HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-04-12, Page 12Davidson Collision Repair Prop., Herb Davidson BRUCEFIELD ONTARIO Speciolzing in: • SPRAY PAINTING • RUST REBUILDING • COLLISION REPAIR U 2-3343 14-p Tuckersmith System Nears Fifty Years Service hi Eight Townships the capable management Mrs. Malcolm ("Flo") TOMS and her staff, 144t .yeari in 1954, the Bell Telephone Company notified the commissioners of the Tuckersmith. System that they were going to! instal a dial exchange balding in Clinton, and would not be in a position to do magneto switching for „the System after April, 1956, This meant that the System either had to instal dial phones, or else put • up a switchboard of their own. The.subscribers meet- ing in Varna, decided to stay with their present arrangement and continue to have the do their switching, As, a result it was necessary to install, approximately 265 dial telephone sets to take care of the Clinton subscribers, along with dial equipment in the Bayfield office to handle the, needs of subscribers there. The' work of getting ready wasotarted immediately, as lines had \to be divided to bring down the number of subscribers on each circuit to approximately eight. Tnis work has all been complet- ed and the first dial 'phone was installed for W. E, Managhan, Plasterer, RR 5, Clinton, in No- vember of last year, All dial phones installed have been of the modern "500" series, which allow far clearer reception over longer distances. They are now operating under common battery system, 'ant at 2.01 a,m, next Sunday„ Apra 15, all telephones on the Clinton exchange will switch over to dial. This is something that to the rural subscribers a couple of years ago, looked a long way off----but the wheels of progress keep'turn-. ing. ° During the bad sleet storm last month (March, 1956) service . was interrupted from one end of the System, to the other, with many poles down;. and lines _out of order. However, all services were restored within three weeks time. Cost, of that storm to, the System was esti- mated 'at $2;000. The change-over involved a lot of planning and work for the Tuckersmith Telephone System, and an expenditure of approxithat- ely $16,000, Of this; some $7,000 was spent on telephone sets alone, The Township will issue debent- ures ta cover the amount neces- sary, - The TfickeTstnith Telephone Sys- tem services an area of 'approx- imately 280 square miles, has 1,024 telephones; a pole mileage of 209 miles (which represents approx. 8,000 poles); 1,356 miles of wire, and as of December 31, 1955 re- port, the System is valued at $90,000. It reaches from the out- skirts of ,Clinton to Bayfield, into Hay and Usborne Townships on the south;' into Hihbert Township and within two and one half miles of Seaforth, The Sy-Stem is manageq, ay three commissioners, name 1 y Arthur Nicholson, Tuckersmith Township; Harvey Coleman, Reeve of Stanley Township and Eddy McBride, Hay Township. The secretary-treasurer- ship is in the capable hands of • J. K. Cornish, Brucefield, who is in a position to prove that the Tuck- ersmith subscribers talk a lot more "long distance" now than they did when he took office in 1940. At that time the toll charges were approximately $250 a month, Now they run ,approximately $1,200 a month. The plant management is under ,T, W. -McBeath, Brucefield, who has been associated with the sys- tem since 1922 and has_been Ser- vice Manager since 1931,: following Harry Dalrymple. His -assistants, Ronald Paterson and Murray Mc- Kenzie, also of Brucefield; have been with the System for about five years. Bell Tele. Wires Hum With Talk, And Pictures, Too Over the same wires that throb with telephone talk, there may flash telegraph code or news pic- tures• to distant points. These ser- vices are known as teletype and telephoto. On a machine with a keyboard not unlike a typewriter, a teletype operator can, tap out messages at 60 words a minute. As the keys are pressed, electrical impulses travelling at the speed of light flow over the telephone wires. The typed characters, translated into electrical impulses; travel to the receiving teletype printer, which converts them into printed char- acters again. Business organiza- tionS with branches in different parts of the country are enthus- iastic users of Bell Teletype sera vice, Among its many Uses are multiple order writing, inter- branch Written cotrimunitationS, and pr and brokerage serviees. Firms ranging from airway lineS to groCery chain stores' are among today's teletype customers, A minor wonder of the age is the transmission of photographs by wire, 'Thanks to the special apparatus which transforms actual photographs intteelectrical sat, newSpaper readers can pick Up their papers and See pictures of an event that occurred thous- ands of miles away a scent few hours before, As the technique of telephoto Improved, the quality of these photograph% once marred by a fuzziness in reprOduction, has now become so high that they can hardly be diatingUished trot the on final, Though not quite as old as the Bell. Telephone Company, the smaller rural systems have served and are continuing to • serve their -customers- well, The Tuckersmith Municipal Tele- phone System is nearing the half century mark, having had its' beginnings in 1909 in the Township of Tuckersmith. Tuckersmith is the initiating built the BayfkeId System, at the time when Dr, Smith was reeve of the village. Bayfield has ,since reverted from village status to police village. Some of the promoters in Stan- ley were Reeve William Glenn, Jahn A. Merman, Adam Stewart, Alex lVfeleath. The Hawthorne 13re% of Seaforth installed some of the first 'phones and acted as re- pair men. They were followed by Robert. Smith as service manager. In 1.922 the System suffered a Set-back, with a severe sleet storm Which cost them approximately $12,000 and crippled service from February until July, In 1926 the Tuckersmith Tele- phone System took over what was. known as the Bay-fieId Telephone System, which had approXimately 11 telephones. By 1932,, subscribers of the System decided that it would be better if the affairs of the System were handled by a commission stead of the Council,, and at a meeting in Brucefield, it was de- cided to form a commission of three men. At that meeting, com- missioners appointed were Thomas Shillinglaw, Tuckersmith Town- ship; William l'feEwan, Stanley Township and William Alexander, Hay Township. The .conunissioners are appointed at the annual meeting, on a 1, 2, 3 year basis, which insures • that there is never more than one new man on the board at a time. In 1949 the System installed a switchboard 'in the village of .Bay- field to improve transmission facil- ities for a number of its subscrib- ers Some subscribers were taken off the Ilensall and Clinton ex- changes and included the village itself. There 'are at present, ap- proximately 165 services and the operating of the office is under OUR NEW DIAL NUMBER: HU 269211 Studebaker Sales and Service Waterloo Farm Machinery W.H. Dalrymple & Son BRUCEFIELD, ONTARIO Phone Clinton HU 2-9211 municipality and tiola$, the system, in trust, being responsible for all moneys, by-laws, etc., of the Tele, phone System. Reeve of the Town- ship at that time was Robert Mc-. Kay, who farmed on ConCession 4 1,41$, the property now owned by Robert E, McLachlan, RR 3, nip- pen, The known directors were Thomas Shillinglaw, Peter McKay and James Gemmel, with Vir. Gem- mel,-acting as secretary,- Debentures were issued by the Township to finance the building of the system, and the rate was $1.1.87 per year per telephone„ which was made -up of $8.32 for the debenture payment, plus $3.50. for "Bell" switching, The original system *Vas built by the Forbes Bros. who had the contract for a price of $3,700, In- cidentally, 20 foot poles at that time cost 65 cents each. and 25 foot poles cost 95 cents, They were shipped hr from Michigan. Quite a difference to the $5.00 and $6.00 paid for poles to-day. The farm- ers drew their own poles and dug the holes on their own property. In 1909 the System - started off with signatures for 264 telephones, located as follows;* Tuckersmith. Township, 199; Stanley Township, 32; Hay Township, 3; McKillop Township, 3; Hullett. Township, 11; Hibbert Township (in Perth County), 10; Usborne Township, 6. By 1911 the Township of Stan- -ley wished to have service extend- ed to residents there, and this was known as the Stanley Extension. The rate per telephone was $12.72 per year, made up of $9.22 debent- ure payment, plus $3.50 for "Bell" switching, for ten years. ,. Building of the Stanley Exten- sion was under contract by Robert Smith, who still resides in the Town. of .Seaforth. Mr. Smith also Dial Phone Number... Minter 2-3257 BLUE SUNOCO Ross Scott Ltd. BRUCEPIELD4, ONTARIO Residence Phones Roes Scott: HU 2.3382 Ken' Scoff.: HU 2-71165 ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING HU 2-9131 Blacksmith & Woodwork Authorized Agent for all types of: VIKING CREAM SEPARATORS O'Taco and Fleury-Bissell Implements and Repairs Maxwell Washing Machines " Aluminum& Steel Barrows; Extension. Ladders, various lengths IL L. Turner Wholesale Importers and Distributors, Ltd. Blenheim,-.Ontario. • Basil O'Rourke BRUCEFIELD Phone Clinton HU 2-9131 Joao Craig Trie$ New Switchboard Although all local telephone calls will be connected by dial switching equipment after Clinton's telephone system is changed over to dial operation early on April 15, there will still be 'operators located in Clinton. They'll be "manning" the switch- board located in the top storey of the new exchange building am Rattenbury Street West, and will handle long distance calls and calls to "Information" and for assistance is Using the dial. Here, Bell. operator Miss Joan Craig, is shown trying out the. new switchboard. Can Still Pay • Bills At Clinton, There will be no Bell Telephone business office located in Clinton after the changeover to dial next Slinday, but telephone users will still be able to pay their accounts here. Payments will continue to be ac- cepted at W. C. Newearnbe's.Rev- :all Drug Store on Victoria Street, next to the •Bank of Montreal. To transact other business with the telephone company, Bell cust- omers will be calling the com- pany's business office in Godenich over a direct line. The number will be Minter 2-3401, and no charge will' be made. Adkins—MacLeod -MY err ia040411 .teorrospomlent) Trinity Lutheran Churchi Lon- don, was the .setting for the wed- fling .a 1-3everley Ann MacLeod,. daughter of Dr, and MI, P. MacLeod, Sault Ste, Marie, and Donald David Adkins, son of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Adkins, .H.ensaii, Rev, C. IL ,K11114gier Performed. the ceremony before a floral back, ground, of white ehrysanth.etriums and snapdragon. Traditional wed- ding music was played by Alex Clark, • The bride, given in marriage by her ,uncle, 0, Mr, Crawford, chose waltz-length gown of powder blue lace over taffeta with white ebif, • 410 AND ^hi 'Oh !" WITH' NinetygEight Deluxe Holiday Sedan A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE "400.ii."...V4g,11019A Only Olds has all these "Features of the Future" • Racket's-350 and T.3/10 Engines! • Jetaway Hydra-Matic Smoothness! • Stunning New Starfire Styling! • Delta,inspired Airfoil Grille! • New Safety-Ride Chassis! • Trend-Setter Instrument Panel! • Flairawtiy Fender Design • Fashion-First Interiors! ... phis every advanced Power Feature Ohmhoh Those 1Fifty-Six 111•10 Coi L. ED (DEB 1 LES 4).1-Zs.io Take a good look at real good looks! No place but in Oldsmobile for '56 could you find goingplaces glainaur like this! For here is styling inspired by Oldsmobile's exclusive Starfire—with the same sleek, low-cut lines---a bold new airfoil grille—fleet, sweeping new beauty from every point of 'view! .And when it comes to action, this car more than lives up to itS, looks! Powered by the Mating new Rocket T-350 Engine, paired with thrilling new Jetaway Hydra-Matic for performance that's powerfully month! Make a date with the top performer of the year-- Oidsmobile's Starfire-styled Ninety-Eight for 19561 See your Oldsmobile dealer today! DIAL Clinton — HU 2-9232 F 0 R GROCERIES and FRESH MEATS GARDEN SUPPLIES — GRASS SEED DUTCH SETS — Etc. Dozen Pair—BOYS' WORK BOOTS Sizes 5 to 7 — REAL BARGAIN PATERSON'S GENERAL STORE BRUCEFIELD — ONTARIO Clinton HU 2-9232 TWO PHONES: Seaforth 659 r 23 OUR NEW ON TELEPHONE NUMBER IS HUnter 209811 D. M. GRAY'S GENERAL STORE BRUCEFIELD, ONTARIO PHONES: Clinton HU 2-9811 " - TWO serdorrh 659 r 31 .MINTON mirs,wom 11-AMSDAY, APRIL, fon hat, lier bridal bouquet Was. white gartleoias and pink and white carnations. Miss Nina Skit Ovich attended the bride gowned in waltz-length steel blue crystal- otte with matching headdress and carried pink carnations, George Ley was groomsman. and Orville Taylor ushered, The bride's mother XPPeiyea in the church, parlors wearing a beige ensemble with avocado accessories and corsage of white gardenias, The groom's, mother chose navy with accessories in white and pink rose corsage, For the wedding trip to Eastern United States the bride wore a navy suit with white accessories, Mr. and Mrs. Adkins will reside in Windsor., NEW BUSINESS IN BRUCEFIELD ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF TRACTORS SERVICE WORK ON ELECTRIC WIRING GOODYEAR FARM TIRES----Big Trade.in Allowances - • BRUCETIELD WELDING and GENERAL REPAIR HAROLD W. LOBB and FRED McGREGOR, Proprietors Phone Clinton HU" 2-3272 14-5-6-b STYLE 'MALT' OPIEILILS LORNE . BROWN MOTORS LIMITED 'Iltt 29321 CLINTON, ONT. 4., •.]