HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-04-19, Page 8M*'. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth Show Pictures Of New School and Michigan to Club (By our Bayfield correspondent) for views of the old building and the wrecking of the structure, which they had snapped, The latter including scenes of the children ,,moving to the new evening. school with the ceremony 'held 'The Rev, Peter Renner dedica- then, also the pupils at play, and a tea 124 chairs which were donated trip up the Michigan side of Lake to the Sunday School Room by the Huron 'as far as Port Austin, Willing Workers, Mr. and Mrs, LeRoy Poth show., ed beautiful winter scenes taken here by N. H. Ormond", also the. building of the new school, inter- , 4 1955 CHEVROLET $1695 SPECIAL 1956 Contract Barley. We are now contracting Barley for the Canada Malting Co. under their new improved barley contract. Top quality SEED & FERTILIZER SUPPLIED. Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd. HENSALL PHONE 24 7b-12b-16b 1955 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN, fully equipped $1,895 1954 CHEVROLET DELUXE Powerglide Sedan $1,650 —1954 CHEVROLET Sedans, fully equipped $1,495 1954 CHEVROLET Belair Convertible powerglide, fully equipped $1,995 1953 PONTIAC Sedan $1,295 1952 PLYMOUTH Sedan $ 995 1952 CHEVROLET DELUXE COACH, fully equipped $1,095 1951 CHEVROLET Coach $ 900 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN, fully equipped $ 995' 1949 CHEVROLET CoaCh $ 695 2-1948 PONVIACS $ 495 2-1948 CHEVROLETS $ .495 1948 PLYMOUTH Sedan $ 495 1948 DODGE 5-Passenger Coupe $ 495 TRUCKS 1952 CHEVROLET 1/2 TON PICK-UP $ 750 1949 FORD 1/2 TON PICK-UP $ 450 1947 DODGE 1/2 TON PICK-UP $ 395 Cars and Trucks can be Driven Away at the Prices Listed in this Advertisement. Brussels Motors HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST USED CAR DEALER Brussels, Ontario Phone 73X. About a hundred persons atten- ded the banquet served by the 'Willing Workers in St, Andrew's United Church basement on Friday (More Bayfield News on Pages 9 and 11) OGILVIE CAKE MIX CAMPBELL'S HALF PRICE' DEAL 1 Chocolate-1 Cocoanut Delight „„ 54c The Record Speaks for itself . IT WILL PAY YOU,' TO GET THE FACTS( For the latest portfolio of securities Call Vic. Dinnin Phone 160 P.O. Box 190 Zurich, Ont. Managed &distributed by Investors 10-11.10.-.1.11-1-10•+, r ., INVENTORS Mutual Cunud v i ,onttrcl Ifo,0 0144,4011PEG cora•pikiiOpis sal cat° o ana a Limited Yn SPECIALS for THAUpltriSi. 1-; _FR210. 2S1AT. NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE 15c OFF DEAL—with 15c conpon inside 1.85 Large Jar TOMATO SOUP .2 tins 25c APPLEFORD'S WAX PAPER—Food Saver-100 ft. roll 29c FLAXOAP 1 lb. tin-35e BURNS • WEINERS 1 lb.-31c BANANAS 2 lb. 35e Draw for BASKET OF GROCERIES (value $6.0 0) WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF 50c OR OVER., Last week's 'Super Kern Tone' Winner: Pat Austin McASH'S VARNA HU 2-9161 17.2 ft. freezer with a 600-lb. Ca p Terms to sett you The big dollars and cents difference in freezers is the speed of the freezing action. And now Revco, specialists in freezers for many, many years brings to the public for the first time the swift freezing action that hereto- fore was available only in professional equipment. This unique freezing action actu- ally locks in nature's own food flavors and keeps the food "just-picked" fresh longer. Naturally, freeer oper- ating- costs Ate lower, too. h trifle diffirowelartilikt and hi tfdMoe i•ginowli• REVCO Aed.• FREEZING root We can prove this big difference in freezing speeds to you in just two minutes. Our amazing demonstration enables you to see as well as feel the Revco Faster Freezing Action that means so much to good food preser- vation and storage. Come in today and see the new 1956 Revco Freezers and see why your new freezer should have the respected Revco name. Clinton Electric Shop D. W. CORNISH "Your WESTINGLIOL185 Deoter" ALBERT sirittet CLINTON Say HE RETURNED NEP GAZE • ON CAFETERIA FEEDS Bill Henderson is riising MORE Pullets with LESS Feed and they're the best pullets he ever turned out • You don't have to go far' from home to find convincing proof that Cafeteria feeds are the best you can buy for starting chicks and raising pullets. In the first three months of this season . . Deceniber, January and February . . . "Henderson's Started Chicks" raised and sold 8,000 MORE pullets than in the same three, months of last year , • and they actually used LESS feed. This year, they fed Cafeteria_ , . last year, they fed a different brand. , On Cafeteria, the birdS Were satisfied with less feed per day, and at 12 weeks old, they were stronger honed, better feathered, and more uniform in all-round development. One lot of 4,800 Sussex-R.I. Red crossbreds went through to 12 weeks old on 16 tons of Cafeteria Chicks Starter and Chick Grower ettnblee, plus a small amount of scratch grain . . approximately 8 lbs, 'total feed per bird . and their average weight Was right around 3 lbse. One lot of Leghorn X Red pullets: went to 12 weeks with a loss of only 8 chicks and another lot of 1,025 Leghorn X ROck eldekS, plus extras gave 1,028 saleable pullets at 10 Weeks. When yoti start good chicks and feed Cafeteria, you Can, count on, prollt.inaking results. Come iii. end let us give you ftirther particulars. HENDERSONI'S STARTED CHICKS Seafoith Phone 61541 JOHN A. MAcDONALD 1P,A,94 WOW MINTON N4WS,V,ECORD TITURSDAY, AMT-4 1.9, 1956 (By our Bayfield correspondent) The postponed. meeting of Trin- ity Club was held, Tuesday, April 11, • at the home of Mrs. Jack Cluff with the president, Mrs.' Ross Middleton presiding. The meeting opened with the singing of the hymn, "This is my Father's World," followed by prayer by Mrs, Jack Cluff, Berth- ena Sturgeon read the 23rd psalm. The minutes were read by the acting secretary, Mrs. J, H, Cobb, Alf Scocthmer, Jr,, spoke re workers for Tel chest x-ray survey to take place next month. Every- one over the age of 12 should be x-rayed, Cards for volunteers were filled out. A letter was read from the Can- cer Society and $5.00 was voted' to be sent to this worthy cause, The club decided to buy six adult nesting tables for the Par- ish Hall. It was decided to hold a euchre and bridge in the Parish Hall on Thursday, Mrs. Alf Scotchmer, in charge 'of arrangements, The proceeds will go towards choir gowns. An amateur hour was discussed as a way of raising money during the summer months. Mrs. Arthur Turland Was in charge of the idea box and Berth- ena Sturgeon in charge of birth- days. There were ten members pres- ent and two visitors. The meeting closed with 'prayer. A tasty 'lunch was served by the hostess and co-hostesses', Mrs, J. H. Cobb and Mrs. Arthur Tur- land. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. LeRoy Poth, on Tuesday', May 1, at 8.15 p.m, Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons is, program convener. Bayfield Trinity Club. Hear Talk On TR Survey Write for Catalogue to: GORDON CLAYTON, Blenheim JAS. EARLEY; Kerrwood W. K. RIDDELL, Richmond Building, London eats, He was accompanied by his small daughter Cathy, Miss Ruth B, Hayman, London , returned to the Little Inn on Mon- day to prepare for the coming sea i - son. She s accompanied by her mother, Mrs. A, W. Hayman, who is sPending a few days here. Mr, and. Mrs, Gordon Heard, London, were in the village over the weekend, and with Mr. and Mrs. Einerson Heard were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, George Heard for dinner on Sunday even- ing. Mr. and 1V1ri, Maynard Carrie enjoyed a motor trip into New York State and Pennsylvania, from Sunday until Wednesday, of last week, Their daughter Martha visited her aunt Mrs, Leslie R. Gray, -LondOn, during their ab- sence. On the At-Home With the Lad- ies program over OFPL-TV in con- nection with book week, Mrs. Les Gray's book, "Wilderness Christ- ians" was reviewed. They librarian told what went into making the book. Mrs. Gray was Elma Law- son, daughter of Mrs. H. A. Law- son, of the village. Those from Bayfield who enjoy- ed the program presented by the soprano soloist, Ethel Barrymore Colt, at Goderich, in the Commun- ity Concert series, on Monday ev- ening, included: Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Roddick, -Mrs. J. MacKenzie, Mr. and Mrs: Maynard Corrie, Mrs. R. H. F, Gairdner, Mrs. H. H. Ormond, Mrs. D. Kingsbury, Mrs. 3, B. Higgins, Mrs. J. H. Cobb, Mrs., T. C. Bailey, Mrs. R, McFadden, Mrs. C. W, Brown, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cameron, Miss Helen Edith Forrester,. the Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Outerbridge, Mrs. Charles Knuckey, Mrs. R. J. Larson, Mrs. George Adams, Mrs. LeRoy Poth, Mrs. William E. Par- ker. Euchre Party The Ladies Auxiliary to the Scouts and Cubs hope for a good attendance at the euchre party in the New Ritz Hotel tonight, April 19. This benefit is in support of a very worth while movement—in the community. Elmer Webster, chairman of the Clinton Branch of the Perth-Huron Unit of the Canadian Gamer Soc- iety, appointed Mrs. Emmerson Heard to take charge of the cancer campaign in the village. Anyone wishing -to make a contribution, or who will give time to-.canvas for this fund is asked to contact Mrs. Heard. Winners at the bridge and euchre, held in the Parish Hall on Thursday, April 12, were: bridge, Mrs. J. A. Cameron and James A. Cameron; euchre, ladies high, Mrs. J. M, Stewart; low,' Mrs. Grant Turner; men's high, Fred 'Telford; low, Grant Turner. Mrs, J. M Stewart received the prize for lone hands. Following the play, members of the Guild served lunch. The pro- ceeds went to the Parish, Hall Chair Fund. News of held WORDS Ontarlo'S Champion. Country. Correspondent PHONE BATFIEx,p 45 r 3 3. M, Stewart spent Monday in Hamilton. William N. Rolfe, London, was at his cottage far several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. D. Madecod, spent Wednesday of last week in London. Orville Weston, Seaforth, visited Mr, and Mrs,- E. R. WestOn, SU/1day. Mr. and Mrs, Charles R,, Will, London, were at their cottage over the weekend, Mrs. A. E, Suppnick, Detroit, is at her cottage "Holly Lodge" from, Tuesday till Friday. Mr, and Mrs, J. Fisher, Larry and. Frank, Kitchener, were at their cottage on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs, Nelson McConkey, Kitchener, spent the weekend at their home in the village. Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Bauer and family, Waterloo, were at their cottage over the weekend. Ronald Pothi uwo, came home on Friday to spend this week in study prior to examinations. D. A. Atkinson returned home Last week, after having spent two Months at Clearwater, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. James Day and family, Pleasant Ridge, Mich., oc- cupied their cottage over the week- end. * Members 'of the family of H. N. Brandon, gathered at hie home on Sunday for dinner .in honor of his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Atkinson, St. Clair Shores, Michigan, were at their home in the village over the weekend. E. J. Bauer, accompanied by his son G. Bauer and E. Feirburger, Kitchener, was here on Saturday to open his cottage for the season. . Mr. and Mrs. ,Gilbert Knight, Mr.and Mrs. Arthur Lattimer and two boys, Toronto, visited Mrs. Knight's mother, Mrs. F. C. Gem- einhardt, over the weekend, Mrs. John McClure returned home on Saturday morning after having spent the winter with her daughters, Mrs. Howard Blanch- ard, Uxbridge, and Mrs, D. Lamb, Toronto. Robert MacLeod, who recently underwent surgery, in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, came on Tues- day to spend a week with his• par- Western Ontario Aberdeen Angus - Spring Sale At Eugene Earley's Farm, KERRWOOD APRIL 28th 1956, at 1.00 p.m. 30 Females, 3 Bulls, a number of 47H Club steers, carefully selected animals of most popular families from leading breeders. . . in horror at the sugges- tion that he go anywhere but South End Cities Service. One visit made him a loyal, steady customer! CITIES SERVICE aWer"lio/Pirdj:Db;yguftE'd New Phone No. HU. 2-7034 CAR BUMPERS _MAIL BOXES BOATS TRUCK SIGNS HOUSE NUMBERS and Many Other Uses. at — Clayt Dixon, Prop. ,It1J1-0083 , Mitchell . « « Phone 2 N N•15' Bayfield Men ' Form Boat Club (By our Bayfield correspondent) At a meeting at Alf Scote.hmer's new park, north of the river, on Monday evening, boat enthusiasts of the village formed the nucleus of a Boat Club. • Officers*elected were: president, Alf Scotchmer Jr.; vice president, Reginald Francis; secertaryn, Geor- ge Little; treasurer, Keith Gem- einhardt; directors, William Mc- Ash, William Stirling, Arnold Makins, Dewar Talbot. The ten men present set the membership fee and drew up rules and regulations. These will, be printed on the membership cards, and strict adherence to the same will be required of all members. Alf Scotchmer has had the brush , and weeds on the flats in connection, with his property, bull- dozed out. The men gathered again on Tuesday night to clear up the park. A ramp and docking facilities will be built here for small craft, and picnic tables made for the park which will be acces- sible to members and their fam- ilies only. Anyone interested in becoming a member should contact the pree-, ident, secretary, or other club of- ficers,. Illillill1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011IMIlltliffillill1011111110111111111 HARRY WILLMMS . • FARMS FIND OUR GASOLINE THE BEST IT HAS THAT .- v..41 1 /Ad 4ille:A ft° qt47:44.4)-1 HARRY WILLIAMS WILLIAMS FUELOIL .1'4", GASOLINE MOTOR OIL 4 LUBRICANTS 42 *43' q1111