HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-06-07, Page 7n',);3f.URSDAY, JUNG: 7, 1.956 MINTON NEWS-RECO VLASS i RATES CASH RATE (if palet Uy the Wednesday folleWiee PeeIlea- Veaiyo ) -^ Tscents Per Weed, •'Iaalelm un 50 celets. 1.14. centsse a world for a ch f ... ow1•a g 1n r `tion, axtleheexn 35 cents, BOX TIhIBER-454 extra, BIRTHS, MARRIAGES and DEATHS --no charge, IIINGAGlaleIENTS, CARDS OF THANKS 4r *IN REEMORIADI$ -Two conte; per word, minimum 50 dents, CHARGED. -l.5 cents extra, DEADLINE -42 o'clock noon, 'Wednes4ay. ACCOMMODATION for RENT •T W O BEDROOM Unfurnished apartment, available now. Phone 7, 23-T» HU 2-667. ;SMALL DOUSE FOR RENT, -Modest conveniences, Inur!ediete posses'siony Phone HU 2-3880. 23-b 'TWO BEDROOIVI APARTMENT unfurnished. AvailableJune 1. Mrs, H. Iganaghan, Dial HU 2- (6677, 22-tfb 2 FURNISHED APTS. TO RENT, 'CentraiIy located. Phone Clinton HU 2.9682 or Hensel]. 105 (in af- ternoon). . 21-tfb 2 ROOM FURNISHED APART- nient, Use of frig. and washer. Available immediately. Phone HU 12-9540.. 23-;b APARTMENTS, available May 15. Furnished. Private bath and frigs. Centrally located. Phone Clinton 1 U 2.9508 19-tfb `MODERN, FOUR ROOM apart- ;nient, bath. Unfurnished. ,Avail- -able immediately. W. N. Count- er,. Phone HU 2-9649. 23-p t COMFORTABLY FURNIS H E D, • steam heated, well located, three room apartment for couple, avail- able now, Dial HU 2-9728. 23-b 'TWO APARTMENTS IN SLOAN block, one furnished vacant on •June 15. One unfurnished vacant I. "On Tune 30. Mrs. Ruth McBride. LPbone HU 2-9145. 23-4-b FURNISHED HEATED Cottage. .Full. bath. In Clinton. Available .July 1. Also, apartment, three - 'room, furnished. Available June _12. Phone HU 2-9536. 23-b "WELL FURNISHED APART - !mast, in Seaforth. Heated. 3 - piece bath. One bedroom. Large :lawn" Huron Expositor, Seafcrth. 23-b "THREE ROOM APARTMENT, furnished,private bathmoom. Cen- tral location. Cool in hot weat - -er, In Clinton. Phone HU 2-6665. LARGE BRICK, Country House, -hydro, •telephone, water on tap. . 'Eight miles from 'Clinton. $25 a (month. Aaron Fisher, RR 2, Cha- lon, phone Carlow 167. 22p-tfb • BED SITTING ROOM WITH' kitchenette. HU 2-9390. 23-p BAYFIELD COTTAGES, SLEEP 4-6-8. Drilled well, flush toilets. _Phone Bert Comley, Stratford, 1817. 23-b APARTMENT, HEATED, furn- ashed or unfurnished. Hot Wat- er, bathroom and kitchen. Apply -to 82 Wellesley Street or phone =288 Goderich after six. 21-tfb SELF CONTAINED ONE BED• - room heated apartment, laundry 7facilities. Immediate possession. Apply Jim Bisset, 103, St. George's Crescent, phone Godeich 1017. 14tfb 'ONE THREE ROOM FURNISH - ‘ed apartment and one two room furnished apartment. Available immediately. Use of washing 'machine. Central location. In Clinton, phone Clinton HU 2-9504, after six o'clock. 23-b Accommodation Wanted -WANTED TO RENT: FIVE OR six room house unfurnished, mod- ern. Phone HU 2-9272. 23-b. ARTICLES FOR SALE' ' `"TUDHOPE" RANGETTE WITH oven control, reasonable. Phone Ili. 2-9849. 23-b VEGETABLE AND FLOWER ';plants. Jake Reder, RR. 1, Ji y - field, phone HU. 2-9166. 23b GIRL'S CCM BICYCLE, GOOD 'condition. Phone Clinton HU 2- 7057. Lloyd Batkin. 23-b GENTLEMEN'S RE -CONDITION - 'ed Watches, $9.95 to $12,95. One' year guarantee. J. A. Anstett, Jeweller. Phone HU 2-9525. 23-b TV FIT FOR A "KING" -- We Rent — Move —Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower' Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. • Stfb. ARTICLES WANTED WANTED, LARGE ICE BOX fro Boy Scout Camp, Phone HU 2- 7560. 23-1? CHILD'S TRICYCLE, in good con- dition, with 13" front wheel. Phone ' Blyth. 28r6 (collect). , 23-x AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN; also 21 inch Television Set, Apply: 29 Regina Road, RCAF, Station, Clin- ton, phone HU 2-9868, 23-p 1948 FORD COACH, MOTOR and body in top shape. New tires. New seat covers, It's a bargain. _Phone HU 2-9304. _ 28-p BABY 'CHICKS KITCHENER 13IG-4 C H I C Ii S available. Dayold, started. Pul- lets. Broilers available Weekly in- • eludhng Pilch ' White Reeks, Ask us for full information. Charles Scott, Auburn, phone lalyth 422233.. I1ILLSIDH CHICKS, LET US quote you prices.' They have all breeds, dresses:, etc., including `Pilch White Rocks. Mixed chicks, Pullets, dayold, started. Weekly broiler. hatches'. Pull information, :agent; William A. I -t, Jeiildns, North St., Clinton. 23b BUSINESS -OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR, OWN BUSINESS, Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Iligh Street, Clinton. '?hone' Clan- rten 'HU 24692. '13stfb CUSTOM WORK ELECTRIC MOTORS, Rewound and repaired. Hoare and Auto rad- ios and appliances repaired. Art Levett, Isaac Street, at Dunlop.. Phone Clinton HIT 26640. 41-tfb . FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate, Phone. Clinton HU 2-6692. Low down payments, 33-tfb MANY GOOD FARMS, Large and Small, in Huron County, Homes in Goderich and cottages along Lake Huron. Real Estate is our business. Buying or selling. Con- tact John Bosveld, 'Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, Gode- rich, phone Goderich 1108. 22-tfb Furniture e Re -Finishing RRE, PIANO AND adoFURNITURE,. cabinet,refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, ;phone Clinton Hij 2-7029. 15-6-7-p-tbf HELP WANTED BOOK-KEEPER, MALE O R Female, experienced ^ preferred Company hospitalization and pen- sion plan. Td start immediately. Phone Hensan 32, 23-b WANTED; DESIRE; IMMEDIAT- ely, middle aged Woman to live in with elderly woman at Goderich, rent free, kitchen privileges. Re- ply to Box 230, Clinton News - Record. 23-p BEST TIME OF YEAR FOR OUR business, You can earn from $50 to $100 weekly representing na- tic•nally known firm. Good open- ings available. Dept. 13, Familex, Station C, Montreal. 2.3b GIRLS and MEN For permanent ernployement, 5 day week. Life Insurnace and Hospit'alizatip'n Plan, etc. Apply: Seaforth Shoes Ltd. . Seaforth, Ontario ' 22-3-b HELP WANTED.—FEMALE WAITRESS. APPLY AT RUBY and Bill's. Dial HU 2-9672. 22-3-b HOUSEKEEPER WANTED BY working couple, Phone HU 2- 7442. 23-b FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Flye- day week. 55c per hour to start. If able to maintain production, 75c per hour. Phone Clinton HU 2-7064 or apply in person, preferably, to • A. Caron, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. 14-tfb LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert B`rros, Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone ,collect, 1483J1, or 1483J4 9ptfb ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect Ed" Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling • and Co. of Canada, Ltd. 19tfb LOST AND FOUND LOST— WOULD THE PERSON wile got the horse-drawn scraper from Fred Wallis' yard, please call owner, HU. 2-9898. 23b LOST—MAN'S RING, AROUND Mid -Towne Restaurant. Has the : letter "H" and little stone in it, Reward. Phone HU 2-9852. 23-b LOST AT SPRING FAIR, SAT- ' urday, a Ronson lighter, engraved in Welsh, "1 Chwi." Sentimental value, Reward. Phone HU 2-3215. 23-b LARGE BLACK COLLIE DOG, answers to name of "Tip". Lost on Concession 5, Stanley Township, on Saturday. Contact Mervin Falconer. HU 2-9858. 23-p MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANT'S DELIVERY. Com- plete pick-up and delivery service I anywhere in Clinton and district. Phone Clinton HU 2-6673. 2$-tfb - SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL Septic Tanks, Cess Pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with Sanitary equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. Louis Blake, RR, No. 2, Brussels, hone 42r6 Brussels. 20-29-p NOTICE ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Lots 41 and 51, both sides of the river, Tuckersmith Township, at ANYTIME hereafter will be prosecuted. By order of the own- er.—A. E. PARRY. 19-20-1-2-3-4-p-tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE EIGHT LOTS AND A HOUSE, frame, five room, in Bayfield. Jack Parker, Bayfield. 22 to 25rb 1 STOREY CENTRAL Mortgage house, small down payment, monthly payment, $28. Early possession. Apply 140 James St. 23-4-p POULTRY FOR SALE 250 PULLETS, 3% months old, (Hamp-Rocks); also pasture for 5 or 6 head of cattle. P. Westerhout, Phone Clinton HU. 2-9812, SPECIAL SALE OF STARTED pullets. Sussex X Red Ind Leg- horn X Rocks. Ten week old. De- livery next week. Regular 51.25; special, $1.05, AIso Foreman Leg - horns, Red X Sussex, and White Rock pullets available 8 to 15 weeks of age at very low prices. The Lakeview Hatchery Ltd,, Ex- eter, Phone 7. 23-b SALESMAN WANTED WANTED: MAN FOR STEADY travel among consumers in Huron County. Permanent connection ' e niafacturer. Oi1T With laraiu reliable 'Mistier' considered: Write 1,ftwleiglt's Dept. F469-131, MVMo Rt- real, P.Q. 2ab SEED FOR SALE MOT> QUALITY MICl~TELITE , seed beans, second generatien, early matuaing. Clarence Mott - garner.,,. Seaforth, phone S'eattorth 841-11.-31. 23.0 : BIRTHS ATWOOD In Livonia, Iia, an Tuesday, May •22,4956, to Mr',. and Nits, James Atwood, ,(forth- eriy of Bayfield),. a daughter, (Marilyn Jean, sister for Bili and Cheryl). BELL-IRVING At the Royal Jubilee Hospital, Viktoria, R•C., on May 26, 1956, to Lieutenant Brian Bell -Irving and Mrs. Bell- Irving, .(nee Carolyn Chelew) a son (Michael Morley, grandson for Mr, and Mrs, MorleyChelew, Los Angeles, Calif., and great- grandson for Mrs. Cornelius Cook, Hensall), HENDERSON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, June 4, 1956, to Mx;: and Mrs, Lester Henderson, Clinton, a son. OLSON—In Tor onto, on Monday, June 4, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs, Norman Olson, (nee Anne us- ity) a daughter, ROTS—In Oakville -Trafalgar Hos- pital, Oakville, on Thursday, May 31, 1956, to Mr. and Mia. Donald I. Ross, a . daughter' (Janice Elizabeth). • MARRIAGES ,LONG -BAKER In All Saints Anglican • Chut`'ch, London, by Rev. Leslie B. Jenkins, on Sat- urday, May 26, 1956, Sylvia Rose, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harry F. Baker, Londoe, to Douglas Eugene Long, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Long, Stratford. McBEATR SKILL—.In St, A1- phansus Church, Windsor, on Saturday, June 2, 1956, Donna, daughter of B. Skill and the late Mrsr Skill, Windsor, to Douglas Walter MoBeath, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McBeath, Brucefield. • STOREY—+HOWATT — In BIyth United C'huch, on Saturday afe- ternoon•, June 2, 1956, by Rev. A. W. Watson, Irene, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Howatt, Blyth, to Arnold Storey, young- est son of Mr. and -Mrs. John E. Storey, Walton, PRATT = MacDONALD— In Wes- ley -Willis United, Church, on Saturday afternoon, June 2, 1956, by Rev. H. C. Wilson, Mary Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ranald MacDonald, Clin- ton, to Lyle Eugene Pratt, 1GMer- lin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pratt, Merlin. DEATHS JPSHALL—In St. Joseph's Hospi- tall, London, on Saturday, June 2, 1956, Charles C. Upshall, Concession 10, Blanshard Town- ship, 'beloved husband of Reta Tippet (formerly of Bayfield) in his' 58th year. Funeral from the L. A. Ball funeral chapel, St. Marys, to Lakeside United Cem- etery, on Monday, June 4. �VATSON—In Rosetown, Sask. Hospital, on Sunday, June 3, 1956, William James Watson., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, Bayfield. Funer- al service from Stiles Funeral Home, Goderich, on Friday June 8, at 2 p.m. Interment in Bayfield Cemetery, Cards of Thanks 2 Cents per word, Minimum 50e A sincere thanks to all, for vis- ta, oaks, and flowers, during my 1lness in Clinton Hospital. Spec - al thanks to the doctors and nur- es' for excellent service and care. W. E. PERDUE. 23-b We would' like to thank ,Cale Doucette and the boys of the rural Hydro, who gave up their time and abour to put up a new roof on ur house.MRS. GEORGE FIN - EY AND GIRLS. 23-b We would like to thank those sho sent dards, treats and flowers r helped in any way during my, ecent illness:—Bert and EILEEN >UNN. 23-b I with to thank all those wha called on me, sent cards, and treats while I was not well.—MRS. C. O'BRIEN. 23-p Get There Safely! CALL HU. 2-9036 ASHTON'S TAXI ER•UCEFIELD 4-04-.1-40+0-11,14-40-40-10-10-40-.4-404÷,,P1 Mrs, W. Pepper came home from Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday, Mrs. J. W, Stackhouse has been spending some time with her son .Elwood, at Wilton Grove, Mrs. Kennard attended the graduation of Miss Donna Mc- Bride at Stratford General Hos- pital yesterday, Mrs. A. Rohner returned from Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea- forth, and is visiting her, Sister, Mrs. W. Smith, Hensall.. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Moffatt, Mr, and Mrs, .Simon McKenzie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don McKenzie, Sb, Thomas, Mrs, W. V. tannin is spending some time with. her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs, Ted Munn and family, Kitchener, and with relatives in' Galt. Mr, and Mrs. John A. McEwen spent Sunday with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Russell Zurbrigg, Wing - ham, and also attended the Flower Sunday service at the United Church there. Victer Hargreaves• received word of the death of his father, John H. Hargreaves, 70, at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Blanche Baldwin, St. Thomas, George Anderson, Bruce Swan, Aldie Mustard and John E. Pepper called at the home on Sunday. Miss Kathleen Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, attended the funeral on Monday. 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 STOREY DWELLING, LIVING room with fire place, den, liv- ing room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 1 complete bath, and 2 2 -piece baths. Could be converted Tato 3 self contained apts., sun porch, oil heating, full basement, with garage... One block from down town. 11/2 STOREY'DWELLING, 2 living rooms, den, dining room, modern kitchen, 1 bed room, with 2 piece bath down, 2 bed rooms and 3 - piece bath up. Hot water heat- ing with : stoker. Located near both schools on Rattenbury Street. 0 I STOREY 2 BEDROOM Central Mortgage, down payment $1,800, monthly payments $28.00. 11/2 STOREY, 2 APARTMENT or single dwelling; living room, dining, modern kitchen., 2 bed rooms, four -piece bath down, Hardwood floors, Living, modern kitchen with dining space, 1 bed room and • four -piece bath up. Air conditioned. Oil heating. TJn- finished playroom in basement. Owner moving to Toronto. Must be seen to be appreciated. Lot 80'x30'. Low taxes. $3,500 down. National 'Housing Mortgage. a 200 ACRE DAIRY FARM—barn, 80'x60', stabling for 60 head; milk house; hay barn 70'x40'; silo; 11/2 storey cement block, six -room dwelling, with modern conveniences. Town water. 175 acres cleared. Adjacent to town. • 11/2 STOREY, 7 • ROOMED, Brick House, 4 bedrooms, living room, dining kitchen', bath. Hot water , Beating. Hardwood floors; dou- ble garage. Good' location; ,early possession. • Apply to H. C. LAWSON Complete Insurance Service Real Estate -- Investments Bank of Montreal Building r PHONES Office HU 2-9644—Res. HU 2-9787 CLINTON, ONTARIO K. W. Colquhoun Rea Estate Broker Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing . at 8.00 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk easalreasereselearaireseeteaseasiseealea G SALVAGE CO. Clinton We Buy Scrap Iron, Rags, Bagging, Old Cars, Feathers, Horse Hair, We Buy Anything. Van'ted—'46 Oe '47 F1udson, any ondition'. PIIOI`E %IU. 2.9207 2344';-6µb Visit RCAF STATION CLINTON TARGET FREEDOM "Listings & Enquiries Invited," • Phone HU. 2-9747 Royal Hank Building Clietou - Ontario' 1g -b .444-.4-+• PAGE Sl Drawn Especially for Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce and Clinton. News -Ree UT HAH O W BON ord .by Ralph Tee. INSTEAD OF SUPER CIffRATE ,DRUG$. THAT SIGN OUGHT TO READ SUPER CUT-THROAT . ,i A;;?, ::1; ,"/ till IF THOSE .4UYS ARE PHARMACISTS, I'i THE PRESIDENT.,. I WAS WATCHING. THE 'CLOCK T NOW IM KEEPING :TI C II ENDAR NT. HEAVEN'S ! THAT'S 5 TIMES THAT CLERK TOLD MI TO 'COME BACK A LITTLE LATER"! SY THE TIME WE GET THAT PRES- CRIPTION FILLED, I'LL NEED CORN -PIASTERS COME ON r LET'S GET OUR PRESCRIPTION BACK, AND HAVE IT FILLED BY OUR., RE- LIABLE DRUGGIST AT HOME IN CUNTON DON'T MISS THE MIDNIGHT DANCE at Zurich Centennial JULY 1 Lionel Thornton's Orchestra 1 PERSONAL PENSION POLICIES ASSURE COMFORTABLE RETIREMENT. CONSULT H. E. HARTLEY Canada Life Assurance Company HU 2-6693 AUCTION SALE Of the Estate of the late Elizabeth Reid, at Clan: Gregor Square, Bayfield, on on Saturday, June 16 at 2.30 p.m. Glass Cupboard; extension tab- le and leaves; walnut `antique bed- room. suite; 2 bedroom, suites; 4 sideboards; wicker rocker; chairs; Quebec stove; small tables; bur- eau; dishes, and miscellaneous ;items. TERMS CASH M. Gaynor, Auctioneer CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects At lot• I'to. 18, Concession 6, God- erich Township; 6 miles south of Goderich or 2 miles north of Por- ter's Hill, on Wednesday, June 20 at 1.30 p.m., the following: HORSES Black Percheron hor- se; Bay Clyde horse, a good work- ing team. CATTLE—Durham caw, 6 yrs. old, freshened 3 weeks, calf at foot; Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, due time of sale; Durham cow, 5 yrs. old, due. In August; 3 'Durham cows, 5 yrs. old, milking, bred again; Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, milldng, bred again; Durham cow, 7 yrs. old, milking, bred again;' Durham heifer, 3 yrs. old; 8" 'Dur- ham X Hereford yearling steers and heifers; 6 fall calves. POULTRY -100 Rock pullets, 4 months old; 300 mixed cockerels and pullets, 2V2 months old -(Arbor Acre breed) . IMPLEMENTS — 1951 Ford tractor; Ford tractor plow; Dear- born tandem disc; spring tooth cultivator; M -H 11 -hoe drill with fertile:tor attachment; 3 drum land roller; McCormick -Deering binder, 6 ft, cut; McCormick -Deer- ing mower, 6 ft. cut; 3 -section drag hat•rows; 2000 lb. scale; rub- ber tire wagon; flat rack; steel wagon; gravel box; dump rake; buggy; cutter; single row scuffler; set of sleighs and flat rack; M -H power cream separator; forks; shovels; logging chains; numerous other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS--- Some FFECTS—Some household effects including bedroom suites. TERMS CASH No reserve as the farrn is sold. Joseph H. Wilson, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 23-4-b ESTATE AUCTION SALE Sale of Property, Household Ef- fects, tools and %z -ton truck in the VILLAGE OF IUNI3U.RLN 3% west and 3% north of Sea- :fortlt will be held on Tuesday, June 12 .. at 6 p.m. Included int the sale will be household furnishings, dressers, modern bed, springs' and spring ma,ttress. (new) ; chairs; tables; .kitchen utensils; dishes; number of antiques; step ladder; crocks; work bench. Full set of blacksmith tools, in - eluding forge, •anvils leg vice, and other tools., Quantity of hemlock inch lumber. 1949 % ton pick-up truck, Property, 1f acre of land, more or less, situated in the village of I .inburn, frame house, stable and garage, hydtwo and:pressure water system, TERMS: Chattels cash, Property 10%a down, Ialan,ce: 30 days, -Immediate possession. Reserve bid.. Estate of the lata Hatlniek SicereSkt Howard Ar tnstrong, Exebutor A. W. Sillei'y, sollciter for the Eatetb il>tareld ItakitgOtts Adetlbnebr` Roxy Theatre, Clinton NOW: THURS., FRI., SAT. "A LAWLESS STREET" Slow to anger, but quick on the draw, the Marshal stayed alive by lightning speed on the trig- ger. ---• RANDOLPH• SCOTT — Angela Lansbury - Jean Parker MON„ TUES., WED. "BATTLE STATIONS". Authentically filmed aboard a U.S. Navy carrier. The screen thunders with the great flat -top story.—JOHN LTJND —William Bendier. and Keefe Brasselle Coming: "DRUM BEAT" Alan Ladd -- Audrey, Dalton Clinton Court HE PARK TELEPHONE Goderich Now: "THE YEARLING" Margaret Kinnan Rawling's Pul- itzer Prize story, with Gregory Peck -- Jane Wyman -- Claude Jarman Jr. — Teclulicolor MON., TUES., WED. Adult Entertainment ' HUMPHREY BOGART Martha Scott & Fredric March Exceptional Entertainment: Joseph Hayes' best-selling novel and successful stage hit comes to the screen as .a forceful and int- eresting suspense drama. "The' DESPERATE HOURS" — In Vistavision — THURS., FRI. & SAT. KIRK DOUGLAS -- Bella Darvi Cesar Romero & Gilbert Roland A. speed -track story told against beautiful scenic settings on the French Riviera, in Italy and oth- er European racing centres. "The RACERS" — In 'Scope & Color — A charge of speeding against a London man, was dismissed in Next: "MISTER ROBERTS" Magistrate's Court here on Tues- 1n Cinernascope and Technieolar day morning by Magistrate D. E. with James Cagney -- Henry Holmes. Fonda -- William Powell and William L eclaire, RCAF Statin Jack Lemmon. Clinton, who pleaded guilty to a careless driving charge, heard the magistrate reduce the charge to driving with defective brakes, and was fined $10 and costs. The Le - 1' claire car was involved in an ac- cident with a vehicle awned by Dave Kay,..•parked, an front of his shop on Huron Street, NOTICE HYDRO WILL BE OFF IN CLINTON ON SUNDAY, JUNE LOTH From 1 p.m. to 4 p,m. (Daylight Saving Time) CLINTON PUBLIC UTILITIES J. E. RANDS, Superintendent. Kindergarten Classes Parents are requested to register all children eligible to attend Kindergarten Classes, commencing September, 1956. Children will be admitted on basis of age until accom- modation is filled. Register by letter not later than June 20, 1956. On day of enrolment in September, definite proof of age must be submitted to the Principal of the Public School. (Signed) on behalf of CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD H. C. Lawson, Secretory. 21-2-3-4-b N -O -T -I -C -E TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH The Township of Tuckersmith Municipal Dumping Ground, situated one-haIf mile west of Egmondville, Con. 3, IIRS, will be open to ratepayers of the Township of Tuclkersmith only, on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from the hours of 2 to 6 pan. and 'X to 9 p.m. No wire, cat bodies or garbage (Opole) is to be deposited and Oil dtun in'g' mist be clone under the supOriiistoll of the inspector'. l? E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith. 23-b