HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-06-08, Page 1VOL. XVJY.--i0 2 Y i' I.N GHAM, ONT„ a. FRIDAY, JUNE ..I;:Y 11;A. C7, 888. ` WHO GE NO. 855 LOCAL N4Wra. --The Godorioli C ledonian Games will be held on the 2nd o July, —The proceeding f the Wingham and Turuberry councils re crowded out, —The. population ,0,759 and the assns property 01,515,873, Owen Sound is now a valve of the real „Hosea ttortou d deputy.reevo Greg, :cry are in attend nee at the County 0040011 this week, —WaxTen :—To a change a new piano or organ for a good riviug Horse. Apply to II. Davis Wi ghi 3j —Four comfortable rooms to let in the Beaver .block. Apply to R. MOIsmoo, —Colliugwood hasOseoured, at -,,a depth of 000 feet, two strong ikaturat gas wells, --All the popular� rremedies, fresh,. at • —Ayoung lad, son of Il'tra. T. Linklater, of Lower Wingham 1 a1 one of his fingers badly broken while p ;tyingball the other cloy, —Mr, C. N. Gri u, grocer, appeared before the Mayor, R eve and Mr. Scott on Saturday evening, on a charge of violating the -Early Closing D .-law; He was fined. $2 and costs. -The San Franoi eo Minstrels are now ,ail a tour througle anada and will be in the town hall hereon Wednesday next, The' prase in Bostoi', Chicago, New York, Olevelaud, Pitman tti &c. speak of them in tering of highest praise. 7?llg Wingham Volunteer Co. No, 2 of Battalion 33 have r cently refurbislaedtheir ;Gaol trements, do fled, their red coats and had :Several who) some drills under the cornmend of Qapt u Williams. They go to Stratford on T esday, the 19th of June. —A most inter ting lacrosse match is to be played on -p k here on Friday, the 10th inst, botwee the Sepoys, of Lucknow . paid the Wingha steam. The visiting team Inas a great reput tion and we expect many citizens will be anxious to gee the game. co Store. s ruer D ug —2t —Notice Joseph B new sand pit. —Fatter Lang, of t while driving on Sun broken, —Stratford has aoating debt of over $31,000, and a debeiture debt of over 3350,0001 —Wool ! wool 1 wo 11 We aro prepar- ed to pay the highe't price in each or of wool. Mc, tradefor anytioo D. auan Y Innes as Co. Ogrr's old stand, —Good bedding Geraniums only 6 cents each at Jos. Bradwin's Greenhouse. A good variety of all kiuds of household plants kept on hand. —4t Kaolin Gillies, off Bruce county, has been appointed Pollee Magistrate for the District of Algoma at a salary of 01,400 per annum. His offi Marie. —The Oddfellow excursion on Friday next, the 15th is li ely to be a monster one and ample provisions are being made for the comfort and ehjoyment of all who pat- rouize it. See the bills and posters. Notice : I have disposed of my butch- ering business in Wingham and hereby re- quest all those indebted to me to have their accounts settled at once- and thus avoid expense of collection. W. MATTiLL. —The sixth annual Caledonian games were held at K.iiitail on the 24th of May, and were very s�coessful. The prizes for the best dressed ighlander were taken by A. McPherson, D. G, McXeith and C. D. McKay.. „/F Instead of the Messrs. S down over 40 v ing visited but pouring in. —It is now c tended the moon influenc- es drunkenness as it does the tides, that drunkenness pi vails togreater extent from the first uarter to the full of the moon than at of er times. -J. P. Dopp as charged before the Mayor, or; Wed slay night, by Winfield German with ke ing a vicious dog,ithav- ing kitten on of t e complainants children. Decision was res rved till to -night. —Mr, W:11. Du1rnage has madeaarrange ments whereby the reports of the -National and International baseball matches will received each evening at the Brunswick. Splendid ant. CANADIAN PAunixo TICKET OFFICE:- For tickets, mas, guides or any other information regarding this road, calf on. C. E. Williates, Ticket Agent, 0. P. It, Wingham). --The Goderich, District Meeting of the Methodist Churoh,;unanimously passed "a resolution conden;liing the calling of iiiin- isters by quarterly, `boards, thus interfering with the work of the Stationing Committee. Mr. T. Bell ilfcAndrews left on Setup- day for Winnipeg and is likely to make B. Columbia his desti a io He is a cleverr and aYqbitions young m3u and has within him the. elements ; neoeseary to success. Play his expeotatioi3s be realized. llara'e ad. as to his e Xiuoardine Review, ay week, had his leg Having deal ed to quit business in Wingham, 1 he eby request, all parties indebted to me o please call and settle, their accounts,i mediately. Those not settled by June 2 tli will be handed over for collection. J MoIi coo, Homemaker. —A meeting aileron District Lodge, I, O.G. T, is to be eld at Belgrave, on Wed- nesday, June .2 th, at 10;30 a.m. Dr, O ouh atekha P. G. C. T. and Mr. J. H. r y + Flagg, a recent P. G. C. T., are expected to be present. .-Nfi---flames Fahey; a young and clever jour- nalist, who has been of late years engaged on the Stratford Herald, Hamilton Spectator, Toronto Mail; Nein and 1lrarld, and Winni peg Sun died at To teito this week in his 30th yoarreleaving seven orphan children H. C.Atilt. blllipptt, and High '1'reasur er J. Neelande, are ii'i Brantford this ween arranging' the`.preliminary work for the meeting of :the High \Court at Hamilton, next week. Messrs. 13, M. Gordon and ;Geo I'el: iece are the delegates to the High Q u tfedi`o.Wingham. a.. A LEvnr4; i'ai Reit Mr. Learoy, of Belleville, after reading some half dozen ibtiees on Smiley last, said : "Brethren, I think 1 have read anuoitnoements enough. 'I shall„be glad when they shall send an- nouncefoents like these to the newspapers :instead of the pulpit to waste time. That's what the papers are for:: —Three new instruments were recently provided for the band—s,'Euphonium, a NB flat cornet and a B flat trombone, played respectively by J. Malndoo, A. Sebastian and 3. Forbes. ;Three new members have .also been .eurolled—Jas. eleh, J. McMann and R. Allen, The pblio note with. pleasure the excellent progress the boys Are making. , 1..31,1'onetary .',Times : A good advertisement is the best of all possible salesmen.. -It is a salesman who never sleeps ; who goes after business early and late.;: assists the mer- chant in his shop, the scholar in his study, the lawyer in his office, the lady at her breakfast tahlei Soho-oan;be in a thousand Places at 1104 d speaks to a thousand people eve' ';f horning Lola evening. •—We ham been asker(,'lvhy no reference was made to theprosenee and performances ;of the Baird•Co..last week. We intended saying what we saw now, no acting was spite up to expectations; but much of the language used was decidedly objectionable , and in stn far as we heard it, the moral tone was not specially, 'elevating. A good deal IA the premium.,valgus might have been eliminated without any danger of lessening the interest et, attendance, -The profound problem of street lighting has beau rendered several fold more pro- found by the adoption of the Early Closing Movement. ' We like to sound the praises of Wingham, bub on the question of lighting, at pretent, we mast either be silent or admit and point alit one deplorable defect. We do look forward with dread to the prospective Egyptian da,kucss in store for us. But no: •:Surolyifreannotbe, We aro too far. head for that.We have too much enter se. We ha Higher aspirations. Lot t iore be light, Worthy Town Fathers. —The N. Y. Sun is splendid authority. It recentl' ,said; If country newspaper proprietor were to publish the names of the subscribers who take, read, enjoy, and are gratiflddby, yet neglect to pay for, their, home paper, the reputation of most communities for moral honesty would depreciate considerably. An editor's labors are seldom( esteemed or oompensated. A. o ilva minutes' advice w or will u la give y lawyer on topic, and charge you ti,. An editor will give you advice on a hundred topics, you fie cents a co for inc ov C and chars copy paper, and very often five tents given to an editor would save $5 given to a lawyer. In fact, no other plass of business Men aro so ;universally Ifwiudlod out of their labor as ;trio country newspaper publisher. o will he at Sault Ste 0 vats, asstated last week, arling t Powell have put is of eggs already, we hav- ne cellar They .are still A meeting of the West Huron Farmers' Institute will be held at Manchester on Thursday and Friday, June 14 and ib. The following, gentlemen are expected to deliver addresses ;: Hon. A. M. Ross, Messrs. Robert Porter and John McMillan, M. P's., and others. t —Bev, Thos. Goldsmith, of Hamilton, formerly of Seaforth, resigned the pastor- ate of St John's Presbyterian Church be- oause his stipend was reduced from 11500 to 11100—what any anon would likely do when Ms salary is retluaed•—in most casae the only manly thing to do. —The _avows in its last two issues lo- cates 46 former Winghamites, who ar - prospering abroad and; of whose prosperi we read with great pleasure. •Of these 21 are in various States of the Union. We suppose there are scores more of Wing - !mites abroad which Shows that there liar boon a alight exodus, Which Conservatives generally,deny,and that Wingham contrib. utes its fair quota to thine living and pros- pering under the stars and stiiipes. death bed of Mr. Bwon, a cousin of Mrs, Dawson, at Elora, -rev. Geo. Law, of Belgrave,, loaves for` Scotland on. Monday next,rj-Mr. Imes titohie and wife, of Delmore, leave tai week for a trip to Auld Scotia.—Mrs. C', Gender, mother of Mr. E. E. Gerstor, ad Ms sister, Miss A. Gorster, of Berlin, ere in town last weak. —Mr. and Mrs. Ja es P. Coutts, of Fal- merstee, wore visi ing in town this week. --Mrs. John Cputt , flea., left on Tuesday for Newdale, Man. 'to reside with members of her family then .—Mr.AngusMoDonatd and slater, Dolli , left on Tuesday for Portage La Prairi .--Mr• Wm. Black went to London on Sat ratty and spent a few —Mr. Billingsley, old frie ds H. i 1 days with l gs y, jeweller, of Toronto, was visiting his brother Frank, at Wingliam this week. He was aceompanied by Mr. P. Thick, of Toronto. Dr, James CaAbell, of Detroit, son of M. A. Campo 11, of Morris, was in town this week.\ On Wed- nesday he embar ed in the matrimonial skiff at Clinton, its Miss Aggie Fair, of that ;town, May n their passage over the tempestuous or placid waters—as you view it—be cal happy and prosper- ous. They h ve hosts of sincere well-wishers an friends in Wing. ham and vim. iity. Mr. Wm. David- son and his brie afent to Marquette, Michigan, last wee i, where be intends going into the livery b sinessDr. Young and Mr. D. McCormio are o a fishing expedi- tion to Durham is week.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Little, wh' were on a visit to their friends here 'eturned to Chicago this week, rt W. D. Hepburn, of the Pr stn boot and shoe factory, was in Wingham this week, Mrs. J. H. Dulmage returned on Tuesdy from a three weeks' visit`with her daughter, Mrs. Grover, in Torontoi Mr. Ben. Wilson, of the Bank of HamiltOn at Simooe, was in town on Sunday, -Dr. J. W.Whitely, of the Clinton News-Rea3rd„made a pleasant call on the Thies last Thursday evening Mrs, R. Oasemore, of Morri' ;'who was so severely injured by a runawa , was able to return home the latter part of the week.—Mr. 0. Dickson, bookseller, of linton, was in town this week. He purpo es selling his busi- ness and removing to some more southern climate for the benefit o. his failing health. -�M r. R. Vanstone, barrister, deo., of Kin- c"lOzdine, successor to Mr. S. G. McGill, was in town several days this week. On the return of the volunteers from camp at; Stratford, whither he gges, as firstnlieuten- ant of the Kincardine go., he will take up his permanent abode in Wingham He is a talented young Yvan, who heeled brilliantcourse as a student, and a success- ful professional career 'since: We believe his natural affability, legal knowledge and past success will command the confidence, respent and patronageof many clients at Wingham.-31r. Geo.- Duffield went to London on Thursday evening to hear the Gilmore baud. t, Wingham T�lent Abroad. The Winghamite who took part in Father Corcoran's co cert are thus compli- mented by the Tees vf ater News : The sing- ing in - ing of the Misses Clira & Ida Flanagan was much admired; the latter doiug full justice to that sweet Song, "The Robin that sang in the Linde ; Tree,” in a clear —We had a pleasant can on Monday last froth Itev. Dr. Ii. Forbes, pastor of the Bates Avenue M. E Church St, Pauls,. Minneapolis, who, with his wife and child, is now on his way home from the New Yoritatee Methodist Conference. I115 father, who now resides in Minneapolis, was a former resident of Turnberry township, leaving tome 4;10 years ago, and the Dr. has�,,.y'iadd recollections of pioneering life in this vloinity.JLeaving hate 14 years since, he'w only visited ngham once Mime, about four yours n sots, two, Dr. Forbes and fir. Bridgman, StCathar- IN FOR ago. Out of the four repres ntatives from Mince- of ;neo, aro former Canadians.. The Conference was composed of 403 delegates fro n Europe, Asia, Africa i •a and a; month av spent in ecclesiastical illy eluded theta sufficient length of time has elapsed, since the vote was taken on the Soott Aot to enable a person to judge pretty accurately of the course pursued, and the spirit cherished, by the Temper- ance people. Itis pleasing to learn, that no dynamite has been used under the doorposta of their opponents, no windows broken in any of those. counties. Well ! how hasFthe traffic in alcohol been managed since the defeat. of the Act; and what its fruits ? 'What was the state of society on the streets of Wingham, on the Queen's Birthday 2 Were there not more drunken men and boys to be seen than duriug any day (or month), under the reign of the Temperance Act? lucre Liquor sold un- der the Scott Aot, more drunkenness” eh 1 In the light of morality and protection to society, who are in the right? Who are the victors? the martyrs, or Nero ; The spartans that fell at ':l'hermapylce's trist ; Or the Persians, and Xerxes; His judges, or Socrates;. Pilate, or Christ. An ONLOOKER. Wroxeter. Rev. G. Brown, who has preached in the Presbyterian Church here for the last 22 years, delivered his fare- well sermon on Sunday last from II Corinthians 13 and 2. I,uoknow. Preparatory to taking his departure for Toronto, M. D. E. Cameron was the recipient of a splendid silver tea service by members of the Presby- terian Church, in which he had been for two years efficiently leading the choir. Mr. Cameron left for Toronto on. Monday.-11owe's circus was hero on Wednesday. -a Jahu 1\IAokenzie, of Ashfield, shot a largo bear near Kin. tail last week.—Mr, Paul McInnes. of Ripley, hasbeen appointed clerk of the 9th Division Court, --On Wednes- day last, Mr. J. 14, Cliff, (of Cliff 8F Stovel, wholesale furniture manufae. turers,) and Miss ))Ironic Foster, were made co-partners in life, the contract- ing ceremony being performed by Rev. Angus McKay.. Mr. Cliff is a clever young man,: activei ••euergetie and trustworthy, and; his chosen part- ner iri Life is an estimable young lady standing high in the esteem of people in this vicinity and they have received the hearty congratulations. of numerous friends here and in vicinity. 'The ;fac- tory of the Messrs, Cliff Fs Stovel'lias been a veritable hive of industry under its present management. Superior articles are being turned out, such as command ready saki. We hope, they may continue to prosper, develope their trade relations and extend their- prem- ises. soprano voice. A . few comic songs . b ,M..,_..-, •- • e 7w_i. <'a' y 9fieen'yea:s, with greab euooeea, in the Master L. E. Flanagan were exceedingly ndover Nervous Debility, and all diseases arisi Cargill recited with roved er.worked brain, loss of vitality, , p ceases, ov he Maniac showing est • 6 + For sale byall Cation oto. est; all it movements as well Frtar. the ' p p ' ar. Miss Cargill may ; Prloe $I per box, or 6 boxes for 6k or will 1 d amongst the beat facturer, mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on of this district... real P:Q THE GRAY MEDICINE CO-., `C pleasing... Mis: great acceptance, "9 grace and ease in li as elocutionary pow be deservedly ranki lady elocutionists i One of the most ohs ming features of the- evening he ' evening was the sing ng of several duets by little Norma Dins1e°y and May Brennan. These little girls Have their voices heauti-i fully trained and they sang with an ease,t and touching simplicity that at once won'; the hearts of the ,.audience. In faucyt, Scotch dresses these young ones elegantly;: rendered "When 'Y Gang Awa', Jamie,'' reflecting great ere it on the ability' and painstaking care of ;their accompanist and teacher, Mass Houghton. eerfnl- • • that die - oases lad to f yyour dmo , Do. A1tKE1 yi41TTEB. WOSi►E8 Keeper's and others engaged in 13 nese will save time and menoy by inv6etiug sizes. Prices on apiioation__�y in �i , � a14�1�U' tic ' il1���J� S AND OVERCOATINGS, GASH. and America, n e p deliberations and discussionst The Dr. is n man ono possessing well•blended vital) mental and motive temperaments • shrewd, genial practical and with capacity and disposition for rk, especially qualified to cause ecclesiastical machin rytp move fast enough mer without friction, lie is a; good example of an redif e Americanized Canadian, aff•tbe, intelligent ond wide. e awake. • Prnso$Aos.--Mr. st cli y e or was the guest st last tveek. --- INincardili Spalding left on Tuoscb work in connection wit i railroad there...-. Clinton New Pre : Mr John Poster and bride,'of Wingham, spe several days last week with relatives lie e.—Mr. and Mrs. Dawson were snmmone by telegraph, on Monday morning, to o prosont at the of 1 amend, of vithji ltil`an-0IR, Mr, A. Dawson es n A low price for hol I ereliandise, we made, is the seer success. ii ..ail Fe orter f Lonig„ . it C �.11115. 1;COtt 11.eu VO. The ii111br 1'4ra1C;. 1 it trio watched o 'tabus :Ihav s bin EMT= the drift of times and events, to learn the state of society. nave been looking late- ly at passing occurrences, and have eon• y for Wingham to specter was in town this week--Ti&e, manse kitchen is putting on a nicc- new drab dress by the valuable assist ance of John Farrow.—Mr. Geo. Mos.. grove's pleasant face was; scan in town, this week,Mr. M. wields the birch at the lied Schoolhouse in Turnberry., ---N. Smith, from Lake Brie way, is to guest at W. Smith's, of this place. Bluevale is in its glorification now, and Mr. S. is sure enjoy himself.—Mr. and Mrs, Cook and Jos. Leech leave for Seaforth on Wednesday ,to attend Conference. Mr,o k it Ca wlprobably preach his farewell sermon on the last Sunday in ,lune, --Mrs. Hartley, is. away in Woodstock, 't visiting friends. Recreation is needed by all and we hope Mrs. H. enjoys herself. rhos. Coultes, of our town; left for the land of the Stars & Stripes lately.—The factory is making things hum lately. Wm. Messer sold the cheese at Se., all up to 1st June, 'It went away on Saturday.—The Rev. Mr.. Linton, of Teeswater, paid Mr.' Hartley a visit last week.—The Factory has now reached 42 cheese per day.—Tho fall wheat is not more' than half a crop. The prospect for fruit never was better, everything. in the shape of frnit trees being loaded with blossoms. The frost last Saturday .injured the . tender plants. . eve It r. James Timmins, merchant, and James Thompson, teacher, of this place, are having a lively tune through the 'Brussels papers. We think it has gone on long enough and would be much bettor for both parties to stop. —Mr. Scott has got about 385 pigs in the factory yard' here.—Mrs. Pearin is very poorly at, present. ---Ma. P. Paterson, who has beeti on the sick Iist, is able to be around again.—Tom. Viten went with hi* mare Lucy to Walkortoa on. the 24th and took second money, audN if she had got justice she would have taken first, that is if she had ;ono a • little quicker.— Mr. Dawson, of Kintiardine, organized a court of Good Templars in this place about 8 months ago and the prospects seemed bright. They rented the Foresters' hall for one year, but at the end of three months it has gone out of existence. --'Wiliam Hartley left There last Saturday for Detroit, where ho has secured a good situation. -- Intemperance is thready beginning to inako its appearance But it would c it prettytion iniorosco oto rf. u Olts p q z Seott a drunk So that an Anti Seott could see hail. They are of opinion that tt mall should lie dowel in the ditch and plow with his hose. Let's have fair play. They are out of prao. Lower Wingham. Miss Jessie McDonald, of Goderieli, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. R. Cran- ston, this week. --Mrs, D. Stewart,: Mrs. Groves and Mp.stor R. Groves at- tended the funeral of Miss Agnes Stewart, at Blyth, t this week. She died very suddenly. East Wawar.}osh Council. The Council me / on the 22nd May,, as a Court of Revi�ion. Members all present. The following appeals against assessment were heard: David Nixon, lot 29, con.8, reduced ei00 1:O'Con nor, lot 28, con. .3, • reduced $100. The complaint of Wm. Toll, west half lot 85, con. 3, laid bver till next meet- ing. Wm. Carr, Wm. Robinson, and Mrs. C. Robertsoneach a dog struck off. The Court waks. then closed to be reopened again o Thursday, 28th June next. Counil resumed. The minutes of, : last Meeting read anal passed. Wn .Deacon asked the Coun- cil to take action for the support of Benjamin James, Who has been resid- ing with hitt for the last five months.' A letter was recei4ed from Mr, Gal- braith, barrister, &c„ Toronto, stating that it was not ;necessary for the Council to take charge of him, but •for the Reeve to take : steps (if asked to do so) and have him sent to his guar- dian, Nathaniel James, in Toronto. The Clerk was instructed to write the Master of the Court of Chancery in Toronto, state the case to him, and ascertain if possible what was to be done with said Benjamin James. Com- plaint was made that a fence belonging to John Coultis, cote. 7, was several feet too far out on tie road allowance. The Clerk was ordered to write Mr. Ooultis, and ask flim to have this matter rectified as : soon as possible. The Reeve and Mr.McGowan reported having seen the safe belonging to Geo. Tindall, late of Auburn, when it was moved by Mr, Sutherland,seconded by Mr. Reilly, that Mr. Tindall be offered' $40 for the same ----Carried. Sydiey�. Naylor was appointed pathmaster on Western boundary instead of John N. Campbell, and John McGee instead of Alex. Rintonl, Dons, 10 and 11.. Th.; following debentures were signed, viz: \Vin.Mertin, 401 rods wire fence, side line 39 and 40, eon. 7, S6.10 ; Thos. Mitchell, repairing road scroper,S2.60 ; Jer. Parks, 85 yards ;ravel, in 18877, $1.75; Richard \Vightnlan, building culvert, sideline 33 and 84, con, 7, $8,- 50;J.Fleuty & Son,Win ham,printin ; $32..50; George McGowan, planking bridge and building culvert, lots 37 and 40, cone. '2 and 8, $7.63 ; -Joseph Hoover, covering cul reit, lot 81, cow. 4 and 5, $2.10 ; .Fountain Naylor, sc viees as Assessor, 1888,l n0' ;Mita Anderson, extra time rectifying F:;cbo ,,; tax in l,. S. S. No. 5, at 14laisubesie r: 1887, ti 2 40; john Anderson, 45 re,,i: • wire fence at lot 80, ecsn.Ml, <i 75. VI (Council then adjourned till i"linrsth. tic° for three years,—The clime in- . ?,8th Jute, P. Th r,.i,r, naa,, ta;Cxl;