HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-05-03, Page 10re.e."0".04,0•04,..."1.4•4^"94.0 a 00 OUTBOARD OVERBOARD , . . for a total loss! Yet $150 worth of insur- ance protection costs less than 21/2 •cents a day: Hartford's, Out b oar d Motor Policy insures against loss overboard, fire, theft, collision, lightning and many other hazards. Don't be without this pro- tection! Safeguard your invest- ment in pleasure NOW. See this Hartford Agency for full details about this well planned, outboard owner's -policy. -!-1 K.W.Colquhoun Phone HU. 2-9747 HURON ST. — CLINTON AMATEURS4,„, IRESPASSING! PROFESSIONAL TV REPAIR SERVICE Unsilled hands cdn ruin your expensive tele- vision set, Call our ex- perts for guaranteed repoir service, Authorized SINGER Sewing Machine Dealer for Clinton and District See the FASHION" SHOW at Clinton Public School ' WEDNESDAY, 1‘14Y 9 Sponsors. Scouts and Guides Auxiliary MONARCH CHOCOLATE SPECIALS CAKE for my,:itras.y -3 P-R. iii. 5SAT. MIN 29c DELMAR \ MARGARINE , 29c lb, or 3 lbs. 85c SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs. 35c JELLO INSTANT PUDDING , 3 pkgs. 27c BURN'S 1 . SAUSAGE (Skinless) , ,' 1 lb. 37c GREB and STERLING WORK BOOTS ' MEN'S and BOYS' — LEATHER 'and CORK SOLES DRAW FOR BASKET With Every Winner of last week's McASH'S BARBED WIRE—(Heavy) roll 9.95 OF GROCERIES VALUE $6,00 Purchase of 50c or over Groceries—BOB WEBSTER VARNA HU 2-9161 ....................2,-.....4-4,-.- 1 qv,F 8 DINNERWARE in Starter Sets from $750 up 1.75 up 1.00 up VASES:---assorted colors and designs — from CUPS and SAUCERS— Bone China from OWER or FRUIT BOWLS- - Assorted Shapes • .2.50 -- 3.50 and Colors ANDY DISII—China Flower decoration OXED TATIONERY L95 59c to 2.75 0 LET OUR GREETING CARDS TELL MOTHER HOW MUCH YOU' LOVE HER See the variety, of artistic Mother's Day Cards in our store. You'll find just the right one to make Mom happy. Come in now!! SEE THE FASHION • SHOW at the Cinton Public School WEDNESDAY, MAY 9' Sponsors: Ccouts and Guides Aux- iliary, McEwan' 5-Pin Bowling Tournament LADIES' and MEN'S EVENTS May 10 gl 11 12/ 1956 SINGLES and DOUBLES Entry Fee: $1.75 per person, per event (including 4 lines) Entries to be in by Tuesday, May 8, 1956 No Phone. Entries Prizes According To Entries Vinton Bowling Me 18- Retirement F/L T. W. REID Adjutant at RCAF Station Clin- ton, is retiring from the Service and plans to make his home in Lancaster, (RCAF' Photo)., What Was probably a record number of young folk, 250 in all, attended the rally of the Huron Presbytery 'Young People's Unien . of the United antrch of Canada,'. held in "Ontario Street United Church here last week.. Stan McDonald, Clinton, was named president of the group, suc- ceeding Miss Gail Manning, Len-• cleShoro in this position The fol.- lowing were included in a slate of officers brought in by Maurice Love, Exeter, chairman of the nominating. committee, and were. accepted by the members: vice- president, Harry Lear, Londesboro; secreetary, Miss Ann Todd, Helens; treasurer, Jack Taniblyn, Londesboro; leadership of educa- tion-, Miss Lois Alton, Ashfield; stewardship and training conven- er, Donald Cameron-, St. Helens; citizenship and community service, Donald Hemingway, Brussels; mis- sions and world outreach, Bill 0:)41.tes, Belgrave; recreation and culture; Dennis Weymouth, Blyth; -assist-ant, Bert Pepper, FM 3, Sea- forth; publications, Miss Catherine Powell,. Clinton; Five Oaks rep resentative, Douglas May, Exeter. The theme of the convention, "Adventure with Christ". was the subject of :ancaddress given by Rev, Charles Scott, Sarnia (formerly of Blyth), the YPU counselor for London Conference; Special guests present_ and seat, ed at the head table fez* a banquet catered to by the Woman's Assee,- lation. of the church were Peter Renner, RaYfield, chairman of the church presbytery; Rev, A.. 04 Eagle, minister of,' the hest church, and Eagle; Rev. D. McRae, Winglia-m, president of the- :Huron YPU Council; Mr. and Mrs, Terry Laird, (nee Margaret 1101-• land, -Clinton) Lambton, represen, -dm the Lambton Presbytery and, the Conference During the program!, Dennis Weymouth, presented the '2.P.X.T music Shield to Larry Wheatley, whO accepted it in behalf of the; Winthrop Union. Miss Carol Sumons, Zayifeld', presented a film, on the ,1955 YPU.- camp and Mrs...- Laird spoke an carevaning. Clinton Man Heads Presbytery 1.(P11 C.D.C.I. Hi-Cites The basketball dance which was to be-held last Friday was. post- poned to this coming Friday night, from 9 to 12.30, to the music of With spring weather and roads the Melody Masters. drying up, activity has- started out- side at the school. Cadet inspec- tion is May 11, which gives little time for preparation. Drills and marching will take place nearly every day until inspection-. The band has been outfitted with new -uniforms, which makes them a standout during marches. Much work has to be done, but hopes are that everything will go well and inspection- will take place without mishap • 40 a word, rilinimum 750 • Thursday, May 3 — Bingo, Le- gion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street, Clinton, commencing, at 8.30 p.m,; 15 regular games for $5.00; three special share-the-wealth games; $52.00 jackpot on 52 numbers, in- cluded,in all the share-the-wealth games; one special game for $25,00. Admission: 15. regular games for 50c; special games 15c, 2 for 25c, 5 for 50c. An evening of fun for all bingo players. 17-8-p Friday, May 4— Reception in honour of Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn. Londesboro Community Hall, Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. 18-b Saturday, May 5—Daffodil Tea and Bazaar, Ontario Street Church Hall, 3 to 5 p.m. Auspices Girl's Club ' i 18-b Saturday, May 5 — Homemade baking sale. Council Chamber, Clinton. Sponsors: MisSion Circle, Londesboro ,United Church, 2 p.m. 18-p Goderich Pavilion—Dancing Sat- urday, Glen Bricklin Sextet, Wed- nesday, Clarencb Petrie's Night- Hawks, Midnight ,dance May 20. 18-b BROWNIE'S THURSDAY and `"FRIDAY — May 3 and 4 "SUSAN SLEPT HERE" (Color) DEBBIE REYNOLDS DICK POWELL (Two Cartoons) SATURDAY and MONDAY—May 5 and 7 "RACE AT DAWN' (Color) RANDOLPH. SCOTT — MALA POWERS (TWO CARTOONS) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY—May 8 & 9 "CLASH BY NIGHT" (Adult Entertainment) MARILYN MONROE — BARBARA STANWYCK (TWO CARTOONS) -THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 10 and 11 "THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES" VIRGINIA MAYO — FREDERICK MARCH DANA ANDREWS and MYRNA LOY (CARTOON) DRIVE-IN THEATRE LIMITED Box Office Opens 8.00 Show Starts at Dusk (Children Under 12 in Cars Free) Formerly Llashmar Drive-In--Next to Community Park 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111H111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 cz riamitiox= 17k1 A ‘4‘ all Ca Z $2500 '55 CHEVROLET Bel Air Sedan 2300 Lovely two-tone. A one owner car. Like new loll ' '55 METEOR SEDAN 2100 Perfect throughout '53 CHEVROLET SEDAN One owner. Fully reconditioned '53 PREFECT SEDAN Steal this little car for '52 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1195 In perfect condition '48 CHRYSLER SEDAN 550 In very good shape '48 DODGE CLUB COUPE 250 Good transportation ••••••• . • ... /Olt .. • V•voi 0", ....... • ..... •••• .... .11i•ff ....... ... • . i•••• • TRUCKS '55 CHEVROLET 1/2 Ton Pickup 1'49 CHEVROLET 1 Ton Pickup '48 CHEVROLET 3/4 Ton Pickup NEW OLDSMOBILES, CHEVROLETS, AND CHEVROLET TRUCKS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. , $1750 $ 595 395 Support the Scouts and Guides. Attend the Fashion Show — May 9th, Lorne Brown Motors Limited CLINTON Phone HU` 2-9321 ONTARIO 011111 1 111111 11 1 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1111111111111 11111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1111111111 11111111111111111111 111111101 111111111111111111111111 11111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M 1295 350 It's what you get for your money that counts. Come and see these. At the prices asked, • you'll agree these are real bargains! '55 OLDS "88" SEDAN One owner. Low mileage T1-11,1114SPAY, "3.; 1,00: Dr, jollies Fraser, M,D., 13.Se„ Medical -Officer at ROAF Station WO guest speaker at a ,general 'meeting of the .0.inton and District Branch of the Perth-Horan -Via of the Canadian Cancer So- --cieY in St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Hall last Thursday even- ing. The medical officer stressed the fact that cancer can be cured if detected early. "You can 'detect • cancer early by observing the known symptoms," he. said, The doctor explained fully how cancer *germs spread from one part of the body to another through the blopd stream. • Introduced by Rev, D, J. Lane, the speaker was thanked by Miss Zwther Jamieson, In his remarks., Dr. Fraser congratulated the unit on their .eclucetional work and 11111 11111 1111111111111111111 funds ,campaign. Ross Merrill reported that over $800 had .al- ready been handed in, Others re- porting on the canvass were Van)... paign chairman Elmer Webster, Varna and Mrs, Robert. Tairser-. vice, Londesboro. If anyone was. missed in the .iloor40-cloor canvass,,• they MaY leave their donation at either of the banks in Clinton. Mrs. Neville Forbes, who was chairman of the meeting, and Mrs, F. Tingley% education chairman • reported. that 1.,3Q0 cancer educa- tional pamphlets had been diStriba uted by the Boy Scbuts in March; 730 tags were given out in Clinton and the ROAF Station previous to the local canvas's, and that liters., ture and ,pamphlets were put in . many public places in town. Mrs, D, 3, Lane, welfare com- mittee chairman, said that Miss A.. • Presbytery rex) STANLEY McDONALD was named president of the Hur- on Presbytery Young Peoples Union United • Church in Canada, at a rally held in Clinton last week, Sinclair, superintendent of Clinton Public hospital, had given her committee use of a room in the nurses' residence' for the making of dressings and gifts for known cancer patients, A film, "Man Alive" was shown by Ross Merrill during the even- ing. The picture stressed to those present not to fear cancer, but tc be ver on the lookout for sy7np7. toms of the disease, Mrs. T. E. Ostrom sang a lovely solo, during the evening, accomp-, allied by Mrs. Radford. The Girls' Club of the host church served re. freshments after the business. Meeting, They were thanked by secretary Benson Sutter: Members of the Kinsmen Club of :Clinton elected N. J. "Harry" MeEwan president of their club on. Tuesday night, He will head the;. 195:5-56. -executive which includes first vice president,-Don Kay; sec- ond vice-president, Jack Clegg; secretary,. - Clarence Deraimme; treasurer, Harley Dorsey; registrar, Carman Menem-on; directors, Frank Cook, Maitland Edge.; Jer- ry Holmes, The new executive will commence their term in Septem- ber, Plans for the forthcoming mon- ster bingo that will be sponsored by the club on Friday, May .25, were discussed. Posters were giv- en out for distribution and all committees working on the project made their reports, A draw conducted by the ways and means committee was won by Harry 1V1cEiwan and John .1i/leCon- nell, Sergeant-at.arms was John. Wilson. President K, W. Colqu- holm presided for the meeting. • • o ,UOSPITAL AUXILIARY TO MEET MONDAY, MAY 7 . Clinton Hospital Auxiliary will meet on Monday afternoon, May 7, in the Nurses'• Residence at 3 P.m. 0- • GOOD WILL CLUB 'TO MEET ON MAY 8 - The Wesley-Willis United Chur- ch Good Will club will meet in the church parlour on Tuesday ev- ening, May 8, at 8 p.m. Miss Ev- elyn Hall, -is to be the guest speak- er. gued the 'Ontario laws are in con- flict with the federal anti-combines legislation. The Ontario hog mar- keting scheme, he said, created a marketing' monopoly and caused undue restraint of trade through price-fixing arrangements; Nelson McFarlane, Stratford said the provincial legislation at- tempted to control marketing, thus conflicting with federal price sup- ports. The boards were creating artificial prices-, thus interfering with federal support policy. Mr. McFarlane represented farmer Theodore Parker, Strat- ford, whose original challenge of the- Ontario legislation led' to- the federal reference to: the court. PACir 'TVN Dr. J. Fraser Urges Early Treating To Halt Spread of Cancer Growth -CX4IN"ON NgWS-020i1 1I10.110 Gift and Stationery Store I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 11111111111111111111111111111 I 111011111111111111111111100111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111 liliillMill1=111111011111111211111M111111B112111111101111111181011111111ME11118 Although no* offical results will be available until next week, Al- fred Warner, RR 1, Bayfield-, pres- ident of the Huron County Hog Producers Association reports good progress in the current canvass of hog producers to gain membership in the co-Operative. In Hay Township, which is one of the areas to complete their can- vass to date, there were 96 .per- cent of All producers signed up for membership. Other townships, ac- cording to Mr. Warner are running from 95 percent to 98 percent of the producers. Need for the survey was discov- ered, because according to the adt, if 80 or more percent of the persons :wi t h which a Co-operative is doing business, are members of that co-operative, then it is- exempt from income tax for the first three years it is in oper- -Vim This can mean a good, deal &' money to the farmers who bcf. long to the Go-operative. Marketing Farmers are now waiting the results of the Supreme Court sit- ting last week over the legality of the various marketing schemes un-' der which products from the farms have been sold', The question, put to eight judges of the court during three days 'of argument ,concluded Thursday, is whether charges levied by prov- incial marketing boards are in- direct taxes, a form of taxation exclusively reserved for federal jurisdiction, or genuine licence fees. • Mr, Varcoe, representing the federal government, joined the provinces in supporting the legal- ity of the Ontario Farm- products Marketing Act. He said the provinces have pow- er over local marketing through pool arrangements, and argued the board's fees are not indirect taxes. C. R. Magone, deputy ,Ontario attorney - general, claimed that charges levied by the boards are licence fees and the proceeds could be used to equalize payments to farmers participating in the mar- keting pools, J. J. Robinette, Toronto lawyer appointed by the court to fight the legislation, -argued the levies are indirect taxes which are ev- entually passed to the consumers in the cost of farm products. He said the Ontario legislation conflicted with the federal Live- stock Products Act which- allowed a farmer to market his hogs at public stockyards. The Ontario aet Stipulated he had to go through a marketing agency. In Conflict P. 13. C. 'Pepper, Toronto ar- I Harry J. MeEwan Named President Kinsmen club Producers Over 90 Percent Hog Co-Operative Members I MERRILL a RADIO a EliE:CillIC g cSafai and 4.5ezWide, 4444444.044444404