HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-06-07, Page 1Prize4inning Palomino Horse
This fine Palomino show horse, owned by A. E. Bong,
was shown at the Hensel'. Spring Show, and again at the
Clinton Spring Show last week, winning top place in several
classes. The animalewas a prize-winner at the Royal Winter
Fair last year.
CLINTON, ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY, „JUNE 7, 1950 7 cents copy No. 23—The Home Paper With the News $3.00 a Year
Solemn Moment At Opening
Solemn moment during the opening ceremonies of the new
two room public school at Bayfield last week, was the pre-Se-Titan--
ticaeof Bibles from the Trinity Anglican Church, and the United
Church of the village, to the two classrooms, Here Rev. W. S.
Outerbridge is giving the presentatiOh address; to the Junior room, ,
and young !Murray lalaekie: is preparing to receive it
(News-Record Photo)
Parade Starts Air .Force Day;
Fly Pasts; Aerobatics; Displays
Residents Hear CAS Story
Told By Board Members
Nearly 100 persons were in at- Said Rev. McMillan. "Each case
tendance at the' regional meeting is considered' individually.,"
of 'the Children's Aid Society Mr. and Mrs. Myers, Zurich,
which was held in Wesley-Willis were introduced. They operate a
United Church last Thursday ev- receiving home where children in
ening under the auspices of the immediate need of shelter are giv-
Woman's Missionary Society. en a home until a permanent place
Mrs. Albert Taylor gave a re- is found for them.
part of the growth of the work Others introduced were mem-
during the many years she had hers of the staff, and of the board,
been with the. C.A.S. Mrs. Chaffee is the local director
Rev. R. G. McMillan Goderich, and Miss Clare McGowan, Blyth,
outlined the work of the Society, is her assistant.
touching on _,the various phases, Bev. Boyes, accompanied by his
which include protection, care for mother, Mrs. Bert Boyes, sang.
unmarried parents, adoption' of "Beautiful Dreamer."
children, and investigations by di- , Rev. H. C. Wilson, pastor of the
section of ,the courts. church, opened the meeting, Mrs.
"Therelis no set rule, to go by," C. Nelson, president of the WMS,
welcomed the' group. , Dr. Ken-
neth Taylor, Goderich, pronounced
the benediction.
A social meeting' in the church
parlours, with lunch served by the
group leaders of the WMS, con-
cluded the evening.
Water Talks
When, Airmen
Use ICalomihow
Dil ,you .ever hear a glass
of Water Calla?
Such astounding. Phenonie
ena as talking water tumblers
will be commonplace airbag
the many displays of electron-
ie marvels to be to the
public at RCAF .Station Clin-
ton, Air Force Day, on Satur-
day, June 9...
Station Clinton. will open its
gates to the residents of
Western •Onterio ;fawn 1,3.0
Until 5 p.m, on this day when
the citizens of Canada are ;gin--
en the opportunity tra vies4
their Air Force at first-hand.
Township Council
Buys Dump Area
With the decision to purchase
an' old gravel pit in a four acre
field - about three-quarters of a
mile north of • Holmesville, the
Goderich. Township ' council gave
the ;township residents a township
.dump and disposal place for gar;
lane. The land, previously owned
by Jack Elliott, Clinton was pur-
chased for $300.
The tender for the, erection of a
culvert on the telephone road was
awarded to the Rosco Metal and
Roofing ProdUcte of London, at
the price of $2,991. Council also
accepted the tender of G. F. El-
liott, for a power shovel. to be
used itu this work.
The new culvert was necessitat-
ed by the washotit during the re-
cent floods in the area.
- B. M. Ross, Goderich, was ap-
pointed as ToWnship engineer.
Through the default of another'
municipality, Goderich , Township
obtained and planted 2000 addit-.
ional trees from the Department
of Lands and Forests:.
Police Searching
For Driver 01
Hit-And-Run Car
The. Weather
1956 1955
High Lbw High Loa"
May 31 77 60 64 42
June 1 63 43 66 44
2 53 40 75 42
53 45 75 47
4 M ,47 76 52
5 63 43 86 60
6 '72 42 86 61
Rain: .66 ins, Rahn Mile
Ex-Clinton Boy
Will Teach In.
France, ,TwO Years
M. J. Snider, B.A., Paed., prin-
einal of the Meaford public school
;for 'the past nine years has been
granted two yeafs leave of ab-
sence by the . local board to ac-
cept a position as supervising prin-
cipal of the school for dependents
of the Canadian service personnel
in Europe under the NATO elan.
He will be stationed at Metz,
Mr. Snider is the son of Mrs.
Snider and the late John Snider,
Albert Street, Clinton. He is a
graduate of «Da, Stratford Nor-
mal School, the University of
Western Ontario, and received his
bachelor of Pedagogy from the
University of Toronto in 1955.
Before going to Meaford he was
principal' of Victoria public school,
Goderich for three years.
Melvin Crich was attending an
executive meeting of the Ontario
Barbers' Association 'at Oshawa,
Out-Door 'lurch
Services T s
Year At Drive-in
New in 'the religious experienge
in Clinton will be the evening
services throughout the surnmer
months which, have been planned
by the Ministeriel Association
with, the co-operation of the own-
ers: of, Brownie's Drive-In Theatre.
For the ten Sundays: during
July and August, 'evening services
will be held jointly at the Drive-
In Theatre, with the different
churches taking the responeihility
for the, services. Held at eight
o'clock, the service will make, use
of the microphone and loudspeak-
er, and; special music talent is be-
ing planned for,
Further information with regard
o these summer services will be
available soon. „
Wet Sand Lights
Up Bulbs? See
It Work Saturday
Even a bucket. of wet sand
can be made to perform mir-
acles in this electronic age.
During the Air Force Day
display at the Radar and
Communications School o f
RCAF Station Clinton, on.
Sattirday, June 9, spectators:
will -see electrid light bulbs
miraculously t merely
through close proximity to
wet sand.., •
This, and . dozen of other
tricks the fieldseof radio,
radar (and electricity will' be
shown the public. when RCAF
Station Clinton epees it's' gat-
es to the public
The: end of the Huron County
TB Chest X-Ray survey here in
;Clinton last week, saw a remark-
ably good turn-out of individuals
for the 'free x-ray. According to
Mrs. J. B. Russell' the reports
Kin Initiate Four'.
Into Club; plan
Bingo Oft June 29'
Four new members were initiat-
ed into the Kinsmen' Club of Clin-
ton at their meeting on Tuesday
night. A half hour of hilarious
trieks played on the blindfolded
new il membersi followed by the ot-
finial ceremony brought Doug
Walton, Thomas: Murphy, Donald
Epps and John McConnell into
the club., Kin Malt Edgar was
chairman for the: initiation with
Kinsmen Frank Cook, Jack Clegg
and -Ken Scott responsible for the
humorous side of the festivities.
Treasurer Cliff Pratt reported
the' financial eide of the' monster
bingo and car raffle and although
all bills 'have not been received
the night was branded a big suc-
After the treasurer's bingo re-
port it was decided to hold a cash
bingo on June 29, with the major
prize to be $1,000. Frank Cook
accepted the overall chairman-
ship with Jack Clegg as assistant,
Committee chairmen were named
immediately arid' advertising for
the bingo will be' started as soon
as' possible.
Doug Walton was named to be
responsible for the Kinsmen Pee-
wee baseball team and an entry
fee was ordered to .be paid to the
Western Ontario Athletic Assoc-
Ladies Nighti
A ladies' night is set for this
Saturday, 'June 9. Kinsmen Ger-
ald Holmes and Harley .Doney in
charge of the evening, reported
that they had secured' the Bay-
field' Pavilion for the evening and
after the dancing there would be
a chicken Bar-B-Q,.
President K. W. "Danny" Col-
quhoun was in charge of the meet-
ing with Don Epps: as sergeant-
at-arms. '
motto or Personnel at RCAF Stat-
ion Clinton as they prepare ,for
the tenth annual Air Force pay
to be 'held throughout Canada,
Saturday, June, 9,
A colourful parade ;through.
Clinton on Saturday morning at
ten o'clock will signal the begin-
ninge of the •Tenth Air Fame Day
celebrations; at Station Clinton.
One hundred and twenty men led
by -the Colour Party, the Bugle
Band and an armed guard will
make up the parade,
from Clinton, 'Exeter and Wing-
ham were particularly good but no
actual figures are available as
Assisting- with the clinic on the
last two days :were: Thursday af-
ternoon, hostess, Mrs. J. E. Jacob;
clerks, Mrs. H. C. Lawson, Mrs.
Mitchell Shearing, Mrs. Goldie,
Smith, Mrs. George Knight; even-
ing, hostess,' Mrs. W. Morlok,
clerks, Mrs-. M. Shearing, Mrs. 0.
Priestap, Mrs..William Craig and
Mee:- F, B.:Perfnebakere
On Friday morning, Mrs. W.
Oakes and Mrs. Shearing assisted
with the x-ray of retail merchants
section, and in the afternen: hos-
tess, Mrs. Reg. ,Ball;• clerks, Mrs.
J. A. Addison, Mrs. Alex Freddy,
Mrs. George Knight and Mr§. J.
M. Elliott; evening, hostess, Mrs.
Addison; clerks, Mrs. Joseph Hart,
Mrs. Haddy, Mrs. Elliott Bartliff
and Mrs. Douglas Ball.
Contract Awarded
For Hospital
Renovation Work
At a special meeting of the
Clinton Hospital Board with, Ar-
chitect Philip C. Johnson, London,
a contract was awarded to Ellis-
Don Construction and Engineer-
ing Co. Ltd., London, for the re-
novation of the north wing of the
Work will commence on June
11 and, the completion date is Oct-
ober 15.
Something' For
Air Force Day
A display of high fidelity
recording reproducing sound
handling techniques' to. be dis-
played on the 10th Annual Air
Force Day at RCAF Station
Clinton, Saturday.
Electronic reproduction of
music and sound reproduction
using the most up-to-date
methods and equipment will
interest music and recorder
fans at the Radar and Com-
munications School.
ing and the ceremonial parade
will take place an the Station with
the Band, colour party and armed
guard taking part,
A low level fly past by CF*1.00
Canuck jet fighters from RCAF
Station North Bay is, scheduled
to take place at 2.25 pm. Fly-
pasts, formation flying and a.ero-
bates will take place throughout
the afternon, including' formations
of Harvard trainers, Te33 "Silver
Star" jet trainers', P2V7 "Nep-
tune" long range Maritime recap-
ing hall and kitehens, are open for
Displays. of 'RCAF .Clothing,
hobby craft, electronics equipment
guided' missiles, 'fighter control
training and equipment, training
methods and equipment in the
School of Food' Services, eports
and sports equipment will be on
show until five o'clock,
Free parking, first aid, lost and
found and rest room 'facilities will
be available to all.
iClinton's • "Other Ranks Mess'
serves meals to about 1,000 men
three times a day. The big kitch-
ens which prepare and serve thin
staggering amount of feed are of
In the recreation hall, there will
be a continuous display of athlet-
ics including volleyball, badmin-
ton, basketball, badminton. RCAF
Station ;Clinton's; new pre-heated •
swimming pool will also be in op-
eration and swimming and diving
displays will be carried' out. In
addition, the many various types
of sports; equipment available to
the airmen and airwomen will be
prominently displayed.
Many types of the gear used
both in the 'air and on the ground
will be shown and demonstrated
in operation such as automatic
direction finding by radio which
guides' the air waves and facsimile
transmission which "broadcasts"
weather maps by radio so weather
stations around the country get
their maps ready made from a
radio set.
Also on • display will be the air-
bor"ne search radars with which
maritime aircraft hunt down en-
emy ships and submarines, radio-
sone balloons which: soar into the
stratosphere carrying tiny radio
;sets which automatically broad-
cast weather information back to
'the earth, search radars which
sweep the sky day and night to
show all aircraft operating over
The compact but amazingly
powerful communications radio
equipment such as is carried in a,
pilots seat pack.
The annual) jointfield day held
;by Junior Farmers' organizations
in Huron and Perth Counties will
be"held in the Lions Park at Sea-
forth, on Saturday, June 9.
Tenders were accepted for a
sidewalk of 4" concrete, 3 feet
wide, 655 feet long, at $1.65 per
foot from Henry Young, with com-
pletion to be by 'August 15, 1956,
on Percival Street in front of the
new public school.
The finance committee was ask-
ed to provide money for construc-
ting a drain into the pond east
of William Street, to take water
from 39 acres of land at the park,
and -thus ease the fooding oltea-
tion along the Mary Street Drain.
Cost of this, 655 feet long was
estimated at $6,990. Engineer a
111... Ross, County of Huron, had
other suggestions', which council
is considering.
(Further news of the council
meeting will be published next
The operation' of an auctioneer
at Clinton Community ; Park on.
Spring Show day were brought to
a halt at about five o'clock by
Clinton Constables since his sales
were not considered fair to the
people .who were doing the: buy-
ing. Selling was preceded by
giving away small items, and a
number of "buy what's in the box
for a $1" offers. The Man had
been, refused permission to set up
his stand the ,night before by the
secretary of the Fair.
Birthday Club
Edward Boyes, Victoria Street,
Clinton, formerly of Brucefield,
was 83 years old on, June 4. Still
active, Mr. Boyes drives his own
Congratulations to Miss Min-
beth Sheppard, who celebrates her
90th birthday on Friday, June 8,
Miss Sheppard, who makes her
;home in Clinton with Aphra Steep, was an employee of the Clinton
News-Record some years ago.
Congratulations and best wish-
es to Miss Rosamond Snowden
Who on Thursday, May 81, passed
her eighty-first binthdey,
Police are continuing investiga-
tions into the hit-and-run accident
which occurred about 4 p.m. at
the corner of Albert and' Ratten-
bury Streets here on Saturday af-
ternoon. Occupants of the car,
which had been stolen from be-
hind the Bedford Hotel, Godelich,
that afternoon, disappeared into
the crowd on the main street.
• Chief Constable H. R. Thomp-
son, who was called to the scene
from the CoMmunity Park where
the Spring Show was' in progress,
found the 1938 model car shoved
up on the curb, in front of Aiken's
etore, and the 1950 three-ton
truck which it had struck parked
in the centre of Albert Street. ,
The car was owned by Francis
Ellis, Elmvale, who reported its
theft about 3.30 p.m. that after-
noon., The thieves had been pro-
ceeding north, on Highway 4 (Al-
bert Street), and turned left into
Rattenbury Street West, ' colliding
with the truck which was going
south. - Damage to the car, which
Ellis had purchased shortly be-
fore, was estimated at $50. ;
The truck, owned by Earl Pully-
blank, Windsor, was driven by his
son', Robert, 21, and was loaded
with sod bound fora landscaping
project at RCAF Station Clinton.
The Bannockburn Pipe Band
took pare on Sunday in the annual
• Zone Drumhead Service held in
Exeter by the members of 13
branches in Zone C-1 of the Can-
adian ,Legion.
Rain forced the ceremonies into
the arena instead' of the Exeter
Park, and a service at the ceno-
taph was cancelled. Parade mar-
shal was W. G. Cochrane and ehe
colour party was lead by Elmer
Q.C. Thee EXeter Pipe Band
led the parade and the Seaforth
High School Bugle Band and a
pipe band from Brussels also at-
The Dashwood Citizens' Band
provided music for the service at
Which Honorary Major the Rev.
Joseph Cardy, Lonrien, was the
guest speaker.
Band At Legion
Drumhead Service
TB Chest X-Ray Survey Completed
In County; Fairly Good Turn-Out
Excellent Animals Shown In Cattle Section Of Spring Show
Ronald Hugill, (left) vaske the youngest 4-H Club member
exhibiting hr the special classes for 4-H-ers at the Spring
Show, Above, Donald Carter poses 'with "Tilly", 'winner of
first place in class for tatantear-old Jerseys, Donald is the
son of Mr. and 'Mrs, Lorne Carter, 1111 2, Seaforthn Right,
Donald Lobb, son of Mr, and MrS, Mervyn Lobb, shows the
two.year,eild Ayrshire heifer, which placed -first in her ease,
Good'Exhibit; But Low Attendance
With a paid entry fees larger
than ever before, Clinton Spring
Show nevertheless failed to draw
a large crowd of onlooker's" to 'the
largest , stock show of its' kind.
Dr. W. Patterson, farm econ-
omics branch, Department of Ag-
riculture; Toronto, who officially
opened the' fair was introduced by
G, W. Montgomery, agricultural
representative for the County.
Tory Gregg, London, was mas-
ter of ceremonies, and commend-
ed veteran secretary treasurer of
the fair, A. J. McMurray for the
many hours' of work and planning
he had' put into 'the Show.
Melvin Cinch, .Clinton, is presi-
dent and Thomas Leiner, RR 1,
Londesboro, is vice-president.
,Cool weather prevailed; but rain
held off for the event, and: all
"Show Goes On" Despite Cold Day;
.Hospital AuXiliarY
1956 Penny Sale
On October 13 -
The Clinton Hospital Auxiliary
meeting in the new Nurses' Resi-
dence, set the date of its Annual
Big Penny Sale for Saturday, Oct-
ober 13.
Miss W'innifred O'Neil and Mrs.
William Morlok -explained the sim-
pler form of Penny Sale Tickets,.
which: 'are to be. used for the event.
President, Mrs. Alex Haddy was
in. ,the chair and secretary Mrs.
Leslie. Rathbun, reported a paid-
up membership of 527. 'Mrs. A. J.
'McMurray, treasurer, stated' that
there was: a bank credit on her
books: of $534.94.
Mrs. Haddy- expressed apprec-
iation to Mrs. George. Elliott and
Mre., J. A. Addison' for their work
as conveners of the. tag day and:
Mrs. Fred Thompson, convener
of the purchasing committee was
authorized to buy a, suitable oper-
ating room stool.
The Auxiliary signified by its
attitude, its willingness; to co-op-
erate . with the Board in convert-
ing the old nurses' quarters into
regular patients' accommodation.
No nieetings will be convened in
the vacation months of July and
August, 'but they will be' resumed
on September 10.
events were; run off in' good time.
The evening show was particularly
fine this year, although a poor
audience braved the chilly weather
to 'take advantage of the show.
A dinner for directors and; of-
finials of the Show was held in
the Hotel Clinton at nbon on; Sat-
urday, and those attending, includ-
ed Mayor W. J. Miller, Rev. D. J.
Lane, Reeves Burton Stanley,
John, Deeves, William Jewitt, Har-
vey Coleman, V. Becker and Jam-
es Doig; Deputy Reeve N. W. Tre-
wartha, Tom Prycle, MLA for
Huron County, Judge F. Fingland,
J. W. Hanna, MLA for Huron-
(News-ge rd Photos)
"Biggest and Best Ever" is the At two o'clock an, official open- liaissance patrol planes, Mustangs,
and Expediters,
On the ground, available for a
closer look, will be Sabre, Canticle
Dakota and Harvard aircraft,
From 2.30 to four o'clock a dis-
play of fire fighting equipment
will be shown at the Station Fire
Hall, and at four, an actual fire
will be started and 'brought under-
control by RCAF fire fighters
and equipment,
From 2.30 to 4.30 continuous
cartoon movie program in the
Station theatre will amuse the
kiddies, Airmen's quarters, din.
The report of Auditor A. M. clerk, 'to $10,000 on each of the
Harper, Goderich, was' heard by
all members' of the Clinton Town
Council on Tuesday evening, in
what proved to :be one of the long-
est session in recent months.
In considering the report of the
PUC audit, Councillor Beattie
raised the suggestion that $12,500
surplus in the' hydro account
seemed rather high, considering
the fact 'that' rates had been raised
recently. Councillor Livermore
remarked that he understood rat-
es were raised to pay for re-wir-
ing in town. Mayor Miller stated
that part of the' surplus: was ear-
marked for wiring.
Council confirmed suggestions
of the auditor with regard to deal-
ing with moneys in; the collection.
of taxes, and moved that these
be carried out "to the letter." A
Change in banding will be made,
to change a $3,000 bond on the
tax-collector and $20,000 on the
Council Plans To Renovate
Old Hall m Sidewalks; Drains