HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-06-28, Page 4A full course clinnerywas served on Tuesday night by the members of Clinton's 4-111- Homemakers Club, to their parents, leaders and guests, in the agricultural office board room. Present were 11 of the girls, eight mothers, the club leaders, Mrs. H. Managhari and Mrs. Torn O'Connell; Mrs. M. Batkin, presi- dent of the Women's Institute and Mrs. Norman Tyndall, who lead the 4-H Sewing Club recently com- pleted. The tables were set with white luncheon cloths and centred with gay peony bouquets. All dishes were made by the girls, who alSo planned the menu. Mrs. Batkin thanked the leaders and the 'girls for their work. A Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams; executive committee couples, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gibbings, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Ball, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dolmage. Mrs Jefferson Receives Bouquet Mrs. Murphy presenteek'dozen red roses to Mrs. G, H, Jefferson, wife of the retiring principal of Clinton Public School, during the course of a testimonial dinner in his 'honour, held in the Hotel Clinton last Thursday evening, Presentation was made in behalf of the Clinton Public School Board. (News-Record Photo) ',AO00W 11181000.0f 0 tr. id* for ter three greatesit i \gears of ioui \life .74,011t7 r Army Information Centre, 1 468 Richmond Street, ' CANADIAN ARMY ' London, Ontario. I Information Centre Pisa" " Yaw hilararg".. as* 468 Richmond St., 'An" cweer' London, Ontario Name , Telephones 4-1601 - I sh". Loc0,1 149 or write -city [tali • Challenghig employment, combines with valuable experience and train- ing in Canada's Regular Army. The pay is good. You learn new skills, perhaps a trade, or train to be a leader. You get a taste of real adven- ture, have a chance to make life-long friends with fine. men . . . young enthusiastic, a cut above average. After three years you make your choice—to leave, or stay and make a career_with advancement, training and variety.. Find out about \one of Canada's better careers—no obligation. liesiessmike••• 11••••duisiloww.e. 1044011M1P0MAN, thiliri Geis 'taiiliTaAaeligwi.. 1 culimintionsmimillnollimmilmoni HARRY WILLIAMS c-ittse V IN SUMMERTHINK. OF WINTER, TOO - WE HAVE FINE • HEATING OIL FOR. YOU N. WHITEI ROSE j YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR GRAN NING Sat me 29, 3 FREE Complete Chassis Lubrication with every Purchase of 10 gals. Gasoline Your Lub. Coupon can be redeemed at any time FREE FREE COCA COLA WHEN YOU INSPECT OUR PREMISES inallenle,-rfAIMatt a ANOTHER TERRIFIC VAUDEVILLE SHOW Featuring Top TV Entertainers from New .'York, DETROIT, BUFFALO, HAMILTON and TORONTO, at Exeter Kinsmen's --veP -Jr -•— _- 21117110t3 'fay CELEBRATION EXETER COMMUNITY PARK MONDAY, JULY 2 ALL-STAR SOFTBALL GAME AMATEUR BOXING BOUTS Starts at 6.30 p.m AdMission: Adults 75c; Children 50c 1 r CANADA'S HIGHEST OCTANE GASOLINE CANADA'S HIGHEST OCTANE GASOLINE TO 2 011011 CAMAPAIS the BIG difference -- in freezers! You can judge a freezer by the speed of its freezing action, Faster freezing Means the flavor and freshness,of your foods Are sealed in, The new Royce has the fastest freezing action known. We can prove it in a two- rnimite test you should see.-- and feel. You'll see why experts hall Revco as the beet freezer buy--by fart :4;44.4Oseh ,, h, 4, 4.44,44, , • , 4 44 hie. 17.2 cu. ft. unif holds -546 lb., ;_of toed, Doliveritd feu. : Thtms to suit 'you. C. f,rtevorttvcttrewr#44,#tryrteretrs Clinton Electric Shop — D. W. Cornish - You , WitiStiMiitOtTSVI —Dealet Z-046 — OLINTON` "You can be Ufd if WI Wettihghoutd" el41311"014 NEWSMX0)4sP P4,cB FQUA TI-IUTISDAY JUN 106 4-H Supper Club Ends Course With Supper Served To Leaders,, Mothers corsage of pink roses was present- ed to each of the leaders by the mothers in appreciation of their work in the Club. Gifts were presented to the leaders by Bev- erley Beattie, secretary and Ann Trott, president of the Club: Bingo was played with Beverley Beattie calling the numbers, as- sisted by Ruth Ann Batkin. Prizes were useful things for the kitchen, bought by the Club members, and were won by Mrs. Radford, Helen Freeman, Sally Roorda, Joan Johnston, Mrs. Macaulay, Gerrie Kuiper, Ruth Ann Batkin, Mrs. Norman Tyndall, Beverley Beattie, Ann Trott and Mrs. C. Trbtt. Mrs. Radford accompanied for the singing of grace, and at the close of the evening, Sally Roorda was pianist when Gad Save the Queen was sung, Members of the Club are Bev- erley -Beattie, Eleanor Bertrand, Joan Johnston, Janet Sharp, Mary Macaulay, Helen Freeman, Pat• ricia Carter, Gerrie Kuiper, Ruth Ann Batkin, Connie Smith and Sally Roorda. Clinton's newest and Most earn serviee station will have a grand opening; en Friday and. Sat- urday of this Week, features..of the opening will be free Coca Cola for all those who inSpeOt the premises and free car chassis hibrication to all cust- omers, who purchase ten gallons of gasoline or more, The lubrica- tion offer may bo - redeemed at any time. New lessee for the station, which is located on Victoria Street, will be Anson .Gilbert Anson Gilbert Motors, 'Seaforth- Mr, 'Gilbert, a successful btsi nessrnan in. Seaforth, is experienc- ed in what is, expected from a service . station. and will give tire pUblic best possible service at all times, To further this end he has engaged Don Brightrall who will help expedite all customers in and out of the station, Dori has been employed, for the past three years. at RCAF Station Clinton. and is well known to RCAF per- sonnel As well as the people of The station will remain open for public convenience from 7.30 a,m,.• until 3.1 p.m., seven days a week. Mr:. -Gilbert intends to sell Pont-. iae and Buick oars and GMC trucks as well as used cars, 13e- Sides White Rose gasoline, motor, oils and greases the custorner will be able to purchase tobacco and soft drinks, Other • features of this, shiny new service station are the clean,,,rest rooms that will be -available for public use during op.en hours, and the wide paved driveways that make the station easily accessible, and offer the maximum of parking facilities, Mr. Gilbert welcomes all the people of'Clinton and surrounding district to the grand opening on. Friday and Saturday, Inspect the station and receive a gift and a free "Coke. Ball Reunion Approximately 100 relatives gathered at Seaforth Lions Park to attend the Ball Reunion on Saturday, June 23. Relatives were present frain London, Paris, Stratford, Goderich, Auburn, Clin- ton and surrounding districts, The afternoon was endoyed by renewing acquaintances. At 4.30 Helen and Wayne Fisher and Edna Ball conducted the sports which consisted' of races far all age groups, and contest relays for the adults. Following the sports, supper was served. At the close of, the meal a minute's silent prayer was ob- served for those who have passed on. The president, Percy Gibbings, presided far the business meeting. He welcomed all those present and with a unanimous vote it was- de- cided to hold another reunion next year at Seaforth. The nominating committee elect- ed for the 1957 executive as fol- lows: llonorary president couple, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibbings; president couple, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook; vice-president couple, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mc- Leod; secretary-treasurer couple, HARRY WILLIAMS. HU 2-6633 0111111I1111111111111111101111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111I11121111111111111111111111111 FASTER. FREEZI ACTION! .0R SPRING REPAIRS sorrow from OK when needed ;repairs or other expenses require more cash than you can spare, Loans from 09 to WOO „Aro made quickly —usually !none days No endorsers are required if you have a steady income and can meet regular monthly payments, Phone 'or visit your nearest TWO office -today, HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 8,.f. Bedford, Manager 35 West Street, second flour, phone 1 001 GODERICH, ONT. Grout Opening Of White Rose Service Set For Fiklay,SaturdailAinon Gilbert Lessee Legion BINGO THUISDAY, JUNE 28 (To-Night) LEGION MEMORIAL. HALL, KIRK 'ST. commencing at 8.30 Pan- 15 Regular Games $5.00 3 Special Share-the-Wealth Games $52 Jackpot on 52 Numbers included in all Share-theWealth Games. -111.- 4‘DM I $S I ON ; ]5 Regular Qamos7 50c; Special Games, 15c, 2 for 25c, 5 for 506. 26-b NEW BARN? FUELOIC. mcyralleott,,, ..... Is your herd outgrowing your present barn? Have you enough space to store the products of your farm? If not, perhaps you need a new barn, or an extension •to your present one. Don't let a shortage of ready cash hold back your plans for a better farm — whether it's a new barn or the renovation of your, buildings generally. You can get money from the B of M through a Farm Improvement Loan -- at low interest rates and on a repayment plan to suit your individual circumstances. . Why not see your B of M manager this week? You will like his helpful approach to your plans. Clinton's Neviest, Most Modern, Service Station EXPERT LUBRICATION — MOTOR OIL FOR EVERY CAR AND TRUCK Featuring all the High Quality Products of CANADIAN OIL COMPANIES, LIMITED Owned By Canadians for Canadians nt — the fixer , his full name is rarm Improve- nicat Loan, Give him a chance to help fix up your farm . hes eto. nonacid, convene Tent, versatile. Ile can do almost anything in mak- ing your farm a better farm, Anson Gilbert Motors WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION VIC/rORIA MEET CLINTON PHONE IIU. Z-9011 GIFTS, PONTIAC - BUICK GMC GIFTS FOR GOODWILL. USED CARS FOR LADIES SEE US FOR A REAL DEAL! CHILDREN BANK OF .MONTREAL '&40441:144eVaitsi Canton Branch:, WILLIAM IVIORLOK, Managet Londesbotough (Sub-Agency): Open Mon. & Thurs. WoRKitia WITH eatiablatit EV1 V *At 00 WI ON tin?