HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-05-24, Page 6COCI Ileol1 Among Group At London. For bay .ealtleeee eeeee eseeeee Members of the School Queen's Club sponsored jointly by the 'London Free Press and the Uni- versity of Western Ontario spent a whole day in the city, as guests of their sponsors, Front row, left to right, Beverly MacKenzie,.' Lucknow; Barbara Yeaman, Galt; JOANNE Hop- GINS, BLYTH Ja student of Clinton District Collegiate Institute; back row, Jean Crosby, Kitchener- Waterloo; Joan McGonigle, Waterloo-Oxford D, H. S.; Doreen Maclean, Wingham; Carol Van Der Meer, Goderich; Shirley Bennett, Kincardine, PERSONALS • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wise spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray spent the weekend in Detroit, Miss Mary Jamieson, Toronto, spent the .holiday weekend with. her sisters, 'Misses Esther and Flos- sie Jamieson. Nrs, John A Sutter is visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daughter Mr, and Mrs. R. P, Roh,, bins and family, Richmond Hill, Mrs, • W. Shaddock and Ann were in :Sarnia over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, W. S, Macaulay anti• family, and with Mrs. E. E. Brown, Petrone. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hartley and Christine, spent the holiday week- end in St. Catherines, at the home of the former'e mother, Mrs. R. I. Hartley. - Elwin Merrill and Donald Rooth, accompanied by Edward Patrick and friend, Port Huron, took a trip to the Niagara district during the weekend, Mrs. John Fisher, Building F, Apartment 3, Adastral Park, held a pantry shower on Wednesday, May 16, in honour of Mary Ellen MacDonald, bride-elect of next month. About 15 friends attended. 0 Mrs, Vernon Oeseb,, Blake, is visiting her parents, Mr, and. Mrs. Carl Houston, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cricks are in Royal Oak, Mich,, this week• end attending the Golden Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, W. E, Miller,. uncle and aunt of Mrs, Crich, Visitors during the weekend and holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Crick wore: Mr, and Mrs. W. A, .McBrien and Mr. and Mrs, Lester Smith, Saskatoon, Sask„ G, P.. Mcl3rien and Mr, and Mrs, Russell McBrien and son Tommy, Detroit, Mich. Annivolcm., PERSONALS ON PAGE IOOF Notes The Church service far, the dis- trict is being held in Brucefield United Church on Sunday, May 27, at 7,30 •p,m. All members of the Order are urged to attend. Members wishing transportation are asked to contact either Alvin Sharp, Noble Grand of Clinton Lodge, or Mrs. George Beattie, Noble Grand of Huronic Rebekah Lodge, • • She's All Set for a Lazy Summer BUT Are YOU? When these warm sultry days come—isn't it twice as hard to Write routine items? When you're hot and tired wouldn't it be nice to reach for a rubber stamp — and get the job done quickly and neatly? See the Clinton News-Aecord ANYTIME IN CLINTON'S BUSINESS HOURS Phone: HU. 2-3844 Wesley, Willis United Church Anniversary The anniversary of -Wesley- Willis United Church will be held on Sunday, May 27; when the guest speaker at both morning and evening services will be Rev. Howard Dickin- son, BA, Goderich, minister at North Street United Church there. O CORRECTION OF A CORRECTION Some -weeks, just nothing seems to go right, Concerning Gordon Branisf who visited Mrs. David Steep: He is mayor of Collingwood, not of Brantford. Mrs. Steep is the great-aunt, of Mrs. Branisf, not the other way around. ness, Love Thy Neighbours as Thyself." Mrs. Jervis thanked Mrs. Ball. A discussion followed. Another solo by Mrs. Donald Middleton "Christopher Robin is saying his prayers," Marvis Steepe at the piano. Mrs. G. Wise thank- ed Mrs, Ball and Mrs. Donald Mid- dleton for their part in making the evening a success. Mrs. Bag- nail was presented with a gift. Mrs. William Murch conducted a contest and a social half hour folloWed. Mrs. Bagnall, Mrs. K. Cervantes and Mrs. Jervis served lunch. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Friday, May 25- 4.15 p.m.—Children's Hour 8.00 p.m.—Christ's Ambassadors Sunday, May 27- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service. Tuesday, May 29--- "8.00 p.m.—Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome AWalts You . Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister—REV. 3, E. OSTROM 11.00 am,—Morning Service 12.15 p.m,--Sunday School 700 p.m.—Evening Service ALL WELCOME ALPHA TABLETS for Arthritic or eantelacia, ALFALFA Rheumatic Pain! ALPHA TABLETS containing powdered extract of the amazing ALFALP.A. plant; plus fast working pain re-lieving agents, offer effective same day relief from ee. agonizing ARTHRITIC, NEURITIC, RHEUMATIC 14=-: AND NEURALGIC pains. — ALPHA TABLETS are sold on a money back guarantee. 100 ALPHA TABLETS $2,49 • 300 $5.95 • 600 $9.95 For Sale at All Better Drug Stores. SPECIAL PAINT OFFER. Gallon Only EXTERIOR WHITE PAINT by Sherwin Williams Co. Per Gallon axrrawrroar... ........... .......... .. ...... BALL & MUTCH SEE US OR DIAL HU. 2-9505 FOR A FREE HOME TRIAL 1441TON :14gWS-130;ORP, TIAIRSDAY,, zw,4s,,y 1,06 Clinton Lesion Auxiliary Hostess For Zone Rally; Over-300 Attend More than 300 members of the • leedies' Auxiliaries to the Canad- ian Legion met in the Legion Hall here for their annual zone rally. Auxiliaries represented w e r e from Goderich, Kincardine, Rip- ley, Lucknow, Wingham, Nowicle Brussels, Blyth, Seaforth, Hansen. Exeter, and Clinton, Mrs, Kenneth Cooke, president Of the Clinton Auxiliary, was in charge of the rally, Welcomes were extended by W Denomme, president of the Clin- ten branch of the Canadian .Leg- ion; Mayor W. 3, Miller, and the Rev. D. 3, Lane, Chaplain to the Clinton branch, EaCh auxiliary reported through its secretary, and the total raised- for all purposes in the zone was announced ass $20,681.. The first three branches in amounts raised were Goderich, Exeter and Clinton, Activities supported by the var- ious auxiliaries were assisting loc- al branches of the Legion; adopt- ion of veterans in sanitaria; Girl Guides and Boy Scouts; the schol- arship- fund; local hospitals and arenas; purchasing of furniture, dishes and hardware; needy family relief; assisting parks in the build- ing; TB veteran camps; mortgage BARTLIFF'S ENRICHED BREAD The Freshest, Tastiest Bread in Town Our Sat. Special . From Our Store Only— CHOCOLATE. MARSHMALLOW LOAF CAKE Save 6c Reg. 35c for 29c Miff Bros. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 — CLINTON armanmadasuk, pay-offs; Red Crass; Cancer Roe , iety; purchase of TV sets in insti- tutions, Mrs, Margaret L, Hall, Blyth, zone commander, congratulated each auxilary. • Guest speaker was Mrs. Mar- garet Richardson, provincial pres- ident from Toronto, who cone- mented on the outstanding contri- butions made to the scholarship fund by the zone She also spoke on "The British Empire Service League, its origin and success." Since it began in 1921, Mrs. Richardson said, it had grown to a vast organization of 2,500,000 men and 2,000,000 wom- en, with 1,5,000 branches in every part of the Commonwealth. Its symbol is "Benevolence, Equality and Loyalty,'„; Kincardine auxiliary extended an -invitation for the next zone rally to beheld there. Following the business session, delegates enjoyed a sing-song, with Mrs, Ephriam Snell at the piano, A buffet luncheon was served by the Clinton members under the convenership of Mrs. H, Managhate Mrs, R. Morgan and Mrs. W. Wat- kins, with Mrs. Harry McIntyre., and Mrs. J. E, Cook pouring. ! 0 Stanley Club- At Billie Stewart'S . The regular meeting of the Stan- ley Community Club 'for May was held at the home of Miss Billie Stewart, with 13 members, three children and one guest present. The roll call was answered by reporting "something nice about the person sitting to 'the right of me."It was voted to send $10 to the Cancer Fund. Mrs. Bob Glen -gave an inter. esting reading and the meeting closed by repeating the Mispah Benidiction, after which lunch was server by the hostess and her group., The June meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Ed Glen and the roll call will be "Where I met my husband." 0 CLINTONIANS PLAN FOR TRIP TO WALLACEBURGH The executive of the Clintonian Club met at the home of the pres- ident Mrs. E. Epps on May 16. Mrs, H. Managhan reported that a bus from Exeter was available for the proposed trip to Wallacebuig on June 5. Each member will pay $1.50 in advance and to meet at` the post office at 7.45 a.m. for the trip. The regular meeting will be held June 7, at the home of Mrs. N. Reid, Varna. ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. William James Storey, RR, 2, Seaforth, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Elsie Mae, to Merton Thomas Keyes, son of Mr. and Mrs Wilber E. Keyes,.. RR 3, Seaforth. The marriage - will- take place Saturday,- June 16, at 2 p.m., in First Presby- terian Church, Seaforth, 21-b • St. Andrew's WMS Holds Meeting The Women's Missionary Soc- iety of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, met at the manse on Wed- nesday. In the absence of the president, the vice-president, Mrs, George Roberton presided. Mrs, John Spider and Mrs. Shaddock presented the meditation. A re- port of the Synodical, meeting held in Thorold was given by Mrs. Lane. "The Place of the Women in the Church" was the title of a read- ing by Mrs. Robert Scott, who lat- er conducted a Bible quiz, prepar- ed 'by a former member. Gifts for the bale to an Indian School were brought in. Mrs. Shaddock assisted/ the hostess in serving, lunch. STANLEY Miss Barbara Varley, St. Cath- arines, Visited her aunt Mrs. Nor- man Baird, on Sunday. Mr. -and Mrs. Russell Zurbrigg and ,Patricia, Wingham, • visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. McDwen. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson, Linda, Billie and Kathie, Toronto, spent the weekend visiting at the home of Mrs. -Ceoldie Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Taylor and Leola, attended the graduation of their son, Morley Taylor in Tor- onto, on Wednesday afternoon. Honour Newly Weds Friends, neighbors and relatives gathered last Friday evening to honour Mr. and Mrs. George A. Baird newly-weds, at SS 10, Stan- ley School. During lunch how' Morley Taylor read an address and presented Mr, and Mrs. Baird with •a studio couch. The evening was spent in danc- ing. The orchestra consisted of Adam: Wilson, Vic Taylor and Rob- ert Glen playing tile violins; Miss Joan McCowan, Mrs. Clifford Stewart and Kenneth McCovean at the 'piano. 0 Wesley-Willis VMS Sends $109 To Presbyterial WMS The May meeting of the Wom- an's Missionary Society of Wesley- Willis United Church was held in the church parlour on May 10. Mrs. Norman Holland presided in the absence of the president Mrs. Charles Nelson. Twenty-four lad- ies were present and answered the roll call with a thought on "May." Met B. C. Hearn, the treasuret, said $108.90 had been sent in to the Presbyterial treasurer. Mrs. H. C. Wilson announced that a team of two leaders in CG- IT and Mission Band work would be in the church to help prospec- tive leaders or interested persons learn more of this work among the younger people in the church, This meeting will be held May 19, at 3 p.m. Mrs. Hearn, shared a letter from Mrs. Yates, Angola, Africa, telling of their doings and plans. Mrs, Reece Jenkins gave a delegate's report of the morning session of the Presbyterial held in Exeter last month and Mrs. Shep- herd gave the afternoon high- Miss B., McRoberts took charge of the study period, Mrs. Lockhart read the Scripture In Luke 4—the story/ of the "Good Samaritan," and Miss McRoberts. read from Luke 10 and Commented on the "Good NeighlibUrs." Mrs, Hearn sang a lovely Selo, "I'll Go;Where Yost Want Me to ClO Dear Lord," and WS. 1VreGill led prayer. The study chapter of "No Van-, fishing Itade," was In the forth of a quiz program with Mrs. Sutter, MeS, G. Manning and Mrs, X, Shepherd taking part in the quest. ionaire, Mothers' Group At .;1 esley-Willis Attended By 24 The May meeting of the Moth- ers' Study Group of the Wesley- Willis United Church was held in the church parlor on Tuesday ev- ening with 24' present. The 23rd Psalm was repeated in unison.. Op- ening hymns were followed by prayer by Mrs. H. Currie. Mrs. G, Wise read the minutes of the April meeting, Mrs. D. Bag- nall gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. H. Lochhead volunteered to be the new treasurer replacing Mrs. Bagnall, who is leaving Clinton. Mrs. L. Haughton is to be en char- ge of the June meeting to be held in the church parlor, with Mrs. F. Miller and Mrs. H. Kingswell as hostesses. Mrs. Bagnell moved and Mrs. Currie seconded that the crib quilt be sent to Mrs. Sloman, at Capreol. Mrs. B. Hanly moved and Mrs. Naughton seconded that the bills be paid. ,Mrs. P. Livermore read a story about an Indian boy in a Woman's Missionary Society Hospital (to give an idea how the money is spent). Mrs. Donald Middleon favored with a solo, accompanied by Miss Mavis, Steep at the piano, "Some- where over the Rainbow." Mrs. Jervis introduced the spec., ial speaker Mrs. Reg Ball,' whose subject was "Good Neighbourli- ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist • Sunday, May 27 10.00 aan.—Church School. ' 11,00 a.m.— Spring Thankoffer- ing Service. Special Offering We Welcome All Worshippers at St. Andrew's BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH T. BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11,00 a.m.—Morning Worship Services. -7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service You are cordially invited to these services. ebtacii REV. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M, R, RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNI'E. Choir Director' 11,00 a.m.—Morning Worship, Rev. Howard Dickinson, B.A., B.D., of Goderich Special Anniversary Skaker 11.20 a.m.—Primary School 12.15 p.m,—Church School. 7.00 p.m .—Evening Praise: Rev, Mr. Dickinson noLmEsvruut 645 a,m.—Morning Worship Sunday School Come to the House of Prayer Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday School ,. ....... 9.45 a.m. Breaking of Bread ...... 11.00 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. TUESDAY, 8 p.m. — Prayer and Bible Study. "A Hearty Welcome Awaits You" SPECIALS for MAY 24, 25, 26 GIANT SIZE PKG. BLUE, CHEER 69c MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 16 oz. jar 49c MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE large 6 oz. jar $1.79 KADANA TEA BAGS 100's cello pack 89c MAPLE. LEAF SOCKEYE SALMON 1/2 's tin 49c GOOD LUCK MARGARINE 1 lb. pkg. 32c GOLD MEDAL PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz. jar 33c KRAFT MINIATURE MARSHMALLOWS pkg. 29c McCORMICK'S SODAS Plain or Salted 1 lb. box 31c PAT-A-PAN PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. bag $1.29 RIPE PINEAPPLES size 12's each 29c FIRM BANANAS 2 lbs. 35c IMPORTED TOMATOES cello tubes each 19c CHAN SPEED-COAT WAX 1/2 price Special qt. tin 59c Herb's Food Market FREE DELIVERY — Phone: HU. 2-3445 Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11,00 a.m.—Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m.—Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m.—Gospel Meeting ALL WELCOME 11,00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sunday School— Saturday, May 26— Friendship Club. Blossom Tea. The new rector Rev. C. F. Inder 'and Mrs. Inder will receive guests. Wednesday, May 30-8.15 p.m., Friendship Club meeting. Wednesday, May 30-10.30 a.m., Huron Deanery W.A. at Brussels. Good attendance is requested. ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH FRED W. KIRBY Huron College Supply Minister Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Kindergarten Classes, Parents are requested to register all children eligible to attend Kindergarten Classes, commencing September, 1956. Children will be admitted on basis of age until accom- modation is filled. Register by letter not later than June 20, 1956. On day of enrolment in September, definite proof of age must be submitted to the Principal of the Public School. (Signed) on behalf of CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD 21-2-3-4-b H. C. Lawson, Secretary. For the garden, we have two sizes in ROTO TILLERS made by Choremaster. 21/2 h.p. heavy Duty Tiller Cultivates to 21" with extra tines $139.95 $169.90 1.5 to 2 h.p. COMBINATION TILLER and Rotary Mower This model is hand clutch and throttle operated for greater power wheh the going is tough. Lawn. or Garden Worries? Free Home Demonstration Try a TORO or a LAWN BOY POWER MOWER on your Lawn now! We have both reel and rotary type in stock; rugged, powerful,. dependable, simple . and safe. "IP"1"0"0#4,00, SUNDAY, MAY 27, 1956 (ALL SERVICES DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME) ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE• FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR--,R,EV, A. OLEN EAGLE, SUNDAY, MAY 27—, 9.45 a.in.--Sunday SehOol 11.00 a.m.---Morning Worship Reconsteration of Church Workers Zvening Service in Wesley-Willis United Chttrch. 8.15 pati.--Vollowship of Prayer Service Chapel tariter's Church 2.00 p.M.--Worthip 3.00 ht.---Stirklay Schaal.