HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-05-25, Page 1VOL, XV1I.---NO 21
WINGHATyl, ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1888.
Tun generous support and cardial
reception accorded the Toms since the
beginning of the year have been satis.
factory and gratifying to us. It
affords us great pleasure to realize
that our efforts to eater to the nubile
requirements in this respect have been
appreciated. Inception difficulties
have been surmounted and more
apparent inprovernents may be ex-
peeted from time to time. Being
desirous materially to increase its
scope, influence and patronage, we
offer the paper for the balance of this
year for fifty cents. Now is the time
to subscribe. Let us have your
—Bruseels, Blyzh, Goderich and Gerrie
have adopted the early elosing.
—WANTED :—To exchange a, new piano
pr organ for a geed driving horse. Apply
to H. Davis, Winelfitna.
—It is said that Tiverton has but one
taxpayer that does, not belong to a secret
—What was* heard—That J. G. Field
has the tidiest butcher shop window in
—Four comfortable rooms to let in the
Beaver Block. Apply to R. McIsmoo.
—Mr. T. A. Mills has a force of men
excavating for his intended new brick
—Mr. E. F. Gerster has been renovating
and adding to the attractiveness of his
jewellery store.
—Mr. White, a student in McMaster
'College, Toronto, preaehed in the Baptist
Church, ou Sunday lase.
—Dr. McKenzie recently purchased at
Clinton a dandy raatelied team of black
roadsters for his osvu use.
--An improvement has been patented by
Mr. C. Elattketone, of. Clinton, by which
the orgau swells are under the control of
the feet.
--Mr. J. Wilson, velerieary, removed a
ai few days agellatteMailmateigliing, 11 ounces
from th,e;p10t, of a horse belonging to Mr.
Ketinetd litircia'ectai, living near Lucknowl
1?helm24i's still at Wilson's stables, /
—Mi I Das atteaded the funeral of
the late 4re...Walta Pham, at New Ham-
burg, last week. She was in the 71st year
of her age. • „
• —The annual meeting of the Guelph
Conference of the Methodist Church is to
be held at See -forth, commencing on Thurs-
day, the 7th of Juno:
D.McInues, merchant, showed us,
to ether day, some of the finest specimens
of speckled trout we have seen for a long
—Last week, we inadvertently inserted
the name of Mr, J. A. Morton, instead of
that of Mr. W. Corboulda manager of the
bank, as a director of the Mechanics'
Ens itute.
dozen good ileums could be rented
in-Wingham in a very few days. There is
not an eligible house in the town and wo
hear enquiries made almost daily for such.
Pity 'tie, 'tis thus.—A.n addition is to be built to the English
Church parsonage and the stable on the
corner ef the lot is also being removed,
thus adding materially to the already fine
• anPearanee of the property.
—The .number of marriages in Huron
•for the last official year was 451. Of these
2 males an 58 females were under 20
•years of age; 4 males and 1 female were
.over 50; 44 males and 14 females between
.35 and 40,
—We heard an outside remark the other
kitty that Winghttan had a reputation abroad
for keeping the fnest dry goods stooks to
be had out of the (titles and selling away
down low. Well, pen, we have &et °1a8
tailors, and we know for a fact that many
suits.have been tient to outside towns this
spring -8o1110 to Toronto.
—Dr. Macdonald is now home and at.
tending to his practice as usual.
—Did yott notice that meaurnotla cigar
over UoKelvie's restaurant door? Mc-
Kelvie's is a good place to fleet.,
—The old school grounds were sold on
Saturday evening to Mr. W. Scott for 0155.
A aplendid bargain.
.—The new G.T. R. locomotive and boiler
shops at Stratford are to coat 6260,000 and
the town bonussed it to the extent of
0120,000, •
—The popular Baird Dramatic Company
will begin a week'si" perforreauce hero on
Monday eveuing,.the' 28th Met.
—Mrs. D. McAllister, of St. Louis, and
her daughter, Miss Maggio McAllister, who
was so suddenly called home whilst on a
visit to )1r. 11. (ilarke's aashort time agoi
have returned here with Mts. Clarke,
--Many, friends in Wingham will be
pleased ta learn that Mr. John G. Holmes,
son of Councillor T. Holm?, of Wiugharn,
has headed the list at the vocent examine,
tion for barristers by the Law Sooioty)
Be has had a brilliant career as a student,
is an intelligent young ms a and promising
prospects open up before hire in his chosen
calling. He was articled !with the legal
firm of Delamere, Reeser & English, To -
Presonats.—Mr. Brook, of Teeswater,
has removed to Wingh Dan, au d uow occupies
Mr. Davis' residence, in rear of• the Metho-
dist Church.—Mrs. T. Hades, of Clinton,
came to Wingham with Mrs. A.W.Webster,
on her return from a visit to friends in
Seaforth and Clinton—Miss AmeliaDamson
visited her uncle, near laieknew, this week
—Rev. Robert Hendersofi, brother to Mr.
11. D. Henderson, of Villitdchurch, who
has just been ordained; by the Stratford
Presbytery, gave us ra Peal on Monday.
He preached at Whiteciriuroh on Sunday
eveeitig.—Mr. E. R. Talbot spent .a few
days with friends in London and vicinity
tie' week. a • "
—Mr, A. Galbraith, the veteran phrenol-
ogist, and, we believe, one of the few in
America whosephrenoWealdelineations
are given witli almost unerring
is at present in towu.J Ile has been over
4 thirty years in the bootur� field, and -bas
visited, alrimet every town and hamlet in
Ontario, as well as travelled widely through
• thaStates. He is a man of brilliant parts,
glib S0holastio attainments, widely and
deeply read, •thoroughly cultured, and
possesses great magnetic power, impres.
siveuess and ability to entertain and in-
struct. We hope he may see fit to favor
our people with a few of his entertaining
• scientific or equally clever literary lectures.
—Thos. Speer, M.D., Surgeon, &c., M.0
P. 9. G. 9, and L. T. a D, Head office, St.
Thomas, the Great East Indian Physician
and Surgeon, for the treatment of all
chronic diseases and diseases peculiar to
women,. for -whittle he is so well qualified,
will be at the Bruuswickiliouse,Wingham,
on Wednesday, May 30th, from 8 a. ra. to
7 p. m. One day only. Patients please
call early. Persons suffering from diseased
that have baffled the skill of the local
physicians should not omit this favorable
opportunity of seeing him. He has been
educated in nearly all the best colleges in
Europe, has been in the army of the United
States and tne British army, and has
eireumeavigated the globe. Consultation
free. Remember the date. Read tho
circular in this paper.
--Front the San Francisco Pxriner
learn that Mr.Win. Melfi has chargo
of the car accounting department of the
..Southern Paeifie Company, was presented
by his friends and fellow elerks with a
diamond.studded loeket, as a birthday
present, he being in his 30th year. Thc
above hassled is well known in and around
Winghatn, beim; a brother-in-law to Mr.A
May he live many years to eujo
the confidence and promote the fror:.r.r.:‘,
his re
---Notice Mattella procession outfit.
--latessrs, Geo, McKay and Geo. Mc-
Tavish attended a tomperanee convention
in Clinton, 04 Tuesday.
—Mr. W. 17. Dula:age, sold a firm Ridge,
wood colt to Dr. WhitelY-1o Goderiola for
a handsome :agar% The demand for
Bi ewood stack is greatly ou the increase.
—Mr. George McKay, has received auc•
tioneer's license for Bruce and Mum?
reliable man, of good judgement an ex.
perionce, bo will look well after the inter -
eats of those employing him.
—A new time table came into effect on
the 0, T. R. on Sunday last. The London
train now leaves at 7.05 a. m. and 3.40 p.
m., and arrives at 10.45 a.m. and 745p.m.
The train for Listowel, Palmerston, &o.,
leaves ab 0,9 a. m., 11.10 a. in., and 7.25
p. in„ and arrives at 11.10 a. m., 330 p. m.,
and 10,10 p. m. Tho last figures also give
the arrival and departure of the trains
from and to Kincardine.
"Halving the evils and doubling the
pleasures of life"—that, they say, is done
by embarking in the matrimonial ship.
That is what a former Winghamite, Mr.
Thomas H, Kinsman, carriagemaker, of
Streetsyille, and Miss Maggie E. Murkley,
of Turnberry, did on Tuesday, the nuptial
knot being tied by Rev, Dr. Ward, at the
residence ofathe bride's parents. May they
live long and happily to fight double handed
the battles of life.
—Captain John T. Hardinge and lady,
of Ilfracombe, Devonshire, England, aro
on a pleasure trip through Canada, and are
at present the guests of .nrs. J. Snell,
Wingharn. Mr. Edrdiuge is a brother-in-
law to the late Mr. S'nell. Contrasted with
England, to him, Canada appears a rough
and unfinished country. We hope he may
have a pleasant season's sojoixrn and that,
as he sees more of the country, lie may
more fully appreciate the euorgy of our
people, the vast resources of the countrh,
the salubrity of our climate and the hos-
pitality of our people.
• --Dr T. Er. House, who is putting that
marvellous collection of Knowledge, Apple -
ton's Cyclopedia, before the.publie, has
been in town for some days. The Doctor
has in his possedSion a commission in the
• U. 'S. Army, •issued at Washington by
President Lincoln in. August, 1804, Under
1 this appointment the, doctor served as
medico.' officer under General Grant in
D. A.SPLETOX& 00., VS. ALM °amens.--
Appleton's great American Cyclopeadia is a
vast, comprehensive library in itself, and re
substitute for mono than ono thousand
volumes specially given to ANS, sasses,
TITElintlitS MO. IIVBSTS ; and unlike all
encyclopaedias it is the complete cycle of a
knowledge as given from the earliest dawn
of mythological history up to the "times"
vaunting spirit of the day, This work, with
its 7,500 maps and 'illustrations and ita
$0,000 subject articles, is now the "burning"
envy of every encycloptedie publialier 111
the English spealciug world. This Cyclo-
pedia is now completed taid follows yearly
with its Cyclopeedia annuals, which keep it
abreast with the age, whilst those which
are 'published in continued edition form
will have their first volume from fifteen to
twenty years old when the last one is
issued. It will thus bo seen that such
eneyelopteditts which aro published in
continued edition form, are one continued
series of annual omiesione, and never up to
date, oven the vory last volutne. So liar.
rasing is this to the votaries of science,
that ono hundred and forty-six Canadian
eeholats of Ontario, with nearly a like
numbee of Quebec and the Maritime
province% have removed. their inferior
works from their shelves and replaced
them with Appleton's great American
Cyclopmaia, now the leading authority for
the multiplied millions. This work is web
void to the trade, aul eau enly he had by
subseriation, and may be laad h0111 R.
- " agent west of Tomato,
'sae- • • aaa ...1"ae a a A '--
Vii7giula and Texas. Hero ho went into
miattaitine. lie had charge of ten differ-
ent regiments during his time of service.
Although 04 yearspf age, he has the vigor
of manhoodand is a courteous, cultured
an intelligent man.
—One feature that arrests the attention
and wins the admiration of every visitor
to Wingham is its fine and widely dis-
tributed supply of shade trees. We know
of no place ha Ontario that has so fine or
so large a supply of healthy maple shades
Our soil appears to be peculiarly adapt 5.
for their growth. Great credit is due to
those who urged and had this matter well
• attended to in years gong by. The supply-
ing of trees by the Council is a wise move.
If there are any citizens living on a treeless
street, surely they can realize the beauty
and comfort afforded by recent efforts in
arboriculture. But besides their umbra-
geous comforts and the gratification afford-
ed in inthistering to the sense of the
beautiful, trees serve a wise and benificent
purpose in the economy of nature, by
absorbing poisonous gases and giving of
pure oxygen.
On Sunday last the saw and plain,
ing mills of Messrs. Sanderson and
Wiles were destroyed by fire. The
loss is about .5.5,000 With $1,000 in-
Whilst bathing a young son of Mr,
Alexander Ross, of the 5th Con. took
cramps, sank and was drowned before
assistance arrived.
Stock raising seems to pay •better
than grain growing, Berring losses,
horses pay better than cattle. The
Expositor says that Mr. Hugh Boll
has a twelve year old mare from
which he sold $2,200 worth of stock
and was •offered $100 Or one yet on
Lawrence & Murphy's flax mills
were completely destroyed by fire -on
Friday night last. The loss is esti-
mated at about $6,000 of 'which $6,-
000 is covered by insurance.
Town Legislators.
There were present ilka special; meeting
on Monday night, the Mayor. Deputy -
Reeve, and Messrs, T. Holmes, Honetitli,
W. Holmes, Dr. Towler, Little, Cline,Me.
Kenzie, Pringlei Tho cemetery committee
reported throu„ the chairman,Dr.Tocvler.
Moved by Messrs. Cline and Priugle, that
the committe be authorized to offer Mr,
Brady -5500 cash for his property lying
adjacent to the ceraetery—Carried. Tho
executive oommitteo recommended a grant
of 0100 to the band. Mr. Riimaid, band
mater, explained what the hand intended
to do—play weekly during 'the summer'
months and on holidays, and giye three
open air concerts in the season. Mr. T.
Holmes saw no necessity for 'keeping up a
band, as wo have no return for the money,
and whilst small villages kept them up for
a time, places like London, Toronto and
Guelph did net support such useless insti.
tutiope. Moved by Mesere. Little and
Pringle, that 070 be granted the band Tor
the purpose of purchasing instruments,
which are to be the property of the town--
Cm:tied. Moved by • Messrs. T. and W.
Tiohnos, that the committee who have the
matter in hand he anipinvered r, make a
prow,' Are fr, • - • ••• liver
• a • •, a a • ra
Mr. Geo. Thompson .thad the mis-
tune to loose a horeei.:this week.—
Ir. Moorehouse's prayer meetings
came to an end last weelt. . Mr. Moore -
house is a very able speaker and we
treat there was, much good done) We
hope to Laval= again at some future
time.—Mr. Malcolm Lamont went to
Ripley this week. -.Seeding is pretty
well over and the farmers are looking
forward for some warnter'weather)
Lower Win4.1i,±4.
Mr. Wm. Campbell, a respected res-
ident of this place, who or some time
past has been lying dangerously ill
With infiaination and dyspepsia, we
are glad to hear is reeovering.—Mr.
John Hicks, a, former resident of this
place now of Thessalont A, has
returned. having bouglit the property
of Mr. B. Baukin.—Mr. Luke King
has again left home on another can-
va.sing tour, heamistaiteaderstank.
liminess as he is never idle and has
the full confidence of his employers,
'- oi • ' •
4 Bev, F. A, Shaw, of Aberfeyle, bag
been. inviIed to take tile 1\iethodist
charge here and has accepted aubject
to the approval of the stationing oam-
mittee, Rev. S, Cook has been in-
vited to the .A.shfield. eirenit,
• Clifford.
The following officers were installed
in Court Clifford, No. 154,, C. 0, P an,
• Monday May 14th: P. G It., B. Ful-
ton ; O. B.„ Orly ; V. O. it, W.
Gra; Ohap.,5_Wuf. thith; B„
l3allagh; Finri S,, Eagiesiiam ;
Treaa, H. Graff; S. WI, V.Oppenhei-
ser ; Rennie; 8.10,41 -Gordon;
5. B., W.,. Willitts t• 0. 1',, 11. Bess,
Delega1te.4 High. Ommt, Win, Smith.
Courtlirifford is 'reported to be hi a
Very fiourshing Conditiop.
Listow• l•
Conductor 'W.' K. Suer, of Pal-
merston,. preached to a large congre-
gation iin;...the Methodist Church on
Sunday the 13th inat. The sermon
was especially identified with the L 0,
0. F. The preacher's remarks were.
• impreseive and very appropriate to the'
• occasion. His starting point was
James lst and 5th : "Visiting the
fatherless and widows in their afflic-
tion." Mr. J. B. Dinkel martialed
the procession from the Hall to the
church wirieh was an imposing sight.
The excellent choir of the church
rendered some appropriate music. In
the evening Mr. Snycley again occupied
the pulpit and preached to a congrega-
tion of at least 800 people.
The creamery in this place com-
menced operations on Saturday of last
week with more patrons than it had
last year —(v 5. A. Anderson hired --,
a car to.talte his effects to Goderich
on Monday.) -Miss B. Armstrong, of
West Wawanosh, was visiting I'Jary
X. Kee last weelt.--44iss Sarah Finn
en, was home ane, visit from Wing -
ham last week.-tIgr. O. Gillespie has
nearly recoveredfrom his late illness
Mr. NV. Sutherland dug out a den
o foxes the other day catching four
young ones and killing two of them)
W. Evert has the other two.—A large
bear was seen lately by Miss 3. 2,..uld , 4
in W. Deacon's, buih. Sport for
Ninarods.—Mr. Robert Henderson la
visiting. his brother, 15. D. Henderson
of this place. . •
• 3:telgrame. •
The new weigh scales which were
put in a few weeks. ago hy Mr. Pox.,,
of London; are first elites. in every.,
respect and are a eredit to the village. •"
They.have boon rented.to Van
man, by the shareholders for $15 for'
the first year. They will pay him,.
well as they are used very frequently
4y-f-arraers.—Jitinedix,te4wart, blaek-
smith has secured the selieite,s of Mi. .
James Lawrence who haS ,beehNlearn-
• ing the trade in Wingham ,artd
sels.—Mrs. Ira Barkley, of Brussels,
spent several days herewith her
Motherein-law last week.—Franit
• Wheeler has gone away t6work at his
trade,stono 111-SSOU, and his faintly isnow
living with hie father in Morris,—R.
Sterlingnow occupies Mr.. Wheeler's
house,having rented it since Mr.Proe-
tor. purchased his resiclence.—.Mr.
Proctor is plaating trees and making
improvements generaliy.—Previons to
the departure of Harry Winfield,' who
has been mnploped in A. Taylor's sore.
for over five years, Thursday • night,
last, 70 young invited persons of both
sax assembled at Mr. Taylor's and
went to his hall where thep kept time
to the music of several violins in the
merry dance till after 1.2 p. in, 'when
all went to the house for refreshaients;
after partaking of the good things,
prepared by Miss E Taylori several
went back to the hall for three hours
while others amused themselves play-
ing authors, singing, &e., after which a.
number bid Harry good-bye. He will
be greately missed here, especial' by
the fair sex, with. whom he
favorite ; he is also highlf esteemed,
by employer and CUStO1110, and car.'
ries with him their 'good wishes, He
intends going to Dullith this month.
--Miss Dallas,. ot Wingliam, returned
home on Tuesday. Siu was visiting
at Mrs. Davids for several weeks.—
His. Wamsloy moved back to Blixevale
on Tuesday. As her son, James has
quit business berei he intends working.
at his trade harness makiugf this sum-
mer in Sault St. Marie.-111,essrs.
Watson and. Avery, shoo 'Makers.; have
dissolved partnership and Mr. Avery
left on Tuesday (via Goilerieh) for the
Soo, where he expects to got work ft],
that booming little plaee.—A. Taylor
spout Sunday mar London and cetn-
bitted business with pleasure on Mon.
day; Ile met several old aainaintances
in the city most of them brother
• The youngsters. of S.S. No. 1, How -
ick, had aweeks holidays on aeount of
of measels being in the section,—The
Halliday Bros. nave on hand a most
excellent stock of beef which is
intended to go to feed John Bull.,
Seodi4g in'this vicinity is about fin.
fall wheat is picking up
better 'then .Was expected, some fields
are being turned up, but en the whole
if the weather proves favorable it will
yield a fair crop.—Mr. Win. Rush has
the foundation of his mammoth barn
about eempleted. A goodly number
of farmers are improving. their proper.
ty by adding new buildings. Hard
times effect rts not.—We understand
,Mr, James Ritchie is soon to leave for
the Old So& for a stook of horse flesh.
—Mr. 5. Halliday of Lot 4 Con. B.
Hewielt, has a hen which be declares
laid e,r4,8 in three days. This can.
not be disp.Ited DA he had only one hen
on the promiees. W1z can beat this?
—A number of weeks ago men were
soon driving along the read in quest
of Iambs, sheep, pigs and eattle and
now it is a hard matter for auything
in this line to be bought. \V� never
saw stock of all deseriptons so frilly
bought up‘ and the distinguishing fea-
ture was the high pries paid. The
shippers appear to beone class that
the farmers shoal I esteem the highest
f'qr ant of a vie.,.!
—A Toronto 'choir boldly struck on
account of seine unfavorable criticism
—Brazil's Legislative .A,ssembliel,
have decided that seol/ •