HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-05-03, Page 4Personals .and Mrs. A, P. MeCartney .ere celebrating their 45th wedding • anniversary today on May 3. Mrs. Olive V. Floody, Toronto, is visiting her cousins Misses P. Cantelon and Bertie MeRoberts. Mrs. TI, G. Manning visited last Week with her son and daughter- 'IVer, and Mrs, David. Man,- Meg, Sarnia. • Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Green, Grand Bend, was in town on Mon- day with Mrs, Green's parents, Mr. and Mre, James Livermore, Mr. and Mrs. C, Oke, Mrs, Fred. Clysda]e, Mrs. C, Cudrnore, all of London, visited this week with Miss Ada Adores and IVIiss 0, E. S, Livermore, QC, and Mrs. Livermore, London, . were dinner :guests with their - parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore, on Tuesday .eyening, Rev, D. J. Lane, clerk of the Huron-Maitland Presbytery of the rresbytpriaa Church in Canada, and minister of St, Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, here, attended the 82nd meeting of the Synod of Hamilton and London, in London this week. Allen & Schmidt AUTO BODY FENDER REPAIR LUBRICATION and REPAIRS Albert St. — Clinton Celebrates Gay MRS. SARAH COOPER was 94 years old last Thursday, April 26. She makes her home with her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs, A. E, Bond, East Street. WESLEY-WILLIS WMS TO MEET ON MAY The Wesley-Willis. United Church Woman's Missionary Society will hold their regular monthly meet- ing, Thursday, May 10, at 2,30 p.m., in the church parlour. Miss B. McRoberts group will, be in charge. Reports from the.Preeby- terial held in Exeter will be given. 0 The 1956 objective of the Cana- dian Cancer Campaign is $2,100.- 000. More money will be spent' on research than ever before. CARBURETOR TROUBLE? Spring check over for your car is out of our line, but we can service the control valve or carburetor on your heating unit. For a trouble-free, econom- ical space heater, etc., this fuel control must be clean and adjust- ed properly for correct flow of oil at all times. The latest in Testing Equip-. rent for fast service to you has been installed, so why be troub- led with a faulty space heater, V-4 floor furnace, etc. May we help you? “Complete Lock and Key Service', BALL and MUTC FURNITURE mitt HARDWARE Phone HU, Z0405 CLINTON tee SPECIAL INTEREST TO COTTAGERS. To make your summer more enpoyable may we suggest: e----7- COLEMAN OIL Ideal ear a, cot- 09411 tage (32,000 to tprillein? 37,00 RTU rating, SPACE HEATERS iiie to tpUZ, eat 9t J COLEMAN CAMP STOVES (Naptha, Gas, ''18.95 2 Bellow) . COLEMAN HOT PLATE (Large 3-Burner P Propane Gas) , , $23 .95 COLEMAN HOT PLATE (2 Burner Propane Gas) R7.95 PORTABLE RADIANT HEATER $29.95 Iteresene or Gee FOLDING STEEL TABLE .. 28"x28"105" and 4 Chairs Folds up, carry like a suitcase $29 (hDidS chairs, feed, dishes, etc. . 25 ONTARIO ST. CHURCH GIRLS' CLUB ANNUAL DAFFODIL TEA and BAZAAR Ontario Street United Church Hall Saturday, May 5 — 3 to..5 p.m. SEWING BOOTH --- HOME BAKING AND CANDY BOOTH TEA : 25c 17-8-b Mrs. Levis, president of the Wo- man's Association of Ontario Street United Church, opened the regular meeting 'of that group on Tuesday afternoon, by leading the ladies in the WA theme, followed by the Lord's prayer repeated '"in unison. Mrs C. Proctor gave a synopsis of the questionaire which was handed out to the ladies at the last meeting, in connection with the evangelistic mission. Mrs. M. Wiltse- was in charge of the devotions, taking the topic, "Wonder, reverence, adoration." An invitation was extended the ladies to visit the Turner's appoint- ment on June 13. Miry Elizabeth Levis favoured with two instrum- entals, and after business problems had been discussed the meeting closed with the Mizpa.h; benedict- ion. 0 Be your own "Private Eye," Watch for the seven danger sig- nals that may mean cancer. Mothers Group Meets in Home Of Mrs, G. Cantelon The April meeting of the meth. or's Study Group was held at the home of Mrs, George Cantelon with Mrs, D. Bagnall in charge and le present, Mrs. Bagnall opened the meet- ing reading an article "Something so priceless you give it away." "When Mother of Salem" was sung followed by Prayer by Mrs. H. C. Wilson, Mrs, Bagnall read a con- densed version of an Easter ser- mon by Peter Marshall, former chaplain of the US senate, in place of the Scripture, "Birds are sing- lag; woods are ringing" was sung. Mrs. W. Jervis volunteered to take charge of the May meeting to be held in the church parlour. Mrs, Cervantes and Mrs, Bagnall will be hostesses. Mrs. H. Currie, Mrs. D, :Bagnall, Mrs. Mock and Mrs, W, Jervis, will meet with a grOup from the Sunday School to plan and carry out decorating the church for Children's Sunday. Mrs. Bagnall offered to have a quilt set up and quilted at her home on Thursday welling. Readings 'ley Mrs. H. Currie, Mrs, Wilson, Mrs. Cantelon, Mrs. W, March, Mrs. D. Fowler, Mrs. Glen Wise and Mrs. Bagnall were all enjoyed. ,Mrs. McCall donated a lining for /6. crib quilt. It was decided that the bazaar money be used to buy cotton to make a quilt. Mrs. Meek is to assist Mrs. Jervis in getting the blocks ready for dis- tribution. The closing hymns were "0 Mas- ter let me walk with thee" and ',Happy the home when God is there," Mrs. Jervis conducted a contest and the evening closed with lunch served by Mrs. Cante- ion assisted by Mrs. W. Jervis and Mrs. D. Fowler. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton •K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor 1'riday, May 4 4.15 pan,—Children's Hour Sunday, May 6- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 aen.—Motning Worship Mr. Murray Grainger will be Ministering the word, 7.80 p.m.—Gospel Service. Tuesday, May 1— , 8,00 p.m.--Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. All Welcome VIltapp-bli1110 Engel) ebuctb REV, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. PENNTE, Orgarilst M. It. RENNIE. Choir Director 1100 ton.--4Viorning Worship, Mr, Royal Moulton of the On- 'eerie 'Temperance Federation, 11.20 a,n1.—Primary School 12.15 p.m.—Church School. Union Evening Service ht the On,. eerie, Street United Church. IIOLDIESVILLE 9,45 et,nri.—Morning 'Warship Sunday School Come tr) the House of Preece Sunday, May 6 10,00 a.m.—Church School. 11,00 a.m.—Morning Service— Everyone Welcome to Worship at St. Andrew's BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m,—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Services. 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service You are cordially invited to these services. liullett Township Man Weds MR. AND MRS,. JOHN JOSEPH FLYNN, were married in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, on Monday morning, April e3, 1956, by Rev. 3. W. P. Graham.' The bride is Mary Donalda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alynn Dale, Owen Sound, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flynn, RR 1, Clinton. Following their wedding trip, the couple will make their home on the groom's farm in Hullett Township. (Photo by MacLaren's) SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1956 (21.11, SERVICES DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME) SALE Suits and Shortie Coats COLD WEATHER HAS DONE IT AGAIN!! We are forced to reduce all remaining Suits and Shortie Coats. THERE IS REAL VALUE HERE — MAKE YOUR SELECTION TODAY! SOME 20% OFF — OTHERS 1/3 OFF EVEN SOME AT 1/2. PRICE HURRY ANKLE SOX SPECIAL - Children's Sizes 4 to 81/2 —Ladies 9 to 10 Values to .85 pr. To clear at .29 and .39 pr. Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11.00 arn.—Breaking of Bread, 3.00 p.m.—Children's Meeting 7,00 p.m.—Gospel Meeting ALL WELCOME FOR MOTHER'S DAY By Smiles tri Chuckles Moiris 0 HOME-MADE CHOCOLATES By Olin Brown of Stratford Our Saturday Special° 0 VtOln Our Store (jelly— SUEY LOAF Reg. 30c for ............... „„... .. . ..... Attend the l'ashion ShoW Wednesday, May 9 Sponsored by SCOUTS told MIMS AUXIIIAllIt BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS can t CONFECTIONER'S HUnter 1.9721 CLINTO /MAX V01.11i, a..x.NrroNpolvis-RgconD THLIRSDAY, MAY 3, 1956 guingiommilminummuunimunumniammiiimnpumunimmilomiggionsmiimullonommumnimmininimunummomillig 0 Home And School Hears Discussion On Rabies Danger The A/V/M Hugh Campbell Home and. Schaal Association held their monthly meeting in the, school on Thursday, April 26 On the agenda for the evening was a panel discussion arranged by S/L A. W. Stinson, on the sub- ject "Rabies, a Threat to our Cern- munity?" Chairman of the panel was Judge F. Fingland. Members of the panel we're Dr. G. S. Elliott, Dr. T. Hackett, F/0 L. Halliwell and F/0 K. Jones. After a brief business 'session, S/L A. W. Stinson intr9duced the panel. Dr. Elliott described brief- ly, "Rabies and the symptoms in domestic animals." Dr." Hackett gave a brief account of rabies in humans, Following the discussion which was well attended, F/S L. J. Palmer thanked S/L A. W. Stinson and members of the panel, after which lunch was served, e Mrs. Lavis Leads Ontario St, WA WI Exchange Gifts Receive Flag To'" Use At Meetings Sunshine Sister bouquets were exchanged by members of the Clinton Women's. Institute at an interesting meeting held in the ag- ricultural office board rooms here last Thursday afternoon. At the same event, an exchange of plants, e seeds and bulbs was carried out, Mrs. C. Elliott conducted an in- stallation of officers which was im- preesive. Decision was reached toi f l choose Sunshine Sisters for anoth- er year and tickets were drawn. A new Union Jack with stand- ard was presented to the Institute by Mrs A. McCartney, on behalf of Miss Mitchell, Winnipeg, who wishes the ladies to have it in mem- ory of Mrs. I. M. Nay, her aunt, who was an honoured member of the Clinton Women's Inetitnte for several years. Mrs. McCartney's address was replied to by Mrs. 111, Batkin, president of the WI, who accepted the flag, and it had been unveiled by a charter member of the Institute, Mrs. George Tay- lor. VOcal solos by Beverly and Bon- lie Boyes, greatly added to the enjoyment of the meeting. The annual Sunshine Sistees banquet was held the following ev- ening in the Commercial Inn Hotel. Mrs. W. S. R Holmes won the lucky door prize, and the evening, was pleasantly spent playing cards, ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN . CHURCH F. KIRBY, Huron College-Supply Minister Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. 3. ,M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sunday School— Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister—REV. J. E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service 12.15 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Service ALL WELCOME 0,0,11W,41," Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday School • 9,45 a.m. Breaking of Bread ,..,„ 1140 am, Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. TUESDAY, 8 p.m. — Prayer and Bible Study. "A .Heaety Welcome Awaits you" Christian Reformed Church Rove Ge J. Hoesteem, Minister 10.80 a.m.--,Morning Service Rev. 1. Vandekleptt, Aylmer, English, 12.00 o'clock—Sunday School 2.30 pen— Afternoon Service Rev. G. J. abyttemA, Dutch, Everyone Welcome SPECIALS for 'MAY 3, 4, 5 Robinhood ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR-25-lb. 'q .g . 1.69 KLEENEX—Regular or Chubby, 4 pkgs. 75c CARNATION MILK---tails 2 tins 27c Emery CHOICE TOMATO JUICE „.... 3 20 oz. this 35c DELMAR MARGARINE 29c lb., 3 lbs. 85e CHATEAU CHEESE----3/4 lb. pkg. 31c Country Kist Whole KERNEL CORN ...... 2 14-oz. tins 25c Crown or Beehive CORN SYRUP-75 lb. tins 75e CANADA DRY SPECIAL- 1 Large Cala.lc with 1 Large Bottle Canada Dry Gingerale at 20c (plus deposits) FAB—(1/2 Price Special) 2 lge. pkgs. for 59c RIPE TOMATOES—cello tubes each 19c DUTCH SETS—firm No. l's lb. 10e Herb's Food Market FREE DELIVERY 2 LINES TO CENTRAL—Phone HU. 2-3445 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist St, Paul's WA Is Hostess To Other Deanery Groups The St. Paul's VVOrnen's Atixil- iary, Clinton, entertained over 50 ladies from the WA's of the Dean- ery of Huron, on Friday last, Mem- bers were present from Seaforth, Wingham, Brussels, Bayfield, Wal- ton, Middleton, etc. The highlight of the afternoon was the showing of the slides on the year's Study Book, "Who Dares Stand Idle?" with Mrs. War- ren Outerbridge, Bayfielde as com- mentator and Mrs. Clifford Epps, Clinton in charge of the slides. Mrs. Epps showed many slides of her recent trip to Florida which were most colourful and interest- ing. ' Mrs. Fred Hudie, president of the Clinton Branch conducted the meeting and Miss Dorothy Parke, president of thie Deanery of Huron, brought greetings and' also introduced Mrs. Fred E. Jew- ell, Brussels, wife of the 'new rec- tor there, Mrs. Fred. Middleton, president of St. James. WA.Middleton moved a gracious vote` of thanks of Mrs. Outerbridge and Mrs, Epps and to the ladies of St. Paul's Clinton for their hospitality. Lunch concluded a pleasant af- ternoon. The Ladies' Auxiliary To The Clinton Hospital invites the public to observe Hospital Day Wednesday, May 9 FREE AFTERNOON TEA, in NURSES' RESIDENCE from 3 to 5 p.m. AND TOUR OF THE HOSPITAL. Hospital Tag Day will be conducted SATURDAY, MAY 12 MRS. L.RATIIBUN, Sec. MRS. A. HADDY, Pres, Open Meethig To See Hawaii. Slides An open meeting of the Clinton. Citizens' Horticultural Society will be held in the Council Chamber of the Town Haile Clinton, tomorrow evening, May 4, commencing eight ,a'clock, Highlight of the meeting will be slides, of scones in' Hawaii and highlights of the re- cent convention in Toronto, shewli by Dr, E, A, McMaster, Seaforth, Valuable flower roots will be give en away in the various draws. Rev, D. J. Lane is president of this So- ciete', The death rate from lung can- cer in males doubled in the ten years between 1943 and 1953, There Was no change in the lung cancer rate among women. ftalillb LADIES' WEAR CLINTON ST, ANDBEW'S 07-10.0 014DA W0414 DIXDIM TITF.$1)41r, MAY S The regular meetin of the Girls' Club of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church will be held in the Sunday Schogi room of the church on Wes, day evening, May S at .3,1.4 o'clock. For an Easily Prepared Moot « ar ti Mg. Ask 'or Manor Frozen Chicken Dinner At Your Favourite Grocery Store. 17-13-b ONTARIO sfitEtt UNITED CHURCH "TIM PRIDNDLY munor PASTOIteeltLeV. A. OLEN EAGLE, it,A, SUNDAY, 3tAlt 6—, 0.45 tent.—SendaY School 11.00 term Dr. L. 3. /reerry, Toronto, guest sleeker' 7.40 p m,—Padre Garrett, P.OAP guest spcsker Turner's elturch 2,00 rerri,---Dr. Le J. Mee r Toraritte fittest speaker 4.00 .-- uhdey .,Sch.00l