HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-06-28, Page 7° 3U i.S•DAY, -JUNE 28, 1 56 i J 4`/,J.j/I.`,1 NEvv.7-,FF cogp CLAss.rr'IED Toms 'Es AASH RATE. (if paid by the 'Wednesday following publicee 'tion) Two cants per word, -mini/man 59 cents, 11/2 -cents a Word for each following ►neer-- 'Von, minimwn 86 epats, BOX NUMBER --1$e extra,,. • " BIRTHS, MARRIAGES and •DEATHS ---no charge, ENGAGEMENTS, CARDS OF THANKS Ata IN MEMORIAMS --Two cents per word, minimum • 50 cents, CHARGED---15cents extra, IIIEADI.ITE•-12 .o'clock noon, 'Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION: for RENT ovROOMTMET,al"cnert , Phone :-9561, 26b SMALL, FURNISHED, DOWN- stairs OWN- sta p, apartment. Phone �6> , ACCOMMODATION for Roomers ',or boarders. Mrs', Alex McMichael, :Phone Hu. 2-9376, 26-7-b 'THREE ROOM\ FURNISHED apartment. Heated. In Clinton, •on Huron Street, Jack Elliott26 -FURNISHED APARTMENT — share bath. Mile and a half from l C1in.ton. Phone HU, 2-9904. 26tfb 2 R O O M APARTMENT ON Albert Street. Newly decorated. Share bathroom. Phone HUnter 2-9641. 26-b .13ED SITTING ROOM and Kitch- cenette. Well furnished, heated. Reasonable rent. L. G. Winter. ',Phone HTJ. 2-6692. 261) 2 FURNISHED APTS. TO RENT, ;Centrally located. Phone Clinton HU 2-9682 or Hensall 105 (in af- ;ternoon). 21 -tib ZIJRNISHED APARTMENT -- three rooms with shower bath. :Reasonable rent. Call HU. 2-9870 •evenings. Joe McCully, Brucefield. 26p :APARTMENT, completely furn- -"sshed, with Servel refrigerator sand oil burner. Mrs. Ruth Mc- Bride, phone Clinton HU 2-9145. 26-7-b 'COMFORTABLY FURNISHED, 'steam . heated, well located, three. Tom apartmnent for couple. Avail - /able now. Dial HU. 2-9728. 25-tfb :LARGE BRICK, -Country House, hydro, telephone, water on tap. '?Bight miles from Clinton. $25 a month. Aaron Fisher, RR 2, Clin- 'ton, phone Carlow 167. 22p-tfb APARTMENT, HEATED, furn- ished or unfurnished. Hot Wat- •er, bathroom and kitchen. Apply oto 82 Wellesley Street or phone 288 Goderich after six. 21-tfb 'SELF CONTAINED ONE BED- Croom heated apartment, laundry ' acilities. Immediate possession. Apply Jim Bisset, 103 St. George's 'Crescent, phone Goderich 10P. 14tfb :SUMMER aorrrA.GE, 11/2 MILES -south of Bayfield. Three bedrooms. :Inside plumbing. Good beach. ,Available from July 1 to August 4 and August 18 to September 3. Phone HU. 2-9218. 25-6-b `FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, un- furnished. Ground floor. Sep- arate entrance and bathroom. available July 1. E. 3. ,Welsh, ''Victoria St., phone HU. 2-9085. 25-6-p ;APARTMENT TO RENT—Street 'floor, three rooms, newly dec- uorated. Separate entrance. At '116 Elgin Ave, W,, Goderich, tlohone Goderich 534. 25-6-b t W Accommodation Wanted "WANTED TO RENT: FIVE OR mix room house unfurnished, mod- hern. Phone HU. 2-9272. 23tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE :BABY CARRIAGE. Springtime model. Used only 3 months, Phone IU. 2-3476. 26b 'TWO GIRLS' 'BICYCLES; also 1 aman's bicycle. These are Dutch bikes. Extra tires. Priced $25 teach, Inquire at News -Record •office. 25-6-p -AXMINSTER RUG, 9401/2 feet. good condition, 'Also girl's suit (Size 12-14, waist 24"). May be :seen by appointment. • Phone HU. '2.9610. :26b 21" VISIONAIRE TELEVISION, mahogany cabinet,, like :new, rea- sonable; child's. crib with spring- Tilled mattress; small -boy's tri- cycle. Phone HU. 2-7485, • 26b TV FIT FOR A "RING" -- We Rent —Move — Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna, All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, .phone Goderich 1344M, 6tfb ARTICLES WANTED 'SMALL CAR IN GOOD CON- alition, reasonable., Phone HU. '2.6637, `25=6-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1.954 CHEVROLET SEDAN, with radio, for sale. $1,300. Owner going overseas:.. "21 inch Television set, 1954 floor model, '$175, 29 Regina Road, RCAF Station Clin- ton. Phoney HU, 2-9868. 25-6tp BUSINESS OPP'ORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. 'Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton HU 2-6692. , 13-tfb CUSTOM WORK 'WEED SPRAYING—rates reaaot able, Spring grain should be 'spray- •ed' 'before 8 inched high. Apply 'Lloyd Medd, Phone nu. 2-9836. °`24-5-.6:b 'iL,ECPRIC MOTOrts, '.rewound and repaired. 'Dome and Auto rad- ioe and appliances repaired. Art 'i.eVett, Isaac Street, .et 'Dtttt`1bli, 1'heee..Clinton HLT, 2.6640, BOARD AND 'ROOM BABY CHICKS PULLETS, DAYOLD, aTAR,TgD, AIs'o .Chicles, from Kitchener Big -4 Hatchery, Also Pilch White Rocks for your broiler markets. Let is quote you summer 'prices, Agent: Charles Scott, Auburn, ,phone Bl ::h 43r23. 26b FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate, Phone Clinton .HU 26692, Low down payments, 33-tfb MANY GOOD BARaVLS, ,Large and Small, in Huron County. Homes in Goderich and cottages along Lake. Huron. Real Estate is our business. Buying or selling. Con- tact Jolrn Bosveld, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, Gode- rich, phone Goderich 1108. ' 22-tfb FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale MASSEY-HARRIS HAY Loader,. Good condition, Phone Hunter 2-7574. Joseph Clegg, 26p NEW IDEA SIDE RAKE. Frac- tically new. William Sparks, Hayfield. Phone Bayfield 58r32. 26p INTERNATIONAL Hay Loader; set of 13issel 14 -plate tractor discs; two -furrow Fleury tractor plow. Fred Reid, phone HU. 2-9005. 26p NEW IDEA and NEW HOLLAND faun machinery; haying equip- ment, etc. See your Ferguson dealer, George Wraith, Goderich. Phone Goderich.'. 1285;" residence, 792J3," 26-7-b TWO RECONDITIONED GtEHL Forage Harvesters, complete with blowers. Use the modern~ easy way to take in your hay crop, See John Addington, Varna, phone Clinton HU. 2-3380. 25-6-b Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Piiekett, phone Clinton HU 2-7029. 15-6-7-p-tbf FURNITURE FOR SALE BEDROOM SUITE; RUG 9'x12'; garden hose; Quebec heater; chrome folding table. Phone HU. 2-9138 afer six, 26p HELP WANTED=FEMALE WAITRESS.`FULL TIME. Apply at Pinger's Restaurant. Phone HU. 2-9656.. 26b FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Five- day week, 55c per hour to start. If able to maintain production, 75c per hour. Phone Clinton HU„2-7064 or apply in person, preferably, to A. Garon, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. 14-tfb EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPH- er, excellent working conditions. Good starting salary. Write, giv- ing full particulars of exper- ience to Personnel Manager, Box 670, Goderich. 25-6-b LADIES WANTED TO DEIVION- strate exclusive product in CIin- ton and, surrounding district. Must be neat ,in appearance. Part time work with high com- missions. Fore further particulars write Box 250, Clinton News - Record.. —.� 25-6-b • Departmeint of National Defence CLINTON, ONTARIO Requires STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS• Applications Invited From High School Graduates 'Salary up to $190 for typists and up to $220 for,Stenog- raphers based on education and. experience. Three weeks vacation and sick leave with, pay. Hospital and Medical Plans available. Applicationforms obtainable at National Employment Of- fices. and Post Offices are to ” be filed immediately with: Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Ave, E,, Toronto Please quote Competition No. 56-T-967 HELP WANTED—Male or Female OFFICE CLERKS Department ,of National Defence (Air) at Clinton, Ontario. CLERKS, $1620 - $2070 CLERKS, 2A—$1950 $2550 For further particulars see post- ers displayed at Post Offices and Offices of the National Employ- ment Service. Application forms, obtainable thereat, should be filed with the Civil Service Commission, 25 St, Clair Ave., E„ Toronto 7, Ontario, NOT LATER THAN JULY 9, 1956 Please quote competition num- ber 56-T955 for Clerks, I. Please quote competitionnum- ber 56-T956 for Clerks, 2A. 26-b HELP WANTED PRACTICAL NURSE, Day Duty..' Permanent. Riverside Rest Tome, Mitchell. Phone 69. 25'6-7"p CFORSA LIVESTOCK SALE 11 PIGS, ',Excer WEEKS OLD. 2 p1�ply to Wes Iloggart, Phone 26 ST-IOR,T11OPN COW, 5 years old. Due to freshen. Good Milker, Also two registered Shorthorn: bulls, top quality. Frank Filleoner„Inial. Ht-. 2.9128, •26p TwO P,M18 ED' HOLSTEIN Cow's, riVO and seven yearn bled, Due to freshen irhm.ediatelY Herd HAY FOR SALE FIELD OF STANDING HAY for sale. Apply A. Stryker, R13. 1, Brucefield, phone'I4id. 2-9847,26h LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD IiORS'ES AND dead cattle, Gilbert l3r(►s,. Mink Ranch, Goderich, Phone collect, 148$J1, or 1483J4 9ptfb ATTENTION J'ARMERSI Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides, Call collect Ed. Andrews; 851r11, Seaforth, Associated with Darling and Co, of Canada, Ltd. 19tfb MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON, 45 Motor- cycle, motor just overhauled, in very good shape, Apply Stewart Broadfoot, phone HU. 2-9110, RR 5, Clinton, 26p MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- DRAIN TILE, all sizes. Order now, SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS. Phone Seaforth 740. Y 25to32-b FOR SALE-01011NT BRICKS, in stock at SEAFORTH CON- CRETE PRODUCTS: $35 per 1,000. Phone Seaforth 740. 25to32 •b MERCHANT'S DELIVERY. Com- plete pick-up and delivery :service anywhere in Clinton and district. Phone Clinton HU 2-6673. 23-tfb SANITARY SEWAGE ' DISPOSAL Septic Tanks, Cess Pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with Sanitary equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. Louis Blake, RR No, 2, Brussels, phone 42r6 Brussels. 20-29-p BIRTHS A,UBSRTIN —• Tn Clinton Public Hospital, en Monday, June 25, e 1956, to CPI, and Mrs. Henry Aubertin, RCAF :Station Clin- ton, a son, DOER—In Clinton Public ' Hos- pital, on Monday, June 18, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Doer; Auburn, a daughter. HEDDEN -- In St. Catherines General Hospital, on Sunday, June 24, 1956, to Mr•. and Mrs. Robert Redden, St, Catherines, a son (Michael Dean), brother for Robin, great grandson for Mrs, Catherine Redden, Hensall. MALKINSON—In Clinton Public • .Hospital, on Monday, June 25, 1956 to Cpl, and Mrs, Heneer Maikinson, Clinton; a daughter, MILLER -In Clintpn Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, June 26, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs, Keith Miller, RR 2, Bayfield, a daughter. MURPHY In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, June 22, 1956, to Cpl. and Mrs, .Joseph Murphy, RR 1. Blyth, a daughter. RATHWELL— In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, June 15, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Rathwell, RR 3, Clinton, a dau- ghter (Beth Wilma). RATI-IWEI L. In° 'Dresden Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, June 20, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rathwell (nee Marion Taylor) Auburn, a son. SCOTT—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, June 26, 1956, to LAC and Mrs, John R, Scott, Clinton, a daughter. Two Car Mishaps; No One Injured. Two accidents in which cars were rolled over in this area, fortunately did not result in injury to any persons this week, On Saturday morning a car COME TO JOHNNIE'S PLACE' driven!by Harvey McGee, RR 4, 192 East Street Goderich. We I Goderich', struck the rear of a car have all kinds of used furniture driven by Edwin Baynes, RCAF at reasonable prices. Bicycles, Station Clinton. The Baynes car electric washers, hot plates, lawn mowers; china of all kinds!” Other articles too numerous to mention. Phone Goderich 1249, 25-6-7-p SIDEWALKS and PATIOS—The modern manner is to pave with flagstones. In a choice of 49 dif= ferent sizes and colors; Seaforth concrete flagstones can be laid in designs that add beauty • to your home surroundings. Seaforth con- crete flagstones are manufactured and vibrated in a manner that makes thein waterproof and stronger than other makes. They are guaranteed for five years. Made only by SEAFORTH CON- CRETE PRODUCTS. C 11 for free estimates. Phone Seaforth 740. 25to32-b NOTICE OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTSI, not settled by July 15, will be handed in for collection. T. R. Thompson. 25-6p ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Lots 41 and 51, both sides of the river, Tuckersmith Township, at ANYTIME hereafter will be prosecuted. By order of the own- er.—A. wn- er: A. E. PARRY. 25to30p WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, Mem- bers of the Staff of the "Huron County Home", hereby announce we take exception to statements recently published concerning rela- tions between Management and Staff, There has been no dissen- tion or dissatisfaction between our Superintendent and the undersign- ed, We wish at this tune to ex- press our appreciation to Mrs. Pocock, for her fair administra- tion. (Signed) C. Kestle, Mrs. J. Paterson, P. Coldwell, E. Black, C. Coultis, M. Kestle, T. Koldyk, S. Dros•t, S. Wilts, Mrs. M. Hicks, A. Gradanes, Mr. Harvey, Mrs. Har- vey, Mrs. Murray. Clinton, On- tario, June 25, 1956. 26p PIANOS FOR SALE UPRIGHT PIANO, APPLY TO P.O. Box 136, Blyth, Ontario. 26-p UPRIGHT PIANO. In excellent condition. $135. $25 down de- livers. Phone HU. 2-3232. 26b PROPERTY FOR SALE SUMMER COTTAGE 16'x24'; can be moved. Excellent buy. Ross Middleton, RR 2, Bayfield, phone I4U. 2-9136. 25-6-b 1 STOREY CENTRAL Mortgage house, small down payment, monthly payment, $28. Early possession. Apply 140 James St. 25-6-p NEWLY DECORATED, Comfort- able home. Water, hydro, phone. Large Garden. Reasonable. Ln - mediate possession if desired. Ap- ply Clinton News -Record, Box 260. 26b POULTRY FOR SALE 450 RED ROCK PULLETS, FIVE months old. Don Kennedy, Lon- deaboro,. RR. 1. 26-b SEED FOR SALE BUCKWHEAT, limited quantity, suitable for seed, Roy Tyndall, phone HU, 2-9928, 26b STOVES FOR SALE TWO CHROOVTOLAX ELRMEN'v heavy duty rangette. Thermostat controlled oven and large full width storage drawer. Price $25. Dial HU. 2-9447. 25 - Wanted To Buy or Rent A FARM WfTtItN' 5 MILES OF Clinton, Please write Boat No, 261. Clinton News -Record, 26-7-p THIS YEAR .. CUT YOUR HAY THE "ELLIOTT" WAY M. Elliott and Son "Custom ploy CUttit 1" lE*IIO11y'E: 11kt1, 2.34$4 ;PAGE SZITIglf 1401.11 lR A liT Tprawn Especially for Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce and Clinton News -Record by Ralph Tee, SOME HOUSE TO HOUSE SALESMEN SURE ARE NUISANCE, " LAST WEEK WHILE I WAS WORKING ONE OF TEM GOT IN TO MY CELLAR ON A SO-CALLED INSPECTION TOUR AND TORE MY STOVE APART. GOT A DEPOSIT FOR A NEW ONE, TOO' THEY TRIED THE SAME THING AT MY HOUSE TOO, BUT GREETED HIM AT THE DOOR AND TOLD . HIM THAT I COULD DO A LOT BETTER FROM MY LOCAL _DEALER HERE IN CLI NTOH ;;,.-; .��.C•'r{ MOST ITINERANT SALESMEN ARE HONEST, BUT CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL DEALER FIRST AND YOU'LL DO A LOT BETTER—.– NOTICE J. E. Longstaff Optometrist SEAFORTH CLINTON offices will be closed July 1-15 while on holidays. apparently careened into a ditch, Monday,Jul 16 in Clinton rolled over and' came to rest up- y side -down. Constable Morley Office ,Groves, Goderich OPP. detachment investigated this mishap which .oc- eurred on Highway 4, south of- town. ftowns On Tuesday evening, a car driv- en by George Currie, Albert Street Clinton (owned by Wilfred Don- aldson, Toronto) was proceeding north on Highway 4, between RCAF Station Clinton and the town, when at the top of the rise south of the Bayfield River bridge, the car left the road, on the west side, rolled and came to rest on its 'side. Damage to the car was estimated at. $700, and no one was hurt. REAL ESTATE K. W. (olquhoun Real Estate Broker SUBURBAN -- one storey two• bedroom, frame home, built 1953. Oil furnace, full basement. This property can be purchased ver' reasonable and mortgage can be arranged. THREE ACRE — property near Seaforth, 1% storey brick house, 24 x 30 barn, situated on highway, 1 mile to school, oil furnace, 3 -piece hath; , suitable for VLA mortgage. $6,500—EIGHT ROOM FRAME house, two blocks from Main St, 011 furnace. Separate three-room apartment now rented for $45 a month. Mortgage can be arranged. $7,000.00 -- 8 ROOM FRAME house, 3 -piece bath, 4 bedrooms, built in cupboards, coal furnace, economical to heat, garage, y/4 acre of land, extra building lot, Terms can be arranged, at reasonable in- terest rate. ONE STOREY — double house, each separate apartment has two bedrooms, living room, 3 -piece bath, priced reasonable. SIX CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, all in select residential area. - "Listings & Enquiries Invited" Phone HU. 2-9747 Royal Bank Building Clinton - Ontario - 16-b FOR SALE 11/2 STOREY DWELLING, 2 living rooms, den, dining room, modern kitchen, 1 bed room, with 2 piece bath down, 2 bed rooms and a- piece bath lip. Rot water heat- ing with stoker. Located near both schools on Rattenbury Street. ' ----o--- I STOREY 2 BEDROOM Central Mortgage, down payment $1,800, monthly payments $28.00. li/s STORE', 2 APARTMENT or single dwelling; living rootn, dining, modern kitchen, 2 bed rooms, four -piece bath down, hardwood floors. Living, modern kitchen with alining space, 1 bed room and fourpiece bath up. Air conditioned. Oil heating. Un- finished playroom in baseinept. Owner moving to Toronto. Must be seen to be appreciated. Lot 80'x30'. Low taxes. $3,500 clown. National Housing Mortgage, STOILEI' 1 -ROOM • Dwelling, Jiving room, dining rooni, bed• room, kitchen down; three bed- roonle, 3 pc. bath up; furnace; sun porch; verandah; attached garage; half block from 'main intersection. Possession 30 days, APp1 + to . a G -LA i'I SON Complete Insurance Seeoiee Real Estate — Investmlents $tlnk of Montreal 3uildiog AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Effects From the home of Mrs. Charles W. Riley, in the Village of Con- stance (formerly Kinburn), on Tuesday, July 3 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Household Effects: Two studio Douches; chesterfield chair and foot stool; Lazy -boy and stool; 2 china cabins; dining, room table and 6 chairs; 4 rocking chairs; 2 kitchen tables; several kitchen chairs; 2 kitchen cabinets; 2 end tables; coffee table; day bed; single bed, springs and mattress; three-quarter bed, springs and mattress; dresser; child's crib; or- gan stool;„Thor washing machine; leaking , cabinet; Clare Jewel en- amel range; 2 Quebec heaters; 12 - gauge shot gun; copper boiler; trunk; crock churn; butter bowl; 4 frame universal honey extract- or; 2 frame universal honey ex- tractor; full line of bee equipment; 2' lawn mowers; iron kettle; iron stove pot; oak barrel; colony house; brooder stove and hoover; 2 mink pens; 40 rod chicken wire; roll of barb wire; quantity of lum- ber; 50 sacks; tools; lamps; dish- es; cooking utensils and numerous other articles. Property: One acre of land, mare or less, on which is situated a 5 - room roll brick siding cottage with hydro; a small barn; one -car gar- age; and a green house. Terms on Household . Effects: Cash. ,Terms on property -10% down on date of sale and balance in 30 days. The property will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid. MRS. CHARLES W. RILEY, Proprietress Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 26-b Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere Roxy- Theatre, Clinton NOW PLAYING -- Double Bill "Touch and Go” Jack Haicvkins - Margaret Johnston; and "In Old Amarillo" Roy Rogers— Fstelita Rodriguez MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "THE CREATURE WALKS AMONG US" The Gill -man strikes again, rag- ing against the scientists who seek to confine him, Jeff Morrow - Rex Reason Leigh Snowdon THURSDAY, FRIDAY . and SATURDAY "RED SUNDOWN" A blazing sagebrush .thriller. Rory Calhoun - Martha flyer Dean Jagger Coming: "TRIAL" (Adult Entertainment) Glenn Ford - Dorothy Maguire • Cards of Thanks 2 Cents per word, Minimum 50c I wish to thank the nurses of Clinton Public Hospital and Dr. Oakes for their .good care, and to those who sent .gifts, cards and flowers while I was a patient there. —,LLOYD MAKIN'S. K. C. Cooke FLORIST Phone HU. 2-7012 -- Clinton �*H;,H*H+H*H*H*H?H*HtH*H*t }*H, �H, �W?H• �H,'H*H*HrH�H, �H�h K & G SALVAGE CO. Clinton We Buy Scrap Iron, Rags, Bagging, Old Cars, Feathers, Horse Hair. • We Buy Anything. PHONE HU. 2-9267 23-4-5-6-b 26-b I wish to thank all my friends and neighbours for lovely flowers and gifts received while in the Clinton Public Hospital; also to Dr. Oakes and •Dr. Addison, and nursing staff fox their kindness. HARRY ELLWOOD. 26p As retiring superintendent of the Huron County Home, I should like to thank all those on the staff and others who have stood behind me and helped me in any way. I do want them to know I have appreciated it very much, al- though I have been misunderstood and misjudged by some others, In the sight of God I have upheld the ethics of my profession and tried to do a conscientious job at the Home. I also want to thank the senior residents in the Home who showed me their respect, confid- ence and co-operation and for the parting lave gifts they have given me. I wish for my successor best wishes and may he escape the pit- falls I have experienced. •— M. PO CO Reg.N. 26p AT THE ' 11H04NE Goderich NOW: "The Last Frontier" Victor Mature & Anne Bancroft 'Scope and Color MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Tony Curtis - Pat Crowley and Jim Backus Present a thrilling tale of the prize ring; as a boy, fighting to aid his father, becomes middle- weight champion. "THE SQUARE JUNGLE" THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY DANNY KAYE - Glynis Johns and Basil Rathbone A humble clown in Early Eng- land doubles as an outlaw and helps restore the true king. It's a rollicking comedy -with -music. "The COURT JESTER" Vistavision and Color COMING: "Forever Darling" LuMile Ball & Dezi Axnaz Cinemascope r IN MEMORIAM STEEP—In loving memory of my dear father, who passed away June 23, 16 years ago: • "Asleep in God's beautiful garden, Away from all sorrow, and pain, Some day, when life surely is ended, We shall be together again." —Sadly missed and loved by his daughter, Carrie, Delhi, Ont. LIFETIME SECURITY A Canada Life special contract providing Life Insur- ance and Pension Option all in one policy available from age 0 to age 55. Consult -- H. E. HARTLEY Representative • Canada Life' Assurance Company - IIU 2-6693 s r r.wnmmrr1 Dr The Opening Office, for . N. W: HAYNES WISHES TO ANNOUNCE of his Office in the Old Bell Telephone the Practice of Dentistry in 'Clinton Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dial HU. 2-9571 26-7-b Strawberries For Sale PICK YOUR OWN BERRIES BEGINNING FRIDAY Bring your own boxes and containers E. W. ANDREWS Phone ITU. 2-3462 Clinton 24-tfb Clinton Community Farmers AUC':CION SAES EVERY 'PUH Y commencing at 8.00 p.m. 'C'EIi14tO CASH WORLD'S FINEST ANTHRACITE OMAR NOW AT Y'EAWS LOWEST MUMS A. G. R. _ _ ON