HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-06-28, Page 9Four Top Girl At letes Girl champions at the Hullett field day were, left 'to right, front, Dianne Gardner, SS 1, senior; June Dolmage, SS 3, inter- mediate; back, Shirley Riley, SS 1, junior and' Bonnie Snell, SS 10, juvenile, (Photo by Phillips) Honeymoon Filled' With ::Problems For USA Couple Mr. and Mrs. James Deckerty, Detroit, spent from Wednesday Until Sunday of their honeymoon at 'Mae Cedars". Bayfield had been recommended to them by friends, who formerly lived in Clin, ton. The groom had 'been through here when a small boy but other- wise it Was their first trip up this way. But their visit to Canada and Bayfield was enough to dampen their spirits, let alone their clothes, They had a loaf of bread and half a cooked ham with them A customs officer at the Rine Water Bridge confiscated the ham (are American cottagers not allowed to bring food with there for their own .use in Canadal) jpiump.orpoll, ti Growing Mashes For Chickens We carry MASTER Growing and Laying Mashes also Our Own Growing and Laying Mashes mixed in our oven. mill SALT for curing of hay Turkey and Hog Contracts — come and talk it over N. VVETTLAUFER GRAIN AND SEEDS 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN $1,925 2-1955 PONTIAC. POWERGLIDE SEDAN, fully equipped $2,095 1955 -CHEVROLET SEDAN, fully equipped $1,895 1954 CHEVROLET DELUXE Powerglide Sedan $1,650 1952 CHEVROLET Powerglide Convertible, fully equipped $1,495 1952 PLYMOUTH Sedan $ 995 1952 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN $1,095 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ............ 795 1956 PONTIAC -SEDAN, fully equipped ., $ 850 2-1948 PONTIACS $ 495 1948 CHEVROLET $ 495 1946 'BUICK COACH $ 295 TRUCKS 1952 CHEVROLET 1/2 TON PICK-UP $ 795 1952 INTERNATIONAL 1 TON Stake with rack $ 895 1950 DODGE 1/2 TON PANEL $ 250 1949 CHEVROLET 3/4 TON PICK-UP ...$ 295 Cars and Trucks can be Driven Away at the Prices Listed in this Advertisement. russets otors HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST USED CAR DEALER Brussels, Ontario Phone 73X STANIXY. TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mr ,s.' CheSter Kellam" and sons, Murray and Larry; Lon don, visited' with the latter's. pare ents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed men on Sunday. They were late in arriving in Bayfield and were ushered into the .village by a thunderstorm and a downpour of rain, It was a. "shower" which kept the yop$ bride, all in' white, and her hus,, band sitting in the ear for some- time before they could enter the cottage, Then it was too late to go shopping as they had planned, The outlook would have been, much more bleak had it not been for the kindness of a neighbour who let them have supplies, for breakfast. But despite this, they enjoyed their trip here, and the only regret -,was the -less of the four dollars which the groom bad, paid, for the ham. Minton Memorial Shop T. PRIME And SON ci,NTQH EXETER — swop* -- PHONE CLINTON KU 2-6606 — win up to .'; — OPEN EVERY DAY At other times contact Thomas Steep, phone Clinton HU 2-3869; residence, Shipley Street. Seaforth Lions Second CASH 12 Games at $50.00- Each 3 Skare-the;Wealth Games — Cards 25c or 5--for $1 JACKPOT sti'lriirEviarAr $1,000 • Cards $1.00 Each Seaforth Arena - Thursday July 5111 Doors open at 8 p.m, — Play starts 9 p.m. sharp Admission $1.00, which includes 12 games -Piabeeds shared between Lions pool, Arena and Sports S. Scrota' CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR For Service . Call HUnter 2-9653 After 6 p.m., HU 2-9769 4, BRUCEFIELD 'Miss Julie Munn, who spent last week with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. W. V.. Dinnin, left-on Monday to spend some holidays with her paternal grandmother, Mrs- Ed'. Munro, Iiensall. J.. W. ,Parsons, Winnipeg, Man., is visiting his cousin. Joseph Mc, Cully,in the village, Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Wightman; Belgrave visited her -•tather on Sunday.. , Decoration .Day Decoration Day service was held on Sunday-afternoon In Baird's Cemetery under the- auspices of Brucefield IOOF. Taking 'part were Rev, S. Davison, Rev, T. J. Pitt, John Broadfoot and Archie Mustard, Percy Campbell, gen- sail, gave the ritual, Garden Party Strawberries and stuffed ham will form the main dishes at the Garden Party to be held at Bruce- field Church, next Wednesday evening, July 5, from 6,30 to $ o'cloCk. . A good program is be- lug planned for those attending. resolution from Roseneath: Where- as the warble fly act is not coin- Ptilsory in any 'particular county, it is only compulsory in muni. cipalities; and whereas, . we are. just defeating the act and wasting- time' and money if we do. not rilakg it compulsory over the en- tire .county,. instead of a hit-and- miss bail's; Therefore: be it re,7 solved, that the Warble Fly Act. be Made compulsory over the .en- tire county. A motion that the secretary ad- vise Ralph Carbery 'that we de- sire to have • a delegate attend the Interprovincial Farm Union Con- ferende in Saskatoon in July, was carried. •A very' interesting and educa- tiona1 talk was given by Colin Lawson; Goderich Township farm- er, on the National Farm. Union in England. The next meeting will be held on July-,36. Goderich Township Among the Huron County Fruit Growers who enjoyed the bus trip last Tuesday to gent County were Robert Smith Fraser Stirling and son Gerald; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Middleton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton', Mr. and Mrs, Ray Wise and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middle- ton. If You're TIRED ALL THE E Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, tired-out, heavy-headed, and maybe bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. 'Then you feel better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at 'all druggists, You can depend on Dodd's. 52 BECAUSE YOUREONLY as SAFE AS YOUR TIRES... CHANGE TOSAFETYTODAY/ eiess Tires Arc Yoult clothes ready "to go places" at all tithes? We'll keep your favorites daisy-fresh and spotless ready to titrViv on at rt, Mom- ent's notice, Our dry eleaning service saves thrick work, fus- sing around with unreliable him-se cleaning fluids. Phone tts. for Your Convenience Use Our on King Street (formerly Simpsons-Sears) Down Town Office ilL 24064 CeiAl'°1/1-LAU N DRY CLEANERS '1..€7 ONE (Act DO 1T ALL" C',INTON SEE THE COMPLETE LINE *NYLON-PLUS LIFE-SAVER * LIFE-SAVER * SAFETYLINER * IRAILMAKER * SAFETY-S The B. F.,000tirich LIFE-SAVER The self-sealing tubeless tire that protects against punctures, blowouts and dangerous skids.' l elk TOP TRADE--IN Valve t':,, • C ill" South End Cities Service Htt 2.7055 Clinton VARNA Wedding bells are 'ringing every week in this community. , , George Johnston returned home last week from Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. The Vacation Bible School of the Variia United ChUrch opens on Monday, July 2 at 9 a.m, A large number, froth here have been attending the Crusade for Christ at Zurich which will con- tinue till July 1. Farm Union A regular Meeting of the Varna Local of the Ontario Farmers' Union was held on June 25, in the Orange Hall, Varna. The secretary will inform the head office of the OFU that the Varna Loe41 will support the ome's a happier place when Coke is there Give them the real thing--There's more fun for your family when you bring out lee-cold Coca-Cola, .TI-WRSDAY, JUNE 28, 1956 crol.STQN.' Nrws,pscopp The home of Mr. and Mrs. Char- gathering dispersed. Earlier in the evening Mr, and Mrs. Reid had .entertained Mr, .and Mrs. Blake to .dinner at which 1V1r, and Mrs. George Reid, Stan- ley.ToWnsbli), parents of Mr.. 11,eia, were also guests,: A lovely anniversary . cake, suitably decor, ated, centered the table, The large assemblage of guests also received a piece of cake at the luncheon held later in the even. ipg, • Mr., and. Mrs. plaite were mar,. tied 25 years ago at the Egmond- ville parsonage by the Rev, Mr,: Malcolm. Following their honey- moon they .,took up residence at their present home, Mrs, Blake was the - former Blanche Iona'. Wallace, daughter elf Mrs. Alex Wallace,,and the late Mr. • Wallace, of Seaforth. Mr.. Blake is the son of the late lYfr, and Mrs, Robert Blake, of Col- borne Township, They have one daughters Mrs. .Charles (Bernice). Reid, of Stanley Township, at Whose home. the event was held, one son, Gerald, of the Maitla.nd concession of Colborne, and three grandchildren, Coke puts you at your sparkling hest--Now leanback ....let Coke • do the rest, That bright little lift is the werld's best rowArd. Counting All `EmplOyableS For the first time. since World War I Canada is counting the nuniber (A peo- ple. insured by the Unemploy- ment Insurance Commission, It expected that almost 4,000,00() employees will be listed, when complete revis- ions are taken .into account. Right now the Commission has $,OQQ,000. listed, but manly ,of them are no longer in in- sured employment, For more family fun,. bring home the Coke Standard Size 6 Bottlet 36 Pt1.0 DEPO$11 ESO '0 LIMITED ' Ontario Colborne Townshii) Couple Celebrate Their Silver Wedding Day At Varna les Reid, Varna, was the scene of happy family gathering on Saturday night, .Tune 23, when re- latives gathered to honour Mn land IVIrs, Orville Blake, iVfaitiand cession of Colborne Township, on the occasion of their 25th wed- ding anniversary, About 50 re- latives were present, Mrs, Reid is a daughter, of Mr. and, Mrs. Blake, During the early part of the evening crokinole, bingo and cards Were enjoyed by the large assent- Wage with suitable prizes being awarded the winners. ' This was followed by honour- ing Mr. and Mrs, Blake by pre- -enting a, beautiful chest of silver and a silver meat fork. Mrs, Alex Wallace, Seafortb, made the presentation, and tbe'address was read. by Mrs. Kenneth Whitmore, Blyth, Mr. Blake replied suitablyt. on behalf of his wife, thanking all for their kindly expressions bf and goodwill, Diboll was, served and a brief 'time spent socially before the that great taste of Coke Nothing like it —You'll And real refreshment in oca-Cola, Even the bubbles taste betterl Auti;1;riirod bailor Cord-CO, • stiriiratt with Coto-t614 Ud Stt Ph's:me YS Cot*' oolitititO ipia6464itit t.S4 102X