HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-05-25, Page 7MD, 4.11.11!""'7 • • sstre THE WEEK'S NEWS. OANADIA.N, Telegraphic reports el the crepe in Oster- io show that the fall wheat has been winter killed to a considerable extent. It is reported that a PR ;got of pure gold weighing 99k plume was taken out of the Vermillion mine at Sudbury last week. Thirteen Chinamen, with the white wife and three children of the leader of the party, paseed though Montreal in bond for New York, Senator McInnes, a 'British Columbia, has given notice of a motion condemning the importation of pauper children and adults, Tendere for the completioa of the Red River V alley railroad will be called for in a few days, and it is hoped to have the road finished by July 1st Four natural gas wells are now completed in Courtright, Ont., and all are producing gas in paying quantities!, the last one, finish- ed on Saturday, being described as "a yeti - table gusher." The great lumber kings around the Chau- diere threaten to leave and erect their mine nearer Montreal if they are compelled to get rid of their sawdust otherwise than by running it into the Ottawa. It has been discevered that by some erook- edness a bill to legalise a by-law of the municipality of Morris granting ,a bonus to the C. P. R. was burked in the Manitoba Legislature in the days of the Norquay regime. Simpson Woodbury, of Torbrook, N.S., says that during his life he has killed over 400 fur -bearing animals. He gives a list as follows :—Foxes, 200 ; otters, 13 ; bears, 2 ; moose, 13 ; mink, 150 ; sable, 5; racoon, 20; loup-cervier, 10 ; total, 413. At a recent meeting of the Montreal Pro- testant Ministerial Association, a resolution was unanimously adopted expressing appre- ciation of Archbishop Fabie s conciliatory action regarding the proposed statue of the Virgin Mary in Mount Royal park. A notorious character named Tom Buck- ley was arrested in Toronto on Monday on a charge of murdering his paramour, Bertha Robinson. At the coroner's inquest was bnought in a verdict of guilty of wilful mur- der,. and the prisoner was committed for trial. The Calgary correspondent of the Winni- peg Free Press says :—An arrangement was made for a lot of whiskey to be thrown off a train at the Elbow bridge night before last. The party to receive the consignment of o -be -joyful were duly at their post, but an- other party had got on to the racket and stationed themsolves near the bridge too. When the whiskey was thrown off (about fifteen gallons) party No. 2, who were mis- taken for the right men, grabbed the prize and made off. No cards." Norman McDonald, "Boxer," of Slios a Bbroohain, North Side Big Bras d'Or, Vic- toria County, N. S., died on Monday laet, at the great age of 110 years. He served under Wellington, in the battle of Waterloo, when he was alssnet 37 years of• age. He was born in the Isle of Harris, Scotland, in about the year 1778 and emigrated to this country in 1833, when he was in his 55th year. He was a very active man, and has been able, until th ri past two ar three years, to assist a little with the work on the farm. UNITED STATES. Mr. Dillon was Neatotleed to six months' imprisonment without hard laboor, British circles In Shanghai do not prove Australie's method of dealing with the' Chinese question, and the hong Kong Ch inber of Commerce hasodopted a reeolo• tion declaring the course is fraught with danger to British interests. In reply to a deputation of Members of Parliament, Mr, Edward Stanhope, War Secretary, said there was no occasion for panic, but at the same time England was taking measures that would place her in a satisfactory defensive position. The estate in the Island of Achill owned by the late lord Caven, was sold by order of his trustees, consisting of 2,063 acres of freehold land—in fact, the whole islend— with house and entrance lodges, both fur- nished, The auctioneer described the pro- perty as one of the finest sporting estates in Ireland, though he admitted that the ten- ants were three years in arrear with their rent. The property was sold practically without reserve, and after very slight coin- petitioe was purchased by a ladyat the modest figure of £630, or about six skill - lingo an acre I The War Scare in England. Qui by som and e the st fences critic for ye that a what result in -Chi that Hdus actio the 1 cisms did tion. when open Consumption Surely Cured. To ens Elmo: :—I'leleet inform your reSdere that 1 hive a positive remedy for the Above named (114. ease. By 11* timely net thotteands of hopeless mate have been permanently ured. 1 *halt be glad to send two bottles of my remedy NM to any of your readers who have consumption 0 they will Pend me their Expreee and P. 0. aldrow. Reepeotiolly, DA, T. A. Swoon, 87 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont, The International copyright bill has been paned by the United Suites Senate, Whenever your ntioaela or Owen get out 01 0 der, musing blIllowineasDyepepela, or Indigestion and their attendant eviler, take at ouee a dem 01 Ox eersoire stoinaeb Bilden Beet Wally madiolne TIm.i.lato AC (mess A Michigan editor advertises that he will take fi*h or frogs on subscription tbjs sprin• g, A Cure for Drunkenness. The opium habit, depsoma.ula the morphine habit, nervous prostration caused by' the use of tobs000, wakefulnese, mental depression, softening of the brain, eto., premature old age, lame of vitality mused by over-exertion of the brain, and lose of natural etrongth, from any cause whatever. Men—young, old or middle.aged—who are broken down from any of the above causes, or any muse notmentionsd atm, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon's Treatise, M book feirm'of Diseases of Kan. Books sent sealed and secure from observation. Address M. V LIMN 47 Wellineton street East, Toronto Out. te a storm has been reified in England o criticisms made by Lord Wolseley, choed by the Duke of Cambridge, on ate of the army and navy and the de - of the empire. According to certain s the eervices have been in a bad way ars, but it was hardly to be expected uthorities so high in office would voice others have only dared to write. The of the course taken by the Commander- ef and the assistant General has been Lord Salisbury from his place in the o of Lords has severely condemned the n of Lord Wolseley in particular, and atter, while maintaining that his criti. were just, has declared that he not mean to attack the administra- Anyway it is a sign of the times e the commanders of the army ly rebel against the policy of the rnment. To say the least of it, it ad example to set the soldiers, who also be tempted to address public ings and reveal their grievances, of h they undoubtedly have a stook. e incident created quite a stir, in fact, st a panic. Reading the cablegrams would almost think some powerful na- was standing by and at any moment t gobble the sesa girt isle with ease that an ordinary individual' would ur a penny roll. Thinge, however, are quite so bad as that. The most note - thy feature of the interesting little rel is that Lord Charles Beresford, who gned his position as a lord of the Admir- because the navy was seemingly no e than a paper creation, now says that he two years and a half since he retired h has been done towards improvement. haps the same beneficial effect would ow the resignation of Lord Wolseley, , as a truce has apparently been reached, t is not likely to happen. n view of the fact that the War Office nds about £20,000,000 annually,. there st be, unless enormous misappropriation waste prevail throughout, some pretty gible results achieved somewhere. Lord isbury's guarded observation that there been a considerable increase in prepar one within recent years, means, no doub a, ood deal. Meanwhile all this excitement producing its effect at home and abroad., e Duke of Cambridge denies that the ntry is in imminent danger, though even modified form of his denial is adapted intensify rather than allay the public dis- iet. When it is announced that modern 30• ns are being mounted at Sheerness, that her measures of defence are being adopted the Thames, that the first and second my corps are to be placed on a war foot - g, magazine rifles issued to all the regular oops, etc., it is no wonder that the people gin to ask what it all means. Nor is the we from abroad reassuring. The Prussian ilitary leaders are said to be counting con- ently on a summer campaign, and e din of warlike preparations still re. unds in Austria and in Russia. It ems incredible, ho wever, that the Gov- nment, or any one but a military offi- r, can auppoae England to be in any such anger of invasion, as would seem to e foreshadowed by great activity in rengthening coast and river armaments. ither the Island must be suffering from one f its unaccountable but periodical panics, r the real danger must be threatening some muter other than that indicated. Gen. oulanger is yet far from having reached he head, either of the French Government r the French War Office, and, even if he ere in either place, the menace to English omes could not be very terrible. It is not any to conceive of any other Power as like - y to carry the war into the Thames. The New York Assembly has pas*ed a bill imposingia tax on foreign corporations doing •business n New York State, People who are subplot to GAG Oveath, foul embed tongue, or any disorder of the Stonutch, oast at °nor be relieved by using Dr. Carton's Stomach Bitter. the nal end tried romedv Ask Mut Drtle7l.4 The Soudanese rebels have defeated the forces of the Pasha of IVIequinez and killed the pasha. Hue 1 Owen Man cures In one minute. It is stated that the Imperial Government intend founding and endowing au Irish Catholic University. OntoAtassa Hem RENEWER restores grey and faded hair to its natural oolor and prevents falling. out. A P. 199 CANOES. WI. 11. al= •(13., E arttae2o l°r e.. o . Ont. PKIWI IN procured. Patent Attorneys, and experts Est'd1807, Donald C. Ridont at Co..Toronto. gove is b may meet whie Th almo one tion migh the devo not wc r quer resi alty mor in t muo Per foll but tha 1 are mu and tan Sal had ati a g is KNITTING'ZTIV,:rou„:4ro°,:r.MACHINES PATENTS 2orgttellirth=ligtTioero=. ORONTO °Mtn. Sou0OL—A grand chance to acquire a thorough knowledge of garment outting II all its branches. Now's the time to enter. Good cutters in groat demaod, bin wages. Terms on ap- plication. O. CORRIGAN, 122 Yonge-et., Toronto. MERCHANTS • • • BUTCHERS AND TRADERS GENERALLY. We want a GOOD MAN in your locality to piok up New York has the pulpits of eight of Tb its best paying and best attended churches con occupied by imported clergymen. the to qu gu o t on ar in tr be ne fid th BO ee er ce b st E 0 0 The application for a re -hearing of the telephone patent case has been denied by the United States Supreme Court, As the Boston Globs figures, the net profit of the billiard tables kept in that city is something over $2,000,000 annually. Some of the western American cities pen- sion their public school teachers after certain years of service. In Wisconsin twenty-one years of faithful work entitles a teacher to a pension, and Cleveland is considering a proposition towards the same end. A pigeon message received at Garden City, Kansas, states that the Chicago buffalo hunting expedition has struck the trail of what is supposed to be the last main herd of buffalo at the head waters of the Upper Canadian River, in North-Western Texas. A Tennessee preacher was pleading with a country merchant to trust him for half a pound of tea when a lawyer rode up and handed him papers showing that he was heir to $8,000,000. Then the preacher said he guessed he'd also ask credit for soap and ealeratus, too. The eight -story blooks of Chicago have their advantages. On the eighth floor is a restaurant; on another a barber shop. A public telephone and a telegraph office are in the basement. A resident can buy his clothes at the tailor -shop, have hia boots blacked, have his picture .painted and be photographed. and can even seleot original designs in coffins without leaving one roof. He may live in luxury for a lifetime, his wants being supplied within the four walls. FOREIGN. The question is to be shortly argued as to the power of the Irish courts to increase a sentence upon appeal. Gen. Boulanger declares that only a crim- inal or a madman would dream of aggres- sive war on the part of France. Mr. Michael Devitt says that to secure county government for ,Ireland before ob- taining Home Rule would be a fatal blunder. Tenants on estates in Clare have adopted the Plan of Campaign and Moonlighters have raided four farms because the occupants had paid their rentg. The Government of New Zealand have proclaimed all Chinese ports infected in or- der to put a stop to the entrance into the colony of Chinese emigrants. The Brazilian Senate has passed the bill for the immediate abolition of slavery throughout the empire which was passed by the Chamber of Deputies last week. Gen, Boulanger has been paid $40,000 for the manuscript of his book on the German invasion. In his case the pen appears to be not only mightier but more valuable than the word. Archbishop Walsh says the Papal resoript acacia a question of morals, and it will be found that it Will not in the least injuriOus- 1y affect either the national movement or the National League. The trial of Mr, Bohn Diliob, charged under the Crimes Ad with inciting tenants not to pay rents, was concluded yesterday. ames elery ompound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. uREs Nervous Prostratiop,Nervous Head. sehe,Neuralgla,NervousWeaknees, Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all /affections of the Kidneys. A NERVE TONIC. GEORGE W. BOUTON, STAMFORD, CONN, ROTE: "For two years I was a aufferer from nervous de- bility, and I thank God and the (Recover= of the Valuable remedy that Parse's Onutst courouen cured me. .ft is a valuable remedy. Long may it live. Let any one write to me for advice:. AN ALTERATIVE. ALONZO ABBOTT, Wronson, YT, says: "I believe PAINE'S C=ItY COMPOUND toyed my life. Illy trouble seemed 1.0 be an internal humor. BeforoI used was co rered with an orondon from heed to heel.. The eruption is rapidly healing, and am aye hundred per cent, better every way,. LAXATIVE.A A. 0. Bean., Wane BITER JUNCTION, VT.. 13E9G: For two years past I have been a great sufferer from kidney and liver troubles, attended with dys. PeOsia and constipation. Before I began to take ()mono COMPOUND it seemed as though everything ailed me. 1,Tow I can say nothing ails A DIURETIC. GEORGE ABBOTT, STOVE orris tows. says: "7 have been using Panta's CELE= COMPOUND and it has done me more good for kidneys and lame back than any other medicine I have ever taken. Huildreds of teetimoniale have been received frora perilous who have used this remedy with remarkable benefit. Send for circular. Price $I .00. Sold bpDruggistis. WELLS,RICHARDSON &CO„ Proprietors Montreal, Que. REINER L LIVE ot STEAMSHIPS, —SAILING WEEKLY BETWEEN — MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL Saloon Tlokets, 640, 260, 100. Return, $80, $90, $110, Intermediate, 130 ; Steerage, $20. Apply to 71. E MURRAY. Gen.'. Manager, 1 Custom House Square, MONItTEAL. a.ekiaziozcormts for un Cash furnished on satisfactory guaranty. Addrese C. S. PAGE, Hyde Park. Vermont, U CEI,P11 Buoioess College, ()until, OUT.— This popular Institution, now hi Its 4111 year is do/ng a grand worx for the Education of young men and women in those branches, a knowledge of wbich is so emential to the intelligent and sumeetful management of praotthal affairs. Its graduate• are everywhere giving signal .proof of the co roughness of their training, and bearing grateful testimony to the monetary value of its course of study. The Fourth Annual Circular giving full information will be mailed free. Addrees M. MacComatm, WaterpiL5UIVING STREAM AEGERS, bore 20 feet per' hour. Also Beek Drills—Hand, Horse, or Steam Power. Send for Catalogue. • Laidlaw Mantitacturing Co., HAtatoros. OST t 0 w h SAFES. F :REA BURGLAR PROOF Patent Non - Conducting Doors VALS'l!.3-1-1:Z8RS. J. & J. TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works. ‘410111( a* 1'! 000. r.o. MONEY Ellrdor, WO. 72 King et. K.. VAN kikao• siurriso 41�,—Naneor lAnsi ot es,/ Steamships, sailing weekly between liontteal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liver $40, $50, and fa, Return ,aketia e$0, PO, Auld 0, according to steamer also aeooroeuseation, inter. ne:were, as30 ; Sound trip Wirt" gee, Steerage, $20, hound tr p ticketo, .40. For further particular* mad 10 e our bit he apply Vs If. 1.. aci,JORAY, (hoer"! Mei ager, 1 Otto ont House btplare, AlOntreal, Or to the ea, Agents in tbe ifferent Twons and °dim SOWER'S VRIVIAD &Mt or owt.nkv Will Sharpen the Knife without removing it from the M &chive. No farmer should send ide tinecbine hate the tield without one. Sample lay mail, 800. 10,4EMENT A 400., Toronto. Tax greatest d a °every OA:ass; sent age ter ing the bowels, add 'Curing all Blood 14v or and Kidney Oen plaints. A parted Blood Portlier. A ow n Hamilton whohliell been belated by He use ; arra, M. Romeo 195 Robert St oared of Erysipelati el 2 yni, standing; Pei. neil, 24 moth street, daughter mired al Epileptic) fibs atter years suffering ; Jew, ole Birrel, 55 Wand Street, cured et Weakness and Lung Troub o: John Wood, 95 Chiba cart St, cured of Liver Complaint and Billioremset need only 8 fit ty-oent bottles,' 38r0. Jr, Beal, Augae,* St., troubled for years with liervoneProetration,i we, entail bottles gave her great relief. Sold at a0o. & 81. F. DALLEF & 00., Proprietors. tor FOLDING BEOS. Out of uee, out of sight Send for circular. Chas.& °Dineen .2 Co" 22 Church Street Toronto. OF THE BIBLE—By Onetime Foam. Profusely Illustrated —Salm marvelloue — Nearly 400,000. Send 11 50 tor a copy and go to work. Agents Wanted. Address. A. G. WATSON, Manager, TORONTO WILLARD TRACT DRPONITORY, TORONTO. 'Whaley, Royce &Go. THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO Vanderbilt and his Father. The son was then thirty-two years old, and himself a father. They were on board the steam yacht Northern Star, on their way to St. Petersburg. William, who was a habitual smoker, was puffing his favorite cigar. Bit," said the Commodore, "1 wish you'd give up that smoking habit of yours. I'll give you ten thousand dollars if you will." "You needn't give me anything," was the son's answer, as he flung the cigar over- board. " Your wish is sufficient." He never smoked afterward. Would that more of our young men would follow his example 1 —Manufacturers of the highest grades of - SILVER - PLATED WARES TRADE MARK. —FACTORIES and SALESROOM :- Bicycles 1 nOca seeonel • Hand Bicycles and rieveles. Send for List. New Catalogue ready in April. T..../A..1-T MONTREAL. 283 Yong° Street, Toronto. The Oheapeet Place in Canada for BAND IRSTRUMENTS. New and Second-hand. Agents for "BEESON" and " HIGHAM Band & Orchestra MUM, REPAIRING OF BAND INSTRUMENTS 14 specialty. Send tor Catalogue. Allan Line Royal Mail %teamshipe Sailing during winter from Portland every Thum day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and In summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Halifax and St. John's, N. F , to Liverpool fortnightly during Bummer months. The steamere of the Gins- gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum mor between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia • fortnightly. For freight, passage, or ether information apply to A, Schumacher & Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard & Co., Halifax; Shea & Oo., St. John's, N. F,; Wm. Thomp- son & Co., St. John, N. B.; Allan az Co., Chicago; Love & Alden, New York, H. 'Browner, Toronto; Albans, Rae ea Co., Quebec: Wm. Brookie, Philadel- phia; 11. A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal. 420 to 426 King R. West, TORONTO E. G. GOODERHAM, J. C. COPP, Manager. Sec, Treas. —CHAMPION -- STUMP & STONE Young Men as , SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and follywho find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted ; alto MIDDLB.AGED and Oso MEN who are broken down from the effectso EaMilMESIMEMINAM11.111.11. M. V. Lubon's Treatise on the Diseases of Men The BREADMAKEITS YEAS.1 abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and read i two Sc. ttempe. Address ALWAYS AHEAD! book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of M. V. LUBON, Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. BREAD made with this 1 ADMA • " s.1 Yeast took firOntario in r0Sst prizes at 182 Township and County Fairs in • 7, at such places as Flesherton, Markharn,Whit. DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the pall by, etc. Over so,coo ladies have fifteen years, with great success, in the Deatmek; •11 . sent us letters and postal cards Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex- to say that it is superior to an Cy . •yeast ever used by them. It oanakes the lightest, whitest. the ears, palpitation, oto. For Bale by all druggists m sweetest and ost wholesome bread, burls, rolls and buck. Price 81 per box, or 0 boxes for 65, or will be sent by wheateakes. DireetIonsin cock mall on receipt of price. Pamphlet on application,• package with lull Instruction. 1`1E GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto 'AIC NO OTHENt stAlletR ScEinaLt 'When I say Gunn I do not mean merely tel stop them for a timo, and then have them rEr• turn again. I Taws A RADICA.L CUM I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLINCI.SICKICE A life long study. I vittnANT My remedy to CURIO the worst cases,' Batmen others hay ailed I s no reason fornot now ac Send at once f or a treatise and a FOXE B Of my INFALLIBLE ItEmEDY. Give and post Office. It costs you nothing 0 trial, and it will cure you. Address Dr. H. es BOOT. 37 Yonge Sto Toronto, Ont. gmsenmenamiew egV —EXTRACT° ft— IX years' trial, and over 5,000 in use has proved this machine the best; 0 sizes. Send for Circular. 0. S. RIMBALL, Inventor and Manufacturer, 677 Craig st. P.O. Box 045, Montteal, P.Q They Speak for ThemSeives. Pioton, Fob. 17.—This is to certify that I have used Poison's NEavumit for rheuma- tism and have found it a valuable remedy for all internal pain, and would greatly re, commend it to the public.—N. T. KINGSLEY. LEEDS COUNTYSan, 9.— We are not in the habit of puffiing patent methanol, but we cannot withhold our testimony as to the great value of Nerviline as a remedy for pain, We have pleasure in recommending It at a never•failing remedy.—Rev. it. 1. ALLEN, 138144, Ditto% and many others. P. A. Churchill states :—There seems to be no end to the sucoese of Nerviline. send you a few testimonials, and can send you plenty more if of use to you, Sold everywhere. Wheat to the extent of 6,00,000 bushela has reached Port Arthur upto the lst of May and 78,600 buahels more manufactured in flour. One million bushels of other grata alto retched there, making 9,000,000 ipuh- els. Two Millions more still in Manitoba available for export. Desiring to obtain 5 Bugling' Education, or become profloient in Shorthand and Typewriting, should At- tend the • BRITISH. AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Arcade, lenge Week Toronto. For Circulars, eto., .address 0. O'DEA. Secretary Nervous Debility. Tired Nature's Powerful Restorer. The most perfect form of Concentrated Nouriebusent at • present known. 811111.MINTa-TX:IMMTI. X" 8 TI MIL TT I.., ..A.. '1'' 11\i' 7.7"3:G -01R,..&..'1' The only mea ter tratition that contains all iri 'itrenit /t menti of meat.m IsareseAst‘s IN SWIM. , PALATANI4A9 AOE 1 Convenient and -Useful in Domesti Cooking. ha. ...• There are many nntorions of " Peerless MACHINE 013 but none equal it in lubricating propertiet ens, Muammar, Oa., find none equal to the ern 'Peerless made by SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. Sold by dealers everywhere. WA LEER 1111TTElt WOICKERS-8t085. Homer's and °there engaged in Butter Wel. naafi will save time and money by investing. Three shalt Prides on epplioation. JAS. PARE & 8011, TOP.0620. CAPITAL AND FUNDS NOtit OVER $3,000,000. READ OFFICE. • 10 TORONTO ATEVET. TORONTO,' ONT. -A ROME COMPANY', ESTABLISHED 0CT011241, 1821. To this date, dabber 81, 1887, there hag been returned i To the heirs of Polioy-holders (death claims) 049,249 00 To Cho hold.rs of :natured Endttnnent Polices 28,492 68 To Policy -holders on surrendisr of Policies98,60 00 To Polloy.holders for Cash Profits (including thine allgcated and being pait).. ,„ „.„ , 484,644 62 To holders of Annuity Ponds „....„ 16,987 84 Loaned US Poliey-holders On Security of their Policies 82,264 98 .....----. 81,206,174 47 Policies in Force over 10,000. Amount over $15,000,000• PRESIDENT—H071. SIR W. P. Rowl,ANn, C.B., X.C.M.G, VICE-FRESIDENTS.—Wn.tratt EtratYrk. Et ; EDWARD Rona, E8Q. tir. K. 'MACDONALD, Managing DirmitOr• tarEolloles 71ontottott5b10 otter 2 years and Indotoodble otter 2 IVA.