HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-05-10, Page 9J.ACKSONHOMES_ LTD. SEAFO.RTI1 la :collecting • w b e. for gllaling and ..sale nn .the go-operative plan, Ship* . pore nay obtain .sacifs and twine. freo Qf charge from the above, or from their Llcnsed pperatAirs, .'CANADIAN COOPERATIVE WOOL,. GROWERS .41M1TED 211 Boy Proofs, Toronto. Correspondent Mift$ olfrowpsT Phone Myth '01 r S. Scruton CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR For Service *Call HUnter 2-9653 After •6 p.m., HU 2-9769 FARMERS We are strlpping cattle every Saturday Or POW .Co-ioperative Of Ontario and 0000 .YoUr patronage, We will pick them op at your farm. L.X.,rleascr.,00101 CCP EfiT not later .than lEl`riday niglitap -Seaforth Farmers Co•operative- . II. S, Hoot, Manager Phone---Day 9, 'Evenings 481w 440 _First time in Duron County TWIN ACTION AEROPMLL • Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer 331/4 % NITROGEN for Top-dressing Fall Wheat, Hay and Pasture Side-dressing Corn and Sugar Deets. Get these TWO SEASON-LONG ADVANTAGES — ,., NITRATE NITROGEN—for fast feeding .• AMMONIA, NITROGEN—for sustained feeding. AEROPIIILLS now available at: 'READ BROS. Warehouse Ellerington's Shed off No, 4 'Highway TINCOMBE EXETER. Phone KIRKTON 39R16 for prices and information OR FROM YOUR NEAREST READ BROTHERS FERTILIZER DEALER EXETER • Yohitt e: jac t • Yf •Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited Come in, learn a bOut There's a Surprise in store for you! For buys that are mighty hard to beat, see your Plymouth dealer. He's offering better deals, bigger driving benefits, bonus surprises during Plymouth's Jackpot of Values. Cota6 see—conie save—come get • the features other cars still lack. " You can hit the jackpot . . today! " Biggest car of the low-price three, Plymouth is up to 7.3 inches longer outside, roomiest inside, and has the ' biggest trunk by far! Only 1111-new styling in its class makes Plymouth the oar to be copied! Plight-Styled from angle- hooded headlights to dramatic up- swept near fenders Exclusive push-button driving sets Plymouth apart. With PowerFlite automatic transmission, you push a button, step on the gas, and GO! Most powerful car its field, Plymouth lets you choose up to 240 h.p. in the Plymouth Fury—the car that recently broke all stock car acceleration records and the speed records for its class! Lowest priced car with push-button drive, Plymouth is easy to buy, economical to own. Look-ahead styling and built-in quality mean higher resale value! More safety features for accident prevention and protection. Your dealer can show you a convincing safety comparison of Plymouth and its competitors. n OUR NEW NUMBER IS HU 2-3232 Why Pay More? 45 L.B. FREEZER * CHILL TRAY SHELVES ON DOOR * 5 YEAR GUARANTEE Beautiful 1956 Firestone 9.78 Cu. Ft. REFRIGERATOR i tll ($19 down delivers) T. A. Dutton BRUCEFIELD — Phone Clinton HU 2-3232 4•11 Club Enrolment At High New High As 580 Farm Youths InProgram iPhotie HU . 2-9475 Colin 'Lawson. To. .Speak At OFU . Meeting, Monday' COlin Lawson, well-known dis , trict farmer will speal .on. the, "Itinctioning of the .Farm in rhglanci, and the restilts it has acquired for the rnglish fa.rmem" at the regular meeting of the Farm 'Union, liolmesville Unit, in Holmesville School, Monday, May 14, at .6.30, • Everyone is prod to come and bring .4. friend, family meet, ing and the ladies' are especially welcome. The 4.1-1 Club Program, in Huron County has this year reamed new high in the .number of clubs and the total enrolment of rural boysand girls, There are 33 4-H Clubs with total empiment of 080- to date ,under the _direction. of the looal branch of the Ontario Department -of Agriculture, G, W. Montgomery, agricultural repres- entative and A. S. Bolton, assist- ant agricultural agrieultural representative. An increase of approximately 100 'over last years' record .number is _ex- pected when the enrolment' terms are all in, Assisting with this program are 78 prominent Farmers and Rusin- es.s men. in Huron: County who vof- unteer their time to carry out :the enrolment of members, the month- ly educational meetings which take place throughout the spring and summer season and carry out the Achievement Day Program. which will climax the projects next fall, To date the following numbers have enrolled in each of the clubs in Huron County; Bayfield Beef, 13: Blyth-BelgraVe. Reef, 26; Brig, sels.„Beef, :31; Dungannon Beef, 11; .Exeter Beef, 25; Lucknow Beef, 21; Seaforth Zieetfl, Bayfield. Dairy ,Calf, 24; Blyth Dairy Calf,. 22; rxeter Dairy, 1,0; Seaforth Dairy, ..ZZS; Howiek Calf, 14; Turn- berry Calf, 16; Zurich' Ceif, .RaYfleld ro,10;Brussels .Swine, 13; Dungannon Swine, 10; North-Iinron Swine, 15; Seaforth Swine, 19; Clinton Lions Poultry, 13; Exeter Kinsmen Poultry, 10; Seafortli Lima Poultry, 21; Clinton Grain, 13; Exeter Crain, 15; aaw.. iek Grainy 11; .Megillep Grain, 28; Goderich Corn; 19; Exeter Corn, 17; Hensall White Bean, 18; $outh,. guron Sugar Beet, 31; Seaforth Tractor Maintenance, £4; Wirigharn Forestry, la, VARNA A Mothe,r's Day Service and bap- tismal service will be held in the United Church on Sunday, May 13, at the regular hour 10.15 a.m. The official board of the Varna Charge met on Monday evening in Goshen United Church. Plans were made to participate in the "Crus- ade for Christ," which is being held in Zurich next month. WMS lvIet Varna United Church -Woman's Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. Robert Taylor on May 3. Mrs. ,George Stephenson had charge of the worship service. The hymn "Christ for the World," was sung followed by the Lord's Prayer, Mrs. Ralph Stephenson read the story of the. Good Samaritan, fol- lowed by a solo 'by Mrs. George Stephenson, Mrs. Charles Reid read a story„ from the Missionary Digest, Mrs. T. J. Pitt took charge of the business. Mrs. Charles Reid read the minutes of the last meet- ing and called the' roll. There were 24 members and two visitors present, Twenty-six sick calls had been made, A literature secretary was appointed. The Thankoffering meeting is to be held in the church on May 29. Mrs. Anson Coleman and Mrs. Watson Webster gave the report of the Presbyterial, "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind," was sung • The Study Book section, "New Wealth for Canada," was taken by Mrs. George Reid and Mrs. George Stephenson. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, The Front Road East group served lunch and a social hour! was enjoyed, HENSALL Rev. H. E. Rappel, minister of Evangelical United Brethren Chur- ch, Zurich, for the past nine years, has been transferred to MildmaY, where he will minister at St. Paul's Evangelical .11'.13. Church, there, and will,assurne duties about May 15. 14-.+10,•-*****•-•-•,.. Mr, and Mrs. G, T. Robinson, Niagara. Falls attended the fun- eral. of their sister, Mrs, Mabel Mr. and Mrs, Bari Gaunt, Ken- neth and Faye, spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, Lucknow,:. - Mrs. Robert Davey and daugh- ter Debbie arrived in Calgary, Alta., after .spending thepast few weeks with her family, Mr, and Mrs. E. Hesk and Douglas; • Bruce Riley, Mr. and Mrs, 'Wel lace Riley: and two sons, Niagara. Falls, spent the weekend with Mr. and grS, Gordon Radford They also .attended the funeral of. Mrs. Mabel Riley. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wes- ley Vodclerr were Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Votiden and family,. PariS; Mr, and Mrs, Bert Shobbrook and Muriel; Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Gar- row and daughters. Mrs, Hazel Cole and Jimmy; Mr. and Mrs .k Paul Quinlan, Marmora, also attended the funeral of Mrs. Riley, Others from a distance. were Mr_ and Mrs. Alec Grainger; Mr, and Mrs. John Stayrter; Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Lynn, Harold and Dorothy and Mrs. J, Wilson, Clandeboye, Londesboro WI Mrs. Tait Clark of the Tiger,. Dunlop WI opened the meeting of the Londesboro Women's Institute on Thursday, May 3, with the- singing of "0 Canada" and the op- ening Ode, The officers for the year were then installed followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. Stanley Lyon, president, then took charge. The minutes of the last meeting and the Sunshine Sisters' banquet were read by Mrs, A. Clark. Correspondence was. read. A donation is to be given to the cancer fund. Delegates were appointed to the District annual meeting to be held in Blyth on June 6, namely Mrs, J. Armstrong, Mrs. E. Throope and Mrs. W. How- In 1950 the average factory em- ployee in Canada; worked 42.3 hours per week, earned $43.82. At January 1, 1956, the average num- ber of hours was 39.1, the average wage was $57.63. att. Treasurer's report was 6.iYM Roll call' was answered by If you could have one more labor saving device what would it be?" Mrs. Lyon gave a paper On "Mental Healthy" which was pre, pared by her daughter Vera Lyon* Registered Nurse, at present nur-. sing hi Ragelton, 13,0„ The program consisted' of a sing song with Mrs. T. Allan at the piano. The officers for the year are; president, Mrs,. Stanley Lyon first Age-president, Mrs. Edwin Wood; second- vice-president, Mrs, Arthur Colson; secretary-treasur, er, Mrs, Arthur Clark; press repor- ter, Mrs. Harry Darnin; district director, Mrs, Bert Shobbrook; pianist, Mrs, Tom Allen; assistant' pianist, Mrs, J. Armstrong. Flower and card, conveners, Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs. E. Hesk, Mrs, L. Reid, Mrs. 'L. gunking, Mrs,. Bert Allen; auditors, Mrs, W. Reid, Mrs. Arthur Colson, Conveners of standing commit- tee: agriculture and Canadian in- dustries, Mrs, C. Crawford; citiz. enship and 'education, Mrs. Joseph Shaddick; community .activities and public relations, Mrs. L. Law. son; home economics and health, Mrs; Harry Tebbutt; historical re- search and current events, Mrs'. W, Manning; resolutions, Mrs, A, 'Fan- grad. You needn't wait for something new... Plymouth has it bow! ,2111;:".1LYMOUTH oRVa .> at your Chrysler-Plymouth-Fargo dealer At the annual achievement night 4-H members are paid prize mon- ey according to the total marks they received for; attendance 'at meetings, monthly feeding reports, field crop records, judging, examin; ations, project management and an award for exhibiting their project at their achievement days which are held at the fall fairs. This money is donated jointly by the Ontario Department of Agricult- ure, Canadian Department of Ag- riculture and the local sponsoring organizations which include the local Junior Farmer Clubs, the Ag. ricultural Societies, Township Fed- erations• of Agriculture, Lions and Kinsinens Clubs in the County. Many special cash prizes and tro- phies are also presented and in 1955 the• total prize money was over $2,600. Two new types cof clubs were or- ganized in the County this year. A'sugar beet club with 31 mem- bers and two 4-H Grain Corn Clubs, one at Eketer and one at Goderich with a total of 36 mem- bers. The rules and regulations for these clubs are similar to those of 'other field crops clubs. Each member in the Sugar Beet Club will be required to care for one acre of sugar beets from the time of planting until harvesting. Records must be kept of the cost of production and tests of the beets in the plot will be carried out by the Canada and Dominion Sugar Co. co-operating with the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture. The assistance received from Bill Amos, RR 8, Parkhill and John Cass, Wallaceburg, representativ- es of the Canada and Dominion Sugar Company are much apprec- iated, Members of the Grain Corn Clubs will be required to care for a plot of corn at least one quarter acre in size of a species approved by the supervising committee. The lttMEMbEtz.• MAY IS AtE7y MONTI-1, DANE SAPELY1 MURPHY BROS.; -CLINT ON Watch Clirriax.—ShOWer of Stars weekly on TV. cheek your newspaper fee Um e and date. „ corn plot will be scored in the field before harvesting and M. or. der to complete the project, mem- bers must exittbit their corn at, their local achievement day, Local clubs with .sponsors and leaders are,: Boyfield. Beef Calf Club, Bayfleld ,Agricultural :Soc- iety, John peeves, RR 2, BaYfield: Howard McCullough, RR 1, Goder- ich, and Lloyd Holland, Clinton. Blyth-Belgrave Beef Calf Club, Blyth .A:griculutral Society, James. Coultes, Belgrave; Bill Taylor, RR. 1, Belgrave and Murray .Roy, Lon, .desboro, Seaforth Beef Calf Club, Sea- forth Agricultural Society; Robert compbell, Dublin and Brie Anderson, Londesboro, Zurich Calf Club; Zurich. Agricul. tural Society, Herbert Klopp, RR 1, Zurich; Carl ce.streicher, Dash- wood, and Anson McKinley, RR 1, Zurich. Bayfield Dairy Calf Club, Bay, field Agicultural Society, Arnold Rathwell, RR 3, Clinton; Bert Dunn; Jr., RR 3, Bayfield and Thomas Rathwell, RR 3, Clinton, Blyth Dairy Calf 'Club, Blyth Ag- ricultural Society, Simon and Maurice Hallahan, ER 1, Belgra,vo and Harry Sturdy, Auburn. Ilayfield Swine Club, Bayfield Agricultural Society, Thomas Pen- hale, RR 3, Bayfield and Harvey Johnston; RE 5, Clinton., Clinton Lions POutry Club, Clin- ton Lions Club, El Dunkin, ton and Bob McKinley, RR 1, Zur- ich, Clinton Grain Club, Clinton Jun- ior Farmers' Association, Norman Alexander, Londesboro, and Bob, Allan, Brucefieltl. Hensall Kinsmen White Bean Club, Hensall ginsthen Club, John, Thompson, Jack Cornell, I-Tetuan; Allan Creeran, RR 2, Hensel' and Clarence IVIeNaughtorr, Hensall. Goderich 4.1-1 Grin Corn Club, Goderich District High School, Jim Stoner, Goderich; Elmer -Robert- son, and Gerry Ginn, 13,0'1' 5, Goder- ich and Omar Brooks, Dungannon. Seaforth " Tractor Maintenance •Club, Seaforth Agriciiltural Soo; iety, H. E. Bellman, Walkerton; Gordon ,1VIcGavin, Walton; Larry Wheatley, Dublin a n d Allan Brucefieid, Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Note Change Of Calling Hours During the summer months of May, June, July, August, end September, calls for service will be received between 7430 and 9,30 t.m. 1.9.b