & CO., TORONTO. Sold by dealers everywhere. CAPITAL AND FUNDS NOW 071111. $13,000,000. HEAD OFFICE, • • 15 TORONTO STREET, TORONTO, ONT. A 110111E CO1PANY. ESTARLiSHED OCTOBER, 1871. To this date, October 81,1857, there has been returned t To the heirs of Pollov'holders (death claims) $040,249 00 To the hOld:re of matured Rndeaement Policies 26,492 68 . To Polioyholders on surrender of Pollelea 98,666 00 Tv Polloy-holdore for Cash Profits (including thoeo allocated and being pald)......,.,,,482,544 02 To holders of Annuity Bends 16,967 84 Loaned to Polley -beldam on Security of their Poltcles 82,264 tib' 61306 TM 47 Policies in Folree Over 106000. Amount over . 5',Oti0,00A. PIMSID'ENT- Biala. SIR W. P. t owtAND, C,B., K.C.111.0. VIOE.PRESIDENTS.--VIrILLrerdt L�iLr:IOTT, i> eC ; EDWARD iI6eP>t1f, AIM 1fo11oles Nor torbtisble alai ft yeas mai mai Wier t yoou'i; Managing Di>rect0)�r,