HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-05-03, Page 8E. LONGSTAFF Flours; Seaforth: Daily except Monday & Wednesday-9 a. n, to 5:30-part, Wednesday, 9 a.tn. to 12.30 p.M. Clinton: MacLaren's StUdio---Mon- days only-9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. PHONE '791 SEAFORTH 44,******«.....4.0m•moo. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT RONALD O. 1tle0ANN Aekountant ?loyal Bank: Building Phone HU 2-06'77 Residence, Rattenbitil St. Phone JAY 2-9644 CLINTON, ONTARIO 4-tfb REAL ESTATE, (4, WittkittR Real , Estate mut ItuslueSe Braker Street Clinton Phone Ire 2-0602- INSURANCE Insure the "Co-op" Way W. V. ROY District Representative Box 310 Clinton, Ontario Phone Collect Office HU 2-9642—Res. HU 2-9357 IL C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office HU 2-9644, Res., HU 2-9787 Insurance — Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life ASsurance Co. Be Sure : : Be Insured K. W. COLQUHOUN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative Sun life Assurance Co. of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building PHONES Office HU 2-9747—Res. 2-7556 J. E. HOWARD, Hayfield Phone Hayfield 53r2 Car - Fire - Life - Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy THE MeRILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Read Office: Seaforth Officers 1956: President, W. S. Alexander, Walton; vice-president, Robert Archibald, Seaforth; sec- retary-treasurer and manager, M, A. Reid, Seaforth. ' Directors: John H. MeEwing; Robert Archibald; Chris. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Win..8. Alexander, Wal- ton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Har- vey Fuller, Goderich; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Adister Broadfoot, Sea- forth, Agents: Wm. Leiner Jr., Lontles- boro; F. Prtieter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. INVESTMENTS Get The Facts Call VIC DINNIN Phone 168 — ZUrich Investors Mutuhl, Managed -and Distributed by Investors Syndicate of Canada, Ltd. OPTOMETRY (,1. B. CLANCY Optometrist — Optician . (successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Ooderteh . . • , To o Mutual anudo L.mited The Record Speaks for itself . IT WILL PAY YOU, TO GET THE FACTS! For the latest portfolio of securities Call Vic Dinnin Phone 1613 P.O. Box 190 Zurich, Ont. ..91t Managed & distributed by Investors a Lumted SCSO WE. OINPEG 0SCES snallOre. CDS yn ana cate of FARMERS We are shipping• cattle every Saturday for 'Xitited Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Friday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative IL S. Hunt, Manager Phone—Day 9, Evenings 481w 39-tfb I 4 OUR NEW NUMBER IS HU 2-3232 . da sS• Why Pay More? T. A. Dutton BRUCEFIELD — Phone Clinton HU 2-3232 A tomitniont EOM 0# #1111061Miessl A tretsiee InwAt*tent ! Observe how Investments grow when ho/f-yeard,k, interest accumulated rather than spent. Ir IN FIVE YEARS $ 83.05 amounts to $ 100.00 100.00 " " 120.41 S00.00 " 602.06 1000,00 " 1204.14 Amb Onstie AMOutdrt tnr StOroittrOtt INVEST NOW and SAVE! ONTARIO LOAN DEBENTURE CO4 6.44.40), t.T. Al MARKET UNE Jkltdi ON MAkitET 8GitiAltE INTEREST COMPOUNDED HALF YEARLY! You are invited to buy Ontario Loan 5 Year Accumulative Debentures * 45 LB. FREEZER CHILL TRAY * SHELVES ON DOOR 5 YEAR GUARANTEE Beautiful 1956 Firestone 9.78 Cu. Ft. REFRIGERATOR $199 ($19 down delivers) If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, tired-out, heavy-headed, and maybe bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then you feel better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. 52 J. S. Scruton CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR For Service Call Minter 2-9653 After 6 p,m., HU 2-9769 4. or after the various teams OSA, p1Nr4owng, Previous to this year,_ the. only' .trophy .played for in- the league wag. the Supertost Trophy for the team standing` at -the top of the league at the end of leAgue play, Votry fee Into the league wee increased from 15 to go.. swro,r, tart' lAvemnore gave a report on the annual. ODA 4onvontIon held in Oakville last month, which he attended as league representative, NOW! Fargo offers 3 express models Tfa-YON k 104". wheelbase model has 78'x.-bong, 49".. wide body. Va-TON, 116". sn'hoollatsce model has 90"-long. 54 w- wide body. 140N, 12534". wheelbase model has 108"tong, 154".witle body. Choose the ONE you need * * * Watch Clitlitx—Shower Of Stars weekly en 114 Checkyeur newspaper for date and time, .......• • • . .er ..::::i::::•,„i,:ri:: Agematmaimi. ........., .11ramatmattftit •,;:m*„... .-...:,,,..,......-..a:m. •.,,,i••,.....A.wam.,..----..,vs.:. ::::,:::,:::•:, ..,. ......woovr. A,:::*:-.4.0.0„...:.. ons.00:4*.s. MAY IS SAFETY MONTH—DEP/11 SAFELY! ?mortal 175-horsepower V-8 Fargo K8 Tractor and Trailer. there's a FARGO TRUCK to fit your job! Power's op ...costs are down... that's why Fargo Trucks make money for youl NEW higher power! The right power and the right truck save you time on every trip. 12-volt electrical system means faster starting, greater capacity for accessories. NEW bigger payloads! 5,000 lbs. G.V.W. to 46,000 lbs. G.V.W.; up to 65,000 lbs. G.C.W.! 6's and. V-8's from 125 to 220 h.p. More payloai, more profit, per trip. NEW handling ease! Shortest turning trucks o all! Power brakes available, all models! NEW chassis features! Increased capacity springs and axles on many models! Tubeless tires standard! See your Fargo dealer now! Chtyster Corporation of Canada, United FA R O —trucks built to fit your job 5,000 ibs G.V.W. to 46,000 Ihli. G.V.W.; up to 65,000 lbs. G.C.W. Easjfriciading Fargo B Model Panel,. Sately.built Paw School Bits. Compaet Fargo V.8 Ceb-Over-teginsi Husky Fargo 2-ton Stake, .!;ten:9475 MURPHY BROS CLINT 0 N Lieutenant T. W. '"Tommy"' Reid, Adjutant at RCAF Station Clinton, • Born in Ottawa in 1908 Fa? P4t1; is the brother of Miss J. A, Reid, 1,1 .Primrose, Ottawa, Be; joined the RCAF in 1928 af- ter taking public, high arid • Mae schools in Ottawa,. and -.eery, ing as a clerk for the Ottawa. Transportation Company, He s'er, ved first at Air Fong HeadqUart, era in Ottawa as a clerk in the In- telligence branch and was trans- ferred in 1931, to OttaWa Air Station, Rotheliffe, as it was then In 1935, he was transferred to .RCAF Station Dariniouth- as pay sergeant and, the following year, was sent to Trenton to the School of Army Co,Operation.. In August, 1938, when Number 2. SqUadron was+ mobilized, Reid was sent to of the orderly room, In. 1939, he. was preMoted. to Flight Sergeant, During the early years of the second world war, he acted As an administration instructor at Wen- ton, and in the ,Records branch in Ottawa. In 190, he Was com- missioned and became the adjutant • Of, the Test and Development eat-, ablialiment at Reekcliffe. In 1.344, he was.. transferred ov- erseas and became Wing Adjutant. of I.21 Wing, which consisted of four squadrons And was based at Brussels, Ise continued with the Wing at various bases in Holland and -Germany, After the war he returned to AFHQ in Ottawa and was posted to Trenton, London and Ottawa again before being transferred to Clinton as Station Adjutant. After retirement, Flight, Limit- -enarit Reid will make 'his home in Lancaster; •Ontario, .1•04P4114,4144P~4.4.4444.4N1414N04.0.4.4P4P4P.M.0 "BUSINESS DIRECTORY" Eiston,Caraiff- jifirires About .ayfield Harbour V14t4:41, Cardiff, 14.? for _Huron' County recently in quire4 building moving project at Day- field, deemed necessary to permit waterfront improvements, 'The in- quiry was part .of a discussion of work proposed by the department of Public Works in. the !louse of Commons at Ottawa, The Hon. Robert Winters, Minister of Public Works, was the. member Minister, of, The following is an exerpt from Hansard record- ed on that day4 Mr. Cardiff: I wonder i'f the minister could: tell me about what has taken place at Bayfiekl, Last fall 'the .clepa.rtment were deman- ding that buildings be moved away from the waterfront because they were going to put. up a cement abutment as a result of the break, water caving in or being under- mined. They were dredging that portion to put up a breakwater, and this building was in the way. The man had had this building for about '30 to 40, years.. It was built a long time ago, ,,and it would be very difficult to move without tearing it down. However, I got in touch with one of the minister's engineers in London, and they agreed to put skids under it and try to move- it back without much difficulty. I have not heard what happened, and I wondered if there was anything in the estimates for the work done there. Mr, Winters: There is no 'item in the estimates. Mr. Cardiff; Could they go ahead with this work without having an item in the estimates? Mr, Winters: If it is a small amount it does net have to show up specifically in the estimates, If we can deal with this matter when we get to the particular item, I shall have more information before me at'that time. 0 Newlyweds Feted At SS 4, Goderich Township Party An enjoyable •evening was spent in SS No. 4, Goderich Township, on Saturday evening, April 21, when friends and neighbours gathered to honour Mr. and Mrs. Murray Colquhoun (nee Edith Jones) new- ly-weds. The evening was spent in playing progressive euchre. An address was read to the young couple by Mrs. Jim Lobb, a former teacher of Edith's, and they were presented with a clothes hamper and three pictures as an expression of the good wishes of the community. Murray thanked all present on behalf of himself and his bride. Lunch was served by the ladies. Hensall Kinsmen Mark Second Anniversary Day our Rensall correspondent) Governor Jack Nelson of Dist- rict No. 1, Chatham, was guest speaker at the dinner meeting of Hensa]l's Kinsmen Club on April 27, the second anniversary of the Club. Mr. Nelson addressed the group on "Service and Fellowship in the Kinsmen Club," and also in- itiated into membership two new members' Don Kyle and Frank Ell- wood. District treasurer Jack Biggs, Chatham, presented one and two year 100 percent attendance pins to the following members: L. Tib- erio, Dr. D. J. McKelvie, Jack Drysdale, William Mickle, Angus McLean, Harold Knight and Ross Jinks. 'Program chairman Don Joynt submitted his plans for mid-after- noon entertainment for the annual Ontario Bean Festival to be held Labor Day. John Thompson, chairman of the 4-H Bean Club reported on attendance and. activ- ities of the last meeting of this club, The 1956-57 election of officers will take place May 3. On Friday, members• taped over 25 bicycles, and expect to cover district schools later on. FA "Tommy" Reid Retires From RCAF After 28 'Years In Service Cannel.,LadieS' April 'Meeting (By .Hen4AU goovapondont) The Awil meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Carmel Presbyterian. Church, Hensall, was held At the home of Mrs. John Soldan. Mr$. clarenco Reid's group was in charge of the devotional part .of the meeting. .Scripture passages were read by Mrs.. Oletto. Dell; The devotional was taken by Mrs, Frank Wright.. Mrs. Archie Hoggarth gave an article from the Sermonettes of Rev„ W. A, Young: ."Easter is the. answer to,• the -World's Despair": Mrs, M. :Sangster contributed with , a Nein, Mrs, W. R. Bell avg a report on the spring supper. The amount cleared was over $100, Kitchen donations were received from mra, William Brown, Mrs. R. Cameron And Mrs. A, Kerslake._ Mrs. Hog. garth demonstrated three artistic bedspreads, The group agreed to copy one: "The Colonial Lady", W. the fall bazaar. Mrs, C. Reid offered to donate the broadcloth required for the spread, Two dozen new hymn books were to be ordered for the church The group agreed to cater to a wedding in the church school room in June An order to make a pair of pyjamas was accepted. Dona- tions of goods from Batons and Simpsons were received. A _dona- tion of wool for knitted articles was also received, donated by Mrs, Alex McGregor. Lancheon was served to the 32 adult and three children present. The group accepted an invitation from Mrs.. Alex McGregor to meet at her home in Tuckersmith for the. May meeting. ' Retirement of an officer who has St, John, 11,8„ as IWO in charge Served with the RCAF for 28 years lies been amounted, He is Flight Baseball Meeting Friday Night Daaltwood, XxOter, Mitchen, end Zurich. Possible re-entry' into the 26-year-old league has, been heard from Hensall, Lucan and St. The Huron-Perth is one of the oldest affiliates of the Ontario. Baseball Association. Attending the meeting from Clinton were Town Clerk John Livermore, who has been secretary treasurer of the league ter some years; and Laurie Colquboun, who -was appointed second vice-presi- dent and publicity director forAbe league. Others officers are; presi- A. new series will be inaugurated this year. Tile first four teams in the final standing will play-off for the grand championship, The first. and third 'and second and fourth place teams will each play a best two out of three series; the two winners to play a'heat three oat of five series for the grand champ- ionship. League officials are now looking for a trophy for this series, which will be played either before miepimminmmompar Clinton Memorial Shop — OPEN EVERY DAY At other times contact Thomas Steep; phone Clinton HU 2-3869; residence, Shipley Street. T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH — PHONE CLINTON HU 2-6606 — Contracts Wanted For the Growing of GREEN REFUGEE and GOLDEN WAX Picking Beans Price: $100.00 per ton CANADIAN CANNERS LTD. Aylmer Products EXETER, Ont. Phone Exeter 28 17-8-b thironiferth :Baseball 'League Has Five Definite 'Entries, Three Probable, The 'Huron-Forth Baseball Lea,. gue elected new .offieara And ganized for the coming baseball season at a. meeting in Exeter last Friday evening, 'Five clubs. intim- ated that they would enter teams this year. They Are Clinton Colts, To Organize Colts •dent, Wally Wein, pashwood; first vice-president, Robert Saddler, Those interested in the forming Staffa; ,pastpresident, Clarence of a baseball team this -season are Feirbairo„ Exeter, invited to attend a meeting in the New Series Clinton Town Hall, on Friday av-. ening An entry has been made in the Huron-Perth. and it is expected that the executive for the coming year will be- elected at the Friday night meeting, problems of financing the team will be dismissed and the dates for the initial practice will be decided upon. All players and any person in- terested in any way are, urgently requested to be at the Town Hall on Friday evening at,8,00 p.in,