Clinton News-Record, 1956-05-24, Page 7""•J'I.11'IJ'RSDA MAY :24,' 15 CLINW ,"j1' NEWS41EC0F I? 1.).40b SEVEN ACCOMMODATION for RENT ".Tvvo ROOM FURNISHED • heat. Ind apartment, Available soon. Phone ICU, 2.9005. 21-p AFAR,TMENTS, available May 15, Furnished, Private bath and (rigs, Centrally looated, Phone Clinton HU. 2-9508, 19-20-1b 'TWO AND THREE-ROOM A- .partm,ents, downstairs; washer and frig. Central. Phone Clinton HU. 2-9540. 21p '-ONE FURNISHED ' Apartment :available June 15 also one room in private home, available June 1. Russell Jervis, phone Clinton "H'U. 2-9390. .- 21-p FURNISHED .APARTMENT, three rooms. Share bath. Centrally loc- ated, Available immediately. Ap- ply Herman's Men's Wear, phone HU 2-9351. 20 tfb. APARTMENT, HEATED, fume °ished or unfurnished. Hot Wat- er, bathroom and kitchen. Apply 'to 82 Wellesley Street or phone '283 Goderich after six, 21-tfb THREE ROOM APARTMENT, -furnished, private bathroom, Central location, Cool in hot weather. In Clinton. Phone =HU, 2-6665. . 214p 'MODERN, FOUR ROOM apart- ment, bath. Unfurnished. Avail- able immediately'. W. N. Count- fer, Phone HIT. 2-9649. 21-p 'TWO ROOM FURNISHED A- partment, suitable for couple. .Available immediately. Phone Clinton HU, 2-9504, after six fo'cock.• 21-b LARGE BRICK, Country House, hydro, telephone, water on tap. `Fight miles from, Clinton. $25 a, month. Aaron Fisher, RR 2, Clin- ton, phone Carlow 167. 19-20-21tfb "SELF CONTAINED ONE BED - room heated apartment, laundry -facilities. Immediate possession. Apply Jim Bisset, 103 St. George's 'Crescent, phone Goderich 1017. 14tfb STORE, 14'x40'; (formerly Rusty's Store), living quarters as well; to rent separately if desired. Both, 'recently re -decorated. Also apart- ment, downtown. Phone Clinton 'HU. 2-9682 or 105 H3ensaIl, (in afternoon). 18-tfb Accommodation Wonted UNFURNISHED HOUSE IN ''Clinton, adults. Apply • Clinton News -Record, Box 201. . 20-1-p 'SMALL HOUSE OR COTTAGE in Clinton or immediate vicinity 'by young couple with baby. "Permanent residents if right ':place. Phone Clinton HU. 2-9341 21-p WANTED TO RENT OFFICE SPACE for one day ;a week Monday preferred Suntable for optometric practice Contact -J. E, LONGSTAFF, Phone Seaforth 791, ARTICLES, FOR SALE TABLETOPRANGEITI'E' WITH oven. Dial HU 2-7080. 21-p -BOY'S CCM BICYCLE, balloon 'tires. Phone HUi 2-9275. 21-b BARN, 28' X 28', MRS, T. Fairservice, Londesboro. 21-b "ONE SPRAYMOTOR Sprayer, "three years old, 150 gallon tank -capacity. Would be suitable for weeds or small orchard. Ross ''Middleton, R.R. 2, Bayfield. Phone HU. 2-9136. 21-b "HOT WATER HEATER, jacket, heater, electric french frier, grille and toaster combined. 'Few other pieces of restaurant equipment. T. Manjuris, 82 Wellesley St„ Goderich. Phone 288. 21-b 'COFFEE TABLE, $9; end table, $3; oblong window table, $6.50; •wicker chair, $1,50; bedroom chairs, $1.50 each; hall stand, $2; Child's desk, $3.50; camp stove, 11; bridge lamp, $3; table lamps, •$4.50; pair Iawn mower, $1; bed- room stand, $1; bed spring and spring filled mattress, $25; San- iboy, $4; bathroomhampers, '$4,50; bicycle, '$10.. Phone Sea- -forth 851r14. 21-p TV t'tT FOR A "KING" --- We Rent Move -••- Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna.. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron "power Installation, phone Gbderieh 1344M. Stfle ARTICLES WANTED F RIVI, OLD POTATOES. Contact G. I3amilton, immediately. Phone Clinton ti7(J'. 2-9422. 20-21b 'LARGE SIZE GOOD USD „tricycle. Phoria HU. 2.7449.. 21-b 'SO 'TON STRAW, SUITABLE for baling. a: 'hone 1111`. 2.92755. 21-p 1701) IV TROXOME, IN GOOD tonditter W. DintUri. P e 'Bt . 24844. 21 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 190 a LDS•IVIO.IIILE, hyydratnatic, leaving country, trittst be sold, 'Make offer. Phone HU, 2-'75 CUSTOM WORK l'itt=ttd 1VI0'It?RS, ReW6Utid and repaired, Horne and Auto t'ad- it4, and appliattees' repaired. Art Lovett,..ta� Street, at. Dttttlalr. :Phalle Cilntan I+tii 2.41046. 414ib BABY CHICKS KITC.IIENER BIG -4 ' I3atchery has for immediate delivery chicks, Dayold, started, Also pullets, cockerels Tbey will book your broiler orders ;for later An, livery, We strongly advise immediate action in ordering. Standard 'breeds, crosses, hy- brids. Full information, agent, Chas. Scott, Auburn Phone 45r23 $lyth. . 21-b LOOK AHEAD TO YOUR EGG or broiler markets. See you've chicks to satisfy those markets. Iiil.�ide Chicks available now, mixed, pullets, cockerels. Day - 01d, started, Broilers, Ask us for full information, prices, $Q- 40 years Hatchery experience behind Hillside, Wm. A. H.. Jenkins, North St. Clinton. 21-b° BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN. YOUR OWN BUSINESS, Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clips ton HU 2-6692. 13-tfb GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FULL or PART TIME PONDS COSMETICS and • VASELINE PRODUCTS 0 This can be handled by a reliable Man or woman, 0 Work consists of DELIVERY and REPLENISHING stocks of these INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN products in EXISTING RETAIL STORES established by the Com- pany. 0 ABSOLUTELY no sellixig or soliciting as all sales are handled by the HEAD OFFICE STAFF. 0 AGE . education or past experience is not important as lull training is pro- vided for a pleasant, dignified and HIGHLY PROFITABLE FUTURE. 0 CAN BE HAN7LED in' 3 to 5 hours a week without interfering with present employ- ment. UP TO $75.00 a week in- come to START with immediate expansion, if desired. APPLICANTS must be in a position to POST $1098.00 IN •CASH for BONDED MERCHANDISE; which .is covered by a RE -PURCHASE AGREE- MENT. IF YOU have the necessary cash available immediately and desire a business of your own that will provide a steady income with life -time secure ity then write at once, giving your name, address and_ telephone num- ber to: Personnel Manager Namerco (Canada) Limited 392 Pay Street TORONTO 1, Ontario 21-b FARMS . FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton HU 2:•6692. Low down payments, 33-tfb Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing, apply . W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton HU 2-7029. 15-6-7-p-tbf HELP- WANTED MACHINIST • For lathe, milling machin and surface and cylindrical grinding NATIONAL CARI3ON COMPANY, WALKERTON 21.22-b APPLICATIONS WILL BE ac - deleted until 3ttne 15 for posit- ion of organist and for choir leader for Ontittio Street United Church, Clinton. Please state qualifications, elcperience, and Salary expected. Reply to Elwin Merrill, Box 406, Clinton, Ont. 2I-22-6 HELP WANTED FEMALE rth , LAUNDRY" WORK. rive,, day week. 55e per hour to start, If able to maintain predeletion, 75e per hour. Phone Clinton HU 2-7064 or apply in person, preferably, to A, Caron, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning, 14,tfb HOVSEREEPER .1410R1 It01VI IN. leX I SANT LOCA`T'ION tN SI;AFORTH. Duties will he light,. taking tate of house far elderly lady. In Orin-: Sintering:leaso state salary expect- ed..i16x 211,. Clinton News -Record.. 21.4) HELP WANTED—MALE DEALERS WANTED FOR sup' plying consumers with line of household necessities. You can easily earn front; $50. to '$75. weekly. FAMVMILEt, Dept, 4 Station CC Montreal, , 21-b - Our District Manager Needs An Assistant We need a Man with, a successful agricultural background in Huron County, He must be highly regard- ed and desire, to associate himself with a successful company. Prefer- ence will be given to men over 40 years of age or a man whose son Is taking over the farm or perhaps our roan is .semi -retired already but would lite to develop a good business of his own. Car necessary but no investment, If you are looking for a real opportunity in the liquid, fertilizer business write 0. McLachlan, Vice -President, Na -Churg Plant Food Co., London, Ontario 20-iMb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 26 PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Apply Ross Hoggart, R.R. 1, Clinton. Phone HU, 2-9878. 21-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bps. .Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 148331, or 148334 9ptfb ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm; animals and hides. Call collect._Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada, Ltd. 19tfb GOOD PASTURE AVAILABLE for 2 or ''.3 milking cows for summer. Will pasture for the use of milk. Apply • Jacob Zwep, R.R. 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton HU. 2-9882. 21-p MISCELLANEOUS SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL Septic Tanks, Cess. Pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with Sanitary equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. Louis Blake, RR No, 2, Brussels, phone 42r6'Brussels. 20-29-p NOTICE ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Lots 41 and 51, bath sides of the river, Tuckersmith Township, at ANYTIME hereafter will be prosecuted. By order of the own- er.—A. E. PARRY. 19-20-1-2-3-4-p-tfb PET STOCK FOR SALE PAIR OF BUDGIES, CAGE and nester. ' All complete for $11. Phone HU. 2-7429. 21-b PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY For SALE or RENT. REASON.AiBLE, WHITE FRAME house in Brucefield. Mrs. H. Berry. Phone HU. 2-7572. 21 x 1 STOREY CENTRAL Mortgage house, small down payment, monthly payment, $28. Early possession. Apply. 140 James St. 21-22-p FIVE ROOM, INSUL BRICK house in Constance. Stable and garage, 1 acre land. Phone Sea- forth 445W. Alvin Riley, 21-p SMALL HOME WITH MODERN, conveniences, new furnace, gar- age. Will sell cheaper for cash but terns may be arranged. Apply Clinton News-Recrod, Box 210. 21-p POULTRY FOR SALE 1200 RED X ROCK AND 500 Red x Sussex pullets, 5 months old on May 22. 2,000 Sussex x Red pullets, 13 weeks old, Andrews Poultry Farm, RR 3, Seaforth. Phone Seaforth 647r3. 20-1-2-p SALESMAN WANTED WANTED AT ONCE-Rawleigh Dealer in Duron County. Write Rawleigh's Dept. E -169-R, Mon- treal, P,Q, 21-b SEED FOR SALE SEED BEANS, $5 A BUSHEL, Gordon Turner, R.R. I, Bruce- field, Phone 1117, 2-3316 21-b WOOD FOR SALE FURNACE AND STOVE WOOD. Also girl's bicycle. Mery Batkin, phone HU 2.3866. 20-1-11 Rid- Your Attic Of "Don't Wants' Run An Adxet NOTICE Loose Wrapping •Paper In Cdrtons and Newspapers and Magazines Tied In Bundles. In order to gine My eastlinters good sertriee please do not ask fon .heaps of i tibbage to be re• mot'ed from your yard, ART FULFORD Pleas Halp Me Keep Your Town Clean. l�� .y .. .:.. 19w2�wp CLASSII1100 RATS: CASH RATE(if .paid is the Wednesday following puhliea- tion?. Two cents per ward,. minimum 50 cents. IT/ cents a wpl•.tl. for each following hump, tion, ,minimu . 35 .cents. BON NIMO R ---15e extra. 'MMUS, MARRIAGES and. DEATHS --no ibargn nNGAGEMENTS, CARCS AF TUANIi:S $ IN MIOMOiI•iA,MS' -Two cents per word, rninimtun 00 cents. OIIAR U D --I5 cents extra, ARIAN:Pr-12 volock noon: Wednesday, REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Orrocery Store in SaItford, with gas pumps.. $olio brick building with, Wing (twitters hack of store, two apartments with threw pie4o bath upstairs,.. Fu11 price only $6,004, uiciuding safe, cash regis- ter, scales and many other items, • Near Goderich, 7 room frame house,. tlu'ee piece bath, garage, henhouse, small barn and two, ac. res of laxed for only $3,700. In Dungannon—Barbershop anti Beauty Parlour, 'three ,bedrooms and bath upstairs, living room and kitchen down, Full' price Only $3,000 including 411 the equipnient, permanent wave machine, two dryers, barber chair and: many other items, Many farm homes and summer cottages along Lake. Huron for sale. a Furnished, 5 apartment frame house and garage, choice location. In Clinton. A real money maker. Price only $5,000. JOHN BOSVELD REALTOR 40 Wellesley Street Phone 1108 Goderich K. W. Colquhoun Real Estate Broker $6,500 --EIGHT ROOM FRAME house, two. blocks from Main St. Oil, furnace. Separate three-room apartment now rented for $45 a month. Mortgage can be arranged. $7,250.00 -- 8 ROOM FRAME house,, 3 -piece bath, 4 bedrooms, built in cupboards, coal furnace, economical to heat, garage, t4� acre of land, extra building lot. Terms can'be arranged, at reasonable in- terest rate. NEW HOUSE -11/2 storey, built 1952. Conveniently located, Two bedroom; oil furnace, economical to operate; large living room; built in cupboards. Owner mov- ing because of change in em- ployment. , LOW DOWN PAYMENT, mort- gage arranged. 7 room. house, good location, newly decorated; tile floors throughout. 011 fur- nace. ONE STOREY — double house, each separate apartment nos 2 bedrooms, living room, 3 -piece bath, priced reasonable. • Listings and enquiries invited. Phone HU. 2-9747 Royal Bank Building Clinton - Ontario 16-b Arommasimmommorrommoommui FOR SALE 1 STOREY DWELLING, LIVING room with fire place, den, liv- ing room, kitchen; 4 bedrooms, 1 .complete bath, and 2 2 -piece baths. Could be converted into 3 self contained apts., sun porch, oil heating, full basement, with garage,.. One block from down town. --0-- 11/2 _-__e____1/ STOREY DWELLING, 2 living rooms, den, dining room, modern. kitchen, 1. bed room, with 2 piece bath down, 2 bed rooms and a- piece bath up. Hot water heat- ing—with stoker. Located near. both schools on Rattenbury Street. 0 I STORrx 2 BEDROOM Central Mortgage, down payment 31,800, monthly payments $28.00. 1l STOREY, 2 APARTMENT or single dwelling; living room, dining, modern ltitehon, 2 bed rooms, four -piece bath down, liartlwood floors. Living, modern kitchen with dining space, 1 bed room and four -piece bath up. Air conditidned. Oil heating: Un- finished playroom in basement. Owner moving to; -Toronto. Must be seen to be appreciated. Lot 80'+c80'. Low taxes. $3,500 down. NationalIffousing Mortgage. —0- 00 ACRE DAIRY FARM --bait, 80'x60', stabling for 60 liea.d; milk house; hay barn 70'x40'; silo; 1�/z storey cetnetit block, six -room dwelling, with modern conveniences. Town wiiter, 175 acres cleared. Adjacent to town. Apply to 11. C. LAWSON Complefe Insurance Service Real Estate r-- Investments Bank of Montreal building • 1410NES Office EU 2-9644-ides.1113' 2-9757 CLINTON, ONTARIO mosisimmismailait 000444444+8.04, C SALVAGE • CO. tGa1iutbn. We Buy Scrap Kron, Rags, Bogging, Old Cars, l=eathers1 Horse Hair. We Btiy Anything. t"IIO E HU'. 2-926'7 :44t4.4444#4444.444:4444,401yig to '28- Drawn Especially- for Clinton and W Dstrict _Cbotnber of •ommmerce arl Clinton IiowPit000rd by Rglph 'Too, OF URE�SFLATS %�SeYOUCOAND!YOSUR1TUTTi,E TRIPS TO THE CITY TO / /7// /1 :lM OUEY, WELL THIS % •�� O OWQUT WILL, ADD ANOTHER SAVE , /% , j 20 -BUCKS TO THE COST/ • / OF THAT NEW DRESS ri THERE YOU GO AGAIN, 00E0 'ALWAYS PUTTING THE DLAME ON ME YOU KNOW VERY WELL IT WAS ,LUST AS MUCH YOUR IDEA, OUT NEVER MIND, FROM NOW ON WE'tI, 04 ALL OUR•SHOPPiNb ;IN CLI N1"'ON viz • r//e1// lorld "Bos 0 i Oli JOE MAY 05 All, WET PHYSICALLY, SLIT HE KNOWS NOW THAT. BUYING. AT NOME 15 ALWAYS CHEAPER. IN THE I,ONCs RUN, BIRTHS ANDREWS—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, May 20, 1956,.to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Andrews, Clinton:, a son. GELINAS— In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, lVlan' I8, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Mozart Gelinas, R.R. 2, Zurich, a son. McDOUGALL—In Clinton 1'ub lic Hospital, on Friday, May 18, 1956; to Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don McDougall, 'Auburn, a daughter. MARRIAGES BAKELAAR—HEYINK In the Christian Reformed Church, Clinton;; on Friday afternoon, May 18, 1956,- by Rev. G. J. Hoytema, Alie, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. John Heyink, R.R. 1, Blyth, to Adrian Bake- laar, R.R, 1, Auburn, son of Mr, and Mrs, John Bakelaar. DEATHS CAMERON In Kindersley Sask., on Wednesday, May 16, 1956, Carrie Mellis, beloved wife of Peter Cameron, Kind- ersley . (formerly of Kippen). Funeral services on Saturday, May 19, at, Kindersley. HENDERSON-- Suddenly at her home in Kippen, on Sunday,• May 20, 1956, Annie Bell Mc- Lean, beloved wife of John Henderson, Kippen, in her 63rd year. Funeral from St. Andrew's United Church, Kip - pen, by Rev. R, N. McLeod, to Baird's Cemetery, on Wed- nesday afternoon, May 23. GIBSON-At her home on Kirk. Street, Clinton, on Sunday evening, May 20, 1956, Gert- rude Mary Elliott, beloved wife of Edward E. Gibson, in her .75th year. Funeral from the Beattie funeral home, Rattenbury Street East, Clin- ton, by Rev. D. J. Lane, to Clinton' Cemetery, on. Wed- nesday afternoon, May 23. LYON— In Victoria Hospital, London, on Thursday morn- ing, May 17, 1956, Joseph Ed- ward' Lyon, beloved husband of Laura Marjorie Beacom, in his 51st year. Funeral from the Londesboro United Church by Rev. J. T. White, on Sat- urday afternoon, May 19, to Blyth Union Cemetery. CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank all my friends for flowers and gifts while I was in hospital. Special thankseto the doctors, and nurses at Clinton •L Public Hospital.— MARJORIE BRUDER, 21-1, • Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 8.00 p.m. TERMS CASH r. CORY, Sales Manager E, W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUEOUN, Clerk 11111111111 1111 mr1ll1llHiNNMElillNlllliMllJlll IIIIlMMI TENDERS For dl 5 lineal feet, five - feet wide, cement side- walk on the east side of Percival Street. Tenders to .be in the; hands of the undersigned by Tuesday, June 5, 1956, at 5.00 p.m. DST. JOHN LIVERMORE Town of diintort, VIII In 111lllllnlllII!llllllClrlllgll!<Iil BOXY THEATRE CIJNTON NOW; THUR., FRI. & SAT. Double Feature Program "THE TWINKLE IN GOD'S EYE" MICKEY ROONEY in a new type ;of role portrays a newly ordained minister in a sinful Western town.' Coleen Gray- -- Hugh O'Brian AND ."THE YELLOW ROSE OF TEXAS" Music and thrills aboard a slaw -boat,' Roy Rogers -- Dale Evans MON., TUES. & WED. "TRACK OF THE CAT" The youngest of the brothers kills a marauding panther after two are killed in the chase. Robert -Mitchum -- Teresa Wright -- Tab hunter COMING: "TO CATCH A THIEF" Grace Kelly -- Cary Grant ' TH PARK TEL '1HONE Goderich NOW PLAYING: "THE LONE RANGER" With Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels—An exciting outdoor adventure filmed in Warner color Mon., Tues. & Wed. Adult Entertainment "TRIAL' • A Mexican) boy, accused of a beach murder, and his defending lawyer combat a nest of fdreign propagandists.' An exceptional dramatic hit!! — Glenn Ford -- Dorothy McGuire -- John•Hodiak and Arthur Kennedy. Thurs., Fria' & Sat. "SEMINOLE UPRISING" -- In Technicolor — From the Florida everglades a tribe of renegade Indians invades; Texas and goes on the warpath, for two historic years. George Montgomery -- Karin Booth and William Fawcett NEXT—Kim Novak in "Five Against the House" F You are using the mortgage plan of buying your home, YOU should know about our special MORTGAGE' INSURANCE. CONSULT H. E. HARTLEY Canada Life Assurance Company HU 2-6693 FOR, CLOSING MARKET QUOTATIONS Dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas At 6.25 p.m. Daily Daylight Saving Time BONGARD &.,(0. STOCKBROKERS London Office and Boardroom 379 RICHMOND STREET TELEPHONE 2-6301 School Bus Tenders Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board STANLEY TOWNSHIP --- Two routes, approx. daily • mileage 204, approx. number of pupils, 85. Ail buses must meet the requirements of the Dept. of Motor Vehicles and the Department of Education. For further particulars apply to the secretary -treasurer. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, SEALED TENDERS to be in by June 5, 1956. H. C. LAWSON, Secretary -Treasurer. 20.1-2-b TOWN OF CLINTON NOVICE . To All Owners and Harbourers of Dogs Within the Limits- of the ''Town of Clinton: As dog licenses Are due and payable March 1st of VIAL year, we, have instructed the route Department to iMpottnd any aatd an dogs ruxutiig at large without a license tag. Ca/Allred dogs will be held for 40 hears, and If not chinned and ileenses and inipoui ding /tee paid within the above named time any dog ins held w.ili be destroyed. And further take notion that newt -thug to it Town By taw, an dogs found running at large during the t tontlts of May, June incl July may be destroyed, And further take #lotieo that any dog laming 40 largos wltliet`i.'t it, tag, lieerined by the Town, May be 4lesteoyed during any tnontli of the- year. in'ipounding feet ,shall be $8.00 pins keep at the rate of ,25 'excite pelf day in addition to prosectitioik fee not having n. Tit tent. By olyderf Vit. L MILLI % :Mayor, Town of Clinton. 2(5-141