HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-05-03, Page 6PAGE SIX 1955 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe Radio, overdrive, really a $2095 beautiful car ONLY 1950 CHEVROLET Club Coupe Radio, very low mileage, local $775 one owner car ONLY 1949 AUSTIN (2 Door).- A. lovely second car. ONLY 1951 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Very Clean. Full Stock of New PLYMOUTHS BEE THE PASHION SHOW CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Wednesday, itay stalsom Scouts and Cubs Auxiliary ONLY sreo ffff VIfii0iffif4( iiiiiiii deLfd i d iii a $195 $845 Chrysler Plymouth .Fargo Sales and Service Huron. St, Cliutou m h ur p Bros. Farmers' SupplieS A Full Line of GRASS SEEDS and ROE FEEDS in Stock. SHEEP FERTILIZER POULTRY EQUIPMENT and ,PEDLAR STABLE EQUIPMENT—Cow Bowls and Staunchions. FENCING and STEEL ROOFING H. Charieswortli Phone HU. 2-6665 Clinton 17-8-p It's always Mother's Day at Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaners. For our job is thorough, experienced, careful dry cleaning . . . the kind that saves her money, time, work . . Keeps lovely clothes looking lovelier, old clothes looking newer. Test our Skill your. self. Today. 4.40.444-4-4.-v-q-*-41-4.-.44-404-6-44-4.- For Your Convenience Use Our r•aaelegiraaimeano iaa ateera'; as low as 75 style 82 Restyling old or outmoded furs. is our busi- ness, We'll give It new life by re- styling it into any one of our practical and attractive jackets or stoles Style J3 complete with NEW L.Lcills4G INTER-LINING and MONOGRAM, plus FUR CLEAN- INC- and GLAZING. JUST SEND YOUR OLD COAT (with dress size and height). Over 43 years' experi- ence enables you to order with confidence. SEND NO MONEY if out of town. Your remodelled fur jacket or stole will be expressed 10 days from date we receive it. Also Storage and Repairs. J. H. BEST & Co. 127 Yonge St., Toronto Dept. 112 — EM 3-0794 • w FENCE WIRE Now is the time to do your • farm fencing— we have a, good stock, on hand—Come in and get our prices—they are competitive. I/ One,Secondaand Milli Cooler 4 can size, guaranteed, reasonable price. // J. H. BRUNSDON (Beatty Stable Equipment) Phone HU. 2-9561. Clinton Be sure that your car is giving you top performance this summer with a spring check-up at our garage. We will check the following: CARBURETOR - PLUGS POINTS TRANSMISSION RADIATOR (drain and flush) WINDSHIELD WIPERS OIL Anything To Ensure Your Motoring Pleasure. We Nave the Finest in Garden Tractors and Power Lawn Mowers ASK FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION // AUTO WELLS ELECTRIC "Bill" Wells, Proprietor "The Original Tune.Up Shop" Miss Jessie L,. Metcalf, Detroit, Was home over the weekend. • Mr, and Mrs, StUrgeen Were in London from Friday until Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Eric Earl, London, were at their cottage over the. weekend', Mrs. la. .Tenitina ieft en Tuesday, to visit relatives at Kingston, for a. fortnight,. Mr, and Mrs. Charles R. London, were in the village on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, john Lindsay, and three children visited in Toronto, over the weekend, Mrs. Lloyd Westlake and Ricky,. left om Thursday to visit in Kitch- ener and Port Dover, Mr.- and Mm. a Batter .and Tommy, Waterloo, .occupied their cottage over the weekend, XernberS of the Bayfield Lions Club attended a district rally at - Sarnia on Tuesday evening. Vandals broke all the windows in Tom Bros.' fish shanty on ,Fri- -day night. -The matter is under police investigation, So light, so tiny ...it can be worn in a woman's hair, or dipped to a necktie usb, 17 HEARING AID only '$135 • Remarkable Clarity and Dependability • Operates far Only Abobt 104 a Week • How, Highly Efficient bime-Size Earphone 1O-Day Money Back Guarantee, One-Year Warranty, Five-Year Service Plan Emerson's Drug Store Phone Goderich 45 ° 18-20-b eeee-f-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•ereeee•-•-•-e-a-•••••-a . Dr. and Mrs, E,-Cooper and fame Detroit, spent the 'weekend their cottage on T.uyil Street, Erie Cleave, Three Aitae- errived last week to visit his par,e eats, Mr, and Mrs, Paul Cleave, Miss. Ellen Mackay of the civil- ian clerical stiff at RCAF Station Clinton, is on vacation for two weeks,. Jack Tillmann and son TonY,. accompanied by Mrs. Henry, Len- On, were at his cottage for the weekend, Robert .Meel.,Rod returned to. LOndon on Thursday last, His daughter Cathy remained with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. D. MacLeod. Mrs, John R. Wallace, Oakville, Was the guest of Mrs. J. H. Cobb from Tuesday and Saturday. She visited relatives in .Clinton liefore leaving for her honie on TueSdnY. Sympathy is extended: to Mrs Graham A. Vance and tour eons Richmond Hill, in the death.. of her husband. 'Mrs.' Vance Was formerly Leona Box, Seaforth, They have maintained a summer cottage here .for years, • Mrs. W. H. Robinson returned to her home in the village on Sat- urday, otter having, spent the win- ter in Niagara Fella and Florida. Her son-in,law, and. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. :Schafeitlin and three children; who. metered to the vill- age, with Mrs. Robinson returned to Niagara Falls on Sunday. Scouts and Cubs The following boys have been invested as ScoutseeVer the 'past three weeks by the . Scoutmaster, George SinionSe Ronald Scotchmer, Ted Turner, .0erald Wallis, Step- hen Scatchiner, Howard Scotch- met, Phillip Gemeinhardt. Scout- Master ;'Simons and members of his troop will attend the rally in Clinton. • Cubmasteer .Art Turland and his cub pack are to be commended for their project of cleaning Clan Gregor Square. They have spent some time working on the square on the last two nights of meetings. A tidy park is a mark of recom- mendation to strangers, and a mat- ter of pride for the local CUbs—pur future citizens. Firemen's Dance • Considering , the I n c lean e n t Weather, there was a good attend ante at the euchre and dance held in the town hall, on Friday even- ing last for the benefit of the local fire brigade. It was sponsored to pay for equipment, and as one per- son remarked: "Bad weather or Bayfield Man Has Narrow Escape In Motor Mishap (By our .iaaarifeld correspondent) James McGee had a narrow ea, cape on Friday night about 9.60. He was on his, way to .Clinton via •Brlieefield, The heavy rain made visibility poor and going down Bannockburn automobile hit the gUard approaching the bridge on, the right side, The ink-, pact snapped-off eight posts-, Only- the -cables prevented the vehicle from plunging into the river, A passing motorist found McGee lying out on the road, some tance from his Ortunpled car, He set up a road block and police were notified. Dr. J. A. Addison, MI, ton,, answered a call for medical aid. An ambulance from Gaderich took the- Injured man to Clinton Public Hospital. Jim was released on Saturday morning. He. had suffered cuts, abrasions and bruises to his face and knees, front. which he is re- cuperating at home this week. PC Parkinson, Goderich, investi- eated,. not, if the fire alarm had sounded, the members of the brigade would all have turned out." Howeverp the firemen were 'quite pleased with the support which they re- ceived on such a night. Prize winners were: euchre, lad- ies (high) Mrs. Merton Merrier; (low) Miss 'Ellen Mackay; men's (high) James A. Cameron; (low) Mr. Kershew; lone hands, Mrs. Orville McClinchey; Miss Marion IVIakins; and in the draw, James A. Cameron held the lucky ticket for the rug, The Hank Norris orchestra play- ed for the dancing, and wives of the firemen operated a lunch coun- ter in the basement. • Agricultural Society - The' directors and committee members of the Bayfield Agricul- tural' Society met in the Town Hall on Monday evening. Carl Houston, president, .oceu-- pied the chair. The minutes . of last meeting, as read by the sec- retary, Mrs. A. M, Bassett, were adopted. Some correspondence from the Department of Agriculture re a 'teenage driving rodeo was read and discussed. This was followed by- suggest- ions for stone for the Centennial Gates. A delegation was asked to go to Exeter on Tuesday to inspect the memorial gates there and ob- tain information regarding the same. In reply to an inquiry regarding cedars for Pioneer Park, a price was set for trees for this particu- lar project. It was decided to advertise the old ticket office for sale. The next meeting will be held on May 21, when committees are to bring in the revised lists for the prize book. The dates of the fall fair are September 27 and 28. On this centennial year, the of- ficers and directors are relying on all *in this district to make this an outstanding event. Any reminis- cences of early fairs, information from scrap books, letters or artic- les in old papers, concerning the Stanley Township Blanch Agricul- tural Society as it was first known, will be most gratefully received by this correspondent' or officers of the 'society. onsammommiii George Grainger (By our Baylfeld correspondent) As he rested on the chesterfield at the home of his son in Watford, George Grainger passed peacefully to a higher service, on April 23, 1956. He was found by his son, Arden, when he returned from Watford School where he is. a member of the teaching staff. At first he thought his father asleep. His book and pipe lay beside him just as if he had put them down. The deceased man was born February 23, 1876. When a small child he was adopted by the late Mr. and Mrs, George Grainger, As a young man he went to make his home in Alvinston where he lived for over 50 years, and made many friends. He was married to Miss Bessie McNeil who predeceased him 40 years- ago. For a time he tried to keep his little family together, but after a year, Ardell, Murray and Marie came to live with their great uncle' and aunt, Thomas and the Misses Brownett. Russel re- mained in Alvinston until he was 16 and then lie joined his brothers here. Marguerite was raised by a relative of her mother's in the west. During the years, George Grain- ger spent considerable time here with relatives but the Grand Cen- tral Hotel, Alvinston, was home to him, Only the Saturday before his demise, he had been over to make arrangements to go back there. He had been ill with pneumonia, early in the winter and then un- derwent surgery in Clinton Public Hospital on March 9. Following this he recuperated at,, the home of his daughter in Exeter. He had gone to be with Arden on April. 15. The late Mr. Grainger was keen- ly interested in sports. He loved horses and during the past few years took charge of a string of race horses for a friend. He was a member of the Canad- ian Order of Forresters. Before moving to Alvinston he wa s a member of Trinity Church. In Al- vinston he attended the Presby- terian Church. - Surviving, are three sons: Neil Ardell, Watford; Murray and Rus- sell, Bayfield; two daughters, Mar- ie (Mrs, Gerald- Hamilton) Exe- ter; and Marguerite .(Mrs. David Johnson) Portland Oregon; four- teen grandchildren and a brother John Barclay, Lucknow. The funeral was held from the Black funeral chapel, Alvinston, on Wednesday afternopn, April 25. It was in charge of the Rev. H. R. Williams, Strathroy, and interment made in Alvinston Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Bill Columbus, Stewart Simpsori„ Robert McEach- elm, Frank Northcott, Hugh Ferg- uson, Daniel McIntyre. Flower- bearers were: Ed McLean, Harry Binder, Ernest Ross, I. Patterson. Attending the funeral from this district were: Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Grainger, Elaine, Mary Evelyn a n d Helen Grainger, Murray Grainger, Mrs. T. Snowden, Mrs. J. Keys, Mrs. W. Webster, Mrs. Clarence Stephenson, Varna. Mr. and Mrs, Gladwin Westlake, the cupboards, And some electric- al equipment Wag blistered by the heat, Fortunately most of the smoke and water damage WO confined to the kitchen, although some smoke - cud seep MajlQn's bedroom through the furnace pipe pole, The damaged wing will. require a, new roof, ceiling and window. AS a, temporary measure, a large tarpaulin -was spread over the structure after the last Spark had been. extinguished. The origin of the fire is a mys, tery. It evidently started on the back verandah. Mrs. Francis alsO lost a washing which had' not. dried. She had left it in a basket on the verandah for better drying weath- er. •-•-iaa-o-aaap-s-÷,-••••••••+-a-la BRUCEFIELD -•-•-”-•-•-•4-4444-•-•-•-•-•÷4•444,.-41•, Donald Gray spent the weekend at his home. Lawrence Smiliie, Erin, visited with his cousin, Mrs. H. Berry over the weekend. Rev, and Mrs. S. Davison atten- ded the Golden Wedding of their friends in Bovernanville on Thers- day last week. Group No, 1 of the WA enter- tained group No. 2 at the home of Rev. and Mrs. S. Davison, on. Monday evening, Mr, and T. 0. Anderson and daughter Ina, Toronto, spent the weekend with. Mrs. Anderson's brother, Alex Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Neale, Glencoe, spent the weekend with Mrs. Stackhouse and Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Whiteman, Belgrave. Mrs. S. Hohner Was in London on Sunday, visiting her sister-in- law Mrs. William Hohnei who is a patient in Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hargraves attended the funeral of Mrs. Bar- grave's cousin, Gordon Shaw, In- gersoll, who was killed in a motor accident on. Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard, Miss Marjory Mustard and Mrs. Mustard's sister, Mrs. Young, Hamilton, left on Sunday for two weeks vacation in Florida. Morley Taylor, has completed a four year degree course in Chem- ical Engineering at University of Toronto, and will spend a few weeks at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Taylor, Bruce- field, before taking up his job with Imperial Oil, at Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunn called at the Black funeral home, Alvinston, on Tuesday of last week. . -at-17-4-1,...•-•eefearceeeeelee•-•-a-0-aleal. LONDESBORO AtitS. H. PlURNIN, _correspondent'. Phone Blyth 61 r19 Next. Sunday the church service will start at 10 o'clock (WV.. Mr; and Mrs. G. L. Robinson,. Niagara Falls, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs George Cowan, Joseph Lyon is a patient in .the Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Lyon and family' spent Sunday pan, in London with him. Murray Lee who is training- at Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, is spend, ing his leave visiting his brothers Bill Lee in Clinton and Jack Lee. in the village, • Constable Kenneth Armstrong, Stratford, was home on Sunday. Ken finished his seven weeks course at the College in Toronto and is on duty in Stratford. Mrs. Kate Bremner, Listowel, Mrs. Susie Vipond and, Miss Mar. garet IOWA. .Atwood, 204. Vipaila and son Robbie, EalmentOna Alta, called an. Mrs. Mary Re ,c on Saturday waning, ...714 ,-**041-4WtkokkeiAtiteKitill BRUCE CLEANERS. DURING THE MONTII OF MAY WILL MOTH PROOF Free of Charge All Dry Cleaning Agent In Londesboro Bill Stephenson White Rose Service Station 44414,0-0:444-44+,144-4.-4.0444-0444-4400 Hews of 'Bayfield B .s. “701.( R. WOODS 0;4440'4 .0404:004.00444„pry C00041444.4444t. PlIONg PAW= 40 MENTON NWSeRECORD Forgot. 0.$,T. • Woke To Find Raines In Kitchen Wall Sunday Morning THURSDAY, MAX ;3.9\56. moo * See The * FASHION SHOW a at * Clinton Public School * WEDNESDAY; MAY 9 4' Sponsors: Scouts and Cubs * * * * * * * * * * Auxiliary CYasL NiAUtfrft DRU CLEANERS Down Town Office on King Street (formerly Simpsons-Scars) 4' v, * * tfl ONE CALL 00 IT 4:ILL CLINTON TIC 24064 our Bayfield corresponqe40. Reg Francis forgot to put his, clock ahead an hour on Saturday evening. He 'awakened at .8,1$ Standard time — 945 DST — on Sunday morning and heard crack,. He junipectunt .of bed to in- vestigate ,analfOUnd that the hack wall of his kitchen, which' forms, a wing to' the main part of his frame dwelling, Was ablaze; Mrs. Francis and ;the Children arose hurriedly and ' got down- stairs, Reg summoned the Fire Brigade immediately, But the flames travelled so quickly that before the fire fighters arrived, despite all efforts to -check the conflagration, it got in under the roof to the attic, The fire .also spread into the kitchen interior and burned the corner of one of WEST BEND (8 cup) Automatic Percolator 9.95 Reg. $18.00 Value---To clear at SEWING BASKET $2,95 to $6.95 (Satin lined, wittier) Used BEATTY Automatic WASHER $1.59.00 First.class condition UTTER"PERDUE LTD. CRIGIDAIRE Dealer" Make MOM Queen of the May with _IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiillilllllllllllllllllllllllilll II I II 1111 111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I ILIlllillil IIII VIII Ill I NII I hill I ll 1 I h — II III 111111 Ill! II Ill III 1111111 I1i111l1111111111111111111111111111NIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111.111111IlIIIIIIIIl1l11111Illlllllllillllli11111lIlllllllllllllll,llIIIIIIlIIII!llllllllllllllillllllllllilllll1111111IIlIlilllllllNNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlillllllllllllNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!1111!IIIllilllllllNlll111111!IIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,!(1111101~ No larger than a compact.. perfect for both legs and underarms Now, for the first time, an electric Shaver especially designed to serve the needs of women, ONLY the Lady Sunbeam has a shaving head With one edge especially ground to shave the legs, and the other edge especially ground for under- arm use. It is small--lie larger than a Compact. Ends muss and fuss, nicks and tuts of soap and blade. The Lady Stiribeatias gen. tie, sure performance gives you a new easy way to keea heat, fresh and dainty~ Wonderful at hotte, or for towelling: "I' FOR SHAVils10 11.105$ these wonderful • . • FOR , tiaAVINIa liNbaltARNIS us us us TA.