HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-05-10, Page 6fret). O'Neil, Assisting at the Mission Band candy booth were MiSs Nancy Schoenbals and Miss Donelda Free- man!, Background =sic played throughout the event was by Miss Elva Wiltse, Mrs', W. E. Radford and Miss Emma Plumsteel. 0 Wesky4iffis Meet In Church Mrs. F. Andrews presided over the Woman's Association meeting held in Wesley-Willis- United ChUr- ch Sunday School rooms last Thursday afternoon, while Mrs. Shepherd was at the piano. The thoughts for the day were "wonder, reverence and adoration." Following the theme song the Lord's Prayer, and a hymn, the Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. J. McLaren. Lesson thoughts were given by Miss Win O'Neil and Mrs. Shaddick led in prayer, Mrs. Laidlaw reported that a quilt had been made during the past month. The president an- nounced the Huron Presbytery meeting on May 9, in the Ontario Street United Church, here. Mrs. B. C, Hearn sang the de- lightful solo, "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go." Following a hymn and the Miz- pah benediction, lunch was served under the convenership of Mrs. J, Nediger, 20 c off Yes Folks, you can save now by taking advantage of this Special' Sale, One Week Only from MAY 10 to MAY 17 We have the BEST NAMES in SLEEPING COMFORT on display for your inspection. • SIMMONS • SERTA • SLEEPMASTER • MAItSilALL You Are Invited To 'Inspect our All New Bedding Showroom {Second Floor). en BALL and MUTCH FAOMEIR:',5 D AY ESS'ES NPRONS --- BLOUSES CLOVES — IIOSIVARY -- SLIPS r, LINGERIE COSTITME JENVELLElali P-URSES HANKIES — Etc., "tc. Remember Mother's Day — May 13th Clinton 41ao,,,fgfic, Ontario nsimmIlleimunommiumminsmionnommunommuliiiiiiiilimmumiummounnommudimmuniinnimasinumoiliiiiinnisimmist4. Red Cross Gains $2,220 In Drive For Funds Here Chairman of the Red Cross cam- paign for fund% in this area, A. J. McMurray reports an increase in givings this year, to a total/of $2,220,56, in comparison with $2,100.28 given in 1955. Contributions, in; Clinton bfward are: St, Andrew's, $333.25 made up of 158 donors; St, john',s, $247.97 made up by 121 donors; St. James', $263.50 made up by 119 donors and St. George's, $247.50 made up by 119 donors. Total: $1,092.16. From the district has come $10 each from the •Tuckersmith and Porter's Hill ladies clubs; $21 de- posited directly in the bank; $27.65 from the Huron County Home; $300.84 made up by 182 donors in the rural area. From Londesboro and district, $206,65, and from personnel at RCAF Station Clin- ton, $552.26. Success of the appeal, is due, according to Mr. McMurray, to the dozens of canvassers and their full co-operation in making calls, as well as to the donors themselves for seeing the need and giving unselfishly. The cheque for $2,220.56 was turned over to John Anderson, campaign manager of London Area Branch, Canadian Red Cross on Tuesday afternoon. ST, ANDREW'S WMS TO MEET ON TUESDAY, MAY 15 The Women's Missionary Soc- iety of .St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. McKenzie on Tuesday, May 15, at 3 o'clock, All articles for the bale should be brought to this meeting. SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1956 (ALL SERVICES DAYLIGHT SAVING• TIME) • .4 • • • • •-• .-•• 1 • • • • • 44. • • ,,4".4 • -41, • +.• • • • • ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, May 13 10.00 a.m.—Church School. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service—, Everyone Welcome to Worship at St. Andrew's ••••411-11.-11-•-•-•••-•-111-4,1111-411.11, •••••••••-• BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Services. 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service You are cordially invited to these services. •••-.4••••....44 Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11.00 a.m.—Breaking of Bread 3.00 pan,—Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m.—Gospel Meeting ALL WELCOME 41.-4,11.....0,1.1•••••••• Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister—REV. 3. E, OSTROM 11.00 a.M.—Morning Service 12.15 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m,—Evening' Service ALL WELCOME LADIES' WEAR Clinton - Hensall - Exeter CHOCOLATES by SMILES 'N‘CHUCKLES MOIR'S OLIN BROWN- Order One of Our Special. Mother's Day Cakes 1 Our Saturday Special: iirilOutliStieRaniRSV MUFFINS Reg. 40c doz. for .....,...,„,.....,... ...... .0.33 e l BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS Mho 2-9717 CLINTON PAOE SIX aoximaT nws4r4covo THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1950 The Hall of Ontario Street Unit- ed Church was aglow with daf- fodils and pussy willow as the Girls' ,Club held the annual daf- fodil tea and bazaar last Saturday afternoon. Guests were received by Mrs, A. Glen Eagle and Mrs.- Orville Stanley, president of .the club. A silver epergne holding daffodils and flanked by yellow candles, in silver holders centred the table covered in ecru lace, Presiding at the tea table were Miss Sybil Courtice and Miss Rene Puckett, Mrs: Orville Stanley and Miss Emma Ploinsteel. Welcom- ing guests to the tables were Mrs. C. W. Pratt and Mrs, Ruth Knox. Miss Lucille •Grant, convener for the floral decorations, was ,assisted by Mrs. Ruth. Knox, Mrs, William Nott, Mrs. Laura. McAlpine, Miss Isobel Pickett, Miss. Marion Pickett and Mrs. Orville Stanley, Tea conveners were Miss Elean- or• Plumsteel and Mrs. George Lavis, and for the tea tables, were Mrs. Carmen. McPherson and Mrs. Eddie Dale, Members of the club assisted in serving. Kitchen conveners• were Mrs. J. Radford -and Mrs. Hazel Parker, Mrs. R. Holmes and Mrs. Habkirk. At the baking booth were Mrs. R. Plumsteel, Miss Hattie Courtice and Mrs. Effie Cornish, and in the s ewing booth, Mrs. Stewart Schoenhals, assisted' by Mrs. Nor- 'man Tyndall and Mrs. Lewis. Working for the Cancer Society at an information booth, were Mrs, Frank Fingland and Miss Wirmi- Daffodils And Silver Make. Lovely Setting For Ontario St. Girls' Tea Personals E Stock Reducing Sale "Customer Parking at Rear of Store , FURNITURE and HARDWARE Phona NO. ZOOS CLINTON Two Doom to Serve You!" PIIMOMM111NIIIN1111111111111111311111111NlinI1111111111111111111111111111111111INIUMINIMIMENISM111ERD111111111111011111111N11111111111MHIIIIMINNIIIIIIMINII his Mrs. Bertha l3rawnlee, Kippen, called on Mr.. and Mrs. Thomas Leppington, last ,Friday, Mrs. Elsie TWitchell, Windsor, visited with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Murray Mc Ewan, .over the weekend, Mr, and Mrs. William J, Vocl-, den, Mr. and Mrs. George A, Me, Call and Billy, attended the Ltind- Vocklen wedding Saturday in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Braniss, odlingwood, visited with the let- ter's great-aunt, Mrs. David 'Steep, Mr. and Mrs. F.ul- ford have purchased one of 40 new houses being built on Hignland Road East, Kitchener, They mov- ed into their new home on April 28, and the parents of both spent that weekend with the young couple, helping them get settled. "Bill" is employed with the Ball Bros. Construction Company. Mr, and Mrs. Here; Miller and two daughters, Helen and Arlene, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., and Evalee Miller Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs, M. Betkin and Mr. and Mrs. C. Sturdy last week. ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Peree Johnston; Varna, announce the engagement of their daughter, Phyllis Elean- or, to Mr. Donald Colin Camp- bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell, Hayfield Ontario. The marriage will take place on June 9, at the Varna United Church. 19-b Brumfield Young Man Weds MR. AND MRS. GEORGE BAIRD, Brumfield, are pictured following their wedding in Riverhurst, Sask, on Friday, April 27. The bride is Olive May, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Thom- son, Riverhurst, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baird, Brucefiekl, The young couple are living at the home of the groom's parents, Concession 2, Stanley Township, and they plan to make their home in this area. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship, The Sacrament of Baptism. Sermon subject: "The Sacrament of Mother- hood" 11.20 a.m.—Primary School 12.15 p.m.—Chureh School. Union Evening SerVice in the Ori- tarky Street United Church. 1101,11IESVILLE 9.45 a.M.—Morning Wersbip Sunday School Come to the Hot Sii et Prayer Vcinittb Comb REV. HUGH C, WILSON, Minister MRS, M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R, RENNICo Choir Director Presentation To Clintonian Going To. Nile Mrs. AL E. Ostrom entertained in honour of her neighbour, Mrs. Roy Connell, Albert Street, who is moving from Clinton, to Nile, this. week. The guest of honour was pre- sented with an antotnatie electrie kettle, and rose corsage, by Mrs. Rathbun, • The tea. table was prettily 04, Prated in .yellow and green, with a centre of yellow daffodils and fussy-willows, with tall yellow tapers. Mrs. A. Livermore poured tea, The hostess was assisted in .al..ving the guests by Mrs. L. Rathbun, Miss K Snider, Mrs. Ar- thur Groves and M. G. Grigg. SPECIALS for MAY 10, 11 12 KRAFT MINIATURE MARSHMALLOWS, pkg. 29c BREAKFAST CLUB 2-FRUIT MARMALADE-24 oz. jar 27c PITTED DATES—bulk 2 lbs. 25c HILLSDALE DRIED APRICOTS-12 oz. pkg. 33c QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT 2 4 oz. pkgs. 25c SCHNEIDER'S .Crispy Flake SHORTENING-1 lb. pkg. 25c CHRISTIE'S NEW. CINNAMONS-15 oz. pkg 3'7c INGERSOLL CHEESE SPREAD-16 oz. jar 53c NEW KING SIZE BREEZE BLUE or WHITE L45 With Free Bath Towel — pkg. DUTCH SETS—No. 1 (Last Call) lb. 10c RIPE TOMATOES---14 oz. cello tube 19c Delmar. MARGARINE — 29c lb.; 3 lbs 85c rgZEN ORANGE ...JUICE 2 tins 37c DEVON WINDLESS SIDE BACON-1 lb. pkg. 49c FRESH WEINERS lb. 29c REEVES WHOLE CHICKEN 3 lb. 12 oz. tin 1.59 PAT-A-PAN PASTRY FLOUR-24 lb. bag 1.29 Herb's Food Market FREE DELIVERY 2 LINES TO CENTRAL—Phone IIU. 2-3445 Treat Mother next Sunday to something to wear MAY WE SUGGEST ONE OR MORE ARTICLES FROM THIS LIST OF CHOICE GIFT ITEMS: A DRESS BLOUSE or SKIRT; or perhaps a SWEATER PURSE or NYLON HOSE. Handkerchiefs and. Scarves, too, make lovely gifts for your Mother. Ontario St. WMS Attended By 23 Twenty-three ladies attended the May meeting of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society at Ontario Street United Church, when the president, Mrs. W. S. It Holmes was in the, chair and Mrs. Radford. accomp- anied the hymns at the piano. Mrs. F. Townsend based the de- votional period on "The Challenge of the Church to Follow the Na- tional Evangelistic Mission". Scrip- ture passages, used were from Mat- thew 28: 8-20 where the theme is "to teach the gospel"; from Mark 16: 15, "to preach the gospel" and from Acts 1: 8 where the request is for "witnesses 'for Him." Roll call was responded to by naming "a missionary book I have read". The treasurer gave an en- couraging report! with $11 more for the Thankoffering Fund, and $30 taken in in April. Miss S, Courtice reported two new assoc- iate members. The second half of the study book,"Coming Our Way" was ably introuced and the first chapter reviewed with a questionaire by Mrs. A. G. Eagle. Water Tower items were given by Mrs. S. Schoenhals. Mrs, R. Ball asked for assistance from the WMS mem- bers for the CGIT daffodil tea this Saturday, May 12. The president announced a meet- ing in Wesley Willis United Church on Thursday, May 31, at eight o'clock re: Children's Aid work,. and an invitation from Holmes- vine to the WMS Thankoffering meeting on. Friday, May 18 at three o'clock, • The meeting dosed with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. M. Wilts°, ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH FRED W. KIRBY, L.Th., B.A., Huron College Supply Minister Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs, .1. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.—Morning 'Prayer and Sunday School— Tuesday, May 15-2.45 p.m.—WA at the home of Mrs. H. Bartliff. Tuesday, May 15-8,15 p.m.—The Friendship Club. Please note change of date. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Friday, May 11- 4,15 p.m.—Children's Hour 8.00 p.m.—Goderich Christ's Am- bassadors will be conducting the service. Sunday, May 13- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Mother's Day Service, The Women's Missionary Council will be in Charge of the morning service; Speakers: Mrs, L. Nice Mrs, W. King M17.5. T7, Colcleugh Dedication of Children will take place at this service. 7.80 pari.—Gospel Service. Mikado) May 15-- 8.00 p.M.—Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A. Special Welcome Awaits You Maple Street GOSPEL HALL MINTON Stniclay School 9.45 a,m, BGores lcainsg• oficHeread 11.,00 pelery 8,00 p.m. 11,JESDAY, 8 p.m. -- Prayer end Bible Study. Ilearty Welcome Awaits YOU" ONTARIO STRUT UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIAINDIA. tlitinea" FASTOR.--REV* A. GLEN EAGLE, KA. B.D. Stilsi)AY MAY 0.45 a.m.—Sunday School and Vamily Life SerVice, 11.00 a.m.--.Morning Worship, 7.30 p.m.—Service. Conducted by Ladies of Con- gregation, Speaker: Mrs, A, 0, rAgt6., 8.80 ptit cllowship Of Prayer Service in Chapel. Tdrhe?o Clint& 2,00 n.111,---Ladies to londUOt Service, Speaker; Miss 8, COUrtiee, 8.00 •Stiftday &hoot