HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-04-12, Page 9Brucefield Pair S peak Vows MR. AND MRS. JOHN HOWARD ALLAN were married Tuesday, March 27, in First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. The bride is Muriel Laura, daughter of Thorpe Rivers, Seaforth, and the late Mrs. Rivers. The bridegroom is the son of yfr. and Mrs. Edgar Allan, Brucefield. After their wedding trip to Florida the couple will reside in Brucefield. (Photo by 1V1a.cLaren's) Auto Wreckers Dunlop Tire Auto Lite flattery Sales and Service NOW WRECKING: 1949 Monarch 1943 Ford 1949 Ford 1946 Dodge 1948'1Wonareh 1946 Olds 1948 Mercury 1948 Hudson 1647 Mercury. 1947 International 1 Ton 1946 Fargo Parts for Older Makes of Cars. 15" Wheels-Ford & Chev. Used 16" Tires Phone Clinton HU 2-3211 12-3-4-s-b There were more births in 1953 than in any other year in Canad- ian history, AUBURN .Ernest Hickingbottom held a successful sale of fain), stock and implements last Thursday. Harold Jackson was the auctioneer. -Mr. Hickingbottom has sold his farm and he and his sister are moving to Goderich. ANSWER TO THIS. WEEK'S X-WORD WATERLOO GARDEN TRACTOR The most economical buy in Garden Tractors today - gives you proven performance. V POWERFUL V VERSATILE V EASY HANDLING V ECONOMICAL THREE MODELS . . . The famous "20" and "40" Series .. and the New WATERLOO "BOY ' Save time - labour - money with WATERLOO. OUR NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER IS IlUnter 2-38 1 AUTO S ELECTRIC "Bill" Wells, Proprietor "The Original Tune-Up Shop" Be Wise - Shop Early and be sure to take advantage of these values. The response was so great to our last ad that some items were sold out before some people could take advantage of the bargains - We repeat - be wise, shop early! WHOLE Dressed Fresh Picnics 5 6 lb. average LEAN S. P. WHOLE Cottage Hams 6 lb. average OVEN-READY Chicken. - A Grade 4 lb. average 29c lb. 39c lb. 49c lb. We have a good selection of FRYING SPRING CHICKEN - LEG - BREASTS, Etc. THURSDAY, AM', 12, 1956 ,MarrOn .N.EWS,A=11P 'ACM ,**-0-..*****-***sloffo.-t-4-11.4#1..10, visiting her aunt, Mrs. NOrman Baird. Mrs, Golclio Grab= returned home after spending two weeks in Toronto with her daughter,. Mrs. Fred: Robinson,. Linda and Dilly Robinson and. Jack .Graham, 'Tor- .onte,. spent Easter weekend at the home .of Mrs. G-oldie Graham, • Mr, and Mrs, Victor 'Taylor .and Mrs. George Baird spent , a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Wright, Buffalo, N.Y. Mrs, -Oath- erine Taylor returned home with them after spending several moo-. Miss Darlene. Caughlin returned the with her sister, Mrs. William home to:Korn-Oka on Sunday after , Wright, There k No. Excuse for haying Dirty Shoes! Not if you take advantage of the ONE CENT SALE KELLY'S SHOE CLEANER, LIGHTNING SHOE CREAM and 2 - in - 1 Buy One at the Regular Price „,',.. 25c Get Two for One Penny,• More 26ic 9 BIG DAYS Emu Starts Today -...._- :Lag • Three . Piece --g- Galvanized E- Galvanized -2.--Square, Aluminum Garbage a--7- age Cam` .-.-,---. ENAMEL . PAIL • - ..ffl CAKE PAN - -_-_----::---- ----_-- 15 gal. capacity - -,------- Salute& Pan Set ,---- ._. - , complete with cover ,... 8 quart, first -quality - 8 x 8 x 2" deep . 'Reg. $1.59 2. Reg. $4.15 - Reg. 99c - E- Reg. 49c 1 $3.1a 1 Sale Sale - 1.10. - Sale -..-_-___=_- -, 79c - Ez- Sale 39e Price i j .---=_ Price ...--, Price ' = '• Price _ _-- -..-.- ill1111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIM1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111ERIME111111111111111110- 1111111MIU11111111111111111111111[11111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111 Iron `'T-7--7-. .-1 .. Aluminum n - Cast Cadmiem Finish .„-----------E- Rubber Link Angel Cake Pan -1 . PRY PAN --E. • CAN OPENER i DOOR MAT , Reg. $1.89 --,---. Reg. $2.50 --- _-m,-__ Reg. $3.45 - ----- . .--=-77-:- ' Reg. $1.89 --___-- Sale :$1.39 $1.99 i Salo 9 70 $1A9 • Price .-1----- Price • , n. Price ' .T.‘" I Y ..E-= Price 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111115111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111611111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111h11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .- -1.---_ Attractive -Design - . .,----.7- - SPECIAL! . . .=_:--:-- - Cotton . . E- Steel, Folding ---77----.. --. _.---2: _-,..... - Vacuum Bottle f-,--1-4- DUST MOP M G L 0 V E S -5 LAWN CHAIR -..--,..- Reg. $1.19 Reg. $2.59 --.7. ' Reg. 39c E Reg. $8.50 -.E---.--- . . Sale,' 99c Sale ' ' $1.89 , I Sale -- • .. 29c. - g $7A9 Price E.: Price . ---- Price '------ Price II11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 7_ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111115111IIIIIIIMEMIIIMINIMMIMIEMEM1111111 Adjustable. . ., -r--- Wire. m Beautiful Style! E.- "Sportsman" . -7--_ Ironing Board 1 DISH DRAINERE BATH SCALE ---7-N Level Wind. Reel ._4----7-- --- Reg. $11.95 m- Reg. $1.35 . Reg. $7.95 -7.7,-- Reg. $3,50 E $6.59 =------5 . E----2 , E- Sale 99e 1- Sale .$2.98 isparlicee $8.95 1------ Price Price Sale - Pride= :.------7- A Great-HardwaHre Even-tl. SHOP EARLY Items for the Home, Garden, Outdoor Living and Plumbing Needs. 'SEE OUR POSTERS FOR OTHER VALUES! milinionomonininiumniumnitiiiiiiminnimminomminnummitionsionminniiiiiiminomonsimmuniniumw 0,14 News ot Brucerieia Verrespondent AIM H, T. PEARY. Phone 04494 AU r 22 or $e.a,Iforth 0.091,^ 22 STANLEY Mrs. John McGregor spent a few days visiting Mr, and Mrs. Lorne .Pepper.. Mrs, Stewart Baird visited her sister, Mrs, Grant Love and family, COO, Mich. Over the Easter holi- days. Mrs, George Griffith, Becky ,and Danny, spent part of the Easter holiday with friends here, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Wilson spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs.. Ray Mason, Brantford, Mrs. D. Tough has returned of the village after. spending the winter with her family at Delhi. Mrs: Norman Walker Was badly injured while helping with the • milking at her home on Concession • Tuchersinith. Ruth Ann and John Lazenby, Belleville, visited with their grand- parents, Mr. end Mrs..-F, Rathwell, during the holiday week, • Mr, and Mrs. Thomas B. Baird visited with Mrs. Mac Aikenhead, .who is a patient at Byron Saint- orium, London, on Saturday, Mr, and ,Mrs. Ted Munn -and family, Kitchener, visited with Mr, and Mrs, W. V. Dinnin last week- end. RiChard Munn, who had been spending several days with his. grandparents, returned with them. Other visitors at the Dinnin farm were Mr. and MrS. Vie Dinnin and Billy, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs.' Harry Dinnin and Kathy, Petrone. - Library Meeting The Brucefield Library Associa- tion held their annual meeting in the Library on Friday evening, last week. Members of the board are Alex Paterson, chairman; T, B, Baird, Mrs. J. W. MoBeath, Rev. S. Davison, Mrs. H. Dalrymple, Mrs, William Scott, J. K. Corn- ish, secretary and Mrs. J. 'K. Cor- nish, librarian. WA Meeting The April meeting of the Wom- an's Assoclation of Brucefield United Church: was held - in ' the • school room of the church on Ttles,' day, April 3, with 24 ladies present. Mrs: JameS Thomson and Mrs. Goldie Graham had charge of the devotions. After singing a hymn and repeating the WA creed, Mrs. Thomson redd the Scripture and Mrs. Graham took as her topic, "Victory Over Death" • The roll call was: answered by a verse on Easter. Miss Martha Mc- Donald was in the chair for the business session. In the absence of'. the president, Mrs. Norman Baird, Mrs. lyfcBeeth gave the see- rotary's report, Mrs. Berry gave the treasurer's report and offering was received by -Mrs. Lorne W11$ son, Thank you. notes were read from . Robert. Watson, Mrs. J. K, CorniSh and Mrs. J. Berry. Mrs. Walter Moffatt reported for the manse. committee. The meeting closed with the WA prayer, Group three WAS in charge of the lunch. Mrs, Alex McBeath favoured with two readings and Mrs. J. R. Murdock. sang a solo, We Repeat Again! OUR-OWN HOME-MADE COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE---:at their best-3 lb. $1. WHILE IT LASTS Real Good GROUND BEEF Right from our Red Brand Beef For a real treat we have a go od selection of LARGE CAPON CHICKENS, 6-9 lb. average OR the Best HEN TURKEY, G 10-16 average. OUR NEW PHONE HU NUMBER IS 2R3834 odern Meat Market CLINTON'. Phone Clinton 76 o. L. STANLEY, Prdpriethr