Clinton News-Record, 1956-05-31, Page 7'THURSDAT, , #.' " 41., "MO ACCOMMODATION for RENT 1` wo ROO1VI FURNISHED neat., sed apartment. Available soon. ?hone HU. 2-9005. 22-1s, APARTMENTS, available May 15, Furnished. Private bath and frigs. Centrally located, Phone Clinton HU. 2-9508, 1.9to22-b' 2 FURNISHED APTS. TO RENT, Centrally located. Phone Clinton HU 2-9682 or Hensall 105 (in af- ternoon)); 21.:tfb THREE R 0 O M FURNISHED Apartment available June 9. Phone HU 2-9504. 22-b DUPT XIX APARTMENT; unfur- Ished. Private entrance, 'private bath, Phone HU 2-6675. 22-b AP. " e T FOR RENT, 3_ rooms, self-contained. Dial HU 2,- 9928. 22 tfb A PLEAS A N T FURNISHED three-room apartment for rent. Call au 2-9870 evenings. Joe Mc- Cully, Brucefield• 22-b 2 ROOM FURNISHED APART- meat. Use of frig. and -washer. Available immediately. PhoneHU , 2-9540. 22=p APARTMENT;'FIVE ROOM, par- tly furnished. Three miles out of town. Good summer location. Dial HU 2,-3334. ' 22-b TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT unfurnished. Available June 1. Mrs. B. Managhan, Dial HU 2- 6677. tfb APARTMENT, HEATED, furn- ished or unfurnished. 'Het 'Wat- er, bathroom and kitchen. Apply to 82 Wellesley :Street or *phone 28$ Goderich after six. . ! '2.1-tfb. FOUR,, ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, share bathroom. Also large living room and kitchen partly furnished, Phone HU 2- 9418. 22-b MODERN, FOUR ROOM. Apart- ment, bath. 'Unfurnished. Avail- able immediately,, W. N. Count- er, Phone HU. 2-9649. 22p TWO ROOM FURNISHED A- partment, suitable for couple. Available immediately. 'Phone Clinton HU. 2-9504, after six o'clock.' a 21-2-b LARGE BRICK, Country Douse, hydro, telephone, water on tap. Eight miles from Clinton. $25 a month. Aaron Fisher, RR 2, Clin- ton, phone Carlow 167. 22p-tfb SELF CONTAINED ONE BED - room heated apartment; laundry facilities. Immediate possession. Apply Jim Bisset, 103 St. George's Crescent, phone Goderich 1017. 14tfb COTTAGE ON LAKE — THREE bedrooms; three miles north' of Hayfield; shady lot; inside con- veniences; goad beach. Seasonal preferred. Phone Clinton HU 2- 9898. 22-b Accommodation Wanted HOUSE, PREFERABLY THREE bedrooms, Unfurnished. In or near Clinton Write or pohne Sgt. R. I. Sibbert, Local 335 RCAF Station 'Clinton. 22-b SMALL HOUSE OR COTTAGE 'in Clinton or immediate vicinity by young couple with baby. Permanent residents if right place. Phone Clinton HU. 2-9341 i 22-p WANTED TO RENT OFFICE SPACE for one day a week Monday preferred Suitable for Optometric Practice, Upstairs' Apartment Suitable Contact • J. E: LONGSTAFF, Phone Seaforth 791 21-2-b �. ARTICLES FOR SALE ,CHILD'S TRICYCLE, in good con- dition, with 13" front wheel. Phone Blyth 28r6 (collect). 22p ICE . REFRIGERATOR, WHITE enamel, in excellent condition. 50 lb. ice capacity. Excellent for summer cottage. Phone HU 2-9007. 22-x VACCUUM CLEANER, SPEED Easy, like new, all attachments, reasonable. Dial HU 2-74$5. 22-b LARGE S+PARTO:N FRIG, in,good condition, reasonable price. Also good baby carriage and other art- icles. Call at 3 Victoria Blvd., RCAF Station Clinton, 22-b FOLtANG BABY STROLLER with detachable shopping bag, Leatherette; silver grey, metal seat stiffener, just like new, 7- inch wheels with fact brake; chronic trim, Half price $7.50. Phone SIU 2-6693. 22-p TV FET FOR A "XING" — We 'Rent --- Move —Install, Complete service on all makes Of rotators , 'arid antenna. All work fully guar- ' aiiteed. Iiuron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb 1-14" BEAVEtR, HAN:DSAAW 124" .Jig Serail saw; 1-36" Bed Lathe; 141232" Drill Press %" chuck, With o without .motors, All in first class shape. Call any even- ing. after 6 p.m, or phone HU 2- `9793. Priced for mei sale.. Reg. Smith. 22,3-b AUTOMOBILES FOR. SALE 1229 1\40104. "A" FORD, Rebuilt motor. Good tires and body, ' Stewart Broadfoot RR N. 5, ' Clintoe, ,phoiiav I4U i3-9110... 22-b BOARD ANIS ROOM ... ,. •.... JLY.tiu-. y ,.. ......... •....,, BABY CHICKS CHICKS, DAYQLD, STARTED•. Fronr well; -known T4illsido Hatch- eries. Mixed pullets, cockerels. Order your broilers too, We,. can give IQ information and prices, Look ahead to your markets-- you'll arkets—you'll need good chicks to satisfy good markets. Agent Wm. A, H. Je'nkies; North St., Clinton. 22-b WE. WILL BOOK YOUR ORDER for Kitchener Big -4 Broilers for delivery your Own date, but strongly advise you order soon. Hatchery has for immediate deliv- ery mixed chicks, pullets, cock- erels, - standard breeds, crosses, hybrids. • Dayold, started. Ask us for full information, agent: Chas.. Scott, Auburn, Rhone 45R23, Bly- t'h.. 22-b BUSINESS. OPPORTUNITIES. OWN YQtJR' OWN BUSINESS, Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton HU: 2-6692. 13-tfb CUSTOM WORK WANTED —. GARDEN WORK! L. Haasjes, RR 1, Clinton. 22p ELECTRIC MOTORS, Rewound and repaired. Home and Auto rad- ios and appliances repaired. Art Leven, Isaac Street, at Dunlop. Phone Clinton HU 2-6640. 41-tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED EXPERIENCED CLERK -TYPIST wants permanent position, local district preferred. Phone HU 2- 7039., 21-b FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton HU 2-6692. Low down payments. 33-tfb MANY GOOD FARMS, Large and Small, in Huron County. Heroes in Goderich and cottages along Lake Huron. Real Estate is our business. Buying or selling. Con- tact John Bosveld, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, Gode- rich, phone Goderich 1108. 22-tfb FURNITURE FOR SALE STUDIO COUCH AND CHAIR, suitable f o r summer cottage. Phone HU 2-3227. 22-3-b DINING ROOM ' SUITE, SIX chairs, extension table and buffet; also large pool table (6') with two sets balls; also boy's grey suit, size 14. All good condition. Dial HU 2-9552. 22-b Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO„ AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton HU 2.-7029. , • 15-6-7-p-tbf HELP WANTED GIRLS and MEN For permanent employement, 5 day week. Life Insurnaoe and Hospitalization Plan, etc. Apply: • Seaforth Shoes Ltd. Seaforth, Ontario 22.=3-b MACHINIST -For .lathe, milling machine and surface and cylindrical grinding NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, WALKERTON• 21x22 -b APPLICATIONS WILL BE ac- cepted until June 15 for posit- ion of organist and for choir leader for Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. Please state qualifications, experience, • and salary expected. Reply to Elwin Merrill, Box 406, Clinton, Ont. 21-22-b HELP WANTED•�•FEMALE WAITRESS. APPLY AT RUBY and Bill's. Dial HU 2-9672. 22-b COOK GENERAL. COMMERCIAL, Hotel. 22-b FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Five- day week. .55c per hour to start. If able to maintain production, 75c per hour. Phone Clinton HU 2-7064 or apply in person, preferably, to A. Garon, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. 14-tfb • YOUNG WOMAN FOR HOUSE- hold work. To take charge of convenient, first -floor apartment and assist polio active in. business. Excellentsituation far New Can- adian wishing to learn English. Aiaply or write MISS .DOROTHY CLARK, .66 Britannia St., Strat- ford. Tel. 2004. 22-p HELP WANTED --MALE TWO BOYS WANTED TO ]earn Knitting. Apply Par Knit Hos- iery. 22-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 13 PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS OLD, Apply Ross Hoggart, RR No. ,1, Clinton, phone BIT 29878. 22-b PUREBRED HBIR,EIp'OII.D BULL,, 8 months old. Apply to Fred Buchanan. Phone Seaforth 4, 22-p EtJr14 (SCOTCH SHORTHORN) 'f) eligible forregistr'ation., Age 21 months, sell or 'trade. Contact Jim Lobb, Clinton, RR 2, Phone r_tn I#tet 2.3342, 22-p ONE COW DUE TO FRESHEN early in d''une°' several calves•, Dur- ham and Pont Atngu's, from three woks ;up to 3 months th age. Ara, J W, Crich, Phone HU. LIVESTOCK; WANTED WANTED, QLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bras. Mink Ranch,C;oderich, Phone collect, 148331, or 1483J4 9ptfb ATTENTION FARMERS i Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides, Call collect Ed. Andrews, $51x11, Seaforth, Asg'ociated with Darling and Co. of Canada, Ltd. 19-tfb MISCELLANEOUS SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL, Septic Tanks, Cess. Pools, ete., pumped -and cleaned with Sanitary equipment, All work guaranteed.. Estimates given without obligation. /Louis Blake; RR Ne, 2, Brgssels, phone 42r6 Brussels. 20-29-p NOTICE ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Lots 41 and .51, both sides of the river, Tuckersmith Township, at ANYTIME hereafter will be prosecuted, By order .of the own- er—A, E. PARRY, - 19-20.1 2.3-4-p-tfb PET STOCK FOR SALE NINE WELL-BRED SCOTCH Collie pups, five weeks old. Phone Clinton HU 2-9898. 22-b PROPERTY FOR SALE EIGHT LOTS ANDA HOUSE, frame, five room, in Bayfield. Jack Parker, Bayfield. ' 22 to 25-b 1 STOREY CENTRAL Mortgage house, small down payment, monthly payment, $28. Early possession. Apply 140 James St. 21-22-p POULTRY FOR SALE 250 PULLETS, 3i%% months old, (Hemp -Rocks) ; also pasture for 5 or 6 head of cattle. P. Westerhout, Phone :Clinton HU. 2-9812. 22-b 1200 RED X ROCK AND 500 Red x Sussex pullets, 5 months old on May 22. 2,000 Sussex x Red pullets, 13 weeks old. Andrews Poultry Farm, RR 3, Seaforth. Phone Seaforth 647r3. 20-1-2-p PRODUCE .EOR SALE A QUANTITY OF GREEN Moun- tain potatoes... Apply . Morgan Jones, RR 'No. 2, Clinton, phone HU 2-9139. 22-b SALESMAN WANTED RELIABLE DEALERS WANTED. Fine opportunity to establish own business with high earnings. Write for details .and free catalogue to Dept A, Familex, Station C. Mont- real. 22-b SEED FOR SALE TEN BUSHEL OF MARINE seed flax, cleaned. Apply Murray For- bes, phone Clinton HU 2-3334. 22-b TEACHERS WANTED MUSIC SUPERVISOR for SS No. 1, Hullett. Applications will be accepted up until June 15, 1956. Write stating experience and sal- ary expected. Approx. 35 pupils. Ross MacGregor, RR 2, Seaforth. 22-b Cards of Thanks 2 Cents per word, Minimum 50e We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the` acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy and beautiful floral offer= ings received from our kind friends and neighbors in our recent ber- eavement of a beloved wife -and mother. Special thanks to the Rev. D. 3. Lane.— Mr. Edgar E. Gibson and Beatrice. . 22-p We would like to thank those who sent flowers, fruit, candy, treats and cards, the doctors and nurses at St, Toseph's and Clinton Hospitals; blood donors and those who helped at home, and all who helped in any way to make things a bit easier during Mrs. McCu1- lough's hospitalization. Frank and Mildred McCullough, Holrnesville. 22-x Clinton Community Farmers, AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY e9mineucing at 8.00 p.n1. TERMS CASH L COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT,Auctioneer X. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk goielsaaceleisaslealeseasseaseaaesastelea K G SALVAGE CO. Clinton We Buy Scrap Iron, Rags, tagging, Old Cars, Feathers, Horse Hair. We Buy Anything, PHONE HU, 2-926/ 18 %ea CI NTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE SMIN CLASSIFIED RATES -. CASH RATE of .paid. by. the Wednesday following publica- tion). Two cents- per word, nlinlni.Uin 50 cents. 1.%2 , Geeta is word for each following "riser., tion, iniz non $5 cents, BOX NUMBE'it-e15e extra, Annus, MARR]f & J! S and DEATHS+—no charge, ENGAGEMENTS. CARDS OF THANKS & IN MEMORIAM --Two cents per word, minllnpp. 50 cents, CHARGED. -15 cents extra. pEADLIN'E--1,2 o'clock r►p9M, Wednesday.., REAL ESTATE K W (olquhouu Real Estate Broker, $6,.500—EIGX1TT ROOM ERAIVIE house, two blocks from Main St. Oil furnace. Separate three-room. apartment now rented for $45 a month. Mortgage can be arranged. $7,000.00 -- 8 ROOM FRAME house, 3 -piece bath, 4 bedrooms, built in cupboards, coal furnace, economical to heat, garage, 3 acre of land, • extra building lot. Terms can be arranged, at reasonable in- terest rate. NEW HOUSE -1 Storey, built 1952. Conveniently located, Three bedroom; oil furnace, economical to operate; large living room; built-in cupboards. • LOW DOWN PAYMENT,, mort- gage arranged, 7 room house, good location, newly decorated; tile floors throughout. Oil fur- nace. ONE STOREY -- double house, each separate apartment nas 2 bedrooms, living room, 3 -piece bath, priced reasonable. SIX CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, all in select residential area. Listings and enquiries invited. Phone HU. 2-9747 Royal Bank Building Clinton - Ontario 16-b FOR SALE 1 STOREY DWELLING, LIVING room with fire place, den, liv- ing room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 1 complete bath, and 2 2 -piece baths. Could be converted into 3 self contained opts., sun porch, oil heating, full basement, with garage,;, One block from down town. o- = 1%2 STOREY DWELLING, 2 living rooms, den, dining room, modern kitchen, 1 bed room, with 2 piece bath down, 2 bed rooms and 8- pieee bath up. Hot water heat- ing with stoker. Located near both schools on Rattenbury Street. o-- I STOREY 22BBEDROOM Central Mortgage, down payment $1,800, monthly payments $28.00. V/5 STOREY, PARTMENT or single dwelling; living room, dining, modern kitchen, 2 bed rooms, four -piece bath down, • hardwood floors. Living, modern kitchen with dining space, 1 bed room aucl four -piece bath up. Air conditioned. Oil hewing. Un- finished playroom in basement. Owner moving to Toronto. Must be seen to be appreciated. Lot N8 'x30'. Low taxes. $3,500 down. ational Housing Mortgage. 0 200 ACRE DAIRY FARM—barn, 80'x60', stabling for 60 head; milk house; hay barn 70'x40'; silo; 11/2 storey cement block, six -room dwelling, with modern conveniences. Town water. 175 acres cleared. Adjacent to town. 11/2 STOREY, 7 O MED, Brick House, 4 bedrooms, living room, -dining kitchen; bath. Hot water heating. Hardwood floors; dou- ble garage. Good location; early possession. Apply to H. C. LAWSON Complete Insurance Service Real Estate .--- Investments Hank of Montreal Building PHONES Office HU 2-9644—Res. HU 2.97$7 CLINTON, ONTARIO AUCTION SALE SPRING CONSIGNMENT SALE of Pony and Saddle Horses at McLELLAND'S SALE i;ARN, Bernie "Highway 9" Saturday, June 2 at 1 o'clock., A good place to buy or sell your pony. DINNER AVAILABLE ' 22-b IF You are Wing the mortgage plan of buying your home, YOU should know about our special MORTGAGE INSURANCE. CONSULT � H. E. HARTLEY Canada Life Assurance Company 1111 2 6693 "%rise .. SHOW BOUT THAT iNfleE* S ANQTMER DRESS FROM THAT SWANKY. DIG- TOWN DRESS SHOP! AMP DON'T FORGET THE TRIP'S COST! 00 YOU THINKl'M MADE OF MONEY ? auT DEAR,.' Drawn Especially for Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce olid ....... Clinton News-Recard byRalph Teo, THIS DRESS DIDN'T COST HALF AS MUCH AS YOU THINK, gEC,AUSE I BOUGHT IT RIGHT HERE IN' CLQ NTON j 3 COPYRIGHT FtATUR!•$ ;01% era 1450 0 BIRTHS ANDREWs — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednes,d,ay, May 30, 1956, to 1VIr. and Mrs. Will- iam Andrews, Clinton, a son. ANDREWS --- Sn Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, May 21, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs:. Homer Andrews, Clinton, a son (Jaynes Colin) . DURHAIVt In Holy Cross Hospit- al, Calgary, Alberta, on Friday, May 25, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs: George Durham; a son, (Janes Morris, grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Morri Durham, _Clinton). MONTGOMERY --In Clanton Pub- lic Hospital; on Monday, May 28, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Ger- - ald Montgomery, Clinton, a son (Gregory Allen). ODDZEr In Mindemoya Red Cross Hospital, on Tuesday, May 8, 1956, ' to Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Oddie, Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island, (formerly of Clinton Branch, Bank of Montreal) a son, David Michael, (brother for Janet). WESTOVER—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, May 27, 1956, to LAC and Mrs. Kenneth Westover, Ontario Street, Clin- ton, a daughter. - MARRIAGES GREIDANUS—SIERTSEMA. -•- In the Christian. Reformed Church, Princess Street, Clinton, an Mon- day, May 21, 1956, by Rev George J. Hoytema, G r e t a, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 3: Siertsema, Blyth, to Douwe Greidanus, Ingersoll, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Greidanus, Lon- desboro. KELLER—BRE'GMAN — In Mani Street United Church, Exeter, on Saturday, May 26, 1956, Ann Joanne, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs, John Bregman, RR 1, Hee- sail, to Lloyd Percival Keller, RR 3, Norwich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller, RR 1, Dash- wood. RILEY-=•FORR,ES:T—In the Varna United Church manse; on Satur- day afternoon, May 19, 1956, by Rev. T. J. Pitt, Anna Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Forrest, RR 1, Zurich, to Ross Ronald Riley, sin of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Riley, Cromarty. SANGSTER—JONES — At the home of Mi', and Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Hensall, on Satur- day, May 26, 1956, by Rev. D. MacDonald, Edna Mae Jones, Hensall, daughter of Mrs. Edna Corbett and the late. Fred Cor- bett to James Rosewell Sang- ster, Hensall, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster. TOZER- -CALDWELL — At the home of the bride's parents, on Saturday afternoon, May 26, 1956, .by Rev. N. McLeod, St. Andrew's United Church, Kip - pen, Jean Elizabeth Caldwell, Landon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell, Kippen, to Harry William Tozer, Lan- don, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Tozer, Dorchester. DEATHS KECHNIE---At the home of his wife's daughter, - Mrs. Harold Hill, Clifford, on Monday, May 21, 1956, William Kechnie, (for- merly of East Wawanosh), hus- iband of Mrs, Stokley, formerly of Wdngham, in his 83rd year. Funeral from the Blyth United Church by Rev. A. W. Watson, to Blyth Union Cemetery, on Thursday afternoon, May 24. MANSON—In St Marys Hospital, on Thursday, May 24, 1956, Miss Jariet Manson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Manson (formerly of Bayfield), in her 82nd year, Funeral from the Lodge Funeral Home, God- erich, to Maitland Cemetery, on Saturday afternoon, May 26. ESTATE AUCTION SALE of Property & Household Effects M the Village of Varna on Wednesday, June 6 at 1.30 p.m. McClary range; extension table; 6 chairs; leather couch; kitchen chairs; Astral frig, with new unit; Singer sewing machine; melting chairs; small tables; radio; hot- plate; trunks; settee end chair to Match; glass cupboard; Bedroom furniture, including bode, springs and mattresses; dres- sers, stands, +bedroom, china; clocks, mirrors; scatter mats; quilts; blan- kets; bed linens; cushions; fern- ery; lamps; royal vacuum clean - et; table 'intone; sealers; garden tools; other articles too numerous to mentiOn, Property: Frame house, covered with asphait shingles, hydro; two Iots; garage; property in good con- clition. Terme: Chattels, cash; property, 10% dawn; balance in 30 days. ESTATE 016' LAZE" YI'I t1 GARE1.' A. Ran). Harold ilitekson, A.uctfoneet 16,x�, Chesney, Clerk. 22:1 Roxy Theatre, Clinton NOW: THURS., FRI. & SAT. "TO CATCH A THIEF" Thrills and chills in the Hitch- cock mariner, filmed against the breath -taking beauty of the French Riviera. Cary Grant -- Grace Kelly Jessie Royce Landis MON„ TUES. & WED. Double Feature Program "IT CAME FROM BENEATH THE SEA" SariFrancisco attacked by mon- strous octopus! Golden Gate bridge destroyed! Exciting science7drama, well -paced anlogical. Faith Domergude -Kenneth Tobey AND "CREATURE WITH THE ATOM BRAIN" • A fantastic and horrifying tale of corpses revived and turned into remote-controlled killers. Richard Denning - Angela Stevens `COMING: "A LAWLESS STREET" ME PARK TELEPHONE Goderich Now Playing: "SEMINOLE UPRISING" George Montgomery & Karin Booth -- In Color MON,, TUES, & WED. "FIVE AGAINST. THE HOUSE" • A fantastic plot to rob the gamb- ling casino at Reno leads a girl singer and her four companions into an amazing adventure. Rim Novak -- Guy Madison Brian Keith & Alvy Moore THURS., FRI. & SAT. "The YEARLING" In Technicolor Now on wide screen, one of the finest and most appealing plc - :ages ever produced. You will enjoy this tale of •a bay and his colt. — Gregory Peck -- Jane Wyman and Claude Jarman Jr. COMING: "The Desperate Hours" Humphrey Bogart and Fredric March.; Adult Entertainment The First Column (Continued from page One) a find. , . Stuffed between the walls of the old school. . . along with a miscellaneous assortment of old mittens, boats, caps, .small coats, ink bottles (of the crockery style) andnumerous unnameable material. . . he found a page from the Clinton New Era published here. in October of that year.. . s * DESPITE THE YELLOWING teF age. . . and the fact that mice had run rampant through it for years. , ..we hastened to stick it together with cellophane tape, . . and now find that the advertise- ments are quite interesting. . For instance, in classifieds, some one had a melodion for sale. Trick's Mill promised to be in full operation on 'the 23rd instant, "when; gristing and chopping were to be done on the shortest notice and in the best manner"... John Cowan, butcher. was offering a fine young Berkshire boar for sale, cheap, and Thomas Fine, Stanley Township, was reporting three cattle strayed to his premises on Lot 12, Concession 2, Stanley Township. , * * * WILLIAM NICHOL WARNED all parties 'against purchasing or neg- otiating two notes which had been lost. , . and M. MoTaggart was of- fering Shorthorns and a good brood mare for sale. • . Harland Bros. stove and tin shop was of- fering new Imperial Measures, for sale. . . and E. Finch announced opening a shop "lately occupied by Mr. J. Tewsley, opposite the mar- ket, for the purpose of general jobbing, such: as repairing furni- ture, making show cases, grinding scissors, etc. . .f, * * * THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY was running four trains into and out" of Clinton; and promised re- duced rates to Phdladelpia and return, and also reduced rates to "sea -bathing poinits.. " M: * * WRIGH'I' AND FOSTER WERE located opposite the market, . and A, S" Fisher was running the Montreal House, which catered to the • ladies• selling the duplex cor- set, "the most perfect corset man- ufactured," millinery hats, caps, etc... Mrs. Fisher :brags—"Great- est Bargains ever offered in the West". . . (Those were the days when Western Canada as we know it today barely existed. . and Ontario was termed the West...) 0 :, * HODGINS AND PAY WERE IN charge of a millinery and tailoring store.. , and of course Thos. Jack- son, "merchant, ' tailor, clothier and general .outfitter" was in bus- iness. , . His advertisement in the newspaper fragment offered choic- es frohz a case of English Stiff Hats. , . 0, * * A MR, H. HALE, WHO APPEAR - ed to be in real estate listed .a farm on, Concession 1, Goderich Township, near Bayfield. with 149 acres, about 100 cleared, for • $65 an acre. • *. * * R. J. HOLMES WAS OFFERING a reward of 325 far information leading to finding a horse.. , des- Bribed at "light grey, with a white hind hoof, a scar on the nigh flank," and also "a piano boa buggy, light blue running gear made by Whitely, Goderich" . . Mr. Holmes lived at Iiolrnes- ville. , . • * J. C. MILLER... (WHO DARED to run his advertisement sideways on the page). . advertised fine and heavy harness, horse clothing, robes, trunk, valises, satchels, dusters, fly nets, etc. . , His office was on Huron Sttreet.. . •* * 31, WE'VE HAD A GOOD BIT OF fun with this+ old piece of news- print... but so far have not turn- ed it aver. . . If you've enjoyed reminiscing back 80 years ago. then we'll turn it over next week and tell you. about W. Doherty & Co., Nelles bookstore and Thos. Stevenson's undertaking.. School Bus Tenders Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board STANLEY TOWNSHIP --- Two routes, approx, daily mileage 204, approx.. number of pupils, 85.- . eqof the Dept. All buses must meet the requirements pt. of Motor Vehicles and the Department cif Education. For further particulars apply to the secretary -treasurer. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, SEALED TENDERS to be in by June 5, 1956, H, C, LAWSON; SecretaryTreasurer, P,tS-1.y2b