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The Wingham Times, 1888-06-01, Page 7
WOE'S tiff S. Grand Duke roma, the Cates' young brother. , Abe Poe juatifiee the reoentt reeoript on h�ground that the Fanellithemselves ve condemned boycotting an the Plan of Campaign.. It is stated fa Loudon that afar the Whit• suntide recess the Opposition will demand an enquiry into the adminiration of the Crimes Act. The Rome oorresponden Standard learns that no the absolute and unaondit the I bishops the P reeh A remarkable operati OANAAIA'Cfh. Grain is reported to be growing well hi Manitoba, though a little rain is needed to help it along. Henry Taylor, ex -manager of the Ontario Investment Asnooiati,n, was acquitted at London on two chargee of misappropriating, the association's money. Attorney -General Mowat left Toronto ou Saturday night for England to argue a on- atitutional question before the Privy Coma - oil regarding the title to certain Indian lands. An. Ingoreoli woman mixed gasoline with the the dirt.the Theoth&waterbboiled ovo er and itakt was weeks before abs recovered from her burns. Mr. Juatioe Robertson gave judgment at Otegoode hall refusing to dissolve the iojuno- tion to the Toronto City Council from rati• tying the agreement with the railway oom• ponies respecting the Esplanade. The committee that has been investiget• ing frauds on femora recommends the Gov- ernment to pass special legislation to pre- vent the agriculturist from being made the victim of various kinds of swindles. It ie estimated that two hundred and fifty weeds will be required to convey east the surplus of last year's grain crop still held in Manitoba and the North-West. Over two million bushels are stored et Fort William alone, Montreal bucket shop keepers claim to have received legal advice that the Bucket Shop bill just passed contains defects that render it harmless, and also that there are several ways of evading its provisions, and therefore have decided to continue their business, the London exists as to obedience of sopa ri t.. s been per- formed > d inVienna a net g been trans plata from a rabbit to a man with com- pleted success. Mr. Blaine, in an interview in Paris, confirms the statements made in his Florence letter that he did not desire the nomination for the Presidency, Consumpt Since the foot the preventable, and hi i it hits lost much of i symptoms are at ono on Curable, oonsumptlon is both earliest ata a curable, terror. 1.f the first recognized, and the proper remedy apple d, very few, if any one, need die of consumption, which is realty lung•aarofula, Like many other diseaees thin formtdeble one grows out of impure bleed, and We, in turn, from a diseased liver. Hato. wo have the haoking enngh: the pains in chat, the infl med lunge and all the symptoms of hastening aoneumption, blood and a die. all tho•resutt of depraved- eased liver, The use of Dr. Pierce a Golden Medical Discovery will arrest all such Symptoms, restore the liver to healthy action, and send streams of pure blood into every organ, Of druggists, A young lady, visiting tor the first time in the country, was alarmed at the approach of a cow. She was too frightened to run, and shaking her parasol at the animal, ahe said, in a very stern tong: ",Lie down, sir 1 lie down 1 The Duke of Cambridge, in a speech at LiveEng- land r keep ng dweltupon with Continental of coun- tries in the matter of armaments. Eight thoroughbred stallions imported from Glasgow were seized on their arrival at Montreal on Saturday. it being alleged that their owner, who was adjudicated a bankrupt shortly after sailing from Glasgow, had taken that means of defrauding bis creditors. Archbishop Corrigan has failed to obtain from the Pope a condemnation of Henry Georgn for- mallyodelivered which's works, tothe have d Vatican forjag. meat. Dr. Morell Mackenzie says that nothing yet absolutely demonstrates that Emperor Frederick's disease is cancer, and that his recovery is still within the limits of possi- bility. Mr. Chamberlain says that both the Eng- lish political parties have shirked their duties in their South African policy, and have done everything to get rid of their re- sponsibilities. The Chinese ambassador in Lyndon has handed to the English Government a note protesting against the action of the Austra- lian colonies in preventing the landing of Chinese immigrants. •I pains &Eery `pound A Hamilton woman has been sent to the reformatory for a year because she stole an umbrella. She said she had simply borrow- ed it and forgotten to bring it back. That is exaotly the ease with all purloiners of umbrellas, and yet how few get sent to the reformatory. St. James street Methodist church, Mont- real, one of the oldest historical structures in that city, is doomed, workmen having al- ready commenced its demolition, and ahand- some new church is to be erected on the site, The last services will be preached by Revs. ' Dr. Douglass and Dr. Potts, of Toronto, on Sunday, June 3. All the newspapers of Montreal have been officially served, by direction of Premier Mercier, with copies of the Federal and Provincial statutes prohibiting the adver- tising or publication of lotteries, with the intimation that severe measures will be taken to enforce the law if the official notice fails in preventing its present general viola. tion. . -UNITED STATES. Consumption Surely Cured. To THE EDITOR : Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely use theuaande of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shale be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FRES to any of your d me readers t they Exsand consumption0. rees Rspeetfny, DE. T, A, SLootTht 87 Tonga St., Toronto, Ont, The working day in Paris bas been re, duced from eleven hours to ten• A Care for Arunkenness. The opium habit, depeomau#a, the morphine habit, nervous prostration caused by the nes of toba000, wakefulnees, mental depression, softening of the brain, oto., premature oId ago, logs of vitality caused by over-exertion of the brain, and logs of natural strength, from any oauee whatever. Men—young, old or middle-aged—who are broken down from any of the above causes, or any cause not mentioned abame, Bend your address and 10 centre in stamps for Lubon'e Treatise in book form, of Diseases of Han. Books V DImam ss 47and Wellington streetEast tToron Torontoress M. Ont. A vexy marked improvement has taken plane in Emperor Frederick's condition. He is able to take carriage drives, has a good appetite and his strength is increasing, while the flow of pus bas been greatly diminished. The London Times says the only point of interest in the Parnellite manifesto is that while Mr, Parnell declares the party to be entire strangers to the Plan of Campaign, forty members of the party meet and justify it. It is stated the London police have re- ceived information that the Clan-na•Gael contemplates the commission of a crime sim- ilar to the Phcenix park tragedy, and that several of the members are under eurveil- lance. .A. war of rates is likely to break out over Chicago and Boston passenger business. Strawberries almost went begging for buy- ers in New York on Monday, at five and six cents per box. The Mississippi flood is the highest on re- cord, except that of 1851, and is within a few inches of being as high as that one. The Republican Senators at Washington held a caucus, at which it was practically determined to vote down both the Fishery Treaty and the Mills Tariff Bill. The centennial meeting of the Presbyter- ian. General .Assembly of The United States was opened in Philadelphia, over five hun- dred delegates being in attendance. A will leaving an estate for the advance- ment of Henry George'a land theories has been declared invalid in New Jersey, the vice-chancellor declaring that the court could not san:tion the spread of such prin- ciples in plain opposition to existing laws. Terrible suffering exists among the in- habitants of the flooded district along the Mississippi River, hundreds of men, women and children being camped on the bluffs without food or shelter. The whole of the Sny bottoms are inundated, the flood cover- ing an area forty miles long and five miles wide. Tho loss in crops is already estimat- ed at three million dollars. We violate no confidence when we state that the rumor that Jay'Gould has returned to settle up his affairs and retire permanent- ly from Wall Street is not entirely authen- tic. Mr. Gould has frequently settled up his affairs and retired permanently from Wall Street before; and when,,.he resumed it was generally considered a hint for other speculators to retire ppormanentlyfrom Wall Street without settling up their affairs, leaving that little formality to the assignees. • FOREIGN. The village of Oberammergau, celebrated for its miracle plays, has been partially burned, A volcanic eruption and water -spout have occurred in New Pomerania, New Guinea, killing many natives and doing great dam. age. The London papers are disposed to agree with Canada's protest against pauper immi- gration The rumor that the Prince of Wales is coining to Canada this year is denied. Peoele who are subject to baa Donau. u. font coated longus, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once be relieved by using Dr. Careen'5 Stomach pBitters, ass she and tried remedy. AskWMV Crematories are to be opened in Turin, San Homo, Bologna and other Italian cities. But l COUGH Coag cores in oneminute. " S+,y. John, is your girl a factory girl 1" r, Yes, William, a satisfactory girl." Wbeuever your Stomach or Bowels gel out of 0.• der, causing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Indlgeetlon, and their attendant evils, take at once a doss of P. vmeows Stomach Bittern, Beat family mediate,, 9,11 n,netiete,be nimbi. The French always eat asparagus cold, with an abundance of oil, vinegar and pep- per, and a mighty nice salad this makes. CINGALESR Ham RENEWER retoresrey ane faded hair to. its natural color and prevents ��li sr olds 400 URES Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Nervous Weakness, Stomach and Liver DiseaaesRheumSti m, Dyspepsia, e t • , and all affections of the Kidneys. WEAiK NERVES PAJNE'8 CELERY COMPOUND is a Nerv0 Tonic a which, never fails. Containing Celery 1peein those l nevous disord ants, it speed. RHEUMATISM PAllies CELERY CoMrotlr» purifies the blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which causes Rheumatism, and restores the blood• making organs to a healthy condition. The true remedy for Rheumatism. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS PAINra8 CELERY Coal200SD quickly restores the liver and kidneys to perfect health. This curative tonics, powerakeit them best red ith emedy for all kidney Complaints. DYSPEPSIA PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND strengthens the stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges- tive organs, This is why it Cures even the. worst cages of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION It is rumoured that the Chinese Minister at Washington has notified the State De- partment that China will retaliate by pro- hibiting the importation of American petro- leum if the proposed amendment to the Chinese treaty is insisted upon. The French Government is so careful of the secret of the new rifle which is being served out to the army at the rate of five hun- dred a day that soldiers are not allowed to touch the weapon except in the presence of a commissioned officer, and it is said the regulations are enforced se strictly that not a private in the French army knows even the color of the powder he uses. . iirupp's business has outgrown his works at Essen and a new factory is to be erected at Annen. The Paris C fauloie revives the rumour that the Government contemplates the expulsion 'of General Boulanger. The Catholic WeeklyHerald says the Salisbury Government will found and endow an Irish Gatholio university. A Tipperary bailiff shot two mon at the instance of a Brund Lloyd, Eon ton n of landlord whom he was escorting home. We Are Five. BY L. A. MORRISON. We are five,— Who by God's good grace survive ; All are living :—one in light— Four in night. All are true Each bright day, in athey be right, Longing—pidg— t In His eight Life is sweet; One, above, hath life complete ; Four, below, have hope above, In His love. So we rest : One, upon her Master's breast,— Four, afar —hut bear Him Atli— Wait Hie will. 'Reath the sun, Time's brief day will soon be done ;. Each sore sundered heart will then Meet again. Christ—who died— Through the grave hath opened wide Entrance to a world of blies Out of this. Joined by grace —By-and-bye—we.-face to face— Shall, with joy, Hie Name adore, Evermore. �ERKSHIRE PIGS, W. SCth OTT, Mocr field, Ont. CANOES Send for Ill. Catalogue. . Wt1.. ENGLOSi1. Peterboro.Ont. PSCENTS procured, Patent Attorneys, and experts Eet'd1867. Donald C. Ridout.a Co..Toronto. PA11 E's CELERY COMPOUND is not a Cathar- tic. It is a laxative, giving easy and natural action to the bowels. Regularity surely Sol- lowe its use. Recommended by professional end business men, Send for book. Price $1.00. Sold by Druggists• WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop% Montreal, Que FOR A..L. Hsu u weer p•nu expo, . f reOa.VICKER`Y.Augusta.MaineP WORK DYEING AND CLEANING. 1 BMW, Y r•7Uf N(, d AM1A Ae OId Irfu C Via • FEAvOPIric Ex RACT:,, AL THE SIRCHOE,'.PIP•.E5i A(,fi 5 i �T1oN d InsWFe Tick. 7 eaten 1lNI HIl E4 had .1 eaten Compan� ot: �Lunatta, lle of Pa So tOKe Patents, OOnsulting Engineer. an TOUONTO, Q. 0. neeer Roes, Chief k.ugi,. A, massa, SSao'yT • ,IGENTS! AGENTS OUR AGENTS W th cnPt opPuaal"eHieBa "Liquor rDough'sProblem," "PlatformaP. on s' "laving Words., The Cottage Physician," aMAKE MONEY "The Cottage Physician," Cough's 'Sunlight and , Shadow," ",Mother, home and Heaven, etc, Popu elator to Ws IL LLTAMa=1Itleea a)'u1,liPbeY. Toronte=a'termM ANADIANBUSINESSo N VER I oY ) Public Library lluilding, Illinois, and British Columbia, California, Kansas, quite a number of other States and . Provinces, now na in attendance, Write for Descriptive Circulars. THOS. BEN0OUQH, CHAS. H BROOKS, President. Sec'y & Manager. BEn.YLIt I.[viE of STEANISIIIPS, —SAILING WsneLX BETmeas— MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL Saloon Tickets, $40, 850. $C0. Return, $80, $90, 8110, Intermediate, $30 ; Steerage, $20. Apply to H. E MURRAY. Gen'I. Manager,MNRTEAL, 3. Custom House Sq Bicycles ! KNITTING Geo g t win OJ1t MACHINES PATENPATENTS For Sal;1;1!I .rlea doe lin, To ur,g TS nlegue tree. R, Ohamherlin, ToronHr TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL—A grand chance to acquire a thorough knpwledge of garment cutting is all its branches. Nowtf the time to enter. Good cutters in great demand, big wages. Terms on ap- plication. S. CORRIGAN, 122 Yonge-st„ Toronto. R. PARKER & 00. Works and Head Ordce8 : 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. 209 Yonge Street, City Omoes:{ 393 Queen St. Wet, TORONTO 100 Colborne Street Brantford, Ont. 4 John StreetNortb Hamilton, Ont. MONEYTO I,OAN O Farms. Lowest Rated. No delay: Corretppndenee eoliaited- E. W. D. IC10 L'LER, Financial Agty .Established 1860. 72 Ring•nt. E.. Toronto. CANCER LJLEIIS,Swithoutttbls knifee.TNo s ours, no pay. Send stamp for pamphlet. W.L. SMITH, M.D.,124 Queen E., Toronto. RUBBER STAMPS SEStenALS � tor Coilsat logue. d Burning BrandsB&o. ROS. 00..,, S7 Scott St.• Toronto. CO. — Beaver Line of gt. Ste Steamships, ling, weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Salooa tickets, Montreal to. Liverpool, $40, $50, and $60, Return tickets, $80, 890, and $110, according to steamer and mediate, $30 ; Round trip tickets S60.lSt Steerage, $20 Round trip tickets, :fa For further particulars and to secure births, apply to IL E. MURRAY, General Manager, I Custom Local Agents n the differenuse t Twonee and Cities. Montrealor to the Cooks' Gem 121,0 Second lite eyelBiscycles and Send for Lint. New Catalogue ready in April, -A.- T- T-'�ylp Z AL Will Sharpen the Knife without removing it from the Machine. No farmer should Bend his machine into the field without one. Sample by mail, 30c. CLEMENT t Co., Toronto. — CHAT TION— 1 BK1NQ POWDER CONS®Y'S CARRIAGE TOPS. STUMP & STONE — EXTRACTOR— I3and over ,0years' 0 inuse has proved this machine the best ; 1 eizes..Send for Circular. 0, S. KIMBALL, Inventor andManufaoturer, 677 Craig at. P,O. Box 045, Montreal,P.Q Why do you use those Expensive American and Canadian Baking Powders when you can get as good iand wholesome at one half ng the Cooks Gem. • Manufactured rioel rove it by try - ed by ELLIS & KEIGHLEY, - Toronto. THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO!S. rk SPECIAL RETUR I�TRAP. Toronto Sate Works• SAFES TO TOWN AND VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS WE have unexcelled facilities for the SALE or EXCHANGE of Newspaper offices. Terme, one per cent. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 We have now tour good establishments for: sale at a bargain, and ono publisher wanting a partner. Auxiliary Publishing Company, 33 and 55 Adelaide St, ,.,Tto, Ont. AND VAULT DOORS, &C. Woman in Business. Women who go into business from either choice or necessity, should acquire business habits, adopt business methods and possess themselves of all knowledge of details and general information. There should be no sentiment about ,it : they should expect no immnuity from disagreeables on the snore of being " ladies ;" their prospect of marriage shouldhave no more effect on their work than it has with that of men. Their dr ess should suit the requir ements of the ocou- pation. In no dress does a girl look neater. prettier or more graceful than that adopted for gymnastics or lawn -tennis, both of which give fullest play for all movements. How much better would many working girls look and feel and work in such dresses than in the gaudy, tawdry finerysomany. of them wear These should have their business suits just as men do. It is ekpected Primulas Alexandra, daugh• Icer Fault. If she is made miserable by day and sleep- less at night, by nervous headache, pains in the back, easily, grieved, vexed or made tired, er is suffering from any of those wast- ing functional disorders peculiar to women, such as prolapsus, ulceration, leucorrhea, morning sickness, or weakness of the stomach, &o., a brief self -treatment with Dr. Pieroe's. Favorite Prescription will con- vince her of the folly of enduring misery that can be so easily, pleasantly and radi- cally cared. Druggists. "gas the Lady of the House (ohfvoring) furnace gone out, Bridget 7" Bridget--" I think not, mum, l've been at the gate all evening with a gentleman mmlefrim d d of mine, an' it didn't go by me, Little, "But Enough," as Mercutio said of his wound. We refer to Dr. Pieree's little Pellets, whish are small, swift, and tura, in casee of alok head- ache, biliousness, constipation, and indigos - tion. , 'The Celebrated Han. cook Inspirator. • Ge rtIjctldc RRaag Injector. rirMorrison's Automatic Sight Feed ,Lubricator. {SrEngineers' & Plumb. ers' Supplies of every description. Send for circulars. JAMES MORRISON, 76 & 77 Adelaide W., TORONTO. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships tlymonths. Glee, i gow fines sail during winter o anfrom Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during cum mor between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgow • and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phladelphia fortnightly. For freight, passage, or other information apply to A. Schumacher & Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard & Co., Halifax; Co,, StShea .John,St. N. B.; Allan N. & Co., Wm.hica Thomp- son; Love & Alden, New York, H• Bourlier, Toronto; Allan°, Rae & Co., Quebec: Wm, Brookie, Philadel- phia.; H. A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal. riIBE greatest die- ", covery of the pre: sent age fax Regulat• ing the bowels, and Curing all Blood Liv- i er and Kidney Com,; plaints. A perfect Blood Purifier. A few In Hamilton whohave been beniflteri by its 1 use; Mrs. M. Heenan. 1 192 Robert S., eurtd of Erysipelas of 2 gra. standing ; Robt. Cor- , nett, 24 south street; daughter cured of Epileptic fits alter 0 years suffering Jen- ne Barrel, 05 Walnut 1 Have all the latest improvements and are unegxalled for durability, style and convenience. The leading Carriage Builders sell them. ASK FOR THEM and. BUT NO OTHER. Whaley, Royce & Co.. 283 Yonge Street, Toronto. The Cheapest Place in Canada for BAND IRSTRUMENTS. New and Seoond•hand. Sailing during winter from Portlana every Thurs. , day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in E summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land mails and passenger° for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via HaJ. & J. TAYLOR, durifaxng and Se. Johnh T: steamers of m a CAUTION 2—Farmers a Jelling to avoid a Lawsuit ars warned against buying or USING an infringing bagholder manufactured in k f tThe 'eDandy,"ad"PPeted1887 "as required l byl aw C,W.AaLENaCo„ WoldBuilding, Toronto. WESTERN MACHINERY DEPOT t ter of the Xing of Greece, will shortly marry Strictly True In every respect and attested bye the testi- mony of 'thousands that Putman'a Painless Corn Extraotor is a sure and painless cure for corns.. The claim that it is just as good. made by those endeavoring to palm off im- itations for the genuine only proves the aupe- esPnxsry lePatlaCornEtreOtor Sue, s, path. less. Agents - for "BEESON" and"HI©HAM" Band & Orchestra MUSIC. REPAIRING or BAND INSTRUMBNTSa specialty. Send for Catalogue. smossimosiimmismaili IMMENSE STOCK of Machinery to select from, Send for Lists. U.W. PETRIE, Brantford, Ont. Emma PILES. $y5PTOMe—Moisture : intense itching and stinging ; moat at night : worse by scratching. It allowed to continue tumors form, which otten.bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. SWAYED'S OINTMENT stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration and in aka- oious in curing aremoll Skin Diseases. es the tumors. I DR, S Wt is tAYYNE & SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. SwASNE'e OINTMENT can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 60 dente. CHAMPION Ira. proved Safes, at prlcee within the reach of all. I can send you asate,rnade in the best manner, withOom, bination Look and well fl0iehed in oyery re- epeot, for $40, on de- livery at your 'station. Send CItIBALL,o677r Craig St. P. 0. Box 946, Montreal, P. Q. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA. ( CURE FITS! When I say Gunn./ do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them re., turn again. I MEAN .A. RADICAL OURS. I have made the disease of TITS, EPILEPSY or Street, oared of 1 FALLING SICKNESS, Weakness and Lung Troub e : John Wood, 05 Cath- ABMlong study. 1 WARRANT my remedy to Dart St. oured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, OUnn the worst cases. Because others have used only 3 fifty-centbottles ; Mrs. J. Beal, 0 Augusta l failedisno reason for not now receiving acliro. St.,troubled for yearswith elrvNervous sPto t 60On. two 1 &$1. 38ndyatonceforatreatiseandBTRitnSOpTTLlt small bottles gave her g and Pos OfficeBIt cosi you a thingx torsi F. F. ALLEY & CO., Proprietor, —•-•—• i trial, and it will Cure you.Address Young from the effects _Men 4 Dr. H. G. ROOT. 37 `Yonge $t., Toronto, Ont the SUFFERING eeu t of ignorance and folly, who yfind themsevil elves ----- weak, nervous and exhausted; aleoMIDDLE•AO0nand ' abuse or Oi•,D a or who ore broken down from tide efetd of H R E A D M A K ER' H_ YEAST over -work and in advanced lite foal the consequences of youthfulextess, Bend for and read ors 3h V. Lubon's Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The ALWAYS YS HEAD•• i book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of BREAD made with this Yeast took fit st prizes int 132 Township and County Fairs in Ontario in a837, at such place& as I+ leshc rton, lllllarldiam,`whit= by, etc. Over ro,eoolndieshava sent us letters and postal cable to say that it is superior to any yeast over used by them. It makes the lightest, whitest, sweetest and most wholesome bread, burls, rolls and bucks wheateakes. DireetionsIn Malt PARTIES wishing to Mitcham) improved Manitoba Terms, from Senores upwards, with immediate possession, call 01 write to O. I. MAILI,SON, M6• Arthur's Rlook, Main et., Winnipeg, information furnished free of ohatge, and settlers assisted in making eeloot[an. Motear To LOA:t at entrant rates 01 littered, two8, et•mpps. Address Mo, v, LUBON, Wallington St. E., Toronto, Ont. Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Specific has been need for the past fifteen years, with greet success, in the treatment, of Nervous Debility, Sud all diseases arising from ex, , cam, ovar•worked brain, lose of vitality, ringing in the ears, palpitation, cto. Tor sale by all druggiete. Price 01 per box, or 6 boxes for $5, or will be sent by i packagewith final mail on reoelpt of price Pamphlet on application. TAKE NO „�„ THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., CCoronbo. EOM CEN1ra The Perieetion or llnown Food. Johnston's Fluid. Ileerhas a WideFlold Of *Usefulness. To 'Children it 06. cures a strong, muscular development. To Nntsing Mothers it is a meet valuable food. Ili aperttes receive great bandit front it because it eau be di,rratOd by the weakett stomach. In cases of 1+hysLCftt l.'rchanstioxi or Mental Over.Strain it will be when train ug, and to all it is The Great Stees with Giver benefit