HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-06-01, Page 840.01•1,,,a 7043 t• It A% 41:0 wife cif . so .t ; t.•• ct. . in.t., tir !tic. r; !;,,,,emt• t • •"•L, the wife' .., it. ; Wit.;.:1,mn. on 27:11 %die Ur, ; n lan.'h,« thet 281•10 ult., the itLet 4,?: gr. Wm. 1%; 440 titc tr.sttleneo of the brides toter At' luelatia. NI the:4/14,1 !lay, Gy the het. C. 31c.p.AV,, Wingia;mt, to Agnr; oi the temte !dace. D.vusos--110Av triaAhrtat, re: the f.rth inst4 the tto, 10, Mr, 1),tvhisun, ,Ateee i:wy, both of V. ;t fl, Ta4.01.:y —5.10.11sN Mayft& ttt the medal:re Of ttto bride's inotherna-lair, gr. 8, Af..unyrion, 1,N• ng the llov. Deo. ittchardtion. Mr. Netsoll Troenty. of Sosyner, to giss Nilson X. ide1ittat,, of Ltstoii•el. ireant-- At tho residence of the hrlde's fett'ist; Is; t•to liov. 10. Caton r, gr. J. Jackson, of it W twatt as t, Cl iltratt, te Mies Lizaitt UU- V•-s. of Net:to, Oat, T Listocal, on the, mit nit., tn. the. !tar. eanspboll, gr. Adam Tiding, to gists. Xattha hoth of }low ;, Tirsat.0.-Airsa-Aft Ginfortch, oft the ftind . by the Rev. Pr. Tire, 3Er. 8aI0ool Knalmi c0the.•00, Miss Wrest. Kiwsit, (4 the sante ploce. IlAsoc.t...41.-vamiscreN4-nit the 2ard olt«t the rest. dell(410Uu beide'Stilthfle. Ikr nel.. Ur. dragvist:" of Drtroit, to Mis liarelot }i.trrinkrtm, daughter id 11.e. Wm. Retriag. ;on. of 11 Whitt. 0.91 011 the Wird ult., by the ' Gienarat, Christina 1., eldest dart ow). :040( tither, assisted by the her. D. 311.Dittailii, to William Qum), M, Ot 414 "7 Oraerie14 I ei(utt.m. DIEr> 'qpoj ,tt. • ..1*. swain, aged 42 years. 3:o5lArtlx—in •ilt, et a the 111'li ult., John IW. -4.0-"."""*""":"`"'"7:77".".."'".7,"7,7•2!".".,:trl-sr,."•-' "ro•":"."-"tt"2-"": •••12•""fr 2•,)thairsti3-At Dareiston, thc 22rctult:.Stunuel lioliertion, evil *years, 1 month mid az zo.lsoa --At native, the astti. inti -welter 'Allison, aged 01 years mai 1(? mouths. Toti.s",tett, In Vilna, on the 214 Eilen Turnbull, aged 74 years and 1 month, mother of John Turn.' ball, 4th tet,Elam,Onditehert Turnbull, Stratiorsi. An1a2-in Rilverereck, gam, 011 the 2C't1i ' Tolia P. Anderson, aged til) years, a tuoitth0oral 2".$ Alts. 1 or 5e. Muslins 6o. Prints, 10o. Lthizti tei 11 weeds ti!taitha 1. +pal 92c Tc s .„,. ' t dy.4, p rit 1' COOda ;27,e2,0" e ;'47,11:11 03. 3 and,7.014,,,,Nt / . HE BANKRUPT 6TO] O. W,IIENDER8T. AW. OLD 8TND. ...anaaravaara...--4a,,a,"*.aa• No Value in. th.e*Market to Equal. 'East Ws,wptiosh, on 20th nit , Agnes, :wool ti daughter of Air. i,,I•ttarart, aged 20 ears and lo months. .,„.„,......,--,-............,-..........,..............,,.........,,,,, WING114.11, 11Z4.11 -W -PTS. uoon4.1r, June 1, 1822. Flour per rm..,• s';' 2 0 04 2 50 Pionif our bbd • ii 50 to 4 00 x01 Ilfacat pee bushel, ' 05 to 7. (10 Spring- ., liarloy, • . Pecs,70 ta 7fi , 115 to 1 00 (tits, - . tiS to Se 130 to 112 rotates, - . BO to 00 iiuttur per lh., • 15 to . 10 Egu,a per duren, , . 12 to 12 iv ookt per eoro, •• 1 25 to 1 50 Apples per bait, . . • S .7c flay per tom - ,•7 U0 to 700, 1.!reased lied,s, 6 50 to 1.,70 RAMMISPOWN11....FV•S. Arn.l.a..4,10,VMVZ.M.1 NOT LO T. 110TE. mode 14 Ir. DA. 3 -Iilunon, In favor 02...41r. W. 4. 1-111 Imam, fl doted about the 00 Apc1.1, 1.327, rectoi01,y 1 at, Ail -parties are eautlooeu .4tainS0 Ditlane 'or no seine, ingnani, stay hal , '0 . BIONICS.' TO L1'.1N.O. - rrtty; coups titATION TIT71 TO wNstup no t Titroberr,y has al out 05,00J to lo .11 on Mart. gages. Por terms apply to, 1. geLAIW, r W3r. 310TRERSON, Tottistatta, WiogOam, •Rao :a, rrow, • Wittgitoui, key 11th, 10bti. SilUITITI OBI BULLS: mut uxusitsto;NED has for sole, E'er 11, L 0, Tommie or Outitoss., Othoroughbred 'Short - Euro laatiN registered in tlte Dominion fiord Book. All choke young oniuM:s. • Tana will Ge given if needed for payment. PETER AILKELT..., Teeswoter D. 0. Cn]ross, rnet 1, 11*. FARM FARM for sale, being p 013,13.12 Towttsaitt 02 k Lmited, with o stables, anti . plenty minutes walk from th Mums : Half o 01 balauce 00 be secure •Apply to OI? SALE. ttirty'f ur acres is oUered rt of Lot 0.4, hit Concession rris, tupt. ly cleined, wtU frame as°, good orchard, 1 good ator about twenty triugh I rest Mike. pure!): money down ; the on mort age. fiN .11t3 o01.7, on tlie promises. IVingluttn, gay 1 It, 1.80S. E. ORE Natio from anon, American receipt. • It is perfectly. delicious, Everybody says so. -A Striort LOT OZ.* attanau, .08$ PINE APPLES, ASSORTED CANDIES, &e, , ALT, MIS` AT • ' hicKELIfiErS RESTAURANT, CLO n, CHASE HEW RFEIPT HOOK, nit zat4t riga rotraliag ire WorT.;. Dr. Clhast's third la t and envie Receipt Deolt and DonscholdPhysie an, erthoDoo for the Million, contains nearly flea ges t.nd sells r 8225 in cloth ;binding and 61114 in it motted oli clo marble adio, „and is jostly 03/ c trod The Crowilin Welk of y Life It I, the result of ore half a tentur study and en:site:me. • Vet 0131.3 cm 'pdation of Ills former elm 10 L'* IA 2100 years aso ha cool( produce a bo 5 tatle of over 15,000 / copies, hie name !audi511.'1n 21 rly every holm hi th3 United Eta en, Canada an homes in Jluropt., ratio and 8 S. nue eta book coal or would he .1Growninit Life Work, " with more th :of additional practice a tlf answers the quest; "produe.Uon hz tholsisto •'s obserration, Mies no con - ilyonew Gook, k that has Ino)) 00 has made Mit spealena. thousands of ith Anon lea, er....marskismoom.Marabsemiimi.....1.04......"....6.ftivrob.esorms troducc os his • of book on hating. . eaporlence The heel: it. , and is the nett talttable f Always Safe to Deal at T Anchorrl n thirty years ex publish:a' are attempt.) tr ON I Iiirsolervomsidwas......20..**0.***.s.stisOmar**ambeYs diftg portico of it out and. bean the e owlets work. rehased fin n Dr. Ohm's ( .13.1Giltit'ST Ellin PA./D ]'Ort tC4(4R, EUTTZII,, I-a:VS A.VD SIDZ AttA.T, pogo. and eepytightecl • genuine b k. SAO that lhatti APrtts, Fire. anna Egno, I. GORDON & moINTyR, ON Cal tudior, Lint. i / / / / / / / ISM BROVVy AN01104 / / / / / / / / 11 f 1 eark agm /a/o/o/o/LN picHoiojoio/0/ /o/lolopleinfe/o/ yoplo/o/o/o/o/n/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/ WATC1HES • CLOCKS, TrELLE SI '‘.A/'' ARE &c. Having deekled to leave Iyinglutm, I will clurin g the NB= 80 DA.zs offer tny entire stook AT AO ruA.L 004T. Buy now anti save money. • HALSEY PARIi. 17-1 12 riiog TTFTTTTTTTTTTTFFTTTTTtTm-rrm-F-T 1777-17TTITITTITFT-7-7-------1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 ,0,0100I Desire to direct attention this Moldr yff week to their Trade Mark, The Anchor," of which a new cut is here presented. In future all •our advertisements, bill beads, etc., will bear this, our trade mark, Whon. you. are out shopping or driving into town for the purpose of trading, please look for the LARGE BROWN .ANGFIOR over our shop door, ), an$ step right in. We will be delighted to .see you and guarantee that no louse in the trade can give better value in any line of our . targe,New Fashionable and Seasonable Stocka rnsertipitioun and pit: in5 to copy this Gook by li.thlting it 011 0» the pa "Ws own the manuscript bee that you get t 40 hal our neonatal the tit! Published in both tlern &a$$ With P.. B., DICK ta14.01fite„Detroitt 311e11. • - tece . • .- 7 Llt1 1/4) 0 ) TE..1.,41.'I S. 1, -,- , ny.i. ii., T., 7 414, .4.1 1 171 Veatliers, 0 rg"ootis klrye'o' fR, "‘,,Tifil:olxn 4, I:IVAN .0 ringi.S; .1',41,:e %dailies ..... .,,. , t. . e • losertietisi VapOy i 3111)44; (V0: „..-.3 , e,..., ----..• 7,...1 ......,• h - ElAr17:1-77.,A-,......:,, gallii. Cl3itt43jter3tfi, Dt.rtts 7)111sititt-t:0 111 t (N•toittt, Git)Vtli, 4.:k3r31A:t-1, 1)1:sties„, ItLiit.:s' end OttlIqr,,ns' V miorwva, ,, Lud ikti ;joie (..)11 ritftrill Dig, 41/1)1'0,1: . / I.t4"0T.F1.;>T NovElifiEs Lk 4viay DE P.,.k lt 1'EN T. ' .„ - 1,7,,c; s'a taken in ICZet,'-aii° far Goo as (.12,511. Ar........-":".'-''''.•••••-trst!"0"...'nrr-,::',.1r.'ir.rr"."•-o_.... . , '‘,.on."-:.•,2'ro,'"'"'"1:"."""^"'":".":""'""*",..'",••••"-.4";"440^4 ' ,0 II .• c.:t64t6 ani anriirsi'dr , ACV Wvos.onprocivranamearromsuumtrawumvanakdlior,..1., TO al7Ir Tar4 A stook of goods that in Extent, Quality, and Variety is unsurpas'sed fl •‘N'itig ham, • 1.! , 01 r 1 •twr • rl c;;411 17,714J' •1' ;0.” P(7.):P1 Zaa • r4:6 141.' ril • 0 1'4 ' ...ke • . . SUITING S, T11,0 WSEIIING'rS AND OVERCOATINCI13, GREA,T ,PAR(AL-NID CASE.. . .. We planted tho Seeds 1 )1g11 t Ana our grit tit - bra business is the v est. ..... ... . . . ... • • 11.7 I b , . ..... 0.•004.411.•• : • .,••• ..... • . •••••••• • 1.1w prief. for .1)o2l0st • eroll an • nlacle, 10 ti' seer LAIL Cess,. *4 " • • . .. .4 a. • Goods bou• ,,...,Ist.,frotit us will be (7..e t free of cha1'g44.). vftvr 447 *NA- ''""A rtg 4:6 . • 44,4.• ler, .24 , • 131G DiflvEs ORDERED CLOTHING, READY-MADE OLOTII/NG, :DRESS 000DS, and GENERAL D RY GOODS A PULL RAsar, OF T -- BOO TS5 * SHOES AND G OCERIEs. GOODS BOUGHT AT BANKRUPT PRIOES, and will be eQ1c1= at Lowest Possible Flores, AVE TRdITGIIING, STOVES, TINWARE DAIRY SUPPLIR •c. arevammoinmspromonowlexismontokateraresiossam*.mamanoseftwa....w have oh hand a large quantity of the best In.ande of tin, manufactured in the worlft, bought for cash 101 the low,rest prices, in the best English Markets, as a as my faelli. ties or purobasing these cannot be surpassed by arly firm in tin trade iii Oanada, 1 am determined to sell ap,st,..locls at the lowest poosiblo ot be undersold by any. . MY STAFF OF WOR.R1VIZN tit ,ArtE 118.1‘1101BER TPLACE—Opposite Exehango Hotel, corner Josephine and Victoria streetE.,, Barkley and MoOrmunon's old stand. correct. My Motto is Call Anti "SAP *501(1 you will earry home the conviction that what I say N SMALL PROFITS and QUICIllifiTtir.t;NS, AllIntat SIX15MICII TS 33k1.111131 IIIAN A SLOWsunigRr4AN All work Warranted as it is entirely (13)21052ndm.1117 own%mediat supervisim gavetroughing, specially attended to and proportyput up and compioted. Stoves in an varieties, cheaper thou ove#:•' •