HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-06-01, Page 4wz''=
-4 atI 'I. ti-o: Cl-o o:.
I !a- 41 It,
,a,. tit.% trtl.. 1:,I.
it. lit,
1, a7i, ".7 1i 63
4� ea:i fit. I ta..- i 11 1 . a,.- 11riovIl.U0i -1 !t*j;. V;l 1, 4. Or ('17; •7". v a. Iir a." it.;• I I I
-.wv 6..vrt tiu. tnklv ,l, nt I -ria 10 1 1
[...`N iia IiALT 1XIX3TItY. I Vaal. rms to im-141 till I :Ift_ lis-10c)-tt )1114`.'� 1-.: k%;,;. .
'IT,14 1 1 - I I .. ; -as
IIV ..-11 .,04,4 ;W) ...e . " '
last rf-ph-, re. I 41:e% tit tela f' J'ri'vll 0-ill -111" . a. a-,, "!I I't is h.." i;'.1. A.t. At 5-'11 Z1,
!I,, them he "I'Vil A:t.A
'flCVA0PI4'Ias;llt Oi the it l:put
let 11-II'Lly alld. tat tils;Cp U .1 r IL
eA T
�,lttT it-utho ♦lluron tract. T%rclity.
I v. '1 0
speculation W1.18 rile. Ineauhn-s upain the other s,,Ilo t-f tilt- tl,lo Aincri--wi till
Wd, as tile Signd reinadw, 0.1pre, are 11--nee to, ridiv arount" Ilit-1 tar e trr, I-,-; r tudwfl t;, .4 ii: I-
to b.k seen ;6 inony derricks ill (Z if. a:
I tilit a pA;-V that h at a 1-.-, 7 T-. A. op11"It I
•Jh P i
y. tall
%voa rklia All•
miltlud $,tit blecks, nionullielits tit 4 i . it 1:11 1%.1,
it. Toworii e Jr!ui, r 01-t. i, i-. :i P;.'- 1'�L I . "
wat, 11ot ill Vali s f", $a"
or folly push or greed.
'CI-1 to I i
iii 21111 x1d viwillont v v
4A!3 thv;;�o anaiduted wltll tlillt surri—, vwney, vit-at. .ifl. v u.A4.r t"
I •If%* 1. $tit It
,;,fit) vlay reQ3rd it." in ine imfrostti -if 61v
1. W
corrat—tifthou-0i ilivy murt it-, .1,1 *'air V. llic�l t ht-
...... ilf iL LA1.1-IN.
oT)Pf).5lt(- to wilt
, f. -) sw
cah �t o;d••
abo, -2i- 'i F 's
aa•.Is phit it is ku ral its -St i4• If- tit k;ili.i t. to .3�. 1, I's 1 is,, I-
u'.,� re . ut � 0,100 worth. Th
ar-f 1; 1.4 ,1 vell to tiff,• Call". 'ila-
ill r! ill t
7pron, Druce and Lawl - this acrobatic movenient, th.t fawou.-n Ccinpitiny for it uwt!
Of L
-(1, t oill it 's i I -ul ill M.
vi:wprije Ontttrio'ii suline distric,, St, have !,f .1. im,
watei at
ti he yearly output is esti havo paes('d tnviv -!I w.r- I thin{; thf. ptir, N- i;- I
a i,
thhlil), to dwaliompnee hav luvir I to oft-r 13.11 CwW• �Allowii.g
Ivarroh or 1210,500,000poundv. (a do, • w i .1 Trait- A
,0 •0.". It i�1%11 IiE Irl" umiv Cit. i. i".."
Law, pra) r ill t.r
SIT th-It about one f)urth tit 1�, abliudaut llarysst- of ln,-t ventr the t f!G! I !!IV 1 �17 . .........
rad rnriv pan,.�r r: In IV It, isr
It is,
Isis is u1stle tit Godericb, rerresclit. 11iij sh(. ti"trile cl-plitt'(1 t1Jf.rt.f.V 1J.'j.4j Talk, •we ollrilul"b ult - .1"aw 1 A;,!s wd J10-1. wn 4.,V. It T
w-d r-oral ;.n: •.! of Gl."n-
s..,k PIvf-:F:!.
,11 lit-oil abolit 100 haildr. uf pilit-jr. Lot us n4(p0m, III! t"llis %fals 4" list Calms llf.vo Lxo'livi'mil N, st tl s
I auou!, been th_•. .41lege'! 4xnoto (.2 ihis vhnit.:�(. txl,till
04tim:i, Xvy 18-all !�V Cf. v.irrte,'t ra
dw cau-so o. the effall.-r., of
Zf,d in the trork-3 fil. the year n(Irl"t I
On Oelc,bpr 12-hay , R$87, a itwi 1 1 - I" L - I PAMUI-NAN AND
to Iler 'AlInst 'I xet'llwit M -I t.'l;v N-p't's it ;/), li . - , ... I 4ii,;3 V 1
a, is S
jvs! y ill zTf;
t(lustryis swet-l'yer;pPled by ("ouneii. Wes forw:11176ed liv tilt, %a aTsitnint. Ti•le onnil :1 Irt'l-liq ail
Y'Lo it tuld
2,1101511 competition and a Governiklent, throll"ll il,o ealv,di-ol
U o .teie", r;!;, I -I�l 1. 1. - , ,
Governinfut, req)ecting the disoli�-%-. to
._,rict•ed market, prices at one time 101111rcil, Liza A
� , . 1;I ", . :1 No.,ii's. larl %Ax it r Will)
ance of 11tinit4it Itailway Charts rs, I 1 1
.;raring NIL t. .,, lIL-,!-w!.i;,,-n: Dr. .1
u to 50 cents per barrel. 22tid, fit 9 a. fit., ev. D 0. :Ak"Dowt, 1 lit A, !I
liskin- for redress •froll; ilia 11ri-LiAi
presidive t 0. It'!
1a fiialtdr
g� After dvy.invmd txvr,+v. . a ri.-jill t, icti!)a,
1:�- is conceded that Reciprocity would Go,erc' . I .
nment. Tho C-onituittee of file!, .:I, I _____1_...___
k W 6 ft,eft, .11 •"eur• I:Ir ns
J. 6 oxia.
ojwn out an extoudod market lit the Privy Council of Canada appointed a I
2% ort bwestern States and 6 ve a great 8kill-committee, coilsisting of the 11on. wit() elloso fur his ll-"i-zfl . lilt .1'u. V, A 'I'll". nzr kn, !onets
Smith. Tile, likili'll
11 ....,
Tilos. While, Minister Of the Iraer;Or, 11--ibert i-i
ums to this valuali•
l industry. rvspouif,�Y, r
filld tbo I-Ion. J. S. D. "Illompsai., c1hit"ll Wall it is fatiler, Ivilf) is ill liK- -1 As
t,.It In..-ir malt
11 11i ghtfu ever, of R incardine, already . VV
01 - Ministerof Justim-,todraft a mparti. I 'A — it. IV. P. IPWM.11
-'esitts ilihie JI-os llet,41 'Nllzl�lv O,,t;*vtVt-!
40.000 barrels yearly to Armour to accompnily the in-enjorial of. the VI;.. ell,
,('11foreed" ou Life vitntm% o�,,aits,nvi
& Co., the great meat packers, of Manitoba Governniout to their Ex- 1%lt'liadio , tile';-"!,til It hlillt,l [10411-
dpail-letter statutc--s wisol-i lw -11loitmi at tile re-.�dt.fjce (It As'.s lldf� sty Re-it
Chi-a-.go, and he says by at frop trade celleut 2 ip. y in Council. A ptofitatole ewivensatia"ll book
This repart was to set forth tile
rol i liler4ley, Of V, U (;rjLvI4 I
4-y he could easily double his p4live oll the advautd-vs to I e der;% (.d . 'lluor
rpasol)s for tbeDoilihiion Government's Jac v
export at a slight advance in ontlay. it tilt Oc4aitioll Of tilt.
f hib danghtirr.
froill the attelidance of otic peopke tt,
policy respecting etisaHowatice ill Mani. tile clas-s' and souild nealls (if puac��. ill age (i
Unoer the direction of the Western toba. This report- is dateatl Tiros. 1.1, lriint-�man, of Suel-tsviti(!, bili.
"Illuill-Y Tblo Conference wits to
Dairymen's Association, in 1886, tests 4th, 1898. This was after the alitin- firmerly ctf Nvhii ham. Via- bride vati
contitine tile Fitiperaminatiou r-l-lations
wore made by Prof Robertson of the dant harvest was threshed aiid bohug 81.10 1 ..
I of 11 eve. J. L. R. Paul atid. Win, purted by hur sistv.., U.ill)
shipped. Tha inciplicity of tilt- if Ile art ;+ . Lad his brot."er, Wit wIli,
Ontario Agricultural College, and the Oanaffian L lit Is. Rvtv. J. Ketititstly requested L' "i"
to p4rfuriii it similar kervica for him.
Pacific Dailrnty 0oulpally 'coull;aeLdoa tube be
lit arrived at was that Cana- to f ')rward the great vield was Obvious. was r, lit to 'Itev. Dr. \Vard, of Vv ingliam, peiform-
dian, was preferable to English salt for Ind' tile Tilefilegical uul'uge at lliontreal I ti tism,
Indeed, thn hlockt�fle had nlreadv ml Lho illourestlog evrelu"Jil.), wiliell
. for another vear. 011 the followitv, I
clicesemaking purposes. _4, u oracial liglln. With these facts belfilro till. we'. PrIvaters.1-i 0:1111I.Lu% Puvis Ittijotv J-Aff'xpr
1:t 101litl two lovilt., bear's into 0:10 hater"a',
day- tat:, 13 It. nit. tke ];*--tuen fro!.tl th Inep:-Ily
are e .311lueruos Juld 00bt h 14111t X,:I
tejlz also showed that for buttel� malfjinc, Government as clearly as they t "Ne prcsonLi; wt-ra b. 0. 'HKAU.
to-day,what did the report. of tilt- sub- clifiereut eire;ii t% wt-r,- 1;rdsen t to repay fly. Thohul),,�Ircon "Autett oil the llclxti
L tilit-ir rt-sp et ti sc--it et... les .
purposes the Canadian salt was ranked i P Title �011- a tiny fair &reetbville'whielh t.
committee say ? Here*,X,(. th'i words A ht�y IMPUtt
6;ave the British. A nexiallat IF-ailds havet hei'll %ery Val- a
It is very gratify. of the report Tile sub comillittee ' .111 to laitleft their houla for tiff- foull.e.
I sustained inid art, hi tiowe rwie-, ill'
in to know, tbal, Canadian salt +f leads are unable to rocniummid that there I A.i.y good hick attend thein —Ove
M`1113e Of IIL',Zt 11-11r, 'tllp to'L. I.,killolivb. Opoloss.) bill) e V oil Is 1:sually oce. arl'i
tilti world for choese and butter. should 1!o tiff abandoninevit of the mised Oil . act foi- laiLibt-Nill-I bun-,
l i4olicy of Canada." That. is t' .,(. P�liev I I wlium:bt 'Vou'll, yeo,)10, too14 pl.tee lit U.wUllwAllaut t1w loist?)3lit IW't'l. ll,ioflf
inaLing," as the Signal has it. vent vr;,�i eG,S'.L9.5-5, wid fail! wiesluzzis, kxt! Ar. Ift-A wti, vnlrallfv r, t.
of disalloin. imp its asked by 'I'lailitoba. a Willi I'll'Fidinted of rwv. 11. i- sevaon, I 11-1,eteflte queell,411w.t"l, roll":
Rev. A. -PotWr relivest-Ilis I 11d) 4rool 0 a ill to 5 1) 1-1.
fter referring to the subsidit-r. grantedlilttre yv
ENTArX XTATTEP.S' A L I NVrPxU.(.r. paster of the ourl-ro'l-ati oft- I
I ;at.
Cie dWrict oil theStsuicting Coin mittee, urch'
to tile, C. 1". P. and paid by Citi whole es of Tumberry and 11 vwica, j;-tt 11"iit"Ars (It 1,4011 lit A.M.4a 1100!
Lawknow: *2rd wml 4j.1i n-0 Rd,
131=20wUnwo Question. country, t Rev. W. S. Bjr%v.si oil the 38abb,-.-h Oil tile 221ld inst., Aviii-n'bis danw. wit "I.
Mae be report goes Oft atil sars tp,
fl> - I
H ,4 C
i -chool Uoinwittee, and ;lir. 2N.
These generous subsidies havi,, boartn youn, �'Ifiss 11aliello -Gertrude Grey Miami,
(Continued from hist week.) voted under the conviction tl at the , Oil the slissiolltlqv coll-Illitt"o wits ullited ill the bonds of mittri nolly
Sir Char:es Tupper, in his speech 'I loved b-i Rev. A. seucindful I D IMMSTIty, J.& imi( ).;P.,
Provinces of 11 -114 by Mr. A. . Moirisou, I' that ow,,i;r to the Inerchan't, of r ant matonva, hpaunrall Stm
the Dominioll'ir I to Mr. NV. J. L,
-lotA ;Ile disallowance question, Pointed be vastly benefited' by the itietea%ed 'I Toronto. A largit, number of - the or
_, ;- §�,4 - Teeth " for P-1.
-cut, the advantages the western trade ae'itin of ilia Trwt4 t-r Counlint Afthi-hil atifil 14
members of Mr. '�rotteu's ehorch ;F Mv, .
tr,de wbian would flow down 11
And Plain Teeth, per qo+b, 94.04.
Prices 1;) 411 Other bralml
,,x, as the result of tbe developm'was prescilt to wittirss tile e ellitilly tr lo pr to$ (,f dellt*x-
Would be to the eastern provinces, by Lb, 9011 beloved Chairman, Rvv. D. C. �iiu a c r aillortion.
!VhiClI he ridois
fijreing the trade through these or of those Portions of tile Donlinion Dowell, will eeusr to be a triember of I AVUS PON"OrlDed by t b *vek','tAbI`i Val)- nallulnittratea for the hiless
r this Conforetteo, and nt-cessarily can oxtraot;nn of tctiia. no oilv s fe anesthetic low,,
and thus increasing their piosperity lying west of L,%ke Superior, and the rat�er, and to com,sat ulate her on the I ok-Flt; -, 111 t;Ic T'Vav;r P:111
4111d. 'e"rowdl. The Ron• gentlern' no lonfrer sustain iji:3 presunt ref-ttion- Block. Opposite, tile.
all unwiMn-tiless to fore-go these ailviin- C% I i3runswick hotel.
tat g hap
said Will the gentlemen trom New tales by permitting this great'Western Ebip as presiding officeii of this Dis- . py event. The i resents were
111111wrous -find costly, -whiell wool([ 01M CURRIE, Wixon.%if,
Brunswick turn around and say, not. trade to be diveroted to tile Uii;ted trict, therefore be it, res"!V41d that wr-, di'ate the esteem ill which file family
withstanding this, we are willing to States railways, for lChe advantagp' of the membert; off this distri6t meeting, I Was beld by tneir people, The young
.Aivert the traffic, which you cannot allow this semion to close a
have the commerce of a foreign country, couple left that evening, for a sojourn Orders left at Tnics, office promptly
Fhowa your determination shall be found its expres'sion at the last session without expressing our appreciation in the States for three or four weeks, 21.31"NS 11EASONADL4. 'ended to,
of the mature w6dom, 011ristiati
dignity and kindly enurtasy lie has de DEAN, A., WMAFAU,
traffic, intended to build tip of Parliament in the emphatic vote dift find are going to retil rn to their resi-
011,1111diatt lines of communication and of the House of Commons, in wl i manifestedwhilp presiding over this 'tee at 'Toronto at the . conclusion of R
Quiadian ports. We will turn our every province is represented, a'lnc;d" illeir trip. LIC=SED AUCT16NFEu pon TIZE COU.NTy-
bite-ks upon you and assist in diverting •which had just come fresh from R District, audit also expressing our ONE W110 WAS Tiir.=. or, 111*110,11,
that traffic to the siutb, so that it will general election, at esteem for him as a Christian and S:Llr.3 attended ill any part of iho Co. Cha mea
Mao to Chiewlto and St. ]?ant and to the " as which the question gentleman, and we do ever Pray that Moderate.
1 0 formed one of the leading sulljects of AnvicH To Morlmig.-areyon disturbed at right
soft fly another route 7 1 don't believe discussion. That vote, the sub-com. the blessing of Gott inay rost upon A nal broken of your rest by a nick child sufferin; land TAIIESHENDEPSM4,
Crying with pain of Cutting Tooth? If so seed At
milstee submit, must be reaarded not 131121 and -Mrs. AfuDowell aild thtNir on.,eand got a bottle of 1,Arta, 1,vInsIoNv-s Soothing LtcEl;snD Avarrio=Ert Pon Cous-rips Hunox ASD
This was a strong appeal to the only as tin endorsement of the policy estimable fatuity in their liew field of Syrup" fdr Children Teetbing. - It.3valucig haral.-ta. BRIC01S.
Ea-itern members to support the policy labor, and that peace find joy may axle. it will rolloic the poor little sufferor
of the Canadian Government in the butnediately. Depend upon it, mothers; thoro is no All limloo attended to Promptly and on the Shortest
dilsmlltiwance in Manitoba, not to past, but as a man(late crown their home and their hearts." inisrakeatioutit. it cures Dysentery and Diarrhea.%, Notice.,
to the Govern- Statuach And Bemis, cures Wind Colic, Chur.es 311oderato atial Hati8taction Guarantood.
benefit, as you will see, the 0. P. R., life Carried unanimously. Mr. UcDowell rest ""'It"s "'a I`
.)tt to colitinue that poti(-# ht thefut .1).e. noftialls tile Gunts. reduem 111flaillinatioll. and gives AH necessary arrangements call be uado e, the .
slow's soothinir Syrup " for children teething is IVINGUA31. 0x2,
laymen were appoin4ed to attend the pleasant to the taste and is the preaviiPtion of one of
1%ut to benefit the Eastern provinces, Under all these circumstances the sub made a feeling reply. -rhe foliowing tone ami energy to till-. v,-,xoia system. 1I.N'tLra. Will. TOtEs' office.
to whose welshers lie so eloquently comielittee believe that the wisdom and I I the oldest And best foinalle physicians and otirses Ili
.appealed. But Sir Obarlozf, determined, cOnAtitutiolial propriety of the policy annual Conference: J. 13richatian, F. I the United. states, and is for sale by all druggists; rORGE-MOKAY, Wingharn, Licensed Auctioneer
as lie always is, to put things strojigly, Fairbairn, W. G. kfazolwool, James, thronchont the world. Price twenty-five cents a G for the Counties of Yluron And hruce.
atlaao - on this subject will be fully race sized Braithwaite, W.Wifford, N.H Young,, battle. Be sure and ask for -xits. irissLows 4t inoderato rates 8alas will be conducted Ili Any
auothor appeal during the same by Her Majesty's Government to wilicit 800MINO SYRUP," and take no, other itind, portion ofthe copultio?,
•speech in the foliowillir words: & I the Government of Manitoba in their A. Morrison, Jos, Leech, tit Campbell, orders Can be left at the Tufra office.
.appeal to the independent Sentiments petition appeal." R. Riley, S. Pear, J. Byers and W * Ir ' C ALEDONI&I HALL,
,of members sitting Upon the opposite Herr. A motion thanking the friend,
of Brussels . for elitertaiii'lug the Dib This colutoodlous hmll
,ft last year by tba representatives tunnielluo of every kind at. a ver low ligare. For
-side of the House. I ask them to givP a P
Now it will be seen that the vote Candu Paul iakvq 711 he swxlra�d for enter-
discharge their duty, not to their of the people, fresh from a general tr'ct mectine, was carried unnuirnously. terals &c., Apply to
party, but to theirThe meetin,
country, in support- election, must be reversed this year. m., with the closed at 31.5 o'clock SAMES LOUTIT,
benedictionIng a l,y the 0hair- T T, as Olino 62 C6*9 store.
Polley which in this regard is The mandate of the People that
man. AM lam ki ri, Y3
'M q!
-esselitially a national policy—in stip. carried out last year, is broken this?
porting ' POliOS tilat is going to year without their consent or will. 01k HAMILTON
suaintain faith with the older prov. IR AW
INE W z :tT C4- IT 1Z
What was called wisdom and conatitti.
Walkerton beat Tee-swater at la.
inces—that is going, to realize to the tional propriety last year is considered crosses, at the county town, Olt Thur -
older provinces that the most intimate bythe selftiameGovernmont univisdom day last.—There was no demonstration
St0l'11119 EXPO'430'8 ui Drafts on Havi York
-.Qud Pasy and rapid communication xind impropriety this year, and their on the Queen's birthday.--Tho now Winn 0 $25.80)
shall be kept np between St. John subservient followers say, Anion. IM nd
driving park is nearly ready for occu- 'From any'station on t .130LIG11-17' AND sOLD.
.and Halifax, betwecil the provinces Of Sir John is reported to have said on pation. the 0-thall Pacific and
.x ov& Scotia, X6w Drullsuic`;, Prince one occasion that" He rvould not sire Grand Trunk itaiiwa��,,teoruy, And Wt!sb
Edward Island, Quebee and Ontario, & — W 0FPXP1J0VR#'10aui-to3p.tn. Saturdays, from
-;for any nian who would sup�ort 6th,qh & OtfiJu -,,1888
tuaknow. 10 a, in. to 1 p, in,
all tLe one hand, and the Northwest, him as
when Ili% was right, for any one Mr, G. A. Siddall succeeds Nly. D. Tiekets his?tto R'eturlatinc 'yor"88.
(in filte -other. There is not a mail to would do that, but he wanted a man, E. Cameron, recently appointed assi G IS Br-LIEV t. I W. CORBOULD, Afir=
-i�,bt or ant Provincial treasurer, in. the niall. 111wrn &
Whom I cannot confidently appeal oil to support him when he was I St- E
..such an occasion as this to stand by wrong." If the right bonoral�jo tt agerement of 0ainseron, a'
��6d '6 Retu
EG IS B r- LtI r:UV' C
'I' , _, 'k
L,S,: (11ill
as I
r I
V.6 whole country. Cam nd see . ir Yourselves — ----------
ill eman still holdr; this view of a, banking house.—Thero was a big tarn- That 'Wonderful Canadian Nairth.west, mo P11IVATr Dmxtyun&
Tlie6e wore ilii Charles Tavrilles eupporter's duty, lie must htivo been out at tile 21til celebration an lfM mant tiff excellent oroalf, stvar.,%mr sttiltibl
I'd tat81 1 Dertfig In Colonist Sleeping Cars teel.. Special: for -6 to .6 eows, to ttke the oreatia at towt. iroul ti,
VwLtintents last year. He noiv prop.jse." greatly deligghted by the magnifteenb various gardes and spoits were heartily Tits for land-seekers fr6in winnipol! weattvard
Thi,4 will be the only No.-tIl_WCst Biouralo - I 31111k and leave t;Ie. okin, tnilk Warn, joe fo�*r alalvi.,1
to diveit the trade Jin"o Ameriean - manner • in witich they ,�upported h;in indulged in and enjoyed, averything I season. Is of tile and at the &"Ile thug make the IiL�i,& ls;.t"r inti!
•channeIs. A illarlietfi. write for particulars to
'10 now PrONEX9 tO P1110w Oil the Uallitoba, disallowalicA question, PASsing off to the tonfiro satisfaction I rt or lull markets,
apply to 8, CLINIIP, & Soxs,
Jtho trade to -go by the way of Chicay The always TMA-lint,14h of the promoors any
of the atnusements-4 Agent of olio Coramny, Wiltv Fultmottrits.
Listoww" Oxy.