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Clinton News-Record, 1956-05-24, Page 11
"The greatest thing about Ontario is its immense diversity. Its southern extremity is on the same parallel of latitude as northern California. Yet at Cape Henrietta Maria, Ontario touches the Arctic zone. In the south, an opulent agricultural and industrial domain in full stride with the best on the continent. And in the north, forests, rivers ' nameless lakes into which the pioneers have not yet penetrated. Where else now can you go for such contrast? Name two!" GREGORY CLARE Friom peaches to polar bears inn feW short hours you can see both in Ontario In an even shorter time you can leave the heart of a bustling metropolis and reach the quiet and peace of the virgin wilderness. Excellent accommodation is ready for _you. And Ontario's eVet expanding highway program means safer, more pleasant travel. Ontario's highways, plus excellent bus, rail, water and air services make every part of the ProVince readily accessible. Please use the coupon for colourful literature which will help yco to "Know ONTA1110 Fetter'!'' This big, husky, full-sized B. F. Goodrich Safety S lire is designed especially for car owners who want a goodidopendahle tire at a LOWER PRICE - 15 $20.00 e‘ed aurae #tacated , London's first division CNRA. soccer team defeated second div- ision. Clinton 5-0 last Saturday in the first round ,of .the Injured Players Cup competition. Although shut-out, the Clinton team disting- uished themselves at London by holding last year's "A" champions to their closest game this season, ONRA took command from _the opening moments of the game and quickly went into the lead on Angelo's• powerful drive, Five minutes later, Romain took_ the ball down the left wing and cen- tred smartly, giving Brynell a nice opening for his geol. Romain, James and McDonald all counted for the powerful CNRA team. • This Saturday Here 'Clinton's• next home game will be this Saturday against London Lions, the "B" entry from the For- est City. Game time is 6,30. .11 is expected, that the Clinton team will soon receive some added strength with the four new play- ers coming from Londesboro. Prad- tices are held each Wednesday ev- ening from. 7.00 p.m., at the Public School grounds. ANSWER' TO THIS WEEK'S X-WORD PillE3111R304131211V .,mtauantuvranna:14 -MAID pao BID 1131114;430[114. ©L fl iiyiliSIIEUE1 • axiom 131alt3M lEICIEICIN112 11:112: CICIIMBI . IBM GNI :ZOO MORI 11112112141:21. ORROPIN OHM' al21110 [BEIM Ugalligt 8 cu, ft. 56 lb. Freezer Capacity, Ouly 24" wide; 531/2" high; 28 3/8" deep. A +44 Full Width Crisper + )+* ,4 A GA BELAITH RADIO and TV sf+t444slfttdi'44,4ot$444444.4+Te-skWest+tt4st-+t+tt4:444W.444t4t.W ...4k: TIM$D4Y, INT4Y 244 1056. PAM PLVVVIK pwn.Sortball League. Starts Tuesday Night :far during 'Colts the .drawn -season, realise 'Only weeks was• :Lack .ganizatiert (linton SPOrts Leek the as leaSeball who Huron of of eight ago called from hit a new paet were -Perth, interest the demise turned meeting and competition the response O low week--at once have ,., is out when is eoncerned, of held To Drop in 'Clinton least 'as The a power in been with- for this the major the ,Colts:. for the or- several a praetiee was even more been old arid saver. who the duties blow, fers past n't became game canton Interestforces of enthusiasm Loss Baseball on-Perth made players of was major Bill for few resist this hopeless, to withdraw' was too will . Baseball All efforts to arouse a small but both young have failed to was the pitcher Bill McDonald, counted upon to share of the another staggering has refused several his services during 'weeks but finally any longer when lucrative. fans will miss seaeon-lets* hope not be out of the for more than one have span' anc resporic only' an carry pitching of. the could. things the that Hur. year, e l • it Grand ' DANCING SAT. LAKEVIEW CASINO MAY THEM! OPENING .NEW 'ORCH ESTRA Orchestra TALKING TERRIFIC Bend 26 NIGHT SCANLON ' ' WHY will do . and Clinton Rubber be Order Delivery, DO ALL THAT WRITING? When A Stamp it faster, easier, who knows? may- neater, too. one at the News-Record Within 10 days.. # i '0141F1F and SINCE 5. EVERYBODY'S ABOUT Ws, THIS 'HEAR IF, , between will Friday our _ 1 st 2nd , Ird7Prize. Contest Remember . zshing Contest (Prove You ARE a Fisherman)- For the Largest Speckled Trout caught May 26 and June' 25. The winners be announced and prizes presented on Evening, June 29, at 8.00 p.m. at store. Prize. 1 Split Baraboo Spinning Rod _ _ i .. t Olympic Spinning Reel VALUE 100 Yards Morsofilament Line ' $50.00 Prize:1. Grip Lock Tackle Box-•---Volute $10.00 1 Pocket Tackle SOX with assortment of N 10 Lures on which trout were taken during contest (omitting worms). Entry Forms MUST be Obtained from our store and all entrants will be recorded. FISH WILL BE JUDGED BY LENGTH ONLY . :Entry Form Must be procured before fish is Caught. THIS IS OUR FIRST FISHING CONTEST AND IF SUCCESSFUL WE WILL RUN ANOTHER CONTEST DURING BASS SEASON. -14-11-40-4-41M usrpOtfinie g.a..Wool‘ Phone HU, 2-9622 .___,.. SOVC6 01 RIP2 /4/ Clinton I I I Clinton. Scout and Cub News (By KEW IVIAGE;E) Over the weekend, Assistant Scoutmaster Art Tyndall was in charge of a party of 15 Scouts elle camped at their-site near Hohnee• Ville. We hear that the grounds of the camp have been divided ine to four sections, one for each pat- rol. Much work-must be •comple- ted on these sites before they will be satisfactory for any long ,term cemping projects, Good progress is reported in., fixing the various patrol sites. Scout thanks go to 0. L. Engelstad for the use of his car, and to J. W, Counter for.the use of his truck in transporting the Scouts and their -equipment. Wayne Wilson and Ted Kelsey, of the Clinton RCAF Troop, were among 121. Western Ontario Scouts presented with their Queen's Scout parchments by Lieutenant Governor Louis 0. Breithaupt at Stratford last Friday evening. Good going Wayne and Ted, but don't stop there, Work for your Bushman's Thong, Silver Arrow- head and the Anchor Badges. They are something to work for and you will have a lot of fun working for them. From the Atomic Deiel6pment Center_ at Chalk River, Ontario, comes a new term for denoting A and B Packs. One group is called the Atoms' and the other Fack is called Neutrons and now we are wondering what names have been assigned to the ScOuters of these two groups, and if perhaps their totem is mounted on a portable geiger-counter. This week is Forest Conserva- tion week, We join with the Can- adian Foreetry,. Association, in ur- ging you to Prevent .'Fires, Only after one has seen an area before and after a fire does one realize the destruction caused by a care- less smoker or a careless camper. Keep Ontario Green by doing your part to prevent fires. Dashwood Defeat Exeter In Opening Game Of 114 Baseball League Dashwood Tigers handed the Ex- eter Mohawks a 9-5 defeat in Dashwood on Monday afternoon in the first game of the Huron-Perth Baseball League. Bob Hayter led the winners at the plate with three singles in five trips. Dick Regier found the range for a three-run homer in the fourth, "and e two-run triple in the fifth inning. He drove in 'eight of the Tigers' nine runs. Metro fanned the first eight Dashwood batters to face him but left in the fourth when Dashwood found him for three runs. Teus- sell came on to finish the game, Bob Tanner went the route for the winners fanning 14 and al- lowing 10 hits. Exeter 031 010 00-5 10 3 Dashwood 000 330 30x-9 9 2 Metro, Russel (4) and McF'alls, Meharg (8); Tanner and Kleinstiv- er and J. Hayter (4). T4 4ntg4:41 +1441+ gt:"M*4+4•44;"*N+:4 4.14 0 • 4 *1:4 4.11 4:+,14 4484 41'.4 4:1,4 4+ 0 444 ÷:"":":"X:4 44 04:404 4* +:". *4 1***1 Fittest Foodkeeping 1 2 t y ::. , 1A. +4 k .): with ). $4 ; ..,. ... . '..t I t. 0 H .„. ;„ its *t+, ,s Clinton lineup; goal, Dick Kap- zein; defence, Piet Van.Loce Sid Loutit; half-defence, John Hoy- terna,.Nick Heikoop (captain and coach) Henry Ktliper; right out, Jerry Hoytema; right in, Berd. Kolkman; centre, LAC Jackson; left in, Meinbert Dykstra; left out, Fred Amsing; subs, W. Shoemaker, T. Bruinsma; sub-goal Lacy Dyks- tra. ii111111111111polsommunnummunimm SUNSET Drive-in Theatre 1 1/4 Miles East of Goderich -.On Highway 8 THURSDAY .and FRIDAY May 24-25 "LONE HAND" Joel MeCrea - Barbara Hale Comedy , Cartoon SATURDAY and MONDAY May 26-28 "GUN THAT WON THE WEST" Dennis Horgan - Paula, Raymond and on the same program "HAWK. OF. WILD • RIVER" Chas. ' Starrett TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY .May 29-30 "Night Freight" Forrest Tucker -- Barbara, Britton Comedy Cartoon. - Box Office open 8.00 p.m. Two Shows Each Night First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in ears free Playground -- Refreshments 21-h •••••6111•00141aliWOMMMOMIIMOli #010MINII.Ald try tae LOCAl. TRAM. IM And time to hive all your lovely summer silks & elvers ready far unexpected dates. For dry cleaning that passes the stiffest test, call us, You can rely upon Os to use the method that's right for your fabrics, For Your Convenience Use Ow' Down Town Office on King Street (formerly Sltnnsons-Sears) 2.7064 Celemle4' LAUNDRY CLEANERS - (wE r,-ILL PO IT ALL TON • Le all n Toni the only Home Permanent that's REGULAR SUPER OR VERY GENTLE as a wave can be! NOW WITH All Now Fresh Air Waving Lotion All New Lanolin-Treated End Papers - All New 10-Minute Wairing Action All New Nn-Dab Neutralizing! No los OOOO ....... AND n INTRODUCING,. lip 25. GREGORY CLARK Few men know Ontario better than 'Greg" Clark, noted editor and outdoors authority. Pout Of-Rte., Oirierte beitiertieem et Tres! end Ni.t14tyi tf oti fiti,ass L Cuttitott.04•00 HARRY WATKINS `Photte HIT. i661 ••• Wide FLAT, TREAD Puts mote rubber on the road.tpreads the wens' for longer mileage • FLUTED SHOULDER DESIGN .provides hundreds of skid ,resisting curves In the tread design to give added non - skid for guick stops . • TREAD STABILIZERS hush cornering squeal. 013 Clinton 44 pr.grfi .c.x.)01.ry goon .•;. ).! X ee .1.--+: ,e4 .e eve '.0 Om ... +,( 4,-+ 44! +e.` ...4 .i, el ei 9. 4......somm ......san 1 'a I MAID t 1:1:• ,,, il „,..,,...L.,.‘rob! PM% 4.1,« .:. .444. . .1.4 )4. yi = *.e. i' illgaiNrall 1 alto` Taw Amos's' istallawasiJosak i 41 fil.. f?'.0_,-4t- .,-.,i -11/11111,1- 1111111111111110.MOD11111111111011.11MO" ' Ar am 1 y y Le, :t, Oaf .t.: !IP:VI-1'7.1 ZIFULIFOAT IP' 0,411iNt0M, „ s. _........mm.-4.4.a, •-•-m.-'., . .........,.......i.,..A.,,,, FIT.44 Vq 1011 ,_....4,,„ a - 4Akw,f,,M4p,ss ' - ...----..---- -. -7;----lerea • . \14-iafi4E'AVA\ \ o,. evA %., t , reeereeeevesseeer---ecezeee. , . I NNNNNNNN MO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 11111111111111 III MON MODEL K24F8 pH MIIK A .e.4.„„...„,..or,V tertft.011,,'. MAY .1956 • ri.E1.1.., TliLITRONE COMPANY OF CANADA The 1956 edition of the telephone directory nOw being distrib- uted here has taken' on a definite regional flavor with a cover drawing of the Perth County Court House at Stratford. The illustration, as shown above, is the work of Canadian artist, Lorne Bouchard, A.R.C,A. This drawing replaces the figure of .the "Spirit of Communication," which appeared on the covers of local directories for several years, Clinton Soccer Team Holds London 'A' Team To 5 Goals; London 1' Team Here' Saturday OM B10450111 -tote At a lively meeting an Tuesday evening the ground work for a town softball league was laid, Five tennis will nompete with the first scheduled game set for Tuesday, May 29, at 7,00 Teams entered in the league and their prospective managers are! leptevene, Royce Macaulay; Legion, Dick Freeman; Hydro, Jim ere- ham; Fish and Game, "Mike" Rey- nolds; Junior Farmers, 'Stewart Broadfoot, It was decided on Tuesday night that the team managers would be the executive for the league. A 15 player limit for each team was Small-size kit for between-permanent stragglers ... bangs, neckline and end curls. I 11:11111r.- " REGULAR, SUPER OR VERY GENTLE . ..... a SW MKS MU OM MO 11.4 POI IWO 4.1011 111 Nome Address, ONTARIO TRAVEL, Room 30, 67 College tt.0 Toronto, Ontario. Please bend ma free literature end teed me of ontarlo Vitikt the Bbpirthlalt bl traiiel ii Publicity will urbitoturi your annuirrei about Ontario, BRYAN L akraCART, AtIntster agreed upon and the deadline for signing players will.be June 15. Chief umpires for the league will be Doug Thornlike, Dddia Pale and Les liendersop„ all of whom have many years experiene% Doug Thornlike is organizing a. lief of prospective umpires' with 'the hope that he- may interest some young men in Joking up the of'. ficiating end of the game, Only the first two games were drawn up with the complete eche& uIe to be arranged in the near fa, -Ure. The teams set to. play next week are: Kay 29-Legion vs. Uptowns May 31 Hydro vs, Fish and Game.