HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-06-01, Page 510'11014 • :•2.• "r: `•":" ".• ' '11! "-IrresIggr•SCIPIrit . „ I Voll.:1;!., t‘ .} • ".` , t. • ot.i..tty.. s • r 't • c ' . -: t • et. t it .7.01: ....V.: CI 'O. 11;1 ,' • i"l. 1','0‘7 %-.•1 .. ( r1i., •0:•-,t,,.„......-..t...4..4....i *1 1(.0I •• . . .1 *44, . ,. - i - 4. . • ,' ''..",•,,.... ., ,!.,,, :i .',.. .., -.. ,.1 ,....,.. ,4 " 1 .' -.; .. , • • .....-. ••110".1 %:. : ! '...' '%, • • , • .1....,.: !'‘, '`.111. i .;,1'.' r ' ' • ' \ J A ,, . .N.:113.i :''.,17i. 1: N 1 ,i'.,11,11.1•Vtc.tilt '4', 1..10., ... ......i.t.l.d 1,, W.. . .. , ..... ., .., - . 11 Iv 3 lu.. ...... 111'4 \, ; 111 r.iii .1. ..'! . .. 01.,....*. 1,,,a140, CO::*L., X1,,,.".. L:44.14 &I.O.W., 1 " - •• **0 fe",), ..br We 1 171' 9Y. t' 11 • ."' ILE 17, flir"1.6...• " (1 'I t.;.' 3% n , ...vviowt...•....o.4 44 0 41: A 3444. w.:41 ,r ;:t133 1,141,;;!iy 4, •• •,; 1,5,!ZrA'.71 i 1i ur 0%444'0,1 4.11..N.I1.0,1 Vs+Pn 4 I 1.1 r,,o N I Pa,. 1J.04:0 ALT. 'II........ • . CIi.:,-: I. 7'..5.1 , 1 r: 1 ..__ ., o:*). 'V(• ty to Ztatic7.1. _.........,,... „.... ,..„..... .._. _ .........., .. ..... (1 -' P4X14.410 Ui roR,'..4. .'..i.:1).44.1.1.E. • --Or-- 6..19.4i. 3'4 at .Pririir. 1,finil ancl l'i!:(1,:;: 14r; iimr:y hi :I.i'Grazi)i',. 1 1 .',76' ,e,t'. 0,..,......;.&.:,, -,.....,„„• \ Xi' %.44. r) Oe r ("1 1 Ark op bazol, 1 .7 (-1 .P i ,,.., 1....1_:... __I _ ..... _ . ..,.... ---",-;-, "r,....,„, --t" riri-77-4 17, ,....,„,-, ... -......,-'4 4- ..i......t ....... "—'--' ?".,4.11 ... ''f .7.f. - . .1. r11 ,t1. , ".'.17;• ,-.1 , I ^I, ",),1; ;;, if,24074 t't ..Q.H..i. lid '''':;! (1;',-,;, ',k, iC.,--,'"1! ri").ii), ' iii,:.4.)) „,,,, 1. , 1 ,..) if .,_ , Tun 11.,?..10;'i:1 gq .1.1. 1 ILI 11:11311•27. tttot, .6:1 11: AJa h .Alvt1.14:1, U.11TilE 213t. tari , • . 1 Vo:n3, Vol. .‘ratinnao, tinsurpas x,1,03,r, tile following -• tliti Tho 11ain,t, 4,11A half 02 lot 17, o tIly line running ir:i 0.0 i 1.,A.:5,..4 W, ; 04, ',.;(11,300:..11, I' 011Tii..1 ti il;PA 0-010, 11, VO,110. 1.110 0: 11 4.1 ; ,f,..i , ,o,y ,. 1 i lo tt of'? or.v..s O0"4. The may 11110 raaning . lam gli to 1". oirrii nvi' On 'Pa 001t0 r... % ;kW. 01011.1 1C0,4! at2nin. Frinne bottle ; 0wil 110: .. Yawn.: 1,t11n ; vo-nl o1e1044.1 ; matt er1:04, uucil md 2.,To clto.usu of tlottatt 01 tranafer all Vt4e101.14 1111111.st • P:111t,.,; 140 (4. t 1) of ib good 10 4. to. woo.t huio... ,.7r11, .P. loaf s trosi St. liultons, 1441,a Progenwwit,bmago al 1 emiats vr aboot 6innee f,.mit 144 '1' tot tile il, T. It., in the MI pilot* with the -6..4'401 ot 42, 1001;1; of 0. 1.,.0:, W.:il .5...t,u1.1.1cuu.I.try..fif,r04tA lixt.titF,44101: :31:44.1.141n, P.1.0el11.; 2.--3.0t. 1,1, 14 4110 34,.11, conctowilon , \'','N.;2..,10 a.onoyatiee 04 th,.. 3 9nd,r. WU,W,tu.,s.1,,..0 more 04 1.e.3, 1011 elm. 104m, ,. . 1 rl -13 ' Ab„,1 ‚4.14 at r.”.; 1.*, 10,1110; f nono barn; •;.1ttp.u,,, ryy r, ., ,,, io „a LI; puuyk, W.:II, 4re...:1 led., &;0. `11113 3300 ailjolus tli,it '4 .t '.''''.4).V.,' 1,..., tIesztrility.1 in 1;,•,;:.•*:.1 1. '14, in 14404l" 1°nn,.,„ ,'" WI th throntfti frollitt , :RI sto04; r; t..1 wi;; Le 1.0110trA• "wealt tlarine: the St tie, iini.it o, wiiiieoi.iii-• a't Ittottuli tO" titusT7t 1‘.4 NEW P A.TTE RN '3, EW siiADEF.,% riucEs TO SU3T. ENERYBODY. Call and. see thota. . 414.463 041 own oyamee To2On- tt,utinti tIimal;11 to ILOTE THE - 'FINEST 3 cont. f,t Daiwa, 100 neuos,.tuorant; . : • y Irt) 14 2 it. 01 ,„/ Mont, 15 alas aleaeoll, lloqiina m hue.i. 0, I r4K.1 WW1 u. T. -it. m.,..t• 1.1:ce, 1';',1 .i...t.:) 1'1A 01110.0u. catxua Uf St. 0...3%•tiA. County of .I.Ioron, ilt tato, r-cZ 1 11,31,U in mind t1110 lin ry4(3411%4't10 to ba T.A...d f..., 3 A 4(3411%4't10 tots 1.4 only it!. totis.ts fu ,in 1,tai.:110•4' station, :to 1.4.T.V. l'Aat a', 4,-.1.ot,11 anti 41, ona attt,t nail ot lot 41.. gontl latol , c,r meo u : ttfOtt Oo. nwi .AipJobooo. t:in„t,l. ,.a.1.,_..-1 1 n-oY. tw 3 ,;r14 . ttno ., 3r•„ uo i:4to h0l:i ,' l, tootnslvinor , e C 11. ., t3\ ••1Uu1i1 vrl riy611. RV VE' r- a z flilvery lw 44134413,4', bo114'1t4,2111theryloolt noroomono,inthroeitoilthetrnnhetnioofsa, a antoty1n613010)V.Si;0ittVIX1t frei3VaM314414i1l.34u 'rr -01r F.1 STOCK To be seen n town. In T l FULL LINE OF 1 I IL&EE hailI.ce.ala e h o . `; t .i.w. A e . hforotho 1110.0b,t amount0itib 16,11 /tnrY CI 0 $3PECiLT 0'4i' °Vero e? .AGO IFEES b oLTtcniTt o,h il la un.is rotIitt iae ,wit,i:4t1w.o:4 j .troe p r. eo teIoniai..,wo kao.o ,h •:ua ptta0bm0 0enh! olslt' tetb3 oiaaor mo t a trtr,o t i t :a tt.o .1,f t E: r atbieaill tiItlin(Zero;l'(4)11414440notto baAND 315 b0 0 resarve ;IJni11NDTRTp xx fur as C r t 12 anvof thtiabiO propouio1Ma4104‚4)411404yMol,,1v; mid in nhOyo, they 1pot p la rilitSMN TIKtal, ‚414 44414014 01.i'utA at e nes -iez n7erm 0 3 ; i1o',r tt szie.a t it. I . l :8 11 .A G .1 131e.l -I t C A 1 , s Par fu -'44510r portfolioply to JohPtirvi, ea 01 No*sot of the 4 „ Ano ‚440661', 33o "41)041 P. i)., Thos. Todd, Exaoor,. 7 Vol001 t)0 4.4110101441 (44.11 T:FROMRLIABLE $4lAIT11,B, For all Information, raa taa t 11044001Company, or apply to o.'1. It., Wittglato, .T'in't , 1.63. willerieh, Ont. r Towiza, Tow •• .,'• . .................... r , .. . . . • . . . .;....,. .......... ..i. . .......... . ......... ,§4.0:41all'21,;(u.u.11.4: e.i,1 ; ill 444, A (al - 4.•4,1i el - I4} ', .. ct • ,S (20- . -.05P .st 17 a 'V Wi. it .". -, it '44 ickt44 gt i litIA el. 9! ', 'V. Z., CrQ1,,, ,Y.4t Pt, V44.701 si • . I '1'.. 0 1 4:4 ° !.;:.,1 B 1.1 0 1. _ Arl„ , DEALER'S. .V."1 .1") TD NOY. ....run t a ex, ...M.......uratsmodestineraxram. ••••••• • . • ... a.. .............................. . A . • . • ............. • ........ •• . ..... ......... A. L. COa plW the Highest Marl:cob Pviee iu Clash or Trsile for 00,000 lhg. of Goorl (Neon Fleece Wont at the Wroxeter Woolleit Mills, tack AND (1,111A.T VAILIETY'OF 7%4 nail; Lilt it Having again. op enr‘d . . effort for your satisfaction the best,style. 1 keep a g eef44 Pork -EivErt ut a shop in Wingl am, I am making every I buy the best avt ilable and handle it in • od supply of choice • . i Mutton, Lam.b, ecc. aING SEASO ABLE, SUPE111011 7: S 11110* lalutketg, abadiaGg, op ALL KINDS AND COLORS TO GHQOSE FRO11. • Custom Spinningancl Carding done and Satisfaction Guaranteed, at Moderate. Prins, • Specialty. this year kin. TWEEDS 01:11' own make in great valuc.:, and splendid style. Second annual wool competition. Prizes offered. for (I) best fleece long wool, (2) best fleece fine wool, (3) heaviest fleece, cleanness con- sidered. Competition fro to all customers. tr* DY • Iftsfr-r,,,tmc natant, e fl TO OBE C9 0 1,K7.. 7r71 T 131;1 1,7* ,c.lEi GOODS! a 1'707') 1-7177 41:4 Tlas great pleasure in calling the attention of the ladies to hit stock of •• „EL:7.14 0 0 t-, ;43 O 101, PI" ILI 0 ;4, ldei led), .0 1: fl ".‘ •„." +rrops • 3 Jet r4. 0 S Vitt slins, • .V..• - no,1 y Carpets, Oil, Cloths, Curtains, — thm Reapeal &lulu M. E.I. Lac Esc. Shop closed at 7 o'clock after Monday, May 21st. 151111) LtIN PA' Dig --I3U6INESS BOOMING. BRISELY, AT-- TVIC a 0 132111OK. t'li•Z • tek rt:1 C 04,) S. D 170 01,\TI1 WTOPM, THE LEADING 3.100T AND SHOE EMPORIUM OF , A.6 1'0 QUALITY, VARIETY AND CHEAPNESS. LA.DIES' FRENCII KID, $2.75 up. - MEN'S FINE BALS„ LADIES' FINE POLISTI CALF, $1.50'up. MEN'S COARSE SHOES, $1.00 up.., CARPET SLIPPERS, 30c., 35c., 00. Ordered Work a Specialty. HELLO HELLO 1 1 HELLO 1 1 1: Where are you going iu snob. a Hurry 3 WHY ? I am going to get a supply of material for house cleaning,. aw . goini to clean house right away 1 and 1 am going down to NICEEL'S OLD STAND. With excellent facilities, a pod supply of first class material and capable workmen, we feel competent to turn out work equal to that of any establishment in the County. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND ROAD CARTS. We build all our own tops, Everything guaranteed. A first-class painter. Look into our VVarerooras on Victoria and Scott 5 s. DORE 86 COOX. • -,‘*-2-""-21,_"1222.177^7,•rnr•"rm!`"'"2.._„.t7..-—•'"."-.1.2"---72=7.2'""''''''rn`"^-*"*"""'"'"—,-------------,... Large stock of Fine Tweeds, Flannels, Overcoatings, etc., at bottom prices. A. L. GIBSON, vtrneter wocoon. ion% 1 0 THE PUBLIC. The patirena,p accorded me for the past eiat van: iS gratefully acknowledgf,ed. I shall be r to the publi(....„...=12:12:2,L_____Ients in• the matter of DEEF, NraTTON, VEAL, SZO, EVERYTHING EASON, Of tho best uality procurable tVriel 3- GF a very superior ancl unequalled style. 4••..uratImusokyuk..0.41...e...0atroo.ummotamouuriumuniwuout.sorar4S .1111*3JD OPPOSITg TAB POST OFFICII III.ISIGS110N- & SON'S For some A STESTEN111. They sell it for 35c. A PACRAGE. You can! get, a good Brush too, just tui cheap. To telt the truth about the matter, you can get any kind of goods: usually kept in a first-class shop. They have got in a lot of foely. Bird Cages, Table Cutlery, Spoons, &c., Milk Cans, Creamers, Pails,: Milk Pans, Churns, Butter*Prints, Butter Bowls, Ladles, Stove, Scrub, and Shoe Brushes, Brooms, Chamber Pails, Toilet Sets, Agate Ware, Jointless Wooclenware, Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, Carpet Sweepers,. Sm. Don't forget the name and place, 1-11NOSTO: & SON'S, Wait, Walsh's Old Stand, Wingharo. ...Le::=2iiltef2frft t,tf::tronblo 30 show oods at the Ono rico Tin Shop, S.3 voimaxema• Latest CAA eacielet )00t ,!_:.7) a BEAUTIFUL LINE LATEST STYLES I— ]3 TS' —*SPLENDID vAitivry AND EXCELLENT VALUE IN— GENTS' SHIRTS, COLLARS, SILK CAPS, Sze, &c. Clered. Clothing, a Specialty, 41:W. W2BSTEA, • •